Newspaper Page Text
Slir Hn i.ttjjmitfnf fKiuutor.
At the called meeting of the
Board of Commissioners of Roads
and Revenues of Montgomery
held here Monday, Mr. C. J.
Ferrell 'was elected warden of
the county convicts and superin
tendent of the public roads, the
position held for several years
by Mr. J. B. Adamson, who re
. cently tendered his resignation to
the county.
Mr. Ferrell is said to be a man
of considerable . experience in
road building and management
of convicts, and will doubtless
give satisfaction. Every citizen
of the county realizes that the
recent heavy rains have greatly
damaged the public roads
throughout the county, and
should not expect this man, or
any other man, to put the roads
in proper shape at once—it is a
physical impossibility. Let the
citizens co-operate with Mr. Fer
rell and give him whatever aid
possible. The roads are now in
a terrible condition, on account
of the rains of the past month,
and many of them will have to
be rebuilt entirely, the roads in
some parts of the county having
been washed entirely away.
The commissioners employed
an expert accountant to audit the
books of certain county officers,
as has been recommended by
grand juries of the county. Mr.
Chas. Neville, of Savannah, has
been given this work, and will
audit the books of the County
Commissioners, Tax Collector,
Tax Receiver, County School
Commissioner and Treasurer.
After finishing the work, Mr.
Neville will make a full report to
the county. This county has
never had a complete system of
auditing the books of the various
county officers, and it is thought
that this plan will give satisfac
tion. Every county in the state
should have in effect some plan
by which the public may be in
formed as to the exact status of
the county’s finances, and the
condition of the various offices of
the county.
The period of examination to
be covered by Mr. Neville will be
for the past six years, and the
work will be very comprehensive.
The Commissioners are operat
ing under the law which has been
in effect for several years, and
will continue until the new road
law becomes effective, as passed
for the county this summer. The
Monitor will publish the new law
as soon as it is possible tc get a
copy of the same, not having
been able thus far to secure a
copy from any source. It is pos
sible that some of the clerical
force in Atlanta has done away
with it entirely, along with other
matters which they have botched
up in general. It is hoped that
the new law, when put into ef
fect, will prove the solution of
the road and commissioner ques
tion in this county.
Miss Eva Williams of Olney,
Bulloch county, has entered the
U. B. I. as a student.
Miss Ethleen Folsom is in Sa
vannah visiting her sister for a
few weeks.
Miss Mattie Mcßride has gone
to Pembroke, Ga., to engage in
music teaching.
Mr. John F. Currievand others
were over Monday from the West
School Commissioner Hutche
son and Mr. Martin Jenkins of
the school board are traveling
around in the interest of new
schools, good schools and better
Mr. L. B. Mann of Washing
ton, D. C., is here visiting rel
atives and friends. Mr. Mann
holds a position in the Patent
The regular monthly meeting
of the Ladies’ Missionary Society
was held at the Methodist church
Monday afternoon, with a very
good attendance. We realize
that it is a great privilege to take
part in this great work of send
ing the gospel to the “milliqns
over the sea. ” Member.
Remember that Dr. J. E. Mas
row, the well known eyesight
specialist will be at Soperton,
Monday, Sept. 18th, at the Soper
ton Pharmacy. Take advice and
consult the man whose reputation
for accurate work is so well es
Land for Sale.
lam offering for sale a tract
of farming land lying on the
west side of the Oconee River, in
Montgomery county, Landsburg
District, about nine miles] north
of Glenwood on the Old Dublin
River Public Road, containing
191 acres. On this tract of land
is a good eight-room dwelling
house, a few acres in cultivation,
and the remainder of the tract
fairly well timbered. Almost the
entire tract is susceptible to im
provement and cultivation. Also
one Lot of swamp land lying near
to the farming land described. A
bargain for the right man. This
land must be sold. Write or ap
ply to J. B. Geiger,
Mt. Vernon, Ga.
On account of the large num
ber of persons he has fitted with
glasses in this county, Dr. Mas
row of Savannah has decided to
pay here again and will be
in Soperton at the Soperton
Pharmacy, Monday, Sept. 18th,
from 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. See
large announcement on another
General News Items
Told in Short Meter.
The body of Miss Myrtle Maw-1
kins of Hendersonville, N. C.,
who disappeared from her home
last Thursday, was found in Lake
Oceola, three miles away, on
Sunday. Indications pointed to
the fact that she was foully mur-;
A boy of 15 years, named Bar
tel Leßlanc, hanged himself to a j
bed post in his room at Martins
ville, La., on Tuesday because
his parents were punishing him
by locking him in the room.
A mob of eight men and boys
are under arrest at Shady Bend,
Kans., for taking a young school
teacher, Miss Mary Chamberlain,
into the woods and applying tar
and feathers to her. The man
who took her out, under pretense
of a ride, has already been sen
tenced to jail for a year.
Mrs. Robert Pierce of Athens,
Ga., attempted to commit suicide
on Tuesday because she was
crazed on account of the death of
her twin sister. Her daughter,
a grown girl in bed very ill, saw
her jump into the Oconee river,
and with supethuman strength,
got up and helped to p ill her out.
Robert Adams, the 10-year-old
son of B. T. Adams of Macon,
was drowned w r hile swimming;
with other boys in the Ocmulgee
river Tuesday morning. In go
ing down he grabbed another boy
and pulled him under, but the,
boy got loose and swam out.
Mount Etna in Sicily is in ac-I
tive eruption again, and a stream
of lava 2,000 feet wide is pouring
down the slope. The peasants
are fleeing for their lives.
Dr. J. W. Palmer has sold his
drug business at Ailey to Dr. B.
Sumerford of Pembroke, Ga.
Dr. Sumerford is an experienced
druggist, having been in the
business about ten years, and
comes to our section with fine
reputation and prospects of suc
Dr. Masrow the well known
eyesight specialist will be in
Uvalda at the Moses and May
Drug Store, Saturday, Sept. 16th.
All those sufiering with eye
troubles or who are in need of
new glasses should take this op
portunity to consult Dr. Masrow.
Dog for Sale.
A thoroughbred pointer dog,
four years old. Perfect retriev
er. Best stock. See at once
Tom Whitaker,
Kibbee, Ga.
— \
Improved Ginnery.
The undersigned have formed
a partnership for the purpose of
operating the ginnery at Uvalda,
and in this we wish to ask the
patronage of the public. The
plant has been thoroughly over
hauled and improved, and it will
be our desire to give perfect ser
vice to the public. Arrange
ments have been made for suffic
ient water, and no delay will be
occasioned by this in the future.
Bring us your c-tton, and have
it turned out on the minute.
J. W. Calhoun,
H. J. Gibbs,
* The Uvalda Ginnery.
Having received many requests
to visit your county again Dr. J.
E. Masrow the famous eyesight
specialist of Savannah will be in
Uvalda at the Moses and May
Drug Store, Saturday, Sept. 16th
from 8 A. M. to 8 P. M. See
large announcement on another
W. N. Drury, a street car con
ductor of Macon, was instantly
killed Tuesday night by running
in front of a car that almost sev
ered his head and arm from his
S. A. Potter, a noted confidence
man wno is said to have robbed
the people of two continents of a
million and a half dollars, was
locked up in jail at Chicago on
Tuesday night.
The veteran survivors of the
Blackshear Guards, a Laurens
county company that fought
through the Civil war, will hold
a camp reunion at Turkey Creek
in that county on Oct. 4th.
William Lee, aged 12 years,
was drowned at Isle of Hope
near Savannah on Sunday after
noon. He was struggling to save
his sister, 1(5 years old, who was
rescued by a man, as the boy
went down for the last time.
The case of Dr. McNaughtin,
sentenced to hang in Emanuel
county for killing Fred Flanders,
has been taken to U. S. Supreme
An unknown negro was found
at Burroughs Station near Savan
nah on Monday with twelve
buckshot holes in his heed. It is
thought he was murdered by
some one who robbed him.
Official count shows that pro
hibition won by a small majority
in the great election held in the
state of Maine on Monday.
H. C. Beattie, tried and con
victed for the murder of his wife
in Virginia, will have IK) days
respite till his case can Ik; re
viewed by the supreme court. i
kwmmhimm mmsmsm @
% ©.
;©: ;©
The efficient work of the office
of the clerk of our superior court
has been re-enforced by the ad
dition of a new Elliot-Fisher
book typewriter. Os course, the
deft fingers of the assistant, Miss
Bessie Stucdey, will continue to
skillfully manipulate the key
It is simply a question of sun
shine as to how many bales of
cotton will be hauled to the gins
around here this week.
Rev. H. C. Brewton spent
Tuesday in Mcßae with friends.
The marble for the handsome
front of the new Mt. Vernon
Bank building is being placed on
the grounds, and work will soon
be resumed.
Mrs. J. J. Coleman on mail
route No. 1 sends an egg which
is somewhat of a curiosity. The
egg is exactly in the shape of a
LeConte pear, Now, we hope
this hen’s example will not cause
other progressive-minded hens to
waste any time on Jreaks. What
we want is plenty of eggs at
about 15 cents per dozen.
Mr. C. A. Mason has been out
on a business trip, taking in
parts of Toombs and Tatnall
Statement of the Condition of
Located at Soperton, Ga., at the Close of business Sept. Ist, 1911
Dcmancl Loans ♦ 1,891 nil
Time Loans 95,511 UR
Overdraft**, secured and unsecured 217 (»H
Hacking House 1,951 05
Furniture and Fixtures 1,544 12
Ovo from Bankt* and Hankers in
this State. 4,476 5!)
Duo from Banka and It.nkois in
other Ht at os 5,004 58
Currency 2,400 o<>
Hold 42 50
Silver, Nickels, etc. 821 71
Cash Items 401 iO
Advances on Cotton 1550 84 4,001 71
Total ----- $115,499 44
ST AT EOF OKOIIOLv Montgomery County.
Before me e.ame K. F. Want, Cashier of Peoples Bank, Howerton, (la., who duly
sworn, says that the ohove and sinCninent irt a true condition of said Hank as shown
hy the hooks of tilo in said Bank. It. K. WARD.
Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 12th day of Kept., 1011.
0. it. TYLICR. Com. N. P. of M. 0. Oa.
Statement of tho Condition of
T?\e Farriers’ Banki
Located at G lon wood, Ga., at tho Cloho of Huai iiohh Sept, 1, 1911:
Time loann $75,025 77
Overdraft*! unsecured 15ft 42
Banking house 2 non
Furniture and fixtures 812 50
Other real estate 207 40
Due from hanks and hankers
in this state 7,4H0 08
Due from hanks and bankers
in other states 4,.489 82
Currency $1 <>*>2
(fold 170
Silver, nickels, etc. 808 70
Cash items 115 40 2,810 10
Total $98,278.20
Before me came W. J. Kulrat, cashier of The Farmers’ Bank, who lie
ingduly sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement Is a true con
dition of said Bank, as shown by the hooks of file ill said Bank.
W .1. Futral.
Sworn to and subscribed before me this I2fh day of Sept., 191*1.
A. A. Galbraith, N. P. and Exo, J. P.
Statement of the condition of
Located at Soperton, Ga., at the close of business Sept. Ist, 1911:
Demand loans $ 820 12
Time loans 159,244 88
Overdrafts, unsecured 508 75
Bond and Stocks owned by
the Bank 450
Banking House, Furniture
and Fixtures 8,945 98
Os tier real estate 1,888 20 j
Due from hanks and hankers
in this state 5,172 88
Due from hanks and bankers
in other states 8,114 20
Currency $ 1,528 00
(fold 280 00
Silver, nickels, etc. 280 08
Cash items Bi*B 88
Advances on Cotton 788 87 8.288 09 1
Total $180,850 44 1
HTATK OP OKOIKJIA Montgomery County.
liefore me came J K 11*11, (hndnei of The Hank of .Snperlori, who, bring duly a worn hhvh
that the above and foregoing »taterrnnt ia a true condition of Maid Hank a» hliQWii by the hooka
of tile in Maid Hank J. E IIAI.L.
Mworn to and aobacrihed before me, tin* Bth day of .Sent., 1911.
Among our news items we
publish an account of the death
of Mr. John E. Martin of Liberty
county. Mr. Martin will be re
membered here by many friends,
having attended the Presbytery
at its last session in Mt. Vernon.
Miss Inez Mcßae has returned
to Granite Hill to take up her
work as teacher in the Agricul
tural school at that place. She
was accompanied by her mother,
Mrs. Janie Mcßae.
Willie, Janie and Miss Sadie
McQueen went to see their aged
friend, Mr. Geo. W. Peterson, at
Higgston on Monday last.
Mrs. H. C. Brewton returned
Monday from a visit, to Belleville,
accompanied by Miss Maude
Misses Lula and Esther Smith of
Reidsville are here visiting their
sister, Mrs. H. F. Southwell on
Railroad Avenue.
sor 6 doses “666” will cure
any case of Chills and Fever.
Price, 25c.
Judge H. R. Daniels of the
City Court of Swainsboro, ac
companied by Mrs. Daniels, were
visitors to Mt. Vernon Monday,
returning to Swainsboro Tuesday
t,I Alii i. in ES.
Capital Sleek I'tii'i in 415,000 00
Undivided IVoIUh, lean current ex
peuHi h, in I. and taxes paid 4,641 5:1
Due te lliinka and Hankers in
oilier Staten 12,000
Individual l)ept.ailaSuhjee|. to Uli’k 27,0:10 HO
Saving* DopoaitH 58H 25
Demand Certificates 8,750
Time Oertilieatea 20.H05 45
Oaaliinr’H OlieckH 828 82
Ililla payable, including time uort.
rep. bor money. 80,000 oi)
Total .... - #115,49!) 14
Capital alack paid in $20,000 00
Surplus fond 7,(HH)
Undivided profits less cur.
ex., int. and taxes paid 4.147 89
flid'l deposits sb to check 18,082 40
Time ccrii Orates 18 944 87
( Ashler's chocks 15'i lb
Bills payable, including I line,
cor. rop. lon . money 80,000
Total * $08,278.2U
j Capital stock paid in $25,000 00
j Undivided profits less cur
ex. ini. and taxes pd 5,582 57
Individual deposits subject
to check 82,172 85
Time certificates 47,701 87
Cashier’s checks 898 85
i Bills payable, including time
cer rep. borrowed money 70,000 00
Total ,$180,850 41
Pursuant to a call made in the
last issue of The Monitor, a num
ber of citizens assembled at the
court house here Monday for the
I purpose of nominating a game
warden, who will be appointed
by the State (lame Warden, Hon.
Jesse Mercer of Fitzgerald.
The new law provides for the
election of local game wardens,
one in each militia district in
each county. In Monday’s meet
ing the following resolutions were
adopted and the following nomi
nations made, both for county
game warden and deputies in the
several districts in the county:
“We, citizens of Montgomery
county this day assembled in
mass meeting, do hereby pledge
ourselves to give to the State
Commissioner of Fish and Game
and his subordinate oflicers in
this county our moral support in
enforcing the lately enacted fish
and game laws.
“We recommend that, in addi
tion to the County Game Warden
he appoint a Deputy Warden for
each Militia district in said coun
ty. We recommend the follow
ing men as being suitable per
sons to fill the positions:
For County Warden: S. Z.
Salter, Mt. Vernon, Ga.
Deputy Warden for 1343rd dis
trict: W. C. Ryals, Mt. Vernon,
275t,h Dist.: Neal Hughes,
Mt. Vernon, Ga.
12215 t Dist: A. T. Miller,
Soperton, Ga.
PWtilh Dist.: C. T. Braddy,
1654th Dist,.: It. I). Beatty,
HIGHth Dist.: Geo. Hamilton,
15215 t Dist.: M. Barnhill,
1417th Dist.: Nat Miller,
893rd Dist.: Joe Bowery,
Alamo. '
394th Dist: Tom Moses, Lum
ber City, It. F. D.
1450th Dist.: Sam Hughes,
Scotland, It. F. I).
1600th Dist.: .J. J. Burkhalter,
1567th Dist.: Charley Almond,
Higgs ton.
1587th Dist.: Jack Davis,
So tier ton, It. F. I).
Tiger Dist.: Hilton William
son, Soperton.
Chairman of the Mass Meeting.
Sect, of the Mass Meeting.
While the new law may appear
a little drastic, we feel sure if it
is carried out to the letter, it will
be the means of preserving the
game of the state, and all loyal
citizens should co-operate with
the officials in the enforcement
of the provisions of the new law.
It is not known that Mr. Mer
cer will appoint those selected in
the massmeeting, as there are
other candidates for the place.
Mr. J. Herschel Kent of Glen
wood has been prominently men
tioned as a candidate for the
place. Mr. W. D. McAllister of
Longpond has also been spoken
of as a candidate. Mr. Mercer
will announce his choice in a few
days, and the people will be in
The Monitor is now preparing
the new law in a printed form,
and it will be off the press in a
few days, in a neat printed
pamphlet form, which may be
had for the small sum of ten
cents a copy. It is rather
lengthty, and requires some time
to place in a printed form. It
will Ik: out in full next week.
Let every man in the county have
a copy.
Mr. W. 11. Stephens of Kibbee
was transacting business here on
NO 19