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Judge John H. Martin and Mr. j
L. E. Polhill left Thursday for
Panacoe Springs, Fla., where
they will spend awhile recuper
ating. Hawkinsville 1 )ispatch-
Dr. Floyd L. Rack ley of Dex
ter came over Sunday to see the
folks at home.
Friends of Mr. J. Wade John-,
son of Vida!in regretted to learn j
last week of the loss of his auto
mobile by lire.
Since the sun has been shining
there is some uneasiness felt here
that digging in the garden will
soon have to commence.
dentine Watson watermelon
seed for sale. A. L. Lanier, Mt.
Vernon, Ga.
Mrs. Nettie Ayers left Tuesday
for Southern Pines, N. C., where
she will spend* several weeks.
A well selected line of milli-,
nery in connection with a general
stock of goods will be shown at ;
E. T. Mcßride’s, Ailey, Ga.
Mr. Wallace Moses of Uvalda
was a business visitor here Tues
Miss Lillian Brigman of Ala
bama is visiting the family of;
Mr. Jas. W. Adams.
Miss Edna Ryals of Stuckey is
the guest of her sister, Mrs.
Homer Stuckey, this week.
Miss Mary Stuckey of Mcßae
spent Monday here with her sis
ter, Miss Bessie Stuckey.
Gall on E. T. Mcßride for your
millinery. All new and up-to-1
date. Prices and styles to suit
Miss Bessie Stuckey has re
turned home after spending sev
eral days with relatives in Dex
ter, Ga.
Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Morris are
visiting relatives out near Uvalda
this week.
11. L. Wilt was in Savannah 1
Mr. Tom Mason has returned
home after a week's visit in
Rochelle, the guest of his sister.
Mrs. Thad lluekabee of Albany '
is expected to arrive Friday to be
the guest of her mother, Mrs. ,
John O. Mcßae.
Cashier Claxton of the Alston
Bank and wife attended the en
tertainment out at the U. B. 1.
Monday night.
Mrs. J. B. China of Liberty
countv came up Tuesday night,
and is visiting her sioLr, Mrs.
1). W. Folsom.
Miss M. E. McNutt will be
pleased to have all call and in
spect the new line of millinery at
E. T. Mcßride’s, Ailey, Ga.
Mr. Tom Conner of Mercer
University spent a few days here
w it It home folks this week.
Miss Hannah Bright was the
guest of friends in Alamo this
Mr. J. .1. Coleman, one of our
oldest and most highly appreci
ated patrons, was in to see us
Mr. C. A. Kaekley spent Sun
day here with relatives.
Miss Ruby Rivers of Glen wood
was here yesterday.
Miss Minnie Smith of Kibbec
was having dental work done,
here yesterday.
Mr. W. D. Horton of Mcßae, !
largely interested in telephone
lines connecting his town with
various other points, was over
Monday looking after business.
Mr. Copps, the genial Joe. was
here representing his Savannah
house yesterday.
Plant Cant-:.— For first class;
Seed Cane call on me at once.
A. L. Lanier,
Mt. Vernon.
I Mr. A. J. Grimes of Glenwood,
a prominent merchant of that
hustling town, was a visitor here
Mr. I. J. Joyner and Mr. Lon
nie I). Calhoun of Tarry town
were here Thursday. Mr. Cal
houn has received the appoint
ment of postmaster at Tarrytown
and was arranging his bond.
sor 6 doses “666” will cure
any -case of Chills and Fever.
Price, 25c.
W. S. Everett, a prominent
farmer of Emanuel county, was
shot several times by a negro on
Tuesday morning and seriously
wounded. The man escaped to
the Canoochee river swamp, and
a posse is in pursuit.
Fat Picking for Watchful Cashiers In
Stores, Bartenders and Street
Car Conductors.
Cnßhlers In stores and rostanrants,
ticket agents at theaters and railroad
stations, bartenders and conductors
on cnrH are In a fair position to be
come collectors of rare coins, as they
handle every kind of money piece
from foreign coins to old-time money
of the United Stales. A saloonkeeper
In Harlem declares he has made a
small fortune during the last few
years by Having the rare coins that
aro taken over the bar.
"I have a tin box filled with rare
United States pieces,” he related,
“and I could have a collection of for
eign coins If I so desired. You would
bo surprised to see how anxious some
men are to get a drink at the expense
of spending a rare old coin for Its
face value. Silver and puper currency
that pay a good premium are given to
my bartenders for face value. I have
often noticed a reluctance on the part
of the holder before parting with the
coin. He will give a last look at the
money nnd then place It on the bar
for the refreshing beverage One man
told mo thnt a coin had been In the
the family for nearly a century. He
wanted only one drink and was afraid
I would not take the coin because of
Its age. 1 gave him the drink and
change for the piece at its face value,
iud ho was overjoyed.”
Impossible Road.
Chauncey M. I)epew frequently dep
recates the comparisons that are
drawn between American and Euro
j pean railways.
| "These comparisons are unfair to
1 uh," he once said at a banquet In New
York. "When I’m told how very sale
j the European railway Is 1 think of the
Nola Chucky line.
"The president of the Nola Chucky
line once waited on me to request an
exchange of courtesies. I interrogated
him, and he said proudly:
“ ‘On our lino, sir, not only has a
collision never occurred, blit on our
line a collision would be impossible.'
"•Impossible?’ said I. ‘Oh, come. I
know that the latest automatic safety
devices are excellent things, but Im
possible Is a large word.'
” ‘lt's literally true with us, sir,’ he
‘“How can It be?’ said I.
“ 'Why,' Bald he, ‘we own only one
Taxing Bachelors.
One of the smallest of the Herman
principalities Is undertaking a very
Mg experiment In financial legislation.
The diet of the elder of the two prin
cipalities of Iteuss, which He In cen
tral Germany, to the southeast of the
i Thurlnglan states, carried recently a
resolution In favor of Increasing the
state Income tax by 6 per cent, of the
tax on Incomes between £IOO and
£3OO. nnd by 10 per cent, of the tax
on Incomes exceeding £3OO a year In
the case of unmarried persons of eith
er sex who have reached their thir
tieth year. The diet consists of twelve
members, and the resolution was car
ried by seven votes against five. The
super-taxation of bachelors has often
been proposed in other German states,
and was Jocularly referred to as a pos
slide form of Imperial taxation by the
Emperor William.
Dark Problem.
There are those who are dreadfully
Intolerant of Ignorance about New
York. The other day. for Instance, a
lady, obviously from many hundred
miles away, boarded a Broadway car
at Times square.
"Does this car go to Third avenue?” ;
| she asked.
A look composed of equal parts of
pity, rage and disgust spread over
the conductor’s face.
"Will you please tell me, lady, how
this car could get onto Third ave
uue?" he asked coldly, as soon as he
could enunciate.
Bill the Philosopher.
Wise remark, by Bill, the Philosoph
“There's one good thing about It.
Anybody who talks about himself all
the time hasn't time to be a knock
Know any of 'em?—San Francisco
Chronicle. '
Man In Burglar’s Mask Was Only In
troducing Patent Safety Alarm
and Preventer.
As I opened the door I saw a man
with a burglar’s mask kneeling before
the safe. The next moment be had
turned and shoved a revolver into my
“Throw up your hands!” he said.
I did so.
"You understand," he remarked
| pleasantly, “that I can In the present
circumstances loot the premises at my
I confessed that he could.
"You realize that you aro at my
; mercy?"
“I do,” I replied.
"You acknowledge that I can blow
you to kingdom come If I like?” he
"Certainly,” I admitted.
"Well, then,” he said, "you will he
Interested to know that I got In with- j
out difficulty through your parlor win
dow. Had It been equipped < with
Smith’s pqient safety burglar alarm !
and prevehter this could not have hap- j
pened. Installed, complete with bat- ;
terieH, for $25. Allow me to hand you I
a circular. Good night, sir.”
Then, pocketing his revolver, he
Sir Joshua Reynolds’ Notice of Sketch
Macfe It Worth Vastly More,
Said Dealer.
"What do you ask for this sketch?”
said Sir Joshua Reynolds to a picture i
dealer whose portfolio he was exam
ining. "Twenty guineas. Sir Joshua.”
“Twenty pence, I suppose you mean.”
“No, sir; 1 would have taken twenty
pence for It this morning, but If you
think tho drawing worth looking at
all the world will think It worth buy
A Iktndon dealer who had made a
few trifling purchases at a second
hand furniture shop In the country
was leaving it, when he caught his
foot. In the string of a picture and fell.
Having picked himself up, he examin
ed the picturo to see if It had been
damaged. It had escaped injury, and
he found, to his surprise, that in thus
tripping he had—literally—stumbled
upon a print of tho duchess of Rut
land, after Reynolds, by Valentine
Green, In Its first state. The dealer
bought the print for £4 and after
ward disposed of It for £I,OOO. —From
Jernlgham’s “Bargain Rook.”
Wise Servant.
A woman in Trenton, N. J., who has
been having a lot of trouble with her j
domestic help, was obliged recently to
accept tho temporary service of a raw
recruit In tho shape of an Irish girl
Just landed In this country.
After a preliminary survey of the
girl and a dejected sigh, tho lady of
the house asked:
“What, can you do?"
“Shure, most anything at all, mum,” |
responded the newcomer.
The lady of the house glanced about j
the room. There was everything to !
be done. “Could you fill the lamps?” j
she finally ventured to ask.
“Shure, I kin fill the lamps!” ex
claimed the enthusiastic Celt, as she
grabbed one and started out. Then,
with the air of one wishing above all
things to suit the possible caprices of
a new’ employer, she paused to query:
''An' Is It gas or oil ye’d be wantin’
thirn filled with?”
Judge's Severe Comment.
Sir Matthew Begbie, chief justice of
British Columbia, once hail before]
him a man charged with having killed
another man with a sand-bag. The
evidence was conclusive, and the
Judge charged the jury accordingly,
but a verdict of "Not Guilty” was
promptly brought in. The judge was
astonished. “Gentlemen of the jury,”
he said, "this is your verdict, not
mine. On your conscience the dis-;
grace will rest. Many repetitions of
such conduct ns yours will make trial
by Jury a horrible farce, and the city j
of Victoria a nest of crime. Go! 1
have nothing more to say to you.”
And then, turning to tho prisoner:
“You nro discharged. Go and sand
bag some of those jurymen; they de
serve It.”
Brother Dickey Explains.
*1 got no snrtnont ter preach to
day," said Brother Dickey. "The last
time 1 put my presence In dis yer
yer pulpit l preached a snrmont what
wut so powerful hit sont six sisters
off tn a trance, an' dey ain’t come to
not ylt. causin' de law ter git after me,
kaze dey ain't conscious enough ter
rise up an' make a livin' for dey hus-
I bands. Tongues er fire come down
| on me at dat time f’um de glory-lan’,
j an' now some er you Is oncharitable
enough ter say dat de fire orter
scorched me ter a frazzle! Dis is no
j time fer a powerful preacher lak' me!”
—Atlanta Constitution.
Barred From House of Commons.
An Irish peer was expelled for dl
; rectlng a lottery, while for organizing
a “Charitable Association” of shady
habits Sir Robert Sutton and two
others were shut out iu 1730. Steele i
of the Tatler was prohibited the house '
for "maliciously insinuating that the
] Protestant succession In the house ot ;
Hanover Is In danger under her maj
esty’s administration.” But perhaps
the oddest reason for closing the doors
of the house of commons upon a man
Is to be found in the case of Mr. As
gill. whose sin was that of writing a
treatise “On the Possibility of Avoid
ing Death." —London Chronicle. 1
jp Condensed Statement of the j|
Soperton* Sa. 1
| And its Branch at TARRYTOWN, GA. 8
£} At the Close of Business Feb. 20, 1012: 1|
§ ... j
gij Resources: Liabilities: sg
Loans & Dis’ts. $180,487.58 Paid in Capital $25,00.00 ||
| Overdrafts 831.53 Undivided Profits 5,978.21 i
w Banking Houses, Fur- Total Deposits 115,387.17
niture and Fix’s 9,088.51 Dills Payable 20,000.00 i
|| Beal Estate 2,463.13 §
Stocks 450.00 gs
(lash and I)ucFrom * ®
Banks 23,044.63 §
Total 8166,365.38 Total 8166,365.38 1
i- = 1
» . n
Our business is growing every day, and we would like |jj
P to have a portion of your banking busines. We should be m
glad to talk the matter over. We can interest you. g
HN. L. Gillis, President J. B. O’Conner, V-President |j
h J. E. Hall, Cashier I. H. Hall, Jr., Ass’t Cashier
. , 1
L. A. McCrary, Cashier Tarry town Bank g
- ■ " " i.—. i ——n.i...—11 i ■■ '■■■" -I— i.. ——
Delegate to New Orleans.
Correspondence in Savannah News.
Mt. Vernon, Ga., March 19. —
Editor H. B. Folsom of the Mont- j
gomery Monitor has recently
been appointed by Gov. Brown j
;as one of the delegates from
Georgia to the National Drainage j
Congress to be held in New Or-f
leans April 10 to 13.
Milch Cows for Sale.
On March 23d we will place on
sale one car load of Good Milch
Cows. Do not fail to see the i
stock. H. T. Johnson,
L. K. Yeomans,
Uvalda, Georgia, i
High Class Attraction.
One of the finest numbers yet
pesented among Lyceum Attrac
tions at the Union Baptist Insti
tute will be that of the Lyric
Glee Club. This high class en
tertainment is booked for April
15th. Particulars later.
Four masked robbers held up a j
passenger train near Corinth, |
Miss., Tuesday night, dynamited
the express safe and got away
with a large amount of money
; and valuables.
A big gray wolf was killed in
Rome, Ga., on Saturday while
trying to rob a chicken yard. It
is supposed that the animal was
one that escaped from a menag
erie there two years ago.
Two men and one woman were
jailed in Atlanta and another wo
man taken to the hospital with a
broken hip Sunday night for dis
! orderly conduct. The women
were racing against the men, and i
were all in two buggies.
For County Commissioner:
The voters of the Springhill District. Mont i
i gonierv county, announce the name of F. C.
Mdialm a« a candidate for Commiesioiiei of!
Roads and Revenues from our section. We)
. Know if the people will elect >lr. MeGaliet he i
j will make » goo i commissioner, acceptable to |
the entire people, and »e respectfully ask for I
him the siippoit of the people
Tht Citizens and Voters of Springhill I
Die Lt let.
jf Plenty of Money to Lend j
|On Improved Farms at Six per Cent. Interest—Any Amount
$ From SBOO Up. Re-payfnent Allowed Any Time. l’rompt &
|| Service and Courteous Treatment. ||
What Will I
the Harvest I
Our Garden Seed Has Been Tested. 1|
It is also true to name. The seeds you buy from us will (§)
surely grow, and when matured you will find the kind of
i Vegetable or Flower <§
that you expected. Can you afford to experiment with
poor seed when our price is no greater? (j)
• Sumerford Drug Co. |
A Prescription Druggists j§
Ailey, Georgia g