Newspaper Page Text
1 Ten . Thousand . Dollars. |
, tuMMW »vivvv»vv»v»%v M »» W VVVV« W V« W ««M««VIV«M«.
S This amount is ;i low estimate of the actual easli value of the splendid assortment of goods we are now
offering tin* at sacrifice prices—it is now open to the buying public at prices that will serve
| To Close Out by January the First. I
fcjj (4 g ... '*/. .. * « # v.*/*;<* XlX®®o®®(*soo®oo®( * i ■ <, -o®(£ >ooooooooooo®®®®®®®®®® ®o®®o®®®o®o®ffi®®|j|
| Just A Plain Business Proposition For the Public: §I 1
g! ;*: g This announcement, w hich may he a surprise* to many, is not put before the public a mere catch-penny % 1 I
fy T !v> scheme. It is simply a cold business proposition of converting the entire stock into money, in which jg §
w * the mihlic arc made the beneficiaries hv the sacrifice. The entire line will he sold, regardless of cost. $ <§ |
kj .. • /,' ...•,. ♦ » **/#(*,-. #y# 0000000®.000000000000000000®®®®®® ®®®®®®o®®®®®®®®®o®®®ooooo® 1
\\ ill continue the reckless selling until January Ist, by which time we hope to dispose of one of the :S
fcj most complete stocks in this section. II we lose* by the' deal, you are the gainer, and should not let ;||
the opportunity pass. Come at once and look over the big assortment. We have the goods and they :S
arc at the disposal of the wise* and early buyers. Cannot fell you in a few words just how good it is. ;»
. Lunnimumimnn-v.n SO
| The Ailey Mercantile Company,
1 ’ I
Wnyeross, (in , Dee. :2(i -Thro*
persons ur? ilentl, a (lin'd in wound- j
ed mid a fourth is reported to le j
Badly hurt and probably in adv i
nut condition as a result of tight t
in and about lon-hint I, Charltoi*
r unty, southeast of \\ tyer.iss
\ i -ferdav and to-day.
Hit* dead arc Walter AI lon and
l'**nrr Crews Alim was shot
through thr li**art by Walter
l'r \vs, who uni in turn shot by
tin- dying titan is In* full. Deiter
('l"ivs i'll- shot alt* r Allen u is
killrd, but tin party responsible |
fm Ins death has not been post-;
t IV* ly located
So far as ran be h srtied, Allen
dr. « a pistol first on Walter Crews,
who had a shotgun Crews tii d
almost directly after Allen, the,
entire load f lurdshot piercing
Allen, mostly through tin* heart.
Crews was hit in the fare just ho.
low tin* in itlll rite bullet glanced
and his wound may not pr.oe
I>« not wait until the now year
is to" far gone before putting
into effect those good resolutions. 1
DU. .1. K. M ASROW
UHVact ionist
Glasses Corrreetly Ground and
Fitted to tin* Kias Coasultution
Free. -.'it West Hronglitoii Sir* t
> \\ \NNAII. G \
On 1 nipt veil Farms in
Montgomery Countv at a Small
Hat of 11l teres t .
J. E. Hull, Soprrton.
Hamilton Bi rch,
Attorney ami Coun
selor at Law,
.ncKAE, GA.
Cr icq inti Law and i 'iln". no. I.eluding Hail
ro#d Ton Guar*. a Hpwtaiiy,
Washington, Dec. -K.—Repre
sentative Norris, of Nebraska, the
insurgent republican, whose re
! solution instigated the rules fight
in the house last March, will, im
mediately after the holidays, in
troduce the proposed amendment
to tin nib s to permit reading the
title oiilv, instead of the entire
bill, on a motion to discharge u
committee trom further considers-
I ion of a measure.
Mi Norris and other republi- j
■ •ails have been ii; conference since i
Speaker Cannon rendered his*
| ruling a few day s ago that on such j
■ motions the bill must be lead inj
; its entirety, thus seriously block (
ingtlie business of the house..
It* said today lie felt that it was
, not to be regarded as an insur
gent change, as the rule enabling
-ueh motion- *ias reported <utL of J
tin* regular rules lommittee of the)
'house. H. believed the speakers*
decision was wrong, particularly!
is tie in* t ion involved was not.
one for passage ot a bill, but as- 1
-inning tin* speaker’s decision
ii mid stand, a change in tin* rules imperat tv**.
StHti Wheat,
1 luiv* for salt* a few bushels of
purple straw Georgia Seed Wheat
it my raising. $2 per bushel.
F. I>. Williamson,
Cvalda. Gu.
l or Sale-Farm I .anti.
1 am ottering at private sale Bl
acre- *>f good farming lands in
Montgomery comity, located m a
good community and convenient iv
near to good school and church
facilities. A bargain tor the right
I man. Call on or w rite
.1 B. GKK.EH.
fi'JJtf Mt. Yorn_.ii, via.
Painter \ Decorator
If vour house needs act at id" paint,
send for me. and have the job done
right, and ai lowest figures.
SlieriO’ Sa h*.
Oeoi'ain Mioitgonun I'miniy.
Will In* selil tietoii Ii hit house door ill t
Mt. Veriiiai on On lir**t I'ncmbiy in .lan.,
tail, between till* logid linQrs ot -tile, I*, ill'*
highest bidder f*n rash, oatHiii piep* Tty, of
ti lncli the fuliewing |- -i rnnihli-te tlisi-i ij'lion: j
Two ei Haiti mules —one a snulf
cidored horse mule, weighing aboutj
twelve hundred jioiind- and about j
twelve years old. One a dark bay j
horse mule weighing about twelve i
hundred pounds and about twelveJ
years of age. Said slock levied on ;
and w ill Iv sold as the property of j
Julius Pin elder to sat isfy an exeeu- !
lion issued from flit City Court of j
Dougin* in favor of K. I*. Tanner and j
It’. ,\i. .V F. 1,. Sweat v- Julius Tor-;
choir. Levy made and returned lo *
jme by A. it! He-ii-r. d* put i sheriff.
I’ll is t lit* lit h day of December, ltllO-
James Hester. Sheriff.
; Cbasiaiu A lleuson, Ally's, n.r I’ltf-.
Sheriff Sale.
* liEOlttll.V Vootgom* i v County:
J tl ill I** sold In loro tit. ami! Icm** ■ I*»«* r in '
: l/.mut Vernon mi tin- rent I lie il»i in .1 to., j
1011, between lie legsl hours of sttie, to itu ’
highest bidder lor rash, eei tsin property, of
wnieli Ho follmving i- a oimipka. description:
A eertam trael or patrol ot land
situate, lying and being in tin* I'2'Jl-t.
j Disiriet ti. M. of sai*l eouut.v and
| bouilin tl on ilu* nortb t>> lands of I’,
l It. Anderson ; mi tin* east by lands of
|C. lb Amb i sou aml I’ J..lame-; on
I tilt* sout b by lands ot b. B. 1 ‘ope ; and
on t In* ii i -t tii land- ot Mint Young
* blood, and containing one bundled
(lull) acres more or le-s; levied upon
a- the property of John I’. Norris
ami Jordan Non is !o«ii'i-i\ a ti la.
is-ueil form the Superioi (.out of
said county in favor of Southern
-State Phosphate ,v Fortiliz. r ( oui-
I patty and against the -aid John I*’.
Norris and Jordan Voti- Property
! pointed out for levy by tdaimitf - at
tollley, being ill the posse ion of
defendants in tt. fa. and wtitten no
tice ot levy given as t'erjui! * d by law.
This the sth, day ot I i.0.-u,tiei. UilU.
Janie- Hester She I iff.
j 1. lb bight foot. Plffs. l ty.
Sheriff Sale.
it.-*rgi»—M'***m* i i i'*unity.
Will la --*l*l n.-tere tin e *mt l.■**!•■, *l*».ir in
.'lt Veilll'll ell tin til-t I'll-sUI 111 I ill.
l»ll, between the !■ esl he n* >*f -ale. te tin
high.** .n„l !-■.! bidder l-H eit-li .■i lium pr* ,*-
erti. t«f shift* tin* futtew.iig is ,t **uipk*te de
A eel tain trait ~ pare, I ..f l.iud j
situate, l.i ing and being in tin* p_>-j,si i
di-irict G. 't of -aid county and
tiounileii a- billows’ On tin* mnrli
b> land-ot b. lb Aildet-on, on tin*
ea-t tiv land- of l lb AUdoi-on and
T. J. .lames, on the south by 1.. It.
IN'p* and on tin* n.- by land-of
Mint Youngblood ami containing
one bundled acres moieor I* —, bi i
toil on and will h* - d.l a- tin prop
erty of Joint F. \oiits !■* satisfy ail'
’ i X« CUt loti i-S le I t 111) the -Upt riol '
court ot -aid county in favor ol l. A. ;
i hut bunt V- John F. Norris. Point- 1
: e.l *iut for levy by plaintiff- attorney !
1 and w ritten notie .if lev , given a-i
required by law. This tin* i»?li day j
of I'ec . Pain Jas. 111« i. Shof.
j b. B. bigtiifoot. An. . Ini Plif.
Sheriff Sale.
!gk..k.ui Mimtgotiifiy County.
Will hi* sohf before the eourt house door in j
M.iunt Vernon on flie Brat Tuesday in fan.,
tail, between the legttt hom'H of .sale, to the
highest bidder for cash, eertam property, of
I u hieii tin following is a complete description:
All that tract or parcel of land sit
! unte, lying and being in tlie lfstT,
j District <b M. ot Montgomery Coutt
; ty. Slate of Georgia, containing thi:*-
j ty-four ami one tialf (.H4‘ 2 ) acres,
I more or less, and bouncled on tlie
| north tty lands of J. M. McDonald • j
!on tin* east by lands of Henry Yen-j
J mari-; on tiie south by lands of \Y. |
11. Metjiteen, and on the west by |
land- of J. M. .McDonald, levied on
!a- the property of J. H. Darden to |
satisfy an execution issued from tin* i
i Justice Court of the loiiTth District
G, M . of said county in fa vor of J. <t.
t'e.lhoun transfciee of The Mount
Vernon Bank against the said J. H.
Darden. Property pointed out for
levy liy plait.tilf’sattorney and writ
ten notice of levy given as r&|uired
hylaw . Tnis the sth day of Det ent-
I tier, ittin. Jas. Hester, Sheriff.
M. 11. ( alhouti, Plff’s. Atty.
— *
Sheriff Sale.
li** tram - Montgomery County.
Will In* -old before the court hon-e door n
Mount Vernon on tin* First Tuesday in Jan.,
toil, between the legal hmn*» of mile, to the
Inchest liiddi r for cash, certain property, of
which tin following is a complete desetipiion: |
Sixty bushels of corn in the ear.
nmi e or le--, and Tun pounds of foil- j
tier, more or less. Haiti property lev
ied on a- the property ol P. N. Atili
eey tu-ati-fy and execution i-sited
front tin* t it.v t’ourt of Mt. Vernon
in favor of W. 11. Krowniug against
I*. N. Ninee.y principal and A. H.
f.essestie -eeutify. Said property I
being euniliei some and expensive to!
I liiti-porF w ill not In* exhibit at place ;
of sale on the above date, lint sold*
by description and will lie delivered
met to purchaser after same is
measured and amount ascertained. I
Said propertf now on the premises |
of F. B Mcßride and in my custody, j
Tlii- the tit h day of December. 11*10. |
Janie- Hester. Sheriff.
\V*. M. I,**w*is, Atty.
Sheriff’ Sale.
Ocevgia Moatgmucry I'nuiity.
Wi !** - *l.t tin* isuirt Icmsi'dour in 1
M 'liut V**r■•»< *ti on the hrs* Tu<*sd»y ill fan ,
i tali, t-t*ai***n th.* lcg»t hours of sale. t*i th*
| luglic-t biddei f**i . ash, rcttaiu pri)|s*ilt. us
which tin fhlhiwiug is s eomplete d* -ctipium:
One Drag Saw complete, one bol
; ti ! complete, line shingle pres-, one
:>-f inch wire cable, one steel split'
pulley and all belting complete for
-liingle mill. Said propeity levied:
mi a- tie* property of F'. Fai relot ti to'
-ati-fy a mortgage fi. fa. issued from
In* -ulterior court of -aid county hi l
fav.** *>! .lame- O'Connor against K
Fab'clinh and in fti- powse-sion at |
inn of levy. Sai l pto|etty i'elitg '
\pi-n-iv e *to transpot t. will not Is
. x ifii'eil a' place of -ale, but-old
ny ne-cription and will be ih lnered :
Ito jiutvitaser upon payment of the
ipurehus*money. Said property be-j
itng at tie* -aw mill of K Fairclofh \
' near jv tbfie* . I’liis Dei*, ii. lam.
Jas. Hester. Sheritf. !
j\Y. M. Lewis, Atty. j
Mortgage Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County,
i Under and by virtue of a power of
wale contained in the mortgage ex
ecuted by H. W. Segler to (' H
Wooten, on the 24th day of Max. la
05, and recorded in the office of the
Clerk of the Superior Court of Mont
gomery county in Hook “V”, page
;191, the undersigned will sell, at j
public sale, at the court house in
: said county, during the legal hours;
jof sale on the Ist Tuesday in Janu-!
j ary, 1911, to tho highest bidder for j
j cash, the following property, to-wit:;
i Lot of land Number Seven (7) in the
Eleventh (11th) Land District of
Montgomery county, said State, con
| tabling Two Hundred Two and One-
Half acres, more of less, for the pur
| pose of paying a certain promissory
note, bearing date of May the 24th.
1 1905, and payable on the Ist day of
December, 1905, and made and exe
cuted by the said H. W. Segler
said note being for One Hundred and
Forty-three (148 00) Dollars princi
pal. stipulating for interest from ma
turity at the rate of 8 per cent, per
annum, and 10 per cent attorney’s
fees, tlte total amount due on said
note being $126.08, principal. $02.92,
interest and $20.59 attorney’s fees,
with the cost of this proceeding, as
provided in said mortgage. A con
veyance will be executed to the pur
chaser by the undersigned, as an
| ihorized in the said mortgage. This
the Hth day of December. 1910.
C. H. Wooten, j
f Wooten & Mann, Attys.
Sheriff Sale.
Oenrgia— Montgomery County.
Will be sol 1 before the court house door in j
I Mt. Vermin on die first Tuesday in Jan., j
I I9U. between the legal hours of sale, to tile ;
| highest hnldei tor cash certain property, of
which the f ilhlwuie is a complete description:
Two hundred acres of land, more
:or less, situate, lying and being in j
! the 1886th U. M . district of said conn- |
ty and state, and bounded on the '
! north by lands of John Wing, on the
| east by lands of Marion Philips, on
; the south by lands of Joe Wilkersmi ‘
j and on the west by lands of John
i Philips. Levied on and will be sold
as the property of Jerry Phillips to
satisfy an execution issued from the
S iperior court of said county in fa
: vor of I). H. Philips, Trans., vs Jer
ry Philips. Property pointed out t*y
attorney for plaintiff and written no
tice nf levy, given according to law.
This, the titli day of December. 1910.
James Hester. Sheriff.
W. L Wilson. Atty. for Plaintiff.
Otßce over Mt. Vernon Drug Co.
A. L. Lanier,
Attorney at Law,
j Will Practice in all the Courts of
the State.
For Sale.
Seven-room house in town of
Aile . with eight building lots.
Also ginnery and grist mill. Good
teinis Write or see me at once
at \ ,d;; 1 ia. G. B. Allcorn. *
Georgia—Montgomery County. %
Under and by the authority con
tained m thewillof the P.
Clark of said county, deceaseqj,
will be sold before the court
door in said countv, on the fn'Sjjb
Tuesday m January, 1911. be
tween the legal hours of sale,
the highest bidder for cash, tte
following property : Two lots Sf
land. X - s. 80*2 and 808 in tljt
Sixth Land District of said coutj
ty, containing 482 acres, more qf
less, plat of same to be
on day ol sale, bounded north anS
north-east by lands of Mrs. Aj.
Thompson, east and south-east
Oconee river, and on South and
south-west bv lands of J. I|.
; Geiger and R. Morrison. So{fl
for distribution and benefit to
creditors C. W. Clark,
,T. W. Morrison, Sr., *
Exr« Will of A. F. Clarff.
Do not try to lead an
automobile liie on a
heel-barrow salary,
but try to get some
Atlanta AY ire Fencing
at low prices while it
lasts. Two carloads
just received. Noth
ing on the market to
compare with it. It
is the genuine, solid
fence, easy to put up.
Put it around your
{dace at once. See me.
W. E. Currie ,
Glen wood , Ga .