Newspaper Page Text
Georgia—Montgomery County.
To the Honorable Superior
Court of Montgomery County:
We the grand jurors, chosen
and sworn to serve at the No
vember Term, 1910, of said court,
ask leave to make the following
We have through proper com
mittee examined the books of the
Justices of the Peace and the
Notaries Public of the county and
approved the same, except the
books of the Justice of the Peace
of the 1567th, which were not
presented for examination.
The committee appointed at the
Spring Term of this court to ex
amine the records of the Ordi
nary, Clerk of the Superior
Court, Treasurer and Sheriff of
this county have made their re
port which we adopt and made a
part of these general present
ments, and mark “Exhibit A,”
We have the report of the Tax
Collector as to special taxes
• which we attachas “Exhibit B.”
The Treasurerhas made his re
port to our body which we at
tach to these presentments
as “Exhibit C.” We also have
fiom the Board of Com
missioners of Roads and Reve
nues a schedule of the Properly
of the Pauper Farm, the Stock.
Implements and Machinery of
the department of road work and
append the same, together with
an account of the operations of
the Pauper Farm for the present
year, these statements marked
“Exhibit D.”
We have examined the public
buildings and find them in a fail
state of repair, but reccommend
that small necessary repairs be
made to the jail, which we find
in good sanitary condition.
We find the finances and gen
eral contition of our county good,
with the exception of the matter
of roads and road work, and the
expenses incurred in same.
We respectfully request of the
Board of Roads and Revenues
the dismissal of all free labor
now employed on the roads of
the county, except a Road Super
intendent and the guards abso
lutely necessary to control the
convicts; and, further, that the
entire working force be consoli
dated and worked from starting
points as far as possible, to avoid
the loss of time and expense of
moving. We further request
that the work be done in such
manner as to divide the time of
the force equally, between the
east and west side of the county
as divided by the Oconee river,
taking into consideration the
mileage of the roads on either
We find from the report of the
committee before us that the ex
pense of working roads and farm,
and the interest on the indebted
ness of the county incurred there
by, amounts to more than $24,000
per year causing a heavy bur
den upon the tax payers of the
county, and we respectfully in
sist upon changes by the first
day of January next that wfill
give the desired relief. We find
the present system expensive
and coumbersome because of the
fact that the Superintendent
cannot satisfactorily work the
roads and engage in farming
successfully. Therefore we re
spectfully suggest that a compe
tent man be put in direct charge
of the county farm and be made
responsible for its conduct at a
reasonable salary, for which
three or four salaries are now
paid, and that the Superinten
dent of road work and the con
vict force be entirely relieved of
the farm work and management.
The residence of a capable farm
superintendent on the farm will
easily solve the problem of the
care of paupers which has been
reduced to a very small number.
We recommend that the Com
missioners pay no bills unless
same are properly itemized and
sworn to, and adopt a system of
keeping accounts that shall be
explicit and show by proper
■ vouchers its correctness. We
recommend that no more new
roads be granted until such time
as the finances of the county will
: warrant their opening and main
We recommend that the Com
missioners publish once a month
■ a complete itemized statement
of the actions of the board,
which shall show the source of
all receipts and the disburse
ments of all funds expended, in
The Montgomery Monitor and
that the publisher be paid SIO.OO
per month for same.
We recommend that appoint
ment of B. F. Palmer of the 16-
91st G. M. District. J. T. Lang
ford of the 1567th G. M. District
and John A. Currie of the 1687th
G. M. District as Notaries Public,
We recommend that the pay
of the jurors and court bailiffs of
this court for the ensuing year
be Two Dollars per day, and that
riding bailiffs received Three
Dollars per day.
We have appointed S. B. Mor
ris, J. R. Carr and T. J. Thomp
son a committee to examine the
records of the various county of
ficers and report to the grand
jury of the next regular term of
this court, and recommend that
they be paid Two Dollars per day
for their services.
We recommend that these pre- |
sentments be published in The
Montgomery Monitor, and that:
the publisher be paid SIO.OO for
We recommend that Ike Elkins
and wife, colored, be placed on ;
the paupers list and be cared for |
by the county.
In taking leave of His Honor, 1
Judge J. H. Martin, we wish to
express the high esteem in which
he is held by our people, for his
fair and vigorous administration
of justice and thank him for his
wise counsel, and his earnest
endeavor at all times to uphold
the.right and punish the wrong.
To our able and courteous So
licitor General, E. I). Graham,
we wish to express our thanks
for his assistance in the complex
matters which have engaged us
at this session, and to assure him
of our high appreciation of his
help, and the high regard in
which he is held by our body.
W. ■]. Peterson, Foreman.
Isaac Ladson S. L. Fulford
G. R. Mason Thos. Kent
J. M. Meeks L. A. Hattaway
A. S. Dukes J. R. Carr
Pat 11. Clark W. J. McDonald
S. B. Morris W. L. D. Rack ley
T. J. Thompson .J. H. Martin
D. W. Folsom D. A. Mcßae
Everett McLeod David Miller
W. B. Greenway J. T. Langford
Montgomery Superior Court,
November Term, 1910,
It is ordered by the Court that
the within and foregoing General
Presetments of the Grand Jury
be received and filed and that
same be published as therein
recommended. Granted Nov.
18, 1910. J. H. Martin,
Judge Superior C’s. O. C.
E. D. Graham,
Sol. Gen. O. C.
Exhibit “D.”
County Farm.
Financial statement as made to
Grand Jury, Nov., 1910.
; 575 bushels oats $ 500.00
8 tons amber cane hay 80.00
14000 bundles of fodder at
at S2O a ton 280,00
158 loads corn, 15 bus. to
load (2370 bus.) 2,370.00
675 bales of hay (30 tons
at $25 ton) 750.00
Five months labor on farm
at $75 month $375.00
Five mos. feed 3 mules 150.00
19 Tons Guano 449.50
For seed oats 65.00
For seed peas 60.00
For seed corn 2.50
For seed ground peas 20.00
For seed amber cane 3.50
'Convict labor (planting
crops. 1 week) 196.00
* Convict labor (cutting
grain and saving pea
j vine hay 196.00
Convict Labor (4 days pul
ling fodder 128.00
, Convict Labor (Gathering
crops, etc.) _ 200.00
Expense of Maintenance
of Paupers 350.00
1 $2,195.50
Total Value of Products
Raised on Farm $3,980.00
Expense of Operation
and Maintenance $2,195.50
Profit $1,784,50
56 Head of Hogs. Ground Peas,
Seed Cane, etc.
Respectfully Submitted,
Wm. Bland, Clerk, J. F. Sikes,
Board Coin’s It. & It, Chm. !
M. Co. Ga.
As reported to the Grand Jury,
November, 1910, Superior Court
Montgomery County.
355 Acres of Land and Im
provements Thereon $ 8,000.00!
23 Head of Mules 5,000.00,
Tents and Camping
Outfit 1,000.00
Two Stup Pullers and
Fixtures 700.00!
Three Road Machines 600.00 j
Seven Wagons 350.00
Furnishings for Pauper
Home (From C. P.
Miller, Savannah, Ga.) 274.56
Six Wheelers at $45 each 270.00
Harness 225.00
Tools, including Picks,
Shovels, Grubbing Hoes,
Mattocks, etc. 100.00
One McCormick Reaper
and Binder 132.00
j One McCormick Mower
and Rake 78,26
Portable Blacksmithshop
and Tools 75.00
One Sikes Hay Press and
Freight, Thereon 67.25
One Hoosier Grain Drill 70.00
Two Disc- Plows 65.00
Repairs on Hand for
Machines 50.00
Four Oliver Steel Beam
Plowy at $5 each 20.00
One Corn Planter 12.75
Plows, Plowstocks, Hoes,
etc. 10.00
Five Drags at 3 each 15.00
One Steel Beam Chatta
nooga 2-horse Plow 9.00
1,100 Feet Corrugated
Culvert Piping 1,100.00
Value of Hogs, Feed
Supplies, etc., on -Hand
Nov. 14, 1910 $ 2,101.50
Respectfully submitted,
Wm. Bland, Clerk, ,J. I’. Sikes,
Roard Corn’s R. & R. Chm.
M. Co., Ga.
(Continued on last page)
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Whereas, Jesse 1,. Yarbrough, ad
ministrator of the estate of Beulah
15. Yarbrough, lias applied to me foi
leave to sell all of the real estate of
said deeeased, this is therefore to
cite all persons concerned to file
t heir object ions, if anv they have,
on or before the first Monday in I><-
comber, next, else the application
will he granted as applied for. This
the 7t h day of November, 1910.
A lex Mr A rt bur,
Palmer Drug Store has Sage autl
Red Pepper to help make your
Sheriff Sale.
Os oi ida - Montgomery County.
Will tie sol I la-fore the court house rlooi in
Ml. Vernon on the first Tuesday in Oei- ,
1010, between tlie legal limits of .ale, to tin
highest hiiifler for cash, certain prop, rtv, of
which the f illowulg IS a complete flencriprimi:
One certain 36 horse power hoiler
and one 35 horse power engine, and
known as the It. B. Douglas engine
and hoiler. Said property being of
a weighty anti cumbersome nature,
will not be exposed for sale at lie
court bouse, but may be inspected
by prospective buyers at the mill
-ite 'it G. M. Williams on the w<--t
side of the county. Sale w ill be ef
fected in usual manner of sheriff
sales, ii'-vied on and will he sold li -
the pi operty of <;. M. Williams to
■niti-fy and execution issued from
the superior court of said county in
favor of Hunfer-Keun Co vsC. M.
Williams, bevy made and returned
to me by F. K. Forrester, deputy
Sheriff, and written notice of serviee
giyeri as required by law. This the
ist (Jay of November. 1910.
.Jas. Hester. Sheriff.
M. B. Calhoun, Atfy. for Biff. I
I j| i s
si i 0 A ill ill a i 1
1 S V" #s r) "i\ ' :' | 1
1 | w :> ' ? ; ; 7?:ff a % I §
I I h*vM s I i
I 1 I -V :HI | 1
I 1 I
| We want every little girl in |
| Montgomery Co. under 14 1
Jl<> (~)|| h i to our store at once—register Ikm* name, age ||
and address. a
hncli little girl so doing will be given the dandiest puz- §
zb' to solve that she ever saw—and just tin* neatest, most in- pj
teresting littlc* booklet telling her all about the puzzle and
how she can make a real little “buck's” stove her own lit- j|j
jjg tie stove. |jj
(iii ls, come now and register. Tin? contest doses j|j
at an early date and you’ll need plenty of lime tor the k|
H solution of your puzzle. ||
jw. H. McQueen, 3
Administ rator’a Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery Comity.
I T nder ami li.v virtue of an order
grunted li.v the court of Ordinary of
said cmmty, will lie sold on tin: first
Tuesday in December, ItflU. hot ween
I lio 1 ejjfa I I a mis of sale, to I lie highest
and best bidder foreasli. before ibe
court house door, the foil iwing de-
I scribed properly to-wil . A one ball
interest ill 2HII aere-. of land, bluilided
as follows: (in i lie north by lands of VV. MeA rt bur. oil the sijulli
'by la nils of ,i. G. Me A Hist er, on she
] east by lands of .1. .!. Moses and on
i lie west by waters of the Oconee
i river. Also one other tract contain
ing 2IMI acres, and hemmed on the
\ north by lands of ( harlofie .Mobley,
nil the east by lands of II 11. Mob
! ley and on tie south and west by
lands of A. .Vi. Moses and O. Morris.
\lsi i eight acres iy ing in l lie Town ol
i (’lniriotl" bounded noi l h hy lands of
, .1. Ij. Adams, on the east and south
jby lands of.l. 11. Mobley and on Ihe
| west by the Georgia & Florida right
[of-way. Also twenty town lots in the i
Town of ( dia riot le, bounded ttorl h by
lands ol .1.1,. Adams, on the east by
Georgia A, Florida road turd on flic
sotitii and we t b\ lands of Charlotte
! Mobley. AGo one hundred acres of
| land lying on the west side of the
Oconee river, known as lot No.—in
• t lie Si\ tjt land dist riel of said county,
laud hounded nort h t»y la nds of Frank
Nill ls and the • talc of .1. .1. Mobley.
Also three acres at, Mobley's Ferry
ion tlie west side of the Oconee river.
Terms cash. Sold its the property of
the estale of Jobn K. Moldcy.
It. II Mobley.
Willie I . MeA rt bur.
Administrators of tin Ivsiate of John i
I'd Mobley.
Sheriff Sale. •
tji'iirtria- Miiiitt'eaicry (’riitiity,
Witt In- seta before itn*. court limise door in ;
Mt. Vernon on tie lirsi I’ncHdav in Dec., |
mm. between Ho les'iil Ic uio of Hide, to tlie
bidder for chhli, ci rtuiii ]»i operty, of
which (tic following i-. a coin|dctc itlHcrijiifon:
All that tract or parcel of land
lying and lining hi tin- 27oth district, j
G. M. ol sai<l county and state, and
hounded as follows: On the north by ,
hinds of if. N. Voumans, on the east
by lands of K S. Gibbs, on the south,
hy lands of K. S. Gibbs and li. J.
Gibbs and on the west hy lands of
Anna Peterson, containing lOn acres
more or less, ami being a portion of
the Hiram Gibbs, Sr., plantation. 1
the southern boundary being a !
branch running en-1 and west, levied j
on and will he sold as the property
of If. J. Gibbs to satisfy an execu
tion issued ft out tin- superior court
of said county in favor of Glbhcs Ma
chinery ( o. Vs Gibbs <k llibbs, 11. J.
Gibbs security. Pointed oill for levy
by plaintiff'- attorney* and in the
possession ol K N . Voumans. W’rit
ten notice of levy giyen as repaired
by law. This the Ist day of Novem
ber. 1910. James Hester,
M. li. ( alhoitn. A tty. for Plffs.
For O'Trts. you can g~t six cakes!
of Palmolive HOup with a oOcts. I
box of Palmolive Cream, Free at!
Palmer Drug store. jl
Service proves they ARE
shows character
WH They srgw ,«lily in ever/ line, and then
VWI p ■» rt, f 1 1*. I li, ryt'i y <L*Ul|. MB,.',
I hey wear well an they look. Wi* aell ** 'I fie
I hup -shoe. j HELEN HUNT, »■■■ ■ s>.~. u.i. <■.. s*w». $2.50 I
\ Women (QUEEN KOSAIJND, Ur,“; , ;.i l r ,bl " $3.00 I
1 hup shoe, ij RIGHT ROYAL, av ,j st, Tr,..i ....itr.. $3.50 /
\ Men (CHARACTER, TMK ;k.u. $5.00/
1 Any HUB Brand Shoe j t .r CKtidr.n M
t "Jr wood, (icorgia.
We have just received our first car
load of horses and mules, and have ilium oil
salt' at our large; new stables. This is a bet
ter grade of stock than is usually sold in this
county, and includes sonic horses of superior
qualities. See them at once.
Mount Vernon, (jia.
Eugene Tahnadge,
Attorney at Law,
Atty at Law,
Mt. Vernon, Georgia.
All kinds Repair Work, Iron
and Wood. Finn line of Ilicycle
Material on hand. High-Grade
Repair W. rk on Bicycles, Sewing
M acinous, Guns, Revolvers and
! Clocks. See me before placing
I your work ; I will save you money.
Work promptly and neatly done