Newspaper Page Text
The J'Aorytor.
, ; i j>,, .id ... Mt. V' rinin. Oa. Si-eonrl-Class Mail Matter.
.! a Year, in Advance.
p l'i i .'.ill in advance, at tin Inc’al rate, and an thr law
r , ,|, ~/.t t<-r Ilian IV. Ci.'-'t»y morning of the first week of insertion Vi rnon, ( ~ Thursday Morning, OCT. 19, 1911.
Now that most of the fairs are)
over, we will hear from Savan-j
nah as to the big automobile races |
in November.
We would like to hear from the 1
bright boys of M ntgomory coun- ,
ty, lx;tween thu agog of 19 and!
IS years, as to tin formation of
a boys corn clu > for this county. j
Who will be th first to write u»? I
We are told that the planting!
of sugar can'! will he one way of,
fighting the boll weevil. Come
to think of it, .here are several
other things that we might use;!
such as peanuts, cow peas, pota
toes and pork.
We hope Savannah will succeed
in getting the ships of the At
lantic and Pacific Transport Co.
to make that port one of
regular entry. Savannah should
reap large benefit from the open
ing of the Panama Canal.
A Boston surgeon has brought
suit for $3,5(H) for picking 2,990
pieces of stone fiom a man’s
body. In as much as the rocks
were small, it seems like his
charge was excessive, and that
he could have quarried them at a
dollar apiece.
After forty long years comes
Michael Ahern who declar ■ that
Mrs. O’bear > T cas did n- t kick
over that lamp and burn up ( iii
cago. If this bit m hi t >ry is
ever thoroughly investigated, it
may yet develop that the cow
was shipped from Atlanta, and
was a direct descendant of the
original Marthasville herd.
The question is no longer, “who
struck Billie Patterson?" nor,
“how old is .lane?” but. who of
fered Pope Brown $190,000 to
shove a local option plank into
his platform? We respectfully
refer I his quest ion tot lie Valdosta
Times and the Macon Telegraph,
who seem to keep fib on Pope
Brown’s campaign manager.
Judge Richard B. Russell, who
is a candidate for governor and
at the same time one of the jud
ges of the Georgia Appellate
Court, seems m be having a
rocky time. With an >ccasi mal
‘‘fist and skull” light and the
women of the W. C. i\ IT. fol
lowing him around with broom
sticks, we fear Richard is in a
had way.
Following lead of the At
lanta Georgian, all the big Geor
gia dailies new have poultry
departments. Now we can soon
tell what influence the daily press
exerts ujKin ec tnoiuic subjects.
If eggs don’t c. .me down to where
we can scramble a few. we will
be inclined to think there is more
of fuss and feathers than any
thing else in these papers.
The result of the corn contest
inaugurated by the Vidalia Hard
ware Co., published in the Local
and the Advance us last week,
shows an average of over UK)
bushels per acre by the three
winning contestants. This shows
what the right kind of rivalry
will accomplish, and proves our
oft-reix'ated assertion that the
stimulus that would lie given to
farming here by the rivalry of a
county fair could hardly be esti
‘ls dis yore do coh't house,
"Yes. aunty.”
“Will you please t dl me, sah,
where 1 kin fin’ the state’s
eternity, sah?”
“Yes. aunty, Down that cor
ridor where you find the gates
ajar. ”
► *
l From tli<* Mouth ◄
► ◄:
tof (Georgia Press «
v- < '■
• aiiAAJLiiAiAAAAIimiiiAA
Ameri cu s Ti m es- Recorder: —A
Pennsylvania woman caught a
burglar going out the window,
slammed the sash on him and
held him squirming until the po
lice came. Yet some men still
insist women should not vote.
Laurens Co. Herald:—The gov
ernor of Oklahoma has placed
the responsibility for theenforce
rnerit of the prohibition law of
j that state upon the Prohibition
ists themselves. Oklahoma cer
t.ainly needs the recall at this
time if she hasn’t it.
Savannah Press: So we are
really to have four governors in
one year. That is—we have al
readj had Joseph M. Brown and
Hoke Smith. Then Jack Slaton
will li<> ad interim governor when
Governor Smith resigns, and the
uicoe.-snr, whoever he is, will be
many united in January. Can
any state heat that in the matter
I of governors?
Dallas New Era:—More lives
have been lost in trying to per
•ct the aeroplane than in any
tiicr new enterprise in recent
years. The aviators are brave
!»' mil the point of discretion.
Savannah News: Down in
Mexico has been discovered a
m -way of getting rich quickly.
The Yaqui Indians are using bul
lets made of gold to repel the
federal troops. Now all one has
to do is to join the troops and go
out and stand in front of a band
of Yaquis. They will just throw
!gold at him!
Macon Telegraph: Argentina
now wants reciprocity with the
United States, but it is bet
that an extra session of Congress
will not he called to grant her de
Darien Gazette: There is one
thin; about “Little Joe” Brown’s
cards they put people to think
ing and more of that sort of
thing is needed in Georgia. Won
der when he is going to write an
j other one?
I Nashville Herald:—When you
hear men talk about how Berrien
county can ho carried for Pope
l’i svn or Judge Russell, just re
member that the voters of this
county have away of voting as
they please, and that the old cus
tom of letting a few men dictate
is out of fashion. Berrien has
always stood by Jim’ Brown and
we do not believe any man or set
of men can make them turn their
hacks on the man of their choice.
! >ah!o:iegaNugget:—We’ll nev
er i’n back on Little Joe Brown
for Gov ernor. He lias boon tried
and made a good, safe, conserva
tive official who did not try to
h.kd but one office at a time. be
ing willing for the other follow
t > have some of the honors.
Gntfin News: Those who
thought Governor Brown was go
ing to drop out of the race have
received a jolt, says the Macon
Telegraph. And a little later on
then' is another jolt coming.
Valdosta Times: At the pres
ent price of fertilizers and what
it costs to raise and gather cot
ton. the Southern farmers ought
to leave more ground for iius
t.aagc and raise more hay and
Atlanta Journal:- Here’s hop
ing we’ve lx>at all the jiara
•aphers to the statement that
t! ( Uhiu courts gave the electric
tr st a shock when they ordered
it dissolved.
Pittsburg, Pa. —Maxim Roma
niv went into the Russian Inde
pendence church here this morn
ing and took his hay fever with
him. He knelt right behind Mrs.
Paul Dorskay, who was beside
her husband. When the services
were half completed Mrs. Dors
kay, who has a great deal of her
own blond hair and then some,
sat back in the pew. Justasshe
did so Romaniv felt an unusually
violent attack of hay fever com
ing on and before he could get
his handkerchief and his hands
from under his beard he sneezed.
Such a sneeze it was that it
blew off half Mrs. Dorskay’s
coiffure, turned the congregation
around and made Mr. Dorskay
fighting mad. The men quarrel
ed in the church and went out
side to settle it. The sexton ran
out after them, and before they
struck a blow he had arbitrated
Mrs. Dorskay absolved Ro
maniv for his cyclonic, though
unintentional, conduct, but she
refused positively to re-don the
ringlets and left them lying on
the church floor.
sor 6 doses ”666” will cure
any case of Chills and Fevej.
Price, 25c.
Administrators’ Sale.
Georgia Montgomery County.
Under and by virtue of an order
granted Gy the Court of Ordinary
of hui<l county, on the 2d day of
October, 1911, will be sold before
the court house door in said coun
ty on the first Tuesday in Novem
ber, 1911, between the legal hours
of sale, to the highest bidder, the
following property to wit:
Five hundred and fifty acres of
land situate, lying and being in
tiie 1843 d district G. M. of said
county and state and bounded as
follows: On file north Gy lands
of Thus. Brigman, on the east by
lands of the William Mcßae es
tate, on the south by lands of
John A. McMillan and on the
west by the Oconee river, known
•as the “Harvey tract,” conveyed
by T. B. Hicks to A. B. Conner.
Sold as property of the estate of
A. B. Conner, deceased. Terms
cash. Mrs. Cora E. Conner,
Chas. C. Conner,
Adrs. Eat. A. B. Conner.
Trade Marks
rnBBa SRp Designs
r EfTTT I Copyrights Ac.
Anyone «on«11ng h sketch mid description may
quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an
invention in probably patentable. Communica
tions Rtrtctly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patent!
pent free. • fldost agency for necuring patentb.
Patenta taken through Munn & (Jo. reoelv*
•ftecUU itofict, without charge, in the
Scientific American.
A handsomely lllnntrated weekly. Largest olr
dilation of any neientitle lournal. Terms, f 3 a
year : four months, sl. Bold by all newsdealers.
MUNN & Co. 36,8 " id ~> New York
Branch Office. (EJfi F HU Washington. D. Cl
Schedule Effective Aug. 29, 1911.
NO. 15 No. 95 RTiTlnifiS No. 19 No. 17
A.IM. P. M ITA1 TA * V |A. MP, M.
710 320 Leave Macon Arrive ill 15 480
7 22 332 Swift Creek 11 03 1 20
730 810 Dry Branch 10 55 412
7 81 8 45 Atlantic 10 51 4 09
7 88 8 50 Pike’s Peak I 10 48 4 06
745 857 Fitzpatrick 10 42 400
750 401 Ripley ;10 37 853
8 (X) 4 11 Jeffersonville 10 27 3 42
S 10 4 20 Gn lie more 10 15: 3 80
8 20 4 30 Danville 10 07! 3 22
8 25 4 35 Allentown 10 02 3 17
8 34 4 14 Montrose 9 58 8 08
844 454 Dudley 942 258
S6O 5 00 Shew make 1 936 2 52
865 605 Moore 1 929 2 4.5
9 10 5 20 Ar. Lv. ! 9 15 2.30
9 15 5 80 Lv. Ar. 9 10 2 25
9 17 5 82 S M I) *S .1 9 08 2 28
9 21 5 86 i N M 1) A S J 9 04 2 19
981 645 j Cat!in 854 209
940 654 ! Minter ! 8 47 2 01
950 605 Rock ledge 8 861 150
955 610 | Orland 831 145
10 08 j 6 28 I Soperton 8 19 1 33
10 19 634 ( Tarrytown 807 121
10 26 i 6 41 i Kill bee 8 (X) 1 15
10 40 1 655 : Vidaim 7 451 1 00
At Dublin with the \Vright*\ ille .V- T. malh a nl • Dublin .V- South
western for Eastman niul Tennille and inf* no, dia'e j UKt*
At Macon with Southern Railway from and tu(':n. in mitt i. C'hat.tanoogn.
Rome Birmingham. Atlanta and intermediate points. Alsu the Central of
Georgia Railway, G. rs. * K. Railway. Macon and Birmingham Railway
and Georgia Railroad.
At Rock ledge with the Milieu and Southwest, rn for Wadley and in
termediate points.
At Vidalia with the Seaboard Air Inn. : c Snvan-.a and interim diate
points, and with the Milieu and Southwestet n ioi Milieu, Stillmore and in
termediate points.
J. A. STREYER, G. P. A , Macon, Ga.
Sinking Spells
Every Few Days
“At the time I began taking
Dr. Miles’ Heart Remedy I was
having sinking spells every few
clays. My hands and feet would
get cold; I could scarcely
breathe, and could feel myself
gradually sinking away until I
would be unconscious. Those
about me could not tell there
was life in me. After these
spells I would be very weak and
nervous, sleepless and without
appetite; had neuralgia in my
head and heart. After taking
the remedy a short time all this
disappeared and'in a few weeks
all the heart trouble was gone.”
80354 3d Ave. Evansvilfe, Ind.
For twenty years we have
been constantly receiving just
such letters as these. There is
scarcely a locality in the United
States where there is not some
one who can testify to the
merits of this remarkably suc
cessful Heart Remedy.
Dr. Miles’ Heart Remedy Is sold by
all druggists. If the first bottle falls to
benefit, your druggist will return your
MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind.
‘Phone the nesvs to The Moni
tor. When you have a visitor or
anything else, tell us about it.
We put in a telephone for that
purpose. Touch the wire when
anything happens; and if nothing
happens to happen, get out and
make it happen. Ring number
Money! Money!
Long Term Loans negotiated on
improved Farm Lands and also on
City or Town Real Estate in
Montgomery County at a low rate
T interest. j\|. Lewis,
Mt. Vernon, Ga.
lie fraction ist
Glasses Corrrectly Ground and
Fitted to the Eyes. Consultation
Free. 109 Whitaker Street.
Office over Mt. Vernon Drug Co.
Attv at «diw,
Mt Vernon, Georgia.
A. L. Lanier,
Attorney at Law,
Will Practice in all the Courts of
the State.
jj Complete Outfit Located on McMillan Timber North of Mt. |
Vernon, and Consists of the following:
J One 40 11. P. Return Tubular Boiler, |
» s
l one* 30, one 20 undone 12 H. P. Engine, §
:; One Woods Planer, One Fay Planer, |
* ' §
i Oldfield Dry Kiln, Sawmill and Car- |
i riage, Edger, Shafting, Belting and Pul- J
| '' _ I
i| leys complete and in order. |
Will be sold as a whole or will divide. See at once.
jj H. F. Southwell, Mt. Vernon, Ga. |
IJ. V. Kelley, " lieidsville, Ga. |
It g
!i 1/;
pa— minimi. ™ CAPITAL, $15,000.00
1 SURPLUS, $15,000 00 j j
I Dr. J. H. McArthur, President ||
► B B Alex McArthur, Vice-President \ i
I Dctorson, Cashier j J
; ’* '~~ K ~ Farm Loans a :
j Reflect! Specialty.
: 'Resolve! Collections jj
I Made Speedily
| A Bank Account? at “ ||
i High Sounding is the Every Aceom ' ji
I modation ] I
Name, but Not so High consistent ;j
! ' With Safe i!
I IF YOU BUT TRY— Banking |
j j Methods
You Can Have One Just the Same. „ ,j . '!
5 Extended to «|
A Dollar Starts It. our jj
j| Patrons. i»
j| We Pay 4 and 5 per Cent, on Time Deposits. j;
l Vidalia Warehouse Comp’y j
£ Standard Brick Warehouse—Bonded j
> ©0000©0.000000'©o® q; ® ©g:©:©© <
lI i i
J Q Bring or ship us your cotton. Our
pi | - surety bond guarantees the delivery 4
!► ® of same—guarantees it is insured and ®
.© will be kept insured, and guarantees .© .
> (7)' ®' >
pi g the grade when graded and guarantees g 4
> ® ; weights, subject to usual variations. ®j 4
J ©. We take the market reports which © 1
pi are posted so you may know what g; 4
> ®i cotton is worth. Sworn weighers and <® *1
? .©' classers. Write or come to see us. '©. J
J m 5
l ©©©®o©.o ;q ;® ® ®;;®© ;g; q© © ©'© ®. ©©©
> Liberal Advance on Cotton Stored 4
> 4
> in Warehouse. <
> 4
R3Hs'Sdi'Sw»VS i jßi» i jr>i«jMsW>*SVi>jfcV^',^',a‘*S4S'iSvS'*A,gvi'.si?o'>S'..T«S',Sw',S«S',^<»«S<S«SSSß®WSWN@S
» *
| Loans of any amount from SBOO to $50,000 on farms in Mont
* gomery and adjoining counties. No delays for inspection. :
Have lands examined by a man living near you. j ;
| LOANS ON FIVE YEARS TIME, payable 1U easy installments to ; !
S suit borrower. I
| Merchants Bank Building McßilC, Ga. | ,