The Montgomery monitor. (Mt. Vernon, Montgomery County, Ga.) 1886-current, April 13, 1911, Image 6
TEACHERS’ EXAMINATION. The next annual examination for teachers will he held on the 10th. and 17th. day of June, next, at the Court House in Mt. Vernon, beginning ut 8 o’clock a. rn. each morning. Besidce the regular school texts, the only material needed for pre paration will lie Hodge’s Nature Study and Life, The Manual of Methods, School Law, and perhaps Health Talk for Georgia Teach ers. The lirst mentioned hook may he obtained from Ginn & Co., Atlanta, Georgia, in a special edition, price one dollur. This hook has been selected on account of its interesting treatment of nature and farm life. Very truly yours, A. IT Hutcheson, C. S. C., M Co. Ga. Just received, a pretty line of novelties in Dress Goods and Waisting for Easter wear, also Collars, Belts and Hair Goods in latest styles. J. 11. Hudson. Dr. J. E. MASROW, OF SAVANNAH, Wellknown Eyesight Specialist, AT AILEY Saturday, Apr. 15 Palmer Drug Store GLENWOOD Monday, Apr. 17 Rivers Drug Co. (()<hiy in en( li town.) This will make the loth visit of Dr. Masrow to your county, and he needs no introduction. Dr. Masrow has examined the eyes of thousands of people of this State and the benefits received by those wearing his glasses have been most phenomenal. Bewure of the man who_t ravels from town to town and has no office. You have all heard of Dr. Masrow’s great work, and many testimonials telling of the success be bus bad in littmg glasses have appeared trout time to t me* in the Savannah papers, in which city Dr Masrow Inis his office. Tuße advice and consult the man whose reputation for great skill you all know. 11l Al> WHAT VO I II lIo.MK I‘KOI'I.K SAY lit 1)11. M A SHOW . Mt Vernon, Ga., 10-1- ’ 10. Dr. J. E Masrow, Savannah. Dear Sir: —1 am more than pleased with the glasses. Have bad several eye specialists to ex amine mv eves. Imt none of them ever succeeded in giving me glasses that gave the satisfaction that Yours do. Uespt’v. ( Miss) Belle McAllister. Mt Vernon, Ga., Apr 11-’lO. Dr J E Masrow, Savannah, Ga. Dear Doc:—The glasses you tit led to mv eyes ate tin* best 1 have overused. 1 can recommended you to all my friends. T. E. Rogers. Glen wood, Ga., 10-10-’lO. Dr .1 E. Masrow. Savannah. Dear Sir:—The glasses you tit led me have given perfect satis faction. I don’t think 1 could have secured l et ter ones any w here. Yours very t rulv, # J, I. McKay. Glen wood, flu., 4-11-'lO. Dr. .1 E. Masrow: —1 am well pleased with your glasses, and will recommend you to mv friends. Yours truly, Mrs. \V. T. McQuuig. Mt. Vernon, G.i , 10-o-’lO Dr. J, E Masrow. Savannah. Dear Doctor:—Betore 1 got glasses from you 1 could only read a few minutes, Imt 1 can read just as long as 1 want to now, so 1 am pleased with tile glasses. Yours truly, Avil McLendon. Mt Vernon, flu., 10*11-’lO. Dr. J. K. Masrow, Savannah. Dear Sir:—l wish to say that the glasses \ou titled my w ife and myself have been very satisfactory. Yours truly, D. S. Williamson. Mt. Vi rnon, Ga., *\pril 4-11. Dr. J. E Masrow, Savannah. Dear The glasses you tit led uic ale sal is! acturv. 11. W. Stuckey, PICNIC AT OCHWALKEE. On last Saturday, April Bth, a small crowd from Alamo and Stuckey went down in autos and met at the picnic ground at Och walkee and spent a most enjoyable day. The special features of the day were games, a very appetizing dinner and in the afternoon our good chaperones surprised us with a most delightful boat ride. Those partaking of this most enjoyable surprise were Mrs. Albert Ander son. Misses Mattye Sears, Carrye McDaniel, Mlllye Sears, and A Been Wade; Messrs Alex Mc- Lendon, Albert Anderson, Alex Patterson, Richmond McDaniel, Fred Miller, Leon Elkins and Dewey Sears. After expressing our gratitude to Mr. and Mrs Anderson and declaring it the most delightful occasion of the season, we departed, hoping that it might be repeated in the near futu re. If you take a deed, you want the correct form. It can be had from this office. New supply just printed. Mt Vernon, Ga., 10-155-10. Dr J E Masrow, Savannah. Dear Doctor:—The glasses got ten from you sometime ago, 1 can us ' day and night with perfect ease and rest to my eyes. I can sutclv recommend Dr. Masrow’s glasses us being (). K., as well us Dr. Masrow as an optician. Yours respt’v. I). M. Currie, T. C. M. C. Mt. Vernon, R D. 4., 4 S-'IO. Dr. J. E. Masrow, Savannah. Dear Doctor:—My glasses are fill right and huve given perfect satistuction. Mrs. K. D. VVilliamson. Mt. Vernon, 4 5-TO. Dr. Masrow, Savannah. Dear Sir:—Your glasses have given me perfect satisfaction. Respectfully, Mis. F. C. Higgs. Dr. Masrow can refer you to the following people whom he has re cently lifted with glasses. They are all from your county. John Goll, Mrs A. L. Sammons, Mrs. E. D. Williamson, T. E. Rodgers, Mrs. M. J. Scruggs, Mrs. J. J Moses, Mrs. F. 0. Higgs, J J. Moses, Mrs. R. S. McLendon, Capt M 1). Hughes, D. M. Currie, J. G Morris, C. A. Mason, E. Mc- Arthur, G W Davis, Mrs. Rachel Me Dow el, J. T. McKay, Mrs. J. 1, Fountain, Mr. and Mrs. 1). S. Williamson, D K. Mcßae, J. W. Clements, Mrs J. M. Meeks, M s. A. L. Lanier, Bruce Fountain, John M Thigpen, W. J. Camerom, Matluis Sharp, Mrs. M C. Mor rison, R. Morrison, lven Rn ks, A N M Peterson, J L. Adams, Mrs. M. F. Phillips, Mrs. W. T Mi'Guaig, Miss B. V. McAllister, Rev. A 11 Holmes, Mrs. M Gil lis, W. T. Hadden, J A. Morri son, Mrs. E. D Adams, Mr and Mrs J, D McCullough, Mrs. D L Conner, J N G ill is, D. L. Con ner, Mrs. J. E. Mcßae. Miss Mary Otlbnith, Mr. and Mrs P. Gal , hraith, Mrs J. N Gillie, K K. Mosley, .1. W. McCullough, S. B. Morris. 11. \\ Stuckey, Mrs. R. K. Moselev, Dr. Geo. Johnson, Mrs. W. j Fowler, Rev. J. W. U itheriugton. J. E. Kicks, C. 15. Knight. L. C Chestnut, Penrose Ricks. J. C. Williams, J. F Hol ten, M. T Moses, Rev. J. F. Yan cey, Miss Doll is Wells. Mt. Vernon, Ga., 4 4-10. Dr. J. E Masrow, Savannah. Dear Sir:—My glasses give per fect satisfaction. I am well pleas ed w ith them. Yours respectfully. Mrs. A. L. Sammons. ’ P. S. Parties for whom 1 have previously tilted glasses muv have them changed free ot charge. THE MONTGOMERY MONITOR—THURSDAY-, APRIL 13, Bill. THE PROGRAMME OF DEMOCRATIC LAWMAKERS. Washington, D. C., April 8. Legislative plans of the Demo cratic majority of the House! made known today from a reli able source, indicate that the Re publican Senate speedily will be given important measures for action. The definite outline, subject to further caucus ratification, lists as follows the order of leg islation to be pushed forward by the Ways and Means Committee as soon as the House organization j is completed: Popular election of United States senators. Publicity before elections of; campaign contributions. Statehood for Arizona and New Mexico. Canadian reciprocity. Revision of schedule K, the wool schedule, of the Payne-Al drich bill. Revision of the cotton schedule. Beyond this the present pro gramme does not extend, other tariff matters and general sub jects being left for further con sideration depending a great deal upon time. It also has prac- Jtically been decided that the Can adian reciprocity bill to be brought forward by Chairman Underwood will be almost an exact dupli- j cate of the McCall bill. It will carry no tariff rider. Leading Democrats when asked today what they would do if the Senate : immediately passed the Canadian reciprocity bill and then indicat ed its readiness to adjourn, de clared that the House would not adjourn. The Democrats ex pressed confidence that the pres ident would not exersise his au thority to adjourn the extraor dinary session should a dispute arise between the two houses of Congress over adjournment. Entrants in Corn Contest. The following is a list of those i who have entered the corn con- i test as ottered by the Mt. Vernon ! Bank. It will be seen that every section of the county is represent- j ed. The rules have been publish ed for the past two months, and | all are familiar with them: Charlie Dukes Soperton, Ga. D F. Waruock Tarrytowti J. W. McMillan Scotland J. 11 Jackson -Scotland J. E. Phillips Soperton, No. 55 L. E. Avant Helena No. 1 G. J. Thompson Mt. Vernon Clias. Montgomery “ Douglas McGregor Alley J. M. D. McGregor Alley D. S. Williamson I'valda D. H. Phillips Superton No. 55 J. B. O’Conner Kibbee G. \\ , Garrett Glenwood No. 5! J. W. Gibbs Ailey No. ! Lucian Higgs Soperton No. 2 J. F. Elton Scotland No. I Marshall Moore Glenwood Sibley J. Clark I'valda No. 55 j Geo. W. Davis Glenwood T. P. Rhodes Scotlandi J. L. Johnson Scotland No. 1 L. C. Hinson Erick J. W. Hinson Erick J. W. Calhoun I’valda M. 11. Mason Mt. Vernon E. Lee Mcßae G. L. Davis Glenwood No 55 J. E. Palmer Yiilalia | Otha Hinson Erick Norman Gillis Sopetron Mrs. Lucy Wilkes Yidalia No. 1 A. N. Price V idalia No. 1 S. L. Full ford Glenwoigl G. A. Sammons Soperton No. 2 Harmoud Mathis Adrian No. 1 John W Greeuway Adrian No. 1 R. M. Lord Glenwood No 2 L. C. Webster Glenwood Every farmer in the county is j eligible, whether he has entered any other contest or not, but on-; ly one man can win either of the : prizes as offered by the bank — that is, the man winning the lirst prize connot compete for tin I second, and the second cannot : compete for tin* third prize. Fins makes three men share the prize ipouey. As stated in their an nouncement, the entrns close May Ist. and the awards w ill I made immediately after N >vem ber Ist of this year. The amount | ottered by the bank is #7*o, being #27) for the greatest yield of corn ou one acre. #lO t< r the second best and #lO for the third test yield. Next entertainment at the Union Baptist Institute Wednes day. 2Gth inst. —DeKovan Con cert Co. Hem - them. Sinking Spells Every Few Days “At the time I began taking Dr. Miles’ Heart Remedy I was having sinking spells every few days. My hands and feet would get cold; I could scarcely' breathe, and could feel myself gradually sinking away until I would be unconscious. Those about me could not tell there was life in me. After- these spells I would be very weak and nervous, sleepless and without appetite; had neuralgia in my head and heart. After taking the remedy & short time all this disappeared and in a few weeks all the heart trouble was gone.” MRS. LIZZIE PAINTER 803/4 3d Ave. Evansville, Ind. For twenty years we have been constantly receiving just such letters as these. There is scarcely a locality in the United States where there is not some one who can testify to the merits of this remarkably suc cessful Heart Remedy. Dr. Miles* Heart Remedy Is sold by all druggists. If the first bottle falls to benefit, your druggist will return your money. MILES' MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind. COMING TO AILEY. Dr. J. E. Masrow, Savannah’s i eminent eyesight specialist, will be at Ailey, Ga., Saturday, April 15th, at the Palmer Drug Store, from 11 a. m. to sp. m. For eye troubles or glasses consult the man whose work you know positively to he accurate. * Meat should have an extra coat of Liquid Smoke, or one coat at any rate, applied to it at the be ginning of warm weather, as it will absolutely protect the meat from bugs, skippers or other in j sects. You will never regret try ing it once. It is sold by Palmer Drugstore, at Ailey, Ga., for ; ,55cts. for full quart bottle. LEON M. BLAND, Shoemaker. | Genera Repair Shop. All classes of Leater Work Neatly Done, at Reasonable Prices. AT HICKS BROS’ STALES, Mt. Vernon, Ga. Money on Hand TO 1,0 AN. LOANS PROMPTLY CLOSED. \V(! It live a £oo(l sup ply of cheap money on hand at this time and can elose loans very promptly, either on farm or city property. If in need of cash, come to see or write us at once. Southern Loan & Investment Co. YIDALIA, GA. | I R !’.< VN.'N \\. ... H.v UN W ILL li CANON & BARNWELL C otton Factorsand ji Commission Merchants 220 U*\ U SAVASNAH.UA. 11 I (Member* Savannah Cotton Kxch&uge) i j Handlers of I'plain!, Se- || Island»Florodora Cotton Special mention liivcn to 1 1 F. 0. B. Cotton j; Handlers of Upland and Sea- !| Island Bagging, lies j! 11 and Ywiue || •YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY*YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY* ► Report County School Commissioner. < £ EXHIBIT “A”—[Attached to and forming part of 4 £ Grand Jury presentments March term superior court] J ► 4 ► 4 t To the Grand Jury Montgomery County, March Term, 1911. 4 ► Gentlemen: I beg leave to submit my annual report * t of the schools of Montgomery county for the year 1910. 4 £ Below is a statement showing the amount received 4 ► and expended during the year closing December 31, 1910: < t Amt. on hand from 1909 $ 6508 19 4 £ Received of State Treasurer for 1910 17051 57 * ► Received of Tax Collector 1910 9222 07 4 p Received from sale of estrays 935 4 l $33451 18 3 ► Paid White Teachers for 1910 $22955 24 ◄ Paid Colored Teachers for 1910 2030 30 3 p Paid County School Commissioner 900 00 3 £ Paid Board of Education 100 50 3 ► Paid for Postage 50 89 2 p Paid for stationery and books 24 08 5 £ Paid for incidentals 150 49 < ► Paid for conducting Teachers’ Institute 50 00 4 p Paid for bldgs., rep’s, school desk, sup’s. 3092 14 3 £ Paid balance on hand Jan. 1, 1911 2830 94 $33451 18 ◄ ► The school term for 1910 was seven months. To sup- ◄ ► port the schools for the year a levy of two and 3-4 mills 3 ► was made. • During the year the Board of Education helped to ► build several school houses and aided in repairing a num- 4 £ her old hers and furnished school desks for several schools 4 £ in the county. * ► The enrollment and average attendance was the best < p we have ever made in the county. £ Under the new High School Act we are planning to 4 ► organize a uniform system of High School work for the < £ entire county for the next school year. , 4 £ - The school work in evero way for the year 1910 was 4 ► good". 4 % Asking your support in every way possible for the im- 4 £ provement of thfe schools of the county, lam 4 ► Yours very respectfully, 4 p ' A. B. Hutcheson, C. S. C. M. Co. 4 •AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAa. f SOPERTON FERTILIZER j COMPANY SOPERTON, GEORGIA | y We are now ready to begin the manufacture of High Grade |j: | Fertilizers, as our new factory has been completed, and the ||; : g following are our leading brands: jjj (“Cotton Maker” 9-2-3 “O’Conner’s Mixture” 10-2-2 “Black Joe” 8-2-2 “Peoples Guano” 9-1-3 I Besides these leading brands we are prepared to supply the j:;j trade with any grade of guano desired as well as Kanit, Acid, ;jj: etc. V If you want good fertilizers see one of our agents or call on « the manager at the factory. <|j We are ready to begin delivery and $ I will treat you right. !j! OFFICERS: $ J. B. O’Conner, Pres. & Gen. Mgr., W. H. Fowler, V-Pres. J. E. Hall, Sec’y. & Treas. | DIRECTORS: * | J. B. O’Conner, W. H. Fowler, J. E. Hall, R. E. Ward, C. | H. Calhoun, C. H. Peterson, Izzie Bashinski. Ijj: Buy in Soperton. | * YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY YYYVYYYYYYVYYYYYYYTYYYYYYy [ THE VIDALIA CHEMICAL CO. I ► < > VIDALIA, GA. 4 ► « l ©oo©©©©©©©©©© ©©©o©©: e © © ©: © : t © Manufacturers of High=Grade jf : l I FERTILIZERS | j ►© © 4 ► ©©©©©©©©©©©©.©© o:©©©©© 0. © ©. 0 J l \ t Before Buying Fertilizer, see THE VIDALIA CHEMICAL : ► COMPANY, Vidalia, Ga. Manufacturers of High-Grades « ► 4 *,— ■ ■ 4 ► 4 ► OFFICERS: 4 ► 4 p Dr. J. H. McArthur, - - Vice-President 4 ► 4 £ Geo. N. Mathews, Sr. - - Gen. Mgr. * ► Mark W. Mathews, - Sec’y and Salesman 4 t DIRECTORS: 1 £ Dr. J. H. McArthur Geo. N. Mathews, Sr. 4 ► Jno. Jav McArthur A. D. Strobar W. G. Barnwell 4 ► < ► 4 ► - - * ► 4 p T(‘st our goods. Manv High Grades. 4 ► ~ • p 4 t They Produce well and Build up land. 2 ► 4 • AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA • Drop in and renew your Sub scription to the county paper.