Newspaper Page Text
Atlanta, Aug. 8. Following a
fainting spell near the Capitol
yesterday afternoon, Represent
ative Henry (’lay Smith of latt-,
nail county, G 5 years old, died at
the Grady Hospital this morning,
and after brief sessions l>oth
houses of the General Assembly
adjourned today as a mark of re
spect, passing resolutions paying
him tribute and providing for a
joint committee of six from the
House and three from the Sen
ate to accompany the body to his
Mr. Smith was talking to a
friend just across the street from
the Capitol and seemed in the
best of health and spirits, when
suddenly an expression of pain
crossed his face and he would
have fallen but for timely assis
tance. An ambulance was call
ed, and Mr. Smith was taken to
the hospital. His death was due
to acute dilation of the heart,
said to have been caused by in
He is survived by his wife and
four sons. I!is home was in
Reidsville. He was a farmer and
had been for thirty years a jus
tice of the peace and deputy
sheriff. This was his first term
in the Legislature, The body
will be taken to his home tomor
Moultrie, Ga., Aug. 11. The
trial of John Hart, charged with
the murder of Will Williams, ter
minated tonight at 7 o’clock,
when the jury returned a verdict
of not guilty. When the verdict
was read by the clerk, the wife
of the aged defendant threw her
self into his arms and they clung
to each other in a most affection
ate manner, while their children,
grandchildren and other relatives
and friends swarmed around
them in an effort to reach him,
who had been cleared of felony
As soon as formally discharged
Hart left the court room, and en
tering a buggy left wit h his fam
ily for his home, twelve miles
from town, and which he had not
seen in nearly two years.
The arguments of counsel were
concluded at 1:80 o’clock today,
and a recess was taken until 2:15
when Judge Park delivered his
charge, which consumed thirty
five minutes. The jury was con
ducted to its room to form a ver
Not many thought a verdict
would Ih> reached before morn
ing, but just before 7 o’clock the
bailiff sent word to the judge,
who was at his hotel, that the
jury was ready to report and
messengers were dispatched in
search of counsel and a deputy
went to the jail to convey the
prisoner to the courthouse. The
verdict is a surprise to many, as
a verdict of voluntary manslaugh
ter was expected, while but a
very few thought a verdict of
not guilty would lie rendered.
The defendant and his counsel
were the recipients of hearty con
gratulations from the numerous
friends of the defendant for the
able manner in which the de
fense was conducted.
Memphis, Tenn.. Aug. 10 Ser
vices over the body of General!
George W. Gordon, commander-!
in-chief of the Confederates, and!
member of Congress from the!
Tenth Tennessee district, who|
died late yesterday, will l>e held 1
Saturday. Whether the time
will be 11 a. m., or later in the
day, depends upon the time of
the congressional committee from
Wiishington. Burial will l>e in
this city at Elmwood Cemetery, j
All city departments will be
closed during the funeral and !
the fire bells will be tolled.
For prices on Mowers. 1 takes,
Hay Presses and Stump Pullers,
write the Vidalia Machinery and
Farm Implement Co., Vidalia. Ga.
Petition For Incorporation. #
State of Georgia Montgomery County.
To the Superior Court of Said County:
The petition of 11. S. Calhoun. W. .J. Futral, W.
M Pope, S. K. O'Quinn, H. R. Renton, S. F. Roy-
I nobis, Daniel Pop*!, R. P. Reynold*, A. D. Mr
i (lowan, J. K. Romar, A. J. Fowler, W. A. Rivers,
H. Morrison, T Morrison, J. E. Joiner, M. Mor-
I rison, J. E. Reynolds, L. G. Reynolds, A T. Rey
nolds, and J. H. Wynn of Montgomery County.
State of Georgia respectfully shows;
That they desire for thernsolves, their associates
and successors, to be incorporated and made a
Ixidy politic under the name ond style of "The
Farmers Supply Company” for a period of twenty
The principal office and place of business of
Maid Company shall is- in the town of Glen wood.
State and County aforesaid but petitioners desire
the right t*» establish branch office* and places of
business within this State or elsewhere, whenever
the holders of a majority of the stock may so de
The object of said Corporation is pecuniary gain
to Itself ami its shareholders:
4 th.
The business to be r.arrried on by said corpor
ation is that of a general mercantile business;
buying and Helling and dealing indry goods, boots,
HhiH-H, bats, laps, notions, groceries, hardware,
farming implements and machinery, buggies wag
ons, harness and leather goods, clothing, feed
stuff*. and all other such articles as are generally
carried in the mercantile business. To either
buy outright for the purposes of sale or to be the
agents for any and all kinds of improved farming
implements and machinery, such as reapers.mow
ers rakes, threshing maching, baling presses,
plows, harrows, etc.
The Capital .St<*ck of said Corporation shall be
Ten Thousand Dollar* ($10,000.00) with the pri
vilege of Increasing same to Fifty thousand Dol
lars ($50,000 .00) by a majority vote of the stock
holders. Said stock to I**- divided into shares of
one hundred dollars each ($100.00). Ten per cent
of the amount of capital to l>e employed and in
vest <hl by them has been actually paid in.
Petitioners desire the right to sue and Ik* sued,
to plead and be implead**! in any court, either of
law or equity, to have and use a common seal, to
make all necessary by-laws and regulations and to
•hi any ami all t hings that may is- necessary for
tiie successful carrying on of said business, in
cluding the right to buy. Hold and sell real estate
and personal property incident to the purposes of
said corporation, and to execute promissory notes
as evidence of indebtedness incurred or which
may Ik- Incurred, in the conduct of the affairs of
said corporation and to secure the payment of the
same by mortgage, security-deed, or any other
form of lien provided for by law.
They desire for said corporation the power ami
authority to apply to the court for and accept
amendmenth to its character of either form or
substance by a vote of a majority of its outstand
ing stock at the time; and also for authority to
wind up its affairs, liquidate and discontinue Its
business at any time it may determine to do so by
a vote of a majority of its *t*ick outstanding at
the time.
They desire for said corporation the right of re
newal when ami as pruvklwl by the laws of Geor
gia and that it have all such other rights, powers,
privileges and immunities as are incident to like*
incorporations or pcrmissable under the laws of
said State.
Wherefore, petitioners pray to Ik* Incorporated
under the name ami style aforeraid with the pow
ers privileges, rights and immunities herein set
forth ami as arc now or may hereafter la; allowed
a corporation of smiilar character under the laws
of the State of Georgia.
W M Lewis,
Petitioners Attorney.
Georgia Montgomery County.
I, M L. O' Ri ion, Clerk of the Superior Court of
said county do hereby certify that the foregoing
is a true and correct copy of the application for
charter of the Farmers Supply Company as the
same appears on file in this office
Witness my official signature and the seal of
said court. This the Ist day of August, 1911.
M. L. O'Brien,
Clerk of Superior Court, Montgomery County, Ga.
Sheriff Sale.
G -orgia Montgomery Cofinty.
Will Ik* sold Is-fore the court house door in Mount
Vernon on the first. Tuesday in Sept., 1911, be
! wih-ii the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder
for cash, certain property, of which the billowing
is a full ami complete descripton:
Those certain lots or parcels of land situated in
the Town of Soperton. 1386th district, G. M., sakl
county ami state and distinguished as Lits Nnm
ls*r 7. 8 ami 9 and block no. 6 in the plat of S. M.
Durden and Imu tided on the Northwest by Lillie
M. Williams, northeast by Lillie M. Williams;
south west by Dorn A. Holton and Mrs. M F. Dur
den; southwest by Outlaw Street, the said lota of
land lieing 50 feet by 160 feet. Said property
levied on as the property of J. T. Doolittle ami
will Is- sold to satisfy an execution isailed from the
Superior t%>nrt of said county in favor of The Ml.
Vernon Rank against J. T. Ihmlittle, principal and
Norman Gillis, endorser. Written notice given as
prescribed by law. This Aug. Ist, 1911.
Jas. Hester, Sheriff.
W M Lewis, A tty.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
W. K. Moseley, administrator
of the estate of C. I*. Moseley,
lute ot said county, deceased, Ims
in proper form applied to the un
dersigned for leave to sell all lands
belonging to said estate, this is
therefore to cite all parties con
cerned that said application will
he Imard at my office on the first
Monday in Sept., 1911. Witness
my hand and official signattire this
t he 7t h day of Aug , 1911 .
Alex McArthur. Ordinary.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Notice ih hereby given to all
creditors of the estate of A. A.
Peterson, late of said county de
ceased, to render in an account of
their demands to ns within the
time prescribed by law, properly
made out; and all persons indebt
ed to said deceased are hereby re
quested to make immediate pay
ment. to the undersigned. This
the 7tn day ot August, 1911.
Jas McNutt and
Mrs. Ada M. IVtorson,
Adrs. Estate A. A. Peterson.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Mmitgoim-rv Comity
Will hoftiro tlio court bouse door in
Ml Vernon oil Hit* first Tuesday in Kept., ;
1911, between the legal hours of sale, to tin* j
lushest bitbh r for e*u*h, certain proportv* ot j
I which the following is a complete ilesciipVion: j
All of that certain tract or par
cel of land situated, lying and
; being in the lhGTth Hist G. M.
lof said county and hounded as
I follows: On the north by the lands
of li. O’Neal; east by the lands
i if the estate of J. A Peterson Sr ;
j-«uith by lands of It. E. Conner;
i and west by lands of John Holm
es and containing forty acres (40) j
■ more or less Said property lev
| ied upon as the property of J. D.
{Mcßae to satistya ftfa. issued
from the Justice Couitof the 15-
j 31st, District Q. M. of said ooUn
| ty in favor of Willie T. McArthur
and against the said J, 1). Mcßae. !
i Property pointed for levy by J
plaintiff's attorney and written
uotiee given as required by law. :
This the 9th day of Aug., 1911.
James Hester, Sheriff,
M. B. Calhoun. Plff's. Ally.
Citation. \
Georgia—Montgomery County.
To all whom it may concern:
Whereas, K. H. Mobley and
Willie T. McArthur, administra
tors of the estate of J. E. Mobley,
represent to the court in their pe- J
sition, duly filed and entered on
record, that they have iullyad-j
ministered said estate, and there- I
fore make application for letters
of dismission, which application
will be heard at my office on the
4th day of September, 1911. This
the 7t.h day of August, 1911.
Alex McArthur, Ordinary.
Georgia —Montgomery County.
To all whom it may conrern:
W. J. Peterson, administrator of
the estate of Carrie J. McLaurine.
represents to the court in his peti
tion, duly filed and entered on
record, that lie has fully adminis
tered said estate, this is therefore
to cite all parties concerned, that
said application will be heard at
my office on the first Monday in
Septemper, 1911. Given under
my hand and official signature
this the 7th day of August, 1.911.
Alex McArthur, Ordinary.
Georgia,Montgomery County.
To all whom it may concern:
J. L. Yarbrough having in prop
er form applied to me and to the
. court of Ordinary of said county
of Montgomery that the order
granting to him administration
upon the .estate of B. B. Yar
brough, deceased, fie vacated and
annulled and that ho be hence
discharged as such administrator,
this is to cite all and singular the
creditors and next of kin of said
B. B. Yarbrough and all persons
interested to be and appear at the
Court of Ordinary on the first
Monday m September next and
show' cause, if any they can, why
the order and judgment appoint
ing the said J. L. Yarbrough
should not be vacated and annulled
and sail! J. L. Yarbrough hence
discharged as administrator of
said estate.
Witness my hand and official
signature this the 7th day of Aug.,
1911. Alex McArthur,
Sheriff Sale.
Goorgia—Montgomery County.
Will bo Hofil before the court bouse door in
Vlt. Vernon on the first Tuesday in Kept.,
1911, between the Uigal hour?, of Hale, to the
liitfbest, and bent bidder for cash, certain prop
erty, of which the following i* a complete de
One hundred and twenty acres more or less, sit
uate, iyinir and being in the 12215 t District G. M.
of said county and state, and bounded as follows:
On tin? north by lands of U. U. Anderson, on the
east by lands of T. J. James, on the south by lands
of T. J. James and Pope and on the west by lands
of Youngblood. Said land levied on and will Ik?
sold as the property of John F. anti Jordan Norris
to satisfy an execution issued from the City Court
of Mt. Vernon in favor of James Mercantile Co.
vs Jordan Norris, transferred to T. A. Cheatham
anti one superior court fi fa in favor of T. A.
Cheatham vs John F. Norris. Written notice of
levy given as ret}uired by law. This the Hth day
of August, 1911.
James Hester, Sheriff.
L. B. Light foot, Atty. for Riffs.
Sheriff’ Sale.
Georgia Montgomery County.
Will be sold before the court house door in Mt.
Vernon on the first Tuesday in Sept., 1911. be
tween the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder
for cash, certain property, of which the following
is a full ami complete description:
All that tract or parcel of land situated, lying
anti lieing in the 138»>th, District G. M.of Montgom- j
cry county, Georgia, anti in the town of Soperton
ami described as follows: Bounded on the north
by lands of Frank Troup; east by lands of Edmond j
Troup; south by lands of— - Harris and west by i
lands of Frank Troup, containing 50 foot fronting
mst and running imck 100 feet, being the lot of
lam! deeded by Frank Troup to James and Alice
Troup in September, 1908. Saul property levied
on as the property of James Troup anti A lice Troup
to satisfy an execution issued from the superior J
court against said James & Alice Troup ami in
favor of M R. Gillis; and also to satisfy a justice
Court execution issued from the Justice Court of
the lsmith. District G. M of said county in favor
of Willie T. McArthur and against James Troup.
Written notice of levy having been given us re
quires by law.
James Hester. Sheriff.
M B. Calhoun ami Saffold & Stallings,
Plaintiffs'* Attorney.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Un«t«r and by virtue of an order!
granted by the court of ordinary i
of Montgomery county, will be
sold before the court house door)
| m Mt Vernon on the first Tues
| day in September, 1911, to the i
highest and best bidder for cash, (
the following property to wit:
A one-sixth undivided interest.
lin 12S 8-1 acres of land m the j
1(154t1i G. M. District of said 1
county, and bounded as follows: I
North by lands of B. F. Hamil-i
! ton, east by lands of estate of 0. |
S. Hamilton, south by Shotbag!
branch and west by lands of (). 1
11. and F. B. Calhoun, and known
as the Mary Jane Calhoun and
i children's lands. Soli! as the
! property of Lillie Francis Cal
houn, for the purpose of mainte
nance and education.
Mary Jane Calhoun, j
Guardian Lillie Francis Calhoun.!
Brown Leghorn Eggs.
Full-blooded brown leghorn
eggs, 75 cents for setting of sis- j
teen eggs. See or write
W. D. McAllister,
Rt 2. Mt. Vernon, Ga.
j Close Cash Prices I
111 During the summer all goods in stock will be put down on |g
a moving basis, and for cash extra low prices prevail in §
Shoes, Hats, Dry Goods 1
Notions, etc. §
& Economize during the dull times. Buy high-grade goods ||
|| at prices far below what you have been accustomed to. ||
I and get ready for the fall rush. We have the goods, |§
and they are offered the buying public at pleasing prices, m
Yours to serve, g
W. H. McQueen,!
Guardian’s Sale.
G«»orgia -Montgomery County.
By virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary
of said county, will be sold at public out cry for
cash, on the first Tuesday in September, 1911, at
the court house door in said county, within the
usual hours of sale, the following: real estate to
wit: AH the Undivided interest of Troy J. Cal
houn in and to one certain tract or parcel of land
lying; and being: in the 1668th. G. M. District of
Montgomery County. Georgia, bounded on the
north by lands of J. R. Adams, on the east by S.
S. Calhoun, on the south by Mrs. E. F. Almond
and on the west by S. D. Morris, containing:
(74 3-4) acres more or less; also one certain tract
of land situated in 1668th. G. M. Dist. of said
county, bounded on the North by land of Newton
McDonald, on east by E. G. Aldmond, on south by
Mrs. E. F. Almond and on the west by estate of
Mrs. Lucinda Calhoun containing (40) acres more
or less. The interest of said Troy J. Calhoun in
said lands being one eighth undivided interest.
This the 7th. day of August. 1911.
Chas. S. Calhoun,
Guardian for Troy J. Calhoun,
Money To Loan.
I am in position now to secure
loans on farm lands and town
property in Montgomery County.
! The lender that will handle my
I business is especially desireable
for parties that want big loans
on farm lands, and for those who
want to build homes in towns.
Their interest is fi per cent.
Terms five years, the borrow pay
ing 1-10 each year thereby re
ducing the interest, and princi
pal so the final settlement will be
easy. The money for building
or improving homes in towns is
also 6 per cent, money, and the
loans are arranged so the bor
rower repays monthly for GO
j months. You only have to add
a little to the amount you are
paying as rent to own you a
. home in a short time. I think
I this a good way for a person to
get a home.
L. C. Underwood.
j Mt. Vernon, Ga.
Cotton Ginning
We desire to inform the
public that we have just
completed a first-class ginnery at
Alston, whieh is now running in
full blast. We are prepared to
handle all the cotton entrusted
;to our charge. Bring it in.
We Solicit Your Patronage and
Will Please You.
We pay highest market prices for
cotton and cotton seed, and keep
on hand for sale cotton seed meal
and hulls.
A. T. A; K. M. Johnson
Georgia—Montgomery County.
- Notice is hereby given that
[ there will be presented to the Gen
>jeral Assembly for passage, at the
i | present session, a bill amending 1
’ the charter of the Town of Alamo,
in said state, extending the mcor
. porate limits of said town three
miles in all directions from the
Seaboard Air Line depot in said
town, and for other purposes.
Stray Hog and Pigs.
One black spotted sow; small;
has three pigs. Is marked crop
in left ear. Has been in our
field several days. Owner can
get same by paying for keeking
and expense of advertising.
Hicks Brothers,
Mt. Vernon, Ga.
Farm Machinery.
The Vidalia Machinery & Farm
Implement Co. are offering com
plete Gasoline Engine Pumping i
Outfits for $75.00 and upward, j
Write them for prices on En
gines, Boilers, Woodworking Ma
chinery, Farm Implements, Hay
Presses and Stump Pullers.
Money on Hand
■ I
We have a good sup
ply of cheap money on
hand at this time and
can close loans very
promptly, cither on
farm or city property.
If in need of cash,
come to see or write
us at once.
Southern Loan &
Investment Co.
Prevent and
Relieve Headache
"It gives me great pleasure to
be able to refer to Dr. Miles'
Anti-Pain Pills as the best rem
edy we have yet had in our
house for the prevention and
cure of headache. My wife who
has been a constant sufferer for
a number of years with above
complaint joins me in the hope
that they may fall into the hands
of all sufferers.”
Watervleit, Me.
Used Them Four Years.
"Dr. Miles’ Anti-Pain Pills
are the best I ever tried for the
relief of headache. I have used
1 them for nearly four years and
they never fail to give me relief.
I I have tried many other rem
edies, but have never found any
i 854 Trombly Av., Detroit, Mich.
There is no remedy that will
more quickly relieve any form
of headache than
Dr. Miles’ Anti-Pain Pills.
The best feature of this re
markable remedy is the fact that
it does not derange the stomach
or leave any disagreeable after
Druggists everywhere sell them. If
first package falls to benefit, your drug
gist will return your money.
MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind.
On Improved Farms in
Montgomery County at a Small
Rate of Interest.
J. E. Hall, Soperton.
Dlt. J. E. MASRO W
Refract ion ist
j Glasses Corrrectly Ground and
I Fitted to the Eyes. Consultation
. Free. 10() Whitaker Street.
Money! Money!
Long Term Loans negotiated on
I improved Farm Lands and also on
City or Town Real Estate in
Montgomery County at a low rate
ff mterest/ W yj Lewis,
Mt. Veruou, Ga.