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Mr. C. W. Smith, president of
the Planters Fertilizer Co., of
Tennille, was a business visitor
here Tuesday.
The moving picture show on
the McAllister lot is running
some interesting pictures. Mr. R.
Moore is proprietor, and the out
fit is operated by Palmer Pros.
They will furnish interesting en
tertainment at their evening*
Among the friends calling at
the Monitor office this week were
G. M. Rountree, .1. H. Hutcheson,
C. I). browning, .1. M. Trice,
A. M. N. Petetson, G, W. Col
lins, W. J. Hamilton, E. G. I
Wilkes, Wm. Higgs. A. L. El- ]
kins, .1. A. Smith, W. E. Ward
law, John E. King, W. 11. Rol
lins, R. N. Wood and Silas Sears.
Mr. E. Pierce Wood of San
dersville, court stenographer of
the Middle circuit, was here yes
Mr. It. Newton Wood of the
west side was a visitor at court
White Water School.!
Hpi rii*l Onrrrupniiftenri*,
The singing at Mr. .1. T. Par
rish’s Saturday night was enjoy
ed by all present.
Miss Maggie Humphrey spent
last week with her brother Mr.
C. C. Humphrey.
Misses Bessie Warren and Cora
and Elsie Coleman and Messrs.
Ashley and Philip Coleman visit
ed Misses Louise and Marie Per- 1
due Wednesday night last.
Miss Teda Coleman visited!
Misses Louise and Marie Perdue
Friday afternoon.
Misses Louise Perdue and Mag
gie Humphrey and Mr. Carless
White attended the singing at
Mr. J. T. Parrish’s Saturday
night. They report a nice time.
Miss Marie Perdue spent Fri
day night very pleasantly with
Misses Cora and Teda Coleman. |
Miss Bessie Warren and Mr.
Ashley were visiting her parents
near Dexter Saturday and Sun
day last.
Mrs. J. M. Perdue spent Thurs
day afternoon with Mrs. Hettie
Miss Maggie Humphrey and
Mr. Carless White visited Misses
Louise and Marie Perdue Sunday.
Mrs. C. C. Humphrey is very
sick at this writing.
Miss Ethel Bowden is very sick
at this writing.
Pythian Notes.
The Pythian Literary Society
was called to order in the Fresh
man room Saturday afternoon.
After prayer the roll was called,
minutes read and adopted. The
following program was then well
Read i ng—M art ha 1 *ool.
1 Wonder Why Lake Peddy.
Pantomime Osc ir Burnett and
Philip Harrison.
Jokes and Wants Kate Par
Conversation John Emitte,
Dan Street, and Wright Collins.
Play Emma Edwards, Sue
Burnett, Annie Woodward, and
Janie Thompson.
Reading Kellye Mann.
It being the regular time for
the election of officers the follow
ing were elected:
President John Emitte.
Vice Pres. Dan Street.
Sec. and Treas. Sue Burnette.
Corresponding Sec. —Annie Lou
Censor Kellye Mann.
Doorkeeper Cuy Stone.
Program Committee—Martha
Pool, Daisy Williams, Queen Col
lins, Oscar Burnett, Walter Lee,
Phillip Harrison. A. L. M.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Silas Stars having applied
to the undersigned for letters ut
administration on the estate of
Uriah Sears late of said county de
ceased. all parties concerned are
hereby notified that said applica
tion will be heard at mv office on
the first Monday in March, 1912.
, This the sth day of Kelt., IWI2.
Alex McArthur, Ordinary.
Mr. W. W. Pope and Mr. L.
H. Browning, now citizens of
Liberty county, are here attend
ing court.
See Mrs. J. L. Adams for Val
entines. All prices up to 25
cents. New stock.
For fancy post cards see Mrs.
J. L. Adams this week. One
cent each.
Dr. Harry Moses of Bellevue
Hospital, New York City, was
visiting relatives here last week.
Dr. Moses has risen rapidly in
his profession, and his connection
with this great institution is
very prominent.
Mr. Felix D. Williamson is
here on a visit from his newly
adopted home in Dothan, Ala.
Mr. Williamson is engaged in the
farm implement and seed busi
Mr. H. S. Gray, who is en
gaged in the saw mill business
at Sharpe’s Spur, was up yester
day. M. Cray has his mill in the
finest body of timber in this
! county.
1 Special Oirreapondence.
We will join in with our cor
respondence once more, as we
have not been heard from in some
j time.
Mr. and Mrs. Chap Thigpen
visited the former’s parents, Mr.
land Mrs. Jack Thigpen last Sun
; day.
Miss Eunice Cone returned to
her home a few days ago after a
long visit to Mcßae and Helena.
I Mr. John McLendon has re
turned to Coffee county where
he will take up his work for this
Misses Jahmia and Mary
Branch have been visiting their
sister Mrs. Etna O’Brion.
Mr. Lamar Davis was a visitor
at the home of Mr. Cheatham
Flanders Sunday last.
Mr. and Mrs. Jewhardie Davis
are very happy over the arrival
of a fine little girl at their home.
Mr. and Mrs. Ennis Thigpen
spent Sunday last with the for- ,
mer’s parent, Mr. Thigpen of
near Rockledge. 1
Miss Eunice Cone waa the at
tractive guest of her sister, Mrs.
Charlie Davis Tuesday.
We are sorry to note that Mr.
Jack Davis lost one of his fine
buggy horses last Tuesday night, i
Mr. R. W. Cone made a busi- i
ness trip to Adrian Saturday.
Mr. J. H. Davi# and family j
spent Saturday and Sunday with
the latter’s parents, Mr. and
Mrs. W. H. Smith of Vidalia. i
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Toler
spent Saturday night with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B.
Mesdames Bertie Davis and !
Vickie Snow visited Mrs. Nevada 1
Thigpen Saturday afternoon.
Messrs. Marshall and Charlie
Davis were visitors to Dublin
one day last week.
We are sorry to hear of the
serious illness of Clayton, little
son of Mr. and Mrs. Chau Thig
pen, but hope he will nave a
speedy recovery.
Miss Sue Peebles spent the
week end in Dublin.
We are sorry to hear that Mr.
Jack Davis has pneumonia, hut
hope that he will aooo be out
again soon.
Mr. R. W. Cone left Tuesday
for Wadley, Swainthoro and
other points on a business trip.
Ho will return Tuesday.
The singing at Mr. Avery’s
Saturday night was greatly en
joyed by all who attended.
Messrs. James O’Brien and
Lawrence Gillia visited their
brother Mr. Mike O’Brien of Mt.
Vernon one day last week.
There will be a singing at Red
Bluff Sunday afternoon at 2:30
o’clock. Everybody is invited to
Mr. Denton Greenway lefi
Monday for Dublin where he wil
take his job.
Mr. Henry Davis spent Satur
day night with his sister Mrs.
Nevada Thigpen.
Miss Charlotte Sharp spent
Saturday night with Misaes Mauc
and Carrie McLendon.
Mr. Lamar Davis visited his
uncle Mr. Dock Davis Suaday
Mr. Boss Gillis was a visitor
to Soperton Saturday last.
Messrs. Jack and Dock Davis
were in Mt. Vernon on business
i Tuesday last
Mr. Tillman Chester of Kite
spent Friday night with his
brother-in-law W. N. Reid.
Erick Notes.
Special Correnporxlcrice.
The fanners are all carrying
long faces, over so much rain,
which is keeping them from
turning the soil. Smile at small
troubles and see them disappear.
Miss Jeddie Cockfield of Mt.
Vernon is visiting friends and
relatives here this week.
J. A. Hinson is threatened
with an attack of pneumonia, but
glad to say at this writing he has
greatly improved. We hope for
him a speedy recovery.
Miss Katye Auld returned
home Saturday afternoon, after
a delightful trip to Mt? Vernon.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. and W.
H. Brown were in Mcßae Satur
Messrs. Joe C. Knight and R.
M. Mclntyre of Vidalia were
among friends in the community
Miss Marie Braswell is visiting
her sister, Mrs. J. A. Martin of
Alamo this week.
Mrs. L. M. Browning will re
turn home this week from Mcßae j
where she has been for treat-1
ment. She is getting along
nicely at present.
The singing Sunday given at
T. A. Davis' was enjoyed by a
large attendance.
Quite a number of young folks
enjoyed a “sweet” time at J. A.
Braswell’s Wednesday night, an
old time candy pulling being giv
en. Also" a singing was given
the young people at the same
place Saturday night. Among
those present were Miss Ella
Braswell, the Misses Morrison of
Glenwood, Misses Eliza Harden,
Nannie and Mae Harbin, Irene
and Marie Morrison, Willie Belle
Davis, Ruth and Aletha Cooper,
Berta Brown, Katye Mae Tyson,
Marie and Etna Braswell and
Irene Underwood; Messrs. Robt.
Morrison, Alex and Hadley Mc-
Duffie, Olin Brown, Joe, Frank
and Broox Elton, Willie and Al
bert Underwood, Ross McMillan.
Theodore and Reed Ashley. Gun
Corwell, Grady Walters, Grover
Rogers, George Harbin. E.-ger
Davis, Frank Pitts, T. A. Davis.
Otba Johnston, Co&bv Martin,
Roy Braswell. All left express
ing their pleasure at having the
most enjoyable time of the s- a
snn. The events were given :>
honor of the Misses Morris ' a :
M;ss Ella Braswell f • '
and Miss Katye Mae 7> •
Among the numerous letters
received at a drum works in
Camden yesterday was the fol
“I got the Drum which I buy .
from you alrite but why for gods
sake you doan send me no han
dela. Wats the use the Drum
when the doan have no handeis.
I loose to me my customer sur<
thing you doan treat me rite, is
my money not so good to you as
the otha fella. I wate ten days,
and my customah he holler like
li for the Drum. You know
he it hot. You doan send me
that handeis pretey queek I sen
her back and order some drum
from tome Shermann companee.
Good Bye your fren. Antonio S.
In a postscript the writer adds:
“tince i rite i find the box excuse
tome.” The writer resides at!
San Leandro, Cal. -Philadelphia!
Farm For Kent.
A good Two-horse Farm for
rent. Good land and clear of
■tumps. See me at Alston or
write, F. D. Williamson.
For Sale—Stove.
Wood burning heater. Will
1 heat large room; in fair condition.
Mt. Vernon Bank.
Notice to Public.
i My son, Walter Gilder, a minor,
i having left my home, this is to
warn the public against hiring
> him. This Feb. 5. 1912.
i W. H. Gilder,
Alamo, Ga.
k wri .S3iu
A Note to You:
Feb. 8, 1012.
We carry a large assortment of
Post cards. All style*, of all
descriptions and prices. Some
of them are works of art. ' Some
very sentimental and oome very,
very funny.
Some of them are sure to ex
press just the idea you would
want to convey to him or to her
by post. You know you can con
vey ideas by post card that would
be difficult to express by word, of
mouth. Stick your stamps on
| our post cards.
Yours truly,
Mt. Vernon Drug
Atlanta, Feb. 3. —At its ses
sion this summer the Legislature
will be asked to make provision
for the establishment of an agri
cultural college or school in the
new Twelfth congressional dis
When these agricultural schools
were originally established, one
was created for each congres- 1
sional district. There are now
eleven of them in the state. The!
law failed to take into account!
probable increase in the number
of congressional districts, and
when Georgia was given a new
congressman as the result of the
1910 census, there were not
enough agricultural schools to go
The new Twelfth district,
which is composed of Houston,
Twiggs, Laurens, John
son, Emanuel, Toombs, Mont
gomery, Dodge, Wilcox, Telfair
and Pulaski counties, failed to
secure one of these agricultural
schools when the reapportion
tnent of the congressional dis
tricts was made. The Legislat
ure thought it saw away out of
the trouble by declaring the old
congressional districts agricul
tural districts, and ignoring the
new district lines; but this is not
going to satisfy the Twelfth.
M< ruber 1 of the Legislature
from the counties in the new
Twelfth will bring up the matter
this summer, and endeavor to
get an agricultural school estab
lished there. Some county in
the district will have to furnish
the necessary land and the mon
ey to put up the school dormitor
ies and buildings, and the state
will be called on to.contribute to
its support. This is done in the
lease of the present schools, from
the funds arising from the in
ispection of oils and fertilizers.
I If these funds are increased as a
j result of the recent legislative
probe of the state Department of
Agriculture, as is now predicted,
the Twelfth may have some
chance to get one of these schools.
Prigden Beasley of Bulloch
county will celebrate his birth
day on the 29th, making 25 birth
days he has had, though he will
ibe 10t> years old. His birthday
! falling on the 29th he has only
seen it come round 25 times.
William B, Walker, a farmer
1 near Macon who was convicted
|of burning bis wife to death in
August, has been sentenced to
hang on March 1. His mother
died from the shock when he was
Fountain Fun Lost.
Lost on Sunday last in Mt.
Vernon one Waterman’s Ideal
. Fountain Pen. Had a gold band
with the initials “C. C.” inscri
bed. Reward if returned to the
I Monitor office.
| Vidalia, Ga.
| tismm&m I s I $ smmamumm |
« G ' *sS :
I © rianufacturers of High=grade § ji
I-~ ■ : <ms i—J i! 1
I Before Buying Fertilizers, see THE VIDALIA CHEMICAL :j;
, v alalia, Ga. Makers of the Highest Grades :j;
Dr. J. 11. McArthur, . - - Vice-President
Geo. N. Mathews, Sr. - . Gen. ]yj gr< |
!Mark W. Mathews, - Sec’y and Salesmah
Dr. 1. 11. McArthur Geo. N. Mathews, Sr.
John Jay McArthur A. D. Strobar W. G. Barnwell i|i
lest Our Goods. All High Grades I
They Produce Well and Build up Land 1
I The Best Drugs I
And everything carried
|| in a modern Drug Store
| Carried by Us. 1
The public is cordially l|
@0 Invited to make our
>: place headquarters O
& when the best @0
® is wanted 1 5
1 Sumerford Drug Co.
Prescription Druggists • G
Alley, Georgia 1|
Left Lot January 28
Last seen near home of Hugey
Braddy. Slight snag on right
hip. Any information leading
to recovery will be suitably re
warded. Write me at once.
G. W. Collins
Cabbage plants for sale at Mrs.
Abt’s boarding house court week.
Notice to Debtors and Creditors.
Georgia Montgomery County.
Notice is hereby given to all
'creditors of the estate of H 1 •
j Stuckey, late of said county, de-
I ceased, to render in account of
: their demands to the undersigned I
within the tunc prescribed by law
properlv made out; and a.l per
- ms indebted to said deceased are
hereby required b, make linmedi
it- paviuent to the undersigned,
i his the till) day of Feb.. 1912.
Minnie L. Morrison,
Executr x j
Anyone sending a sketch and description may
quickly ascertain our opinion free whether as
invention is probably patentable. Commur‘ca
tions strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patents
sent free. ' >Met' a*eucy for securing patents.
Patent* taken through Munn & Co. recelwi
tptcial notice , without charge. In the
Scientific American.
A hnndeoinely Hlnrtmtod wrrkly. I.artrMt dr
culatton of any rcieiitiflc journal. Term,. $3 (
your : four month*. *L Sold by all newedealara.
MUNN & Co. 36,8 m New York
Branch Office. 62S K Bt_ Waahlnctoo. IX C.