Newspaper Page Text
Knoxville, Tenn. —Albert But
ler, living two miles south of
Jonesboro, has a 16-year-old hen
that hatched three broods of
chickens last year, and is now
strong and vigorous.
The hen was a pet of Mrs.
Butler’s sister, who died 12 years
ago. The sister had possessed
the hen for four years. Thus is
the hen’s age assured.
The hen has been spared the fate
of others because it was so nauch
loved by the dead woman.
Is a blow from a kicking cow a
real milk punch?
Marriage vows are too often
followed by marriage rows.
Everybody has to hustle; even
the egg is compelled - to scramble,
Those who rise early in the
morning are more likely to rise
above their troubles.
Men are like hens, the harder
they have to scratch for a living
the more useful they become.
The physiologists tell us that
we have five senses, and yet some
folks act as if they had none.
February, it is true, is a little
short, but it is likely to pull
through without bankrupting
While waiting for something
to turn up it were better to get
the plow ready for turning some
thing up.
One of our contemporaries ad
vises' scales for the farm, and
that San Jose critter is doing its
best to supply them. *
Farmers arc considered the
most honest class on the earth,
but even the best of them are
continually taking advantage of
the weat her.
If the average man were to
imitate the crack baseball player
and make a "home run” as soon
as he gets his week’s pay, the
saloons would be obliged to go
out of business.
"Our best friends are those
who tell us of our faults” —so
runs the ancient proverb; but it
is noticeable that they do not re
main our friends very long after j
they have told us.
When Johnny, a "Country!
Week” ward, returned from a
visit to green fields' and real
trees, he disclosed to his mother
this wondersul news: "Out at
the farm they don’t get their
milk out of a can; they pump it.
out of the cow. ” February Farm
The Dillon (S. C.) Herald sug
gests that in order to get the
roads in that county in good con- j
dition the county commissioners
set apart one day as a "good
roads day” and for every able
bodied man in the county to turn
out on that day and work the
roads make a general holiday of j
it, all banks, stores, and business
enterprises of all kinds, and
schools, to shut down for the
day. ln[this way it thinks that
the roads, which in
very bad condition on account of
the recent rains and snow, can
be put in good condition, and
only in this way. The Herald
says there are lots of follows sit
ting back in comfortable oifices
who have not forgotten how to
ues hoes, axes and things and
that a day of work on the roads
would do them gor'd. How about
falling upon the roads of Robe
son county for one day in that
way? It would m> doubt bring
about a mighty change for
the better in the condition of the
roads, and it would be worth the
price to see some of these stall fed
office boys hitting it up for a
day’s work "on their man.”
Arid wouldn’t there be some sore
fellows next day! That would
not matter, though, if it would
give the farmers good roads to
haul over.—Lumberton (N. C.)
Robeson ian.
Editorial Comment Proves Wood
row Wilson Is Almost Unani
mous Choice for President.
Democratic Party Has Opportunity of
Signalizing Its Return to Power
With the Election of an
Ideal Chief Executive.
Significant Missouri Comment,
— lndependence (Mo.)
Clinton Democrat remarks: “Many
Missourians would bo glad to boo
Champ Clark President; othors would
prefer Jos. W. Folk; but If the nom
inal lon bus to leave this State nine
out of ten Missouri Democrats would
prefer Gov. W r oodrow Wilson. This
1b very significant”
Sinister Purpose Apparent
Raleigh (N. C.) Nows-Observor—
When you road a New York paper
complimenting some Southern man or
State for “Conservatism” In the same
article that It opposes Woodrow WU-
Bon, It may bo well to look and Bee
to Wliat party and business Interest
tho aforesaid paper belongs.
Michigan for Wilson.
Marquette (Mich.) Minn. Journal—
Tho New Jersey cnndldato has a big
! following among tho Democrats of
Michigan and stands a fair show of
having the Wolverine delegation In
the National convention ranged bo
hind his banner.
Wisconsin Seeing the Light.
Milwaukee (Wls.) Journal —Just go
ahead and nominate Taft, with Wll
son tho opposing cnndldato, and see
what happens to tho Grand Old Party
right here In Wisconsin. Thore'll bo
1 tlio worst grade-crossing horror that
| over happened north of Neenah.
See Wilson as Next President.
Roswoll (N. M.) Record —Tho Re
publican newspapers aro afraid of
Woodrow Wilson for 1912 and their
fear Is nuido manifest In a variety
of ways. Since tho olectlon of last
week when Now Jersey did not do so
well as It might have done, these par
pers have taken occasion to renew
; their attacks on Wilson. Rut, never
theless, Woodrow Wilßon will be elec
ted president of tho Unltod States
; noxt year.
His Worth Rcoognlzedk
Ixmg Branch (N. J.) Record—PlO
turns of great men adorn tho edit
orlnl sanctum of Editor H. P. Bennett
at tho Press olllco. There you will
find photos of statesmen of tho past,
present and future. Governor W 11-
sou, of course, Is In the limelight.
Instead of putting Wilson’s name un
der tho portrait ho has placed there
these words: “A Man.”
General Trend Toward WllsolU
Winder (Go.) News —According to
the Sentiment of tho country, as
| shown hy Interviews In newspapers as
well as Editorials, the trend toward
tlio nomination of Gov. Woodrow
Wilson, of New Jersey, for tho presi
dency is growing stronger every day.
They Are Afraid of Him.
Ottawa (Kan.) Republican—lt Is a
significant fact that tho Taft newa-
I papers all havo a special antipathy
for Woodrow Wilson. They make a
prominent display of ©very Item of
nows that seems to favor any other
cnndldato for the Democratic nomina
tion. Wonder why?
Wilson Boom Overshadows All.
Boston (Mass.) Traveler Tho
Woodrow Wilson boom nowadays Is
I sulking several other presidential det
ouatlons sound Uko inulllcd popguns.
Would Draw From Republicans.
Fresno (Cal.) Herald —Tho nomi
nation of a man like Woodrow WIW
sou on tho Democratic ticket will
bring to Its support all tho really pro
gressive strength of tho Republican
Peoplo for Wilson.
Huntsville (Ala.) Times—Woodrow
Wilson is the most favorably talked
of presidential candidate la the run
ning. This is because tho people
aro for him.
Highest Type of Democrat.
Houston (Tox.) Chronicle —Signs
are multiplying on every Bide that
Woodrow Wilson Is tho best man for
tho Dem&erata to put up, because he
Is the highest type of Democrat, an
American of the character and calW
Her of the country’s elder statesmen
whose names Illuminate the pages.of
our history.
Appeals to Thinking People.
SprtngfleM (Vt.) Reporter—Gover
nor Woodrow Wilson recently said in
a public address: “The Immediate
thing we have got to do Is to resume
popular government.” Irrespective ol
past party affiliations, or party pros
pects. this Is a pronouncement that
will appeal strongly to a great many
thinking people. Is It one that the
Republican leaders In Vermont and
Ol so where can afford to Ignore?
And He Has Something to Bay.
Knoxville (Tenn.) Sentinel—An ex
change Is perturbed with fear that
Woodrow Wilson may talk too much.
The veiled meaning of this hint la
that it Is wiser for a candidate to
whisper his attitude to the trust*
than to take the public Into his con
fidence. However, we can see no ob
jection to public discussion so long
• as one has anything to say.
a List of Those
___________________________ Primary Election ££?
To tho Voters of Montgomery Connty:
I hereby announce myself s candidate for
the office of .Sheriff of said county, subject to
| the coming primary. I have had an ambitiou
to flit this office since reaching manhood, and
if elected 1 will respect the office and protoct
the citizens and their property with this office,
impartially. Faithfully yours,
To the Voting l Citi7.ons of Montgomery Co,:
With a record for service and fair dealing
while nerving as Hberiff of our county, I most
! earnestly ask your support in my candidacy
! for re-election to this office in tho coming
election. It has been my efforts to serve tho
people faithfully, and is my desire to continue
in the sorvice of my fellow citizens. With as
surances of appreciation of the favors already
bestowed upon me, and asking your kind in
dulgence, I am Yours truly,
Jamkh Hbsteb.
To the citizens of Montgomery county: I
offer for election to the office of Sheriff of
Montgomery county, and respectfully ask the
support of my friends and fellow citizens. In
asking for office at your hands for the first
time, I guarantee to' faithfully discharge all
its duties, and expect only to do my duty as a
sworn officer. I ask Viur support in the com
ing primary election, and hope to be favored
with the office. 1 claim some experience in
the work pertaining to the office and feel fully
competent to take up the work if elected.
For Sheriff.
Wishing to again servo the people of Mont
gomery county in tho capacity of Sheriff, I
hereby announce myself a candidate for tho
office, subject to the rules of tho erfunty pri
mary. My record as former sheriff is before
you and I respectfully ask tho offico again at
your hands, again assuring you that if I am
favored with the office I will discharge its
.liitios to the best of my ability, knowing its
varied responsibilities.
Yours respectfully,
A. J. iiIJUCH.
For Sheriff;
To the Voters of Montgomery Connty:
Yielding to the urgent solicitation of my
many friends from every section of the coun.
ty, and oouplod with the laudable ddsite to
serve uiv fellow countrymen in the capacity of
Hlicriff, I hereby atinounco my candidacy for
said office, in Hie ensuing primary. I bog to
thank in advance all who may see fit to lend
me their support. Eincurely,
C- T. Bbaddt.
Hopurton, Jan. Ist, 1912.
For Sheriff:
7ii tho Citizen' Voters of Montgomery Co.:
Impressed with a laudable desire to serve
the people of Montgomery county as sheriff,
I hereby make public my candidacy for said
office, subject to whatever action is determined
hy the rules of Hie f emociatic primary. 1
earnestly and most respectfully ask the cor
dial support of the voters of my county, and
il elected to this office, my only promise is to
discharge the duties devolving npon me to
Ihe beat of my abilily, without favor to any
mail. Most respectfully,
Dau A. Morrison.
To the People of Montgomery County:
1 am now serving the county as Tax Col
lector, being my first and only term. The
work before me is recomug my most earnest
endeavor*. For tho favor accords 1 me, lam
very grateful, and assure the voters of Ihe
county of my onwfKiuted i fforts to serve them
in a faithful ami acceptable manner. I feel
Hist my labors will warrant me in asking re
election t.< this important office. Y'our favor
will he greatly appreciated. My name and
candidacy is before yon, subject to such rules
ami requirements as mav be provided by the
Democratic committee of the county.
Verv respectfully,
i). v. WAitrfocK.
For Tax Collector:
I am now a candidate for the office of Tax
Collector of Montgomery county, simply be
cause I need what tho office pays. Thanking
everybody for their help in the past ami so
liciting the support of all at the eoming pri
mary, if one be held, and pledging myself, if
I elected, to give tho office and the people my
| heal services, I beg to remain
Yours for troth and right,
• D. M. Ci’nitiE.
For County Treasurer.
I hereby announce as a candidate to succeed
l myself as Treasurer of Moi tgomery county,
subject to the priiatry election. Thanking
! my fellow citizens for past support, and aolio
. itiug a Continuance, I am
Yours truly,
For County Treasurer.
I l off»r my services to the voters of Mont
-1 kornery comity in the capacity of County
i’ri asiiror. Years of clerical training render
me quite competent to discharge Uic duties
i nr the office, and my work as a county official
| in former rears warrants me in saving that I
have a right to claim Uic support of m\ follow
citizens 1 re* pent billy ask for election at
your hands to the office of Treasurer, and
guarantee to discharge faithfully ail its duties
! if favored with the uffice.
Yours respectfully,
For County Troasurer:
To the Veter* of Montgomery Bounty:
I hereby announeo myself a camlidase for
; Hie office of County Treasurer, subjret to the
i Democratic primary. I would appreciate tho
I cordial support of my friends ami fellow citi
; zeus. Your* truly, *
Archky titUJS,
For Treasurer.
I take this method of anuouucitig to my
| friends and all citizens of Montgomery county
j that 1 am a candidate for the office of Treas
urer of this county, Having served my fWlow
j citizens in this capacity before, I respectfully
refer to my past record as a countT officer,
and earnestly ask your sapporl in the coming
' primary. C. A. I’Ol’K,
For Tax Collector:
I take thin method of informing the citizens
of Montgomery county that I am offering for
the office of Tax Collector of Montgomery
county, subject to primary rules. Assuring
all my friends and all interested citizens that
it is my honest intention to faithfully perform
the duties of the office if favored with it, and
soliciting your votes in the coming primary,
1 am Hours respectfully,
Andrew J. Grimes.
13 For Tax Collector:
I respectfully announce to the citizens of
Montgomery county that I am a candidate for
tbo office of Tax Collector of Montgomery
county, and ask your support in the approach
ing primary election. I understand fully the
requirements of the office, and if elected, I
guarantee a satisfactory execution of the work
involved. I thank in advance the numerous
friends who havo tendered, their support aud
urged my candidacy. Roapectfully,
G. V. M iron.
For County Treasurer:
I respectfully offer my services to tho citi
zens of Montgomery county as Treasurer of
the county. Knowing that I can fill the office
acceptably, and to the entire satisfation of the
most exacting tax payer, I ask the office at
imir hands. Will appreciate highly all assist
ance rendered by my friends and fellow citi
zeus in an honest effort to secure the place.
Yours respectfully,
J. I). Browning.
For Clerk Superior Court.
Having faithfully served Montgomery coun
ty as Clerk of tho .Superior Court for one term
1 shall ask again sot the office. In the coming
county primary I ask for re-nomination at. the
hands ot the voters of tho county, and
promise continued faithfulness in tho dis
charge of tlie duties of the office. X appre
ciate highly your favors in tlie past, sml feel
entitled to another term- Hoping to have the
vote of mv former supporters and other
with whom I have oeen pleasantly associated
while serving in the office, I remain
Yours Respectfully,
M. L.O'Brien.
For Tax Receiver:
To the Voters of Montgomery County:
I beg to announce myself a candidate for re
election to tho office of Tax Receiver of Mont
gomery county. I thank the people for past
favors and earnestly ask your support in my
candidacy for a secoud term, subject to the
county primary.
John G. Morris.
For County Commissioner:
I beg to announco my candidacy for a place
on the Board of Commissioners of Roads anil
Revenues of Montgomery County, tnlijoct to
hiicli requirements as may be i rescribed by
the county executive committee. If honorod
with the place. It will be my pleasure to serve
the better interests of the county and poopie.
Asking tho kind consideration of the voters,
1 am Very truly,
iSoperton. W. P. Stephens.
For County Treasurer:
To the Voters of Montgomery County:
At the solicitation of many friends, I have
decided to announce for Treasurer of Mont
gomery county, subject to the Democratic
primary. Have never before offered for office
aud would uot do so now, but being aittie.led,
it is impossible for me to follow my vocation
(farming). I promise, if elected, a just and
honest administration of the affairs connected
with the office, and will do all in my power to
sol ve tlie public satisfactorily.
A. D. Conaway.
For County Surveyor:
I beg to announce to the voters of Montgom
ery county that my candidacy for the office of
Comity Surveyor is placed before them, ask
ing a return to ttio office which has had my
best and most impartial efforts in tho past,
and for which lam very grateful. If this of
fice is again awarded me, it shall not suffer
through a lack of and every call
tor a compoteut and painstaking surveyor will
continue to have my ready response.
Very truly,
S. B. ,1/ohhis.
For Ordinary.
My candidacy for re-election to the office of
Ordinary is hereby placed before the people
of my native couuty. Assuring tho public of
my appreciation of past favors, auil further
pledging my efforts toward the sorviee and
welfare of the people, I am
Alex McArthur.
Eggs for Sale.
Thorough Bred Single Comb
White Leghorns. Single Comb
Rhode Island Reds. SI.OO per
setting of 15. Also a few White
Leghorn Cocks at SI.OO each.
For sale by Dr. J. R. Watson.
Soper ton, Ga.
Automobile School.
Complete course in automobile
construction, driving, repairing.
Graduates assisted in getting em
ployment. Best equipped auto
school in South. Graduates get
ting sls to S4O weekly. Write
for particulars. Automobile
School, 110 Liberty St. West,
Savannah, Ga.
Fine, extra value cabbage
plants, for sale at Peterson’s
store, Ailey, Ga.
Hamp Burch
| . Attorney at Law
Practices in ail the Courts.
Schedule Effective Oct. 22, 1911.
NO 18 No. 20 STATION 4? No. 19 No. 17
A. M. P. M fa lAI IONS A. M. P. M.
7 00 4 00 Leave Macon Arrive 11 25 4 28
714 414 Swift Creek 11 12 827
723 423 • Dry Branch 11 08 404
727 427 Atlantic 10 59 400
731 431 Pike’s Peak 10 55 356
739 439 Fitzpatrick 10 48 849
744 444 Riplev 10 43 844
756 456 Jeffersonville 10 81 382
806 506 Gallemore 10 19 821
816 516 Danville v 10 09 811
8 21 5 21 Allentown 10 04 3 06
8 31 5 31 Montrose 9 54 2 56
842 542 Dudley 948 245
8 48 5 48 Shew make 9 37 2 89
8 54 5 54 Moore 9 80 2 82
910 610 Ar. Lv. 916 217
9 15 6 15 Lv. Ar. 9 10 2 12
9 17 6 17 SMD &S J 9 08 2 10
9 21 6 21 N M D& S J 9 04 2 06
9 31 6 31 Catlin 8 54 1 56
9 41 6 41 M inter 8 48 1 45
951 651 Rock ledge 831 133
9 56 6 56 Orlaiui 8 25 1 27
10 11 711 Soperton 810 112
10 22 7 22 Tarrvtown 7 58 1 00
10 30 7 30 Kibbee 7 50 12 52
10 45 7 45 Vidalia 7 35 12 37
At Dublin with the Wrightsvilje & Tennille and the Dublin & South
western for Eastman and Tennille and intermediate points
At Macon with Southern Railway from and to Cincinnatti, Chattanooga,
Rome Birmingham, Atlanta anil intermediate points. Also the Central of
Georgia Railway, Cl. S. & F. Railway, Macon and Birmingham Railway
and Georgia Railroad.
At, Rockledge with the Millen and Southwestern for Wadley and In
termediate points.
At Vidalia with the Seaboard Air Line for Savannah and intermediate
points, and with the Millen and Southwestern for Millen,Stilluiore and in
termediate points.
J. A. STREYER, G. P. A., Macon, Ga.
Paid in Capital Stock, $25,000.00 I
Surplus and undivided |
profits $6,500.00 |
Total resources over $100,000.00 I
General Banking Business Conducted. Accounts Solicited. »
Interest on Time Deposits
N. L. Gillia, President. J. B. O’Conner, Vice-President. |
J. E. Hall, Cashier. I. H. Hall, Asst. Cashier |
N. L. Gillis, M. B. GiJlis, J. J. O’Conner, W. C. Futrill, a
W. D. Martin, W. H. Fowler, J, E. Hall. J
G. V. Mason.
j|l -WebsterS ij|
» Dictionary w
\ Rprano :t i 3 a NEW CEEi- §§j
__ field of the world’s thought, l||3
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! n.„, KP it defines over 400,000 Slij
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I Because !t Is tbs on ly dictionary IB|
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■ Because is an encyclopedia in |m
a single volume.
Because is acee T>ted by the |§j
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■ Press us the one supreme uu- -
B Because wh ° knows wins pi
g Success. Let urf tell |g|
If you about this new work.
I WHITE for apodmsn of now divided p&ge.
C ft C MERRIAM CO.. Publishers, SpnnjfkU. Moor. I
Mention this paper, receive FREE a set of pOetot maps, jj
Notice to Debtors and Creditors.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Notice is hereby given to all
creditors of the estate of Litt
Sharpe, late of said county, de
ceased, to reuder in account of
their demands to the undersigned
within the time prescribed by law
properly made out; aud all per
sons indebted to said deceased are
hereby required to make immedi
ate payment to the undersigned.
This the 6th day of November,
1911. Jos. W. Sharpe,
Jas. W. Sharpe,
Adrs. Estate Litt Sharpe.
The Game Law
in pamphlet form. Send ten cts.
in stamps to The Montgomery
Monitor. ML Vernon, Ga., for a
copy. Supply limited.
Money! Money!
We lend money cheaper on farm
lands than any person making
loans in Montgomery County. All
we ask is to get oar rate before
making application to some one
else for we can save you 1 to 2
per cent, interest. Loans closed
without delay. Write us and we
will come to see you.
Tlie Lyons Loan and
Abstract Company
Atty at
Mt Vernon, Georgia.
Soperton, Georgia
Cotton Factors and
220 Bay E SAVANNAH, QA. I;
I (Members Savannah Cotton Exchange) j
Handlers of Upland, Se- ; |
Island Florodora Cotton
Speeial Attention (liven to
F. 0. B. Cotton
Handlers of Upland and Sea- 1;
11 Island Bagging, Ties
and Twine j