Newspaper Page Text
Atlanta, Ga., Aug. 16.-Is Gov.
Hoke Smith grooming Hooper
Alexander, of DeKalb, as a can
didate for the gubernatorial suc
Signs portend that this is the
trend. It is known that no one
yet in the field, or “among those
mentioned,” is believed to repre
sent sufficient strength to carry
the Smith wing to succes in the
gubernatorial Marathon.
It is rumored that Governor
Smith and his close advisors have
about decided that the gentleman
from DeKalb is the man on whom
their strength should be concen
trated. If he does run, of course,
he will run on a prohibition plat
form, and this may bring the
liquor question into sharp issue in
the campaign.
Mr. Alexander has always been
a most ardent champion of Gov
ernor Smith, personally and po
litically. He has pressed Smith
reforms in the legislature and be
fore the people. The governor
- senator has no stronger personal
friend or more ardent political
follower than Mr. Alexander.
So, there is no doubt tnat he
would be more acceptable to the
governor personally than almost
any other man. That he will
make the race on the Smith plat
form, supplemented by a straight
prohibition issue is the growing
belief here.
Mr. Alexander’s strenuons
fight to force the Tippins bill
through is an indication that he
wants the people of the state to
know what he is doing to help
Mr. Alexander’s entry would
probably result in immediately
forcing ex-Governor Brown into
the race. Then lively times
would be on. Mr. Alexander is
almost as forceful a campaigner
as Governor.
Atlanta, Ga., Aug. 15.—The
general educational bill prepared
by the house committee and pass
ed by the house about two weeks
ago has passed the senate with
minor amendments, and will be
come a law as soon as it is signed
by Governor Hoke Smith.
The bill is in line with reforms
which Governor Smith urged in
his special message and has been
advocating for some time past.
It creates a state board of educa
tion to be composed of the gov
ernor, the state school commis
sion and appointed by the gover
nor, the appointments to be con
firmed by the senate.
By special amendment, the
law will carry a provision that no
man who is connected with a
book publishing concern, or who
has ever been connected with
such a concern, shall be eligible
to serve on the board.
By the formation of a strong
administrative state board,
clothed with real power, it is hop
ed to work great benefits in the
Georgia school system, especially
for the develoment of the rural
Senator Beauchamp of the 22nd
and Senator Sheppard of the 13th
led the fight for the bill, but af
ter the first Crawford substitute
was voted down it was clear
sailing. None of the amend
ments will prove distasteful to
the house, it is believed.
Improved Ginnery.
The undersigned have formed
a partnership for the purpose of
operating the ginnery at Uvalda,
and in this we wish to ask the
patronage of the public. The
plant will be thoroughly over
hauled and improved, and it will
be our desire to give perfect ser
vice to the public. Arrange
ments have been made for suffic
ient water, and no delay will be
occasioned by this in the future.
Bring us your cotton, and have
it turned out on the minute.
J. W. Calhoun,
H. J. Gibbs,
The U valda Ginnery.
, On the afternoon of May the
26th, 1911, God, in His infinite
wisdom, saw fit to remove from
this earth Mr. Jas. H. Odom, a
good citizen, a loyal Mason and a
consistent Christian. While his
death came suddenly his daily
walk in life had been such that
he was prepared to meet his
Maker without a moment’s warn
ing for preparation.
At the time of his death Mr.
Odom was in the 68th year of his
life, and he was born and spent
practically his entire lifetime in
this immediate neighborhood.
He was married on April the
24th, 1873 to Miss Jane McNatt,
who, together with two sons,
Messrs. P. H. and Alex Odom of
Florida, and three daughters,
Mesdames T. J. Coursey, J. L.
Gibson and G. W. Dickerson, all
of this county, survive him. One
son, Mr. Dan Odom, preceded
him to the grave several years
Mr. Odom united with the
Methodist church about 40 years
ago, and had since been a faithful
and consistent member, taking a
leading part in the church work
of his community. He had also
been a member of the Masonic
fraternity for many years, and
was a character member of Vi
dal ia Lodge No. 330.
Whereas, in the death of Bro.
Odom our order has lost one of
its most faithful members and
the county one of its best citi
zens, and whereas, he was ever
ready to assist in every under
taking for the betterment of his
community and humanity in
general, therefore be it resolved:
Ist. That in the death of Bro.
Odom Vidalia Lodge No. 330 F.
& A. M. sustains a loss that will
be hard to replace, a man of hon
or, character, ability and loyalty,
who will be greatly missed by
his state and county and neigh
2nd. That his family has lost
a true and loving husband and
father, a friend, indeed, whose
wisdom and counsel will be sorely
3rd. That the Masonic fra
ternity has lost one of its most
loyal and faithful adherents, Bro.
Odom being one of the oldest
Masons in this section.
4th. That the sympathy of
this lodge be extended to the
grief-stricken family of our de
ceased brother.
sth. That a copy of these res
olutions and preamble be fur
nished the family of the deceased
brother, a copy be recorded upon
the minutes of this lodge and a
copy be furnished the county
papers for publication.
Respectfully submitted,
Jas. M. Meadows,
S. D. Morris,
Thos. Thompson,
M. A. McQueen.
Unanimously adopted by Vida
lia Lodge No. 330 F. & A. M.,
Vidalia, Ga., Saturday, August
sth. 1911.
Coatesville, Pa., Aug. 13.
Zachariah Walker, a negro des
perado, was carried on a cot from
the hospital here tonight and
burned to a crisp by a frenzied
mob of men and boys.
The negro, who last night shot
and killed Edgar Rice, a special
policeman of the Worth Iron
Mills, was first dragged to the
scene of shooting, begging pite
ously for mercy.
He had been arrested by a
posse late this afternoon after a
search which had stirred the
country side. The posse finally
found him hiding in a cherry t
tree. The negro with the last;
bullet in his revolver, shot him- j
self in the mouth, falling from !
the tree. He was removed to j
the hospital and placed under j
' 'guard.
A few minutes after 9 o’clock i
a crowd numbering about 1,000
persons appeared at the hospital. ■
1 Vreeland and Witham. jj
Is “While Congressman Vreehind’s suggestions, made upon his recent visit to ||
H Atlanta, attracted considerable attention and were good, it had not, in all prob
§l ability, been noticed generally how nearly his suggestions have been in operation
H for a number of years in the Witham banking system in Georgia and in the
H South—and with what good results. “This system has in operation the plan of
a central bank, emergency currency, insurance of deposits, centaal clearing
H house and improued auditing system. “And it is a notable fact that out of ap-
H proximately 100 banks working under this system none have failed while con-
H nected with it.” &
g? The above is an editorial which appeared in the Atlanta Georgian on June 24th. Below we give you a combined
I Statement of the HP 1118a Bronch
J 3 I THIS ia not u CHAIN of Banka. S 3
Xl/IXU \ TV/I D A Mlf C Chain moans linked together.
IP VV 11 fl/VIYI OrxlllViJ Each bank has its own charter; its own capital ; its
own LOCAL Board ot Directors and its own LOCAL olfi-
W FtfdiKimfV IQI 1 • cera; its own hank-sustaining community, and is an in
* CUI llrtiy j LZJ 11. dependent, institution ouoratmg under the hanking laws Jra
gg and by the advice and protection of the BANKERS Fl
ss# Banking houses and equip- Capital Stock Paid NANOING C(>MBANY, with ita Supervision and Finance
§3 . « con oio or. * 9 098 KOO 00 Department. ; Legal Department ; Auditing Department; Sg
go ment $ n0t),219.D0 in •c 2,U~< ~ Foreign Credit, Advertising and Purchasing Department, gs>
£§ Loans 8,039,251.62 Net profit 800,066.01 with trained and capable men at the HEAD OK EACH
/Sj ’ . , r- Department. JqJ
gg Advances on cotton 278,368.40 Deposits 10,044,392.97 This system lias had in operation for years the ideas
IU. B. Bonds and Cashier',, chocks 49.880.06 3aWSffI&£«YKQMUV OUKRKNCV.
S 3 other securities 285,036.34 Circulation 111,750.00 INSURANCK or DKPOSITB. CKNTBAI. CI.KAItINO 83
gi . - \r-r c. _ _ . HOUSE and the newest improved Auditing System. SS
Redemption Fund 6,027.03 Money borrowed none Each Bank of this Association has strong financial «
Cash Available 3,795,166.59 Rediscounts none * tß , A K«i>ts, over and above gS
gg AND IN ADDU JON to the Banks own assets and credit. Ka
W $13,034,569.63 ~ $13,034,569.63 It after a hank has used its own credit and reserve
Kjt v ’ ’ I hat it most needs extra care and protect ion, winch aid vw
, . , and means is supplied by the Bankers Financing Company,
gg Commenced business twenty-two years ago, with a paid up u 8 Financial Agent, for the members of this system. joj
(capital of $25,000. Now we have over three million dollars of . IMPORTANT: During the past EACH o! t lie tore- £4
going muthouH have neon tooted and proven, WITH AM
surplus, and resources of the BANKERS FINANCIERS COM- W.than, Banks.
civ. .v ]|ijh jgygjgu, perpetuated and protected by special S 3
PANY, acting as Financial Agent of each Bank of this system, insurance. RS
There is not in all this country a Banking system that is conducted on as sound and up-to-date Banking qrinciples gv
as the Witham Banks We want to call your attention to the fact that the Peoples Bank is a member of this system tjs
gg and has protected for its depositors second to none in this country. We are at all times endeavoring to make, the ac- M?
fw counts of our customers of utmost value to them. Our facilities for doing legitimate banking are unexcelled. We invite Bg
you to join in with us because we know we can make ypur money safe and we are glad to give your account our personal
£4 attention. M
If W. T. McCrimmon, Pros. W. Mishoe, Yioo-Pros. U. E. Ward, Cashier. jj|
1 psoras; mimmmmmmmmmmmrmmmmm
The leaders were denied admis
sion but they quickly smashed
the window frames and crawled
through the corridor.
When Walker was first taken
to the hospital, he was strapped
down in order to prevent his es
cape. The mob, seeing this,
gathered up the bed and placing j
it on the shoulders of four men, •
started for the country. When
half a mile from the hospital
they entered a field and quickly ‘
gathering up a pile of dry grass i
and weeds, placed the bed con- j
taining their victim upon it.
A match was applied and the
flames shot up quickly, entirely
enshrouding the screaming vic
tim. That not a vestige of the
murderer be left, the mob tore
down the fence along the road
and piled the rails upon the burn
ing negro. After waiting for
half an hour the mob dispersed.
A curious feature of the burning'
was the fact that there were al
most as many women in the crowd
as men.
During the march from the
hospital to the scene of burning
of the negro not a policeman was
encountered by the mob. Even ]
the man on duty in the hospital
made no effort to stop the lead
ers, who gained admittance to
the institution.
The only masks worn by mem
bers of the mob were handker
chiefs drawn over their faces.
Coatesville is a town of 10,000
population and is located on the
| main line of the Pennsylvania
i Railroad thirty miles west of
I Philadelphia.
House For Sale.
House and lot in Mt. Vernon.
Splendidly located, with out
houses, garden, etc. See me at
once for price and terms.
Mrs. S. B. Morris, 1
Ml. Vernon, Ga.
■ ■ ■ ■■ I
If you want money quick, write
Lyons Loan & Abstract Co., Ly- 1
Jons, Ga., for they are loaning
. money cheap.
A. L. Lanier,
Attorney at Law,
Will Practice in all the Courts of
the State.
All kinds Repair Work, Iron
and Wood. Fine line of Bicycle
Material on hand. High-Grade
Repair Work on Bicycles, Sewing
Machines, Guns, Revolvers and
Clocks. See me before placing
your work; I will save you money.
Work promptly and neatly done
l ..... "
Trade Marks
' ' Design*
Aflfon# fienillrig a sketch and description may
quickly aac«rtain our opinion frti4» whether an
invention la probably P«tentahlo. Lornmunlca
tlonaatriet If confidential. HANDBOOK on Paten t§
Kent free. Oldest Agency for aeon ring natenu.
Patent* taken through Mann & Co. reoelvt
•perini notice , wlf boat charge, in the
Scientific American.
A handiomelr WBekl y. IsMVMt J»t
dilation of any adentldc Journal. Term*. %A a 1
year , foot month*, $L Sold by all newadealer*.
NIUNN & Co. 3818 '"*"’New York
Branch OOra Oh t St. WAAbtoalon. n. C.
Jolm 11. Hunter, Wm. K. Pnaroo, Frank C. liattiy. j!
Cotton Factors Naval Stores i:
EXPERIENCED P'irflirc *1
Upland Cotton, Sea-Island Cotton ;•
Florodora, Allen Silk and Other
; Extra Staples, Naval Stores. |»
j One of the Lurges! Factorage Concerns in the South. Each
; Commodity handled in a Separate Department.
! Strictest Attention to Each.
i Nitrate of Soda and Other Fertilizers,
Upland and Sea-Island Bagging,
Ties and Twine.
Liberal Advances made on Consignments. “Money Loaned |!
; to Cotton and Naval Stores Shippers on Approved Security.
12<5 Bay Street, East. SAVANNAH GA. jj
Georgia—Montgomery County.
C. M. Williams has in proper form
applied to the undersigned for let
ters of guardianship of the per
sons and property of Paul Oil
loughley, lunatic; notice is there- j
fore given that said application
will be heard at the regular term
of the Court of Ordinary to be
held on the first Monday in Aug.
next. Witness my hand and olfi
jeial signature, this the 8d day of
July, 1911. Alex McArthur,
Mower mid Rake.
For Sale at a Bargain, one Mc-
Cormick Mower and Rake, in
; good condition. See or write
D. S. Williamson,
Rt. 1, Uvalda, Ga.
Atty at,
Mt ''ernon, Georgia.