The Montgomery monitor. (Mt. Vernon, Montgomery County, Ga.) 1886-current, December 22, 1910, Image 4
1 Ten . Thousand . Dollars. I \ |WI%\m\VMiVUVI *. W%\%WtVVWVWiWW%»%»»%»%%iUiUW%%ViUnUV\iUUUinUUI M §W> v n a-V %v^.W WHUVW%VW%WWH%W i riii> Pinionnl is }i low estimate of the aetual <*;i>h value of the splendid assortment of goods we are now B « offering; the public at sacrifice prices' —it is now open to the buying public at prices that will serve j To Close Out by January the First. I Just A Plain Business Proposition For the Public: ill *' This announcement, which may he a surprise to many, is not put before the public a mere catch-penny v <gj €g 1 scheme. It is simply a cold business proposition of converting the entire stock into money, in which || 5 <SJ the public are made the beneficiaries by the sacrifice. The entire line will be sold, regardless of cost. jg €| J THE Bin SLAUGHTER SALE NOW RUNNING Ft Ut. Will continue the reckless selling until January Ist, by which time we hope to dispose of one ol the i§ most complete stocks in this section. If we lose by the deal, you are the gainer, and should not let the opportunity pass. Come at once and look over tin* big assortment. We have the goods and they 8 arc at the disposal of the wise and early buyers. Cannot tell you in a few words just how good it is. g NO N-ORE GOODS CHARGED. YOUR PRIDE WILL NOT LET YOU ASK FOR CREDIT—AT THE PRICES NOW BEING OFFERED. J v»*mw*\wwwww*ww%%w. wmwmt»wwwm>vwwwwwm»wmwMM*>MW» S 1 The Ailey Mercantile Company, TH2 RIG FIRM CLOSING OUT. COME TO SEE US. | CLAIM NIGHT RiDEfiS j ARE Wriifr.NG NEGROES. Barnesvillo. (.la., IVt*. la. ! T ouble lie tween the races is re- ! p "toil in the vicinity of Milner, lie miles north of here. It is .1 ged that for some weeks n -iit riders have been whipping n '.roes, and the leoling has he come so bitter, it is thought, t 1 1 h»i>s may have to he called out l • prevent bloodshed. Messages were received here I ', night that the night riders v ted the home of Will Atwater, j a egro. and met with resistance w'on they attempted to whip! h 1. in the fight t hat followed ( . negro wn lolled, and also I ■■ of the i" h: riders, The i' ntity of the whiteman is lx*- it. 1 kept a secret. the cause for the outbreak of I I lit riding is not known. The 'riff of Pike county has gone t he scene and will make an in v ligation. V TH CASE PENDING IS TWICE ARRESTED. I icon, Ou., D,-e. I.V While t 1 \\ is one ease ponding a aist liim 11ml <1 'kited f,>r an n - he.-in g in the r> c ider's c t. in- the r-It of a raid up u j t • idneo of i'lishe -- on VI uidnv c * Week, \V. K. Shelton, the p pnetor • l a near-beer -ale. n a ■ ■ 'ere • I- •t !i and Mtil- I■ ! : v «t re- t*,v\ • i?- arr 'Ste.t 1 1> iee ! t av, aad to- -t >i'i twice raided, a t. nit -o • -- \ i j. >n tlit first ra d Chief Chap- ! noi and hi* p • men uuuglit .1 , K da-rts. ihe • eat vj i >r. li ;e act -I ,itti i-ing a quart O »li isk V. U i It he it lit i,. 11l h.- J audio d .1 i*t paid the 1 n -v. lit iarr■ti a w a \ lin tarn>ls of wI, -k v. found un . .1 ,i shed .mi an .i; .ieo- lot. j M lav lit I• t it;; l too qmilts w re eonti- it- When h. li i:.!ly g - " t*n will ; have to ate e ir_; *. j MSP MAY FOLLOW HINDS AS PARLIAMENTARIAN. Washington. I>ec. la. Judge Charles K. C'risp, of Amerieus, may he appointed as parliamen-! t irian of the next house of rep-1 resontatives succeeding Asher Hinds, of Maine, who has been elected to congress. Judge Crisp’s name has been 1 presented to Champ Clark as an | export parliamentarian. He is l being given thoughtful considera- 1 lion by Mr. Clark, who will lie. I the next speaker. Congressmen Cart let t, Hughes and others of he (leorgia delegation favor his appointment. Judge Crisp him-j self is in no sense an applicant! for the position, and this story j will probably l*e his first intima tion concerning his consideration. Mr. Hinds, when asked by I Champ Clark concerning a good larliamentarian. recommended Crisp ;is the best suited man! in the country for the job. Crisp! was clerk at speaker’s table when his distinguished father. Judge Charles F. Crisp, was \ speaker of the house. He had years’ service as a parliamen tarian. and Hinds believes that a* could easily refresh himself and make a valuable man in the! same cajgicity again. It is the duty of the clerk at 1 the sjH'aker’s table, or the house larliamentarian. to advise the! speaker concerning all his rulings! on parliamentry questions. The position is most iniix'irtant and r sponsible. It carries a salary of s.\ nob a year. TO GIVE SCHOLARSHIP. Att n*, tin.-—Dam Soule, of; tV department of iit l t\.'isity, HiuinHiieeri ttint he ; i:i» r-e- v.*d a communication 'eon tin- Hasting Company of V. ii. la. stating that they will give a- arshtp of $-Jtk) to tlie vouug m.iii <>r b i.v raising the best corn crop hi the state, the* i stnetioiis governing the contest ’ lx* arranged by the Agricttl ! lutai college. THF MONTGOMERY MONITOR— I THfIRSDAY, DECEMBER. 22, 1910. Sheriff Sale. (ttM.tipa V1..i,t. 111 t iy Cnnnly. Will lie milt! lielurt- ilie court Ihhhc .toor in ' |MI. Vrruim mi (lie liift Tnctttlfo in .liin.. I'.lll, belweeu Ilie Iciral hours of mtU;, til till- I highest bidder fni rash, ortiiiii properly, nt | «lot'll the ftillmviiiK in .1 complete iiiscriplion: Two certain mules—one a snuff- j j colored horse mule, weighing about i J twelve hundred potituls and a limit t twelve years old. One a dark buy j horse mule weighing about twelve j hundred pounds and about twelve! years of age. Said slock levied oil ! l and will he sold as tile property of! Julius f’oreliier to satisfy an execu 11ion issued from the City Court of i ; Douglas iii favor of K. L. Tanner and |C. Al. At K. 1.. Sweai \- Julius for- 1 | cbeir. Levy made and returned to I I me by A. It. Hester, deputy sheriff. : i’tiis tin* Kill day of December, 1910. James Hester. Sheriff. i Chastain At Henson, Aliy s, for pigs. Sheriff Sale. * UitiflOlA V'ints ri mi. r\ I untv: I Will hi- i„ild before tin emu I house dnm in I ■ l/nnnl Verimn na the iiist l ini*-iUv in .Inn.,! i I'.IU, betweL’ii tin* kyal hnur- of hale, til On ! ■ iup*i*—t liuMer Inr eioilt, rertaiii preperty, nl ! j Wuieh till* follow liiK i» a emuplete description: i A eeriaiu tract nr parcel ot land situate, lying and being in tin* lxo|st. District (J. M of said county and j boumii don ttie* north by lands of I s i It. Anderson; on tin* cast by lands o( - l t*. Anderson and T J. James; on ! ! die south by lands of L. if. Pope; anil on tlie nest by lands ol Mint N’oung j blood, and containing one hundred' | (HUM acres more or less; levied upon lasl he property of Jolm F. Norris; land Jordan {forris to satittfy a li. to issued form tin* Superioi Court ot saiil county in favor of Southern state Phosphate At Fertilizer Com pany and against (in saiil John F. j A orris and Jordan Norris. Property | ■ pointed out fur levy by plnim itf's at - ! jsorney, being in tin* possession of j | defendants in li. fa. aim written no-! i rice ot levy given as required by law. j i l itis lhe 51 li. day of Inceuibet'. lido. James Hester. Sliet ill'. I L. 15. I.ightfool. i’ltf's. \ ty. Sheriff Sale. »< County. Will l>t «o»k1 In ion tt»< •• uit lidtiM' ltN*‘t in 'l(. ott the m Jam . UMI. Mtv hout * sj*U. to tho | liijllb mul l»OHt biiMer f<»« oaali. oi t hkiu prop- j t*i tv. h*f which ttic follow, itjf ia a com plot t ih siin*iit»u: A ivrtaln tract «*i parcel of lm I ! situate, lying and tieing in the 12215 t district t». M. of -aid county and I bounded as follows' On the north iby land'ot f’. H. Ailderson. on tlie- ; least by liiiuls of l . U. Anderson and I J. James, on the south by 15 Pope and on the west by lands of Mint Youngblood, and containing one hundred acres more or less. Lev-i ted mi and will lie s i),| ~) s tlii prop ■ eityofjohn F. Non is to satisfy an execution issued from tin sup. riot court of said county m favor of T. A. * heat ham v> John F. Norris. Point ,ed out fer levy by plaint iff‘s attorney and written notice of levy given a ttuiiir<*(l hy taw. This the titli day of lbs- , 1910. Ja- Mi st.*i, Shes. JL. U Liglitfuot. All;. . for PHI. She rill Sale. UiKomai Moutgomnry County. Will I >< sold before the court house door in j Mount Vernon on Ho-first Tuesday in Jan., Hill, bet-veen tlie legal hours of sale, to tin highest bidder for eash, certain property, ot i wbicli the following is a complete description: All that tract or parcel of land sit ! uale, lying and being in tlie 1567. ] District. (J. M. *il Montgomery Coim- I t y , Stale of Georgia, containing thi. -: I t.v-four and one half (34 1 ) acres.! I more or less, and bounded on the! I north b.v lands of J M. McDonald'; |on the ejist, Ity lands of Henry Yen-1 j mans; on tlie south by lands of \N' I H. McQueen, anti on tin* west by | j lands of J.M. McDonald, levied on * as tlie properly of J. H. Darden tb ! j satisfy no execution issued from Hit*; : J ustice (. 'out t of the loliTtii District <5. M. of said county in favor of J. ( iCalliouti transferee of The Mount; Vernon Hank against tlie said J »rl. Darden. Properly pointed out for levy by plait, t itf’s attorney and writ-; ! ten notice of levy given as required • I l*y law. Tnis tlie ol li day of Decern- ! i her. lido Jas. Hester, Sheriff. M. 15. t aI In mu. Pitt’s. Ally. Sheriff Salt*. (icorgis -M on fumitory County. Will In* sold heffirt* tlio court house «To *r u j M niut Vrrnon on the First Tuesday in Jan.. , ' I'dl. hetwet n the hours of sale, to tin j highest bidder for cash, cei'tßin propert' of j ! nhieh the fVdlowinj' is a complete deaciiptios; 1 ! Sixty bushels of corn in tlie ear. more or h-ss. and Tint pounds of sod- \ der, more or less. Said property le' ied on as the property of i*. N. Alin- ; iey to satisfy and execution issued i , from t.lie ( ity Court of Mr. Vernon in favor of \V. H. Brow ning against i P. N. Nincey principal and A. H l.essestie security. Said property i being cumbersome and extensive to transport will not be exhibit at plac*- j ;of sale on the above date, Imt sold I*, description and will ire delivered lover to purchaser after same i- I measured and amount ascertained ; j Said property now on the premises iof I‘ i!. M 'Hryth and in my custody i l liis rh.* isth day of December, 1910.1 James Hester, .Sheriff. W. M. lewis. Any. Sheriff’ Sale. Georgia -Montgomery County. Will b, h,*1,1 before the court house door in Mount Vernon on the tirst Tuesday in loi . fall, b. t»*eii tlie legal liiinrs ol saic, to tin inglic-t hi.l, lei for cash, certain property, of wlricii the following is a Couifdctc description: One Drag Saw complete, one bol ster complete, one shingle press, one ; ! 8-4 Inch wire cable, one steel split ; pulley and all belling complete f**r shingle mill. .Said property 1 vied Dm a- the property of E. Faircloth to* satisfy a mortgage fl. fa. issued from die superior court of -aid county in favor of James O’Connor against K. Faircloth and in his pos-ession at ‘time of levy. Said property being xpensivr to transport, will not l>* exhibited at place of -al*-. bat -.«!d by description and will be delivered t.’> purchaser iij>on payment of the , I'ntchise money. Sai I property !*••- i' gat the saw mill >*f K Faircloth near Kihbee. This Dec. 6. Htbi. Jas. Hester. Sheriff, j W. M. Lewis, Atty. Mortgage Sale. Georgia—Montgomery ( ounty. tinder and by virtue of a power of : sale contained in the mortgage ex- : eemed by If. YV. Seglet to C H. Wooten, on .he 24tli day of May, 19- : 05. and recorded in the office of the ; t Jerk of the Superior Court of Mont- ( gmnery comity in Kook “V”, page i !HD 1. the undersigned will sell, at ; public sale, tit the court house in • i said county*, during the legal hours' jof sale on the Ist, 'Tuesday in Jami-; ary, 1911, to the highest bidder for j cash, the following property, to wit; 1 ' Lot of land Number Seven (7) in the (Eleventh (ilfh) Laud District of Montgomery county, said State, eon | tabling Two Hundred Two and One- ; Half aei'i;s, more of less, for the pur : pose of paying a certain promissory 1 in* e, hearing date of May the 24th. j 1905, an t payable on the Ist day of, D'-eeinber, 1905, and made and exe l culed by the said H. YV. Segler* \ saiil note being tor One Hundred and i Forty-three (148 00) Dollars princi j pitt. stipulating for interest from nia ; unity at the rate of 8 per cent, per I i annum, and 10 per cent attorney’s j (fees, the tidal amount due on saiil | note being $12(5.08. principal, $62 92 t interest and $20.59 attorney’s fees. I with the cost of this proceeding, as : provided in said mortgage. \ con ! veyanc will he executed to the pur- Iciiaser by tie undersigned, as au ! . liori/i I i ■ the siiiil mortgage. This ! t he (itii day of December. 1910 (J. H Woo en. ; Wooten & Mann, Atfys. —_— Sheriff Sale Cc-irei'* -Miintgoiiierv C‘*ilnty. Wiilbr S' J 1 before the e<> rt < is Mt V,-! ii-i-.i ell die tir.t t ill ! 19 1. h t ■ v.-eii the letTHl Imuis ii: <lii -' i»i' l.l**'- f»r cash eer-a «:i H- i t f■ 11 ** w he iS'U-'i ii- 1 . - l’wo hundred acre- •» a■ : • .*- ' *tr less, slttjate, lying and liei g i ; the 1886th •• M . district of sain c |ty and -'nfc, and houmied on rt.e i north by lands of John Wing, on the |cu- - I* land- nf Marion Philips, on I thi so ii by lands of .Ine Wilkerson i .-uni *>n the west by lands of John ' Philips. Levied on and will be sold ,as the property of Jerry Phillips to s:i i-t . ,m execution issued from tile s iperior court of said county in fa vii: of D H. l’iiilips, Trans., vs Jer ,ry Philips. Property pointed out o.v attorney for plaintiff and written no th' *>! levy given according to law. Plus, ihc titli day of December. 1910. James Hester. Sheriff. W . L Wilson. Atty. for Plaintiff. Right now is the time to plant fall oats. If you want a good yield, better use Armour’s Ferti lizers. They bring results in any crop. If you want the best, write Chas. H. Smith, agent, at Mcßae, Ga. Ms*- Clyde M 'Arthur spent the Sabbath with her cousin, Miss i Belle McAllister. j For Sale. SeVf'ii-nx'm houst* in town of Also iiinii' n ml grist mill Good terms. Wr leur see me at once at Vida ha G B Allcorn. I EXECUToK’S SALE. Georgia —VI "lit go me r v County. Under and by the anthoritv con tained in the w l l4 of i he late A. F. Clark of said county, deceased, will be sold before the court house i door in said countv on the first Tuesday in January 1911. be tween the legal hnuiHof Sale, to the highest bidder for cash, the I following property: Two lots of land. X s 302 and 803 in the Sixth Land District of said 1-0111)-# t.v, containing 432 acres more or less, piat of sain- to be exhibited on day ot sale, bounded north and north-east by lands of Mrs M Thompson ea<t at d south-east by Oconee river, and on South and « south west bv lands of A. B. Geiger and R Morrison Bold for distribution and benefit to creditors C \V. Clark. .1 \V M"Prison. Sr., Ex is Wi'l of A F. Clark. ATLANTA FENCING, * not try to lead an «/ automobile liie on a \a heel-barrow salary, but try to get some Atlanta Wire Fencing at low prices while it lasts. Two carloads just received. Noth ing on the market to compare with it. It * is the genuine, solid fence, easy to put up. Fut it around your place at once. See me. W. E. Currie , Glen wood, Ga .