The Montgomery monitor. (Mt. Vernon, Montgomery County, Ga.) 1886-current, May 04, 1911, Image 6
A Note to You: May 4, 1911. we have been obliged to offer an apology for failing to reveal the object of these weekly epistles. It was our intention to do so today, but just as we were get ting to it. the editor appeared in great haste and anger, saying it was time to go to press and t hat we were late with copy. Watch for next week's note. Yours truly, Mt. Vernon Drug Company. DIES IN BATH TUB. Augusta, Ga., April 30. George Lester Goodwin, assistant bookkeeper for the Interstate Gotton Oil Company, was found; d ad in the bath tub at his board ing house, 957 Reynolds street, this morning at 7 o’clock, death being tlie result, of acute indiges tion. Goodwin was heard to go intoj the hath room last night at 11 o'clock but was not missed until j this morning, when his brother, who lives in North Augusta, and who was preparing to leave the city with his wife, went to Good win’s room. finding the light still burning in the bedroom, and noticing a light in the bathroom, lie knock ed on the' latter door, but got no answer. He entered the bath room through the room of another hoarder and found young Good win with his face and the upper portion of his body soaped, half reclining in the bath tub. dead. examination by a physician developed the fact that he had died suddently of acute indiges tion. though none of the occu pants of the house knew Good win was suffering. A striking incident connected with the death of Goodwin was that an invalid" lady in the house, a Mrs. Oliver, insisted on her husband going to the bedroom of one of the hoard ers. who had been ill the past week, three times during the night to ascertain if the young man was all right, Mrs. Oliver had a nervous spell and insisted that there was something wrong in the house and could not go to sleep. She knew nothing of Goodwin's death until this morn ing. LITTLE ADDISON MADDOX DEAD. After an illness of several days. Addison, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. 11. T. Maddox, passed away last Wednesday at their home at the Union Baptist Insti tute. The little fellow had Ih’oii suf fering with measles and later a complication set in, which he was ti"t able to withstand, even though every effort was made by skilled and loving hands to stay tee disease. Remains were laid to rest in the cemetery in Ailey Thursday. Mr. and Mr. Maddox have the condolence of many friends in their hour of grief. Sheriff Suit*. Georgia'* Mentfvmwy t'otmly. Will he boM before the court houne cktwr in Mt. V non, **i| the fit-«t TutWfty in June, 11*11, twtett the Uvml hour* of Mtte. to the htithe*! Liti 4«*r f ir cash, cert ain ptoprt t y. of which the follow - mg is a full ami complete description'. Om* certain top, red irear. aide stprimr olack laxly, Ci«ieU bugg y and hattHMß for name. Said ptvf>- artv levied cm an will be aohl as the prupwiy of Grapidi* aatisfy an i wutiuti itaual from the Superior *N»urt of Motitfimirry rouiitiy. liejn Kta, in favor Shewmak< Hal! t\utipkn.v vw*u» the Mti«i Giwddie Phlliiia. W' ittm notin' of levy griv* mi at thv* law require* Ytu* the 5M day of May. lit}! James Hestrr, Shei »ft M-mtgon cry County, w« J. i* tieige* Attj foi Plain pits « A SPLENDID WORK IN SHAPE’S CEMETERY On April 26th (Memorial Day) the good people of Toombs coun ty met at Sharpe’s cemetery for cleaning and decorating the graves of their loved ones. The crowd was estimated at 300. In the morning the time was devoted to cleaning up the grave yard, about noon a very appetiz ing dinner was spread and in the afternoon the graves were dec orated with beautiful flowers and those present took great pride in the work and the day was spent very pleasantly. The people of this community seem to take so much interest in keeping up the graves of the departed ones. X. Kemp School. Special Correspondence. We are glad to have this pleas ant weather, as the farmers want to get through planting. A large number of people at tended srvices at Kemp’s School Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Willie Horne of Soper ton were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Horne Sunday af ternoon. Mrs. Mack Coleman and little son, Dennis, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Canady Sun day. Mr. Willie Moore and Miss Op pie Goff attended services here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Kemp of! Tarrytown were the pleasant visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Canady Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harmon Finnell; were the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Horne Sunday. Mrs. Hugoe Berner is visiting her sister. Miss Gooda Berner, this week. Kemp’s School is progressing nicely under the management of Miss Mary Brown. Mrs. G. W. Coleman is visiting her brother at Kite, who is very ill. We wish for him a speedy | recovery. Mr. .1. E. Horne has been very! ill for the past few days, but is ! improving now. Mrs. ,1. W. Adams visited her parents Sunday afternoon. Sheriff Stile. i Georgia Montgomery County. Will la* sold hvfore the court house »h>or in Mt j Vernon * n the first Tuesday in June, 11*11. be- j t ween the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder i for cash, certain property, of which the following { is* a full and complete description; AH that tract or parcel of land situated in Mont- j wruitu i \ county, and described as follows; Hounded on the east by lands of M. D. Peterson and his ! children, south by lands of J M. Ones, on the west J by lands of Mcßae Morgan and north by lands j •»f M 1> Peterson and his children and William j Hranch. containing 100 arms more or less, and In*- ! big the same deeded to Dvvelle. Gatin & Daniel by M D Peterson et al. Said property being in the •J. 'G, M district of said county and state. Levied on and will Ih* sold as the property of R. L. Powell to satisfy a mortgaged fa issued from the superior court of * aid county in favor of W. J. Acosta vs 11 I Powell Property pointed out for levy by attorney for plaintiff; and written notice of same given m terms of the law. 'Phis the 2d day of ; May, HUI. James Hester, Sheriff. I G. I'nderwood. A tty. for PUT. CITIZENS OF SAVANNAH KICK ON CAR SERVICES. Savannah, Ga.. May 2. Con siderable interest is attached to tlie meeting this afternoon of those who have tiled written com plaints against the service of the Savannah Electric Company. The meeting will formulate a plan by which the complaints can be gone into systematically and in order at the public hearing, will appoint a spokesman and set a date for the hearing. The suburban complaints for the most part dwell on lack of accommodation, the unsatisfac torj schedules, anti in some in stances of the double fares chareed. Patrons of the lines in the city complain of lack of ac commodations. the insanitary and antiquated nature of the cars, the failure of the company to give proper transfer facilities or to live up to its contracts with the city. The question of the authority of the city to correct this state of affairs will he a fea ture of the hearing. THE MONTGOMERY MONITOR—THERMO AY. MAY 4. KM 1 ||- : p Localettes. Col. Worthen Evans of Sand ersville was a business visitor here Tuesday. Mr. Evans is a son of .Judge* Beverly D. Evans of the State Supreme Bench, and ’ will shortly locate in Dublin for the practice of law. sor 6 doses “566” will cure I any case of Chills and Fever. Price, 25c. The Misses Sears of Alamo visited here this week. Mr. Walter Martin of Valdosta was a visitor here Tuesday. A party came up from Lyons Ito attend the game of ball be tween the U. B. I. team and the ■team from Hall’s High School of Macon, played here Tuesday. Mr. Roy Page of Vidalia came ;up Tuesday to witness the game of ball. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Fox of ! Vidalia spent the Sabbath with relatives here. Mrs. Mary Alice Waters of Ashford, Ala., has returned to her home after visiting the fami ly of her brother, Mr. A. J. Burch. sor 6 doses “666” will cure any case of Chills and Fever. Price, 25c. Dr. Robert H. Mobley of Char i lotte was a pleasant visitor at this ofiice Tuesday. Messrs. W. B. Butler and N. E. Barlow of the Landsburg com munity were cqllers at this of fice one day this week. ; Mr. Norman Gillis of Soperton was in to see The Monitor Tues day. Messrs. W. Henry Clark and E. M. Wilkes from the upper Erick neighborhood were here on business Tuesday. They are successful men and good citizens. Mr. ,J. R. Sumner of Erick was here a few days ago. He is one of the contestants in the corn making contest as offered by iThe Mount Vernon Hank. Mr. |Sumner is the father of Mrs. i Cummings of this place. : Rev. J. W. Green of the Bruce; 'section was a visitor here yester day. He reports the catching of (three catfish weighing eighty pounds. Mr. J. L. Morris of Charlotte | was in Mt. Vernon one day this J week. He is a former citizen of | Soperton. Dr. and Mrs. R. L. Fox ar j rived a few days ago to visit J parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Beugnot, of this- place. The i Doctor is rapidly recovering the effects of an operation undergone a few weeks ago at his home in Brunswick, and the trip here will doubtless be of benefit to him. Many friends welcome them back for a few days. Messrs. W. F. McAllister and L. M. McLemore of Uvalda were here yesterday in the former’s new “Buick.” L _ DUBLIN WAN HONORED. Dublin. Ga.. May 1. John M. Williams, of this city, has been named a member of the execu tive committee from Georgia of the Southern Commercial Con gress. For some reason at the meet ing in Atlanta. Hon. A. G. Cand ler was the only member elected from Georgia, the other place be ing left vacant. A few days ago . Mr. Williams was tendered the place and has accepted. During the years 1909 and 1910, Mr. Williams was business man ager of the Courier-Dispatch, re signing to go with the City National Bank as president. Mr. Williams takes a great deal of interest in all matters of Southern development and will make the Southern C.unim-rcia Congress an excellent member of the committee from Georgia. He was one of the organizers » the new Ohainlier of Commerce of Dublin and is the largest con tributing member both to the annual dues and the advertising | fund. SHOT BY BROTHER. Helena, (la.. May 1, Meager reports reached here this after noon by a shooting assay between Mike Clements and Charlie Clem ents. two brothers, living in the western part of the county. Charlie Clements received eight buckshot in his body, and is dangerously wounded. The brothers were preparing to leave on a raft of timber for Darien and Charile was shot while hoard ing the raft. Nothing is known of the cause of the shooting. Charlie Clements was recently pardoned from the federal pris on, where he has served several years for complicity in the mur der of Captain John C. Forsyth at Norinandale, a case which at i tracted national attention. 1 f you take a deed, you want the correct form. It can be had from this office. New supply just printed. Citation. Georgia —Montgomery County. Mrs. Elizabeth Smith having made application tj me for a twelve months support out of the estate of the late W. M. Smith, and appraisers duly appointed for setting apart and valuation hav ing filed their return, all persons are hereby cited to show cause be fore the Court of Ordinary to tie held on the first Monday in May next, why said application should not be granted. This May Ist, 1011. Alex McArthur, Ordinary. T. Receivers Rounds. SECOND ROUND. 1 will he at the following places on the dates named for the pur pose of receiving state and county taxes for the year 11)11 : Uvalda, MAY Ist, s tol2a. m. Alston, Ist, 2 to 5 p. m. McGregor, 2d, 8 to 12 a. m. iI iggstou, 2d, 2 to 4 p. m. K Willis, at night. Kibhee, 3rd, 8 to 12 m / iidee, fil'd, 2 to l p. m. Tarrytown, Ith, 8 to 12 a. m Soperton, full, 10 to 2 p m. Orland, lltli, 8 to 12 a. in. l.othair, Sth, 8 to 12 a. m. Mt Vernon, oth, Bto 12 a. m. Alley, 9th, 2 to 1 j>. m. Longpoiid, 10th, 10 to 2 p. m. West Side. Laudsburg, loth, 10 to 12 a. m. Cross Roads. !->th, 2 to n p. in. Glenwood, 10th, 8 to 2 p. m. Stuckey, 10th, 8:30 to 5 p. in. Alamo, 1 7ih, 8 to 12 m. Krick ISi li, Sto 12 m. Jak ' Browinmg’s. 18th, :it night. Springhill, 19th, 9 to 12 in. Camp Ground, 19th. 2t05 p. in. Bruce, 20th, 10 to 2 p. m. McArthur, 22d, 8 to 12 m. Please meet me promptly. Respectfully. J. G. MORRIS, It T. R M. Co. Thom' the news to The Moni tor. When you have a visitor, or anything else, tell us about it. We put in a telephone for that purpose. Touch the wire when anything happens: and if nothing happens to happen, get out and make it happen. Ring number forty. BLACKSMITH - SK9P \li kinds Repair Work. Iron and A\ ood. Kme line of Bicycle Material on hand. High-Grade Repair \\ rk on Bicycles, Sewing 1 achitT's. Guns, Revolvers and Clocks. See me Before placing your work: l will save you money. Work promptly and neat ly done J. SELLERS, : : AI LEY, GA. Money! Money! • • Long !’ rm Loans negotiated on lmpr.iv> d Farm Lands and aI s > on City or 'Lwn Real Estate in Montg onery County at a low rate \Y. M. Lewis, Mt Vernon, (la.* DR. J. E. MASROW Refi actionist Gins-- - Corrrectly Ground and Fitted to tlie Eyes. Consultation Frio. It*9 \\ hitaker Street. SAVANNAH, GA j jgrT[ You wm I | Always Observe | I H. || Mjft Well Dressed 1 | Going and Coining From Ei i fl This Store | |‘ J I | Where Style and Quality May be Found. | j It ? s Only Natural | ii t g » ' 8 *»< _ ,»« Every Department of this Store % if is Filled with the Latest Styles I ;< v -2* $ Vs ft ?» And You Are Cordially Invited to Mingle I i* g s; With Our Patrons, Though Your Visit $ iij if vt he Merely One of Inspection. f. M I I McRAE & BROTHER, 1 •’ I MT. VERNON, GA. § I ♦rdfd2«;S 1 NONDY TO LeNID \ •j* jS Loans of any amount from S3OO to $50,000 on farms in Mont- | jj? gomery and adjoining counties. No delays for inspection, jji ij Have lands examined by a man living near you. ! LOANS ON FIVE YEARS TIME, payable in easy installments to | a _ s jjj suit borrower. S I GEO. H. HARRIS I & Merchants Bank Building Mcßae, Ga. | V- g | LISTEN! I The Uvahla Baiek Agency is selling (| this Popular Car right and left— (| Everybody wants them—and a num- iS * ~ her of deliveries have just been made in this county. $ | “Buick.” J ® Any one contemplating the purchase § 0 of a ear will do well to write them g }*) at once, as the demand for the 1911 ? modal eau scarcely he filled, although || > tlit 4 factory employs 8,000 men and | turns out hundreds of machines each § dav—orders s(‘iit in faster than they ji %. can he tilled. ® :J: gg >*< Let us send you a man to show Sf .|j the actuality of the Buiek. You j§ y will he pleased with the car and its % very moderate price. g II I i Uvalda Buick Agency f | UVALDA, GA. % ;*> _ ®