Newspaper Page Text
MmxttptMty Urmite.
Account, Christmas Holne.
the Seaboard Ai Lin
low round trip tickets hetwi i
points on Dec. 15, 16, 17, -1, --
23. 24, 25, 81 and Jan. Ist Tick
ets good returning until Jan. Bth
For full information, ra ■
schedules, etc., cull on your in
est Seaboard agent, or write
R. H. Stansell, AGFA
Savannah. Ga
Administrator's Sale.
tieorgia—Montgomery ('ount v
Under and by virtue of an order <•.
the < ourt of Ordinary of said county
granted Dec. o. 1910. will be -add on
the first Tuesday in January. 1911
before the court hou.<e dom in -aid
county, between the legal hours o
sale, to the highest hiddei so c.i
1614a acres of laml l> ing in ihr Ton ■
Jjand district of said couni;.. hei _
Jjot number 291. Sold as property **
the estate of Beulah H Yarln-oug
deceased, for division
Jes>e i, Ya rlu oilgh
Ad. Est. Beuiali It Yarhro.ig i
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Mrs. Mary Morris having mud.
application for a twelve months
support for herself and three
minor children out of the estate
oi' Clayton Morrs, late of said
Cpn'nty deceased, and the ap
praisers regularly appointed f■» r
setting apart and valuation hav
ing filed their return, this is r
notify all parties concerned tin
said application will he heard at
iny office on the first Monday in
January, 1911. 1 his the sth das
df Dec." 1010. Alex McArthur.
Money to loan at 6 and 7 pet
cent, on improved farms.
A.. B Hutcheson,
Alt. Vernon, Ga.
Money! Money!
Long Term Loans negotiated on
improved Farm Lands and also on
City or Town Real Estate in
Montgomery County at a low rate
,f interest.' ytf Lewis,
Alt. Vernon, Ga
£ 3
Z 4
► The entire public is cordially in- 3
| vited to attend and take part in our «
l closing out sale, which is now on. The 3
► refers to our Mount Vernon, <
1 which is being offered at attractive 3
► n 3
► .5
l figures. Better come early. *
i 3
► 5
t * 3
Mt. Vernon, Ga. 3
Just received, another carload of $
:ji Summers’ Barnesviile Buggies and |
ill Studebaker Wagons.
I These represent the VERY BEST |
I in buggies and wagons, and when you |
buy these you can check the blacksmith 1
off you payroll.
If interested in the Best, call to !j;
see or write us.
A Stone With a History.
A stone with a remarkable his
tory is kept at the British naval
offices in Portsmouth. In the fif
ties of the last century it saved a
vessel of the queen's navy. The
frigate Pique ran ashore on the
Japanese coast, but was refloated iti
what was thought to be an undam
aged condition. It proceeded to
Portsmouth and was docked, when
it was found that the stone had im
bedded itself firmly in the planks
of the ship’s bottom. The stone
prevented leakage, and had it drop
ped from its position during the
homeward run there is little doubt
that the Pique would have been
Fable of the Ape and the Goat.
A well meaning ape, sitting up in
a cocoanut palm, looked down and
saw his friend, the goat, browsing
on the grass directly below. Said
the ape to himself:
‘T ought to let old Whiskers in
on these good things, and I will.”
Acting upon this generous im
pulse, he leaned over and let drop
an armful of cocoanuts, which,
landing in quick succession, like
sliots from a rapid firing gun, right
in the middle of the goat’s hump
of knowledge, broke his neck.
Moral.—More men are done bv
their friends than undone by their
No Cause For Alarm.
“I have decided,” said the the
atrical manager, “to give you a trial,
Miss Arlington. Please be ready to
begin rehearsing Monday after
“Thank you so much. But before
we go am further I must inform
you that I shall positively refuse to
wear tights or a gown that is out
low in the neck.”
“Oh, that’s all right! Tn the part
that I’m going to give you you will
merely have to stand behind a shod
and help to scream when the cy
clone strikes town.”—Chicago Rec
Stray Yearling.
One heifer yearling, about fif
teen or eighteen months old, un
marked. at my place. Owner can
get same hv paying for feed and
cost of this notice. Otherwise
will de sold W. F. Tharpe,
Route 1. Adrian, Ga.
Christmas Killing
Moultrie, Ga., Dee. 26 —Madi
son Matthews met his death, R ü
ben Watson received a fatal
wound and his son, Fabe, was j
seriously cut last night in the
western part of the county in a
deadly tight. After fatally stab
bing Reuben Watson, Matthews
was cut to death by young Watson
after he had bean seriously stab
bed by Matthews.
The elder Watson and Matthews
had an encounter in the morning
and after they had been separated
by friends the trouble was sup
posed to be at an end.
Late in the evening Rt übon
Watson, w»th lus wife and his eon
Fabe, was driving along the road
and met Matthews, who innnedi-j
ately attacked Wntsi n and m- I
dieted fatal injuries Young]
Watson went, to the rescue ot his
father and before being seriously
injured cut Matthews, who, full
ing by the roadside, died. The
injured Watsons went to the home
of a nearby farmer and reported
the tragedy, but before neighbors
could go to the aid <>f Matthews
his dead body wus found by
Superior Court Clerk Clark, who
stayed by the hod}' until others
The coroner has taken charge of
the remains of Matthews and an
inquest will be held to-morrow.
Dublin, Ga., Dec. 26—This
inormng Charley Cherry shell, his
little brother, “Slick,” through
the breast with a 22-caliber rifle.
No one was present when the ac
cident occurred hut the two boys,
who are under 11 The wound is
serious. The Cherry boys are
sons of A. J. Cherry, who is an
engineer at the light and water
Money on Hand
We have a good sup
ply of cheap money on
hand at this time and
can close loans very
promptly, either on
farm or city property.
If in need of cash,
come to see or write
us'at once.
Southern Loan &
Investment Co.
White Hickory
Call on Mcßae &
jßro. for Tin* Cele
brated White Hicko
ry \Y agons. You
should make it a point
to investigate this
wagon before buying.
They have a record
in this county for long
and successful service.
W. 1. Ac st h v.h 1». L. Powell. Foreclosure
of 'origin- in Montgomery Superior Court.
Xo\ < min i term, I9UI.
Ii being repp m nod Jo the Court by the
pt tit ion »»t W. .1. Acosta, that on the 14th day
,J.tnnary 1908, B. 1. Powell, executed two
promts* »rv notes to Thus. .1. Arline and de
livered the same to him, together with a mort
gage on certain real estate lying m aaid Coun
ty d* scribed a* foil-ws:
All that certain tract, or pared of laud, si*
luted, lying and being in Montgomery county,
situate, lying and being in Mont go uery Coun
ty, Georgia, ami described aa follows: Land
district, l\vo Hundred and Seventy-live (275),
and bounded tnM by lauds of M lb Peterson
and bis children, smUi by the lands ofd. M.
Does, west by the lands of Mcltac »V Morgan,
and North by lands of M. It. Peterson and his
children and Wiliiam Brunch, and said one
hundred acres of land being Hie same deeded
to It Welle, Cann and Daniel by IM. I> Peterson
undothets, May *24, 1895, for the purpOH" of
securing the payment ot two certain promis
sory notes for fliroo Hundred and Fitly Dol
lars. in the ngregato, » xeonted and delivered
by said lb L. Powell, to said flow. .1. Arline
on the I Uli day of January, 1908, there al
ter endorsed to petitioner, and out* of said
notes falling one »w<» months after date, and
one tor flout* Hundred Doll n a due October
tost, I‘.MIB, stipulating fur interest from niatur
ity at the rate of'eight percent, per annum,
and ten pel cent attorney’s lues,
it is ordered that the said defendant to pay
into this pom t, by the first day of the next
term the principal including attorney's foes
’interest and cost due on said note, or show
cause why ho should not pay tin* same, 01
that in default thereof the aforesaid mortgage
be ton-closed ami the equity of redumption <•!
tin* stii<f duf’eiidant therein fore ver barred; and
that service of this rule he perfected on said
defendant according to law. In open court,
Nov. 19, 1910. J. ii. MARTIN,
J. S. 0. J. C.
Georgia Montgomery Bounty.
1, .1. C. Calhoun, clerk of the Superior Court
of Montgomery county, do her* by certify that
the ahovd is a true and correct copy ot a rule
nisi granted by the Hon. J. 11. Martin, Judge
of the Superior Court, as appears arc the
>ecnnlsiii inv o Iti CO. fills (06 17th day <1
December, 1910. J. G. Calhoun,
0. S. (\ M. C. Ga.
Georgia—Montgomery County
Whereas, Mrs. MittTttlmadge, ad
in i hist rat lix on t lie estate of John A .
Peterson, late of said county, ilo
eeasetl, represents to the, court, in her
pel if ion, duly filed and entered on
record, that she has fully admistered
said estate* this is therefore toeite
; II persons concerned, kindred and
creditors, to show cause if any they
can why she should not he discharged
t mil her administration and receive
letters of dismission on the first Mm
dav in January, 1911. This the sth
day Dee., 1910.
Alex Me Arthur, Ordinary.
A tty at Law,
Mt Vernon, Georgia.
ißank of Tarry town ;
rwk 8
i •• i
| (Branch of Bank of Soper ton) j§
| Financial Statcnicnl showing eomlition of Hank at dose of g)
| Imsinc »ss Dccoiiilkt loth, 1910: [*)
I Resources: | Liabilities:
Loans and Discounts $ 2,933.11 Du.-Banks in this State |)
House, Safe, Fixtures, Stationery 903.91 Cashier’s Checks ,l n A \ ®
Overdrafts, 42,53 Profits ®
Due from Hanks in this State 12,325.77 Deposits 1-3.75
Due from Banks in Other States 2,512,92
Cash in Vault 3,497.93 (?)
P Total Resources $22,318.17 < Total Liabilities : ' 1S ’ 17
$ ' $8
I —1
IN. 1,. 011.1.15, ,1. It. O CO\, I, A. M.t'KAUY, I
President. Y iee-l’res. ( ashler. jjj
Washington, Dec. 22 —A house j
mom ho rsh ip is the smallest
number under tlie census bureau
method of apportionment, that
will result m not decreasing thoj
present, nuinher of represenlul ives
from any state. This is aiiiioiin- j
ceil in a detailed statistical state
ment submitted to the house com
mittee on the census today by the
census bureau.
The stalemeut was arranged to
show tho exact effect under any
particular proportion of represen
tatives to the population under j
the returns of the thirteenth cen
sus. It starts with a minimum
of 890, which is one less than the
present si/.o of I lie linuse, a lid ends
with a maximum of I h>, each
table showing whether on such a
calculation a stale’s representa
tion would be diminished, in
creased or unchanged.
Chairman Cnunpaeker of the j
committee will have these tables >
printed along with ot her data j
necessary along the saui" line at d |
will call a meeting of his com- ,
nut tee immediately alter the
reassembling ol congress. lb*'
expects the commit tee will be 1
able to report a reapnortioiim**iil.j
bill at (Ins session ol congress.
f resh M ents.
Fresh heel and pork on hand
at all times. Prompt delivery.
Hicks Bites.,
1124 Mt. Vernon, Ga.
Fill I Sued Oids.
I have for sale the Famous Ap
pier and liancroll Seed ()uts. See
me ut. once for seed.
1) S. Williamson,
915 f! Pvalda, Ga.
Atlanta, On., Deo. 20. —If you
have a friend nr a relative nr if
you he a lawyer and have a client,
s von needn’t, to go hanging around
i Governor Brown’s office any day
but Thursday and try to get it.
Because the answer tonne and
; all alike will he “nothing doing."
Apropos of the recent hold stand
lie took against too much executive
1 clemency, the governor has now
roinn out and limited Ilia consider*
alien of all such applications to
st rict ly one day in the week.
The governor appear* to he very
much in earnest about the pardon
I business, as he speaks with more
i vigor than in Ins wont in an intor
i view given out yesterday.
“Too much time is taken from
my work.” Said lie, “by lawyers
| and others coming to this < (lien
I every day worrying me about par-
I dons. Christ mas present* is the
| plea all make about this time
of the year, which is about the
J weakest, 1 must say, that ever
| was. The first thing a pardoned
; .nan would do at Christmas would
|he to go out and tank up on had
| liquor. And another t hing too
j many court official* are putting
1 in their lingers to got people par
■| doned. The idea of such a thing!
A court official sworn to do his
J duty of years and t hen the first
| thing anybody knows tbe here he*
j fore my desk asking for a pardon. ”
The governor wants all the
newspapers in the state to “play
j up” the tact that Thursday i*
; “pardon day.” and that on no
; other day in the week and under
no circumstances will ho consider
hi n appl lea I ion.
I login the new year right,
read your county paper and at
your own expense, and riot, that
of the editor or your neighbor.
NO 35