Newspaper Page Text
iflmttiuuiuHV, Mi utitor.
Criminal Week
Superior Court.
Montgomery superior court
convened with the criminal week
Monday morning, and a number
of cases have been disposed of,
with still a large number-on the
calendar, many of which will
probably go over until next term
on account of a lack of time.
The following is a list of the
civil cases disposed of last week,
aside from theose mentioned in
the last issue:
Beulah Black vs H. W. Black, 2 vd.
D. A. Morrison vs John W. Har
den, Aug Schmidt & Co., claim
ants; settled.
John Manning vs L. W. Barwick;
verdict for plaintiff for $375.
A. P. Stone vs M. N. Rogers
et al; verdict for plaintiff.
Commercial & Savings Bank vs
J. A. Thigpen, Nancy Phillips
claimant; claim withdrawn.
Neil Gillis vs J. N. Gillis; set.
C. C. Humphrey vs Mattie Hum
phrey; Ist verdict.
Arimintha Phillips vs Will Phil
lips; Ist verdict
Tom Shepard vs Mattie Shepard;
Ist verdict
Jim Troup vs Lizzie Troup; 2d v.
G. J. McEachern vs L. S. and
J. R. Adams; verdict for defts.
Dublin Banking Co. vs J. D. Mil
ler, J. A. Crumley claimant;
levy dismissed.
Lizzie Wilson vs Jim Wilson ;lst v.
Emmet McLeod vs Atha McLeod;
Ist verdict.
M. B. Gillis vs Jim and Alice
Troup; verdict for plaintiff for
C. H. Peterson vs H. R. Lamb;
verdict for plaintiff for $216.14.
Farmers Bank vs Jack Jackson
and C. B. Browning; judgment
for plaintiff for $145.'
G. H. Ponder et al vs Louisa
Horne and L. Horne claimant;
verdict for claimant.
Citizens Bank of Vidalia vs J. F.
Brantley et al; judgment for
plaintiff for sllO.
W. Henry Clark vs W. G. Foun
tain, Susie Fountain claimant;
claim withdrawn.
Peoples Bank vsEvaMullG et al;
judgt. for plaintiff for $123.38.
E. E. Lowe Co vs J. D. Brown.
Referred to J. H. Roberts as
D. W. Clark vs J. F. Coleman et
al; judgment for plff. for $175.
A. P. Stone vs W. L. Currie; dis.
Malsby Co. vs J. D. Brown; ver
dict for plaintiff for $07.47.
W. Mishoe vs F. B. Calhoun;
judgment for plaintiff $95.
L. A. Heath vs W. E. Watson et
al; settled.
Marge Ann Shepard vs Alf Row
land et al; settled.
C. M. Tripp vs J. I). Miller, J.
A. Crumley claimant; levy and
claim dismissed.
Home Fertilizer & Chemical Co.
vs L. A. Mabb; (8 cases) set
O’Conner, Hall & Courson vs
Hard Hudson; et al settled.
D. F. Warhock & Bro. vs J. M.
and H. J. Right; settled.
W. Mishoe vs D. 0. Calhoun and
J. M. Sapp; judgment for
plaintiff for $l4O.
Mt. Vernon Bank vs S. W. Har
rell et al; settled.
E. T. Mcßride & Co. vs J. H.
and H. J. Gibbs, Wiley Sharpe
claimant; settled.
W. O. Beacham vs J. D. Miller;
judgment for plaintiff S2OO.
The following criminal cases
have been disposed of up to the
noon hour yesterday;
State vs H. F. Kinder, plea of
guilty; $37.50 or six months.
Robert Lamar, selling whiskey;
not guilty.
Will Stanley, murder, voluntary
Jix Claxton, plea of guilty; 125
or three months.
| Henry Brown, selling whiskey:
not guilty.
Up to the hour of going to
press the case of the State vs
Geo. B. Howard, charged with
I the killing of Manning Foskey
; which was on trial since Tuesday, I
i was still in the hands of the jury.
! Several appeals have been pub
j lished to induce the owners of
pistols to comply with the new
Georgia law by registering with
the Ordinary, but up to date com
parative few have complied.
Those who own weapons are not
obliged to register, as the owner
ship is not a violation of the law.
Neither is it a violation to use a
pistol on your own premises, but
whenever a man leaves his own
' premises with a pistol in his pos
session, carried either openly or
concealed, he becomes a violator
of the law according to the inter
pretation that has been placed
upon it by some of the Superior
Court judges of the state. In
order to register the owner must
also give bond, which is merely
a matter of form, and it is left
to the discretion of the Ordinary
whether he shall accept such a
bond. A few of our white citi
zens have registered in order to;
be on the safe side of the law,
but not a single colored person
has registered up to date.—Lau
rens County Herald.
Entrants in
Corn Contest.
The following is a list of those
who have entered the corn con
test as offered by the Mt. Veruo'i
Bank. It will be seen that every
! section of the county is represent
ed. The rules have been publish
“d for the past two months, and
all are familiar with them:
Charlie Dukes Soperton, Ga.
!) 1C W’arnock Tarrytown
.1. W. McMillan Scotland
•J. H Jackson Scotland
(. E. Phillips Soperton, No. 8
L. 10. Avant Helena No. 1
(i. .1. Thompson Mt. Vernon
Ghas. Montgomery “ “
i Douglas McGregor Ailev
J. M D McGregor Alley
D. S. Williamson Uvalda
>. H. Phillips Soperton No. 3
.1 B O’Conner Kibbee
G. W, Garrett Glenwood No. 8
f. W. Gibbs Ailey No. 1
j bucien Iliegs Soperton No. 2
J. K. Elton Scotland No. 1
| Marshall Moore Glenwood
Sibley J. Clark Uvalda No. 8
| Geo. W. Davis Glenwood
T. P. Rhodes Scotland
J. L. Johnson Scotland No. 1
L. C. Hinson Erick
.1. VV. Hinson Erick
•1. VV. Calhoun Uvalda
VI. 11. Mason Mt. Vernon
! F. Lee Mcßae
i G. L. Davis Glenwood No. 3
Every farmer in the county is
'eligible, whether he has entered
my other contest or not, but on
!ly one man can win either of the
| prizes as off ered by the bank—
j that is, the man winning the first
prize con not compete for the
Is cond, and the second cannot
I compete for the third prize. This
makes three men share the prize
I money. As stated in their an
nouncement, the entries close
i May Ist, and the awards will be
made immediately after Novein
: her Ist of this year. The amount
j offered by the bank is SSO, being
! $25 for the greatest yield of corn
!on one acre. sls for the second
: best and $lO for the third l est
It is gratifying to note that such
a number have -entered already,
‘many having already commenced
, preparing for the prize crcp.
One standard Singer sewing
; machine for sale at once, cash or
approved note. See meat once,
at, Graham & Hightower’s store.
H. S. Hurwitz,
I , Alamo, Ga.
The dining hall at. the Union
Baptist Institute, which was de
stroyed by fire ten days ago, is
being rapidly replaced, and will
be ready for occupancy within
thirty days -in time to be of bene
fit before the close of the pre
sent term.
The president, Dr. J. C. Brew
ton, has secured the services of
Mr. H. J. Wright, who is pushing
the work rapidly forward. The
many friends and patrons of the
Institute will be glad to learn
that the dining hall will be re
placed at once. At present the
students are being cared for in
the most convenient manner pos
sible, but all will rejoice wheh
the hall is finished. Fortunate
for the school that the loss was
not greater.
Dr. J. E. Masrow, the Savan
nah eyesight specialist, was
among his Montgomery county
patrons here Monday, and fitted
a number with glasses. Dr.
Masrow r is well known through
out this section, and has many
patrons in Montgomery county.
He will be at Uvalda Saturday
and at Soperton Monday. Read
his announcement for those
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Mr. H. 11. Heath of Towns was
a caller at this office yesterday
morning. He is a splendid citi
Mr. John S. Sharpe of the Als
ton section w r as in to see The
Monitor yesterday. Mr. Sharpe
is living near the place of his
birth, it being one of the choicest
sections of the county.
Save your meat by using Li
quid Smoke. Sold by Palmer
Drug Store at 55 cents per quart
Mr. DeWit Hayman of Mel
drim spent part of last week
with the family of Mr. A. J.
Burch. He is serving in the U.
I S. Navy.
Leon Bland of Erick has re
turned to Mount Vernon, and
will open up a shoemakiqg arid
harness repair shop. He is a
worthy young man, and should
receive the patronage of the pub
lic. He will be located at Hicks
Bros.’ livery stable.
Miss Maggie Langford of Uval
da spent Tuesday in Mt. Vernon
with friends.
Mr. L. Wolf of Uyalda was a
business visitor here Tuesday.
My line of Voille Panama
Skirts cannot be surpassed.
J. H. Hudson,
Ailey, Ga.
Don’t fail to see Dr. Hughes,
the eyesight specialist if you are
troubled with your eyes. He will
be at the Mt. Vernon Drug Co.’s
Friday and Saturday, March 31
and April 1.
Best Silver White Onion Sets
at Palmer Drug Store at 10 cents
per quart.
Charcoal, Ground Bone and Oy»-
ter Shell to make the hens lay.
Mt. Vernon Drug Co.
Miss Inez Mcßae, teaching in
the Tenth District Agricultural
School at Granite Hill, spent a
part of the past week with her
mother, Mrs. Janie Mcßae. She
was home by her
niece, Marguerite Montgomery.
The latter will not return to
Granite Hill.
Amber Cane Seed, two quarts
| for 15 cents, at Palmer Drug
! Store.
Judge K. J. Hawkins of the
City Court of Dublin is among
the prominent visiting attorneys
attending superior court here
this week. Col. Hawkins has
been presiding over the City
C-ours of Dublin for a number of
years, and as a lawyer is well and
favorably known throughout the
southern part of the state, hav
ing the support of the greater
number of the members of the
Laurens county bar. as a candi
date for the judgeship of the
Oconee Judicial Circuit.
While Judge Hawkins has not
made formal declarations as to
his candidacy, it is definitely
known that he is a candidate for
the superior court judgeship; and
his formal announcement will lx*
given the people in due time.
He is making many friends here
this week.
I Dr. J. E. Masrow. the well
, known Savannah eyesight* spe
cialist. is coming to Uvalda Sat
urday, April l, and will be at the
■ May & Moses’ Drug Store.
For any eye trouble, or if you
are in need of glasses, consult
Dr. Masrow.
I Remember Ihe date.
The Mt. Vernon Drug Co. will
be headquarters for Baseball sup
plies during the season. Only
standard goods, to be sold tit
.lust received, a pretty line of
. novelties in Dress Goods and
Waisting for Easter wear, also
, Collars, Belts and Hair Goods in
latest styles.
•J. H. Hudson.
Mr. 11. F. Achord, for the past
few months living with his son
in Terrell county, is here this
week on a visit. Says Montgom
ery county is a little better than
Terrell. He is a staunch old
Confed., and while he did not
get over to the meeting Monday,
wants his name enrolled as a
member of the Montgomery coun
ty Camp, which was re-organized.
Mr. Isaac B. New of Norman
txovn was a visitor here this
j Mrs. C. W. Fox of Vidalia is
; visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
j W. L. I). Rackley, this week.
Mr. J. C. Brooks of Alamo was
a visitor at this office Tuesday.
Buist’s Golden Wax Beans,
Kentucky Wonder Beans, Rust
Proof Wax Beans, Valentine
Beans, June Pink Tomatoes, Red
Cherry Pepper, Tom Watson
\ Watermelon Seed, all in bulk,
and for sale by Mt. Vernon Drug
. Co.
Mr. W. A. King of Scotland
was a recent visitor at thin office,
and while lien; enrolled bin name
ns ahn fitter iher.
Mr. .J. D. Logan, a prominent
grocery inertdiant ol Soperton,
came in a few days ago to renew
his stock of high-class stationery.
Mr G. A. Sunnier, also of that
hustling town, hud the Monitor
|!iil an order for him a few days
| Mg".
In this issue will he seen the
tax receiver’s notice. Be sure
and meet him when he is in your
neighborhood. It will save time,
and then you will be through
with it until paying time comes
in the fall.
Mrs. C. A. Hand of Americus
arrived Tuesday evening to visit
her gbwd-daughter, Mrs. F. Lee
: Mcßae.
Among those who have called
at this office during the past few
days are: H. S. Peavy of Erick;
D. L. Williamson of Alston: G.
A. Sammons of Soperton; J. H.
Hudson of Ailey: 1. Idelson and
H. S. Hurwitz of Alamo; W. E.
Mathias of Ailey; L. D. Gillis of
Alamo; .1. M. McDonald of Vida
lia Route 1: Elmer Higgs and .1.
E. Smith of Lothair: Thus. Kent
and R. M. Lord of Glenwood;
F. M. Sharp of Alston; G. M.
Anderson of Glenwood No. 2: R.
K. Moseley of Charlotte; L. M.
Foskey of Orland; 11. A. Bradd.v
and father of Soperton: S. W.
Harrell of Alston; L. R. Blizzard
of Alamo; A. 1). Maddox of
Bruce; J. L. Williams of Mt. Ver
non No. 1; Geo. .1. McEaehern of
Lumber City; J. .1. Frost and
Chas. Peterson of Soperton; E.
J. Wells of Longpond; O. F.
Clark of Bruce; 1). F. Warnock
and G. I). Miller of Tarrytown;
W. 'l'. Ryals of Lumber City;
Elijah Miller of Lothair; A. L.
Hamilton of Kibhee; 11. (’. Davis
of Orland; S. H. Harrelson of
Scotland;.l. A. Martin of Alamo;
J. W. Ilurn of Lumber City; -I.
M. D. McGregor of Ailey; A.
Morrison, Sr., of Glenwood; G.
W. Spivey of Adrian; A. VV.
Clements of Springhill; John W.
Clements, W. 11. Gilder and R.
K. Beck of Alamo; John Odom
and M. 11. Darley of Ailey.
While many others ' have call
ed, we list the above gentlemen
as regular patrons of The Moni
tor. This office is always glad
to have the visitors call.
Lovers of music and the public
generally will be delighted to learn
that the local management, of the
Alkahest. Lyceum System has pro
vided another high-class enter*
la in meat., to appear at the I’nion
Baptist Institute Wednesday,
April ot h,
The LaDell-Fox Concert Com
pany is the name of this famous
trio, composed of Mr. George Pox,
who is know n as the ‘‘Genius of
the Violin,” Miss Bertha May
Crawford and .Miss Marietta La-
Dell. Miss Crawford hits a beau
tiful noprann voice, with u range
of three octaves, reaching K above
high G. Miss La Dell is a reader
and impersonator of national
This attraction will prove ex
ceptionally attractive, and should
receive the support of the public.
Concerning their recent appear
ance in Atlanta, the Constitution
The L ;Doll-Fox Concert Com
pany gave one of their concerts
last night in this city to an au
dience composed of the host mu
sical and literary people in At
lanta. The entire audience were
of one accord regarding the
ability of these performers.
Miss Marietta LaDell, the enter- i
tainer, delighted us two seasons
ago. This year she has with her
Mr. George Fox, Canada's fore
most violinist, and Miss Bertha
Crow ford, a lyric soprano, with
such ari amazing range as to
make her low notes sound like
tin organ. Mi - . Fox is a genius,
and his playing last night was
exquisitely beautiful. Too much
praise cannot he given this choice
1 ><> ii<>t fail in hear them at the
I nutitutu next Wednesday evening.
Millinery Opening.
Our spring stock of modern
Millinery is arriving, and will be
open and on display by the Ist.
Nothing more pleasing to be
found, in Millinery and Trim
mings. Miss McNutt in charge.
E. T. Mcßride,
Ailey, Ga.
Os Con. Vets.
Charles W. McArthur Camp
No. 1078 Confederate Veterans
was reorganized here Monday,
with a representative number.
For some years but little interest
has been taken in the matter of
keeping up the organization, but
a few weeks ago, at the instance
of prominent Veterans. The
Monitor agitated the matter,
with the result of having a meet
ing here last Monday, in which
considerable interest was mani
It is to Ik.' regretted that a lar
ger number were not present to
hike part in the meeting at the
court house. Rev. H. T. Wright
was elected commander and Mr.
J. D. Stanford elected adjutant
of the Camp.
At this meeting a call was
made for a meeting to be held
here on the 10th of April. At
this meeting it will he sought to
organize a camp of Sons of
Veterans. Let the meeting be
well attended, and renewed in
terest be taken in this important
Atlanta, Ga.. March 24. Wiil
iam B. Horn, an employe of the
Southern Express Company, was
fatally shot by Special Officer
Reeves under the Magnolia street
bridge tonight, while the officer
and his partner, R. W. Miller,
were searching for thieves who
have been operating in that
neighborhood lately. The man
died before he reached the hos
According to the policemen,
Horn refused to halt when called
on and responded: “D- you,
I’ll shoot you,” following it with
a shot from a revolver. Reeves
opened fire, a bullet penetrating
Horn’s abdomen.
House I’or Sale.
Honan and lot in Mt. Vernon.
Splendidly located, with out*
hoiiHeg, garden, etc. Sen me at
once for price and terms.
Mrs. 8. B. Morris,
Ml. Vernon, Ga.
Returning to Mount
Vmion this Week.
Dr. F. B. Hughes, theeyesight
specialist, who w'as here a few
weeks ago at the Mount Vernon
Drug Co.’s, will be at their place
again for two days next Friday
and Saturday, March fJlst and
April Ist. Those needing expert
service and advice will do well
to call upon him. He will also be
glad to see any of his patients
whom he fitted glasses for when
here lx-fore. Headaches that
will not respond to the doctors’
treatment and the eyes of child
ren are his specialties. No charge
will Ik* made for examination or
T. Receivers Rounds.
I Ik.ST KoU*ll.
1 will fa* at the following places
on the dates named for the pur
pose of receiving state and county
taxes for the year 1911 :
Alston, M mday, April JO, It) to
2 p. in.
Higgton, 11th, 10 to 2 p. m.
Kibhee, 12th, 8 to 12 in.
Tarrytown, 12th, 2 to 1 p. in.
Soperton, Iktli, 8 to 12 in.
Airland, lrtfh, 2 to 4 p in.
Lothair, 14th, 10 to 2 p. m.
Mt. Vernon, loth, 10 to 2p. in.
i,and*hurg, 17th, 12 to 1 p. m.
Glenwood, 1 Sth, 12 in.
Alamo, lOth, 8 to 12 in.
Krick, 20th. 8 to 12 m.
Springhill, 21st, 8 to 12 in.
McArthur, 22i1, 8 to 12 in.
Please meet me promptly.
l It T. R. M. Co.
NO 48