Newspaper Page Text
* it'******#******'#'*'**'*'#'*'*'*'*'*'*'*'****'***#
I $50.00 CORN CONTEST, j
J To encourage scientific farming in Montgomery county, and to add impetus to the great awakening now in
*t progress all over our Southland in farming methods, . 4^
-3(1 tw %w%vm%wwvwcvMM'n. wwvwwmwwmwwmmww wimvwwmwwmwwwt .V..WIWWVWWWMM
* THE FIRST PRIZE: For the Largest Yield of Corn on Ono A<w, in Gold. *
* THE SECOND PRIZE: For the Second I .nicest Yield of Corn on One Aero, *li>.oo in Gold. *
% THE THIRD PRIZE: For the Third Largest Yield of Corn on One Acre, SKMMI in Gold. *
* - 7 *
* The conditions of the above contest are as follows: *
55* **
or young is eligible for the contest. v (; _ ; ' ——*—— 1 ■"■ *
A 2nd. the minimum amount of land to he entered is one acre—7o yards square, or 0O ll is earnestly hoped that a number of our citizens will enter into the spirit of 46“
a 4,900 square yards, to be considered one acre. ®o‘ this good natured contest. There is nothing to lose all the gain. Os course all 4fr
3rd. The Bank must be notified by each entranton or before May the Ist, when en- qq llot , p,.j ze> i Hl t jf you miss the prize you have gained valuable experience and
tries will close, of their intention to enter. A nuu i e j,,t of good corn which is yours. jt
* 4th. A record must be kept by each entrant showing: (a) character of sod; (b) ' where the prizes are awarded the record kept will be published so that all may
j* manner of preparation; (c) kind of seed used; (d) when planted; (e) when ami 0 0 g £ q the benefit of the experience gained. In keeping the record add anything to the J
J how fertilized; (f) how cultivated (g) intemized statement of expense incurred ,0 0, requisite above you think would be of value to farmers. #
2 and net profit. 0 0 jf v ou have entered another contest it does not debar you from this one. Kill >{£-
sth. The Bank to name a committee of three disinterested parties in each common- "q > > two birds with one stone.
* ity to measure the land and weigh the corn when ready to be gathered, and .7 )j ?' :,f“The winner of one prize will not be eligible to compete for another. Thus, the
* state their findings in an affidavit. winner of the first prize cannot also compete for second, nor second for the third. J
% 7~ — : —* —— *— 7“ ; 46“
* - Almost every county in the state has on a similar contest. Let Montgomery county join the procession. She #
can, and we believe will i>e found among the leaders. Let us add our quote to the general store of knowledge and *
* advancement of the race. Let those desiring to enter the contest cut out and sign the form below and mail to #
U this Bank AT ONCE. Enter at once. Go in to win. Ti e motive is not to “beat your neighbors through selfish
* pleasure, but to encourage them to do better next year. r
# ‘ *
jjjt The Mount Vernon Bonk, p a X? V i # 4^
% - In era. Vernon Bank, t
* (Signed) ' _T
i p. o. Add,™ J4OUNT VERNON, GEORGIA %
Savannah, Ga., March IT
Guilty of violation of the Elkins
act was the verdict returned in the
federal circuit court today l>y a
jury which has been hearing evi
dence in the first of a series of
cases which involved also the At
lantic Coast Line and Seaboard
Air Line Railroads, and L. E.
Miller & Sons, grain merchants,
of Philadelphia.
Immediately following the ver
dict, sentence under which will be
pronounced Monday, the two rail
road companies entered pleas of
• guilty on one of the counts in the
indictment against them and were
fined $2,000 each.
The case against the Miller com
pany will be tried beginning Mon
The conviction of the transpor
tation company is for participa
tion in the carriage of grain in
carload lots from Philadelphia to
Jacksonville through Savannah
at the rate of 10 cents a hundred
pounds when the tariff filed with
the Interstate Commerce Com
mission called for a rate of 15
cents. The conviction was on all
of fourteen counts found in the
indictment, and the penalty is
not less than SI,OOO or more than
$20,000 on each count.
Columbus, Ga., M ircli In.—
Mrs. Mattie Smith, aged about 80,
wife of Lot Smith, a factory oper
ative, was shot four times this
morning by James \V. Morrow, a
boarder, following a quarrel,
which ended in Morrow being or
dered to leave. The woman is m
a dying state, one bullet having
entered juStahove her heart Mar
low was arrested in a collapsed
condition and declines to m ike a
statement. There is much feel
ing against him. The snooting
occurred in a Broad street board
ing house, and caused consider
able excitement.
Valdosta, Ga., March 21.
Arthur E. Gringo, editor of the
Lyceum World, of Indianapolis,
president of the International
Lyceum Association, and a distin
guished chautanqua lecturer, was
in Valdosta yesterday and an
nounced the pi ms he is formulat
ing for Jie establishment of an
international lyeeuin chautauqua
Mr. Gringe took from the South
Georgia Real Estate and Develop
! ment Company of this city, an
| option on a ten-acre tract of land,
a few miles north of the city, on
which, if the present plans are
I carried out., a beautiful Chautau
qua buildings and a modern inn
will be built. The site is im
mediately on the banks of the
Willaeooch *e River, and one of
great natural beauty.
Mr. Gringe’s idea is to establish
a sort of literary rendezous here,
where the wealthy literary people
qf the north might find an ideal
spot in which to spend the winter
months. Many of the most emi
nent men and women in the coun
try, he* believes, will be impressed
by the plans he has under consid
eration, und which he will push
1 through and elaborate on his re
jturn to Indianapolis next. week.
Atlanta, March 21. —The harem
~kirt is to be barred on the streets
; of Atlanta.
Alderman J. B. Everett an
. nounced today that he would ln
! troduce an ordinance Monday
! prohibiting any woman from wear
ling harem skirts here and he said
j In* had assurances it would pass.
There has been only one such
skirt displayed in an Atlanta win
dow. An Atlanta woman bought
it but has not yet ventured on
: the streets clad therein.
Money to loan at d und 7 per
cent, on unproved farms.
A. B Hutcheso.v,
Ml, Vernon, U».
Sheriff' Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will be sold liefore the court house door in
Vernon on the first Tuesday in April, Hi! I, be
tween the lotfal hours of sale, to the highest bidd.-i
for cash, certain property, of which the following
is a full and complete description:
Seventy (#0) acres of land, the t ame heinv •*»
of Lot No. Four Hundred and Ninety-Seven in I he
Seventh Land district of Montgomery county i" I
State of Georgia. Said property levied on and v\
be sold as the property of Leander Hall to as i. y
an execution issued from the Superior Court of
said county in favor of Mrs. Victoria McArthur v <
Leander Hall. Said property heinpc in the po
sion of said defendant and pointed out by him for
levy. Written notice of levy given as required by
law. This 7t.h day of March. 1911.
James Hester, Sheriff.
Graham & Graham, Attys. for PUT.
Sheriff Salt*.-
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will be sold before the court house door in Ml.
Vernon, on the first Tuesday in April 1911, l»
tween the legal hours of sale, to tie- highest bid
der for cash, certain property, of which the follow
ingf is a full ami complete description:
All that tract or parcel of land situat* lying and
being: in the 1343 d district G. M. of said count:, and
state, containing fifty acres more of leas, l«ound<*d
as follows: On the north by lands. John B. ConneM,
on the east, by lands of N. A. Adams, on the tilth
by lands of C. J. Calhoun and on the w«--it by lands
of Mrs. Pinkie Ladson. Levied on and will be sold
as the property of Mrs. 1. M. Cooper to satn.f an
execution issued from the Justice's Court of the
1343 d District G. M. of said county in favor of the
Home Fertilizer & Chemical Co. vs W. G Cmipei
and I. M. Cooper, principals and L. A. Na'ob err
dorser. Pointed out for levy by plaintiff, and in
the possession of 1. M. Cooper. Levy made and
returned to me by E. W. Armficld, constable, and
written notice (riven as required by law. Thi 7th
day of March, 1911.
James Hester, Sheriff.
M. B. Calhoun, A tty. for PlfTs.
Sfaeriff Sale.
GEORGIA JAonlgomcry County:
Will be sold before the court house doer in
Mount Vernon on the • rst lu< da\ in A; riJ.
1911, between the legal hours of sale, to flu
highest bidder lor cash, certain proper! of
which the following is a complete description:
One certain black marc mule, being aliout fifteen
hands high and about ten years of age. Said msue
bearing the name of "Minnie.” Levied on and will
lie sold as the property of Frank Smith to kiii fy
a mortgage fi fa issued from the Superior (Ujut t of
soid county in favor of J. R. Folsom against the
said Frank Smith. Levy made and returned to me
by F. E. Forrester, deputy sheriff, und writ** ri
notice given in terms of the law. This 7th duos
March. 1911. James Hester, Sheriff
J. B. Geiger, A tty. for Plff.
Georgia—Montgomery < bounty.
Whereas. Corn K. ( omer and
Chas. C. Connor have in din to in
applied to the undersigned lor let
ters of arirninistiation on the e-.inte
of A. B. Conner, late of said eon:,: ,
deceased* this is therefore lo oi,, ;,!l
persons concerned that said applica
tion will be heard at my office on (In
first Monday in April, next. Wi -
nes* my hand and official signature
tiiis the Bth day of March. 1911.
Alex McArthur. O.'diiuiry.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
H. T. Taylor, administrator of the
the estates of Geo. W. Taylor and
John Taylor, having in proper form
applied to the undersigned for leave
to sell all the real estate belonging ",
said estates; all parties are lu o-by
notified that said appliealion •> ill li •
heard at my office on tln ilrst Mon I, .
in April, next. This the +i< h day of
March 1911. Alex McArthur.
Application For Charter.
Goortrin M'mtjcmicry (,'uiinl.y.
To the Sup** ior Court of saitl County:
Tin* nr!ition of .1. K. HiiliumlC. Ii Knijfht «»f
county, rc.-poct fully shows:
1. That tin <l« li olof themselves, thoir asso
ciate o « or .•nil a o iiruH to ho incorporated
and mode a ln»dy politie under the name and stylo
of A>rr-’icy Company for and during the
period of twenty years.
2. The prircipai oMice of aid company ahull he
in tin Town <d S ,peri on. Sidle and County afore
said, hi; '.lie |m lit imier; do: ' c the riieht to cstal»-
li-li hr . ■ h ollices within this state or elsewhere,
whene the holder* »d a majority of the stock
m ule so determine.
3. Th• *»hje<-1 of saitl corporation is pecuniary
jrain l<» ii-••If and if* share holders.
4. 'l’hc biisiu* s.' to bit curried on by Haiti corpo
ration i.- '(■ a« i i a.'.-ui . cither geneml, local nr
special, for lilt*, (ire, < asulty and all others line of
insurance, also av* ills for other persons, coin
p.'ini* oi -■. •rpiu ;• i ris iii ill lines of biiHinoHs, and
to (In n and all things to t.hc hhiiic extent and as
fulli is natural persons rnitfbt *l<».
5. The * ap l l al ..i.o<*k oi .-.aiti corporation shall lie
One Thousand l> lla: (sl,oo*o with the privilodgro
of increasing th*- saiiiet** th* Hum of Ten Thousand
(Sld.fK' i) h;» .» rnijoiiiy vote of the stock holders.
The " I f > I *** 1 into shares of Twenty
Five Dolia* each, ten per cent, of the
amount to in? employed by them been
paid in
fi. Petit ion* r desire tlie I 'sue and !»*■ hu**«l (
to plea*! and he impleaded, t<* have arid us*- a com
mon Htjal and make all necessary by-laws and rejo
ulations and do all other things that rnay In* nec
essa.ry for the s en es fui I'anyiny on **f saitl bus
in* rh'-.i'ht in buy, hold and sell real estate
and personal p. uierty, to execute notes and i»**n*ls
as evitjenc*-* of irulebfncsK incured <»r which may b**
ineured in iin* *•*#. i ■ of the affairs of th** eorpo
ration, and to ecu**- the same by mortguee, secur
ity th****! or ot her form of liens under existing laws.
7. The desin <»r saitl **orporai i*m the power and
autho i . '»app’ aul acet-pf* arneritlments to
its char, i- in *•' i• . f*,im or subr’anee, Iy a v**te
of a majority of it stock outstanding at the time
time; ibcy also ask anthoiit y for said corporation
to wind io> i'- iM'Hir. , iiipodile anti discontinue its
business at any time P rnay determine to do so by
a vote of woth. *ls of M stock outstandlnK at the
time. They * :** for Haiti corporation the right
of -cTK-wal pjovided h , tin laws of Georgia,
and tha! it hav«* all such other rights, powers,
pri ilt" and immunities as arc incident to like
corp’.n ui ion * p< < on;- ible under the laws of the
Stau-of Ge *■■ gia. This the 21st <iay t>f Feb., lidl
Wil; .Stallings Alty. for Petitioners.
Geo, M : c *<uery County.
I, M. L 0 />n* Cl* rk , of the Superior Court, in
Ufcl for said ou/Py, do hereby certify that the
within and !'<>>■■ a i ru<* and correct copy of
a i'« <1 r; in■ c i trior filed by Knight. Agency
Corm in v in M>■ g*n«n ry Superior Court. This
the 2ath day of Fob., 1911.
M L. O'Brien, Clerk.
tji or;:iii M'iiilgoiii<’i-y County.
\V 1 1 ■; • :J1 -. John W. Moitlkoii, Sr.,
and \V. ( lark, I'Xi-cuturi* of the
pMtHioof A. F. < link. lati. of Miid
coil ii i y (|c('< ,i -cd . rcoi'-xcut l i (lie
court oi ihcii |)cijiiou, duly fllorl and
entered on i cird, that tln*y have
fully excel! ed Ihe will of laid d*J
ee(i . <|. einiforiiiahly to law; tld.iis
t here lore t,, eoe ill p'.|‘MOilM concern
ed, kindled and e,. liter-, to *ho>v
eau-eif any they have why *aid
i-X'-c i'f,rx -lioiiid not he
from oi • ■.eeiitor-hi|» and tvecjve
let ie- ii kml '-.ion on the first M«n
da> in A| e .. 11111. Alex MeArihur, •
Gutirdian’s Sale For lleinvoHtnudit
Goorpfia Moldn'nniery Coiinty.
A i ter four weeks notice piirsini lit
to seel ion l*r, I*i of the Civil Code, a
petition, of which a true and correct
copy is subjoined, will lie presented
to the Ii mi. .1. II Marlin. .Indite of
the Superior Court, at the court
house in said county, on t lie UtM 1 1 day
of Man'll, mil. !,. 1,. Adams.
(ieoi oia M 'Hii conn ry < Wninty.
To lion. .1. II Martin. .iud|fo of
Superior < mila of stud County ; i lie
pciitioll of L. i,. Adams lespeelfully
Ist. Thai he is iho h'nally appoint
ed ua rd iaii of th" person and proper
ly of |{ny Ice Adams, his niinoi' son,
liai iny li. cii appoimod as such Kuar
dian in I’oresl eoiiniy. Slate of Miss
issippi, on the day of—lll -. all of
which will more fully appear by
reference to the ailtln'lltictltell cur
tilieal ion of hi letters of (tnaidian
sliip hereto altaelii'd, to which
special lofercnee is lierehy made, and
which is hereby made a part oi this
pot it ion.
2nd. That his said minor son is II
yea is old, aml owns a tract of laud
described below lyiiift ill Monturmilery
county, t til., the said land heiiiitall
of III" real estate helonnilllf to the
said ward, to wit: \ trai't or parcel
of land • itimled Is inp- and hcinn in
I he - land d isi riet of M on t {miiei-y
county (>a .. I lie -ame a port ion
of he No. Is'inyii; s.aiil dislrict,
arid heiiin all of said lot remuiiiK <if-
I |e|' I lie SJI I" ill 111 coll vey'lllll'i* of a pol'-
| ' ion nf aid lot made by M. .1.
I Adams in M. T Admits, said por
! I ici i thus conveyed lieino- a t rael or
parcel const*i in" ol 2u acres, more or
joss. Is iuy in the south corner of said
fract tonal ho, and beiliif i 111 oil from
Me remainder el -aid lot lis a branch
known ns ih" Me Kuo Mill Branch.
Tlie portion of -aid lot hcloiminy to,
lie-said .surd h iny lon acres, more
' or loss,
ifrd. 'l’hi• pel It loner dnsiri sin si'll
said traci ol land, for rein vestment
at |n i s ille sale.
lili. The sai l land has- no im
provements ot any iiecoiml upon if.
and yields no income to his ward,
hut to the contrary, is an expense to
I tile petitioner, ill that lie is compell
ed annually to pay state and comity
taxes upon the saute.
sth. Thai petitioner and Ids said
v.iird lomc ityo moved away from
Moidyoniery county, tin. and are
now re-idciits of Forest county, state
of Mi ... which limy intend niakiny
tticii future home, ami on account oi'
this clmiiye of residence, it is very
.inconvenient and expensive for pe
tit inner in look after and can* for t he
siiid tract ol lain!, m improve the,
same so (nit it would yield to his;
said wit. lan income, lie is advised j
and In lieves i hat if he were penuiff-j
ed by Your Honor to sell said real j
estate, that tie could invest the pro-j
Cecil* of the sale of said land in j
real e*ta(»• where both he and t is
ward now resides, that would yield
a liand-otiie income and In: *<> located
that when his said ward arrives at |
majority lie could take "haryc of :
tin-same, and citin', reside upon it j
or use it much more advantaijeoiisly, |
than In-could the properly lying in
Montgomery county, Georgia.
tilli. Metftinner shown that notice
of hi* intention to make this applica
tion has lieen published once a weak
fur four weeks, in the Montgomery
Monitor, the same being the news
paper in which the county advertise
ments arc usually published in Mont
gomery county as required by law,
1,. 1.. Adams,
Ottiirdian of Hoy Lee Adams.
For Discharge.
tieorgbi—Moutgomery (,'ounty.
Whereas, S. .1. Meadows auminis
irator of the estate of Is. F. Inman,
represents to the court. In his peti
tion, duly (llcil and enturod on record.
Unit, he has fully administered said
estate. Tliis is to cite all persons
concerned, kindred and creditors, to
show cause, if any they nave, why
said Hilininistrator should not lie dis
charged from Ills administration aud
receive letters of dismission on the
(list Monday in April, Hill. This
the ftth dav ifT Maich, Mill.
Aiex McArthur, Ordinary.
Georgia—M<ditgomery County.
To All Whom it May Concern:
—Take notice, that .!. A. Spivey,
.1, J. Httrkhalter tiuil ol liars have
applied for an order seeking the
opening and establishment, of a
new road which Inis been laid out
and marked conformably to law
by # eigiiini*aioners duly appointed,
und a report thereof, untile by
them on oath, said road beginning
as follows: Ih-gming at Spring
Hill and following the private
road heretofore established to the
preiniseiyof 11. 0. Courson; tin noe
across the field to the said creek
to the dividing line lie tween the
lands of Mrs. Lizzie Clements und
K C»McGahec; thence along tho
said dividing line to or near the
| corner of lands of h . C. McUahee :
thence following piatically a
straight line to the rsaidance of
M. Pope; thence in practically a
straight line to the residence of
W. L Coursou; and thence in
practically a straight, line to the
said I’ar Bridge on Gum Hwanap
Creek. Now, take notice, if no
good cause lie shown to the cqti
traiy, the order will be grunted at
the regular meeting of the Hoard
of Commissioners of Ronds and
Revenues of Montgomery County,
at their office, on the 4th day of
April, 1911, establishing said
road as applied for. This the 7th
day of March, 1911.
Win. Bland, J. F. Sikes,
Clerk. Chairman.
Early Aml>er Cane Seed, Tur
nips, Beets, Kale and Mustard,
in bulk, for spring planting
Mt. Vernon Drug Co.