Newspaper Page Text
• • " -1
T?\e r\or\ito**
I' , . .1, . p - *nttlcf ill Ml. V»*HJ<*ll. <*n. a- Secolid-C'llt-* Mail Matter.
N B- WMJtOM. I<l n,»r unrt Owner. *« - Vtar * in "*'*"<*
(m •( th* U*K*t r«'<*, tl.r taw
■.I ln(,*r tin* W, .1.,. H.l*v mon.iiiK of th* Brst k m-ertioo
Mt. Vernon, (la.. Thursday Morning. Nov. glth. 1910.
Savannah, Ga.. November 2U.
Military features will predomi
nate in the three days' celebra
tion, beginning' next Wednesday,
incident to the unvr-iling of the
monument here to General James
Oglethorpe, founder of Georgia.
Governors of three states, Geor
gia, South Carolina and Alabama
as well as an official representa
tive of the British government,
also will take part in the unveil
ing exercises.
A parade ot troops, state mili
tia and regular army men, will
mark the first day's celebration.
Wednesday afternoon tilting
teams from the Eleventh l (tiled
States i-a.airy will meet five
teams from those of the Georgia
national guard commands in a
contest. The evening will be
given over to drills and rough
riding by the regular cavalry
A militar . g\ mkana on Thurs
day morning will Ik* preceded by
a motor cycle race over the
Grand IVi/.e race course, in
which then- are fifty entrants.
In the afternoon the University
of < It*ii a and tin Alabama
Technological institute will meet
in their annual football game.
Another program of military
rough riding will occupy the eve
The pr* gi am for Friday inclu
des . , 111 i battle it: which the
Seventeenth United States in
fant a aial * lie Kleventh United
Sr at f cavalry will attack the
Fort Screven garrison of the
coast artiHer\ corps, intrenched
in Forsyth l’.irk, the scene of all
the military features of the cel
At tht unveiling exercises on
Wednesday. A. Mitchell In ness,
secretary of the British embassy
at Washington and acting am
bassador to the United States
will deliver an address on the
“Nationality of Oglethorpe.” J.
Randolph Anderson, chairman of
the Oglethorpe monument com
mission, will present a historical
sketch of i In* monument. Judge
Walter G. Charlton,of Savannah,
will speak on “Oglethorpe, the
Man," and the invocation will Ik*
said by the Ut. Rev. Frederick F.
Reese, bishop of the Episcopal
diocese ot Georgia.
The cruiser Birmingham will
be anchored in the harbor here
for the celebration and the sail
ors will take part in the review
of soldiers and sailors by the
governors, after the unveiling
General Oglethorpe landed
with the first settlers in the south
on the banks of the Savannah
river, where the city of Savan
nah now stands,in February. 1733,
marking the first step in the cam
paign of colonization which gave
the English race its foothold 1
along tin south Atlantic coast.
The monument shows an heroic j
bronze statue of Oglethorpe in
uniform with drawn sword,
standing upon a pedestal of mar
lb'. ! >ur stone lions guard the
base. Brog.l benches to the
mirth and south facing the mon
ument and smaller marble seats
on the east and west sides, com
plete the memorial. The tbial
■ cost was tHHh
To M\ rrionck
.1 d -w<* t<> announce to my
many it aunts amt the general pub-1
.lie. It it though 1 a n still «•> >-
out <t w : h t : *> firm of It. S. Mmu
hard lir of Savannah, tin.,
a- traveling -ai -‘man through
tins terra >iv I am rfiao interested \
wah 1 1 ii ui i Kn» »v Yin- m 1
t'o.. s i -ui naii, lia., d**ab*rs in
every. .. • td\ t ' w**ar for lads '
in;*-.- ii i chtldrvu, w ii**r** l
» >u . | <:»-- d to have you call,
ti**'.-, o- r ut iutge stock, amt
mar. -* headquarters while f
, Vour visit
pie o - *!* t .er you buy or not.
\ >U« - please,
C. K. Vinson,
vavauuah, Ga. •
Monticello, Ga., Nov. 20.-
Cordelia Watson, a little negro
girl alaiut o years old who lived
in Monticello with her grand- j
mother, was carried one day last
week by her uncle, Joe Watson,
to his home in lower Jasper. For
some cause he liecame enraged j
at the child Monday evening;
about night. Neighbors heard'
her crying and heard the lieating
Joe Watson was giving her.
Tuesday and Wednesday the
child could not*be found. Sheriff
' W. F. Persons took charge of Joe
Watson and his wife and incar
cerat<*d them in jail. By separa
tion he found that the child had
been killed and put in Cedar
creek. He went to the place!
1 and found that the banks indi
cated that some considerable
tramping aliout had been done
but no corpse was .found. Re
turning to town he continued to;
investigate and found that Joel
Watson and his wife had gone to j
Gammon creek, or Murder creek,
1 nine miles away from' where
Watson lived, late Tuesday even
ing. Taking this cue he and a
1 bailiff went to Gammon’s bridge
! and there found the corpse. A
coroner’s inquest yesterday both
,l >e Watson and his wife were
' held for murder. U|K»n the whole
it is as brutal a murder as has
' 4 een committed in years in Jas-
P *r. Nearly every bone in the
I i ii id’s body was broken and a
terrible crime in a most brutal
. manner had been perpetrated.
i j tli 1 11 iii** <ga. Tt*im , Nov. 10
In Knoxville todav an opinion
was liund>*d down by Judge M. N
\**il ot lli<* state supreme court
deciding that a dealer in whiskeys
:oi spirituous beverages can ship
1 quors out of the state to cue-J
i.oner, without being amenable to
‘ the tour mile, or statewide prohi-
I iii ui law enacted by the lust’
* legislature.
' The decision was in the ease of
the state vs J. W. Kelly A* Co.,
of Hamilton county, and thoi
question involved whether or not ;
tile h hling of the court below
should he sustained, the lower
e.oirt having quashed the indict-j
m nt and the state appealed the
supn-me court.
The facts of the case were that
.1 W. Kelly A* Co., of Chattanoo-j
ga, n June 10. 1910, received a
■■■' s from M K. Grume, of New ,
York, enclosed with an order for
fix gallons I whiskey, the check
ai ii the order having come t (trough
lli * mails flu* live gallon order
was delivered t*> the Central of
G rg a Railway Company, a
• mnion carrier, as a package
lulled tn th* purchaser. The chief
ground of indictment was that
m n r Chapter 1, Act of 1909, it is
u aw: ul >r any person to sell or
tip, ti y mt.\icating liquors as,
a .-veruge, within four miles of a
soiio >1 in us-* in tin* state, public
r privat. , where selio<d is kept,
' wi tiier -clio.d tie then in session
ii not, sueh being the general
t- nils *t t: state wide law. On
ill> t a Judg* S. 1). Reynolds |
qua-:. d the imt let incut found be
T supreme court in deciding
ti.** case held that the rule in this
stat'- s that, with regard to the
s i if property, such sale is com
p et- and the title passes as soon
a- tin terms are agreed upon and
that delivery is not essential to
the passing of title.
Money to loan at ti and 7 per
cent, on unproved farms,
i A. B. Hi rcHjtsojr,
iflli Mo.Vj'juMldtV iioMiuil—Till IH3AV, "SoV KM ill*] it. ii-i 1(510.,
' l. -it - w-tio ■* , ■ —n» '■ ■ '■■■■' ihMwi
i Valdosta, Ga.. Nov. 20. Bur
glars continue to do queer
pranks in this section. I.ast
uight a burglar entered tlk* .store
|of Mobley & Co., on Oak street
by prizing the front door open.
The burglar, then proceeded to ‘
fill up on bottled soda water,
i leaving three or four empty l>ot
; ties on the counter to show that
he had called. Nothing else was
missing from the store, though
there was a lot of jewelry in the
cases. The money drawers were
j not touched. The door was
found open this morning,
l A robber visited the home of
Tom Gray, a well known colored
! farmer. Friday night and hauled
off a bale of cotton weighing 410
pounds and valued at $l4O. The
weight of the bale and the
initials “I). G.” were marked on
it, the l»ale lielonging to Dan
Gray. The cotton was rolled
across the yard and for 200 yards
down the road when it was put
on a wagon and hauled off.
Efforts to locate it have failed.
Cordide, Ga. . y v. 19— Jink**
.1. A. Coll Ilia shot and instant.v
| killed C 11. Johnst n, Ins broth
er in-law, late yesterday afternoon
jat kistoniu, 7 miles east of (’< i
I dele on the Seaboard Air Luc
railroad. The trouble i- said to
have grown out of the ciV .it- .*
Judge Collin- to get his bl-itilo
,i in -luw to leave hi- plant ati**u a 1
j go home.
Johnston. it is report>*d, st<>pp i
on his way home on the plain a
, t i 'll of Col I ins and whi I * in a
drunken condition crestD d <li- r
der in front of one of Collin-'
, tenant’s house and while t!.• r
Collins went out and nq t - .
| drunken man to go In m ■ t > hi
j family. Johnston, it is r p* n *d,
I then made attempts to cut C** ims,
i who puslieil him away, ki Job .
ston, according to reports n
advances and drew his koi|..
j threatening to cut Collins and ;i
--jnully inflicting a severe wound
i under the shoulder of Collins with
the knife. Collins, after sinning
j the man from him, shot him twice
land killed him instantly. The
I dead man leaves a w ife and sever
al small children. Johnston and
.jCollins married sisters ami both 1
. belong to two of the leading fain
| dies in this section.
Coroner Turk has gone from
this city to nold an inquest. Ihe
tragedy is deplored by the entire
section in which it occurred. Col
lins for severa. years lias been jus
i tice of the peace for liis district.
I , |i
| When you are in Savan- 1:
g nah, make our place your | i
| buying headquarters. If |
I you do not find it conven- g
3j ient to go down, write us |
« for the goods, and you will M
• s |s
| get them at the proper j|
| figure. |
I ' |
SBflWHn ,>g**e i Sc.MWHWIiWUK ■ -
M* itgage Sale. ! ’
• • Mo . 11 .er,»" County. |
I cell ] ill;.: lev Xiitlicof.l p<nver of j
ole - iii 1 1,., mortgagees- J
H. SV. See],. |,, ( it, |
\\ . ’in 2ti ii day of May, fit- »
|-a I j ie.i: 1■ .) in the office of the !
t I k■ : 11i* ~'i;..-r!or v ourt of Monr- i
■lie ; y ill I took • V". pa j- *
. t a uii I* i-igu* i| will sell, ;it *
ar s I.** court bouse in g
-aid c'l.itiiy. during the legal hours I
, wl-al* i.a rlie l-> I ue- lay in Dec. in- !
i.. . fi'i . in the highest liiddeivt'oi* g
!ea-ii o, t . toiei.xiug |>niperfy. to-wit: »
I. * ot laud Number .Seven <7> in the J
■ f"• •■in ,'i flD.h) i.and District of g
M . j in iy I'ounly, sjiid .State, con- S
Minin.: Two Hundred Two and One- J
Hal! ;o* ■s. |e—. for file pur- g
• • : ; a,! ing a certain promissory S
• " ■ . I" i: llg Irt'e of May the -Ji 11, J
■.!•!; I . ihle Oil the Ist day of f
I. . * I*.* i. and made and exe- ►
.1 1 viid 11. VV. Segler; J
ii,g tm <)ne llmulled and a
I •i- <1 i l.ooi Dollars prill- ►
• | ii.alm: tor interest, from ?
1:1’ ! all he ' ate Ilf H per cent, ft
11* aiiiiiou. and In |>wrc»-ni attorney's ►
e.!;. 11111!,' line on, -a id ?
> . os. principal. Kig.itt, »
.i ni - , >:i attorney's fees, I
*w i I . -r .if thi- proceediag, as J
(. i*•i; !. id mol gage. A con- 0
i\. .: iii h,* * s *cu' eii to tile par- P
<• :null i signed. a- iiu- r
1 - : I mortgage I'lllS »
i: . , • . i.i Niu ••miter. IStlu'. p
< . H. Wooten. *
Woo*. vMa an, A ttys.
• - —.
Cit ati n. J
1.. M ■.i. _ -111. i < 'mill ty.
a. I.i\ iiig-ion. admin- »
■ •• tale "i Mary K •
lie ~l -aid Cl n: ill \ lie- C
i r'-p iii - to Ihe t 'our* in *
o 1 .i' ion. del . tiled and entered J
i , ■ i I I - Mill, a* i ill 1 11 is- 0
■ an nee > ding to law. P
■is of dismission; J
•Ills i- lo • fie all persOll- 0
c.iiicei 11 • d in Hi.e.v cause if any they P
i’liu on "i liv the first Monday in J
December ill 10, why said applicn p
ti. e -ie- .id tmt t»e granted as prayed. P
for. i'lii.s i fie 7tfi Jay of Novimliei
fit 10. Alex McArthur, >
Ordinary. *
I p
Adn ii st rator’s Stile. P
i M ■ •guiiier.x < otitity. 0
f 'lid.- ale I li. v i Mo* of an ord e 0
oli in- i i,i:ri us (In I ilia iy . J
.1 id coni;. \ ill hi sold on the Ii is * {
i , -la in Decemhi-r. fitlil, le loie p
tiie court house (leur iu saki county Ji
e-gal hours ■•! sale, lo g
a.:d lie-t oi'ldei . thefol .i
low,i g 'le ctihed property to-wit:
«>t " ill I.i. of i.and N unifier g
. 1 i:i ’ , i\ i h I -and di-t i icr of said r
an*i - stat<*, .Tiei being the J
- ide ■ d -aid lot, A Iso a l l : J
", I i o! I .and \o. IHI in the »
: list riel m said county, J
■ -ano la ingctit oil’ from the north *
• a-: of siiid toi. I erm- cash. I
k. s. Adam. -
.\d Ii lull* of W. T. K Adams, g
Alniinist rat or'a Sale.
I l - ,e I \ < 'o'lllfy.
I ml . by x irtu* of an order g
g. am ■ • i iiy lie- court of ordinary of j }
con a . . v.ii; lie si dd on the Hi st , J
Idle la. in D- ci‘lnlu'l*. next, before g
h eoi, hoe e door ill said coumy. 1
toiiie highc-t and last bidder for j
«•:i -1 he mllo.ving property to wit *
Kifiy hitis ut land more or le-s.
si'ua ■ i and h ing in 12215 t district
ti. M : conu'y and state, and •
hound, d t- follow g: <)nl he non It hv j
lai d- of llersclo l and H 'iaU'l Wil- j
liams :> .-a-', h.\ latnls ot li. and ]
It. . ill nous a.el ( . f . Waller cimi <
ui h-* hhy lambs of Aaron llak- j
el lllel nil lie West hv land- of W . 1
( . M-'Criiiiiiinii, Sold as the proper- j
jiv "i the ■ ate id Mary Belle Fuller j
for disi Hlnii ion aml payim -nt of debt. |
.I.l*' ( : omari ie, ]
Adr Mary I’dlr Fuller. t
An abundance of obi papers, j
-nit line for laving under carpels j
and in it g, may be bud at this J
olli ■'* iiv . i.i mg at once. : j
t l
► When Selecting a Bank j
£ ◄
The points to consider are these: J
► *
► First. I- it a sal • and sound institution. When 1 intrust *
£my m ni-y t« it can I always count on get’.iug m ,- k I
p need it. "5
£ Second. Is it of sufficient strength to lie able to stand by
► ■*
► me in case of need.
Both these are important points and not to be overlooked. X
£ We believe we offer as great a degree of safety as can be found
► in any bank in this section. We make it a point to look to *
► the interest of our customers. We stand by them in time of <
£ need and our strength enables us to do this at all times. We 2
► 4
£ invite your business. *
► Mt. Vernon, Ga. 4
► ■*
► 4
► 4
\ Our New Ginnery \
► 4
J This is to Inform the Farmers and the Public 2
► Generally, That we Have Just Installed ◄
t 5
► We have the Celebrated Liddell Pneumatic Elevator System, 5
► and we are prepared to turn out all the cotton brought to X
► our place. It is our aim to give satisfaction in our line, and 2
► we invite the patronage of the public. You will find it profit- ◄
able to visit and inspect our plant. X
► i
X Best Prices Paid for Your Cotton Seed. ?
I *
Bring Us Your Cotton. X
► We Gin it at Right Prices. X
| J. W. & C. G. THOMPSON, 1
Alston, Georgia. 2
► X
iUHiU%UUVnvU%%\)VUUUiVV%ntI; V"* «**%*f% -V
I These arrivals and departures published only as Ji
information, and are not guaranteed. ||
l Schedule Effective January 3d, 1909. ji
j I,v. Mr. VERNON all trains daily. jj
I i 10:45 a. m For Helena, Abbeville, Cordele, |;
> Americus, Columbus, ;!
5:22 p. m. Montgomery, and all points west. !|
5:47 a. m. For Lyons, Collins, Savannah,
4:53 p. m. and all points east. I|
K r further information, reservations, rates, etc., see your ;!
li**:irest Seaboard Ticket Agent, or write
R. H. STANSELL, A. G. P. A., ij
Savannah, .... ... Georgia. !
The Heyward
Williams Co. !T*_
Cotton Factors & Commission Merchants
120 Bay Street, East, SAVANNAH, GA.
Bagging aud Ties at Attractive Prices—Ready for Shipment.
The flicer9 id this company are veterans in the cotton
business. Its facilities for handling and
selling cotton cannot be matched.
• Fertilizers of All Kinds
M -• Pr gressive Commission Merchants in the South in the ■
Correspondence Solicited, and Given Prompt Attention G