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♦ **#**%* *#*****★** aMl'*'%*%^%%%%r4#*#%AMt'#*'#i(E
--! $50.00 CORN CONTEST. 1
*?f* • • * • • JL
# To encourage scientific farming in Montgomery comity, and to add impetus to the great awakening now in J
■* progress all over our Southland in farming methods, &
* *
J THE FIRST PRIZE: For the* Largest Yield of Corn on One Acre, $‘25.00 in Gold. ♦
| THE SECONa PRIZE: For the Second Largest Yield of Corn on One Acre, $15.00 in Gold. &
? THE THIRD PRIZE: For thc Thinl Larg, ‘ st Yield <>f c,,rn MU ° ,,e Ams ,10 -°° iu Gol<L %
$ *
The conditions of the above contest are as follows: #
% - #
Ist. Kvery citizen of Montgomery county (land owner or tenant) big. little, old ©© 6th. Contest to close Nov. Ist and awards to be made immediately thereafter.
or young is eligible for the contest. ©. 0 > __________________
2nd. the minimum amount of land to be entered is one acre 70 yards square, or © 0 £.
i.iioo square yards, to be considered one acre. rq q It is earnestly hoped that a number of our citizens will enter into the spirit of
Brd. The Hank must be notified bv each entrant on or before May the Ist, when en- <Vf‘ this good natured contest. There is nothing to lose all the gain. -Of course all
tries will close, of their intention to enter. ;; v*. can not get prize, but if you miss the prize you have gained valuable experience and W
4th. A record must be kept by each entrant showing: (a) character of soil; (b) © 0 made a let of good corn which is yours. jjt
manner ol |,r s*l,'" n ; G ! ■*'.'. n<l " l used, (d) when planted; (e) when ami © & Where the prizes are awarded the record kept will be published so that all may
how 1< rtilizeil; (1) how cul ivated (g) intern used statement of expense incurred (•; 0, get the benefit of the experience gained. In keeping the record add anything to the
jit r . t prolit. © 0 request above you think would be of value to farmers. £-
~ sth. Ihe Rank to name a committee of three disinterested parties in each common- sow
ity to measure the land and weigh the corn when ready to be gathered, and If you have entered another contest it does not debar you from this one. Kill *F
state their findings in an affidavit. © © £•
© 0 two uirds with one stone. £
-# ” ~~ " " &
Almost every comity in tlu* state has on a similar contest. Let Montgomery county join the procession. She J
% can, and \\c believe will he found among tin* leaders. Let us add our (pioto to the general store of knowledge and &
advancement of the race. Lot those desiring to (‘liter the contest cut out and sign the form below and mail to *£
this Ihmk A1 ONCK. Knter at once. Go in to win. The motive is not to “beat” your neighbors through selfish
pleasure, hut to encourage them to do better next year. f
-* 1 #
-* ,
jfr Hit* Mount. Vernon Bunk, p ■ -jm jmr .
* 1 he Nil, Vernon t
(Signed) . 7 iffr
i Ho. Add*. __ rtOUNT VERNON, GEORGIA %
&©©©©©© ©©© © © © ©©©©©:© ©: ©©: • ©©:'©: ;©; I
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Miss Camille Adams is visitingj
relatives in Macon this week.
Mrs. J. E. Hall of Soperton
visited her parents. Col. and Mrs.
A. B. Hutcheson. Saturday and
Mr. and Mrs. Mack Wooten of
•Albany spent a part of the week
with relatives here.
Miss Iris Simpson entertained
a number of young friends
Saturday evening in honor of
Miss Sadie Wright.
Rev. Charles Montgomery fill
ed his regular appointment at
Erick last Sabbath.
Prof. .1. K. Giles and Mr. De-
Witt Calhoun were among the
visitors here Tuesday from
The Mt. Vernon Second Nine
Baseball Team went down and
played the Vidalia boys a game
of lm.ll Monday. The score stood
7 to 1 in favor of Mt. Vernon.
Mayor Will Stallings of Sopor
ton was a business visitor here
Mr. George Mathews, Jr., of
Vidalia visited friends here Sun
Rev. J. W. Green of the Bruce
section was a visitor here Tues
day. Mr. Green regrets that he
could not arrive in time to see
the Agricultural Train. He is an
advocate of improved methods in
farming, hut sickness in his
family prevented him from ar
riving in time.
Mr. M. M. Day. a prominent
citizen of the West Side, was a
business visitor’to Mt. Vernon
Mr. T. H. Cox. one of the
good citizens of the Longpond
section, was in to see The Moni
tor Tuesday.
Mr. Harry Wilt spent the Sab- !
| hath with friends in Vidalia.
Full line of new, fresh Garden
Seed at Palmer Drug Store.
Cashier W. F. McAllister of ;
the Uvalda Bank came up yester- j
day to visit friends and rela- ,
! t ives. ! 1
Read the announcement of the!
Mount Vernon Bank’s corn con-i 1
test, as given in this issue. It is| -
a liberal proposition.
The mail routes did not go out)
yesterday on account of the holi- j 1
| day, and the carriers took a little
1 rest.
Everybody agrees that the
visit of the Agricultural Train j
I here Tuesday was a success as
long as it remained. Did not \
j stay long enough.
Let every Ixniy look up the !
nicknames of all the presidents, ;
and attend the missionary social ,
at the Methodist parsonage March ;
(Uh. from three in the afternoon
; until ten at night. <
Misses Carrie Hinson of Erick | i
and Mattie Ellen Strihling oft l
Helena visited friends and rela-, \
tive here this week.
i 1
Every body, both young ami
old. is invited to attend the mis-■ ’
sic* an social at the Methodist
parsonage, and take i»art in the
D. B. K. contest. Both pleasure
and protit for those who attend.
All invited.
j I
Messrs. J. N. McLeod of Scot
land and M. C. Ryals of Glen
wood were callers at this office
one day last week.
Mr. A. T. Wright of the West
Side was a visitor here Monday.
Amber Cane Seed, two quarts
for 15 cents, at Palmer Drug
Store. .
* 1
A F«»t L»c*motive Did For Him What
a Ship Couldn't Do.
“Thin world hands out some fun
ny thing*,” said a former "patriot” ;
wlio served his country in t'uha and
the Philippines during the war with 1
Spain. “1 was thinking about my
trip from the islands when my time
expired,’’ he went on. “The Iran- i
port encountered some rough
weather, and nearly every one on
board was *rn*i. k, but not 1.
“When ! arrived at San Francis
oo 1 wa* fortunate enough !■> meg
friends, and we journeyed home to
gether. After we had er*» -cd i!;«• j
mountain* it wa* suggested to ne ,
that 1 might like to try a ride on j
the engine. 1 had been telling some j
of mj experiences, and as one of .
the part\ a railroad off it
wa* arranged that 1 should ride
with the engineer from Topeka. !
Kan., into Kansas City.
“It wm* several hours after dar
when 1 mounted the engine rah,
which seemed miles above the
cart It. The engineer was a pleasant
chap, hut one of few words. lie
motioned me to a seat behind him
where 1 could look ahead. As we
left Topeka and swung into the
country the hig eleetri. headlight
cut * wide path through the dark
ness, lighting the rails far ahead.
Suddenly the rails disappeared, and
I gasped in horror as we tore for
ward toward a place where there
seemed to be no track. 1 wanted to
yell in terror, hut l couldn't.
“Then the big wheels of the en
gine struck a curve, and as we
swung around it the cab tipped at j
a perilous angle. As we righted I
ourselves and rushed nm\ rd I be
gan to notice the swav of the rmi j
horse, and the sensation was not a
pleasant one. It rocked from-side
to side in a fashion far worse than,
the pitching and rolling of a trans
port, and it was not long l>, fore 1
wa* suffering from a genuine ease
of seasickness, with more than a ;
thousand miles between me and salt
water. The train was a through one
ami made few stops, and 1 .id to
sit in that cab, clinging weakix to a
stanchion a- we rushed through the '
night at a speed of si\t\ nub - an
hour until we reached some town
important enough to halt our prog
ress. I never learned the name of
the place, but if ever 1 get rich l
shall hunt it up and endow a li
brary."—Chii •U«TO \t*WS.
Best Silver White Onion Sets
at Palmer Drug Store at 10 cents
* The Origin of Royster Fertilizers.
Mr. Royster believed that success awaited the
Manufacturer of Fertilizers who would place quality t
above other considerations. This was Mr. Royster’s
idea Twenty-seven years ago and this is his idea
to-day; the result has been that it requires Eight
Factories to supply the demand for Royster Fertilizers,
Cordele, Gh.. Feb. 19. —Out-
witting tlin parents of the girl he i
was to nigrry. and police officials
who had been engaged to niter
cept. apprehend and return the
v nog lady toher home. George
b Gee, a newspaper man of Jack- 1
- itiville Fla . was married to I
Miss Pearl Cousey,of Vidalia, Ga.,
Pile bridegroom, upon ascer-;
tabling that the father of Mias
Coursev had telegraphed police
authorities at Helena, where it'
was at first planned the wedding j
ceremony was to be performed, i
succeeded in convincing the of-:
finals that he was a brother of
the girl, who was to arrive oti a
certain train. Gee met the girl j
and proceeded to this town where
thev induced a minister to j>er
furui the ceremony.
| Loans of nuy amount from S3OO to $50,000 on farms in Mont- ,
Ip gomery and adjoining counties. No delays for inspection, j
Have lands examined by a man living near you. >
LOANS ON FIVE YEARS TIME, payable in easy installments to j
suit borrower. l
Merchants Bank Building McßftG, Gd. j
Drop in and renew your Sub-
scription to the county paper.
• , &