Newspaper Page Text
Sfte Iftmttnmnm; Monitor*
Again Mt. Vernon is honored
with the presence of the teach
ers. No body of men and women
deserve more credit for their
work than do these people. In
the great uplift of humanity they
take their place close up to those
who minister from the sacred
desk. And we are always glad
to welcome them to our town,
and hope the meeting this week
will be one of the very best.
The institute work is being
conducted by Prof. R. H. Powell
of Atlanta and Miss Celeste S.
Parrish of the State Department
of Education, and it is needless
to say it will be most thorough
and instructive. Prof. Wood of
the IJ. B. I. is acting as secre
We find the following teachers
in attendance:
Brazwell, E. B. Walker
Bruce, C. F. Murchison
Browning, Miss Eliza Harden
Charlotte, Miss Mary Bourn
Crooked Run, Miss Lenora Wright
Dempsey, Miss May Norton
Glen wood, J. W. Green
Assistant, Miss Zora Carlton
Miss Josie Cameron
Hack Branch, Miss L. Moseley
Lothair, Miss Maud Southall
Landsburg, Miss L. M. Kendall
Little Rock, Miss Bessie Leach
Tarry town,
Ist Assistant, Miss Carry Smith
2nd Assistant, Miss A. Rhodes
U. B. I. W. A. Wood
Ist Assistant, Miss C. McDonald
2nd “ Miss J. Peterson
4th “ Miss J. Daughtry
sth “ Miss M. Conner
Union, C. W. Meeks
Assistant, Miss A. McCroskey
Uvalda, B. C. Anderson
Assistant, Miss Lena Mincey
Union Chapel, C. R. Callahan
Willis, Mrs. Annie T. Meeks
From the Union Baptist Institute
Rev. John A. Poole,
Miss Imogene Achorn,
Miss Julia Achorn,
Miss Ruth Flanders,
Miss Charlotte Sharpe.
The meeting of the W. M. B.
U. at the Baptist church tonight
will commence at 6:45 instead of
7:30 as Announced in the program
last week. This change is made
so participants can attend the
Lyceum Entertainment at the U.
B. I. at 8:30.
Ailey, Georgia 0
j|j Tlic above firm lias pur- % 0
0 chased the Palmer Drug 0
0 Store at Ailey, and now 0
0 offers to the public the 0 0
0 very best service >in the 0 0
0 drug line. We have the 0
0 services of a licensed 0 0
0 pharmacist, and partieu- 0 0
lar attention will be paid p ~
0 the prescription feature. » 0
0 Our soda fount service 0 0
0 will be kept up to a high 0 %
standard of excellence.
0 The patronage of the pub- 0 0
lie is cordially solicited. |g 0
0 Prompt service to all. ||
Sumerford Drug Co. §
|j| Prescription Druggists _
Special Correspondence.
We are having some very warm
weather for the time of year.
The most of the farmers are
about to get their cotton out
while the sun is shining.
John Tompkins was a visitor in
the Bruce section one day last
Bai'iilf L. C. Sikes made a dy
ing trip to Hazlehurst one day
We are sorry to state that Mrs.
M. A. Moses is very ill with fever
at this writing. We hope for
her an early recovery.
Messrs. John Browning and
Alf Roland of the Bruce section
were in this community a few
days ago.
Miss Virgie McEachern spent
Thursday last very pleasantly
with Misses Bessie and Nannie
11. F. Kinder spent Saturday
night at the home of Uriah Sears.
Bill McDaniel visited Spring
hill Sunday last.
The ice cream supper at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. C. I.
Josey was largely attended and
enjoyed by all.
Messrs. Wilmer Lovett and
r Cleon Wood and Mr. and Mrs. A.
T. Wright were out riding in Mr.
Lovett’s new auto Saturday af
ternoon last.
Misses Bessie and Nannie
Tompkins and Sadie Vaughan
spent Saturday night and Sunday
last with Mrs. C. I. Josey and
had a most enjoyable time.
Mr. Carl Ryals and Miss Sadie
I Cox were out auto riding Friday
I afternoon last.
Hon. D. S. McArthur spent a
few days last week in Macon.
Ivy Mimbs of this place was in
Charlotte on Thursday of last
Mesdames J. I. Mitchell and
P. P. Hearn were in Telfair a
few days ago, the guest of their
sister Mrs. C. C. Spivey.
Talmadge Spivey and sister
Miss Pearline attended preaching
at Shiloh Sunday.
Mr. R. L. Story and Grover
Sap were among the visitors at
Lumber City Monday.
Mr. Austin Wright spent
Monday night and Tuesday with
his uncle, Mr. C. R. Vaughan of
Lumber City.
Mr. Kelley Sears and Miss
Myra Clements were united in
the holy bonds of matrimony last
Sunday morning.
| Dark Eyes.
AilCy Camp, No. 225, Wood
: men of the World, will unveil the
' monument to Consul E. D. Pa
tillo next Sunday at 3:30 p. m.,
Mt. Vernon, Ga., at the Mc
j Gregor Cemetery. Everybody
! respectfully invited to attend,
especially all Woodmen and their
families. Wm. B. Kent,
Consul Commander.
On last Sabbath, the first of
the semi-annual services, provid
ed for by the selectmen of the
the Midway Society, was held at
the old church in Liberty county.
The service was conducted by
Rev. Carl Stacy, a well known
Presbyterian minister of Elber
ton, Ga. It was quite an appro
priate selection made for one to
preach on this occasion, Mr.
Stacy being a direct descendant
of the old Midway stock, and a
man well qualified to do justice
to the meeting together of the
sons of men who made this old
spot sacred and historic. The
meeting was fairly well attended,
and interest in the historic old
place is growing every year, and
must continue; as thousands scat
tered over the country trace their
ancestry back to the place which
made much of Georgia’s early
In addition to the number of
fair ladies on our streets attend
ing the teachers institute, we
will have with us today many in
telligent and interesting ladies
attending the W. M. B. U.
General News Items
Told in Short Meter.
While she was registering at
the Piedmont hotel in Atlanta
lastThurday, Mrs. Yancey Harris
of Athens w’as robbed of a hand
bag containing aboutss,ooo worth
of jewelry.
Forty boy students of the Oak
Park school at Chicago quit
school last week because the
principal would not allow them
to get out a paper in red ink
called “Mud,” in which they pro
pose to tell “school news as it
W. C. Kitchen of Berrien
county has shown a limb of cot
ton at Adel thirteen and three
quarter feet in length.
Because he could not stop
coughing while robbing an auto
mobile garage in Chicago, a
burglar was captured and jailed.
While ascending in a balloon
at Ti fton Thursday, Capt. Brodie
fell 700 feet and was instantly
killed, all his bones being broken.
Hugh V. Washington, one of
Macon’s oldest and best known
citizens, died there on Thursday
The homes of B. F. West and
J. E. King near Macon were
burned Friday, and the grocery
store of John Herring nearby was
badly damaged.
A message by wireless 6,000
miles across the Pacific ocean
was received at San Francisco
last week. One operator was at
a wireless station on Hokushu,
Japan, and the other at Hillcrest
station near San Francisco.
A passenger train was wrecked
on the Central of Georgia road
near Buchanan on Sunday morn
ing, and the engineer was killed
and the conductor and firemen
were badly injured. A spike
had been driven between two
rails, causing the wreck.
Alfred Stiles, a colored dock
hand of Savannah, who fell
asleep in the hold of an English
cotton steamer and was carried
to sea while fastened under the
hatches on Oct. Ist, made his
way to the deck, and was landed
by the captain at Newport News,
I Virginia.
A trestle oh the Georgia &
Florida road 36 miles from Au
gusta was burned on Monday
night, notwithstanding the fact
' that the strike by the firemen
had been settled.
A happy reunion and celebra
tion of the birthday of Mrs.
Martha Kent took place at her
home at Glenwood, on Saturday
last. The occasion was the 78th
anniversary of the birth of Mrs.
Kent, and her children, grand
children and great-grand-child
ren, numbering between 50 and
100. met to celebrate the event,
and a royal time was enjoyed by
the large party. All her child
ren were present to enjoy the
day, and found the good mother
of this large flock in excellent
health and spirits.
Athens, Oct. 7.—For the first
time in many years water is so
low in the Oconee that the three
hydro-electric power plants which
furnish current for -street cars,
power and lighting for Athens,
are motionless. The company
which operates the big dam at
Barnwell Shoals, recently com
pleted, and the Tallahassee
Shoals and Mitchell’s Bridge
plants, have a large steam plant
in Athens which is being used in
the emergency and the service is
therefore not impaired in any
A man was found in a dying
condition on the Atlantic Coast
Line railway near Savannah Sun
day afternoon, and taken to the
Savannah hospital where he died.
His name could not be found, and
has not yet been identified.
On Monday last Chicago cele
brated the fortieth anniversary
of the great fire of 1871. At that
time three hundred lives were
lost, and $200,000,000 in property
At Newfound, N. C., Ernest
Webb, a boy only 15 years old,
deliberately killed bis sister, 13
years old, with a shot gun. He
was jailed a week later, and his
father and mother held as acces
sory to the crime.
Gov. Hoke Smith, accompanied
by several members of his staff,
attended the State Fair in Macon
yesterday and delivered an ad
The unveiling of the peace
monument of the Gate City
Guard in Atlanta on Tuesday was
a great event, and was largely
attended by the military and dis
tinguished men of the North.
The “Shoo Fly” train from
Helena to Columbus jumped the
track near Cordele on Tuesday,
and twenty-one people were
shaken up and bruised, though
none were seriously injured.
While out using dynamite to
kill fish Saturday afternoon,
Marion Grimes of Miller county
had his hand blown entirely off
by a premature explosion.
Prominent business men of
Eastman are busy with plans to
build a railroad from Eastman to
Barrows Bluff.
While the big parade was pass
ing down Peachtree street in At
lanta, Tuesday, a guy wire fell
from the car trolley wire and
smashed a plate glass window 8
by 14 feet, cutting many who
were standing inside.
Sheriff Hale.
Georcrlfc—Montgomery County.
Will lie (told bof.iiu tin* court house <loor in
Mt. Vernon on the lirnt Tnmulav in N »v. f
11111, between the legal hour* of wale, to the
highcHt bidder for cash, certain property» of
which the following in a complete description:
All that, tract of nine land containing nevent«en
(17) acrett more or lean, »itrial*, lying and being
in the 275th G. M district G M. of waid county
and Htate aforeKaid and bounded a* follows: On
the* north by land* of I. Q. Coleman, on the
by lands of Oave Hamilton, on the sooth by lands
of J W. Moaeley and on the went by lands of Phil
Drinks, levied on and will be sold as the prop
erty of B. W Koth to satisfy an execution issued
from the Justice's Court of the 275th G. M. dist
rict, of said county in favor of W B. Jones vs I).
W Both Properly in possession of defendant,
and written notice given of levy. This the 10th
day of October, 1011.
JutntfH Hotter, Sheriff
Levy rruwle and returned U> me by J. W LiLta,
deputy Mheriff
M H. Calhoun, A tty for Plff
Gopher Slide.
Special Corroßpoudonoo*
The singing at Gopher Slide
Sunday was fine under the man
agement of Mr. Buck Smith of
near Red Bluff.
Mr. Archie Graham and Miss
Ella Manning attended the sing
ing at Gopher Slide.
Mr. Cap Rickes and little
brother George attended the
singing at Gopher Slide Sunday.
Miss Annie Reed visited the
home of Mr. John Manning Sun
Mr. Tead Durden and Horace
Hutcheson of Bine Grove spent
Saturday night and Sunday with
their friend Mr. Grover Manning.
Visitors at the home of Mr.
John Manning Sunday were:
Messrs. Cap and George Rickes,
Archie and Leonard Graham,
Allen Johnson, Bruce Miller,
Henry Stearling, Tom and Lason
Brantley, Charlie and Frank
Mr. Bill Manning visited his
parents Sunday.
Mr. Fred Miller returned Fri
day from a vj,sit to his uncle Mr.
Ben Miller anil reported a fine
Mr. Henry Martin and Miss
Vila Rhiner were happily mar
ried Sunday. We wish them a
happy life.
Everybody is still picking cot
ton in this section.
Gray Eyes.
Administrators’ Sale.
Georgia Montgomery County.
Under and by virtue of an order
grunted by the Court of Ordinary
of Huid county, on the 3d day of
October, 1911, will be sold before
the court house door in said coun
ty on the first. Tuesday in Novem
ber, 1911, between the legal hours
of sale, to the highest bidder, the
following property to wit:
Five hundred and lifty acres of
land situate, Iving and being in
the 13Did district G. M. of said
county and stute and bounded as
follows: On the north by lands
of Tims, Ilngmun, on the east by
lands of the William Mcßae es
tate, on the south by lands of
John A. McMillan and on the
west by the Oconee river, known
as the “Harvey tract,” conveyed
by T. U. Hicks to A. B. Conner.
Sold as property of the estate of
A. B. Conner, deceased. Terms
cgsh. Mrs. Cora K. Conner,
Clias. C. Conner,
Adrs. Est. A. B. Conner.
For Sale at a Bargain, one Mc-
Cormick Mower and Rake, in
good condition. See or write
D. S. Williamson,
Rt. 1, Uvalda, Ga.
Dealers in High-Class Farm Lands.
We are putting on snlo some
||| of the best farm lands in Montgomery |
||: county itl low figures, and invite an in- |
I spud ion of our list. If you have farms
j|j for sale, hit us find a buyer for you.
I Following tracts offered for quick sale: |
ill Six acres of land in incorporate limits Town of Alley, Oil ,
T and quarter mile of the Union Baptist Institute (fond four
;j; room house, hums, etc. Built up for a chicken farm. Land
•il the heat. Just the place for u t. r ll <• k farm, and in close touch
j; with host, school in the state. See the place at once.
One lot of pine land containing 202. J acres, ahniit five
j;jl miles north of Glenwood, Ga. Timber enough to cut. b(MX) or
;J; (JOOC) boxes. Good, all-around land and well located could he
T made to produce bale of cotton to acre and practically all
:< can be cultivated. New four-room house and well. Kuough
;{; for several good farms, and can he had at. a price to suit a man
Ijl in medium circumstances. Look into it at once. Some man
!;!; will take it soon. Do you want it? Speak quick.
A splendid farm, with lot of acres, with lfM) in cul
1v tivation, wire fenced and cross-fenced. Three dwellings and
handsome new barn. Just, the place for a man who wants to
make plenty of Stuff and live eusy. School and churoh in the
neighborhood one of the best in the county. Located north
I of Glenwood. Public road being clayed. If you wait a few
mouths this place will have another bumper crop on it and
will not fie for sale. The price is right, if sold now.
Or, If you need money
to buy a place or improve a place, we will be glad to get it for
you very quickly and at a low rate of interest. We represent
one of the strongest and most liberal firms in the South. You
get the money without delay. Investigate this.
Folsom & Folsom , Rea! Estate ,
The first of the lyceum enter
tainments to he given at the Un
ion Baptist Institute this season
will he the appearance of the
Nell Bunnell Concert Co., at the
auditorium this evening, begin
ning- at 8:15.
This is a happy trio of ladies,
headed by Miss Nell Bunnell, so
doist; with Miss Louise Me Henry,
reader and Miss Louise Milligan
pianist. This will be their first
appearance here, but it is sure
that they will be greeted by a
large and appreciative house.
All of the entertainments given
under the auspices of the Union
Baptist Institute have attracted
interest and brought pleasure to
those attending, and the list of
entertainments for the opening
season includes some of the best
afforded \>y the Alkahest System.
This evening’s entertainment
will not begin until 8:15 on ac
count of the missionary meeting
at the Baptist church. Let the
public go out.
On Monday morning last, Mr.
George Thompson was accident
ally shot by a 22-rille in his own
hands. He was approaching the
home of Mr. John Cooper, and
when near the yard, was attacked
by a vicious dog at which he
struck with the rifle, holding the
barrel in his hand. The gun was
discharged and the ball penetrat
ed his abdomen, making a dan
gerous wound. Mr. Thompson
was taken to Vidalia for treat
ment Monday evening, and while »
seriously hurt, his many friends
are hoping to hear of his speedy
Rev. Chas. Montgomery, pas
tor of the Mt. Vernon Presby
terian church, is in attendance
on the Savannah Presbytery
which met in Brunswick on Tues
day. A large number of dele
gates will be in attendance, and
will be royally entertained by the
citizens of the “City by the Sea.”
One feature will be an excursion
to Jekyl Island, the winter home
of the millionaires.
NO. 23 ‘