The Montgomery monitor. (Mt. Vernon, Montgomery County, Ga.) 1886-current, April 06, 1911, Image 6
Report of Examining Committee. « ► 2 * Attached to and forming part of the Grand Jury Present- 3 ► ments March Term, 1911.] * * Georgia -Montgomery County. 3 £ To the Honorable Grand Jury, now in session, March 3 ► Term of the Superior Court, 1911: * » We, the committee appointed by the Grand Jury of 3 ► the November term, 1910, to examine the records of the 3 ► various county officers, submit the following report: l We find the books and records of the Ordinary, Clerk -4 l of the Superior Court, Sheriff, Treasurer, Board of Hoads 3 ► and Revenues and County School Commissioner to be • £ neatly and correctly kept. We can make no report on the < £ books of the Tax Collector, on account of the taxes yet 3 ► unpaid. The books of the Treasurer and the Board of * ► Roads and Revenues disclose the condition of the finances < t * of the county to be as follows: 3 ► 4 £ Money due on notes to Mt. Vernon Bank $9573 67 3 ► 1 ► PUBLIC BUILDING FUND. 5 ► Balance on hand at last report $ 108 20 3 £ Received since last report 5240 22 3 ► $5348 42 3 £ Paid out on vouchers $2649 54 3 ► Treasurer’s commissions 122 19 2781 72 3 ► Balance on hand $2566 J 69 # ► 2 £ SHERIFF’S FUND. ■* Z « ► Overdrawn at last report $ 77 56 * ► Received since last report 5157 39 < £ Paid out including Treas. Com. $4234 74 < £ Balance on hand •$ 922 65 4 Z ■* ► BRIDGE FUND. < ► 2 £ Overdrawn at last report $ 160 94 a £ Received since last report 3443 03 4 ► Paid out including Treas. Com. $333.8 97 * t Balance on hand $ 104 06 a £ JURY FUND. 4 ► Amount on hand at last report $lBBl 82 * £ Received since last report 6844 92 a £ Paid out including Treas. Com. $2268 58 4 * Balance on hand $6458 16 * t ADVALOREM TAX ROAD FUND. < ► 1 £ Balance on hand at last report $ 946 . ► Received since last report 13689 83 J ► Transferred Pauper Fund 241 95 a ► $13941 24 £ Paid out on vouchers . $13387 71 a Treas. Commission 431 24 4 ► Balance on hand $ 122 02 « £ COMMUTATION TAX FUND. a z ■* ► Balance on hand at last report •$ 104 31 4 ► Taxes collected for November 1457 02 < $1561 33 « ► Expenses for November $1265 23 a ► Balance on hand $ 196 10 * ► Taxes collected for December 1952 65 a ► $2148 75 « ► Expenses for December SIBB6 41 a * Balance on hand $ 262 34 * ► 4 ► COMMUTATION TAX ROAD FUND CONTINUED. < ► a l Amount brought forward $ 262 34 a * Taxes collected for January 671 33 * : $ 933 67 + - Expenses for January $ 877 93 < ’ Balance on hand $ 55 74 a £ Taxes collected for February $1297 55 4 £ $1253 29 • ► Expenses for February $1304 11 m ► Balance on hand $ 49 18 3 £ Taxes collected for March 4 l, $1549 SO 3 ► Expenses for March $1505 72 1 Balance on hand $ 44 08 3 t Orders issued on the Treas. since last report $7681 43 3 ► Outstanding orders issued $2967 53 * c Jury Script issued since last report $2130 00 5 ► Outstanding Jury Scripts $ 30 00 4 i- a £ The examination of the County School Commissioner’s 5 ► Books. for the year 1910, shows the following: 3 £ Balance on hand January Ist $ 6568 19 3 ► State Treasurer’s Checks 17651 57 From Tax Collector and other sources 9231 43 • £ $33451 is 3 £ Paid Teachers Salary $25591 54 3 r Paid Btrard of Education 160 50 * Paid County School Commissioner 900 00 3 £ Building, Supplies and Incidentals 3968 20 3 £ $30620 24 3 ► Balance on hand $ 2830 94 * I Respectfully submitted. 3 ' J. R. Carr. 3 A. J. Burch, 3 S. B. MLorris, Committee. 3 3 •AAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA# Administrator* Sale. Georgia—Montgomery County. I'nder and by virtue of an or* der granted by the Court of Or dinary of said county, will t«e t*nld on the tirat Tueadav in May, next, at the court house door in stud county, between the legal hour* of sale, to the highest and beat bidder for cash, the follow ing property to wit: Fifty acre* of land lying and being in the li>- tlTth district ti. M. of said county, ami bounded on the north by land* of D. C. Morn*, on the ea-st by land* of ti. K. Taylor, south by land* of 1). A. Jackson and on tin- west by a corner stake. Sold as the property of she estate of tleo. \V. and John Taylor, deceas ed. Sold for the purpose of dis tribution. H. T Taylor, Administrator. Citation. Georgia—Montgomery County. Mr* Mary Johnson having madp application ta me for a twelve months support out of the estate of the lets 1. A. Johnson, and appraisers duly appointed f >r setting apart and valuation hav ing hied their return, all persons are hereby cited to show cause be fore the Court of Ordinary to be held on the first Monday in May next, why said application should not l>* granted. This April d, 1911. .0-x McArthur, Ordinary. Kgrly Amber Cane Seed. Tur nips. Reets, Kale and Mustard. lin bulk, for spring planting Mt. Vernon Drug Co. Th# Mount Vernou Drug Co. has Cabbage Seed iu bulk. THE MONTGOMERY MONITOR—THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 1011. —... , ...... ... ■ ■■■■■ —l Stuckey. Hpceinl Corrtß|Kitj<leiice. Mr. J ,T. Jenkins and son, Otif*, of Wrightaville, Ga. visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Rountree recent ly. Mr. L. A. Hattaway made a business trip to Savannah last s week. Mrs. Am lie Lea-gette of Ailev visited relatives liere one day last week. Mrs. Alleen Meeks and tittle ones from Macon are nere to spend some time with relatives. Mr. Gordon Rountree of Abbe ville, came over Tuesday to* at tend the burial of nis sister. While here he spent a few days with home folks, returning Satur day. Mr. Jul lau Hattaway, who has been very ill for some time, is again improving. Messrs. Richard McDaniel and Alex Patterson spent Sunday last here. Ma. J. D. McDaniel made a business trip to Mt. Vernon Sat urday last. We are very sorry to note the illness of Mr. W. L. Anderson and A. W. Barlow. We hope for them a speedy recovery. Mr. E. J. Joyner and family are ott' to W riglitsville and Harrison to spend several days. Messrs. Jim and Marcus Clax ton ot Alston visited here last week. Sheriff Sale. Georgia—Montgomery County. Will be aol V before tlie court limine door in Mt. Vernon on the firm. Tuesday in May, 1911, between the letfal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, certain property, of which the following is a complete description: Three certain head of oxen, known and described as follows: One brindle ox named “Bond,’’ one dun colored ox named “Bright” and one red ox named “Dennis.” Saiil oxen levied on and will l>e sold as the property of W. G. Fountain, to satisfy a mortgage execution issued from the Superior court of Montgom ery count in favor of W. Henry Clark vs W. G. Fountain, Susan* Fountain, claimant. Written no tice of levy given in terms of the law. This the 4th day of April, J9ll. James Hester, Sheriff, M B. Calhoun, Mly. for Pill's. NEWS NOTES, SHILOH SCHOOL. There will be an Easter-egg hunt at the school house Satur day afternoon. April 15th, at 3 o’clock. Come, join in the hunt. The honor roll for sixth months stanns as follows: Sixth Grade Nannie Will Tomp kins. Fifth Grade- Annie Mae Waters. Second Grade Laura Tompkins. First Grade Ruby Purser and Ora Vaughan. Janie Arnette, Teacher. CARD OF THANKS, We wish to thank the people of our community for being so good to lend a helping hand dur ing the illness and death of our daughter. May God’s richest blessings rest on each and every one of you. Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Rountree. J. R. WATSON Dentist Soperton, Georgia E. M. RACK LEY v Dentist Office over Mt.. Vernon Drug Co. MT. VERNON. OA. MONEY TO LOAN On Improved Forms in Montgomery County at a Small Rate of Interest. J. E. Hall, Sopcrtoiv A. L. Lanier, Attorney at Law, MT. VERNON, GA. Will Practice in all the Courts of the State. Sheriff Sale. Georgia - Montgomery County. Will tx; sold before the court house door in Mt ' Vernon on the first Tuesday in May, 1911. be- ; tween the lesral hours of sale, to the highest bidder , for cash, certain property, of which the following is a full and complete description: One lot of land lying and being in the Tow n of Soperton. Ga., and in the 138*S District G. M. of said state, together with one two-story brick building on same, situated as follows: Fronting Main street 22 1-2 feet and running back 50 feet, th<- >ame being in Block No. 6 and known as Lot No. 12, and bounded as follow's: On the north by j lot of John C. Williams, on the east by brick j building of M. J. Hinson, on the south by Main j street and on the west by an ally. Levied on and will l*e sold as the property of J. E. Hicks to satis- j fy a mortgage fi fa issued from the Superior court j of Montgomery county in favor of The Bank of , Soperton vs J. E. Ricks. Pointed out for levy by plaintiff's attorney and in the possession of Geo. R. Barwick. This the 4th day of April, 1911. James Hester, Sheriff. W. L. Wilson, A tty. for Plffs. A New Naval Menace. During the summer of 1907 the German armored cruiser Bremen visited Montreal, remaining a week or two, and many citizens took ad vantage of Ahe opportunity to see what this sample of Germany’s sea f;oing fighting machinery looked ike. Among them was one of Canada’s budding civil engineers with a com panion. They were particularly im pressed by the massive and wicked looking solid steel ram that project ed from the bow, coining to a point just at the water line. They stood staring for some mo ments at this terrible beak, one of them pacing off on the wharf the length of the ram. Then as they sauntered away the young engineer voiced his pent-up feelings, “My, that would tear a fellow’s pants, wouldn’t it ?” Sheriff Sale. Georgia—Montgomery’County. Will l>e sold before the court house door in Mt. Vernon, on the first Tuesday in May, 1911, be tween the legal hours of sale, to the highest bid der for cash, certain property, of which the follow- ] ing is a full and complete description: One certain tract or parcel of land situate, ly ing and being in the 1343 d district of said county and state and boundctd as follows: On the north by lands of Levi H. Miller, on the east by Cypress Creek, on the south by lands of Josh Kemp and on the west by lands of Mack Yeomans, contain ing 121 acres more or less. Levied on and will be sold as the property of C. T. Braddy to satisfy an execttion issued from the City Court of Mount Vernon in favor of Mrs. L. G. Henry vs C. T. Braddy. Property pointed out by plan tiff and writ t. n notice of levy given as required by law. This the Ith day of April, 1911. Janies Hester, Sheriff. J. B. Jeiger, A tty. for Plff. Sheriff Sale. Georgia— Montgomery County. Will be sold before the court house door in Mount Vernon on the first Tuesday in May, 1911, be tween the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, certain property, of which the following is a full and complete descriptor One certain lot of lond situate, lying being iu the Town of Soperton, Ga., and bounded as fol lows: Hounded on the north 150 feet by lands of G. L. Hughes, on the east by Main street 100 feet, on the south 150 feet by lands of J. F. Cromartie ami on the west by lands of J. R. Watson. Levied on and will be sold as the property of Eva Mullis to satisfy an execution issued from the Superior court of said county in favor of Peoples Bank vs Eva Mullis, H. Lee and G. L. Hughes, Pointed out for levy by attorney for plaintiff and written notice of levy given as required by law. This the 4th day of April, 1911. James Hester, Sheriff. W. L, Wilson. Atty. for PUT. Sheriff Sule. Georgia—Montgomery County. Will be sold before the court house door in Mt. j Vernon, on the first Tuesday in May, 1911, be- ; tween the legal hours of sale, to the highest bid der for cash, certain property, of which the follow ing is a full and complete description: One certain tract or parcel of land situate, lying j and being in the l»>s4th district G. M. of said i county and state and bounded as follows: North by lands of Mary J. Calhoun, on".the east by lands of the Fulghum estate, on -the south by lands of j B. F. Hamilton and on the west by lands of R. D. ! Beady, containing forty-five acres. Said land is levied on and will be sold a» the property of F. B. j Calhoun to satisfy an execution issued from the' Superior Court of said county and ip favor of W. | Mi shoe, against F. B. Calhoun. Property pointed for levy by plaintiff's attorney ami written notice of levy given in terms of the law. This the 4th day of April. 1911. James Hester, Sheriff. W. L. Wilson, Atty for Plff. Sheriff Sale. Georgia—Montgomery County. \Vill In* sold before the court hoime door in Mt. Yunion on iht* first Tuesday in Ma\ , 1911, between the leg*) hour*, of sale, to the highest and best bidder for flash, certain prop erty, of which the follow .ng is a complete de scription: One tract of land situate, lying and being in the Eleventh Land District of said county, being 20 acres in the north oast corner of Lot of I.and No- Six. and bounded on the north, east and south by lands of Dodge and on the west by lands of C. M Williams. Levied on and will Ik* sold as the prop erty of 11. VV. Seigler to satisfy a lifa issued by D. M. Currie, tax colector. \s H. W. Seigler. Pointed out by defendant. Levy made and returned to me bj Nat Miller, constable. This the 4th day of April. 11*11. Janies Hester, Sneriff. Slit-riff Sale. Georgia—Montgomery County Will be s«*ld before the court Lomu* door in Mt. Vernon oil the first Tuesday in May. , 1910, between the legal leuiift of sale, the 1 highest bidder for cash, certain property* of! which the following is a complete description ; Three certain lots of land lying and being in the I Town of Soperton. Montgomery County, Ga.. and I known as Lots Nos. 7, 8 and 9 in Block No. 6 in the plat of S M. Durden, and bounded as follows: On the northwest and northeast by lands of Lillie M. Williams, on the southeast by lands of Dora A. Holton and Mrs. M F. Durden and on the south west by Outlaw street, and being 50 x 150 feet. Levied on as the property of J. T. Doolittle to sat isfy one execution issued from the Superior Court of Montgomery county in favor of First National Bank of Dublin against J T. and G. R. Doolittle ami one from the Justice Court of the 97th G. M Dist. Washington Co.. Ga.. in favor of H. B Mas sey vs J. T. Doolittle. This the 4th day of April. 1911. James Hester. Sheriff. J. B. J Alt) , form». Citation. Georgia—Montgomery County. Mrs. Nora Webster having made I application to me for a twelve months support out of the estate of the late Chas. F. Webster, and appraisers duly appointed for set-; ting apart and valuation having; filed their return, all persons are . hereby cited to show cause before the Court of Ordinary to he held on the first Monday in May uext, why said application should not be granted. This April 3,-1911. APx McArthur, Ordinary... Citation. Georgia—Montgomery County. Mrs. Cora E. Conner having made application to me for a twelve months support out of the estate of the late A. B. Conner, and appraisers duly appointed for setting apart and valuation hav ing tiled their return, all persons are hereby cited to show cause be fore the Court of Ordinary to be held the first Monday in May next, why said application should not be granted. This April 3,1911, Alex McArthur, Ordinary. T. Receivers Rounds. FIRST ROUND. 1 will be at the following places on the dates named for the pur pose of receiving state and county taxes for the year 1911: Alston, Monday*, April 10, 10 to 2 p. m. Higgton, 11th, 10to2p. m. Kibbee, 12th, 8 to 12 m. Tarrytown, 12th, 2 to 4 p. m. Soperton, 13th, 8 to 12 m. Orland, 13th, 2 to 4 p. in. Lothair, 14th. 10 to 2 p. m. Mt. Vernon, 15th, 10 to 2p. m. Landsburg, 17th, 12 to 4 p. m. Glenwood, 18th, 8 to 12 in. Alamo, 19th, 8 to 12 m. Erick, 20th, 8 to 12 m. Springhill, 21st, 8 to 12 in. McArthur, 22d, 8 to 12 in. Please meet me promptly. Respectfully, J. G MORRIS, R. T. R. M. Co. My line of Voille Panama Skirts cannot be surpassed. J. H. Hudson, Ailey, Ga. j| r r II am now located m Mt. Vernon, j Ga., and offer my services to (lie public j. in the treatment of disease and the care | of sick. I have had many years experi- ij! ence in this line, and always give strict I attention to cases placed in my charge. | | Both White and Colored Receive f, I My Services. Road the following from Dr. Hattie: ij: Jefferson County, Ga., July 13th, 1885. :i; This is to certify that I have known Katie Hill for three « years, and have been with her; and she is wise in her busi ness, and under these heads I give her this authority in any |; I I state or county. Any one in need of a colored woman’s services should not hesitate to call her. She is capable of treating Rheumatism. Indigestion, Dropsy, Consumption and Male of g Female Troubles. Call her in time. IX Respectfully, I)R. B. RATTLE. | When in need of my services, call me at once. Respectfully, Katy Hill and Husband (From Jelfeason County, Ga.) j| MONEY TO LEND j Loans of any amount from S3OO to SSO. (*H) on farms iu Mont- j gouiery and adjoining counties. No delays for inspection, j Have lands examined by a man living near you. LOANS ON FIVE YEARS TIME, payable in easy installments to 8 a suit borrower. | GEO. 11. HARRIS j| S Merchants Bank Building Mcßae, Ga. | A Note to You: April 6, 1911. We have rented this space for the purpose of writting you a note each week, the object of which will apparent latter. They will not be long, for the reason that space will not permit, and we feel sure that you will not be so discourteous as to not read them. People invariably read notes addressed to them. Yours truly, Mt. Vernon Drug Company. SACK ON THE JOB. Mrs. J. L. Adams, after spending time in the best Millinery markets of the South, is now back on the job, ready to serve the ladies of Mt. Vernon and vicintity. Will be pleased to solve the Hat'problem for each of her friends and customers. Mr. John Brewton of Way cross arrived this week to visit his parents, Rev. and Mrs. H. C. Brewton.