The Montgomery monitor. (Mt. Vernon, Montgomery County, Ga.) 1886-current, March 14, 1912, Image 6

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Mr. W. I). Ricks of the Towns
section spent two days over here
last week.
Mr. Everett Mclz-od returned
last week from a several days
stay at Dublin. He reports cot
ton-picking still in progress in
Mr. Luther Outlaw, express
messenger on the S. A. L. Rail
way, was over Sunday with
While trying to arrest a negro
naned.lim Williams at Hazlchurst
Monday morning, Chief of Police
Mobley was shot at several times
in turn firing four times at the
negro who was killed.
Mr. .1. E. Horne went over to!
Baxley Tuesday morning to visit
his sister who has been seriously
Mr. W. M. Harper of the Bax-;
ley section was over Tuesday
prospecting for a farm.
Address Morrow’s Pharmacy,
Pembroke, (la., for all kinds of
Garden and Farm Seed, Cabbage
Plants and Onion Sets.
Mr. Joseph L. Sumner of
Erick spent Sunday in Mt. Ver
non with relatives. His assis
tance in the choir of the Metho
dist church was highly appreci
ated. Mr. Sumner has a mag
nificent bass voice, and his sing
ing was a real treat to all who
attended the services.
Mr. Watson Peacock, son of
Representative Peacock of Vi
dalia was up Sunday to visit
i>r. May of Fitzgerald, former
ly practicing in Uvalda, was a
visitor to Mt. Vernon on Sunday.
Velvet Beans, No. 1 Fla. stock,
$5.00 bu., $1.50 peck. Chufas
same price. Cash with order.
Morrow’s Phy., Pembroke, Ga. i
Rev. (’. M. Ledbetter of the i
Methodist church is assisting in
a revival meeting at Mcßae.
Mrs. Minnie Lott of Cordelei
has been on a visit to her aunt,
Mrs. T. B. Adams, returning
Monday morning.
If you want money quick, writei
Lyons Loan & Abstract Co., Ly
ons, Ga., for they are loaning
money cheap.
Mr. Geo. W. Mclntyre visited
his daughter. Mrs. S. J. Elliott,
on Monday.
Mr. dimmer McCullough, for
long years a highly esteemed cit
izen of this section, and one of
the best known men in this part
of the state, is here again on a
visit, and may remain for some <
| eposits Insured!
I Against Loss
| ©©.©© ill
©© © © No Matter from What Source it May Come ; 1
1 \ jt
I \\ o tire constantly adding new i
j ... :
| accounts, and our business is increasing i
if at a very satisfactory rate. ill
Possibly you also might be glad to
|; join us. ij!
Loans of any amount from #BOO to $50,000 on farms in Mont- !
• gotnery and adjoining counties. No delays for inspection, j
[ Have lands examined by a man living uear you.
I LOANS ON FIVE YEARS TIME, payable iu easy installments to
suit borrower.
Merchants Hank Building Mcßae, Ga. J
Miss Camille Adams is spend
ing two weeks in Macon with
Miss Simpson of War- 1
wick, Ga., a former pupil of the!
U. B. 1., is visiting Prof, and
Mrs. M. A. Gates.
Mrs. B. B. Wood and two
children have been visiting her]
parents, Mr. and Mrs. L). W.
Folsom in Mt. Vernon fora week.
Mr. Wood is a conductor on the
j Central road, and they will reside
I in Augusta, moving from Savan
Mr. Dewitt Calhoun and sister,
Miss Lillie Mae, spent the Sab
bath here with relatives and
f riends.
For good stock Garden and
Farm Seed, Cabbage Plants and
: Onion Sets give us your orders
l for prompt service and sure re
turns from planting. Murrow’s
; Pharmacy, Pembroke, Ga.
Bury Their Mistakes.
The intended victim of a joke
about the failure of prognostica
tions was Prof. Willis L. Moore,
chief of the United States Weath
er Bureau, and the occasion was
a dinner at Washington, says the
Washington correspondence of
the New York World. Over the
cigars and coffee he was made
the subject of many jeers and
gibes about the way the weather
had been failing to measure up to
the Weather Bureau’s specifica
“There’s one thing to be thank
ful for, anyway,” said a young
doctor. “I see that you follows
are willing to admit that you are
"Well, as far as that is con
cerned, responded Moore, “we
have to do that because we have
no alternative. Now, with the
medical profession it is different.
You can bury your mistakes.”
Out For Representative.
The first candidate to announce
for representative is Col. W. B.
Kent, the present incumbent.
His card in this issue sets forth
at cosiderable length his claims
to the office, and it is only nec
essary for us to refer voters to it.
Farm Hands Wanted.
Wanted, one or two good white
men to work on farm. Will pay
good wages. Come to see me at
once. J. A. Clegg,
Scotland, Ga.
Miss Pearl Rhodes Dead.
The man\ friends and relatives
of Miss Pearl Rhodes of the
Scotland section were shocked to
hear of her recent death. Her
last visit home was on February
25th. On Sunday night she at
i tended church at Erick in com
pany with her fiance, Mr. Henry
Kemp, returning Monday to her
j school near Vidalia. She was
; true and faithful to her work,
and would not give up until des
perately ill and a physician was
i J called and succeeded in restoring
■ j her to consciousness for a brief
i time only. Her mother and two
sisters were called by wire but
i found her unconscious, though
! she called her mother’s name
three times. On Wednesday Mr.
Kemp went just in time to see
her before she breathed her last.
She aid not recognize one to
whom she had plighted love’s ten
der vows, but his name was fre
quently murmered by her dying
lips. She died Wednesday night
and the remains were taken to
; Erick for burial where they were
. held until the arrival of her fa
- ther, Mr. T. P. Rhodes, who was
absent in Florida. The interment
took place on Friday.
The casket was beautifully dec
orated with jonquils, wreaths of
green leaves and lilies.
Pearl was a good Christian girl
and a member of the Methodist
church and a faithful one. Rev.
C. C. Hines was her pastor and
conducted the funeral service.
She had reached the age of 23
years and life was opening up in
all its wondrous beauty before
her, but God knows best, and
took her. Oour sympathy goes
out to the bereaved ones. E. C.
Dissolution Notice.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
The firm of Calhoun & Gibbs
has been dissolved by mutual con
sent, the undersigned having
bought out the interests of H. J.
Gibbs, and will pay all accounts
against said firm. Parties in
debted to the firm are hereby
required to make immediate pay
ment to the undersigned.
J. W. Calhoun.
Having bought out the interest
of Mr. H. J. Gibbs, as above
stated, I will begin at once in
stalling a modern ginnery at
Uvalda, prepared for the coming
season. New machinery will be
installed, and the public will be
guaranteed the best service pos
sible. Remember to bring your
cotton to the new gin. and get
the best results. Will be ready
in ample time for the season.
J. W. Calhoun,
March 14, 1912. Uvalda, Ga.
Seed Peanuts, Cow Peas, On
ion Sets, Rye Seed, Sorghum or
Amber Cane, Millet. Seed Corn,
Cotton Seed, Snap Beans, English
Peas, can be had of Murrow’s
Phy., Pembroke, Ga.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia Montgomery County.
Will l*» sold before the court house door in Mount
Vernon on the first Tuesday in April, be
tween the legal hours of stile, to the highest bidder
for cash, certain property, of which the following
m a full and complete description:
All ihat tract nr paicel <d land situate, lying
and being in the 275th district G. M. of said
county and state, and bounded as follows: ()::
the north by lands of lot* Towns, on the east
by lauds ol Neab Anderson, on tlu* south by
land* of Charlie MeVUe and on the wont b*
lands of H. nr, Byrd, and said to contain five
acres, and being a part of a tract which be
longed to Li/./n Mdler during her lifetime.
Levied n ami will be sold as the property of
Lizzie Mil! r to satisfy an execution issued by
l). F. Waniock, tax collector, vs Lizzie Miller,
for state and county taxes for the year hill.
Levy 'iiade and returned to me by J. \V. Gibbs,
deputy sheriff. This sth day of March lbl‘2. j
James Hester, Sheriff.
For Representative:
Georgia— .lftmfgomeiy County.
To tile People of Montgomery County: Du
nlin the tiftv days that I «»■ r\ > .1 you hint sum.
mer 1 carried out every pledge made in my j
campaign for AVprcsrntative. Besides, 1 w
instrumental in preparing and passing the new
school lew, giving an additional hundred
thousand dollar. t<> the school children id
Georgia; an extra forty thousand dollars to :
the old soldicis and their widows, (setting !
several old soldiers on the pay roll as pe sinn
ers who had beeu turned down betoie; the
new game law; the new state road law. and
many other very important matters to the
common people of Georgia, whose friend I am.
I secured the enactment of those laws which,
if carried into i flVct. will save this county live
thousand dollars, or more, eVcry year. I se
cured our new road law eacli district ill
the county its own money upon its own roads.
I voted for every prohibition measure tending
"to uplift our people and state. I was on all
occasions ou the side of the poor people, tin
laboring people and the oppressed, and did on
. ly those things that I thought were tor the
best interest of the whole people. Mv con
duct as your representative is a matter of pub
lic record. With the experience 1 have had
1 am now in a better positoli to render sti I
greater sen ice to the people of n.v nstiv.
county. 1 love the people in this grand coun
ty aud am anxious to serve them again in the
: Georgia legislature. If I have made mistakes
! I wish to correct them. There is no money
| to be made as a legislator. All you get is the
I consciousness of having served" jour people
well and faithfully. God has given me some
powers to help my people in tin General As
semble of Georgia and [ purpose using what
ever little I may (suaeas for the best interest
of the entire people. For the above and other
reasons I feci that I am entitled to re-elec
tion to the General Assembly of Georgi- from
I Montgomery county under such rules and r g
i illations as may lie prescribed by the proper
! authorities, aiul I earnestly ask the people of
this eountv to re-elect me, promising tin m ttie
best efforts of my life in theii behalf Very
thankfully and loyally yours to serve,
| W*. 13. KENT.
i § Condensed Statement of the
Sopertor) ? Sa. ft
i ?
| And its Branch at TARRYTOWN, GA. |j
$ At the Close of Ihisiness Feb. 20, 1912: P
; ■ ———— y
'> Resources: > Liabilities: f j
, ® Loans & Dis'ts. 8130,487.58 Laid in Capital 825,00.00 ||
; g Overdrafts 831.53 Undivided Profits 5,978.21 &
m Hanking Houses, Fur- Total Deposits 115,387.17 §
niture and Fix’s 9,088.51 Hills Payable 20,000.00 ||
Ileal Estate 2,403.13 ||
I Stocks 450.00 §
Cash and Due From ||
I Hanks 23,044.63 |j
1 Total 8166,365.38 Total $166,365.38 1
Our business is growing every day, and we would like |jjj
|| to have a portion of your banking busines. We should be |jj
glad to talk the matter over. We can interest you. ||
|j N. L. Gillis, President J. B. O’Conner, V-President ||
7J. E. Hall, Cashier I. H. Hall, Jr., Ass’t Cashier j|
L. A. McCrary, Cashier Tarry town Bank IS
Sheriff Sale. j I
Georgia—Montgomery County. j !
Will be sold before the court house door in ;
Mt. Vernon on the first Tuesdav in April, I «
1912, between the legal hours of sale, to the, 2
highest bidder for cash, certain property, of];
which the following is a complete description:; ;
One certain tract Tor lot of land situate, lying
and being in the Town of IJvalda, Georgia, and ;
known as Lot Number 5, in Block No. 8, said lot -
fronting on Railroad Street sixty-six feet and ex- ; '
tending hack to an alley 155 feet. Said property ; -
levied on and will be sold as the property of J. I). *
McDaniel to satisfy an execution issued from the i <
superior court of Montgomery county in favor of j J
W. E. Evans vs J. D. McDaniel. Written notice <
of levy given as required by law. This the sth j
day of March, 1912.
JAS. HESTER, Sheriff. j
W. L. Wilson, Atty. for Plff.
Sheriff Sale. !
Georgia—Montgomery County. ] }
Will he sold before the court house door in Mount j
Vernon on the first Tuesday in Apr., 1912, be- <
tween the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder <
for cash, certain property, of which the following | <
is a full and complete description: <
All that tract or parcel of land situate, lying /
and being in the 275th District G. M. of Montgom- <
cry county. Georgia, containing one hundred and J
, eighty (180) acres more or less and being bounded 1
i on the North by lands belonging to E. S. Gibbs; on I
i ihe east by lands belonging to B. F. Wolfe; on the .
south by lands belonging to Perse McNatt; and on
the west by lands belonging to P. M. Moseley, and
known as the Richard Farmer lands. Levied on
as the property of Alex. Farmer to satisfy an cx
| edition issued by D. F. Warnock. tax collector, vs
1 Alex Farmer, for state and county taxes for the j
i year 1911. Levy made and returned to me by J.
tW. Gibbs, deputy sheriff. This Ith day of March, !
1912. JAS. HESTER, Sheriff, i
Sheriff Sale.
Georgiit—Montgomery County.
Will bo sold before the court houfie door in
Mt. Vernon on the tits* Tuesday in April,
101*2, between the hour,, of sale, to the
highest ami heal bidder for cash, certain prop
erty, of which the following is a complete de
One certain saw mill outfit, complete with fix
tures. and known as the Mallary and Taylor mill.
Said mill outfit levied on and will be sold as the 1
property of C. M. Williams to satisfy a mortgage j
execution issued from the superior court of said
county in favor of The Merchants Bank of McKae
. vs, C M. Williams. The property described may ,
! be better known as the mill bought from K. B. I
DouKlas. Said property cannot be exposed before
court house, but may be seen at the mill site of C. I
M. Williams. Levied on and will be sold as the 1
property of C. M. Williams by F. E. Forrester, i
deputy sheriff, to satisfy a mortiraKe fi fia issued
from the superior court of said county in favor of
The Merchants Bank vs C. M. Williams. Written
notice of levy triven as required as law. This the
sth day of March, 1912.
Jas. Hester, Sheriff.
W. B. Smith. Atty. for Plff.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia Montgomery County.
Will bo sold before the court house door in Mt.
Vernon on the first Tuesday in Apr., 1912. be- 1
tween the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder
for cash, certain property, of which the following
is a full and complete description:
One certain tract or lot of land lying and being
in the county of Montgomery, State of Georgia,
near the corporate limits of the town of Soperton, ■
bounded on the north by lands of W. E. Dickens,
on the east by public road, on the south by lands
of W. H, McArthur ami on the west by lands of ,
j Frank Troupe, Sr., said to contain four acres,
| more or less. Also one certain tract or parcel of
land in the county of Montgomery. State of Geor- j
gia. in the 1386th District, G. M . and bounded on ;
the North by lands of W. E. Dickens and Frank ,
Troupe, Sr., on the East by John Sherrod and pub
lic r<wui. on the South by lands of Erank Troupe,
Sr. and on the West by lands of Frank Troupe,
Sr., containing twenty acres more or less.
Lev fed on and will be sold as the property of K.
Walden to satisfy an execution issued from the
suiK'rior court of said county in favor of The Bank
of Soperton vs. K. Walden. This the sth day of
. March. 1912. J AS. HESTER, Sheriff. ,
, j W. L. Wilson, Atty. PUT.
‘ The Soperton Grocery Co. can !
fill the bill if you want the best
in dry goods and the freshest and
most reliable in groceries.
| Plenty of Money to Lend |
On Improved Farms at Six per Cent. Interest —Any Amount
& From .SBOO Up. Re-payment Allowed Any Time. Prompt |;
» Service and Courteous Treatment. |:
What Will |
Our Garden Seed Has Been Tested, p
It is also true to name. The seeds you buy from us will 0
surely grow, and when matured you will find the kind of sg
(Vegetable or Flower
that you expected. Can you afford to experiment with
poor seed when our price is no greater? ®
Sumerford Drug Co. 1
Prescription Druggists ||
- Ailey, Georgia ||