Newspaper Page Text
0V HJrmttxti.
Superior Court is
Grinding out Business.
The following is a list of the
civil cases disposed of last week m
auperi- r court, with the verdict in
: u 11:
Hunter-Bent) & Co vs J D Brown;
ver plff
C H Calhoun vs M D & R.v; judg
ment for plaint ill $079.47
J T Davis & Co vs J J, F
B M'ller, clt; levy dismissed
R H Stanley vs J J Miller, McKin
ley Milter, clt; settled
E T Mcßride & Co vs Ben Morris;
judgment for pits
Mt. Vernon Bank vs R A Dukes
E B Dukes, clt; levy dismissed
The Bank of Vidalia vs Delilah
Philipps, J D Phillips, cit; claim
C M Williams vs R Newton Wood ;
illegality dis
J A Riddle vs Eliza Fountain, E
T Mcßride & Co ells; claim dis
Mrs Katharine Morris vs Duncan
Morris, Admr; settled
Jacob Beckworth vs Elbert Powell
et al; ver deft
Jacob Beckworth vs S A Calhoun;
International Harvester Co vs
Way & Co; ver pltf
W W McGahee ys M E Palmer;
Meinhard, Schaul & Co vs Tarry
town Trading Co; dismissed at
plffs cost
Lyjichburg Shoe Co vs Tarry town
Trading Co; ver plff
M Cohen Sons Co vs Tarrytown
Trading Co; dis at plffs cost.
O P Wilcok vs Warren Guyton;
Cudahy Packing Co vs Tarrytown
Trading Co ; die al plffs cost
Qershon Bros Co vs Tarrytown
Trading Co; dis at plffs cost
Tapp Clothing (Jo vs Tarrytown
Trading Co; dis at plffs cost
Mendal, Berman & Co vs Tarry
town l'rad Co; dis at plffs cost
Edilson & Levy vs W T& E L
Kinchen, R C Deas cl art; dis
missed at claimant’s cost
Nancy Burch vs Lem Burch; 2d v
Home Fertilizer & Chemical Co
vs A B Walker; judg plff
Sadie Griffin vs A C Griffin; dis
John Vestal vsJ B Warnock et al;
M D & S R R vs A L Wilkes; cer
M D& S R Rvs II J Reynolds;
Duncan Morris, Adr vs Neil Mor
ris; ver pit!
First National Bank Tifton vs
Flora L Puce; claim dis
Mt. Vernon Bank vs It A Dukes,
J A Crumley, clt; levy dis
Orr-: miih Grocery Co vs G W
Burch. E T Mcßride & Co cits;
sett led
Mt Vernon Bank vs R A Dukes,
J A Crumley clt; levy dismissed
Josephine Nash vs J V\ Nasliet ul;
Mrs Sarah H Parrish vs I N Gray
et al of July term
Porter Hkll vs Martha Ann Hall;
2d verdict
Beulah Black vs H W Black; Ist
Isabel Durden vs \\ ill Durden;
2d ver
Stella Wells vs L Wells; 2d ver
W L Calhoun vs Sarah Farmer
Calhoun; 2d ver
Will Dent vs J W Hutcheson; set
Sou States Phosphate Fertilizer
Co vs John F Norris et al;
judg plff
H H Smith vs J D MifJer, J A
Crumley clt; levy dismissed
Laurens Banking Co vs J D Miller,
J A Crumley clt; levy dis
Hunter-Benn it Co vs J D Miller,
J A Crumley clt; levy dis
Mt Vernon Bank vs Gibbs &
Gibbs; John M Gibbs clt; levy
A E Fountain vs E L Sellers; v plf
E A Fountain vs Angelo Beck
worth ; ver plff
Thaddeus C Clark et al vs Clayton
\V Clark et al; ver plff
Hartfelder-Garbutt Co vs E B
Warnock; settled
t J L Hinson vs SAL Ry; settled
E H Holland vs W C McCrimmoii;
| settled
Blackshear Mfg Co vs E ft Smith ;
judg plffs
Bank of Soperton vs J S Swain of
al; ver plffs
J N Ricks vs Pausey Ricks; ver
| against divorce
James Mercantile Co vs W C Me-
Onminon ; judg plffs
James Mercantile Co vs Mariuh
Phillips et al; judg plff
T. acy Morris Co vs K Walden;
| ver plff
| First- National Bank Dublin vs J
T Dooiittleet al; judg plff
Victoria McArthur vs Leander
Hall; ver pill'
City National Bank is W D Tap
ley et a!; judg plff
E T Mcßride & Co vs N B Gibbs;
John R Conner vs W H McQueen;
The following cases have been
disposed of up to yesterday
The State vs John Tompkins,
I unlawful drunkenness; plea of
guilty; $45 or 6 mos.
Gray, misdemeanor; plea
of guilty; $35 or 6 mos.
R. Gray, misdemeanor; plea of
guilty; $35 or 6 mos.
John Spell misdemeanor; plea
of guilty; $75 or 12 mos.
Jesse Tate, assault to murder;'
guilty; given 7 years.
Wesley and Fulton White; as
sault with intent to marder; ver
dict of guilty, but sentence not
! pronounced.
Jodie Edge, misdemeanor; mis
: demeanor; plea guilt; $35 or 6 m.
Moxley Sawyer, disturbing di
vine worship; a plea of guilty;
$22.70 or 3 mos.
Sam McLeod, receiving stolen
goods; plen guilty; SSO or 9 mos.
'R. T. Landrum, misdemeanor;
plea of guilty; $22.70 or 3 mos.
Van Patrick, misdemeanor;
verdict guilt; not sentenced.
Jim Spivey, misdemeanor; plea
of guilty; $22.70 or 3 mos.
Bert Powell, misdemeanor; plea
of guilty; SSO or 6 mos,
Joe Couey; disturbing divine
worship; plea of guilty and fined
$24.00 or 3 months.
Lee Couey, disturbing divine
worship; pie of guilty and fined
j $24.00 or 3 mos.
1 Mirty McDaniel, disturbing di
vine worship; plea of guilty and
fined $24.00 or 3 mos.
Dessie Outlaw, selling whis
key; plea of guilty; fined $150.00
or 12 months.
The case of the State vs Hugh
Peterson, charged with the kill
ing of Marshal Fullford at Ailey
three years ago, came on for
trial Tuesday mor ing, and is
1 still in progross. An array of
' witnesses are being examined,
and the trial of the case will
doubtless continue for several
Pythian Notes.
The Pythian Literary Society
met Saturday afternoon, Nov. 2,
in the Freshman’s room.
The following interesting Pro
gram was rendered:
Prophecy—Kdly Mann.
Wants —Mamie Woodcock.
Debate —Resolved, That the
South was Just m Seceding
From the Union.
Affirmative, Mary Coleman and
Leroy Cowart.
Negative, Blanche Bradley and
Ross Sharpe.
The decision of the judges was
rendered in favor Os the affirma
After a short business meeting
'we adjourned to meet the follow
l ing Saturday.
j special CoiTonpomUjiice
C. C. Byrd of Cvaldi was mitig
-1 ling with friends here last Sun*
A. C and Misses Rebecca and
Julia Moseley living near here
i spent last Sunday in our town iib
|the guest of Mr. and Mrs. .1 M.
j Davis.
W. (). Miller spent last Sunday
ion the west side ot the river visit
s. ,
i mg relatives.
! Janies Davis of Glenwood, after
an extensive visit to Macon, Mil
ledgeville Augusta and Warren
ville, S. C., came by last WVd
nesday to visit his son,. J. M.
! Davis here and expressed himself
i as being especially delighted with
jour section and astonished at tin*
marvelous growth of our town.
Jack Barlow of Guysu* and Mr
IJ. A. Buriow of Glenwood visited
lour town last week and while here
I were the guests of .1. L. Adams
and L. X. Barlow.
j Forest Gordon, .1 M Davis, N
ij. Vaughn, and R. K Moseley
! were among those from our town
i visiting Mt.. Vernon during court.
Miss Lizzie Valiglin near Lum
ber City is visiting her brother
N. J. Vaughn of our town.
j J. L. Adams is putting material
jon the ground for a barber shop
| and hopes soon to have the build
ing completed.
The many friends of Clayton!
Morris, who lives near here, will
regret to hear of his severe illness.
We hope for him however an
early recovery.
. Fuel I Morrison attended the
{automobile races in Savannah
| last week and reports u most
j enjoyable trip.
A. C. Gordon and fnmilv spe iff. I
Sunday here, the guest of Mr. and I
Mrs. A. T. Gordon and family.
j Jno. M Davis of Huziehurst
, .vas mingling with friends here j
( last Sunday.
Mrs. Myra S. Hughes, wife of
the late Caps. William Hughes,
died at her home in Liberty coun
ty early yesterday morning, as
announced in telegrams to r< 1n- {
lives in Mt. Vernon. x Her dan li
ter, Mrs. D. W. Folsom of this j
place, was among the children
and relatives who were present to
witness the closing moments.
For more than a year she had
suffered with paralysis, and for
many weeks the end has been!
looked for. Mrs. Hughes, until,
this illness, was hale mid hearty. :
possessed of a good memory, and
took an,interest in the affairs of-j
the home and surroundings. She
I was the mother of nine children,
! a!lof whom reached the estate of
manhood and womanhood and six;
lof whom survive her. She was
eighty-four years of age, a member
jof the Martin family, one of the
j oldest in Liberty county.
She was a life-long member of
! the Methodist church. Remains
j will be laid away in the family
cemetery this morning. Her Lie
I was filled with good deeds, and
lends in peac* —the-reward of the
! blessed who dje in the Lord
!During' tin- next lew
(lavs I will sell Amur
v «
ican Fence, 1)> bars,
in lots of one mile or
.more, at 888 pur mile,
cash with order. If
you want bargains in
fencing, see me now.
A. B. Hutcheson,
Mt. V union, Da.
;R me. Ga., Nov 12—Clad only
iin tln ir night clothes, 150 guests
lot Pliirff Avenue hotel, aroused
itrom their slumbers by tin* cry of
lire. List night, rushed into the
street and swarmeil down the fire
By efforts of the hotel employes
and lire department the ffiinns
u re confined to the elevator
shaft and upper floors of the
flie loss is about $5 000 by lit e
ami water, fully covered by in
surance, carried by the owner,
1.1. L Bass.
Tin hotel was partially burned
two \ ears ago while in course of
C o it ruei ion, J t is iii t lie heart
ot th cit \, and wild excitement
prevailed while the blaze continu
Paris, Nov. 12. The River
S- me. swollen by continued rains,
escaped its banks at the quay
Auteuil in this city this evening
a ! reached the navigation office
a Point Grenelle. Several streets
i lb* lower sections are already
M. Fau're, the minister of pub
lic works, lias mobolized a small
a ny that is engaged in damming
quays. All traffic on the river
h is ceased as the vessels are un
able to puss under the bridges,
dm River Marne has reached at
sue il points the high water
it ■•!. set by the destructive floods
of I ».st January.
The vast wine store houses at
P i t Bouev are flooded. Thein
undr.iion of the power house at
Ivey Sur Seine has stopped the
Ira*i.i cars. The eastern district
of P,-o s is without electric lights.
iTe Seine is continuing to rise
Mr. Ev. mtt McLeod spent. Stin
da v iii Vidalia with friends.
TOM CORWINE, the Funmaker
His object in coming is really “funny.” If you have a “funny
-1,0ik,” he wants to tickle it for you. If your “funnybox” is shut
up tight, he will knock the cover off*, turn it upside down and then
shake the laughs out for you.' He doesn’t care how much you
laugh at him. He enjoy* being laughed at. You enjoy laughing
at him still more. There will he some music, hut mostly fun. He
c m bark like five dogs, crow like a rooster, and cry like a Imhy.
NOV. 19th.
Take a moonlight stroll out and enjoy the fun, which commences
at 8 o’clock. lie there and you will not regret it.
Management of the Alkahest Lyceum System,
Admission: School Children 25 cents. All Others 50 cents,
i •
The following item concerning
a well known citizen of Soperton
appears in one of the daily pa
pers. No further facts m the
case have been learned here:
Atlanta, Ga., Nov. 15.—Large
crowds of citizens are scouring
the wo ids around Hamlet, N. 0.,
today for James A. Cromartie of
Soperton, Ga., who has been miss
ing from the S. A. L. hotel at
Hamlet since last Wednesday.
He left baggage and overcoat at
the Hamlet lutel and has not
been heard ot since, llis two eons
arrived today and joined the
searchers. Mr. Cromartie was on
iis way to Olurkton, N. 0 , to
visit friends. It is feared he was
a victim of foul play.
Cairo, Ga , Nov. 15—Frank
Seizer, a young white farmer wlio
lives near here, commit ted suicide
here last, night. He was discover
ed by the night marshal on one
of his rounds, hanging to a beam
from the freight platform of the
Atlantic Coast Line depot.
He was despondent over the
loss of his cotton in the recent
lire which destroyed the Farmers’
Union warehouse. He leaves a
wile and several small chidren.
Union Meeting.
The next meeting of the F. E.
& C. U. of A., Montgomery
County Division, will be held
with the Kibbee Local on the
25th day of November. 1910. Bro.
J. L. Lee, former state president,
is expected to be present, and de
liver a public address. There
will be dinner on the grounds,
and all are cordially invited to
hear him. Jas. T. Geiger,
Atlanta, Ga., Nov. 13. — United
States Senator Alexander Steph
ens Clay, of Georgia, died at the
Robertson Sanitarium here this
afternoon at 3 o’clock, after an
extended illness. His death was
as peaceful as it was sudden.
He had been talking with his
son, Herbert, a few minutes when
he suddenly ceased speaking and
fell back with a slight gasp.
During the morning and after
noon the senator appeared in
better spirits than usual, the at
tending physicians stating that
he was apparently recovering
from the slight relapse of Satur
day. Mrs. Clay came to Atlanta
from their home at Marietta in
the morning, but when she found
the senator so much improved, re
turned to Marietta about noon.
The only member of the family
present at the death bed was the
senator’s son, Herbert, who is
mayor of Marietta.
According to the physicians,
Senator Clay’s death resulted
from dilation of the heart, super
induced by arterial sclerosis. The
senator has been ill for nearly a
year and came to the sanitarium
here on November 1 to take a
rest cute. He appeared to be
improving until Saturday, when
he suffered a relapse which he,
in his weakened condition, was
unable to stand.
The body was removed to the
Clay home at Marietta late in the
afternoon, where the funeral
services will be held Tuesday,
Senator Clay was 57 years old,
and was serving his third term
in the United States senate. He
is survived by bis widow, five
sons and a daughter, besides his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J.
Clay, of Cobb county.
Ralph Smith, St nator Clay's
secretary, wired Sergeat at Arms
Ransdell of the United States
senate, the announcement of the
senator’s death and a committee
will be appointed from the senate
to attend the funeral.
NO 29.