Newspaper Page Text
Millen, Ga.. March 26.-The
adjourned term of Jenkins Su
perior Court will convene to-mor
row with Judge B. T. Rawlings
on the bench. The court was
postponed two weeks on account
of the Court House not being
ready on the second Monday in
March. There is a heavy docket
as no cases have been settled
since the September term, 1900.
There are twelve negro murder
cases to be tried and many other
felony cases. The Court House
is practically ready for accept
ance. There are a few changes
which have been pointed out by
the members of the County Com
missioners which will have been
made and on Tuesday or Wednes
day the commissioners formally
will accept the building from the
contractor. The commissioners
visited the Court House Friday
and inspected it, and found that
the building is a splendid piece
of work and one that will be a
credit to any large county in the
South. It is steam-heated, elec
tric-lighted and cost $47,000;
OF S. A. & N. ROAD?
Statesboro, Ga.. March 26. —
L. W. Armstrong, general man
ager of the Savannah, Augusta
and Northern Railroad, returned
last nightftoin Augusta, where lie
went to confer with W. J, Oliver,
owner of the road. Mr. Armstrong
ashed today about the rumors con
cerning the future of the Savan
hah, Augusta and Northern. He
met Mr. Oliver, but was unable
to give any of his definite plans.
“I don’t think,” lie said, “Mr.
Oliver has fully decided what will
be done with the road. In fact,
I heard him say in Augusta yes
terday, when he was asked tor in
formation, ‘We haven't decided |
what we will do with the Savannah,
Augusta and Northern. It is pos
sible that I will extend it to
Louisville in the near future, and
I may go even further and run it
to Thomson and connect with the
Georgia road. This would give
that road an opportunity to get
in Savannah ’ He also said that
he might build to Athens and
connect with the Seaboard Air
Line, giving that road a new en
trance to Savannah via this place.
“The work has been completed
to Stevens’ Crossing, and the
first strip over the extension,
which gives the Savannah, Au
gusta and Northern thirty-nine
miles of track, will be made in a
few days.’’
For the last month there lias
been considerable speculation in
Statesboro over the future of this
road The people are deeply in
Waycross, Ga., March 24.
Meager details of the shooting of
Milton Gillis, son of the late A.
Gillis, of Telmore, Ware county,
which may result in the young
man’s death, was received here
today. The accounts of the
shooting vary, one report stating
that Gillis had a difficulty with a
white man near Telmore, in
which he was shot, and the other'
states that Gillis shot himself,
whether on purpose or accidental
ly is not known. The wound is
in one of his lungs, and unless
complications arise may not prove
Mr. A. O. Irwin, a prominent
young business man of the west
side, has recently purchased the
Lucian Avant place between
Erick and Helena on the Sea
board. At this point he is con
ducting a general store, besides
running an up-to-date grist mill.
He will also farm on quite an ex
tensive scale. During the fall
and winter he will also operate a
ginnery in connection with his
other interests. Read his an
nouncement in this issue, and if
you are in touch with him, give
him your patronage.
Full line of new, fresh Garden
Seed at Palmer Drug Store,
Wellknown Eyesight Specialist,
Saturday, April 1, at May & Mose’s.
Monday, Apr. 3, Soperton Pharmacy.
(One day in each town.)
This will make the 9th visit of
Dr. Masrow to your county, and
j lie nppds do introduction. Dr.
M .-row has examined the eyes of
thousands of people of this State
and the benefits leceived by those
wearing his glasses have been most
phenomenal. —■*
Beware of the man who travels
from town to town and has no
oliice. You have all heard of Dr.
Masrow’s great work, and many
testimonials telling of the success
he has had m fitting glasses have
appeared trom time to time in the
Savannah papers, in which city
Dr Masrow has Ins office.
Taxe advice and consult the
man whose reputation for great
skill you all know.
Mt. Vernon, Ga., 10-l-’lO.
Dr. J. E. Masrow, Savannah.
Dear Sir:—l am more than
pleased with the glasses. Have
had several eye specialists to ex
amine my eyes, but none of them
ever succeeded m giving me glasses
that gave the satisfaction that
yours do. Respt’y.
(Miss) Belle McAllister.
Glenwood, Ga., 10-10-’lO.
Dr. J. E. Masrow, Savannah.
Dear Sir:—The glasses you fit
ted me have given perfect satis
faction. I don’t think I could
have secured better ones anywhere.
Yours very truly,
J. I. McKay.
Mt. Vernon, Ga., 10-18-10.
Dr. ,J E. Masrow, Savannah.
Dear Doctor:—The glasses got
ten from you sometime ago, 1 can
use day and night with perfect
ease and rest to my eyes. I can
safely recommend Dr. Masrow’s
glasses as being O. K., as well as
Dr. Masrow as an optician.
Yours respt’y.
D. M. Currie, T. C. M. C.
Glenwood. Ga., 4-9-’lO.
Dr. .1 E. Masrow: —I am well
with your glasses, and
will recoin mend you to my frieuds.
Yours truly,
Mrs. YV. T. McQuaig.
Mt. Vernon, Ga., 10 5-TO
Dr J, E Masrow. Savannah.
Dear Doctor:—Before I got
glasses from you I could only
read a few minutes, but I can
read just us long as I want to now,
so 1 am pleased with the glasses
Yours truly,
Avil McLendon.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Whereas. John YV Morrison,Sr.,
land C. YV. Clark, executors of the
state of A F. Clark, late of said
1 county, deceased, represent to the
j court in their petition, duly filed
and entered on record, that they
have fully executed the will of
said deceased, conformably to law ;
this is therefore to cite all persons
i concerned, kindred and creditors,
j to show cause if any they have why
-aid executors should not be dis
Icliarghed trom their executorship
and received letters of dismission
on tli first Monday in April, 1911.
Ah x McArthur, Ordinary.
Atlanta, Ga., March 24. —Min
ter Wimberly, of Macon, appear
ed before the railroad commis
sion today to ask for authority
for the Macon, Dublin and Sa
vannah Railroad to issue $220,-
000 in first mortgage bonds for
new construction and improve
The Eastman rate hearing, in
volving the issue of port rates
Savannah and Brunswick to
Eastman, raised by S. G. McLen
don, has been set for hearing on
April 6.
Mt. Vernon, Ga., 10-8 ’lO.
Dr. J. E. Masrow, Savannah.
Dear Sir:—l wish to say that
the glasses \ou fitted my wife and
myself have been very satisfactory.
Yours truly,
D. S. Williams.
Mt. Vernon, Ga., 4-4-’lO.
Dr. J. E Masrow, Savannah.
Dear Sir: —My glasses give per
fect satisfaction. I am well pleas
ed with them.
Yours respectfully,
Mrs. A. L. Sammons.
Mt. Vernon, Ga., 4-14-'lo.
Dr. J. E. Masrow:—The glasses
you fitted me are the best 1 ever
used, and I can recommended you
to all my friends. T. E. Rodgers.
Mt. Vernon, R D. 4., 4-8-’lO.
Dr. J. E. Masrow, Savannah.
Dear Doctor:—My glasses are
all right and have given perfect
Mrs. F. D. Williamson.
Mt. Vernon, 4-5-’ 10.
Dr. Masrow, Savannah.
Dear Sir:—Your glasses have
given me perfect satisfaction.
Mrs. F. O. Higgs.
Dr. Masrow can refer you to the
following Deople whom he has re- j
cently fitted wit h glasses. They |
are all from your county.
John Golf, Mrs. A. L. Sammons,
Mrs. F. D. Williamson, T, E.
Rodgers, Mrs. M. J. Scruggs, Mrs.
J. J. Moses, Mrs. F. C. Higgs, J.
J. Moses, Mrs. R. S. McLendon,
Capt. M. D. Hughes, D. M. Cumin,
J. G. Morris, C. A. Mason, E. ’vlc-
Arthur, G. W. Davis, Mrs. Rachel
McDowel, J. T. McKay, Mrs. J. 1,
Fountain, Mr. and Mrs. D. S.
Williamson, D. E. Mcßae, J. YV.
Clements, Mrs. J. M. Meeks, M s.
A. L. Lanier, Bruce Fountain,
John M. Thigpen, W. J.Cameroni,
Math us Sharp, Mrs. M. C. Mor
rison, R. Morrison, Iven Ricks,
A N M Peterson, J. L. Adams,
Mrs. M. F. Phillips, Mrs. YV. T.
McQuaig, Miss B. V. McAllister,
j Rev. A. H. Holmes, Mrs. M. Gil
< 1 is, W. T. Hadden, J. A. Morri
son, Mrs. E. D. Adams, Mr. and
Mrs. J. D McCullough, Mrs. i).
L. Conner, J. N. Gillis, D. L. Con
ner, Mrs. J. E. Mcßae, Miss Mary
Galbraith, Mr. and Mrs. P. Gal
braith, Mrs. J N. Gillis, R. K.
Mosley, J. W. McCullough, S. B
P. S. Parties for whom I have
previously fitted glasses rriav have
them changed free of churge.
Griffin, Ga., March 26. —In the
case of Mrs. N. T. Dickson vs. the
Southern Railway, tried in Fa
yette superior court before Judge
Robert T. Daniel, of the Flint
Circuit, last week, the jury return
ed a verdict of $5,000 against the
defendant company. Mrs. Dick
son was suing for damages for
the killing of her son, William
Dickson. The plaintiff was rep
resented by Hon. Reuben Arnold,
of Atanta, and Attorneys J. YY\
Wise and Leslie C. Dickson, of
Fayetteville, while Hon. Chariton
Battle, of Columbus, and Attor
neys A. O. Blalock and .J. Y\'. Cul
pepper represented the road mid
the defendant engineer, J. A.
Rhode Island Red
Eggs for Sale.
All new stock. Extra red and '
active layers. Highbred. See me
for eggs.
Mrs. J. M. D. McGregor,
Ailey, Ga.'
I Money to be Saved I
®®(sXßX§>®®®o®o®ooooo®oooo®oo®®ooo®®®®o® 0
The world recognizes the man with money, but it does not
recognize the man who puts his money in a sock, or uses 0
other slipshod methods by which liis money and sometimes ||
his busness standing in the financial world are both lost. 0
| Put it in a Good, Safe Bank. |
&) Tin'll thieves will not rob you, and your credit is
0 protected—you are ready to do business on the 0
only right line. Your money is safe, and yet it to
0 is always at your command---wh(‘n placed with us. 0
i i
|N. 1.. 0i1.1.15. i. 11. m'ONNKIt, 1,. A. Mi-CliAItV,
ijg President. \ ice-IVes. Cashier.
■|j (Branch of Bank of Soperton) ||
Pains or
“I carry Dr. Miles’ Anti-Pain
I Pills with me all the time, and
! for aches and pains there is
! nothing equals them. I have
! used them for rheumatic pains,
headache, and pains in side and
back, and in every case they give
j perfect satisfaction.”
Boonton, N. J.
Pain comes from tortured
nerves. It may occur in any
part of the head or body where
! there is weakness or pressure
upon the nerves.
Dr. Miles’
Anti-Pain Pills
Relieve pain, whether it he nett- j
ralgiac, rheumatic, sciatic, head- i
ache, stomache, pleurisy or
ovarian pains.
Druggist* everywhere sell them. If
first package fails to benefit, your drug
gist will return your money.
MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind.
Macon, Ga., March 25. The*!
committee* of the Chamber of ,
Commerce announced yesterday j
that $150,000 had been raised fori
the new Commercial hotel to he;
located on the Dempsey property j
at the corner of Third and Cher
ry-sts., and that only $50,000 is!
to be raised to complete the ne-j
icessary amount, it was also an
nounced that Mrs. Dempsey, the
owner of the property, had;
agreed to extend the lease from
jsoto 75 years at the same an
nual rental of SIO,OOO.
Wire Fuming.
Two carloads of American
Wire Fence just received. See 1
me at once for best prices.
t,f. A. B. Hutcheson,
I Mt. Vernon, Ga. : i
We are now ready to begin the manufacture of High Grade
Fertilizers, as our new factory has been completed, and the
following are our leading brands:
“Cotton Maker” 9-2-5 ‘‘O’Conner’s Mixture”' 10-2-2
“Black Joe” 8-2-2 “Peoples Guano” 9-1-3
I Besides these leading brands we are prepared to supply the
trade with any grade of guano desired as well its Kanit, Acid,
If you want good fertilizers see one of our agents or call on
the manager at the factory,
;j Wo arc ready to begin delivery and
| will treat you right.
i, .J. 15, O’Conner, Pres. & Gen. Mgr., W. 11. Fowler, V-Pres.
ij: J. E. Hall, Sec’y. & Treas.
IJ. B. O'Conner, W. H. Fowler. J. E. Hall, It. E. Ward, C.
11. Calhoun, C. (\. Peterson, Izzie Bashinslci.
Ihiy in Soperton.
J(/ *✓/////>/✓///.//✓// / /-/y/f////A/// t'P S' O SS
Fresh Moats.
Fresh beef and pork on hand . j
at. all times. Prompt delivery.
Hicks Bkoh.,
: 1121 Mt. Vernon, Ga. |;
Sheriff Shlh, -!
Geo I‘ifia Montgomery Gounty.* i
Will be sold before the court bonne door in Mount \
• Vernon on the fine Tue.aday in April. 1911, lie- |
i t ween the legal hour* of Kale, to the highest bidder ; j
; foreanh, certain property, of which the following >
[ in h full and complete deacripton:
Seventy <7O) am*H of land, the same being a part |
of Is it No, Four Hundred and Ninety*Seven in llie J
Seventh Land diatriet of-Montgomery county and J
State of (Georgia. Said property levied on and will • i
1* sold a« the property of Leandei Hail to satisfy (
an execution immed from the Superior font tof ,
ttaid county in favor of Mr». Victoria M« Arthur v» j
larxtnder Hall. Said property lieing in the pJ
hioo of said defendant and pointed out by him for 1 i
levy Written notice of levy given a* required by i
law This 7th day of March, 1911. j
James Heater, Sheriff j
Graham & Graham, Aliy*, for IMlf. I *
✓ / // / // / / / V/V / /-/ f
%wu»nvmvmvwwwwwvw %%
I : (Motion Faetorsand
220 liny li SAVANNAH , OA.
| (MeruborN Suvnimah Got ton Exchange)
! liftndh'i's of I plnnd, Sp-
Ih!aii<l Klorodoru Cotton
Special Altcnrlan (liven to
F. U. H. Colion
IlHijdhirs of Upland and Scft
> Island Bugging, Ties
and Twins