The Montgomery monitor. (Mt. Vernon, Montgomery County, Ga.) 1886-current, May 11, 1911, Image 6

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THE r;ver FERRY.
Last Tuesday night a crowd of.
young people from here had a
moonlight picnic down at the!
f erry.
The party left early in the;
evening and returning about 10i
o’clock that night. About sun-;
set refreshments were spread on '
the ground and all enjoyed them-;
selves very much. They went
down in buggies and automo-!
Thoso who were invited werej
Misses Bessie Stuckey, Jeddie
Cockfield, Lucy McAllister, Ruby
Mason, Esther Hosch, Marrie
Sutton; Messrs. Tom Mcßae,
Arpad Hicks, Mark McLemore,
Fred McAllister, Jim A. McAllis
ter and Will Evans.
Mesdames Wm, Bland and W.
B. Kent went along as chaperons.
Albany, Ha.. May 10. Law
yers appointed by Judge Frank
Park, upon the recommendation
of the grand jury, to assist Soli
citor Heneral W. K. Wooten in
the prosecution of the famous
locker club case, and other al
leged prohibition violation cases,
will get no money for their ser
vices from the County of Dough
Solicitor General Wooten’s bill
for SIOO, to cover this expense,
was yesterday turned down by
the count> commissioners, al
though Colonel Wooten stated
that he had paid the money out j
of his own pocket.
The action of the commission
ers was taken on the advice of |
I. J. Hofmayer, county attorney.*
who said t hat the commissioners
had no authority to pay the hill.
A peculiar coincidence in this
connection is that Colonel Wooten
and Mr. Hofmayer are law part
ners, thus paresenting a ease in
which one attorney renders a de
cision that has the effect of tak
ing a neat little sum of money
out of his partner's pocket that
is unless the two attorneys who
assisted the solicitor general see
tit to reimburse him.
Another feature is the fact
that Mr. Hofmayer represented
Commercial Club in the
conrt proceedings, as a result of
which that organization went
out of-business.
The two lawyers who were ap
pointed by Judge Park to assist
Colonel Wooten in prosecuting
the locker club and some blind
tiger cases, were Col. R. J.
Bacon, of this city, and Col. J.
11. Tipton, of Sylvester. They
were appointed at the fall term
of Dougherty superior court.
,1,1, | I - rT CAPITAL, $15,000.00
! 1 h r 'Jr Y SI RPLUS, $15,000 00
l>. II M
I:■' *• rv ' W .-»• .
““— Farra Loans * I
!: W,.j Resolve! »•••""•"”«*
Made Speedilv
I)OI.I. AUKS K ’T ||
... . ,> . . . Every Accom- :!
Mart Hank Accounts.
;; modation ] ;
i> Hank Accounts Consistent ii
. j With Safe ';
!i ' Ranking j |
Confidence niul Credit Methods
And These * to l!
SUiVKSS in Lite! Patrons,
j i VVe Pay ! and o per Cent, on Time Deposits. !
The Union Singing Convention
met with Long Branch church 1
on the fifth Sunday in April at
10 o’clock a. m. Thd*eonven
; tion was called to order by Pres
| ident N. C. Wilkes, followed with
a prayed by Bro. C. M, Williams
and then the convention went in- 1
to executive session and elected
; the following officers for the en- :
suing year: Ft. R. Haraldson,
i president; W. A. Hood, vice-pres- j
ident; J. F. McDaniel, secretary, j,
The committee on program re
ported the following leaders
present, and that each lead a
song service of 10 minutes, J. C.
Lenderman, C. M. Williams, J. ,
T. Gay, E. L. Bracewell, W. A. j
Hood, R. R. Haraldson, Alex ,
Faulk, 11. G. Faulk, W. T Smith,
Hamp Ryals and N. C. Wilkes.
Profs. Lenderman and Smith
were from Mcßae and Messrs.
Faulk, Bracewell and Gay were
from Laurens county. Wo sang
until 12 o’clock, adjourned for
dinner, met back and sang un
til 3:30, then adjourned.
While there was no public table
set there was plenty of dinner
for every body present. The*
singing was extragood and every
on - seemed to enjoy themselves, j
Much credit is due the people j
of the Long Brance community j
for the manner of careing for
the convention. There was no
call for the next, convention and
if no application, the president
will appoint a place for the next
session. J. F. McDaniel. Sec.
r. Keceiver’s Mounds.
I will be at the following places
■it the (liiLert named for the pur
;> - • ul r ,-eivitig state and county
t:t V s till tile vea f 191 I t
r , lld 11. MAY Ist, s to 12 a. 111.
V-tmi. lit, 2 to 5 p. m.
M i i e t |- t 2d, Sto 12 a. m
Hi stinr, 2d, 2tolp. m.
E \> iIIh, at night.
Ivihhpn, 3rd, 8 to 12 in
/, iidee, 3rd, 2 to 1 p. in.
I'arrvt >wn. Fill, 8 to 12 a. in.
, s i|> i t ui, fit h, 10 to 2 p m.
(>r!iii l d. C> h, S to 12 a. in.
b >t lunr, 8* It. 8 to 12 a. in.
Mi Vernon, 9th, Btol2 a. in.
Alley. U; h, 2 to I p tn
Lmgpoiid, 10 It, 10 to 2 p in.
• i.uidshiirg, lo li, 10 to 12 a, in.
O' -- Komis, loth, 2 to 5 p. tn.
i ti\vo.n|. Hi h, sto 2 |>. in'
M iiv. Hit h, 8 :30 to f> p. in.
Alamo, I7t h, 8 to 12 in.
Era-k. 18: h, 8 to 12 in.
. .1 :i i, e lit .Winnie’s, ISt li. at night.
Sprneouil, lUtlt, 9 »o 12 m
Oanip’tifoiind, 19th, 2t05 p. m.
Bruce, 201 It, 10 to 2 |>. in.
McArthur, 22d, 8 to 12 in.
Ph ase meet me promptly.
K. sped fully,
1 .1 U MORRIS,
R T. R M Co.
There will be an all day sing
ing at Charlotte, Ga , a station on {l
the Georgia & Florida railroad
about 15 miles from Vidaiia, Sun,
day, May 4th. Every body is in
vited to be there. Also, there;
will be dinner prepared, and ve.-ry j
body is asked to bring with them j
enough for themselves and one
more, and there will be plenty for
Prof. J. M. Spivey will direct
the singing, and, of course, we
expect to have without? several!
other good singers, such as L. E
Braceful I, J. E. Pope, \V. It. Sal- j
ters and others. The purpose of;
this singing is to make tip a nor- j
mal singing school tit the above i
stated place. Every body who is;
interested come out and be with j
us and meet the singing directors i
Singing will begin at 9:30 a. m. ;
Be on time.
Worker for the Normal.
About half after one the town
girls and boys of the Freshman
j class started out for the picnic
grounds, which were about half
way between Ailey and'theU. B.
jI. The Freshmans from the
dormitorys accompanied by Miss
Cone and Miss Upshaw being
already there. When we reached
the spot we began our games.
Partners were made by match
ing leaves. There we had a con
test called Penny Wise. The
couple whose guesses were all
correct, which were Daucas Mc-
Rae and Walter Lee, received a
prize. Some kodack pictures
were taken which were engaged
in this game.
Drop the handkerchief, cross
questions and crooked answers,
dumbo crambeo and dodge and
other enjoyable games.
We gave several Freshman yells |
and late in the afternoon we j
sat on the grass and ice cream,
cake and lemonade were served.
After being some what rested
we palyedafew more games.
At half after five we turned
our faces homeward after having
enjoyed the day to the utter
Rippity! Rah! Rippity! Rah!
Freshmans! Freshmans! Ha! Ha!
Ha! A Freshman.
.So» ftl Com•o|H»U(h‘iuv.
We have not been represented
in the Monitor before, but now
we intend to write regular.
Our Sunday school is progress
sing nicely.
Many people from this com
munity enjoyed the picnic and j
closing exercises at the Graham
; Academy last Friday.
We regret that Mrs. Bartow
Keen has been ill for several
weeks. We hope she will soon
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Clark
spent the latter part of the week
near Bruce.
Miss Willie Harben of Telfair
county visited Miss Nanie and
Mae Harben Saturday and Sun
! day.
Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Clements
of near Sardis visited the form
er's brother. Mr. V. D. Clements.
' Sunday.
Mr. Geo. Harben spent Satur
day and Sunday with relatives in
; Scotland. „ •
Miss Bessie Parish of the Ala
mo section attended Sunday
school here Sunday.
Cotton Seed For Sale.
Toole’s and Harding’s Prolific
Cottor Seed at SI.OO per bushel.
See me at once.
D. S. W illiamson,
ts. Uvulda. Ga.
Atty at Law,
,Mt Vernon, Georgia.
i Mcßae’s second ball team came
down Monday and beat the home
boys to the tune of 7to 5. There
were many errors made on both
About the fifth inning the
home boys were looking around
for the tall timbers. This is the
second game the Mt. Vernon
boys have lost this season, and
they expect to get in shape and
beat the Mcßae team in the near
future—if poosible.
We must say that the team
from Mcßae was composed of a
clean set of ball players and won
the friendship of all who had the
pleasure of meeting them.
Herschel McAllister did the
pitching for the home boys while
Carl Geiger did the receiving act.
The many errors of our boys
: caused the defeat.
Thomasville, Ga., May 6. —
“Colonel” Charles B. Loud ar
rived here this afternoon in
charge of Chief Milton, and is
safely lodged in the county jail.
Chief Milton says that he
found a notification awaiting him
here from Bainbridge stating
j that as soon as the Thomasville
parties were through with Loud,
, that he was wanted in Bainbridge
■on similar charges.
Loud is well remembered here
iby many people, who met him
during his stay here last year.
He made a good impression on
many who met him, and several
prominent men were caught by
his Mexican land scheme, among
them a minister of one of the
churches here. He told them he
lid not want any money for
their shares of the land, but on
ly enough to help pay for a
charter, and they are out that
: much.
Loud is said to be wanted in
Marianna, Fla., Chipley and half
a dozen other places in this sec
| tion.
The next annual examination
I fi>r teachers will be held on the
j 10th. and 17th. day oGlune, next,
at the Court House in Mt. Vernon,
beginning at 8 o’clock a. m. each
, morning.
Besides the regular school texts,
the only material needed for pre
paration will lie Hodge’s Nature
Study and Life, The Manual of
Methods, School Law, and perhaps
Health Talk for Georgia Teach
ers. The first mentioned book
; may be obtained from Ginn *fc
I Co., Atlanta, Georgia, in a special
edition, price one dollar. This
; book has been selected on account
lof its interesting treatment of
j nature and farm life.
Very truly yours,
A. 13. Hutcheson.
0. S. C , M Go. Ga.
Several days ago a party of
young people of this town en
joyed the day very pleasantly on
the river banks. After dinner
the steam boat, Clyde S., com
manded by Capt. M. M. Mobley
of Dublin, picked up this jolly
crowd and carried them as far as
Ochwalkee, where they boarded
the train and returned home.
Those who composed this jolly
crowd were Misses Lucy Mc-
Allister, Bessie Stuckey, Stella
Morris and Jeddie Cockfiele;
Messrs. Harry Wilt. Charlie
Beugnot and Jim A. McAllister.
Sheriff Sale.
I G r / —Montgomery County.
Will L< sold before the court house door iu
j Mt. Wmuhi on the first Tuesday in Judo,
UUI, l" fwifii thelevfal hour: of sale, to the
highest and best bidder for eafth. certain proj*-
erty, *f whic h the following is a complete de
| setlptiou:
Ope certain Dcerinp four ami a-half foot ver
j tkal lift mowing: machine, together with one
eight foot, 26 inch hand dump rake. Said farm
■ machinery levied on amt will be told as the pn*|>-
erty of N. T. Way & Co., and now in the p<»sses
sion of George Smith. Sold to satisfy and execu
tion issued from the superior court of said county
in favor of International Harvester Co. of Amer
ica ajrainat the said N. T. Way & Co. Property
pointed out for levy by attorney for plaintiffs.
1 Levy made and . ojurned to me by A. B Hester,
deputy sheriff, and written notice given in terms
of the law. This the 2d day of May. 1911.
James Hester, Sheriff.
L. C. A tty . fw PLffa.
1 Ptiid in Capital Stock, $25,000.00
| Surplus and undivided
profits $6,500.00
I Total resources over $100,000.00
jj General Banking Business Conducted. Accounts Solicited. jj;
I Interest on Time Deposits
N. L. Gill is. President. J. B. O’Conner, Vice-President.
J. FT Hall, Cashier. I. H. Hull, Asst. Cashier ;lj
N. L. Gillis, M. B. Gillis, J. J. O’Conner, W. C. Fntrill, jljj
W. D. Martin, W. H. Fowler, J. E Hall. lj|
Schedule Effective June 14, 1908.
700 380 Leave Macon Arrive 11 05 440
7 35 404 Fitzpatrick ilO 38 404
7 40 409 Ripley 10 28 358
7 50 4 19 Jeffersonville 10 .17 847
8 10 439 Danville 9 57 324
8 15 444 Allentown 9 52 3 17
8 24 453 Montrose 1 9 43 308
8 34 504 Dudley 9 82 257
8 41 511 Shewmake 9 26 251
846 6 16 Moore 9 19 244
900 580 Arrive Dublin Leave j 9 05 280
9 05 535 Leave Dublin Arrive 9 00 225
1 9 07 536 SMD &S J ; 8 58 223
9 11 540 NMD &S J 854 219
921 549 Catlin 544 209
930 558 Minter 8 37 202
9 42 609 Rockledge 8 26 151
948 614 Orland 8. 21 146
10 02 627 Soperton ; 8 09 134
■ 10 13 638 Tarrytown 7 57 122
, 10 22 645 Kibbee 7 50 1 15
10 40 700 Arrive Vidaiia Leave 7 35 100
A. M. i I’. m7 |a7M |T 7 T M
■ "■ ■-■■■» "
At Dublin with the Wrightsville &Tennille and the Dublin & South
western for Eastman arid Tennille and intermediate points
At Macon with Southern Railway from and to Cincinnatti’, Chattanooga,
Rome Birmingham, Atlanta and intermediate points. Also the Central of
Georgia Railway, G. S. & K. Railway, Macon and Birmingham Railway
and Georgia Railroad.
John H. Hunter, Ww. K. Pearce, Frank C. Battey. £
Cotton Factors Naval Stores j:
Upland Cotton, Sea-Island Cotton ij
Florodora, Allen Silk and Other ij
Ij Extra Staples, Naval Stores. |j
jl One*of the Largest Factorage Concerns in the South. Eacji |
I Commodity handled in ;i Separate Department. Ij
Strictest Attention to Each. jj
Nitrate of Soda and Other Fertilizers, jj
Upland and Sea-Island Bagging,
Ties and Twine. . jj
Liberal Advances made on Consignments. Money Loaned ;|
.Ij to Cotton and Naval Stores Shippers ftn Approved Security. jj
- jj 126 Bay Street, East. SAVANNAH GA. jj
Ij These arrivals and departures published only as |l
|l information, and are not guaranteed. j|
jl Lv. Mr. VERNON, all trains daily.
jj 10:42 a. m. For Helena, Abbeville, Cordele, jj
- j| Americus, Columbus,
|| 8:32 p. m. Montgomery, and all points west, j;
e |l 5:40 a. m. For Lyons, Collins, Savannah,
- Ij 4:57 p. m. and all points east. ;|
I* F--r further information, reservations, rates, etc., see your ;
nearest Seaboard Ticket Agent, or write
R. H. STANSELL, A. G. I*. A., jj
Savannah, .... ... Gkoroia. ;
C. B. Ryan, G. P. A.,
Portsmouth, ....... \ irgina