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• tvttttvtvtttvvvvvvtvvttvtt rrrrrtrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrvjr*
t Report of County Treasurer. \
► 4
£ [EXHIBIT “C”—Attached to and forming part of the Grand <
► Jury Presentments March Term, 1911.] <
► To the Honorable Grand Jury : 1
► Gentlemen:—l beg to submit the following report of the 2
► receipts and disbursements of the Treasurer’s Office from Jan- 4
t uary 2nd, 1911, to March 18th, 1911. 2
► 1911. sheriff’s find. 3
► 4
► Jaif. 2. To ain’t, rec’d. of T. C. Jail. set. $ 8,591 90 2
• Feb. 0. To ain’t, rec’d. of County Commissioners •
► error in drawing order No. 259. 2 88 2
► Feb. 0. To ain’t., rec’d. of T. C. Feb. settlement 1,477 0(5 2
► Mar. 6. To ain’t, rec’d. of T. (’, March settlement 09 89 4
► Mar. 0. To amt. reed, of Ord’y. retd, for ser. pens. 10 00 2
£ $"5,157 89 2
► Jan. 2. By amount overdrawn $ 55 <»0 1
t Mar. 18. By amt. paid on Sheriff Fund Vouchers 4,058 71 4
► Mar. 18. By Treasurer’s comnvssious 120 18 2
► Mar. 18. By Balance on hand 5)22 05 2
► $ 5,157 89 2
► J
£ Jan. 2. To balance brought forward $ 1,420 81 4
► Jan. 2. To amt. rec’d. of T. C Jan. settlement 8,591 9(5 2
». Feb. 0. To amt. rec’d. of T. C. Feb. settlement 1,477 00 4
£ Mar. 6. To amt. rec’d. of T. C. Mar. settlement 09 85)
t $ 0,505 82 4
► Mar. 13 By amt. paid on Jury Fund Vouchers if 40 00 2
. Mar. 13. Bv Treasurer’s commissions 07 10 4
£ Mar. 18. By balance on hand 0.458 10 4
£ $ 0,5(55 32 4
t Jan. 2. To balance brought forward $ 231 10 2
£ Jan. 2. To amt reed, of T. C. Jan. settlement 2,244 5)7 4
► Feb. 6. To amt. reed, f T C. Feb. settlement 5)28 53 3
t Mar. 6. To amt. reed of f. C. Mar. settlement 43 37 2
► $ 8,443 08 4
* Mar. 18. By amt. paid on Bridge Fund Vouehel-s $ 3,250 36 4
£ May. 18. By Treasurer’s commission 88 01 2
► Mar. 18. By balance on hand 104 00 4
► $ 3,143 08 4
£ Jan 2. To balance brought forward $ 78 53 2
► Jan 2 To amt. reed, of T. C. Jan. settlement 2,(593 97 J
Feb. 6. To amt. reed, of l'. C. Fell, settlement 1,108 25 4
£ Mar. 0. To amt. reed, of T. C. Mar. settlement 52 04 2
£ * 3,927 79 2
► Mar. 18. By amt. paid on Puli. Bldg. Fund Vrs. $ 1,298 45 *
£ Mar. 18. By Treasurer’s commissions 07 05 4
£ Mar. 13. By balance on hand 2,500 09 2
£ $ 3 927 79 2
£ Jan. 2. To amt. reed, of T. C Jan. settlement $ 7,183 92 4
£ Feb. 0. To amt. reed, of T. G. Feb. settlement 2,955 80 2
£ Mar. 0. To amt. reed, of T. (J. Mar. settlement 138 79 2
► $10,278 01 4
► 4
£ Jan. 2. By amount overdrawn $ 10 64 2
► Mar. 13. By amt. paid of R. and P. Fund Vos. 9,886 55 2
► Mar. 18. By Treasurer’s commissions 258 80 4
t Mar. 13. By balance on hand 122 02 4
► $10,278 01 1
► Jan. 2. To amt. reed, from C. D. Adams,Ex-Treas $ 1.004 40 a
t Jan. 2. To amt. reed, of T C. Jan. settlement 19,806 78 4
£ Jan. 5. To amt. reed, of Co. Com. 1909 taxes 25 00
► Feb. 6. To amt. reed, of T. C. Feb. settlement 7,917 40 4
». Feb. 8. To amt. reed, of Co. Com., error drawing a
£ sheriff fund order No 255) 2 38 2
► Mar. 6. To amt. reed, of Ord’y. retd, for ser pens. 10 00 «
t Mar. 0. To amt. reed, of T. C. March settlement 872 98 4
t $29,305 00 2
► 4
► Mar. 13. By amt. pd. on Sheriff Fund Vouchers $ 4,058 71 2
► Mar. 13. By amt. pd. on Jury Fund Vouchers 40 00 4
£ Mar. 13. By amt. pd. on Bridge Fund Vouchers 3.250 30 4
► Mar. 13. By amt. pd. on Pub. Bldg. Fund Vouchers 1.25)8 15 2
► Mar. 13. By amt. pd on R mid P Fund Vouchers 5),880 55 4
t Mar. 13. By amt. pd. Treasurer in commissions 002 85 4
t Mar. 18. By balance on hand in Treasury 10.173 58 2
► $29,305 (X) 2
► Respectfully submitted, 4
► J. \V. Morrison, Treasurer. 4
: J
•uuutmiuuiuiimii • uimuuuiiuiuuuu •
1 Report County Commissioners. 1
|| [EXHIBIT “B” —Attached to and forming- part of the
5 Grand Jury Presentments March Term, 1911.] «
We the Commissioners of Roads and Revenues of «
Montgomery County, beg leave to suh/nit the following ft
5 report: |
? Orders drawn from the different funds from No- ft
{ vember Ist, 1910, to March Ist, 1911: «
ft From Road and Pauper Fund - - - $10,922.24 ft
« From Sheriff Fund .... 7,430.86 «
» From Bridge Fund 5,936.24 ft
« From Building Fund .... 2,502.13 8
Received Road Fund, Commutation Tax from March |
Ist, 1910, to March Ist, 1911, including borrowed
:| money - $18,597.02
» Received Advalorem Tax - - 2,224.10
In $20,821.12
Paid out from Mar. 1, 1910, to Mar. t. 1911 $20,777.04
? Balance on Hand Commutation Tax $ 44.08
? Respectfully submitted, :|
WM. BLAND, Clerk. |
5. Loans of any amount from SBOO to $50,000 on farms in Mont- jjj
§ gomery and adjoining counties. No delays for inspection. 1
;! Have lands examined by a man living near you.
% LOANS ON FIVE YEARS TIME, payable ill easy installments to |
a suit borrower. S
| GEO. 11. HARRIS |
Merchants Bank Building Mcßae, Ga. p
Savannah, Ga., April 2. Rev.
j Richard D. Stinson, of Atlanta,
j preached at St. Phillip’s Monu
j mental church today and at St.
| Phillip’s A. M. F. church, West
| Broad street, tonight.
In the afternoon he addressed
| the Men’s Sunday Club. He
[ spoke <}f the negro’s success since
j the war. He argued that since
, the south must be the home of
the great masses of the negro, ;
j it is the duty of the leaders to
cultivate the good will and con
genial relation with their white
neighbors, and thus lay a foun
[ dation for a home life and citi-
I zenship which is stable. He
pleaded for that kind of educa
tion that will prepare the masses
| of his race for that which they
| are best prepared to do.
i Stinson was invited here by the
' negro ministers of this city to
look into a proposition to estab
lish an industrial institute for
j negroes in this section, a site for
j which has already been secured.
I He and the committee will look
II into the situation tomorrow.
Macon, Ga , April l. —Theollic j
| lal program for the forty-lifth an
il nual meeting of Georgia Educa
| tioual Association, which will con
j vene m Macon on April 27-28, has
j been issued. Superintendent (’
I B. Chapman is today distributing
I copies among the local teachers
l Rev. W. N. Ainsworth, presi-
I dent of Wesleyan, and Professor j
J Carl W. Steed, of Mercer univers
| ity, will be among the local par
! ticipants in the program.
Membership fee in the associa
! tion is sl, payable to the treas
l urer, T. G. Polliill, Hawkinsville,
| Ga.
The railroads have granted to
j [ the members of the association a
J round trip rate of one and one-
I! half first-class fare plus 50 cents
I jit is necessary that persons going j
j j should procure cerifioate receipts
ji from agents when going tickets
J j are purchased. If through tick
-31 ets to place of meeting cannot be
Jj procured at start ing stations, per
il aona should purchase to most, con
ijvenient stations at which sticli
! through tickets can lie obtained
j and there purchase through tui
i! place of meeting, procuring cer
[! tificate-receipt from each agent;
| from whom a ticket is purchased, !
I and present certificate-receipts to
| .
special agent at place of meeting. J
I No refund of fare will be made be-1
cause of failure to procure certifi
l j cate receipts.
|j Certificate-receipts wil l not, be
I; honored for return ticket unless
| signed with ink by authorized offi
cer, C. L. Smith, secretary, and
by special agent appointed by j
j carriers, who will sign certificate- j
p receipts only when satisfied thatj
I two hundred (200) or more dele-1
gates or members bolding proper-1
ly executed certificate-receipts i
have attended meeting.
No certificate-receipts procured
more than three (3) days (not
j counting Sunday) prior to or
more than two (2) days date
fixed for the commencement of
; meeting will be honored.
Certificate-receipts must be
! presented to ticket agents during
i j time meeting is in session or with
|!in three (3) days (not counting
j Sunday) afterdate fixed for ad
j journujent of meet mg.
; 4’lie headquarters ot the us-
I sociution will be at the Lanier
; hotel.
A selected list of hotels and
; boarding houses has been made by
: the local reception committee.
'■ giving rates, accommodation-!,
etc., for the purpose of enabling'
members to secure suitable ac
commodations before leaving
home. This list may be olitamed
from the secretary, C. L. Smith,
LaGrange, Ga.
Rhode Island Red’
for Salt*.
All new stock. Extra red and
active layers. Highbred. See me
, for eggs.
Mrs. J. M. D. McGregor,
Ailey, Ga.
the Bowels
“I have been troubled with
constipation for several years,
and have tried a great many
kinds of pills, as well as medicine
from the doctor. Nothing
seemed to help me until I be
gan taking Dr. Miles’ Nerve and
Liver Pills. I found the little
pills very effective, and I am
thankful that at last 1 have a
reliable remedy.”
Leßoy, Ills.
Dr. Miles’
Nerve and Liver Pills
simply cause the bowels to move
in a normal manner, and with
out the griping effects of cathar
tics and purgatives. That's why
they arc so universally used by
women and children. The
longer they are taken the less
are needed. Natural conditions j
gradually being restored.
Sold by druggists everywhere. If first
package does not benefit, your druggist
will return your money.
MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind.
A Warning
to protect the people of this coun
ty. Beware of those men who
for the sake of gaining your con
fidence, come to your towns,
claiming to be eyesight specialists",
permanently located m business
in Savannah; such statements
are positively untrue. I am the
only one established in Savannah
who makes these towns, which
you all know by reading the pa
pers of Savannah and also your
county papers. For any eye
troubles or glasses consult me as
you all know inv work to be re
liable. If you wish to know of
my next visit, to your town, drop
men postal; you will get an im
mediate reply.
Yours for good eyesight,
1 )r. J. E. Masrnw.
Money on Hand
TO 1,0 AN.
We have good sup
ply ol’rlioap money on
hand at this time and
can close loans very
promptly, either on
farm or city property.
If in need of cash,
come to see or write
us at once.
Southern Loan &
Investment Co.
All kinds Repair Work, Iron
and Wood. Fine line of Bicycle
Material on hand. High-Grade
Repair W rk on Bicycles, Sewing
Machines, Guns, Revolvers and
Clocks. Sec me before placing
your work; I will save you money.
Work promptly and neatly done
| li. I*. ' '.NOV W. a. HA HN WI 11. C
j (’otton Eaetorsand |j
I( ommission
220 Hay R SAVANNAH, HA. 1;
* 1!
J (Meriiliiav. SiiViiutiiili Gallon Exiiljanai;) i | i
$ Handlers of Upland, He- \ \
j Island Florodora Cotton
Special Attention Given lo
I : . 0. it. Cotton
l Handlers of Upland and Sea- '<
J 1 slund Bagging, Ties i!
s and Twine ; | i
We are now ready to begin the manufacture of High Grade :j:
Fertilizers, as our new factory has been completed, and the iji
following are our leading brands: |i|
“Cotton Maker” 9-2-3 “O’Conner’s Mixture” 10-2-2
“Black Joe” 8-2-2 “Peoples Guano” 9-1-3
2 Besides these leading brands we are prepared to supply the T
;* trade with any grade of guano desired as well as Kanit, Acid,
if etc
| If you want good fertilizers see one of our agents or call on jjj
I the manager at the factory. „ jj;
i We arc* ready to begin delivery mid f
i will treat von right.
SV • O Dp
| .!- B. O’Conner, Pres. & Gen. Mgr., W. If. Fowler, V-Pres. T
| J. E. Hall. Sec’y. & Treas. jj:
i J. B. O’Conner, W. H. Fowler, J. E. Hall. R. E. Ward, Q, |
H. Calhoun, C. 11. Peterson, Izzie Bashinski.
Huy in Soperton.
1 This unusal weather liuiy £ll
£5 A euteli some merchants on ►
J the nap, Imt not so with us £
11. 1
1 but we are ready 1
$ J |
§ u is our motto to stay ready, with
the very best, but our spring line,
§| now coining in, is u little l»(*tt(*r tlimi w
p the best. Always up with times, in p
| 0 quality mid in price. See tlk* goods g|
| Mcßae & Bro. |
| M'l'. VKRNOX, (JA I
t frrrrrvvrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrwwrrrw\rrrrrmifwfr rrrrrrr*
► 4
► 4
► 4
lg0G0:©000 ©©oo :© © © ©©:©©o ©0) t
i 0 Manufacturers of High-Grade © :
►0 © 4
► 00 0 0 ©:0 00 © 0 0,0 ©o©© 0© © © ©•© © © :
► 4
► <
l 3
£ Before Buying I*ertilizer, see TIIE VIDALIA CHEMICAL
► COMPANY, Vidalia, Ga. Manufacturers of High-Grades *
t 5
► 4
► 4
». Dr. .J. H. MeArtjiur, - - Vice-President 4
► 4
£ Geo. N. Mathews, Sr. - - Gen. Mgr. *
► Mark W. Mathews, - Sec’y and Salesman 4
► 4
► Dr. .1. 11. McArthur Geo. N. Mathews, Sr. *
► Jno. Jay McArthur A. I). Strobar W. G. Barnwell 4
E 3
► 4
► 4
£ Tost our goods. Many High Grades. 4
£ They Produce well and Build up land. 4
► 4
Drop in and renew your Sub
scription to the county paper.