Newspaper Page Text
Brooks County Farmer’s Big
Profit From Raising a
Jersey Herd.
Quitman, Ga., Feb. 17. — In
view of the effort to induce farm
ers in this section to raise more
cattle, the experience of J. H.
Blalock, of Hickory Head, with a
. Jersey herd is enlightening as to
| the value of this work. In 1906,
Mr. Blalock started his herd with
seven Jersey heifers, bought from
a neighbor for S2OO, all of them
in poor conditon. Today his herd
represents a cash value of $4,300.
In 1907, a thoroughbred bull
was bought from the Biltmore
farms and in that year the ex
penses of the herd were made,
and two heifers sold for S9O. In :
1908 two more heifers were sole? \
for sllO, and 1,242 pounds of
butter were made and sold from
the herd. Summarizing his bus
iness, Mr. Blalock says his profit
has been: In 1908, a net profit of
$527.60; in 1909, a net profit of
$761.30; in 1910, a net profit of
$677.50; in 1911, a net profit of
$822. Premiums taken in 1911,
Os this amount, $609.50 was
for stock sold, nor does this sum
mary include 6,000 gallons of
milk per year for pigs and calves.
Since January, 1907, one cow has
made over SSOO in butter, brought
four heifer calves and two males,
and has taken $25 in prizes. Mr.
Blalock is also the first man to
sell a Jersey heifer bred in Brooks
county for SIOO. Today Mr. Bla
lock estimates the value of his
herd as follows: Four cows, $400;
one bull, $200; 16 heifers, $900;
net profits of herd, $2,178.86;
sales from herd $609.50; prizes
won, $52.
To Bridge the Altamaha.
Baxley, Ga. —Information has
just been received here that sub
scriptions to $5,000 of the stock
in the bridge company, incorpo
rated for the purpose of construc
ting a steel bridge across the Al
tamaha river, between Appling
and Toombs counties, has been
subscribed for by five citizens of
Atlanta, and undewritten by the
Hillyer Trust Company, one of
the largest banking institutions
of the state. The Atlanta men
who subscribed for the stock are
F. J. Paxon, C. J. Hadden Clark
Howell, Geo. S. Lowndes and M.
F. Holahan, the last named being
manager of the Atlanta branch
of the Intenational Harvester
This means that the first bridge
to span the great Altamaha river,
dividing southeast and souhtwest
Georgia, will be constructed.
Farmer With a Record.
Valdosta, Ga., Feb. 17.
Lowndes county has one of the
most remarkable farmers in
Georgia, and one whose example
might be emulated with profit,
not only by farmers, but by oth
,er people as well. David New
some of the Clyatville District is
52 years old and has a good farm,
but he declares, and his friends
and relatives back the assertion,
that he has never bought an ar
ticle on credit in his life. He
has never asked for credit, and I
also pays cash for his guano when
he buys it, though he could get
all the credit he wants in Val
This farmer has money in one
of the local banks, which he has
had there for fifteen years, but
he has never drawn a check on a
bank in his life. He has never
drawn a cent out of the bank, ex
cept the interest on his deposits,
but never a season geos by that
he does not add something to his i
bank account. A man with mon
ey in the bank and who has kept ;
it there for nearly a score of
years, who has always had enough
to do him without having to ask
credit, is a rare citizen.
If you want money quick, write
Lyons Loan & Abstract Co., Ly- j
ons, Ga., for they are loaning i
money cheap.
Will Spend Whole Year in
Organizing Clubs and
Holding Contests.
Athens, Feb. 16.—The State
College of Agriculture and the
; United States farm demonstra
tion workers have completed
i plans for the organization of
i boys’ corn clubs and girls’ can
ning clubs for 1912. President
Soule, of the State College of
Agriculture, and Dr. Knapp, of
the United States farm demon
stration work, jointly make the
following announcement:
Six corn club organizers and
several canning club demonstrat
ors have now been appointed for
Georgia territories. The State
! College of Agriculture and the
| farm demonstration work through
co-operation with the business
men of the state have secured
funds for placing five corn organ
izers to work at once. The sixth
district will soon be arranged
for. The agents in this depart
ment that have been selected are
as follows: Dr. William Brad
ford, Cedartown, in charge of
the northwest Georgia territory;
J. K. Giles, Atlanta, in charge
of the north-middle Georgia ter
ritory; M. C. Gay, Athens, in
charge of the northeast Georgia
territory; G. V. Cunningham,
Tifton, in charge of the south
west Georgia territory; Walter
Hendricks, Savannah, in charge
of the southeast Georgia terri
These men will be engaged the
entire, year organizing and pro
moting boys’ corn clubs, holding
county contests, district contests,
encouraging school fairs, and as
sisting in the girls’ canning club
work. This work will carried on
in co-operation with the county
school officials and local demon
stration workers of the state.
The State College of Agriculture
and the United States farm dem
onstration department have
jointly provided SI,OOO in each
district to the movement and the
business men of the district have
contributed a like amount.
Resolutions of Esteem.
The following resolutions of
of regard for an efficient and
worthy retiring member of the
board of county commissioners
were passed at a recent meeting:
State of Georgia, Montgomery
Whereas, it has become known
to our body that our brother and
fellow citizen, Wm. Bland, has
tendered his resignation and
moved to an adjoining county
after having served on the board
continuously for almost two
And whereas, he has been effi
cient and faithful in the discharge
of his duties as a public servant,
and taking the utmost care in
keeping the records of our coun
ty in a neat and accurate manner.
“Beit therefore resolved, That
we accept his resignation with
reluctance and in giving him up
we feel keenly the loss of a good
citizen and public servant. We
wish for him success in his new
home and may he ever prosper
| in whatever business he may fol
We commend him to his adopt
ed county as an honest, upright
man, a good citizen and a kind
Be it resolved, further, That
this token of esteem be spread
on the minutes of our court, si
multaneously with his resigna
Read and adopted in open court
this the 2nd day of January,
J. J. Moses,
J. T. Jordan,
Elijah Miller,
J. F. Sikes,
Chm. Board of County Commis
sioners Montgomery Co., Ga.
sor 6 doses “666” will cure
any case of Chills and Fever.
Price, 25c.
gjs 1 ll— A List of Those gK
ur a ivT¥"vl r\ ATP £7 Who Want Your diN
(*j CANDIDA I fcrS Support in The 1?)
Jb Primary Election
To tho Voters of Montgomery Connty:
I hereby announce myself a candidate for
tho office of .Sheriff of said county, subject to
the coming primary. I have had an ambition
' to fill this office since reaching manhood, and
if elected I will respect the office and protoct
the citizens and their property with this office,
impartially. Faithfully yours,
To tho Voting,Citizens of Montgomery Oo,:
With a record for servioo and fair dealing
while serving as Sheriff of our county, I most
earnestly ask your support in my candidacy
for re-election to this office in the coming
election. It has been my efforts to serve tho
, people faithfully, and is my desire to continue
in tho service of my fellow citizens. With as
surances of appreciation of tho favors already
bestowed upon me, and asking your kind in
dulgence, I am Yours truly,
Jamks Hesteb.
To the citizens of Montgomery county: I
offer for election to the office ol Sheriff of
Montgomery county, and respectfully ask tho
support of riiy friends and fellow citizens. In
asking for office at your hands for the first
time, I guarantee to faithfully discharge all
its duties, and expect only to do my’duty as a
sworn officer. I ask your support in the com
ing primary election, and hope to he favored
with the office. I claim some experience in
tho work pertaining to tho offico and feel fully
competent to take ap tho work if elected.
For SherifY.
Wishing to again servo tho people of Mont
gomery county in tho capacity of Sheriff, I
heroby annouuco myself a candidate for tho
office, subject to the rules of tlio county pri
mary. My record as former shorifl is before
yon and I respectfully ask the offioo again at
your hands, again assuring yon that if I am
favored with the offico I will discharge its
; duties to tho best, of my ability, knowing its
varied responsibilities.
Yours respectfully,
For Sheriff:
P To the Votors of Montgomery County:
’ Yielding to tho urgent solicitation of my
many friends from every section of tho conn,
ty, and ooupled with tho landablo desiie to
■ serve my follow countrymen in the capacity of
Sheriff, I hereby announce my candidacy for
* said office, in tho ensuing primary. I beg to
thank in advance all who may see fit to lend
me their support. Sincerely, 1
- C- T. Buaddt.
Soperton, Jan Ist, 1913.
For Sheriff:
! To the Citizen Voters of Montgomery Co.:
Impressed with a laudable desiro to serve
the people of Montgomery county as sheriff,
I hereby make public my candidacy for said
office, subject to whatever action is determined
by tho rules of tho remocratic primary. 1
earnestly and most respectfully ask tho cor
dial support of the voters of my county, and
it elected to this office, my only promise is to
discharge tho duties devolving upon mo to
the best of my ability, without favor to any
inan. Moßt respectfully,
Dan A. Morrison.
For Sheriff:
To the Voters of Montgomery county:
I respectfully solicit vour support iu the
coming primary for sheriff.
iours truly,
For County Treasurer.
I hereby announce as a candidate to succeed
myself as Treasurer of Montgomery county,
subject to the primary election. Thanking
my fellow citizens for past support, and solic
iting a continuance, I am
Yours truly,
For County Treasurer.
I offer my services to the voters of Mont
gomery county in the capacity of County
Treasurer. Years Os clerical training render
me quite competent to discharge the duties
of the office, and my work as a county official
in former years warrants me in saying that I
hare a right to claim the support of my fellow
citizens I respectfully ask for election at
your hands to the office of Treasurer, and
guarantee to discharge faithfully all its duties
if favored with the offico.
Yours respectfully,
For County Troasurer:
To the Voters of Montgomery County:
I hereby announce myself a candidaso for
the office of County Treasurer, subject to the
Democratic primary. I would appreciate the
cordial support of my friends and fellow citi
sens. Yours truly,
Aacirar Ginns.
For Treasurer.
I take this method of announcing to my
friends and all citizens of Montgomery county
that I am a candidate for the offico of Treas
urer of this county, Having served my fellow
citizens in this capacity before, I respectfully
refer to my past record as a county officer,
and earnestly ask your support in the coining
primary. C. A. I’OPE.
For County Treasurer:
To tho Voters of Montgomery county:
Astor giving the matter careful consideration
I have decided to enter tho race for treasurer
in the Democratic primary, ami take this
method of announcing my candidacy. I be
lieve- I am fully competent to administer tho
affairs of tho office in a satisfactory manner,
and if elected will devote my best efforts to
that end I have never before asked a politi
cal favor at the hands of my friends, and any
support that you rnav render me in the ap
proaching election will be greatly appreciated.
For Ordinary.
My candidacy for re-election to tbe office of
Ordinary is hereby placed before the people !
of my native county. Assuring the public of i
my appreciation of past favors, and further
pledging my efforts toward the service and 1
welfare of the people, I am
Alex McAimira.
To the People of Montgomery Connty:
I am now serving the county as Tax Col
lector, being my first and only term. The
work before me is receiving my most earliest
endeavors. For the favor accorded mo, lam
very grateful, and assure the voters of the
county of my continued efforts to serve them
in a faithful and acceptable manner. I feel
that my labors will warrant me in asking re
election to this important office. Y’onr favor
will bo greatly appreciated. My name and
candidacy is before you, subject to such rules
and requirements as may be provided by the
Democratic committee of the county.
Verv rospectfullv,
For Tnx Collector:
I am now a candidate for the office of Tax
Collector of Montgomery county, simply be
cause I need what the office pays. Thanking
everybody for their help in the past and so
liciting the support of all at the coming pri
mary, if one be held, and plodging myself, if
elected, to givo the offioe and the people my
best sorvicos, I beg to remain
Yours for truth and right,
, For Tax Collector:
I take this method of informing the citizens
of Montgomery county that 1 am offering for
the office of Tax Collector of Montgomery
county, subject to primary rules. Assuring
all my frionas and all interested citizens that
it is my honest intention to faithfully perform
the duties of the office if favored with it, and
soliciting your votes in tho coming primary,
X am Yours respectfully,
Andrew J. Grimes.
For Tax Collector:
I respoctfully announce to tho citizens of
Montgomery county that I am a candidate for
, tho nlfico of Tax Collector of Montgomery
county, and ask your support in tho approach
, ing primary election. I understand fully the
requirements or the office, and if elected, I
, guarantee a satisfactory execution of the work
( involved. X thank in advance tho numerous
, friends who liaye tendered, their support and
urged my candidacy. Respectfully,
G. V. Mason.
For County Treasurer:
I respectfully offer my services to the citi
zens of Montgomery county as Treasurer of
the county. Knowing that I can fill the office
acceptably, and to the entire sat isfation of the
' most exacting tax payer, 1 ask the office at
' vour hands. Will appreciate highly all assist
; ance rendered by my friends and fellow citi
zens in an honest effort to secure the place.
’ Yours respectfully,
1 J. 1). Drowning.
For Clerk Superior Court.
Having faithfully served Montgomery coun
ty as Clerk of iho Superior Court for one term
I shall aHk again for tho office. In the coming
county primary I ask for re-nomination at the
hands of the voters of the county, and
promise continued faithfulness in the dis
charge of the duties of the office. I appre
ciate highly your favors in the past, ami feel
entitled to another term- Hoping to have the
vote of mv former supporters and other friends
I witli whom X have Doen pleasantly associated
1 while serving in tho office, I remain
1 Yours Respoctfully,
M. L.O’Brien.
For Tax Receiver:
To tho Voters of Montgomery County:
I beg to announce myself a camlidato for ro
, election to the office of Tax Receiver of Mont
gomery county. 1 thank the people for past
favors and earnestly ask yonr support in my
candidacy for a second term, subject to the
county primary.
John G. Mouhis.
For Tax Receiver:
T am in tho race for tho offiun of Tax Roooiv
er of Montgomery county, and hincerelv aHk
the Hiinport of the votorn. Vny favorw rtiiown
me will he highly appreciated and if elected I
will execute the dutioH of the office an tho law
requires. Respectfully,
W.T. Hadden.
For County Commissioner:
i I beg to announce my candidacy for a place
I on the Board of Commissioners or Roads and
Revenues of Montgomery County, subject to
. hucli requirements as may be prescribed by
, the county executive committee. If honored
with the place, it will be my pleasure to serve
i the bettor interests of the county and people.
Asking the kind consideration of the voters,
1 am Very truly,
iSoporton. W. P. Stephens.
For County Commissioner:
To the Voters of Montgomery county:
I hereby become a candidate for Oornmis
sioner ol Roads and Rovgiioh of Montgomery
county, and ask the Hiinport ot the people in
thn primary election, Wotwitlistamling a high
tax rate, our county is in debt. To legiti
mately disburse thirty thousand dollars of the
people’s money demands foresight and busi
ness ability. We need a BUHINKHH adminis
tration of county matters. Isl can measure
tip to the demands of the people, give me your
support. If you believe I cannot, support
sorno other man. Yonrs truly
W. M. Lewis.
For County Treasurer:
To the Voters of Montgomery County:
At the solicitation of many friends, I have
decided to announce for Treasurer of Mont
gomery county, subject to tho Democratic 1
primary. Have never before offered for office :
and would not do so now, but being afflicted, |
it is impossible for me to follow my vocation
(farming). I promise, if elected, a just and
honest administration of the affairs connected
with the office, and will do all in my power to
serve the public satisfactorily.
A. 1). Conaway. 1
For County Surveyor:
I beg to announce to the voters of Montgom
ery county that my candidacy for the office of
County Surveyor is placed before them, ask
jug a return to tho office which has had my
beet arid most impartial efforts in the past,
arid for which lam very grateful. If this of- 1
i fice is again awarded mo, it shall not suffer j
through a lack of attention, and every call j (
! for a competent and painstaking surveyor will
continue to have my ready response.
Very truly, ‘
H. H. JfoKitlM.
Schedule. Effective Oct. 22, 1911.
' 8 2 O 'm 0 STATIONS N°. 19 No. 17
A. M. P. M. A. M. P. M.
700 400 Leuve Mason Arrive fl 25 428
714 414 Swift Creek 11 12 827
728 428 Dry Branch 11 08 404
7 27 4 27 Atlantic 10 59 4 00
7 81 4 81 Pike’s Peak 10 55 8 56
789 489 Fitzpatrick 10 48 849
744 444 Ripley 10 43 844
7 56 4 56 Jeffersonville 10 81 3 32
8 06 5 06 Gallemore 10 19 8 21
8 16 5 16 Danville 10 09 8 11
8 21 6 21 Allentown 10 04 3 06
8 81 5 81 Montrose 9 54 2 56
842 542 Dudley 948 245
8 48 5 48 Shew make 9 37 2 89
8 54 5 54 Moore 9 80 2 32
910 ClO Ar. Lv. 915 217
9 15 6 15 Lv. Ar. 9 10 2 12
9 17 6 17 S M DA S J 9 08 2 10
9 21 6 21 N M I) A S J 9 04 2 06
9 81 6 31 Catlin 8 54 1 56
9 41 6 41 Minter 8 48 1 45
951 651 Rock I edge 881 133
9 56 6 56 Orland 8 25 1 2T
10 11 711 Soperton 810 112
10 22 722 Tarry town 758 100
10 80 7 80 Kibbee 7 50 12 52
10 45 7 45 Vidalia 7 85 12 37
At Dublin with tho YVrlghlsvitle Jk. Tniuillle and the Dublin A South
western for East man and Teimille and intermediate points
At Macon with Southern Railway from and to Cincinnati;!, Chattanooga,
Rome Birmingham, Atlanta am! intermediate points. Also the Central of
Georgia Railway, G. S. A K. Railway, Macon and Birmingham Railway
and Georgia Railroad.
At Rockledge with the Milieu and Southwestern for Wad ley and In
termediate points.
At Vklalia with the Seaboard Air Line for Savannah and intermediate
points, ami with the Milieu and Southwestern for Millen,Stillmore and In
termediate points.
J. A. STREYER, G. P. A., Macon, Ga.
Cotton Factors and I
I Commission
220 Hay E SAVANNAH, (iA. !
(Monitors,Siivanniili Cotton exchange) i [
Handlers of Upland, Se- j|
Island Florodora Cotton
Special Attention (liven to
P. 0. H. Cotton '
Handlers of Upland and Sea-
Island Bagging, Tien
j! and Twine ;!
Money to Loan.
I represent some of the best loan
companies doing business in
Montgomery countv, and can se
cure loans for a term of five years
at a very small rate of* interest.
Commissions charged are small,
and parties desiring to negotiate
loans in Montgomery or Toombs
counties will save money by seeing
me before making application
elsewhere. M. B. Calhoun,
Mr. Vernon, Ga.
Notice is hereby given to the
public not to trade for nor buy
me certain promissory note for
forty-live dollars ($45.00) given
to C. W. Bowden and signed by
Mrs. B P. Massey, principal, and
B. J. Guest, security, and dated
Jan. 17th, 1012, and made paya
ble Oct. Ist, 1912. 'Die above de
scribed note being fraudulently
obtained by selling the under
signed a wind-broken mare
and claiming said mare to be
sound, and afterwards finding her
to be wind-broken and worthless
This Jan. 24th, 1912.
Mrs B. P. Mahhky, Principal
B. J. Gukht, Security.
Georgia, Montgomery county.
To all whom it may concern:
Notice is hereby given that I have
withdrawn fr< m the firm of Mix
on & Davis, doing a general mer
cantile business at Tarrytown,
Ga., and have on the 20th dav of
December 1911, sold my entire in
terest, including stock of rner
chandise, notes and accounts and
all choses in action in said co
partnership business to L. A. Ar
rington, he assuming all liabili
ties of the firm of Mixon <fc Davis,
in so far as they bind me. The
firm hereafter will be conducted
under the style of Davis dr. Ar
rington. My liability ceases
from said 20th day of December,
Eggs for Sale.
Thorough Bred Single Comb
White Leghorns. Single Comb
Rhode Island Reds. SI.OO per
setting of 15. Also a few White
Leghorn Cocks at SI.OO each.
B’or sale by Dr. J. R. Watson,
Soperton, Ga.
Money! Money!
We lend money cheaper on farm
! lands than any person making
! loans in Montgomery County. All
we ask is to get our rate befo»e
I making application to some one
| else for we can save you 1 to 2
; per cent, interest. Loans closed
without delay. Write us and we
I will come to see you.
■ The Lyons Loan
Abstract Company
Money To Loan.
! lam in position now to secure
' loans on farm lands and town
- property in Montgomery County.
The lender that will handle my
business is especially desireable
, for parties that want big loans
, on farm lands, and for those who
want to build homes in towns.
Their interest is 6 per cent.
Terms five years, the borrow pay
ing 1-10 each year thereby re
’ ducing the interest, and princi
s pal so the final settlement will be
, easy. The money for building
’ or improving homes in towns is
also 6 per cent, money, and the
loans are arranged so the bor
rower repays monthly for 60
months. You only have to add
a little to the amount you are
paying as rent to own you a
home in a short time. I think
1 this a good way for a person to
1 get a home.
j L. C. Underwood,
Mt. Vernon, Ga.
For Long Term Farm
I am negotiating some very
attractive Long Term Farm Loans
for the best companies doing bus
iness in Georgia, with lowest rates
if interest and the most liberal
ernis of payments
I have several years experience
in the loan business, am located
at the county site and believe that
I am in position to give you the
best terms and as prompt services
as any one.
If vou need a loan see me before
A. B. Ilutchesou,
Mt. Vernon, Ga.
Hamp Burch
Attorney at Law
Practices in all the Courts.
Atty at Law,
Mt Vernon, Georgia.
Soperton, Georgia