Newspaper Page Text
rt of je Nontgornery r\or\iior.
Vhitareri at the Pontoffloe in Mt. Vernon. Ga. an Second-Class Mail Matter.
__ ______
H. n. foi som, Editor and Owner. Si a Year, In Advance,
UT L-kkl mlvortiHcrnant* must invariably be paid in advance, at the Iok») rate, and a« the law
irootand mnat be in hand not later than Wednesday morning of the first week of inaertion
Mount Vernon, Ga.. Thursday Morning, DEC. 21, 1911.
If the Itoys don’t hurry they
will not finish telling how it all
happened before we are into an
other election.
The election of all county offi
cers and the governor once in
four years would give us a little
rest from strife. And the Lord
knows we need that rest.
There are still many acres in
Montgomery county white with '
cotton, and some fields in which .
not a lock has been gathered.
But what’s the odds, so long as
we* are happy?
If we make more corn and pea
nuts than we can gather the pigs
will do it for us, and instead of I
charging two prices for it, will j
pay big money for the privilege
of doing the work.
The Mawkinsville News-Dis
patch, one of our most conserva
tive and leading exchanges, is on
the right line in advocating the
change from biennial elections to
once in four years. Ix*t us at
least get rid of half the strife.
Georgia has a fair system of
public schools, and is fast acquir
ing better roads, and when our
taxes are equalized so that the
honest poor man does not l>ear
all the burden of government,
we will have a very good place
to live in.
The fellow who sat around the
village store all the fall and
waited for some one to come
along and pick his cotton, still
rotting in the fields, will be the
first man to apply to the mer
chants to furnish his supplies on
time in the spring.
We may not live to see it, but
when the United States govern
ment sees fit to give aid to Con
federate veterans we may rest
assured that strife between the
North and South has forever
ended; hut Confederate veterans
will never receive it by asking
for it.
About the biggest good resolu
tion Georgia could make when
the new year comes in would be
to begin at once to devise some
plan of dispensing with one half
of her state and county elections.
If the election is a necessary evil
we can make it more “like an
gel’s visits few and far be
We are in favor of increasing
the governor’s term of office from ]
two to four years and allowing ,
each governor to serve only one J
term. Under the present system
one campaign is hardly over be
fore another is started. It will
bo sometime yet before Hon.
Joseph M. Brown, who has just 1
been nominated, is inaugurated 1
and takes his seat and they are
now talking about his successor.
In fact the campaign for the ;
next governorship has already ;
opened with some half a dozen or
more prospective candidates in 1
the field, including the Hon. Joe
Hill Hull, which means that the
people will 1m? surfeited with pol
itics and hot air from now on 1
until the next election is held.
We are willing to promise in i
advance our vote to the candi
date who will insert a plank in
his platform to make the gover
nor’s term four instead of two 1
years. We believe the people 1
would gladly endorse such a
proposition if allowed to vote on j |
it for they art* getting tired of so 1
much politics and so many elec
tions and want a rest. !
elect the governor every
four years and not allow him to
“come back.” Hawkinsville J
E From the Mouth *
► <
£ of Georgia Press J
Douglas Enterprise; How
about the proposed railroad from
Douglas to Pearson and on to
Homerville? Let’s whoop it up.
Savannah Press;—A New York
grand jury went on a strike be
cause it was asked to assemble in
a basement. It didn’t strike for
higher pay, but for higher quar
Americus Times - Recorder:—
Champ Clark headquarters are to
be opened in Washington. Some
headquarters effects might be
purchased at a bargain in At
Dublin Courier-Dispatch:—A
south Georgia paper states that
a matrimonial wave is sweeping
over the state. The young peo
ple of this section fall in love
in the spring, court during the
summer and marry in the fall.
Eastman Times-Jocrnal: Dr.
Len (i. Broughton of Atlanta
Rays Dick Russell should resign
from the court of appeals. The
reverend gentleman’s heart must
lie entirely void of sympathy.
Just think of the judge’s four
teen children.
Savannah News:—lt was at
one time thought that Gov. Sla
ton would not have much if any
patronage to dispense, but from
the way things are moving in the
Court of Appeals it begins to
look as if the ad interim Gover
nor would have some patronage,
after all.
No more again can it be said
that Lil’ Joe was elected by the
whiskey rings, the corporations
or the slum element of the cities,
so-called, since the returns of the
election plainly show that he
owes his election to the voters of
the unterrified, incorruptible vote
of the smaller counties.
Nashville Herald:—You re
member the story about the man
who was going to get a dose of
calomel down a mule’s throat
with a pipe stem. The mule
blowed first, unfortunately for
the man. Well, tjie plurality
rule in the last state primary was
framed up to beat Joe, but the
dose w’ent the wrong way.
Albany Herald:—The biggest
groves, the best groves and the
most valuable groves of pecans
in the South are embraced in the
territory within a radius of thirty
to fifty miles of Albany. It is the
pecan center, and the point on
the map of which investors and
home-seekers North and West
think when Georgia paper-shell
pecans are mentioned.
Augusta Chronicle: —In the
wake of the political judge stalks
the judicial recall and countless
other evils that eat at the very
vitals of law and order. We do
not believe that within the next
generation will another judge of
a high court in Georgia enter in
to an active canvass for an office
of different character without
first putting aside the ermine.
Darien Gazette:—The oppon
ents of Governor Joe Brown can
never more aucuse him of being
elected by the whiskey men. The
whiskey people supported Judge
Dick-Russell and therefore Gov
ernor Brown is under no obliga
tion whatever to that element
The whiskey people pulled that
local option apple before it was
ripe. They were too anxious—
and they got a slight jolt
American Lady Corsets give
best fit. form and service. Com-
I plete line at Mrs. J. L. Adams’.
~ I
A Note to You: j
November 23, 1911.
i I
The paper these notes are printed /
r on is not as good a quality as j
1 that we sell to the people to write j
) their notes on.
The Monitor is a good paper, :
C of course, and you enjoy reading j
. it after reading our notes, but j
1 . ! \
- you want something extra nice;
- when writing to him or to her.
We carry an especially nice '
■ line of stationery! j
> Yours truly,
i Mt. Vernon Drug |
| M. B. CALHOUN, j
Atty at .Jiw,
! Mt Vernon, Georgia.j>
i )
» I
Money! Money! j
; Money! S
! We lend money cheaper on farm j
, landß than any person making
loans in Montgomery County. All j
we ask is to get our rate before *
making application to some one j
else for we can save you 1 to 2 |
per cent, interest. Loans closed r
without delay. Write us and we {
will come to see you.
The Lyons Loan i ml £
Abstract Compai ly l
: ; a. P. CANON W. O. BAUNWKLL, f:
iCANON & i
j: Cotton Factors and jj {
220 Bay E SAVANNAH, OA. "j
--; | (Members Savannah Cotton Exchange) j j i
! j Handlers of Upland, Se- ;j :
Island Florodora Cotton !j
Spceial Attention Given to ! 1 j £
F. 0. B. Cotton |<
; Handlers of Upland and Sea- !j ' r
Island Bagging, Ties
and Twine
For Sale at A Bargain h
I offer for sale at right prices j )
one good mule, one good horse I'
and one fine colt. It will pay i
you to see me at once for bar- J
gains. Dr. J. W. Palmer,
11-30-4 t Alley, Ga. <
Horse for Sale.
A Fine, Gentle Thoroughbred {
Four-Year-Old Horse for Sale at (
a Bargain. If you want an extra \
good buggy horse, I have him. v
Also one Rubber-Tired Runabout (
Cheap. See me at once. {
J. E. HALL. (
Soperton, Ga. *
For Long Term Farm S
I am negotiating some very f
attractive Long Term Farm Loans '
for the beet companies doing bus- j (
ineii* tu Georgia, with lowest rates {
of interest ami the most liberal '
terms of payments
1 have several years experience J
in the loan business, am located '
at the county site and believe that (
1 am in position to give you the £
best terms ami as prompt services j <
as any one.
If you need a loan see me before
A. B. Hutcheson,
Mt. Vernon, Oa. ,
(the winter!
i And New Goods are Arriving Every Day ||
$ and being added to ||
1 My Complete Line. 1
| Shoes, Hats, Dry Goods jj
I Notions, etc. |
Household Goods selected with care for Particular People. f|
Mv Well-known Specialties Will Interest Careful Buyers:
Mowing Machines , Sewing Machines ,
M Lynchburg Plows , Cane Mills , Disc harrows, ft
Yours, with Thanks for Past Favoas, ||
|w. H. McQueen, j
| The Vidalia Marble Works |
*! In Marble and Granite 1
Our shop is equipped with the latest machinery ||| Coping, Slabs, ®
vj) and pneumatic tools for cutting and carving mar- @9
I hie and granite, and our workmen are skilled in 0) Vmiltc ®
the use of these tools, thereby enabling us to 0 YdUlia, y • rtS
turn out the highest class of workmanship on all q . , , rtf)
our work. The work we are manufacturing is Anything tO W*
made from select stock of White Southern Silvery J ® s?
Grey, Light and Dark Creole Georgia Marble. We Prpcprep „ n d 00
also turn out work from the best grade of Italian ©. riCbCiVv 0111 l (*)
and Vermont Marble. In Granite, we are getting 0 (j)
up some very handsome designs in both Dark Blue 0 BCHlltifv tllo rtf)
Grey Oglesby. @
We manufacture and erect anything in the 0: COmOtGTV (H
Marble or Granite line, either for Monuments or :-q : J * rt>
>5; Building purposes. We solicit your trade and i*fg>
w guarantee to stive you only the best, both in work- jpg 00
I man *hip and material, and at lowest prices. g Plain and Ornamental 1
See or write us, we will l>e pleased to send ss* &
ourrepresentative with full line of samples and |g Steel, Iron and Wire %
w artistic designs to figure with you at any time, *4
(*) anywhere, on any kind of marble or granite work. 0 l' 1 » .* fV i* nil a?
rtt) For estimates, prices and information, see 0; .fencing ior au &
rts D. F. Clark, who has management of the shop q rto
and office. ‘ 0 PurpOSCS. g
§ ji
Uptown Office: p CL A. RK. M 2" r Yard and Shop Near
Peterson Building. ’ ® Georgia & Florida Depot.