Newspaper Page Text
Louisville, Feb. 14 —A national
exhibition is proposed for Louis
ville, Ky., in 1915. It will be
known as the Lincoln-Davis ex
position to mark the 50tii anni
versary of the end of the civil war.
Directors of the Louisville Con
vention in an announcement to
day call attention to the fact that
both Abraham Lincoln and Jef
ferson Davis, heads of the two
governments opposed each other
from 1861 to 1564, were natives of
KentucKy and the claim that
Louisville is the proper place for
such a exhibition. It is probable
that co-operation of the federal
government will be asked.
“Now that it has been definitely
determined to hold the Panama
exposition in San Francisco,”
says the announcement, “all the
vast expense of country east of
the Rocky mountains is left ‘ex
pasitionless. J ” It then argues
that the 50th anniversary of the
close of the four years of strife
between the states should be
fittingly observed, that no more
suitable method than a world’s
fair can be found and that Ken
tucky, as the birth-place of both
President Abraham Lincoln, of
the United States, and President
Jefferson Davis, of the Confed
erate states, is the proper place to
hold such a celebration. One of
the features proposed is a grand
reunion in which survivors of both
the Federal and Coiife'nerate
armies shall participate.
That federal aid will be sought
by the Louisville promoters is in
dicated by a comparison which
they make between the amounts
of money turned into the national
treasury by Kentucky and Cali
Swainsboro, Ga., Feb. 17. —
Sheriff Fields has gone to Still
more in an effort to apprehend
Dan Mosley, who, it is believed,
very heinously murdered his wife,
Minnie Mosley, last Saturday
night a week ago.
Mosley and his wife had been
visiting at Still more and left
there together to return to their
home in Bulloch county. Nothing
more was heard of them until
yesterday Minnie’s body was found
in a decomposed state in a thicket
at the head of a branch about two
mile from Stillmore, in an un
frequented spot, by some rabbit
hunters. Her head had been beat
en until tnere was nothing left of
it hut her lower jaws, and she had
been stabbed a number of times
in the breast.
Nearby was a spot which looked
as if their had been a struggle,
there being found a knife which
had belonged to Dan, and some
hair combs out of the woman’s
hair. It was known that Dan and
his wife were having some trouble
over her going to a convention
which he had forbidden her to at
tend, and it is probable that they
renewed their quarrel on the way
home, with the result above men
Dublin, Ga., Feb. 17.—Mrs.
Charles M. Tripp died this after
ternoon at 3 o’clock from a dose
of carbolic acid following a dose
of laudanum taken with suicidal
intent. The drugs were swallowed
about 9 o’clock this morning.
Mrs. Tripp lived about six hours.
Three physicians did everything
in their power to rouse her, hut
could not do so.
Domestic troubles was the
cause of her rash act.
She was the niece of her hus
band’s first wife and married him
a few weeks after her death.
The Seaboard Air Line will sell
low rate excursion tickets to New
Orleans, La., and return, Feb.
21st to 27th good returning until
Murch 11th, 1911. Limit extend
ed on payment of SIOO until
Maroll 27th. For full informa
tion, see nearest ticket agent or
write, R. H. Stansell, A. G. P. A.
Savannah, Ga.
Athens, Ga., Feb. 16. —The en
tire plant of the Empire State
Chemical Company was destroyed
by firejliere tonight with a loss
estimated at $500,000, partly
covered by insurance.
A stiff wind caused the flames
to gain such headway before the
full force of water was turned on
that it was impossible for the
local fire department to check the
spread of the fire.
The blaze started in the mill
where the ingredients composing
the fertilizers are ground and is
believed to have been caused by
broken electric wires.
Nearly 500 employes, mostly
negroes, were at work at the time,
the factory being operated day
and night, but all escaped witti
out injury.
The warehouse adjoining, which
was lilled with an immense stock
for the spring trade, and all its
contents were destroyed.
Seven freight cars on the Geor
gia Railroad side track, adjoining
the warehouse also was burned.
At a late hour to-night the fire
was still burning and ollicers of
the company estimated the loss
on building, stock and .machinery
at more than $500,000.
Greenville, S. C., Feb. 17- —
Policeman O. S. Gunnells died at
10:40 o'clock this morning from
the effects of pistol shot wounds
.mflcted about 2:80 o’clock at the
Columbia and Greenville railroad
depot by an unknown man. Offi
cer Arthur Johnson, who was shot
m the leg b.y the same mail, is
not seriously injured.
The man made Ill's escape and
as has not been apprehended,
although officers are scouring the
woods for him.
Jeffersonville, Ga., Feb. 17. —
Three children, Alvin, aged ten ]
Charlie, aged eight, and Glennys,
aged four, of the family of John
Lee Rutherford, living in the New
Providence settlement, about
seven miles from here, are dead
| from ptomaine poisoumg, reault
jmg from eating canned black
berries. It is thought very like
ly that another one of the chil
dren will die.
Dawson, Ga , Feb. 17. —Possibl y
in no part of the state has real
estate been more active than in
Terrell County during the past
six months,
A number of settlers from South
Carolina have recently bought
large tracts of land in this im
mediate section and are opening
lip farming operations on a large
The fact that Terrell County is
I the banner cotton county of the
state, to-gether with the large
yield of corn made here during
the past two years, makes Terrell
County lands look very.attractive
to prospective purchasers.
Among the largest deals recently
consummated have been those
made through a local real estate
During the past tew days they
sold W. 11. Gurr the Roberts
place, live miles from Dawson,
consisting of 200 acres, at SBS per
acre; to Mrs. It. Walton, of
Sumpter, S. C., 285 acres of the
Davidson estate at $65 per acre,
and to J. M. Wadley. of Sumpter,
S. C., 650 acres belonging to W.
L. Pace at $35 per acre. The
three deals aggregating $48,275.
Vidalia, Ga., Feb 17. —Lloyd
Batey, 7-year-old son of Dan
Batey, who lives six miles from
here, was very painfully burned.
The boy was on his way to
school and while passing through
a section of woods that were being
burned off tripped and fell face
downward in the burning brush
It was thought at first that he
would lose his eyesight, but the
doctors hefe,-where h<- waa brought
for treatment, have,, pronounced
all danger of this passed, although
he will wear scars always. 1
THK MO.V I‘UOMKHV teliliAkv. It, ifiii.
I.—— ■———:.t.
Savannah, Ga., Feb. 17.—Aigu-
I ment on the motion of Marion
Erwin, asssistant to the United
I States attorney general, for a de-
II cree as to the funds in the district
■; resulting in the equity suits of the
j government against Oberiin M
i Carter, former captain in the
’ United States army, was begun m
1 ( the United States circuit court,
which convened here, today with
. Judge Emory Speer presiding.
Carter’s attorney, John B. Daish.
lof Washington, is here to contest
the decree. The matter will be
determined to-morrow by the
; court. Mr. Erwin has some $50,-
000 of the Carter assets collected
in this district.
Sheriff Sale.
GEORGlA—iVonlgomury County:
Will be gold before *ho court house door in
1 J/omit Vernon on the first Tiu-.duy in March,
. lull, between tho legal hours of sale, to the
highest bidder for cash, curtain property, of
• which the following is a complete description:
All that tract or parcel of land sit
uate, lying and being in the IHsiil li
i G. M. District of said county and
state and bounded as follows: On
■ the north by lands of Frank Troup,
j on the east by party unknown, on the
south by lands of Harris and on
the west by lands of Frank Troup".
. containing f>o feet fronting cast, and
running hack Ino foot, being t he same
' lot of land duelled by Frank Troup
to James Troup in September, I9US.
Levied uimn and will he sold as the
property of James Troup to satisfy
' an execution issued from the Jus
tice’s Court of tin- G. M. ilist
! rict in favor of Willie T. McArthur
ys James Troup. Property pointed
out for levy h.v attornoy for plaintiff
and written notice given as required
by law. This Feb. sth, lull.
James Hester. Sheriff.
M. B. Calhoun, A tty. for PUT
Sheriff Sale.
“ Gcorgia-Montgomery County.
I Will be sold before ill.-court house door in
Alt.. Vernon on the lirst Tuesday in March,
i lull, between the legal hours of sale, to the
highest bidder for rush, certain properly, of
’ which flip following is a complete description:
! Une certain house and lot. of land
situated in the Town of Soperton.
State of Georgia, and In the IHHOtli
j G. M, District. Said property bound
led as follows: On the north-west by
’ lands ol'Lillie M. Williams, outlie
north-east by lands of Lillie M. Wil
, liatns, on the south-east by lands ol
W. T. McCriuimoil and on the sout h
, west by (loutlaw Street, said lot con
taining one hundred and fifty feet,
square. Levied on and will he sold
as the property of J. T. Doolittle to
satisfy an execution issued from the
Justice’s Court of the lßSfitli Dist. O.
M. of said county in favor of A Lelffei
Co. vs J. T. Doolittle, Levy made
and returned to m<> n.v O. T. Lraddy,
constable, and written notice of levy
given in terms of the law, Tills the
1 7th day of February. 1911.
i James Hester, Sheriff.
. Mary Jane Underwood j
l vs. Libel for
. Raymond L.Underwood
Divorce in Montgomery Superior
■ Court, March Term, 1911.
. To Raymond L. Underwood, defend
ant in the above staled ease:
' You are hereby required, either by
an attorney at law or in person, to he
and appear at the next superior
I Court, to he held in and for Mont
gomery county, Ga.,, oil the third
j Monday in March, lull, lion and
there to answer the plaintiff on the
merits of the above slated case. In
| default whereof the court will pro
, need as to justice shall appertain.
Witness the Honorable .1 H. Mar
, j till, judge of said court, this the Sth
day ol Februry, p.u 1.
M. L. (>’Uriel),
< Jerk Superior < 'onrt.
Georgia—Montgomery Comity:
; To All Whom it May Concern.
J H. T. Taylor having in proper form
applied to me for letters of admiuis
tration on the estates of Geo. W.
Taylor and John Taylor, late of said
1 county deceased, this is to cite all
[ persons concerned to he at my office
j within the time allowed by law and
1 j show cause if any they can why said
j administration should not, he grant
ed. Witness my hand and ollicial
! signature this the (sth day of Febru
ary, 1911. Alex MeAt.hiir, Ordinary.
W. I. Acosta vh fl. 1,. Powell. PorecloHHi-e
of A'oi tgan in Montgomery .Superior Court
November Term, i‘.#lo.
It being reproHentert to the Court by lie
j p. tit ion of AV. J. Acosta, that on the 14th .lay
January lIKIB, 11. I. Powell, executed two
| promissory notes to Tims. ■(. Ailioe and de
i livered the sasie to him, together with a mort
gage on certain real estate lying in HaiilCoiiii
tv described as follows:
All that certain tract, or parcel of land, sit
: uated, lying and being in Montgomery county,
; situate, lying and being in Montgomery Conn
-1 tv, Georgia, and described as follows: Land
district, l vvo Hundred and Seventy-live (275 .
anil bounded east, by lands of M b. Peterso::
and his children, south by the lands of J. M.
Dees, west by the lands of Morgan,
and North by lands of M. fl. Peterson and lii<
I children and William P-ranele and said one
hundred acres of land being same deeded
j to Ilwi lle, Cano and Daniel by M. D Peterson
and others, May 24, IH'.tS, for the purpose of
i securing the payment ot two certain promts- j
; sory notes for three Hundred and Kitty Dot- :
! I» is, in the agri-gate, executed and deliver'd \
by said ii. L. Powell, to said Thus. I. Arlim
oil the I ttb day of January, 1908, and I here as
! tor endorsed to petitioner, and one of said
notes falling otic two months after dale, and
one for Three Hundred Dollars due Octobci
lirst, 1908, stipulating for interest from matin
ity at the rati: of eight percent, per annum,
and ten per cent attorney’s fees.
It is ordered that the said defendant to pay :
into this Court, hv the lirst day of the next I
term tin: principal including attorni y’s fees, j
interest and cost due on said note, or show ‘
cause why lie should not pay tin- same, in !
that in default thereof tin aforesaid nun t,gag<
| be foreclosed and the equity of redemption of 1
i the said defendant therein forovep barred; and I
' that service of this rule be pi rfected on said I
defendant according to law. In open court,
Nov. 19, 1910. J. li. MARTIN,
J. 8. O. J. C.
Georgia Montgomery County.
I, J. C. Calhoun, clerk of Hie Hnperinr Court ’
of Montgomery county, do hereby certify that
the abovil is a true and correct copy ,1 m ule
nisi granted bv the If on. J. If. Martin, Judgt
jof the Superior Court, as appears are tin
! records in my office. This the 17th day (t
l December, 1910. J. C. Calhoun,
1 C. S. C. M. C. Ga.
1 i
I Money to be Saved 1
If eg
recognize the man who puts his money in a sock, or uses ||
other slipshod methods by which his money and sometimes a*
his lmsness standing in tin* financial world are both lost. f
Put it in a Good, Safe Bank. I
Then thieves will not rob you, and your credit is H!
S protected—you are ready to do business on the fj|
only right line. Your money is safe, and yet it &
is always at your command—wlkmi placed with us. ®
|N. L. G 11.1.15, J. I!. O'CONNEU, 1.. A.- McCKAUY, 1
President. Vioe-Pres. Cashier. Sj
|| (Branch of Bank of Soperton) j§
Prevent and
Relieve Headache
“It gives me great pleasure to
be able to refer to Dr. Miles'
Anti-Pain Pills as the best rem
edy we have yet had in our
house for the prevention and
j cure of h„eadache. My wife who
has been a constant sufferer for
a number of years with above
complaint joins me in the hoj>e
that they may fall into the hands
of all sufferers.”
Watervleit, Me.
Used Them Four Years.
“Dr. Miles’ Anti-Pain Pills
are the best I ever tried for the
relief of headache. I have used
them for nearly four years and
they never fail to give me relief.
I have tried many other rem
edies, but have never found any
854 Trombly Av., Detroit, Mich.
There is no remedy that will
j more quickly relieve any form
' of headache than
Dr. Miles’ Anti-Pain Pills.
The best feature of this re
| markable remedy is the fact that
it does not derange the stomach
or leave any disagreeable after
Druggists everywhere sell them. If
' first package falls to benefit, your drug
gist v/ill return your money.
MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind.
Rome, Ga., Fob. 17. —The city
council today authorized the pur
| chase of the Shorter college pro
-1 party here, to bopised uh a central
public school building. The price
paid was $71,000 in 1 per cent
! bonds of the city.
The,, property includes three
I acres ol ground in the heart of the
! city and a number of buildings
! that will he remodeled for the
1 use of graded schools.
The College is erecting five new
j buildings on a suburban site, two
j miles southwest of^towo.
Save your meat by using Li
quid Smoke. Sold by Palmer
■ Drug Store at 55 cents per quart
' bottle.
We are now ready to hey;in the manufacture of High Grade :j
Fertilizers, as our new factory has been completed, and the :j
| following are our leading brands: j>
“Cotton Maker” 9-2-3 "O’Conner’s Mixture” 10-2-2
“Black Joe” 8-2-2 “Peoples Guano” 9-1-3
„ Besides these leading brands we are prepared to supply the $
trade with any grade of guano desired as well as Kanit, Acid, |
etc, |
l;| If you want good fertilizers see one of our agents or call on |
£ the manager at the factory. ?
Wo arc ready to bonin delivery and I
will 1 real you right.
J. B. O’Conner, Pres. & Gen. Mgr., W. H. Fowler, V-Pres. |:
J. E. Hall, Sec’y. & Treas. J:
J. B. O’Conner, W. 11. Fowler. .1. E. Hall, R. E. Ward, C. |:
J: 11. Calhoun, C? 11. Peterson, Izzie Bashinski.
Huy in Sojierton. \
SoO Howard.
Will pay the above amount for
the urroHt, with proof for con- ;
viotion, of the party or parties
entering the Palmer Drug Store
at Alley, with skeleton keys and
robbing the money drawer and
carrying away certain articles.
J. W. Palmer.
Alley, (Ju. !
Fresh Moats.
Fresh beef and pork on hand !
at all times. Prompt delivery.
Hicks Bros.,
1124 Mt. Vernon, Ga.
Office over Mt. Vernon Drug Co, |
i Cotton Faotorsand i
| Commission
* 220 Bay E SAVANNAH, (JA. j
| (Mond/ors .SitvtLnnah Eotton Exchange) <
I Handlers of Fplaud, He- ;
| Island Florodora Cotton j
Special Attention (iiven to
F. 0. H. Cotton
; Handlers of l'plund and Sea-
Island Bugging, Tics
! and Twine \ \