Newspaper Page Text
Savannah, Ga., Feb. 17. Ihe
thirteenth annual conference of
the negro farmers of Georgia be*,
gnu its sessions Thursday at the
Georgia State Industrial college,
near here. Forty counties of the
state are represented.
The Georgia Stat< Colored Ag*
gricultural and Industrial associa
tion lield its annual meeting just'
prior to the opening of t.lie tann
ers’ conference. K. K. Wright
was re-elected president; I’rof. L.
11. Thompson, secretary, and < ’ody
0. Bryant, the negro .farther who
owns 2.<HXt acres of land in Jasper
county, was re-elected treasurer.
President W right in his address,
urged negroes to (put paying rent
and go to buying homes. A num
ber of whit' men aud women made
spei dies to the negroes.
Atlanta, Feb. 17. Recorder
Broyles and Attorney John \ .
Smith lnid a hot run in police!
court this morning, and incident
thereto Judge Broyles fired some
hot shots at tin* city criminal
court, asserting that it was not
us vigorous in punishing prohibi
tion violators as it might he.
The row came up over the ur
raingnient of seven near-beer
dealers, charged with violating
the law by swapping licenses about
without the trouble to get consent
of the police hom’d.
In lining I, Y Fain and T. K
Trammell .foil i-> each for Ins kind
of dealing Judge Broyles said
Fain was not a lit person to con
duct such business, and that he
had been convicted of selling
“Rut a man may reform, your
honor,” said Attorney Smith.
“These kind don’t do any re
forming,” retorted tiie recorder.
“They are dangerous citizens,
and the police hoard should not
grant this kind of license to cun
duct a near beer saloon.”
Tins brought forth hot retort
from the attorney, and for a time
it looked almost as it there would
he personal trouble between the
Put Lyons, S. A Stoe, J. M.
Brazil and K. W ray were also
lined f.H> 7.» each. Attorney Smith
said he w mid appeal the cases.
Ynlulia, (in., Fell. 17.—There
has been quite a shaking up in the
forces of the railroad ollices here.
11 I), Bl’een, at Jacksonville, lias
been appointed agent of the
Georgia and Florida, to take the
place of J. M. Johnson, who had
been previouslv promoted to the
agency at Valdosta. B. F l)avis,
of Screven, is now cashier o! the
Georgia and Florida, and Mr.
Rennett has been made shipping
clerk. Kb Yoemuus, who has
betm eashiei at tin* Georgia and
Florida, is car accountant fertile
Seaboard here t" succeed Mr.
Wild >n, who will prohuhly return
to Collins
Schedule Effective June 14. 190 S.
N» N •«. STvrinvs No - No
-_>u 81AUUKS , i( i 7
7 »K> 80 Uivo Misou Arm* li 96 i 4t>
7 !i7> 104 Fitzpatrick 10 UK 404
7 40 109 Ripley 10 28 868
7SO 1 It* Jeffersonville 10 17 847
> 10 480 Danville 9 67 824
8 16 4 11 Allentown 9 62 8 17
S 24 4 7)8 ■ Montrose V* 41? BOS
884 604 * Dudley 982 267
s II 611 Shew make 920 261
S 10 0 10 Moore 9 19 244
900 7> 80 Arrive Dublin Leave 9 06 280
9 Ilf) 7i 86 Leave Dublin Arrive 900 226
907 680 SMDA- S.l 858 228
9 11 640 NMDA S J 564 219
921 549 Call ui 8 44 209
9 80 7» 7> s Minter 8 87 202
9 12 009 Rock ledge 8 20 151
9 4> 0 14 Orlaud 821 l 10
10 02 i? 27 Soperton 8 I*9 1 84
10 111 08N Tarry town 7 57 1 22
10 22 0 47> Kibbee 7 50 1 15
10 9* 700 Arrive Vidal is Leave 7 86 100
V M »». M A M P M.
At I >ll l l l ll with (lit Wrl^rlitsvi Ile «v IViiuilh and the Dublin A South
western tni Kastman mid Tenuilb- and intermediate point*
At Macon wit h Southern Kailway from and to linciiinaiti, Chattanooga.
Home. HitniiinrliMlll, Atlanta and intermediate point* Also tile Centra lof
Georgia Rail«a> G S. <k K. Railway. ilutou and Hiruiiughaui Railway
aud Georgia Hailioad.
Atlanta, Ga., Feb. 17.—Gov
ernor Rrown has approved the ac
tion of the prison commission in
recommending a commutation to
life imprisonment for Rosalie
Hymns alias Small, Burke coun
ty negro girl, sentenced to hang
for complicity in the murder of
Mr. Jones in Waynesboro.
Henry Johnson, the negro who
actually committed the murder,
paid the full penalty of the the!
law. On the gallows he stated
that the gird did not havezany
part in the [dot or stssassination j
of Jones. Largely upon this state
ment, and upon the general sen
t iment over the state against hang
ing a woman, the commutation
was recommended and approved. |
The death sentence of J. R.
Duke, the Cedartown negro, was
also commuted to life imprison
ment., as it has been pretty well
established that he is mentally
mi balanced.
Jury List.
Grand Jury Drawn to Serve
March Term,’l9ll.
J II Williamson If A Calhoun
I Geo L Hughes R R Harrelson
J I’ W alker Geo W Spivey
L W’ Rarwick S V Hicks
C A Mason N L Spooner
H T Sharp Jesse I Fountain
I) A Jackson E J Wells
J A Martin J F McDaniel
J R Mixon I) G Anderson
S I) Morris K S Durden
.1 H Davis L E Avant
J E Mcßae Uriah Sears
R K Mosley W P Calhoun
I) L Graham J W Calhoun
IJas McNatt II W Oalder
Petit Jurors, Ist Week, March,
F McLendon W E Wright
las F Currie Jr W F McVey
W Herry Clark W E Brack
T J Irwin W A King
j.l T Rope Harrel Clements
i S A Lvnn W II Grimes
W T Wright L C Mcßae
J A Clark T M Moses
.1 \ Odom J L Hightower
F R Mcßride B L Davis
II < Davis M E Fountain
| Albert Andrews W T E Adams
M R Davis N M Rarwick
R L Harrelson .1 F Sharpe
N F Rage Berge Beasley
S W Hughes E L Davis
Jno S Slmrpe E F Allmoud
.1 K Joiner S Li Harrelson
Retit Jurors,2nd Week, March,
! li)i l
j A J Gillis C D McCrimmon
11 T Wright C M Williams
Grover C Conner H A Braddy
: Gen W Davis J A Gillis
I J S II iggs ,1 H Gibbs
,1 J McAllister J F Daniels
j J N Clark O A Irwin
j.l J Burkhalter E L Branch
ij 11 T Sharpe J T Hancock
Grove Sharpe F M Mcßae
|J L Adams Jno E Turner
111 L Rope f M J Brantley
L T Thigpen I P McAllister
j Geo W’ Mclntyre S L Johnson
M A Braddy F C McGahee
W L Snow Ellis Durden
! B F Conner F F Me Arthur
j Jno F Norris Jno F Wright
Palis Jurors, March Perm, 1911
J L Calhoun J W' Sharpe Jr
H D Will is J M Kemp
' W II Sightler H J Bailey
Yardee D Clement W A Conner
J G Wilks J R Conner
M il Godwin W V Vaughan
.1 E Pope H S Peavy
Arch 11 Mclntyre C C War nock
i S W Harrell W S Move
Chas W Browning M C Graham
W O Duke* J M McDonald
, J 11 Kent A F Cox
Cordele, Ga., F*-b. 18. —The
Cordele Chamber of Commerce,
in connection with the Crisp
County Fair Association, are ar
ranging plans and a date for the
purpose of holdinga county fair
during November. Cordele and
Crisp County held its initial fair
during November of last year,
and the enterprise was attended
with such glowing success that it
was unanimously decided by the
oflicers and directors to make the
occasion an annual one.
It is expected that the com ing
fair will be far larger and more
important than the lust, and that
permanent buildings and grounds
will be purchased for these annual
The entire citizenship of the
city and county is in thorough
harmony with the directors of (
the fair, and it is expected that !
the exhibits this year will he more !
numerous and as good as is possi
ble to he entered at any county
Much interest is being mani
fi-sted by the various poultry
raisers in the county afid no
doubt that this department at
the fair will ho equally as good as
those seen at the state fairs.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia -Montgomery County.
Wifi tin Mol I before the court bonne door in
Ml. Vernon on the Him TucsiUy in .Maroli,
1911, between the legal hours of sale, to the
highest bidder for east, certain property, of
which the following is a complete description:
The south west one-half of Lot of!
Land Number Four Hundred and
Sixty-Two (4(>2) in the Seventh fraud
District us Montgomery county.
Georgia, and containing One Hun
dred and One and One-Fourth (101-i
1-4) acres more or less, the same be- j
ing the place whereon Sandy Ryals
now resides. Said property levied ;
on and will lie sold as the property
of Sandy Ryals to satisfy an <*xoeu- I
tion issued from the City Court j
(June term, 1 SKID) of Mount, Vernon
in favor of J. E. Hinson vs Sandy j
Kyats. Property pointed out by ;rt- i
torney for plaintiff, and written no- |
tice of levey given as required by
law. This the 7th day of February, j
lull. Jas. Hester, Sheriff .
Hamilton Burch, Atty. for I*lll.
Administrator’s Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery ( 'entity.
Hv virtue of an order of the Court
of Ordinary of said county, will In
sold at public out cry on the first
Tuesday in March, 19H, at the court
house in said county between the
legal hours of sale to the, highest
bidder for cash the following real
estate situate in t heCounty of Mont- |
ginnery to-wit: One tract or parcel ,
of land contaitig 9tl acres, lying and
being in the 1d4.’l Hist. G. M., said 1
county and bounded as follows:
North by lands of James McNatt.
south by lands of William Godowu
and James McNatt, cast by lands of <
James McNatt and west h.v hinds o1
James McNatt; also one other tract
or parcel of land containing 2 acres,
lying and being in the 1:44:4 Hist. (J.
M., said county and hounded on the
north, east, south and west h.v lauds
of James McNatt. This tin-Tilt day
of Fcl).. 1911. Duncan Mort is,
Administrator of Mary Morris.
Money on Hand
W e have a jjjood sup
j ply of eheap money on
hand at this time and
can close loans very
promptly, either on
farm or city property.
If in need of cash,
come to see or write
us at once.
Southern Loan &
Investment Co.
All kinds Repair Work. Iron
and Wood. Fine line of Bicycle
Material on hand. High-Grade
Repair Work on Bicycles, Sewing
Machines, Guns. Revolvers and
Clocks. See me before placing
your work: I will save you money.
Work promptly and neatly done
ij. SELLERS, : : AILtiY, GA,
| Special Invitation 1
% The Officers of the Uvalda Bank extend a special invitation 1)
to their many friends and customers to call around s§j
(*) * J
p and inspect their new banking rooms. ®
% The Cashier will take pleasure in going into detail and ex- !§)
plaining their system of hanking, and it matters not jg
how small your account may he it will he appro- ||
(dated, and you will he treated courteously 0
and made to feel at home here. L
| let us Vet acquainted' 1
We cultivate the acquaintance of our customers,
& and want as far as possible to know them personal- $
ly, so you can’t please us better than to call and
get acquainted, and tell us who you are, where 0
you live, what you are doing, etc. We are in
-0 forested in you and want to know you personally. $
.). J. MOSES, President, J. B. JONES, Jr., V-President, W. F. McALLISTER, Cashier.
pj J. J. Moses, J. B. Jones, Jr., H. B. McNatt, W. P. Calhoun,-
W. E. Beugnot, R. C. Hogan, W. A. Peterson, J. J. McArthur,
W. F. McAllister. 0
mmwmmm amrnm. ma
| The Uvalda Bank, 1
4 Uvalda, Georgia. j|
Ithey say|
bsw g?
The average farmer does not devote enough strict ||
cyy 9 # M
jj| attention to improvements on the farm. This is ||
|? true to a great extent, hut the farmer who uses j|
on his place has put his money into something gj
jW that he cannot do without (if he succeeds) in his pj
&| business. As a farm implement, all know that it
i 1
K g
I»Q 11 J as well as a line of other standard 1
$ farm tools and farm machinery. if
P The New Home Sewing Machine and the Buck Stove g
1 are two Leaders with* me (and Favorites with the People.) §
j |