The Montgomery monitor. (Mt. Vernon, Montgomery County, Ga.) 1886-current, March 14, 1912, Image 3
ABOUT GREEN MANURING Value of Raw Manures Com pared with Stable Manure. Some farmers have asked us whether rape is a good green manuring crop. The seed of this crop are not raised on the farm in this country and are so expen sive that we have not advised the use of this plant as a green manure. We usually think of rape as a pig, lamb, or chicken feed for the fall, winter and spring and hardly think it a wise practice to plow so good and so : expensive a crop into the ground for manurial purposes. Howev er, for the information of those farmers who desire to know its value we append the following table, which shows rape to rank high as a green manuring crop. It is about as rich in fertilizer el ements as rye and in view of the fact, that a great deal heavier tonnage can be grown to the acre its importance as a green manure stands out very prominently. It is very likely that many farmers who read these articles have hauled oak leaves and pine straw into the barn lot during the late fall and winter to be used as bedding for the cattle. Did you ever question the value of this apparently worthless ma terial? I have hauled so much of it myself and was so astonish ed when I came to know its real value that I decided to include the analysis of these materials in the following table: POUNDS PEK TON Nitrogen Phosphate Potash Rape (Green) 9 3 7.2 Oak Leaves 20 4 7 Pine Needles 18 4 2.6 Cow M (Fresh) 7.6 1.6 7.3 H. M. (Fresh) 8.7 1.9 7.3 Com Fer 8-2-2. 40 160 40 Aren’t you surprised to find common oak leaves carrying as much nitrogen as half a ton of 8-2-2 commercial fertilizer? And to find more than twice as much phosphoric acid and almost as much potash in a ton of fresh horse or cow manure? We now see that we were adding manure to manure when we used this material as bedding. Os course we all know that the plant food elements of all those green raw manuring crops are not available to the crop till they have undergone decay in the soil but this process generally goes on rapidly enough during the spring and summer months and we do not have to wait long for returns. Next we expect to discuss the handling of green manures in the production of the different farm crops. J. L. Burgess, N. C. Department of Agriculture. Penurious Policies. Commissioner Edwards of New York, discussing the penurious policy of a western city, said to a reporter: “It reminds me of Grimes. Gfimes, you know, was a rich Pike county farmer. One dread ful winter day he was discovered on a lonely mountain path dig ging away like mad in the frozen showdrifts. Though it was zero weather, Grimes was stripped to his undershirt, and amid the white snow clouds flying from his shovel he could be seen all red with effort and dripping with perspiration. “What in the world is he do ing?” a traveler asked, as he: looked with awe at the great holes and tunnels cut by Grimes in the snow. ‘H-sh,’ said a bystander, ‘he’s lost a nickel.’ ’’—Washing ton Star. Daughter Hadn’t Noticed. Daughter was on the carpet for a lecture. “I saw you kissing that young I man last night*” declared mother. “He caught me under the mistletoe, ma.” “He did, eh? If you ever did any housework you would know that that mistletoe has been in the ash barrel for a week.” Fine, extra value cabbage plants, for sale at Peterson’s store, Ailey, Ga. j; Pythian Notes. Intended for last week. The Pythian Literary Society met in the Freshman room Sat urday, March 3, 1912, and was called to order by the President. Roll was called by the Secretary. Officers were elected for the next month. The following programme was rendered: Reading—John Emmitte. Jokes and Wants —Emma Ed wards. Conversation —Homer Newton, | Edward Coleman and Lake Peddy. Prophecy—Rita Mae Outler. Reading—Jurelle Calhoun. Debate: —Resolved, that wo man should practice law. Affirm ative, Rita Mae Outler and Bes sie Higgs; negative, Blance Brad ley and Dorcas Mcßae. After the rendering of the pro gramme, business was attended to and songs and yells were practiced. The decision of the judges was rendered in favor of the affirma tive. Society was adjourned to meet again next Saturday. The society is progressing nicely. There is a fine co-oper ative spirit. The same air of friendly rivalry is still manifest between the Damons and the Pythians. Walter Lee, Pres. Emma Edwards, Sec. Martha Pool, Cor. Sec. Out Os The Ginger Jar. Where did the house fly? We want our eggs fresh, but not the cook. Light housekeeping is apt to make heavy bread. The history of the average man is largely foot notes. It is much easier to write a note than it is to sing one. The rent in the clothes will not pay the rent of the house. A poli ical rooster is of little account in the poultry business. Whether a miss is as good as a mile depends upon the miss. There is a big difference be tween a butterfly and a fly in the butter. Some folks forge ahead and some forge themselves into the penitentiary. A farmer does not need a med ical diploma in order to be able to cure pork. When the wolf is at the door we are not likely to have any other callers. Deafness can seldom be cured, yet many a man is given his hear ing in the police court. After all, the crank keeps things moving, whether in the machine shop or in society. It is a good thing that a man can change his mind without be ing obliged to change his clothes. All careful poultrymen stamp their eggs, but that does not en title them to the privileges of the mails. Some folks spend so much time j trying to preserve their dignity ; that they have little leisure for ■ anything else. Hens are great thieves, they are constantly stealing their ! nests; but then the houtewife I steals their eggs and thereby sets a bad example. J. P. Morgan can raise ten ! million dollars on his check any I minute; but the man who is rais ing a large family on $9 a week Sis a greater financier than Mor-1 gan. —From Mar. Farm Journal. Money to Loan. I represent some of the Lest loan companies doing business in Montgomery county, and can se cure loans for a term of five years at a very small rate of interest. .Commissions charged are small, laud parties desiring to negotiate j loans in Montgomery or Toombs j counties will save money by seeing , jme before making application , I elsewhere, M. B. Calhoun, Mt. Vernon, Ga. 1 i sor 6 doses “Gfi6” will cure i any case of Chills and Fever. ' Price, 25c. i' THE MONTGOMERY MONITOR—THURSDAY, MARCH 14, 1912. ————————a. List of Those :| CANDIDATES ZZ'V’Z 1 ; v*' ___________________________ Primary Election 00 FOR SHERIFF. 1 To tho Voters of Montgomery Comity: I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of .Sheriff of said county, subject to the coming primary. 1 have had an ambition to fill this office since leaching manhood, ami ' if elected I will respect the office and protoct the citizens and their property with this office, impartially. Faithfully yours, J. A. DUNN. FOR SHERIFF. To tho Voting. Citizens of Montgomery Co,: With a record for service and lair dealing while serving as Sheriff of our county, I most earnestly ask your support in my candidacy for re-election to this office in the coming election. Il has been my efforts to serve the people faithfully, and is my desire to continue in Inc service of my fellow citizens With as surances of appreciation of the favors already bestowed upon mo, and asking your kind in dulgence, I am Yours truly, James Hester. FOR SHERIFF. To the citizens of Montgomery county: I offer for election to the office ol Sheriff of Montgomery county, asul respectfully ask tho support of my friends ami fellow citizens. In asking for office at your hands f. rthe lirst time, 1 guarantee to faithfully dis ! .true all its duties, and expect only to do in/ duty as a sworn officer. I ask your stipn 'i tin the c til ing primary election, and hope to be lavored with the office. I claim some experience in the wotk pertaining to the office ami tool toll'’ competent to take up the work if elected. E. 0. THOMAS. For Sheriff. Wishing to again serve the people of Mont gomery county in the capacity of Sheriff', 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for the office, subject to the rules of Ihn county pri mary. My record as former sheriff is before you and 1 respectfully ask the office again at your hands, again assuring yon that if 1 am favored with tlie office I will discharge its duties to tile best of my ability, knowing itH varied responsibilities. Yours respectfully, A. J. BURCH. For Sheriff: To tho Voters of Montgomery County: Yielding to the urgent solicitation of my many friends from every section of the conn, ty, and coupled with the laudable desiie to serve my fellow countrymen in the capacity of Sheriff', I hereby announce my candidacy for i said office, in tlie ensuing primary. I beg to thank in advance all who may see lit to lend me tlieir support. Sincerely, C- T. lIIIAPDY. Soperton, Jan. Ist, 11)12. For Sheriff: To tho Citizen Voters of Montgomery Co.: Impressed with a laudable desire to servo the people of Montgomery county as sheriff, I hereby make public my candidacy for said office, subject to whatever action is determined by the rules of the r emociatic primary. I earnestly and most respectfully ask the cor dial support of the voters of my county, and it elected to this office, my only promise is to discharge tho duties devolving upon mo to the best of my ability, without favor to any man. Most respectfully, Dan A. Morrison. For Sheriff: To the Voters of Montgomery county: I respectfully solicit vour support in tho coming primary for Sheriff. Yours truly, J. A. Connst'.Y. For Sherifl': I beg to announce to my friends and follow citizens that I am a candidate for the Sheriff’s office of Montgomery county. I trust that I may be found worthy of the esteem and confi dence of the voters, and that my name may he found on many ballots on election dav. Ask ing tho support ol all and thanking those who may tavor me me, 1 am Yours very truly, J I. Paiueu. For Sheriff: I desire to serve the county of Montgomery in the capacity of Sheriff. It is my purpose tn execute the affairs or this important office without fear, favor or affection, if ■honored with the place by my fellow citizens. I re spectfully ask your support in the coming primary election. Yours to please, L. W. BARWICK For County Treasurer. I hereby announce as a candidate to succeed myself as Treasurer of Mot tgomery county, subject to the primary election. Thanking my follow citizens for past support, and solic iting a continuance, I am Yours truly, J. W. MORRISON. For County Treasurer. I my Bt*r vices to the of Mont gomery county in the capacity of County Treasurer. Years of clerical training render me quite competent to discharge the duties of the office, and my work as a county official in former years warrants mo in saying that I have a right to claim the support of my fellow ! citizens I respectfully ask for election at j your hands to the office of Treasurer, and guarantee to discharge faithfully all its duties if favored with the office. Yours respectfully, hi. i>f. KACKLEY. Fur County Treasurer: To tho Voters of Montgomery County: I hereby announce myself a catnlidase for the office of County Treasurer, subject to the Democratic primary. I would appreciate the cordial support of my friends and fellow citi | zons. Yours truly, AHOHfcY G 11.1.15. I For Treasurer. I take this method of announcing to my j friends and oil citizens of Montgomery county i that I am a candidate for the office of Tre&rt- ( nrer of this county, Having served my fellow citizens in this capacity before, I respectfully refer to my past record as a county officer, ! and earnestly ask your support in the corning primary. * C. A. TOTE. For County Treasurer: To the Voters of Montgomery County: At the solicitation of many friends, I have I decided to announce for Treasurer of .Mont gomery county 4 subject to the Democratic I primary. Have never before offered for office j and would not do so now, but being afflicted, ' it ii impossible for me to follow my vocation 1 (farming). I promise, if elected, a just and honest administration of the affairs connected * with the office, and will do all in ray power to ; serve the public satisfactorily. A. D. Costa way. | For County Treasurer: To tho Voter* of Montgomery county: Alter giving tho matter careful consideration I have decided to enter the race for treasurer ’ in the Democratic primary, and take this 1 method of announcing mv "candidacy. I be : lieve I am fully competent to administer the affairs of the office in a sati ft factory manner, 1 and if elected will devote my best efforts to that end I have never before askod a politi cal favor at the hands of mv friends, and any support that you may render me in the ap proaching election will bo greatly appreciated. Respectfully, A. D. Hughes. FOR TAX COLLECTOR. : To the People of Montgomery County: I am now serving the county uh Tax Col -1 lector, being my first and only torm. Tho • work before me is receiving my most earnest endeavors. For the favor accorded me, lam very grateful, and assure tho voters of the comity of my continued efforts to serve them jin a faithful and acceptable manner. I feel i that mv labors will warrant me in asking re election t.> Ibis important office. Your favor t will be greatly appreciated. .My name and candidacy is before you, subject to such rules ■ and rcqiiirenionts as may be provided by tho Democratic committee or the county. Very respectfully, D. F. W A KNOCK For Tax Collector: I am now a candidate for tho office of Tax Collector of Montgomery comity, simply be cause I need what the office pays. Thanking everybody for their help in the past and so liciting the support of ail at the coming pri mary, if one be held, and pledging myself, if elected, to give tho office and the people my best services, I beg to remain Yours for truth and right, D. M. Currie. For Tax Collector: I take this method of informing the citizens of J/ontgomery county that I am offering for the office of Tax Collector of Montgomery county, subject to primary rules. Assuring all my friends and all interested citizens that it is my honest intention to faithfully perform the duties of the office if favored with it, and soliciting your votes in tho coming primary, • lam Yours respectfully, , Andrew J, Grimes. i For Tax Collector: I respectfully announce to tho citizens of Montgomery county that I am a candidate for the oflice of Tax Collector of Montgomery county, and ask your support in the approach ing primary election. I understand fully the requirements or the office, and if elected, I guarantee a satisfactory execution of tho work involved I thank in advance tho numerous friends who liuyo tendered, their support and urged my candidacy. Boapoctfully, G. V. Mason. For County Treasurer: I respectfully offer my services to tho citi zens of Montgomery county as Treasurer of the county. Knowing that I can (ill the office acceptably, and to the entire satisfation of the roost exacting tax payer, I ask the office at • our hands. Will appreciate highly all assist ance rendered by my friends and fellow citi zens in an honest effort to secure the placo. Yours respectfully, J. D. Browning. For Clerk Superior Court. Having faithfully A&rveri Montgomery comi ty an Clerk of the Superior Court for one term 1 shall ask again fm the office. In the corning county primary I ask for re-nomination at the hands ot the voters of tho county, and promise continued faithfulness in the dis charge of the duties of the office, i appre ciate highly your favors in the past, and feci entitled to another term- Hoping to have the vote of mv former supporters and other friends with whom I have neon pleasantly associated while serving in the office, I remain Yours Ueapeotfully, it, L. O’Brien. For Tax Receiver: , To the Voters of Montgomery Comity: I beg to announce myself a candidate for re election to tho office of Tax Receiver of Mont gomery county. I thank the people for paHt favors and earnestly ask your support in my candidacy for a second term, subject to the county primary. Respectfully, John G. Morris. For Tux Receiver: f am in the race for the office of Tax Receiv er of Montgomery county, and sincerely ask the support of the voters. Voy favors shown me will be highly appreciated and if elected I will execute the duties of the office as the law requires. Respectfully, W. T. Hadden. ; For Tax Receiver: I f respectfully ask the support of the citizens ] of Montgomery county for the office of Tax < Keceiver, and pledge myself to faithfully din- ] l charge tho duties of the same if lam favored < I with it by the people. 1 earnestly solicit your ] votes in the c nriing primary for the office. Yours respectfully, J Isaac Ebooks. ( For County Commissioner* I beg to announce mv candidacy for a place i on the Board of Commissioners of Roads and ] Revenues of Montgomery County, subject, to t such requirements as may be prescribed by 1 J the county executive committee. If honored I < with the place, it will he my pleasure to serve ' J I the belter interests of the county and people. < Asking the kind consideration of the voters, J l am Very truly, /Soperton. W. I’. HI options. J For County Commissioner: ! 7b the Voters of Montgomery county: I hereby become a candidate for Commls j sioucr cl I toad a and Reveries of Montgomery ; county, and ask the support of the people in the primary election, Notwithstanding a high , | tax rate, our county is in debt. To legiti- , inately disburse thirty thousand dollars of tho . j people’s money demands foresight and husi- . j ness ability. We need a BUSINESS adniinis- • | (ration of county matters. If I can measure j up to the demands of tho people, give me your I support. It you believe I cannot, support some other man. Yours truly W. M Lewis. _ r < For County Commissioner: • I hereby announce to the public that I ain a * candidate tor a place on Hie Board of Commlz | sionersof Roads and Revenues of Montgomery county. At the solicitation of many friend-. I j J am si eking the place, and respectfully ask the , j support ol tho voters generally. ■ Respectfully, I H. 11. Heath. ' MACON, DUBLIN & SAVANNAH RY. Schedule Effective Oct. 22, 1911. S°‘m° STATIONS No. 19 No. IT A. M. P. M A. M. P. M, 7 00 4 00 Leave M ucoii Arrive 11 25 4 28 714 414 Swift Creek 11 12 827 728 428 Dry Branch 11 03 404 727 427 Atlantic 10 59 400 7 81 4 81 Pike’s Peak 10 55 8 56 789 489 Fitzpatrick 10 48 849 744 444 Ripley 10 43 844 7 56 4 56 Jeffersonville 10 81 3 32 8 06 6 06 Gallemore 10 19 8 21 8 16 5 16 Danville 10 09 8 11 8 21 5 21 Allentown 10 04 3 06 8 81 5 81 Montrose 9 54 2 56 842 542 Dudley 948 245 8 48 5 48 Shew make 9 87 2 89 8 64 5 54 Mooro 9 80 2 82 910 610 Ar. Lv. 915 217 Dublin 9 15 6 15 Lv. Ar. 9 10 2 12 9 17 6 17 S M 1) &S J 9 08 2 10 9 21 6 21 N M 1) & S J 9 04 2 06 9 81 6 81 Oatlin 8 54 1 56 9 41 641 M inter 8 48 1 45 951 651 Rock ledge 881 188 9 56 6 56 Or la nd 8 25 1 27 10 11 711 Soperton 810 112 10 22 7 22 Tarry town 7 58 1 00 10 80 7 80 Kibbee 7 50 12 52 10 45 7 45 Vidalia 7 85 12 37 CONNECTIONS: At Dublin with the Wright,sville <&Tennillc and the Dublin A South western for Kastman and Tenuillc and intermediate points At Macon with Southern Railway from and to Cinoinnatti, Chattanooga, Hume Hinnmgham, Atlanta, and intermediate points. Also the Central of Georgia Railway, O. S. & K. Railway, Macon and Rirmingham Railway and Georgia Railroad. At. Rock led go wit it the Milieu and Southwestern for Wadley and In termediate points. At Vtdalia with the Seaboard Air Dine for Savannah and intermediate points, and with tlio Milieu and Southwestern for Millen, Stillmore and in termediate points. J. A. STREYER, G, P. A., Macon, Ga. For County Commissioner: Having boon a citi/.i n of Montgomery coun ty county for fourteen years, ami desiring to take a pari in iIH uphiii ding, I oil. r my ser vices as comity commissioners, and ask elec tion at tho hands ot my follow citizens. If elected, I pledge myself to serve conscien tiously lie interests of the people, looking to the financial welfare ami prosperity of each section. Yours very trniy, M. H. NEWSOME. For County Commissioner: With a fair kno'vodge of the affairs of Mont gomery county ami Home of its urgent needs, and a desire to serve my fellow citizens, I announce as u candidate for county commis sioner. If called to ser\e my county in this capacity, I shall l< r»k well lo the inl. re sts of the people as a whole, and do my part for the upbuilding of all the county’s interests. I usk your votes in I he coming primary. Yours to serve, .J E. Horne. For County Commissioner: At the solicitation of many of my friends, who think our section of Montgomery county shmilo have representation on the Board of Hoads and Revenues, 1 hereby announce my self a candidate for county commissioner, mu I >- jt ofc to the rules of the county primary. I res pectfully ask your support, an 1 stand ready to do my full share in the upbuilding of the interests of the whole people. Yours respectfully. I'. M Moseley. For County Surveyor: I hog to an nounco lo the voters of Montgom cry county that my candidacy for the office of County Surveyor is placed before them, ask ing a return to the office which has had my best and most impartial efforts in the past, and for which lam very grateful. If this of fice is again awarded me, it shall not suflu*' through a lack of attention, and every tall for a competent and painstaking surveyor will continue to have my ready response. Very truly, 8. 13. d/ouuis. For Ordinary. My candidacy for re-election to the office of Ordinary is hereby placed be fore ihe people of my native county. Assuring the public of ! my appreciation of past favors, and further pledging niv efforts toward the service and welfare of the people, I am Respectfully, Alex McArthur. VVWtVVVV%VW%VVVVW*WV%WfcWVVV% ill. P. CANON W. O. liAKNWELL J\ | I CANON & BARNWELL | Cotton Factors and Commission Merchants j! 220 Hay E SAVANNAH, (JA. j 1 | (Members .Savannah Hol ton Exchange) t ' |! Handlers of Upland, So- j| Inland Florodoru Cotton Special Attention (iiven to I' j I . 0. It. Cotton <; Handlers of Upland and Sea- i; ' Inland Ragging, Ties ; I and Twine ;; Anyone Handing a kkatrh arid d«*«crlntlon may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an Invention Ih probably patentaMo. ( omniur'c*- tlonsstriotj? conttriofttuil. HANDBOOK on Patent* »«nt free. OM«M Huoncy for swearing patentb. Patent* taken through Murui A Co. recelff »ptrUil notice, without charge. In the Scientific American. A hendiomely Illustrated weekly. Largest cir culatlon of uny srlentlUc Journal. Terms, $3 a year; four months, $L Bold by all newsdealers. MUNN & Co. 36,8 '0«>»«r New Yorir Brtudi Office. ttK V St-Wtibiuutun. U C. Money I Money! Moneyl We lend money cheaper on farm i lands than any person making loans in Montgomery County. All we ask is to get our rate before making application to some on* else for we can save you 1 to 2 per cent, interest. Loans closed without delay. Write us and tr* will ootne to see you. The Lyons Loan and Abstract Company LYONS. GA, Money To Loan. I am in position now to secure loans on farm lands and town property in Montgomery County. The lender that will handle my business is especially desireable for parties that want big loans on farm lands, and for those who want to build homes in towns. Their interest is 6 per cent. Terms five years, the borrow pay ing 1-10 each year thereby re ducing the interest, and princi pal so the final settlement will be easy. The money for building or improving homes in towns is also 6 per cent, money, and the loans are arranged so the bor rower repays monthly for 60 months. You only have to add a little to the amount you are paying as rent to own you a home in a short time. I think this a good way for a person to get a home. L. C. Underwood, Mt. Vernon, G«. For Long Term Farm Loans. I am negotiating some very attractive Long Term Farm Loans for the beat companies doing bus iness m Georgia, with lowest rates of interest and the most liberal terms of payments i have several years experience in the loan business, am located at the comity site and believe that I am in position to give you the best terms and as prompt services | as any one. If vou need a loan see me before application. A. B. Hutcheson, Mt. Veruou, Ga. Damp Burch Attorney at Law MoRAE, GA. Practices in all the Courts. M. B. CALHOUN, Atty at Law, Mt Vernon, Georgia. J. R. WATSON Dentist Soperton, Georgia