Newspaper Page Text
Ten . Thousand . Dollars, j
»WW«H 1 .mw*wt»ww»»w««w mm*tW**%W**m***WlM »\WW>WW»WW**«**»tW%%M<*WW* iMMtMMWWIMMTOWWtMMMHWMMMWtMWMMMMWM*****
( ’, >\Mww<MimMmmti
This amount is a low estimate of the actual cash value of the splendid assortment of goods we are now &
|'| oil or m g the public at sacrifice prices—it is now open to the buying public at prices that will serve |§
| To Close Out by January the First. |
| | | Just A Plain Business Proposition For the Public: I I |
P ;T) This announci'inent, which may be a surprise to many, is not put before the public a mere catch-penny § [| j|
|| M scheme. It is simply a ( old business proposition of converting the entire stock into money, in which
§ the public arc made the beneficiaries by the sacrifice. The entire line will be sold, regardless of cost. <g |§
ll Will continue the reckless selling until January Ist, by which time we hope to dispose of one of the §|
most complete stocks in this section. If we lose by the deal, you are the gainer, and should not let
the opportunity pass. Come at once and look over the big assortment. We have the goods and they &
|) are at the* disposal of the wise and early buyers. Cannot tell you in a few words just how good it is.
M * S§
The Ailey Mercantile Company, |
gs 1
Oj * Ojo
Statesboro, Ga., Dec. s.—The
undertaking of D. N. Bauot,
superintendent of tile Savannah
and Statesboro Railway, to drum
6,000 acres of land along the line
of the Savannah and Statesboro
is no longer an experiment. J.
W. Willis, at that time head of
tie farmers’ demonstration work,
with headquarters in State-loro,
made an inspection fit the land
and pronounced it to be excellent
for raising truck;, that it* was
equal to truck lands around Nor
folk, Va. This was the pro
moters’ belief all the while, and
today it is shown that the her"! -
fore worthless swamps along the
line of the Savannah and States
boro have turned ‘into valuable
ti uck lands. \V hen ask d to-day
how long the ..■anal is Supt Rac.on
s ated that a mile hud be n dug.
“We have running water from
on - to four hot deep f.,r that di--
tai.ce,” lie -uid. It is the in
tention to empty th■ * canal in
Inc branch i ar An a.
Swains! toro, Go., Dec. 1.- The
gins in this county are claiming
more than their usual toll of
hands and arms this season.
Lance Turner, a hard working
negro of Graymont is the latest
victim. On Friday while work
ing around the-gin of George I.
Rountree, he allowed his left arm
to be caught in the gin and it
was mangled from the elbow
down, making amputation neces-
SL: y.
This accident is very similar to
that which deprived Judge A. L.
Abernathy a few weeks ago of
h s left arm. But in Judge Ab
e; .athy’s case he was a greater
surferer in that by a prior acci
d - it he had lost the linger off his
right hand.
Fresh Aleut-s.
Fresh beef and pork on hand
at all times. Prompt delivery.
Hicks Bros..
1124 Mt. Vernon, Ga.
Donalsonville, Ga., Dec. 9.
, What came near being a very
serious accident occurred at Don
a'sonville Oil Mill plant yester
day when a large belt broke
• while a crowd of employes was
standing near.
The ends of the belt whipped
through the crowd of men, knock
ing two down and picking up one
man, Iverson Sims, and carrying
h m to the top of the house and
jamming him against the roof
so hard that a large knife in his
pocket was bent double, and he
was seriously injured. The two
others escaped with minor in
ji l ies, but Sims’ condition is
farmers to force price of
Dalton, Ga., Dec. 5. To try
to force the price of eggs to 50
cents, it is said that a number of
the farmers of this county have
agreed among themselves to hold
their hen fruit until Christmas,
the eggs being packed in salt.
Whether there has been an
actual organization or not is un
known, but several farmers
bringing their eggs to Dalton re- j
j cently have returned home withi
hem after being offered 31 cents/
j per dozen.
The scarcity of eggs here has
caused the dealers to go else
-1 where for them, large shipments
being received from neighboring
.gates. One consignment of
received recently contained 900 j
dozen. The price paid by the >
, consumers is 38 cents per dozen. |
Administrator’s .Sale.
■ tiejugia—Montgomery County.
. Under and by virtue of an order of i
t In- ' on) ' ot <)i dinarv of -aid county ;
tii*' t 5. Join, will be sold on 1
> t <• sis; Tuesday in January, lull, |
! lore tin court lion edoor in said i
:c- nt/. li.-tween the legal hours of
’ -a ;■>. t’i> - lie highest bidder foreash,!
I.'. .. <mes of land lying in the Tenth
1,. id iii-i tno of sai l county, being i
| i, number 294. Sold as property of |
t . e,t,i e of Beulah if. Yarbrough,!
i deceased, for division.
Je--e J,. Yarbrough,
i Ad. Kst. H. Yarbrough, j
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery t ’minty.
Will he sold before lie- e<.ilvt house (lour in !
Ml, Vernon on tin' tirst Tuesday in Jnn,, !
mil, between Ihe legal henrs of Mil le, to lilt* '
highest bidder for cash, critrin piopei'ty.Of
which the followi nr) is a complete di-cripOnii:,
Two certain mules—one u snuff
colored liorse mule, weighing about j
twelve hundred pounds and aboutj
twelve years old. ()m a dark l.ity |
horse mule weighing about twelve!
hundred pounds and about twelve
years id age. Said stock levied on
and will he sold ns the properly of
Julius Porchicr to -ati.-fy an execu
tion issued from the Lily Lourt of
Douglas in favor of H. 1,, Tanner and
O. M. A F. L. Sweat vs Julius Cor
cheir. Levy made and returned to
mo by A. I’>. Hester, d'puty sheriff.
This the tilh day of December, 1910. I
J allies Hesl el . Sheriff.
( haslain <V Henson. Ally . for Pill'-.
She ri 11 Sale.
(IHOKGI.Y *4Olll-ry C<in: ' :
Will In- »l«I lii-foi'*' tin court. Ih»ih* floor in |
Mount Vernon mi the ill'si ’J in ii»iy in J;t 11 , •
I*Jll, bclvvfcn tin li'iiirs naif*, to l-ln- !
bittiiCrit bifldcr lor cuhli, cei-thiu property, of
Woieli tin- following is a c miplf-te-1* scripti*m: j
A certain tract or parcel of land
situate, lying and being in llie 1221 5 t
District <). ,\I. of -aid mty and
| bounded on i lie noi l b tiy lands of I V
R. Anderson; on I be east by lands of i
U. It- AndeiKoii and i’ J. Janies ;on 1
the sout h by lands of L. it. Pope ; and
on the wesi. by land- of Mint Young
blood, and containing one hundred
(I0O) acres more or les-; levied upon
as I lie property of John F. Norris
and Jordan Norris to satisfy a fi- fa. 1
issued form the Superior Court of
said county in favor of Southern
State Phosphate A' Fei - ili/.er < om-j
patty and against the aid John F.
Norris and Jordan Noiris. Property
j pointed out for levy by plaintiff's at
! lortiey, being in the possi -ion of
j defendants In ti . la amt written no
i ttee of levy given ns required by law.
This the sth, day of December, I'Jlu. j
Janie- Hester, Sheiiff.
L. 15. Lightfoot, PUT’.s. Atty.
Sheriff Sale.
leorgia—Montgomery County.
Will he sold before fin court house door in
It. Vernon on tin- htrO i'ltu-dav in .tan..
I lltll. between the ley-ti limit of i-ith , lo tin
I highest and best bidder for eash, eel tain orop
: erty, of which the follow ng i- .1 -ornpieie ih -
I script ion:
A certain tract or parcel of land
situate, lying and Icing in llt* 1221 • i
jdistrict (i. .\i. of -aid county and i
i bounded a- follows- On (lie north
j by lands ot I'. U. Adder-on, on the I
(east ity lands of I It. Anderson and j
!T. J. .jaiiies, on tin- -on'ii by Is. it.
Pope and on I tie west by binds of
i Mint Youngblood, and containing
one hundred acres more orb - Lev
i ied on and will be . >ld a- Me Jllop-
I erty of John K. Norris to saied'y an
'execution issued from the -uperioi
| court of said county in I'uvm old. A.
It hehtliaui Joint F. Norii-. I’oinr
i ed out for levy by plaintiff - iit torney
and written not ice of levy given a
rerp tired bylaw. This the ntii day
of Dee . I bio. Jas. ff.’sfei. sh< f.
j L. 15. Lightfoot,
Shenfl' Salts.
I (ißuiiiii•> Moiiigoiin rv County.
Will lie sold before the court house door in
Mount, Vernon on the Mrst Tuesday in Jan ,
mil, het veen the iegiil hours of sale, to the
highest bidder for chhli, certain property, of
, which the following is a complete description;
All that tract or parcel of land slt-
I uaie, lying and being in the 15(17,
! District, U. M. ot Montgomery t'oun
i ly. Stale of Georgia, containing thi/-
i ty-four and one half (84,U) acres,
more or loss, and hounded on the
nonh by’ lands of J. M. McDonald*
on the cast by lands of Henry Yeo
mans; on the south by lands of W
11. McQueen, and on the west by
lands of J M. McDonald, levied oil
as tlie property of J. H. Darden to
satisfy an execution issued from the
Justice (,'om tof the 16(i7t.1i District
(I. M. of said county in favor of .1. (.'.
Olhoiin transferee of The Mount.
Vernon Rank against the said J . li.
Darden. Property* pointed out for
levy by plait, till’s attorney and writ
ten notice of levy given as required
by law. Tills the fill) day of Dei em
ber, litio. Jus. Hester, .Sheriff.
M. if. Calhoun. Plft’s. A tty.
' '
Sheriff Sale.
- n-’igi.i -Montgomery County.
Will h.- (old before the court house do-.r n
M Hint Vernon on the First Tuesday in Jan.,
mn, between the legal hours of sale, to tic
| highest, bidder for cash, de tain property of
which tin following is a complete dusedptiou;
Sixty bushels of corn in tlm ear.
more or less, and 7(F) pounds of fod
der, moreorless. Said property lev
ied on as the property* of I*. N. Min
eey to satisfy* and execution issued
from the Lily Court of Mi. Vernon
in favor of \V. H. Browning against
P. N. Nincey principal and A. H
(emsesne security. Said property
being dimlipi'Hotiie and exoeitsive to
| transport will not he exhibit at place
;of sale on the above date,, but sold
by description and will tie delivered
-over to purchaser after same is
measured and amount ascertained,
.‘-aid property now on the premises
j of F. 15. MeKrydeand in my custody
This the *lth day of December, litlb.
James Hester, Wheriff.
W. M. Lewis, Atty.
Sheriff Salt*.
(Jiorgiii -Mutitgoniery County.
Will In- sohl before the court bonne door in
Mount Vernon on the firm Tocsdny in Jan.,
till I. bits ion the legal hours of sale, to the
higluint bidil'ji for cash, certain property, of
which the following is a complete dettci ipilnn:
One Ifrng Saw complete, one bol
ter complete, one shingle press, one
! i-4 inch wire cable, one steel split
pulley and all belting complete for
! sliiiygle mil!. Said property levied
on as i lie property of K. Fairelot h to
! satisfy a mortgage fi. fa. issued from
die superior court of said county in
favot ot James O’l.'ointor against K.
Faildoth and in Ids possession at
time of levy. Said pro| erty being
expensive to transport, will not be
exidbited at place of sale, but sold
by description and will he delivered
to purchaser upon payment of the
purchase money. Said property be
ing at trie sawmill of K raircloth
j near Klbbee. This Dec. 8, 1910.
Jas. Hestei. Sheriff.
J W. M. lewis, Atty.
Mortgage (Saif'.
Georgia—Montgomery <'ouidy.
Under and b.v virtue of a power of
! sale contained In the mortgage ex
-1 ecu»ed by II W. Segl <*r to L H.
Wooten, on :he24ih day of May. 10-
05. and recorded in the office of tlm
( lerk of l lie Superior ('om t ol Mont
gomery county in Book **V”. page
301. the undersigned will sell, at
public sale, at the court house in
said county, during the legal hours
of sale oil the Ist Tuesday in Jantt
. ary. 1011, to the highest hi der for
cash.*t lie following properly. •*» wit ;
Lot of land Number Seven (7) ill the
Kleventh (11 1 1 1 ) Land District ol
i Montgomery county, said Slate, con
- tabling Two Hundred Two and Ono-
Ilnlf acres, more of less, for the pur
pose of paving a certain promissory
note, hearing dale of May the 2Hli.
1005, an 1 payable on the Ist day of
December. 1905, and made and exe
jcuied by the said H. W. Segler*
said Hole being : or One Hundred and
| Forty ■three (14800) Dollars princi
j pal. stipulating for interest from tna
jturllyat the rate of H per cent, per
jaiinuin. and lo per cent attorney’s
j fees, the total amount due on said
note being $128.08. principal, SO2 92
interest and $20.69 attorney’s fees,
i with the cost of this proceeding, as
provided in said mortgage. A con
veyance will be executed to the pur
chaser by tile undersigned, as au
thorized in tlm said mortgage. This
the Hill day of Iteceinher. 1910.
(’. If. Wool ell.
, Wooten Mann, Aliys,
Sheriff Sale.
j Georgia—Montgoinerv C'.unty.
Will ho He ll before the court bouse door in j
! Mt. Vernon on die (list Tnesdiv in Jan ,|
j tail, betwoon the legal hours if sate, to tlio
| highest bidder for cash certain property, "f
j who; v the fdlowuig 1h a com pie o description: j
j Two hundred acres of land, more
lor less, situate, lying and being in
the IfiHWth i. M . (list net of said conn
ty* and state, and bounded (ill the I
.tort It by lands of John Wing, on the
east by land- of Marion Fltilips, on j
the south by lands of Joe Wilkerson i
find on tlm west, by lands of John j
Philips. Levied on and will tie sold
,as tlm properly of Jerry Phillips to!
; satisfy an execution issued from the j
I S iperior court of -aid county in fa
j vor of l). H. Philips, Trans., vs Jer
;ry Philip-. Property* pointed out. oy ]
attorney for plaintiff and writ ten no j
t ice of levy given according to law.
Tills, the Bth day of Deceinher, 1910. j
Janie- (fester, Hherilf.
W. L Wilson, Atty. for Plaintiff.
j Right now is the time to plant
fall oats. If you want a good
yield, bettor use Armour’s Ferti
lizers. They bring results in
any crop. If you want the best,
write Chas. H. Smith, agent, at
Mcßae, Ga.
Mibs Clyde Mu Arthur spent the
Sabbath with her cousin, Miss
j Belle McAllister. J
| For Sale.
,I Seven-room house in town of
Ailm . with eight I >ll il<li■ Ilots.
Also gmnerv mid grist mill Good
terms. Write or see me at once
ut Vida I tu. G B Allcorn.
Georgia—Montgomery CoXmtv.
I Under and by Ihe unt Imrit v con
-1 limed in Ihe wil loft he latt* A K
Clark of said county, d> ceased,
will be sold tiefore the court house
door in said countv. on l lie first
I Tuesday in January. Ifill. ho-
I tween the legal hours ol Bale, to
the highest bidder for cash, the
I following property: Two lots of
laud. Nos l}<)2 and HOfi in the
Sixth Land District of said coun
ty. containing 4Ji2 acres, more or
less, plat of same to be exhibited
on day ol sale, hounded north and
north-east by lands of Mrs M
Thompson, east and south-east try
Oconee river, and on South and
south-west bv lands of .I 15.
Geiger and It Morrison Sold
for distribution and benefit to
creditors 0 \V. Clark.
.I W M"rrison. Sr ,
Exrs Will of A K Clark.
Do not try to lead ail
automobile liio on a
w heel-barrow salary,
but try to get some
Atlanta Wire Fencing
at low prices while it
lasts. Two carloads
just received. Noth
ing on the market to
compare with it. It
is the genuine, solid
fence, easy to put up.
Put it around your
place at once. See me.
W. E. Currie ,
Glen wood\ Ga .