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Mr. Tom Mobley, a former stu-]
dent of the U. B. 1., visited
friends and former schoolmates
here this week.
It would not Ire very safe to
approach a Montgomery county
farmer now' and say anythin#
about the shortness of the rain
fall —especially if he was caught
out in the flood of yesterday.
Miss Jeddie Cockfield has re
turned after a pleasant stay with
friends at Mcßae.
I)r. J. M. C. McAllister of Ro
chelle visited relatives here one
day last week.
Lodging, without meals, du
ring court week 25c. Mrs. J. D.
The Soper ton Grocery Co. can
fill the bill if you want the best
in dry goods and the freshest and
most reliable in groceries.
A party of our young folks
spent last Monday afternoon in
Miss Vera Mason of Alley was
over to call on relatives and
friends here on Monday.
Dog Lost. A brown dog with
cropped ears, and answers to the
name of “Bob”, went astray du
ring court last week. Suitable re
ward for his rcovery. Address
Mrs. ,1. D. McCullough.
Mt. Vernon.
The numerous friends of Mrs.
J. M. (’. McAllister, who under
went a serious operation for ap
pendicitis recently in Macon, will
lie pleased to know that she is
recovering and is visiting her
aunt, Mrs. Wm. Bland in Dublin.
Miss Mamie Higgs was the
guest of friends in lliggston on
Sunday last.
Mrs. .1. L. Adams and daugh
ter. Miss Eloise, are spending a
few days in Macon and Atlanta.
The Sopcrton Grocery Co. is
one of the fixed business houses
in Soperton, and sell the best
both in dry good and groceries.
Crosby Williams, manager.
Mr. John C. McAllister went
to Dublin Sunday, taking with
him the little babe of Dr. and
Mrs. McAllister.
Mr. Charlie lieugnot, post
master of Mt. Vernon, spent
Thursday in Savannah on busi
Miss Lucy McAllister was with
friends in Vidalia over Sunday.
Miss Agnes Hinson of Arling
ton. Ca., is the guest of Miss
Jeddie Cocktield.
Mr. 11. L. Wilt, assistant cash
ier of the Mt. Vernon Bank,
spent Sunday with his mother in
When in Soperton, do not fail to
call on the Soperton Grocery Co.
Their line of garden seed and cab
bage plants is the very freshest
and most reliable. Buy seed from
them and make a good crop.
Mrs. M. H. Calhoun and Miss
Mamie Conner spent Sunday with
friends at lliggston.
Attorneys Lewis. Geiger, Un
derwood, Wilson and Calhoun
attended superior court in Lyons
on Monday.
At her home in Alamo, Mrs. j
Frank Rogers gave a week-end
party in which several of Mount
Vernon’s young people partici
pated. The guests from this
place were Mrs. Nettie C. Ayers.
Miss Hannah Bright, j
Arpad Hicks. Charles Beugnot, j
Jas. Stacy. Mrs. Florence Rog
ers accompanied them.
Among those of our patrons 1
who have called at the office this
week were Messrs. E. C. Me-;
Allister and 11. K. Gibbs of Long-1
poivd, C. W. Peterson of Hack
Branch, Angus Morris of Higgs
ton, U. L. Gilder of Alamo, E. Y. .
Baldwin and J. L. Morrison of
Glen wood and W. T. Hadden of
I You will miss a rare opportu
nity of doing a noble act if you
fail to call at the Monitor office
next week while attending court
and pay your subscription. We
will appreciate it highly if you
will bring around your friends.
Rev. J. W. Green of the Bruce
section came in Saturday to get
his regular yearly supply of sta
tionery. Many others should fol
low Mr. Green's plan and save
money on their writing paper and
Prof. J. H. Towler, teaching
near Alamo, was a visitor at this
office one day this week.
Mr. Colon Mcßae of Rochelle,
a native of this county, was here
yesterday. Mr. Mcßae is doing
finely in the insurance business,
of which his host of friends here
will be glad to hear.
Telfair Man Honored.
Mcßae, Feb. 19.-F. R. Mann,
of Jacksonville, Telfair county,
has been appointed a member of
the board of directors of the state
agricultural station near Griffin.
Martin V. Calvin, the eminent
writer on agricultural topics, is
chief director of this station.
Once a quarter the directors
meet for a dav.
These men are chosen for their
experience and fitness, and re
ceiving the appointment is (juite ]
an honor.
Helena, Route 1.
Spncinl CorrrtiHimlnnw.
The farmers in this section are
wearing long faces on account '
of so much rain.
Quite a large crowd attended
Sunday school at Mt. Olivett Sun- ]
day. ■,
Mr. W. Henry Clark spent *
Thursday and Friday in Macon. J
Mr 3. Laura Belle Spoon spent \
a short while Sunday with Mrs.
R. L. Clark. :
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Clark will (
leave Wednesday for Turner (
county where they will spend
several days with friends and
Misses Lula and Nettie Bell
flower spent the two past weeks *
with their uncle, Mr. Robert j
Bellflower. j
Mrs. H. J. Clark spent Satur- 1
day night and Sunday with her J
sister Mrs. W. Henry Clark.
Miss Mae Clark spent Satur- s
day in Mcßae.
Saturday before the second
Sunday in March there will be ‘
an all-day rally at Mt. Olivet. 1
Bro. Wooten from Abbeville will *
deliver a sermon, and dinner will
be served on the ground. Every- *
body is cordially invited to at- \
tend. 3
M. and Mrs. W. C. Clark spent 1
a short while Sunday with Mr. ,
and Mrs. W. Henry Clark. 1
Mrs. Laura Belle Spoon and 1
Miss Kizzie Clark spent Monday 1
last with their aunt, Mrs. Robt. 1
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Clark left I
Sunday for Dublin, Ga., where <
they will spend several days with |
friends and relatives.
Messrs. George Lafavors anil *
Henry Wilkes visited at the home 1
of W. Henry Clark Sunday.
Sonnie Clark spent Friday in :
If your Piano is worth anything, |
it is worth EXPERT tuning.
Any other kind will ruin it. I
have a diploma, and guarantee
all work. Write, and 1 will call.
Charles L. Hamilton, j
Slow On Plowed Ground.
He told me about another
Irishman whom h§ called Dennis
Doherty, a personal friend of his,
he said. Dennis was a small
farmer and had very little knowl
edge of railroads. In fact, he
had never seen one until the old
; Shreveport & Marshall line ran
l through his farm, down near the
line of Texas and Louisiana.
“ ‘lt was a pretty heavy grade,’
said Mike, ‘along the eighth of a
mile that ran through Dennis
Doherty’s farm, and when we
struck it as we came west one day
about noon old Dennis happened
to be walking down the track.
When he saw us start down the
grade, he broke into a run. The
old B. M. Johnson was almost
right upon him before the train
could be stopped, for, you know, j
there were no air brakes in those
days. When the train was
finally brought to a standstill
within a few feet of the almost
exhausted Irishman, the engin
eer asked him why he didn’t
leave the track instead of run
ning down it.
“ ‘You blarsted spalpeen’ ex
claimed the panting old farmer,
‘don’t you see the field on both
sides av ye dirthy ould track is
freshly plowed? If I couldn’t out
run you on the hard thrack, how
in the divil do yez think I could
get out av ye way in plowed
ground?’ he asked indignantly.
—Dick Naylor in Home & Farm.
Whales Live 1,000 Years.
Undoubtedly the longest lived
animal on earth is the whale, its
span of existence being measured
by Cuvier at 1,000 years. The ]
next largest animal, the elephant, ;
will, under favorable conditions,
live four hundred years.
When Alexander the Great con
el uered Porus, King of India, he
took a great elephant that had
fought gallantly for the defeated
dng, named him Ajax, dedicated *
him to the sun, placed upon him |
a metal band with the in scrip-1
tion, “Alexander, the son of Ju- j[
piter, dedicated Ajax to the sun.”
The elephant was found alive 350
years later.
The average age of eats is 15
years; of squirrels, 7to 8 years;
of rabbits, 7; a bear rarely ex
ceeds 20 years; a wolf, 20; a fox, ;
14 to l(i. Lions are comparative
y long lived, instances having '
been recorded where they reach
the age of 70. *
Pigs have been known to live .
20 years and horses GO, but the
average age of the horse is 25 to 1
30. Camels sometimes live to i
the age of 100 and stags are very
ong lived, one having been taken *■
>Y Charles VI in the forest of
Senlis which bore about its neck
a collar on which was engraved,
"Caesar roc rnihi donavit.. ”
Whether or not this stag had
actually lived since the days of
one of the Caesars it is impossi
ble to say, but the evidence seems
good. ;,
Eagles occasionally and ravens |
frequently reach the age of 100 |
years, and swans have l>een
known to live three hundred
years. A tortoise has been known
to live 107 years.
Efforts have been made to con
nect the rapidity of the pulse
beat with longevity, but no logi
cal conclusion can lie reached, as ;
will be seen from the fact that
the pulse of a lion beats forty
times a minute; that of a tiger,
ninety-six times; of a horse, for
ty times; of a wolf, forty-five
times; of a fox, forty-three times;
of a bear, thirty-three times, and
of an eagle 160 times. It has
been impossible to count the
beats of an elephant’s pulse, hut
that of a butterfly beats sixty
times to the minute. —Our Dumb
- auwwrajiorjwi>jrjwr«iauij..^'o».i,j>.AOi.A«wi.
! I<oans of any amount from #BOO to #SO,(XX) on farms in Mont- j
f gouiery and adjoining counties. No delays for inspection. )
■ ! Have lands examined by a man living near you.
| LOANS ON FIVE YEARS TIME, payable i easy installments to
(suit borrower.
j Merchants Hank Building McR ae, Ga. f
; [ s
1 aaaawwjijwviy mumumumummu* JMWwwfariwpiewf*
! Loans of any amount from #!XK) to #SO,(XX) on farms in Mont- ,
f gouiery and adjoining counties. No delays for inspection, j ;
:• I Have lands examined by a roan living near you.
| LOANS ON FIVE YEARS TIME, payable easy installments to j|
(suit borrower.
| Merchants Hank Building McR ae, Ga. I
i §
MuaaasdMWMMk* ****• ~ vsfw'.itt 4f>4Mr'i'>r4ey'!r'«'4f !r4M?!«evr«
A Note to You:
Feb. 8, 1912.
We carry a large assortment of
Post cards. All styles, of al
descriptions and prices. Some
of them are works of art. Some
very sentimental and some very,
very funny.
Some of them are sure to ex
press just the idea you would
want to convey to him or to her
by post. You know you can con
vey ideas by post card that would
be difficult to express by word of
mouth. Stick your stamps on
our post cards.
Yours truly,
Mt. Vernon Drug
Money on Hand
Wo have a good sup
ply of cheap money on
hand at this time and
can close loans very
promptly, either on
farm or city property.
If in need of cash,
come to see or write
us at once.
Southern Loan &
Investment Co.
One Model F Five
Passenger Ihiick. In
a first-class condition
and fully equipped
with Remy magneto,
top, windshield, etc.
See at once
W. F. McAllister,
Uvalda, Ga.
Refraction ist
Corrrectly Ground and
Fitted to the Eyes. Consultation
Free. 109 Whitaker Street
* ' Copyrights Ac.
Anrnn« sanding . skalrb and d. scrlptton may
milrklr uncartniti our opinion fre. whether an
in.notion i. prnb.l.lT < "nimuolc.
lion. strictly confidential. HANOBOOK on Patent.
•ont fr.-c oldest ><nn rj for securing patenta.
I*.(not, taken through Munn ft Co. rscalt.
•prriat no fire, wl’hnut charge. In the
Scientific American.
A hand.nmely llln.tratad weekly. I-argeat clr
Filiation of anr arlentltlo Journal. Term., W a
roar : O ur montba. »L Bold by all newadealers.
MUNN i Co 361Broad»ay. tygyy YQflf
Branch Olßce. (Os, K Washington. U. C-
I - ~1 > 11H »U>l VllMtlltll
CAPITAL. $15,00040
J I SURPLUS, $15400.00
1— J H McArthor . President
A,ex McArthur, Viw-Preddent j
fj! Resolve! Collections
* ~ Made Speedily |
I A NEST EQQ atFavorab|e
. . ■ ■ Rates
Induces Other Eggs Every Accom- ;
to the Nest modation
The First Dollar With Safe j
I Deposited to Your Bank Methods
Account Extended 8 to
We Pay 4 and 5 per Cent, on Time Deposits.
Plenty of Money to Lend
On Improved Farms at Six per Cent. Interest —Any Amount ! :
From S3OO Up. Re-payment Allowed Any Time. Prompt ; •
Service and Courteous Treatment.
I The Best Drugs §
And everything curried 0
in a modern Drug Store
Carried by Us. |
The public is cordially 0
I Invited to make our 0
place headquarters ®
when the best {$
is wanted (2
Sumerford Drug Co. ||
Prescription Druggists $
Ailey, Georgia p
Petition For Divorce.
Montgomery Superior Court.
Annie Lancaster vs Jim Lan
Georgia—Montgomery County.
To Jim Lancaster. Greeting:
You are hereby notified that I
I have filed my petition for divorce
against you and that the same is
made returnable to the May Term
1912, of the Superior Court ot
Montgomery county Georgia.
(Take due liotic hereof and govern
yourself accordingly.
Annie Lancaster.
We have iust added to our line
of staple and fancy groceries,
one of the most complete line of j
dry goods in this section, and in
vite a call from the buying pub- i
lie. Soperton Grocery Co.
Notice to Debtors and Creditors.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Notice is hereby giveu to all
creditors of the estate of H. T.
Stuckey, late of said county, de
i ceased, to render in account of
their demands to the undersigned
within the time prescribed by law
properly made out; and all per
sons mdebted to said deceased are
hereby required to make immedi
ate payment to the undersigned.
This the 6th day of Feb., 1912.
Minnie L. Morrison,
The Soperton Grocery Co. will
take a delight in waiting on you.
Their line of groceries and dry
good is complete, and once a cus
! tomer you will stick to them- for
j bargains. Crosby Williams, Mgr.