The Montgomery monitor. (Mt. Vernon, Montgomery County, Ga.) 1886-current, September 28, 1911, Image 6

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We have done our part; will
you do yours? See them that’s
all we ask. See them our line
of Boys’ Suits.
J. H. Hudson.
If you want money quick, write
Lyons Ixian At Abstract Co., Ly
ons, Ga., for they are loaning
money cheap.
Seed Rye, 50c per peck. Mt.
Vernon Drug Co.
sor 6 doses ”666” will cure
any case of (’hills and Fever.
Price, 25c.
Mr. Pratt Daniel of the Lon#
Pond section wfts a visitor here
on Tuesday.
Just received a line in neck
wear and dress trimming's at
J. H. Hudson’s.
Presiding Elder L. A. Hill of
the Mcßae District preached at
Glen wood on Saturday and held
the quarterly conference. Rev.
H. C. Brewton, pastor in charge,
occupied the pulpit on Sunday,
the Presiding Elder having been
called to other points.
A five-pound box of tobacco
for $1.32. N. L. Spooner,
Mt. Vernon, Ga.
Mr. W. H. McQueen attended
the “Pastor’s Home Coming”
services in Dublin last Sunday,
and found a large crowd in at
tendance upon the services which
will last through this week.
Mrs. Florence Hilton was
shopping in Mt. Vernon on Sat
Dr. J. W. Palmer accompanied
Mr. and Mrs. F. Lee Mcßae to
Macon Friday morning, taking
their baby boy to Atlanta for
treatment, but found the little
one to weak to go on, and death
ended its sufferings at Macon.
Fresh lot Seed Rye, Mt. Ver
non Drug Co., at 50 cents per
Mr. I’. M. Mosely of Charlotte
was a visitor to the U. B. I. and
Ml. Vernon Tuesday. Mr.
Mosely reports many acres of
unpicked cotton and a scarcity
of pickers in his section.
Col. Will Stallings of Soperton
was a visitor here on Tuesday.
Mr. T. K. Wiggins of Dothan,
Ala., is visiting the family of
Mr. J. E. Cocktield, relatives.
We hope Mr. Wiggins will have
a pleasant stay in our town.
Mrs. H. J. Sapp of Eastman
attempted to take her own life
Sunday afternoon by drinking
match heads dissolved in water;
and, failing in this, tried to cut i
her throat with a razor, her little
daughter holding her arm and
preventing her destruction.
For prices on Mowers. Rakes,
Hay Presses and Stump Pullers,
write the Yidalia Machinery and
Farm Implement Co., Vidala, Ga.
r Mrs. W. H. McQueen, of Mt.
Vernon, is the guest of Miss Im
ogens McQueen of this city.
Vidalia Advance.
Begins with TheArrivalqfThe stocK
When material Is received at the Immense StudebaKer
lumber yards It ts Inspected piece by piece as it is being un
loaded from cars—-every piece must be up to specifications—no
brashness, windshaKen or worm holes tn StudebaKer materials.
The StudebaKer lumber yards cover almost 80 acres and
every piece of wood stocKln
them Is carefully Inspected i
before being piled for air w «i‘" 0 ~i HIL
drytng -
Come tn and see the L 0 G
StudebaKer. Let us show >U. *9 f g
why It s the best wagon V,' Wv*/ V *
on themarket —-—'
W. J. & T. A. Peterson, Ailey, Ga.
You are invited to call and in
sjKict a beautiful line of millinery
and other nobby specialties un
der the management of Miss
McNatt, a modern and posted de
signer. My prices are not too
high this time. E. T. Mcßride.
A handsome framed colored
picture free with each $5 cash
purchase. N. L. Spooner,
Mt. Vernon, Ga.
Dan. T. Gibbs went to Mt.
Vernon Monday to put three of
the Gilstrap boys in the U. B. I.
The little fellows are bright and
we hope they will study hard and
make bright men. —Lyons Pro
Such values nor better styles
have ever been shown in Milli
nery than you will find on dis
play at E. T. Mcßride’s, Ailey,
Ga. The very best styles are of
fered at small price.
Dr. I). P». Summerford, for
merly of our town who has pur
chased a drug business at Ailey,
was a pleasant visitor here
Wednesday. Pembroke Enter
5 or (! doses ”066” will cure
any case of Chills and Fever,
i’rice, 25c.
Mr. Harry Wilt, of Mt. Vernon
spent Monday afternoon in the
city. Vidalia Advance.
Mrs. W. T. McArthur and
Mrs. A. A. Peterson were visit
ors in the city Friday, guests at
the home of Mr. B. A. Mc-
Arthur. Vidalia Local.
To the Millinery trade: We
open the new season showing
greater variety and better values
than ever. We find greatest sat
isfaction in offering to the trade
the newest and best production
of the market and cordially in
vite careful inspection and com
parison. J. 11. Hudson.
The next session of the Mont
gomery County Teachers Insti
tute will be held in Mt. Vernon
Oct. 9th to 13th inclusive 1911.
This Institute will he conduct
ed by Miss Celeste Parish, one of
the State Supervisors appointed
under the new school law.
All the teachers employed to
teach in the public schools of
Montgomery county will be ex
pected to attend the full time.
The schools of the county will
open on Monday Oct. 1(1. The
trustees and patrons are urged
to put the school buildings and
grounds in good condition and do
all they can to have their respec
tive schools open with full at
tendance. A. B. Hutcheson,
Co. Supt. Schools.
Ailey Ginnery.
The Ailey Ginnery has been
thoroughly overhauled and now
running in full blast. Bring me
your cotton, and get satisfaction.
,1. M. D. McGregor,
Owner, Ailey, Ga.
Gopher Slide
Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Conley
visited their brother Mr. C. Con
ley near Zaidee Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Johnson
made a business trip to Soperton
Monday morning.
Mr. Archie Graham and Char
-1 lie Hartley attended preaching
at Red Bluff Sunday.
Mrs. Mamie Mosley spent part
I of last week with her cousin Mrs.
I Annie Davis.
Mr. Bruce Milerand Miss Fan
-1 nie Posey were among those who
attended preaching at Red Bluff
Sunday morning.
Recent visitors at the home of
Mr, John Manning were Mr. Lee
land Gordon Edge, George Rick
er, Tom Wilkes, Leon and Archie
i Graham, and Charlie Hartley.
Mr. Dave Bracewell and Miss
Laura Posey of near Gopher
Slide attended preaching at Red
Bluff Sunday.
Mr. Charlie Spivey visited the
home of Mr. John Parrish Sun
day afternoon.
Mr. Marion Screws visited the
home of Mr. Charlie Holton Sun
day evening.
Mr. Grover and Eddie Man
ning and Bruce Miller visited the
home of Mr. Posey Sunday.
We are glad to note that Mr.
Charlie Simpson is still improv
Mrs. Gena Odom visited her
daughter Mrs. Kate Barwick
Mr. John Manning made a fly
ing trip to Soperton Monday
Mr. James Cuncil and Miss
Mollie Barwick attended preach
ing at Red Bluff Sunday.
Gray Eyes.
For Sale.
A good Jersey cow with young
calf. A. P>. Hutcheson,
Mt. Vernon, Ga.
All delegates and others who
attend the ensuing session of the
Daniels Association which con
venes at Oakgrove church on
Wednesday before the fourth
Sunday in October and expect to
come on the trains will be met
at Alston and at Ailey on Tues
day evening, Oct. 17, and on
Wednesday morning, Oct. 18.
This Sept. 25. 1911.
Dennis O’Brien,
W. I). Peterson,
M. J. Brantley,
B. L. Padgett, a Holiness
preacher is under indictment in
Atlanta for having lured away
from her home in King’s Moun
tain. N. C., a 16-year old girl.
He had been on a long tour in
North Carolina before reaching
1 n tin* District Court.of the United
States tor the Southern District
of Georgia, Eastern Division.
In the matter of 0. S. John
son, bankrupt, in bankruptcy.
To the creditors of C- S. John
son of Alston, Ga., in the
county of Montgomery and dist
rict aforesaid, bankrupt: Notice
is hereby given that on the 22nd
■ lay of Sept , A. D. 1911, the above
named party was duly adjudicated
a bankrupt, and that the first
meeting of his creditors will be
held at the U. S. Circuit Court
Room, Savannah, Ga., on the 9th
day of Oct., 1911, at 10 o’clock
m the forenoon (city tinie)at. which
time the said creditors may
attend, prove their claim, appoint
a trustee, examine the bankrupt
and transact such other I usiness
as may properly come before said
meeting. Savannah, Ga., Sept.
2(5, 1911. A. 11 MacDuiell,
Ref jn Rank’ey.
K. J. Hawkins, At.ty. for Bkt.
In the District Court of the United
States for the Southern District
of Georgia, East* rn Division.
In the ma’ter ot M B. Jarrett,
Ir., Bankrupt, in bankruptcy.
To the creditors of M B. Jar
rett, Jr., of Uvalda, Ga., m the
'minty of Montgomery and Dis
trict aforesaid, bankrupt: Notice
s hereby given that on the 21st
! lav of Sept., A. 1). 1911, the
| iboye named party was duly ad
judicated a bankrupt, and that
the First Meeting of his creditors
will l>e held at the U. S. Circuit
Court Room, Savannah, Ga., on
the 7th day of Oct., A. I>, 1911 at
12 o’clock noon (city tune) at
which tune the said creditors may
it tend, prove their chums, ap
point a trustee, examine the bank
rupt and transact such other bus
iness as may properly come be
fore said meeting. Savannah,
Ga., Sept. 29, 1911.
A. 11. MarDonel),
Kef. in Rank'cy.
*C. C (Vtrr>, Vivialta. Gi, All) for Bkt.
The Bank of Soperton 1
and iL Branch at Tarry town, Georgia
00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0' 0. .© t 3
©0 o.'.®.©.©:© ©o'©© Resources: i?
© © © G © ©' © v © v © v © © 3?
©ooo©©©©®©© Loans and discounts $172,411.08 |j
Cash and due from Banks 30,9/31.71 jji
Buildings and fixtures 9,033.51 si
Other real estate 1,803.26 jjl
At the Close Stocks anil bonds 450.00 g
Overdrafts 614.04
of Business T()ta , ' 1215,304.20 g
P Sept. 9 Liabilities: |
I« 1911 Capital stock $25,000.00 11
Undivided profits 7,484.83 ||
, Total deposits 112,819.37 i
Bills payable - 70,000.00 I
© :©:© ;©:©. ■©:■;© ©;©.©•©. g
:©:©/;©•:©?:©:•©■:© .©:©::©.:© Total $215,304.20
©®'©oo'©'©©©i©©®| n
President Vice-President Cashier Asst. Chshier §5?
Petition tor Injunction.
State of (ieorpria, Montgomery County.
J. IV Canady vh. James McNatt anti Bro., Edith
IV Reynolds, J M. Yeomans, J. M. Yeomans,
Ailnir., Roliert lan* Yeomans, Terrell E. Yeo
mans; Elijah M. Yeomans, and iMartha E.
Mt Millian.
Petition for Injunction, and Interpleader, Mont
gomery Superior Court, Nov. Term, 1911.
The defendants, J. M. Yeomans, J. M. Yeomans,
Administrator of Robert Laic Yeomans, Terrell E.
Yeomans, Elijah M. Yeomans, ami Martha K. Mc-
Millian. are hereby required, personally or by at
torneys, to be and appear at the Superior Court,
to !m_* held in and for said county, on the first Mon
day in November next, then anti there to answer
the plaintiff’s demand in an action of complaint,
as above st?t out, as in default thereof the Court
will proceed as to justice shall appertain.
Witness the Honorable J H Martin, Judpre of
said Court, this July 22, 1911.
M L. O’Brien, Clerk.
A. C. SatTord, Atty. for I*l ft.
Sheriff Sale.
G«H»r«ia Montgomery County.
Will he sold before the court house door in Mt.
Vernon on the Tirst Tuesday in Oct., 1911. be
tween t he legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder
for cash, certain property, of which the following
is a full and complete description:
All that tract or parcel of laud
situate, lying and being in Mont
gomery county, Georgia, contain
ing one hundred and ‘eight, acres
more or less, and bounded as fol-
Lnvs: On the north by lands of
Jim Calhoun, on the east by lands
lof Millard Phillips, on the south
by lands of C. S. Hamilton and
on the west by lands Joe Fulgham.
Levied on and will be sold as the
property of Enoch Phillips to
satisfy an execution issued from
the City Court of Mount Vernon
in favor ot Adrian Guano Co. vs
10. M. Phillips. Written notice
if |,, V y given in terms of the law
Pins tin* sth day of Sept., 1911.
•Ins. Hester, Sheriff.
A. E. Smith. Atty. for PUT.
Notice in Bankruptcy, First Meeting.
In the District Court ot the
United States for the Southern
I District of Georgia, Eastern Di
In the matter of Henrv W.
Biggerstalf, Bankrupt, in Bank
Po the Creditors of Henry \V.
Biggerstalf of Kibbee, Ga.. m the
County of Montgomery and Dis
trict aforesaid, bankrupt:
Notice is hereby given that on
the 25th day of Sept., A. D. 1911,
the above named party was duly
adjudicated a bankrupt, and that
the F'irst Meeting >f his creditors
will be held at the U. S. Circuit
Court Room, Savannah, Ga.. on
the 6th day of Oct., A. D. 1911,
at 12 o’clock noon (Savannah
time) at which time the said cred
itors may attend, prove their
claims, appoint a trustee, examine
| the bankrupt and transact such
I other business as may properly
■ come before said meeting.
Savannah, Ga., Sept 25. 1911.
A. H. MacDonell,
Referee in Bankruptcy.
Saftuni and SuUlimr*. Atiys for Bkt.
Rule Nisi.
L. D. Powell and Jas. Hicks vs Emma Chestnutt
and L. C. Chestnutt.
In the Superior Court of Montgomery County,
July Term, 1911. Rule Nisi. Mortprapre Fore
To Emma Chestnutt;
It bi'in*r represented to the Court by the petition
of L. I). Powell and Jas. Hicks that by deed of
mortpwro, dated 13th day of December, 1909, Em
ma Chestnut and L. C. Chestnut con
veyed to the said L. D. Powell and Jas.
Hicks 4 acres of land more or less in the town of
Soperton, ?.I<>ntKomery county, Georgia, bounded
on the north by the run of Tiirer Greek, on the
east by Bruce McLeod, on the south by Mrs. M. C.
Horn, on the west by street and Benj. Gillis, also
frame dwelling located on the same, for the pur
pose of securing the payment of a promissory note
made by the said Emma Chestnut and 1.. C. Chest
nut to the said L. D. Powell and Jas. Hicks due on
the first day of December, 1910, for the sum of
two hundred and forty four dollars, which note is
now due and unpaid,
It is ordered that the said Flmma Chestnut and
1,. C. Chestnut do pay into this court by the first
day of the next term the principle, interest and
costs due on said note and mortprapre, or show
cause, if any she has to the contrary, or that in
default thereof foreclosure be granted to the said
L. I). Powell and Jas. Hicks of said mortprapre, and
the equity of redemption of the said Emma Chest
nut and 1.. C. Chestnut therein Ihj forever Itarrod,
and that service of this rule be perfected on said
Kmma Chestnut and L. C. Chestnut accordinpr to
Done in open Court this July 22, 1911.
J. H. Martin. J. S. C. O. J. C.
A true oopy from the minutes.
M L. O’Briei., Clerk.
A. C. Safford, Atty. for Pltf.
Improved Ginnery.
The undersigned have formed
a partnership for the purpose of
operating the ginnery at Uvalda,
and in this we wish to ask the
patronage of the public. The
plant has been thoroughly over
hauled and improved, and it will
be our desire to give perfect ser
vice to the public. Arrange
ments have been made for suffic
ient water, and no delay will be
occasioned by this in the future.
Bring us your c tton, and have
it turned out on the minute.
J. W. Calhoun.
H. J. Gibbs,
The Uvalda Ginnery.
Money to Loan.
i 1 represent.some of the best loan
j companies doing business in
Montgomery county, and can se
cure loans for a term of five years
at a very small rate of interest.
Commissions charged are small,
and parties desiring to negotiate
loans in Montgomery or Toombs
counties will save money by seeing
m<* before making application
elsewhere. H. B. Cai.hoitn,
Mt. Vernon, Ga.
i Soperton, Georgia
Jerseyville Dairy
Jerseyville Dairy Farm offers
for sale twenty head of moil
f<hade and full bred Jerseys,
from three months to three years
old. Each animal fully guaran
teed to be well worth money in
vested. Will keep any animal
till Nov. Ist. free of charge, if
buyer so desires. Come at once
and get the pick, or write today to
M. I*. Burnette A. Son,
( J-2G-11-4t Towns, Ga.
For Sale at a Bargain, one Mc-
Cormick Mower and Bake, in
ffood condition. See or write
D. S. Williamson,
Rt. 1, Uvalda, Ga.
Uvalda Lots.
For sale at once, two vacant
residence lots in Uvalda, Ga.,
being 66 x 155 feet, well located.
See at once,
R. S. McLendon,
Uvalda, Ga.
For Long Term Farm
I am negotiating some very
attractive Long Term Farm Loans
for the best companies doing bus
iness in Georgia, with lowest rates
of interest and the most liberal
terms of payments
I have several years experience
in the loan business, am located
at the county site and believe that
I am in position to give you the
best terms and as prompt services
as any one.
If vou need a loan see me before
A. B. Hutcheson,
Mt. Vernon, Ga.
«k9| ISa
Sifß h f L J J iL j J
™ ™ ■ j . B lL
<«aS 1 I n k V I
Trade Marks
Copyrights Ac.
Anyone sending a sketch and description may
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invention is probably patentable. < Drum union
tlons strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patent*
sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents.
Patents taken through Mu an £ Co. recelt*
fptcial notice without charge. In the
Scientific American.
A handsomely Illustrated weekly largest dr
culatt«>n of anv scientific Journal. Terms. S 3 a
rear; four months, |L Bold by all newsdealers.
MUNN & Co 361 Broadway. New York
Branch Office. <s2ft F St.. Washington. U. C.