Newspaper Page Text
Lawrenceville, Ga., April 8.
Shortly after midnight this morn
ii.g a moh of 200 masked men
s:: rmod the jail here and after
a'lacking the sheriff and taking
his keys from him secured the
n rro, Charles Hale, arrested
e;. iier in the night for assaulting
Mrs. (’. C. Williams.
They took him to a corner in
the business part of the town
aid, after stringing him up on a
tree, riddled the body with bul
According to Sheriff E. S.
Garner, the crowd was composed
of residents of the country sur
rounding Lawrenceville. While
tiie sheriff was parleying with
the ringleaders in the yard of
the jail, three others slipped be
hind and dealt him unconscious.
'1 hey then secured his keys and
made away with the prisoner.
The assault on Mrs. Williams
is said to have been unusually
brutal. Her husband, a promi
nent young farmer, was away
ft .un home when the negro slip
j d into the house yesterday af
i noon and before Mrs. Williams
could offer arm resistance he
S’ zed her and threw her on the
floor. In the scuffle almost all
the woman’s clothing was torn
from her body. The negro hid
io the house and again terroized
the woman when she regained
Williams, who is paralyzed in
tl ■ upper part of his body, found
t ! • negro there on his return., it is said, threatened both
with death if they revealed his
ci i me.
\s soon as the negro disap
p .red Williams gave the alarm,
a 1 Sheriff Garner organized a
P .so and started the hunt with
b odhounds. The chase led in
ti he Yellow river bottoms, three
notes away, where the negro was
b l ien under a buggy seat and
la led safely in jail. The negro is
s; 1 to have* confessed his crime.
G • rgiu—Montgomery County.
\rchGilliH him in proper form
ti j>lini t" the undersigned for b*t
ti rs < t guardianship of the por-
N< • and property ol hutnhia and
M tunic Johnson, miner children
of Israel Johnson, late of suul
e niiitv deceused; notice is therc
-1 given that said application i
\v be heard at the regular term
ol tin* Court ot Ordinary to lie
Io d on the lirst Monday in May!
ip \i Witness my hand and olli signature, tb s the ifd day ■>f
Apii 1, If) 11. Ales Me Art hur,
i /.Mission says
Atlanta. April 7. Unanimous
recommendation that Thomas
Edgar Stripling be granted a full
pardon, was tin* action of tin*'
I’risen Commission today, follow
ing yesterday’s hearing of his
application for clemency.
The commission based its ac
tion both upon the evidence as to
the character of William ,1. Cor
nett. tin 1 man killed by Stripling,
and upon Stripling's record and
character and the fact that he
has made a good citizen since his
es ape fourteen years ago. when
a life sentence had just been
I ed upon him following trial
f. his crime.
The case must now go to Gov.
frown for action upon the com
n don’s recommendation. Gov.
I. vn stated today that he
v. • ild not take the case up until
ut ,1 next week, and it is prolv
a he will not reach a conclus
s.\ . regarding it before the lat
te art of the week.
ipling shot Cornett for an
alt . ed insult to his sister, now
b T. 11. Durham: was convict
ed ■ murder with a recommen
d . ti to mercy and sentenced
to fe imprisonment. He es
c;. • d from Harris county jail in
l: 7. went to Virginia, became
cl. sos the Danville police in
Ith 1 and held that office ten
y. •> before he was discovered
an i brought hack to Georgia.
Stillrnore, Ga., April B.—Tha
whole of this country is stirred
with excitement over the reported
discovery of the lifeness body of a
white woman floating near the
pierhead of W. ft. Cowart’s mill
pond, three miles northeast of
here. The body was four feet
ineath the surface, t-he head
higher than the feet and was mov
ing with the water Its position
duffed and it was seen by .Mr.
t'owart and two of his sons, hut
disappeared before effort was
made to recover it.
The report spread rapidly and a
large crowd soon assembled at the
pond. The water is being drawn
off iii the attempt to find the
iody, us dragging lias failed to
reveal anything except a hair net.
The description given by Mr.
Cowart and his sous is that of a
goodlooking young woman, dress
ed in black, of medium build and
wearing gold rimmed eye-glasses.
No one of this section is missing
so far as reported.
Mr. Cowart says that a wom
an’s cry was heard at or near the
mil house Tuesday night,. It is
i further reported that a strange
man and woman were seen in the
community late Thursday after
noon, going in the direction of
lie ('mvart pond.
Sheriff Tom Fields and his
chief deputy, R. \V. Coursey, Hie
here on hand and are fiemg as
sisted in the direction of the
(-'■arch by Judge 11. R Daniels of
The citizens of the community
have ul! quit work and have gone
to the pond. More than a thous
and persons were at the pond to
day and the search is to be kept
up until the unknown victim of
order or suicide is brought to
'lie surface.
Albany, Ga , April B.—Jesse
F. Hudgins, the Baker county boy
who killed Ernest E. Barkedale,
the Tampa (Ela.) broker, goes to
penitentiary for life. The jury
in Ins case returned a verdict of
zuilty, with recommendation to
mercy, after being out for about
i n hour, and be knew his fate to
\lthough it required two days
to get a jury, the actual trial of
the case was accomplished in much
shorter time than was anticipated.
The state offered only a few of
the many witnesses it had sum
moned and unexpectedly rested.
file defense, after a conference
with Hudgins, placed the. young
prisoner on the stand, ami his
i statement was the feature of the
tr»al. He spoke without the least
hesitation or evidence of embar
rassment. The a tor.\ lie told was
I one of an accident during a hunt
ing trip.
i 18 1 said his gun was accident
ally discharged as he was taken it
: from the buggy, Barkedale being
instantly killed. In his terror he
sod In hid the body in the woods,
returning later with a quilt and
rope. The body was wrapped in
the quilt, carried loan abandoned
well near Hudgins’ home and
1 overtd to the bottom, lie said
the money he spent freely after
the disappearance of Barkedale
was given him by Ins stepfather.
In sentencing Hudgins to im
fpr sonment for life, Judge l’urk
l ild him 1m was fortunate to have
c-capcd the gallows, and Hudgins
thanked the judge for the consid
eration which hud been shown
him. 4
>.). rgia—Montgomery Counts-.
Mrs Mary Johnson having application t > me for a
. Ivo mouths support out of the
'<• itc of the late I, A. Johnson.
• i appraisers du.y appointed for
■ ling apart and valuation bav
,i g filed tin ir return, all persons
at hereby cited to show cause be
fore the Court of Ordinary to be
h Id uu the first Monday m May
n* \t, why said application should
to t lie granted. Thti April f>,
It'll. Alex McArthur, Ordinary.
Statesboro, Ga.. April 0. - Ac
cording to one of the promoters
of the Shearwood Lumber Com
pany’s railway extension, which
is planning to build from Brook
let to Pembroke, the line will be
extended also to Claxton, on the
Sealioard Air Line, if the people
of that territory want the road.
The line at present is five miles
long, running in a southerly di
rection from Brooklet.
If the line is extended to Clax
ton it will open up one of the best
sea island cotton sections of Bul
loch county and hundreds of
acres of timber land. That the
road will be built to Pembroke
there is no doubt, it is said, a
large amount of the required
funds having already been rais
ed. Several miles of rails are
already on the ground at Brook
let to begin work which will he
started soon. It is now the be
lief that the road will be built to
Early Amber Cane Seed, Tur
nips, Beets, Kale and Mustard,
in bulk, for spring planting
Mt. Vernon Drug Co.
The next meeting of the Mont
gomery county division of the E.
FT &C. U. of A. w ill fie held in
Mount Vernon on the Jlst day of
April. All Locals in the county
are requested to send delegates, as
business of importance will come
before the body. Meeting con
venes at 10 o’clock.
Jas. T. Geiger, Sec’y.
Administrator’s Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Under and by virtue of an or
der granted by the Court of Or
dinary of said county, will be
sold on the first Tuesday in May,
next, at the court house door in
said county, between the legal
hours of sale, to the highest and
best bidder for cash, the follow
ing property to wit: Fifty acres
of land lying and being in the 15-
(57t h district G. M. of said county,
and bounded on the north by
lands ot I). C. Morris, on the east
by lands of G. FT Taylor, south
by lands of L). A. Jackson and on
the west by a corner stake. Sold
as the property of t lie estate of
Geo.’Wß and John Taylor, deceas
ed. Sold for the purpose of dis
tribution. If. T Taylor,
Admmist rator.
A \\ timing
to protect the people of this coun
ty. Beware of those men who
for the sake of gaining your con
fidence, come to your towns,
claiming to be eyesight specialists,
permanently located in business
in Savannah; such statements
are positively untrue. 1 am the
only one established in Savannah
who makes these towns, which
von all know by reading the pa
pers of Savannah and also your
county papers. For any eye
troubles or glasses consult me a>
you all knowjnv work to be re
liable. If you wish to know of
my next visit to your town, drop
me n postal: you will get an im
mediate reply.
Yours for good eyesight.
l>r J. E. Masrow.
The Mount Vernon Drug Co
has Cabbage Seed in bulk.
I )cntl st
Soporton, Georgia
Office over Mt. Vernon Drug C<>.
On Improved Farms in
Montgomery County at a Small
Rate of Interest.
J. E. Mali, Soperton.
A. L. Lanier,
Attorney at Law,
Will Practice in all the Court.-of
the State.
Georg : a—Montgomery County,
Will he sold before, the court howe door in Mt
Vernon oit The first Tuesday in May, 1911, be
tween the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder
for cash, certain property, of which the following
is a full and complete description:
One lot of land lying and being in the Town of
said 'state, together with one two-story brick
building on same, situated as follows: Fronting
Main street 22 1-2 feet and running back'SO feet,
the same being in Block No. 6 and known as Lot
No. 12. and bounded as follow’s: On the north by
lot of John C. Williams, on the east by brick
building of M. J. Hinson, on the south by Main
street and on the west by an ally. Levied on and
w ill la* sold as the property of J. K. Ricks to satis
-1 fy a mortgage fi fa issued from the Superior court
of Montgomery county in favor of The Rank of
Soperton vs J. K. Ricks. Pointed out for levy by
plain tiff’s attorney and in the possession of Geo.
It. Bar wick. This the 4th day of April, 1911.
.James Hester, Sheriff.
W. L. Wilson, Atty. for Rifts.
Sheriff Sale.
Oeorpia—M''iit({omtiry Canity.
IVi Im, -'•! ! tiel'<-n- ill- i-.iuft hon*p doorV
..Ml. Vernon an tile rii-t Tuc-iliy in -llay,
Hill, lx Iwcen tin; i.-iia! li*mrs »f sftlo. to the
highest biit.h r for <*:ish eerliiin property, of
which tie- f ilhm .nt' is a complete description:
Three certain head df oxen,
known and described as follows:
One brindle ox named •‘Boad,’’
one dun colored ox named
*■ Bright” and one red ox named
I “Dennis.” Said oxen levied on
I and will be sold as the property
j.if W. G. Fountain, to satisfy a
.mortgage execution issued from
II he Superior court of Montgom
ery count in favor of W. Henry
! Clark vs W. G-. Fountain, Sussie
i Fountain, claimant. Written no
: of levy given in terms of the
law. 'Jhis the Ith day of April,
1911. James Hester, Sheri IF.
M. B. Calhoun, Atty. for PHFs.
Sheriff Sale.
; Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will be sold before the court house door in Mt.
I Vernon, on the lirst Tuesday in May, 1911, be
tween the legal hours of sale, to the highest bid
| der for cash, certain property, of which the follow
ing is a full and complete description:
i One certain tractor parcel of land situate, ly
| ing and being in the 1343 d district of said county
and state and bounded as follows: On the north
by lands of Levi H. Miller, on the east by Cypress
| Creek, on the south by lands of Josh Kemp and
on the west by lands of Mack Yeomans, contain
ing 121 acres more or less. Levies] on ami will be
I sold as the propert y of C. T. Braddy to satisfy an
j execttion issuer! from the City Court of Mount
Vernon in favor of Mrs. L. G. Henry vs C. T.
Braddy. Property pointed out by plan tiff and writ
! ten notice of levy given as required by law. This
; the Itli day of April, 1911.
James Hester, Sheriff.
J. B. Jeiger, Atty. for Riff.
Sheriff Sale.
j Georgia Montgomery County.
Will be sold before the court housedoorin Mount
! Vernon on the first Tuesday in May. 1911, be
i tween the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder
for cash, certain property, of which the following
J is a full and complete dose rip ton:
One certain lot of Innd situate, lying being iu
the Town of Soperton, Ga., and bounded as fol
j lows: Bounded on the north 150 feet, by lands of
j G. L. Hughes, on the east by Main street 100 feet,
on the south 150 fret by lands of J. F. Cromartie
and on the west by lands of J. U. Watson. Levied
; on and will be sold as the property of Eva MulHs
j to satisfy an execution issued from the Superior
court of said county in favor of Peoples Bank vs
Eva Mullis, H. Lee and G. L. Hughes. Pointed
i out for levy by attorney for plaintiff and written
| notice of levy given"as required by law. This the
i -Ith day of April, 1911.
James Hester, Sheriff.
W. L. Wilson, Atty. for Riff.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia Montgomery County.
Will lie sold before the court housedoorin Mt.
I Vernon, on the first Tuesday in May, 1911, be
; Jwecn the legal hours of sale, to the highest bid
der for rash, certain property, of which the follow -
S ing is a full am! complete description:
One certain tract or parcel of land situate, lying
and being in the 1664th district G. M. of said
county and state and bounded follows: North
by lands of Mary J. Calhoun*, on the east by lands
of the Fulghurn estate, on the south by lands of
B. I- Hamilton and on the west by lands of R. I).
Beady, containing forty-five acres. Said land is
i levied on and will bo sold as the property of F. B.
Calhoun to satisfy an execution Issued ...from the
Superior Court of said county ami in favor of W.
Mishoe. against F. B. Calhoun. Property pointed
for levy by plaintiff's attorney and written notice
of levy given in terms of the law. This the Ith
day of April, 1911. James Hester, Sheriff.
VV. L. Wilson. Atty. for Riff.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—M.mtu .m. pv County.
Will be sold before tin* court house door ill
Mt. Vernon on the first Tuesday in J/a>,
1911, between the legal liont> of sale, to the
? higln st and best bidder fur cash, certain prop
erty. of which the is «i complete de
One tract of land situate, lying and being in the
Eleventh l~ind District of said county, being 20
acres in the north east corner of Lot of Land No.
Six. and bounded on the n *rsh east and south by
lands of fKklge and on the west by lands of C. M.
Williams. Levied on and will he sold as the prop
erty of H. W. vSeigler to satisfy a fifa issued by D.
M. Currie t*.\ eoU oft»r, vs H. \\ Seigler. Pointed
out by defendant. Levy made and returned tome
by Nat Miller, constable. This the Ith day of
April. R.fil. James Hester, Sneriff.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will b« sAd before the court louse door in
Mt. V- i • the Hist Tip — lav in May,
1910, iHiluo ti tn legtil hours of to the
highest hidthi for cab, certain pi * petty, of
which the’following is tt complete description :
Three certain lots of lam! lying and being in the
■pawn as Soperton, Montgomery County, Ga.. and
known as bus N - ’ > and 9in Block No. 6in the
plft! of S. M. Durden, ami bounded as follows: On
the northwest ami northeast by lands of Lillie M.
Williams, on the so it beast by lands of Dura A.
Holton and Mrs. M. F. Durden and on the south
west by Outlaw street, and being s*) x 150 feet.
‘ Levied on as the property of J. T. Doolittle to sat
isfy one execution issued from the Superior Court
of Montgomery county in favor of First National
, Bank of Dublin against J. T. and G. R. Doolittle
i and one from the Justice Court of the th G M.
Dssr. Washington Co., Ga.. in t'a or of H B. M js
se> v»J.T. Dooliitie. This the 4th day of April,.
' 1911. James Hester, Sheriff.
J. B. Jeiger. Atty. for Riffs.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Mrs. Nora Webster having made !
‘application to me for a twelve
months support out of the estate
of the late Cho9. F. Webster, and
appraisers duly appointed for set* |
ting apart and valuation having,
filed their return, all persons are j
hereby cited to show cause before [
the Court of Ordinary to be held
■ll the first Monday in Mu/ next,
why said application should not
be granted. This April 55, 1911.
Alex McArthur, Ordinary. j
! Georgia—Montgomery County.
Mrs. Cora E. Conner having
made application to me for a
twelve months support out of the
estate of the late A. B. Conner,
and appraisers duly appointed for
setting apart and valuation hav
ing tiled their return, all persons
are hereby cited to show cause be
fore the Court of Ordinary to be
lAkl the first Monday in May next,
why said application should not I
be granted. This April 55,1911.
Alex McArthur, Ordinary.
T. Receivers Rounds.
1 will be at the following places
on the dates named for the pur
pose of receiving state and county
taxes for the year 1911:
Alston, Monday, April 10, 10 to
2 p.'rn.
iliggton, 11th, 10 to 2 p. ni.
Kibbee, 12th, 8 to 12 m.
Tarrytown, 12th, 2 to 4 p. m.
Soperton, 155th, 8 to 12 m.
Orland, 155th, 2 to 4 p. m.
Lothair, 14th. 10 to 2 p. m.
Mt. Vernon, 15th, 10 to 2p. m.
Landsburg, 17th, 12 to 4 p. m.
Ullenwood, 18th, 8 to 12 m.
Alamo, 19th, 8 to 12 in.
Erick, 20th, 8 to 12 m.
; Springhill, 21st, 8 to 12 in.
McArthur, 22d, 8 to 12 in.
j Please meet me promptly.
R T. R. M. Co.
My line of Voille Panama
Skirts cannot be surpassed.
J. 11. Hudson.
Ailey, Ga.
| lam now located in Mt. Vernon, 1
p Ga., and offer my services to the public 1
S in the treatment ofdisease and the care |
| of sick. I have had many years experi- ft
| ence in this line, and always give strict 1
| attention to cases placed in my charge. |
I Both White and Colored Receive
My Services. 1
| Read the following from I)r. Battle: |
ft Jefferson County, Ga., July I3th, 1885. |;
S This is to certify that I have known Katie Hill for three |;
ft years, and have been with her; and she is wise in her busi
g ness, and under these heads I give her this authority in any
| state or county. Any one in need of a colored woman’s services |;
should not hesitate to call her. She is capable of treating |;
Rheumatism, Indigestion, Dropsy, Consumption and Male or g
ft Female Troubles. Call her in time. ft
Respectfully, DR. B. BATTLE. «
| When in need of my services, call I
|me at once. Respectfully, J
| - Katy Hill and Husband f
g (From Jeffeason County, Ga.) ft
ft !.• >ans- 1 uny amount from 1300 to $50,000 on farms in Mont- j
_ in ry and adjoining counties. No delays for inspection, j
Have lands examined by a man living near you. j
LOANS ON FIVE YEARS TIME, payable in easy installments to «
ft -uit borr-'war. ]
ft Merchants Bank Budding Mcßae, Ga. I
V* 3
A Note to You:
April 6, 1911.
We have rented this space
for the purpose of writting you
a note each week, the object of
which will apparent latter.
They will not be long, for the
reason that space will not permit,
and we feel sure that you will
not be so discourteous as to not
read them. People invariably
read notes addressed to them.
Yours truly,
Mt. Vernon Drug
Mrs. J. L. Adams,
after spending time in
the best Millinery
markets of the South,
is now hack on the
job, ready to serve the
ladies of Mt. Vernon
and vicintity. Will
he pleased to solve the
Hat problem for each
of her friends and
Mr. John Brewton of Way
cross arrived this week to visit
his parents, Rev. and Mrs. H. C.