The Montgomery monitor. (Mt. Vernon, Montgomery County, Ga.) 1886-current, February 29, 1912, Image 4

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Okra, Berries and Tomatoes
Yield Large Profit On
Small Investment.
The Selma, Ala., correspondent
of the Montgomery Advertiser,
Montgomery, Ala., writes that
paper as follows, in part:
“Thecanning industry is grow
ing in magnitude more and more
with the passing of each year in
central Alabama. The present
magnitude of the business is
known to but few, even in this
section of the state, but each
year the wholesale dealers of this
city ship hundreds of cases of
canned goods that have been put
up by the farmers of this section.
“The phenomenal success
which the small plants have met
with in past years causes other
farmers to investigate and more
and more of the rural population
is engaging in this business on a
small plan every year. It is also
causing more and more of diver
sified farming among the rural
citizens and as the output of
these small canneries are always
in demand the diversified crops
are proving profitable to those
who are growing and canning
“One farmer living some miles
west of Selma plants a number
of acres of land in okra each
year. Some years he grows two
crops. On his place he has es
tablished a small cannery and
the crop of these acres of land is
put up in pint cans and through
the dealers of Selma are shipped
in every direction from here.
Okra is an easy vegetable to grow
and with but small expense and
trouble this farmer each year
makes a paying crop.
“At another small country
place near Selma a progressive
farmer has been making money
by canning the wild blackberries
and dewberries which grow in
profusion in this section. In the
spring the negro farm hands pick
these berries in great 'quantities
and peddle them for 5 cents a
quart. This farmer buys them
by wholesale at even a smaller
rate. He cans them and they
ure shipped to all sections thru
dealers here and afford a dainty
dish for tables in other sections
at all times of the year.
“Tomatoesas well as other veg
etables are being canned each
year in great quantities by the
farmers of this section of the
state. The trouble attending the
operation of such a plant is
small. The profits derived more
than treble the profits from any
of the other crops grown by the
owner of these canneries. They
are what are termed ‘short grow
ing’ crops. They grow and ma
ture quickly and then the land
can be devoted to some other
Reduce the Cost of Living.
They have in Germany an idea
for reducing the cost of living.
It is called the Raiffeisen system.
In effect it has united the peanut
farmers of Germany into co-oper
ative agricultural banks, which
in 1909 did the immense business
of more than 1,600 million dol
lars, as reported by the interna
tional institute of agriculture at
The Raiffeisen system unites
the farmers of any locality in a
co-operative hanking association)
which lends money to members
and others. The Sehulze-De
litsche system is a proprietary
variation of this plan worked
with share capital. Under the
older Landsehnft system farmers
unite their land and other assets
to co-operative credit and borrow
outside capital in large sums in
stead of borrowing individually;
in small sums.
The advantage of all these sys
tems is that the oroader based
credit of many men associated
enjoys a lower interest i-ate than
any one borrower could alone se
cure. The Lindschaften are 140
years old, though they reached
imposing magti aide only within
the last half century. New York ■
World. 1
Heavy Demand for Them,
and Great Opportunity
for Stock Raisers.
Washington, D. C., February
16. “The South offers over
$100,000,000 yearly to livestock
raisers who will locate in that
section and supply the demand
for meats. The South consumes
more meat per capita than any
other section of the country.
Fifty Southern cities are offering
over $22,000,000 yearly to dairy
men who will supply their de
; mand for dairy products.”
These startling statements are
made in an unusually attractive
booklet devoted to stock raising
in the Southeast which has just
been issued by the Southern rail
way system for distribution
among stockmen and farmers of
the West and Northwest in an
effort to induce them to move in
i to this region and take up the
raising of cattle, horses, mules,
sheep and hogs, thereby enrich
ing themselves and keeping them
selves in touch with the South
the vast sums now being paid
other sections for meat and dairy
products. Attention is also giv
en to the great opportunities for
profit in raising poultry.
So important to the interests
of the people of the South does
i the Southern railway feel the
live live stock and dairy indus
try, that in addition to advertis
ing to the outside world the
great field open for profitable de
velopment in this direction, it is
now operating a “Dairy Instruc
tion Car.” over its line in the
states served by it for the pur
pose of giving all possible infor
mation to the people at home
about raising live stock and the
production of milk, cream and
The booklet is filled with splen
did illustrations of stock, forage
crops, ideal dairies and pasture
lands, and live reading matter
telling of the exceptional advan
tages awaiting the practical
dairyman and stockman in the
Southeast. The wide circulation
which this handsome booklet will
be given should prove an effect
ive boost for the South.
Needs Local Regulation.
Did or did not Congressman
Hardwick slip a little in his doc
trine of state rights when he ad
vocated the other day the pass
ing of a federal law regulating
weights and measures? It is I
true that Mr. Hardwick said his
proposition was to apply only to
interstate commerce, but would
that solve the problem of weights
and measures as Mr. Hardwick’s
constituents would like to have
them solved? The Tenth district
housewife does not buy her but
ter and flour and lard in another
state, nor would the Tenth dis
trict farmer who ships his cotton
to Savannah come under the pro
tection of the Interstate Com
merce Commission. The people
who suffer most from short
weights and short measures are
the retail purchasers, who are
forced by circumstances to buy
in small quantities. And regu
lation of such weights and meas
ures is a matter for states and
communities. A general govern
ment law on the subject would
scarcely touch the consumer at )
all. Savannah News.
Sued lVmiuts, etc.
For sale. Genuine North Caro
lina Seed Peanuts. Cow Peas, i
Soy Beans. Chufas. etc. Write \
for price list. | ]
Hickory Seed Co.,
Hickory. N. C. i
Salesman Wanted.
One reliable salesman to sell
Carrara House, Barn and Bridge *
Paints, 25 years the standard of i
quality. Salary or commission. »
The Carrara Paint Co.,
I Cleveland, Ohio. '
A List of Those &
■- - Primary Election
To the Voters of Montgomery County:
I hereby announce myself a candidate lor
the office of .Sheriff of said county, subject to
the coming primary. I have had an ambition
td fill this office since reaching manhood, and
if elected I will respect the office and protect
the oilmens and tbeir property with this office,
impartially. Faithfully yours,
.1. A. DUNN.
To the Voting,Citizens of Montgomery Co.:
With a record for service and fair dealing
while serving as Sheriff of our county, X most
earnestly ask yonr support in my candidacy
for re-election to this office in tho coming
election. It has been rny efforts to serve the
people faithfully, and is my desire to continue
in the service of my fellow citizens. With as
surances of appreciation of the favors alrr ady
bestowed upon me, and asking yonr kind in
dulgence, X am Yours truly,
Jam eh Hester.
To the citizens of Montgomery county: I
offer for election to the office oi Sheriff of
Montgomery county, and respectfully ask the
support of niv friends ami fellow citizens. In
asking for office at your hands for the first
time, I guarantee to faithfully discharge all
its duties, and expect only to do in y duty as a
sworn officer. I ask your support in the corn
ing primary election, and hope to he favored
with ttie office. I claim some experience in
the work pertaining to the office and feel fully
competent to take up Ute work if elected.
For Sheriff.
Wishing to again serve the people of Mont
gomery county in tho capacity of Sheriff, I
hereby announce myself a candidate for the ,
office, subject to the rules of the comity pri
mary. My record as former shorift is before
you ami I respectfully ask the office again at
your hands, again assuring you that if lam
favored with the office I will discharge its
duties to the best of my ability, knowing its
varied responsibilities.
Yours respectfully,
For Sheriff:
To the Voters of Montgomery County:
Yielding to the urgent solicitation of my j
many friends front every section of the cotin. )
ty, and coupled will. the laudable desito to I
serve my fellow countrymen in the capacity of)
Sheriff, I hereby announce my candidacy for
said office, in the ensuing primary. I beg to
thank in advance all who may see lit to lend
nae their support. Sincerely,
C. T. Braddy.
Hoperton, Jan Ist, 1912.
For Sheriff:
7*o tho Citizen Voters of Montgomery Co.:
ImpregHed with a lau»lal>le desire to Hervo
the people of Montgomery county as sheriff.
I hereby make public my candidacy for said
office, subject to whatever action is determined
by the rules of the f emneratic primary. I '
earnestly ami most respectfully ask the cor
dial support of the voters of my county, and
il elected to this office, my only promise is to
discharge the duties devolving upon me to
the best ot my ability, without favor to any
mail. Most respect hilly,
I)an A. Morrison.
For Sheriff:
To the Voters of Montgomery county:
I respectfully solicit vou'r support in Die
coming primary for Bhoriff.
Yours truly,
J. A. Coubsly.
For County Treasurer.
I hereby announce as a candidate to succeed
myself as Treasurer of Mot tgomery county,
subject to the primary election. Thanking
my fellow citizens for past support, and solic
iting a continuance, I ant
Yours truly,
For County Treasurer.
I off.r my services to the voters of Mont
gomery county in the capacity of County
Treasurer. Years of clerieal training render
me quite competent to discharge tho duties
of the office, ami tny work as a county official
in former years warrants mo in saying that I .
have a right to claim the support of my fellow
citizens I respectfully ask for election at |
your hands to tho office of Treasurer, and I
guarantee to discharge faithfully all its duties
if favored with the office.
Yours respectfully,
For County Treasurer:
To the Voters of Montgomery County:
I hereby announce myself a candidase for
the office of County Treasurer, subject to the j
Democratic primary. 1 would appreciate tlm ;
cordial support of my friends and fellow citi- j
sen*. Yours truly,
For Treasurer.
I take this method of announcing to my
| friends and nil citizens of Montgomery county (
tnat l am a candidate for the office of Treat
j urer of this county. Having served my fellow
j citizens in this capacity before, I respectfully ;
refer to m> past tuoord as a comity officer, 1
and earnestly ssk your support in the coining i
primary. <J. A. POLE.
For County Treasurer:
To the Voters of Montgomery county;
After giving the matter careful consideration
I have decided to enter the rate for treasurer ;
in the Demtvratie primary, and take this
method of announcing my candidacy. I be
lieve I ar fully competent" to administer the j
affairs of to. office in a satisfactory manner,
ami if elected trill devote tny best efforts to j
that end I have never before asked a politi- i
cal favor at the hands of mv friends, and any :
support that you may rentier me ttt tin ap- !
preaching election will be greatly appreciated. !
A. 1). HIOKRS.
For Ordinary.
My candidacy for re-election to the office t f
Ordinary is hereby placed before the people ,
of my native county. Assuring the public of
my appreciation of past favors, ami further *
pledging mv efforts toward the servioe and I
welfare of the people, I am ■ t
Anns McAktmlk. j
To the People of Montgomery Comity:
1 am now serving the county as Tax Col
i lector, being my first and only term. The
, work before me is receiving tny most earnest
endeavors. For the favor accorded me, lam
very grateful, and assure the voters of the
county of tny continued efforts to serve them
in a faithful and acceptable manner. I feel
that my labors will warrant me in asking re
! election to this important office. Y'our favor
j will be greatly appreciated. My name and
candidacy is before you, subject to such rules
j and requirements as may be provided by tho
Democratic committee of the county.
Very respectfully,
b. f. war. Lock.
Fur Tax Collector:
I am now a candidate for tho office of Tax
Collector of Montgomery comity, simply be
| cause I need what the office pays. Thanking
everybody for their help in the past and so
liciting the support of all at the coming pri
mary, if one be held, and pledging myself, if
elected, to give the office and tho people my
■ best services, I beg to remain
Yours for truth and right,
D. M. Currie.
For Tax Collector:
I take this method of informing the citizens
of ,1/oittgoniery county that [ am offering for
the office *>f Tax Collector of Montgomery
county, aubiect to primary mien. AHHuriiij;
, all my frieudß ami all infceivHtcd citizens that
it is my honest intention to faiilifuiiv perform
the tlnn’eß of the office if favored with it, and
soliciting yonr votes in tho coming primary,
I am Yours respectfully,
Andrew J Grimes.
For Tax Collector:
I respectfully announce to the citizens of
Montgomery county that I am a candidate for
, the office of Tax Collector of Montgomery
j county, and ask your support in the approach
ing primary election. I understand fully the
requirements or the office, and if elected, I
guarantee a satisfactory execution of the work
involved. I thank in advance the numerous
friends who lmyc tendered, their support and
urged my candidacy. Respectfully,
G. V. Mason.
Fur County Treasurer:
I respectfully offer my services to the citi
zens of Montgomery county as Treasurer of
the county. Knowing that I rail fill tho office
i acceptably, and to the entire saturation of the
j most exacting tax payer, I ask the office at
| our hands. Will appreciate highly all assist-
I ance rendered by roy friends and fellow citi
zeuß in an honest effort to secure the place.
Yours respectfully,
J. D. Browning.
For Clerk Superior Court.
Having faithfully served Montgomery coun
ty as Cletk of the .Superior Court for one term
I shall ask again for the office. In the coming
county primary I ask for re-nomination at the
hands ot the voters of the county, and
promise continued faithfulness in tho tlis
| charge of the duties of the office*. I appre
; date highly your favors in the past, and feel
I entitled to another term- Hoping to have the
j vote of mv former supporters and other friends
with whom l have oeett pleasantly associated
while serving in the office, I remain
M. L.O’Brien.
For Tax Receiver:
To the Voters of Montgomery County:
I beg to announce myself a candidate for re
election to the office of Tax Receiver of Mont
gomery county. I thank the people for past
favors and earnestly ask your support in my
candidacy fora second term, subject to the
county primary.
John G. Morris.
For Tax Receiver:
I ant in the race for the office of Tax Receiv
er of Montgomery county, and sincerely ask
the support of tho voters. Vtty favors shown
me will l.e highly appreciated ami if elected I
will execute the duties of the office as the law
requires. Respectfully,
For County Commissioner:
I beg to announce mv candidacy for a place
on the Board of Commissioners of Roads and
Revenues of Montgomery County, subject to
j such requirements as may be i rescribed l.y
I the county executive committee. If honored
I with the place, it will be my pleasure to serve
the betler interests of the county ami people.
Asking the kind considerati .it of tho voters,
1 am Very truly,
.So per ton. _ W. P. Stephens.
For County Commissioner:
| 7b the Voters of Montgomery county:
I hereby become a candidate for Commis
sioner cl Roads and Revettes of Montgomery
| county, and ask tlu* support of the people in
the primary election, A'otwithstanding a high
tax rate, our county is in debt. To legiti
mately diabui sc thirty tli* inland dollars of the
| people’s mo tu.V demands foresight and l.usi
j ness ability. We need a BUSINESS adminis
tration of count.' nutters. If I can measure
j up to the demands of the people, give me your
) support. II you believe I cannot, support
some other man. Yours truly
W. M. Lewis.
For County Treasurer:
1 To the Voters of Montgomery County:
At the solicitation of many friends, I have
I decided to announce for Treasurer of Mont
; goutory county, subject to the Democratic
| primary. Have never before offered f**r office
; and would not do so now, but being afflicted,
I it it impossible for me to follow mv vocation
I (farming). I promise, if elected, a just and !
hottest administration of the affairs connected i
with theoffiee, and will do all in my power to
serve the public satisfactorily.
Fur County Surveyor:
I beg to announce to the voters of Montgom
ery county that my candidacy for the office of
County Surveyor is placed before them, ask
iug a return to the office which has had my
host and most impartial efforts in the past, j
and sot which lam vt ry grateful. If this of
fice is again awarded me, it shall not suffer j ‘
through a lack of attention, and everv call
tor a competent and painstaking surveyor will t
continue to have my ready response. •
Very truly, J
a. B. Morris.
SchedulelEffective Oct. 22, 1911.
18 No. 20 STATIONS No, 19 No. 17
A. M. P M. blAllUAb A M p M
700 400 Leave Macon Arrive 11 25 428
714 414 Swift Creek 11 12 827
723 423 Dry Branch 11 03 404
727 427 Atlantic 10 59 400
731 431 Pike’s Peak 10 55 356
739 439 Fitzpatrick 10 48 349
744 444 Ripley 10 43 344
756 456 Jeffersonville 10 31 332
8 5 06 Gallemore 10 19 3 21
816 516 Danville 10 09 311
; 8 5 21 Allentown 10 04 306
i 831 531 Montrose 954 256
: 842 542 Dudley 943 245
i 843 548 Shew make 937 239
; 854 554 Moore 930 282
910 610 Ar. Lv. 915 217
915 615 Lv. Ar. 910 212
917 617 SMD &S J 908 210
921 621 NMD &S J 904 206
931 631 Catlin 854 156
941 641 Minter 843 145
951 651 Rockledge 831 133
9 56 6 56 Or)and 8 25 1 27
10 11 711 Soperton 810 112
10 22 7 22 Tarrvtown 7 58 1 00
10 30 7 30 Kibbee 7 50 12 52
10 45 7 45 Vidalia 7 35 12 37
At Dublin with the Wrightsville &Tennille and the Dublin & South
western for Eastman and Tennille and intermediate points.
At Macon with Southern Railway from and to Cinciunatti, Chattanooga,
Rome Birmingham, Atlanta and intermediate points. Also the Central of
tieorgia Railway, Q. ri. & F. Railway, Macon and Birmingham Railway
and Georgia Railroad.
At Rockledge with the Milieu and Southwestern for Wadley and in
termediate points.
At Vidalia with the Seaboard Air Line for Savannah and intermediate
points, and with rlie Millen and Southwestern for Milieu, Stillmore and in
termediate points.
J. A. STREYER, G. P. A., Macon, Ga.
]! R. P.'CAJtON W. G. BARNWELL ] |
I I Cotton Factors and jj
Merchants jj
1220 Bay E SAVANNAH, QA. j|
(Members Savannah Cotton Exchange) 1[
Handlers of Upland, Se-
Island Florodora Cotton I;
Speelal Attention Given to 1 <
F. 0. B. Cotton < |
Handlers of Upland and Sea- l|
Island Bagging, Ties
and Twine
Money to Loan.
I represent some of t he best loan
companies doing business m
Montgomery county, and can se
cure loans for a term of five years
at a very small rate of interest.
Commissions charged are small,
and parties desiring to negotiate
loans in Montgomery or Toombs
counties will save money by seeing j
me before making application
elsewhere. M. B. Calhoun,
Mt. Vernon, Ga.
Notice is hereby given to the
public not to trade for nor buy
ne certain promissory note for
forty-five dollars ($45.00) given
to 0. W. Bowden and signed by
Mrs. B P. Massey, principal, and
B. J. Guest, security, and dated
[Jan. 17th, 1012, and made paya-
I ble Oct. Ist, 1912. The above de
scribed note being fraudulently
obtained by selling the under
signed a wind-broken mare
and claiming said mare to be
sound, and afterwards fiuding her
to be wind-broken and worthless.
This Jan. 24th, 1912.
Mas B. P. Massey, Principal.
B. J. Guest, Security.
I Georgia, Montgomery county.
To all whom it may concern:
Notice is hereby given that 1 have
i withdrawn fr<_m the firm of Mix
lon & Davis, doing a general mer
jeantile business at Tarrytown,
j Ga., and have on the 20th dav of
; December 1911, sold my entire in
terest, including stock of mer
chandise, notes and accounts and
all choses inaction in said co
partnership husiuess to L. A. Ar
lington, he assuming all liabili
ties of the firm of Mixon <k Davis,
mso far as they bind ine. Tne
! firm hereafter will be conducted
juuderthe style of Davis & Ar
rington. My liability ceases
I from said 20th dav of December,
11911. JOHN P. MIXON.
Eggs for Sale.
Thorough Bred Single Comb |
White Leghorns. Single Comb i
Rhode Island Reds. SI.OO per
setting of 15. Also a few W hite
Leghorn Cocks at SI.OO each.
For sale by Dr. J. R. Watson,
Soperton, Ga.
Money! Money!
We lend money cheaper on farm
lands than any person making
loans in Montgomery County. All
we ask is to get our rate before
making application to some one
else for we can save you 1 to 2
per cent, interest. Loans closed
without delay. Write us and we
will come to see you.
The Lyons Loan find
Abstract Company
Money To Loan.
I am in position now to secure
loans on farm lands and town
property in Montgomery County.
The lender that will handle my
business is especially desireable
for parties that want big loans
on farm lands, and for those who
want to build homes in towns.
Their interest is 6 per cent.
Terms five years, the borrow pay
ing 1-10 each year thereby re
ducing the interest, and princi
pal so the final settlement will be
I easy. The money for building
|or improving homes in towns is
also 6 per cent, money, and the
loans are arranged so the bor
rower repays monthly for 60
months. You only have to add
a little to the amount you are
paying as rent to own you a
home in a short time. I think
this a good way for a person to
get a home.
L. C. Underwood,
Mt. Vernon, Ga.
For Long Term Farm
I am negotiating some very
attractive Long Term Farm Loans
for the best companies doing bus
iness in Georgia, with lowest rates
of interest and the most liberal
terms of payments
I have several years experience
in the loan business, am located
at the comity site and believe that
I am in position to give you the
best terms and as prompt services
as anv one.
If vou need a loan see me before
A. B. Hutcheson,
Mt. Vernon, Ga.
llamp Burch
Attorney at Law
Practices in all the Courts.
Ally at Law,
Mt Vernon, Georgia.
Soperton, Georgia