Newspaper Page Text
Florida fruits and veKetables
from the east coast, damaged and
delayed by the unusually cold
weather and the heavy rains, are
from three to six weeks late this
year, causing higher prices than
for years to prevail in Atlanta
and New York, according to J.
M. Simmons, staff representative
of the New York Fruitman’s
Guide, who reached the city
Wednesday. Mr. Simmons is a
pioneer newspaper man, and
formerly owner of the Jackson
(Tenn.) Daily Whig.
“The vegetable movement is
daily Incoming heavier,” he said,
“and I predict an early decrease
in prices. At the same time
while the crop is moving in car
loa Is at the present, last year it
was moving in trainloads. lioth
the first and second crops of cel
ery, the cabbage crop, lettuce
and tomatoes have fallen far
short of last year’s production,
but the quality now is rapidly
growing better.
“Nearly 4,000.000 boxes of
citrus fruit -oranges, tangerines
and grupefuit- of the 1011-12
crop have been shipped and about
600,000 boxes are yet to be moved.
While the crop has been short,
higher prices have been given,
and as a result the growers will
almost equal last year’s profits.”
Savannah to the Front.
In a spirited address before
the Savannah Chamber of Com
merce last week, Col. G. A. Gor
don spoke of Savannah’s future
in the following optimistic terms:
“Mr. Gray informed me that I
was expected to read the future.
Prophesying is a fascinating, but
a very rash undertaking. Some
time ago when turpentine was
quoted at a high figure, a promi
nent banker said to a large naval
stores dealer, ‘Prophesy what
turpentine will be worth six
months hence.’ To which the
latter replied, ‘Ask the spirits.’
The following visions of the fu
ture were not inspired by any
kind of spirits, but were deduced
from a comparison of the present
with the past.
"Formerly we traveled on san
dy streets. Now we have asphalt
and bricks in the city, and gravel
on the roads. The vision: the
sun darkened by a multitude of
aeroplanes bringing people from
their homes in the extended city
limits, such as Tybee, Thunder
bolt and Isle of Hope, to their
offices down town near Daflin
"Formerly a mule plowed, and
a darkey picked, the cotton.
Now, sad to relate, the same
conditions exist. The vision: An I
auto-plow; a mechanical cotton |
picker, a ginner, baler and seed
crusher operated by one man.
“Formerly communications
were carried by messengers.
Now we use telephones. The i
vision a wireless city, with each
resident hitching his wireless
telephone and moving picture!
camera to any transmitter de-j
sired and thus seeing and hear
ing an opera in New York or
conversing with a friend crossing
the Pacific on a dirigible balloon.
“In closing, one serious
thought: We are living in a
wonderful age. The awakening \
of China will probably produce
results, both political and com
mercial, unequalled since thedis-j
covery of America. A golden
opportunity lies before Savannah. .
Wo are nearer the Panama canal
than New York or Baltimore or.
New Orleans or Galveston, i
Through that narrow cut will
How the trade not only of West
ern South America and Central
America, but of China. China is!
changing. China has become a
republic. China, a user of cot
ton goods, cannot for many years
manufacture enough to supply its
teeming millions. Behind us lie
the forests and cotton fields; the
coal and iron; the water power
and the cotton mills. Before us
lie the mighty hosts clamoring
for our products. Savannah the
key of a continent! Savannah,
the gateway to a world!”
Farm Hands Wanted.
Wanted, one or two good white
men to work on farm. Will pay
good wages. Come to see me at
once. J. A. CLEGG.
Scotland, Ga.
If you want money quick, write
Lyons Loan & Abstract Co., Ly
ons, Ga., for they are loaning
money cheap.
Pythian Notes.
* Intended for last week.
i The Pythian Literary Society
1 met in the chapel Saturday after
-1 noon, March 9. The society was
* called to order by the president,
i After a song and prayer, roll was
i called by the secretary.
t The following program was
Piano solo Kate Parker.
i Reading—Kelley Mann,
r Play- Aubrey Hendrix, Jurelle
i Calhoun, Edward Coleman and
I George Rabun.
Conversation —Annie Lou Mc-
Allister and Kate Parker,
i Declamation—Dan Street.
Debate: —Resolved, that water
has caused more destruction than
■ fire. Affirmative, John Emmitte,
Philip Harrison; negative, Wright
Collins, Oscar Burnette.
i Jokes and Wants Guy Stone.
Piano Solo—Marie Peterson.
: I Wonder Why—Emma Ed
* wards.
The judge’s decision was in
' favor of the negative.
After the rendering of the
~ program, business was attended
4 to and songs and yells were prac
! ticed. Society was adjourned to
! meet again the next Saturday
Martha Pool,
Cor. Sec.
Cannon On Brantley.
Judge W. D. Kiddoo, of Cuth
bert, visiting Washing on, had
occasion to call on Speaker Can
non, when he was piesiding over
the house. Os this visit Judge
Kiddoo says:
“I found the speaker, Cannon,
very pleasant in manner and
ready to indulge in a chat. While
■ I was in his room Congressman
1 W. G. Brantley passed by.
“ There goes ooe of the very
best lawyers in this congress.
You Georgia people should be
very proud of him. He has an
unusual legal mind. It is my
custom when confroted with ab
truse legal Questions to call on
members of both parties and also ,
the attorney general fora legal 1
“brief” for my information. But i
of the briefs sent me those of i
Brantley surpassed all, even that
of the attorney general of the
United States. On legal ques
tions he has no superior in con
cress. ’ i
“I appreciated this compliment !
from the speaker, for he was a ’
stand-patter of the stand-patters, i
And he and Brantley were far
apart on party questions. But it
did me good to hear such expres
sions of appreciation for a Geor- !
gia congressman, for it was dis- j
interested, as Brantley fought
the great apostle of high tariff
with all his vigor of mind and
strength. But jtolitical opponents
have friendships. Blaine w’as a
great personal admirer of Ben
Hill.” Macon Telegraph.
Simple Enough.
Old Aunt Sally, the highly es
teemed cook in a Southern fami
ly. was frequently praised for
her culinary skill, and on one oc
casion. when a number of guests
had l>een to dine with the fami
ly, remark was made touching
the beautiful appearance of Sal
ly’s pie, which showed a very
pretty scallop on its edge.
Inquiry lieing made as to how
the old lady managed to get such
an even design, Sally was sum
moned to the dinning room and
the question was duly put to her.
The emotions of the guests may
be imagined when the old lady
■ “Oh, dat’s easy. Jest uses my
false teeth.”—Ladies’ Home
“ Journal.
Brannan Gets $4,000.
Dublin, Ga., March 14.—The
jury sitting on the case of 0. F.
Brannan. of Macon, against the
; Macon, Dublin and Savannah
Railroad Company, in which the
plaintiff claimed damages to the
amount of $30,000 against the
defendant company, returned a
verdict granting *Mr. Brannan
i $4,000. This case was first tried j
- in the December. 1910, term of
: city court, and resulted in a mis
-1 trial.
■ A List of Those
1 CANDIDATES “l": | j
® ___________ Primary Election c£/
To the Voter* of Montgomery County:
I hereby annonneo myself a candidate for
the office of .Sheriff of ssid county, subject to
the coming primary. I have ha.l an ambition
to fill this office wince reaching manhood, and
if elected I will l eaped the office and protoct
thecitizens and their property with thisoffiec,
impartially. Faithfully yours,
To the Voting Citizen* of Montgomery Co.:
With a record for nervine and fair dealing
while aerving aw Sheriff of our county, I mowt
earnewtlv ask your wnpport in my candidacy
for re-election to thin office in the coming
election. It haw been my effort it to nerve the
people faithfully, and is m v desire to continue
in the werviee of my fellow citizens With as
surances of appreciation of the favors already
bestowed upon me, and asking your kind in
dulgence, lam Yours truly,
James Hester.
To the citizeiiw of Montgomery county; I
offer for election to the office ot Sheriff of
Montgomery county, and respectfully ask the
support of my friends and fellow citizeiiw. In
asking for office at your hands for the first
time, I guarantee to faithfully discharge all
its duties, and cx|iect only to do my duty as a
sworn officer, f ask your support in tluvoin
ing primary election, and hope to he favored
with the office. I eluim some exp riei re in
the wotk pertaining to the office and lei I lull' -
competent to take up the work if elected.
For Sheriff.
Wishing to again serve the people of Mont
(pmiery county in the capacity of Sheriff, I
icroby announce myself a candidate for the
office, subject to the rules of the county pri
mary. My record as former sheriff is before
you and I respectfully ask the office again at
your hands, again assuring you that if I am
favored with the office I will discharge its
duties to the best of ray ability, knowing itw
varied responsibilities.
Yours respectfully,
For Sheri IT:
71) the Citizen Voters of Montgomery Co.:
Impressed with a laudable desire to serve
the people of Montgomery county as sheriff,
I hereby make public my candidacy for said
office, subject to whatever action is determined i
by the rules of the f’enmcratic primary. I
earnestly and most respectfully ask the cor
dial support of the voters of my county, and
it elected to this office, my only promise is to
discharge the duties devolving upon me to
the best of my ability, without favor to any
man. Most respectfully,
Dan A. Morrison.
Fur Sheriff:
To the Voters of Montgomery county:
I respectfully solicit vour support iu the
coming primary for Bheriff.
Yours truly,
J. A. Counsav.
For Sheriff:
I beg to announce to mv friends and fellow
citizens t hat 1 am a candidate for the sheriff's
office of Montgomery county. 1 trust that I
may he found worthy of the esteem and confi
dence of the voters, and that my name may be
found on many ballots on election day. Ask
ing tlui support n| all and thanking those who
may lavor mu me, I am
Yours very truly,
J 1 Palmer.
For Sheriff:
I desire to serve the county of Montgomery
in the capacity of Sheriff', it is mv purpose
to i xocute the affairs of this important office
without fear, favor or affection, if honored
with the place by my fellow citizens. 1 re
spectfully ask your support in tin* coming
primary election. Yours to please,
For County Treasurer.
I hereby announce as a candidate to succeed
myself as Treasurer of Mot tgomery county,
subject to the primary election. Thanking
my fellow citizens for past support, and solic
iting a continual.ce, I am
Yours truly,
For County Treasurer.
I uflfcr my nurvioM to the voter» of Mont-
Koiuury county in the capacity of County
Tr« a.Hurer. Year* of clerical training render
me quite competent to <ltncharge thu duties
of the otVtee, aml my work ah a county ottlci&l
in fortuev yearn warrant* mo in saying that 1
have a right to claim the support of my fellow
citizen* 1 respectfully a>k for election at
your hands to tin* office of rroaauior, and
guaiantcf to discharge faithfully all its duties
if favored with the office.
Yours respect fully.
For County Treasurer:
To Ui» Voter* of Montgomery < unty:
I hereby announce un well a canilirtase for
the office of County ITisaurci, sul>j' ot to the
Democratic primary. I would appreciate the
cordial support of my friends and lollin' citi
zens. Your* truly.
Arch tv Gilds.
For Treasurer.
I take this method of announcing to my
frirnda aud all citizens of Montgomery county
that I am a candidate for the office of Treas
urer of thu county. Having served my fellow
citizeua in this capacity before, l respectfully
refer to my past record as a countv officer,
] and ear neatly ask your support in tin* e< uning
primary. C, A. POPE.
For Couuty Treasurer:
To the Voters of Montgomery County:
At the solicitation of many friends, I have
decided to anUl'Unee for Treasurer of Mont
gomery county, subject to the Democratic
primary. Have never before offered for office
and would not do so uow, but being afflicted,
it i< impossible for me to follow my vocation
(farming). I promise, if elected, a just and
honest administration of the affairs connected
with the office, and will do all iu my power to
serve the public satisfactorily.
A. D. Conawat.
For County Treasurer:
To the Voters of Montgomery county:
Alter giving the matter careftii consideration
i l have decided to enter the race for treasurer
*in the Democratic primary, aud take this
; method of announcing my candidacy. I be-
I lieve lam hilly competent to administer the
j affairs of the office in a satisfactory manner.
| amt if elected will devote my best efforts to
i that end I have never before asked a politi
! oal favor at the bands of mv friends, and any
support that you may render me in the ap
proaching election will he greatly appreciated.
A. D. llcoues.
; To the People of Montgomery County:
■ I am now serving the county as Tax Col
lector, being my first and only term. The
1 work before me is receiving my most earnest
endeavors. For the favor accorded me, lam
very grateful, and assure the voters of the
county of my continued efforts to serve them j
1 in a faithful and acceptable manner. I feel
that my labors will warrant me in asking re- j
election to this important office. Your favor I
will be greatly appreciated. My name and
. candidacy is before you, subject to such rules
and requirements as may tic provided by the
Democratic committee of the county.
Verv respectfully,
For Tax Collector:
I am now a candidate for the office of Tax
Collector of Montgomery comity, simply be
cause I need what the office pays. Thanking
everybody sot their help in the past and so
liciting the support of all at the coming pri
mary, if one be held, and pledging myself, if
elected, to give the office and the people my
best services, I beg to remain
Yours for truth and right,
;: D. M. Currie.
For Tax Collector:
I take this method of informing the citizens
of ,1/ontgomery county that i am offering for
the office of Tax Collector or Montgomery
county, subject to primary rules. Assuring
all my friends and all interested citizens that
it i-i my honest intention to faithfully perform
the duties of the office if favored with it, and
! soliciting your votes in the coming primary,
* I am Yours respectfully,
Andrew J. Grimes.
For Tax Collector:
I respectfully announce to the citizens of
Montgomery county (hat. I am a candidate for
the office of Tax Collector of Montgomery
enmity, and ask your support in theapproach
: ing primary election. I understand fully the
i requirements or the office, and if elected, I
guarantee a satisfactory exeeutiou of the work
involved I thank in advance the numerous
friends who have tendered, their support and
urged my candidacy. Kcapectfuliv,
Q. V. Mason.
For County Treasurer:
I respectfully offer my services to the citi
zens of Montgomery county as Treasurer of
{ the county. Knowing that I can fill the office
I acceptably, and to the entire satisfation of the
most exacting tax payer, I ask the office at
vour hands. Will appreciate highly all assist
ance rendered by my friends and fellow citi
zens in an honest effort to secure the place.
Yours respectfully,
J. I>. Browning.
For Clerk Superior Court.
Having faithfully served Montgomery coun
ty as Clerk of the Superior Court for one term
i shall ask again foi the office. In the coming
county primary I ask for re-nomination at the
hands ot the voters of the county, and
promise continued faithfulness in the dis
enarge of the duties of the office. I appre
ciate highly .vour favors in the past, and feel
entitled to another term- Hoping to have the
vote of mv former supporters aud other friends
with whom 1 have oeeh pleasantly associated
while serving in the office, I remain
Yours Respectfully,
M. L. O’Brien.
For Tax Receiver:
To the Vott'rs of Montgomery County:
I beg to announce myself a candidate for re
election to the office ot Tax Receiver of Mont
gomery county. I thank the people for past
favors and earnestly ask your support in my
candidacy for a soconu term, subject to the
county primary.
John G. Morris.
For Tax Receiver:
I am in the race for the office of Tax Receiv
er of Montgomery county, and sincerely ask
the support of the voters. Vny favors siimvn
me will be highly appreciated an l if elected I
w ill execute the duties of the office as the law
requires. Respectfully,
W. T. Hadden.
For Tax Receiver:
I renpectfiilly ask thu support of the citizena
of Montgomery county for the office of l'ax
Receiver, and pledge myself t<> faithfully dis
charge the dutiia l f the same if I am favored
with it by the people. I earnestly solicit your
votes in the coining primary for the office.
Yours respectfully.
Isaac Brooks.
For County Commissioner:
I beg to announce mv candidacy for a place
j on the Board of Commissioners of Roads and ;
Revenues of Montgomery County, subject to
5 such requirements as may be i rescribed by
the county executive committee. II honored
L I with the place, it will bo my pleasure to serve
the better interests of tho county ami people.
Asking tbe kind considcrati in of the voters,
1 am Very truly,
Nopertou. W. P. Stephens.
For County Commissioner:
7m the* Voters of Montgomery county:
I hereby become a candidate for Commis
sioner cl Eoads and liovoues of Montgomery
county, and a*k the support ot the people in
tin* primary eh ction, Aotivithstauding a high
tax rate, our county is iu debt. To legiti
mately disburse thirty thousand dollars of the
people’s in mey demands foresight and busi
ness ability. Wo need a BUSINESS adminis
tration of county matters. If I can measure
tip t«> the demands of the people, give me your
support. I* you believe I cannot, support
some other man. Yours truly
W. M. Lewis.
For County Commissioner:
I hereby announce to the public that I am a
! candidate tor a place on the Board of Commia
siomrsof Roads and Revenues of Montgomery
county. At the solicitation of many friend.-. 1
am si eking the place, and respectfully ask the
support ol the voters generally.
IU H. Heath.
For County Commissioner:
1 Having been a citiz. n of Montgomery conu
l tv county for fourteen vesrs, ami desiring to
I take a part in its upbuilding, I offer my aer- j
i vices as county commissioners, and ask elec
tion at the liainla of my fellow citizens. If
elected, 1 pledge myself to serve oonsciau- i
tiously the interests of the people, looking to |
the financial Welfare and prosperity of each
section. Your* very truiy,
i ~
For County Commissioner:
With a fair knowedge of the afpiirs of Mont
i i gomery county and some of its urgent needs,
, ; slid a desire to serve my fellow citizens, I
i announce as » candidate for comity commis
sioner. If called to serve my county in this
capacity, I -hall I i-k well to the interests of
the people a* a whole, am) do my part for the
. upbuilding of all the county's interests. I ask
yvur volt a in the coming primary.
Yours to serve, J. E. Horns,
Schedule Effective Oct. 22, 1911.
STATIONS ~ *"°* iy Mo. 17
A. M. P. M. A. M. P. M.
700 iOO Leave Macou Arrive 11 25 428
714 414 Swift Creek 11 12 327
7 23 i 4 23 Dry Branch 11 03 4 04
7 27 4 27 Atlantic 10 59 4 00
7 81 4 31 Pike’s Peak 10 55 3 56
789 489 Fitzpatrick 10 48 349
744 444 Ripley 10 43 344
756 456 Jeffersonville 10 31 332
806 506 Ga lie more 10 19 321
816 516 Danville 10 09 311
;8 21 521 Allentown . 10 04 306
831 531 Montrose 954 256
;8 42 542 Dudley y 43 245
848 548 Shew make 937 239
854 554 Moore 930 232
910 610 Ar. Lv. 915 217
915 615 Lv. Ar. 910 212
9 17 I 6 17 S M D& S J 9 08 I 2 10
921 621 NMD &S J 904 206
981 631 Catliu 854 156
941 641 Minter 843 145
951 651 Rockledge 831 133
950 656 Orland 825 127
10 11 711 Soperton 810 112
10 22 ! 7 22 Tarrytown 7 58 1 00
10 30 7 80 Kibbee 7 50 12 52
10 45 i 7 45 Vidaiia 7 35 12 37
At Dublin with the Wrightsville ATennille and the Dublin & South
western for Eastman and Tennille and intermediate points
At Macon with Southern Railway from and to Cineinnatti, Chattanooga,
Rome Birmingham, Atlanta and intermediate points. Also the Central of
Georgia Railway, G. S. & F. Railway, Macon and Birmingham Railway
and Georgia Railroad.
At Rockledge with the Milieu and Southwestern for Wadley and in
termediate points.
At Vidaiia with the Seaboard Air Line for Savannah and intermediate
points, and with Ihe Milieu and Southwestern for Milieu, Stilimore and in
termediate points.
J. A. STREYER, G. P. A., Macon, Ga.
For County Commissioner:
At the solicitation of many of ray friends,
who think our section of Montgomery county
should have representation on the Board of
Hoads and Revenues, I hereby announce ray-
Hclf a candidate for county commissioner, sub
jeet to tlie rules ofthecounty primary. I res
pectfully ask your support, and stand ready
to do my full share in the upbuilding of the
interests of the whole people.
Yours respectfully,
1\ M Moseley.
For County Surveyor:
I beg to announco to the voters of Montgom
ery county that my candidacy for the office of
County Surveyor is placed before them, ask
ing a return to the office which has had my
best and most impartial efforts in the past,
and for which lam very grateful. If this of
fice is again awarded mo, it shall not suffer
through a lack of attention, and every call
for a competent and painstaking surveyor will
continue to have my ready response.
Very truly,
S. B. 3/oisris.
For Ordinary.
Mv candidacy for re-election to the office of
Ordinary is hereby placed before the people
of my native county. Assuring the public of
my appreciation of past favors, and further
pledging mv efforts toward the service and
welfare of the people, I am
Alex MoArthuk.
For Representative:
Georgia— J/ontgomery County.
To the People of Montgomery Comity: Du
ring tlie lifty days that 1 served ypu last sum.
mer I carried out every pledge made in my
campaign for /representative. Besides, I was
instrumental in preparing and passing the new
school law, giving an additional hundred |
thousand dollars to the school children of
Georgia; an extra forty thousand dollars to j
the old soldiers and their widows, getting ,
several old soldiers on the pay roll as pension
ers who had been turned down before; the
new' game law; the new state road law, and
many other very important matters to the
common people of Georgia, whose friend I am.
I secured tin* enactment of those laws which,
it carried into effect, will save this county live
thousand dollars, or more, every year, I se
cured our new road law giving each district in
the county its own mone\ upon its own roads.
I voted fore Very prohibition measure tending
to uplift our people and state. I was on all
occasions on the side of the poor people, the
laboring people and the oppressed, and did on
ly those things that I thought were for the
best interest of the whole people. My con
duct as your representative it> a matter of pub- i
• lie record. With the exporieuee I have had
j lam now in a better positon to render still j
j greater service to the people of my native i
| I county. 1 love the people in this grand eoun
j ty and am anxious to serve them again in the
! Georgia legislature. If I have made mistakes
I wish to correct them. There is no money
to be made as a legislator. All you get is the
consciousness of having served your people
well and faithfully. God has given me some
powers to help my people in the General As
sembly of Georgia and l purpose using what
ever little I may possess for the best interest
' of the entire people. For the above and other
reasons I feel that I am entitled to re-elec
tion to the General Assembly of Georgia from
Montgomery county under such rules and reg
ulations as may be prescribed by the propel
authorities, and I earnestly ask the people of
this county to re-elect me, promising them the
hi st efforts of my life in their behalf. Very
thankfully and loyally yours to servo,
CANON & ill
I Cotton Factors and ij
;; ! 220 Bay E SAVANNAH, OA. j;
| ] | (Members Savannah Oottou Exchange) j J j
!• Handlers of Upland, Se- ]'
I 1 Island Florodora Cotton j’!
Special Attention Given to
F. 0. B. Cotton
!; Handlers of Upland and Sea- j;;
Island Bagging, Ties
j | and Twine
Money! Money!
We lend money cheaper on farm
lands than any person making
loans in Montgomery County. All
we ask is to get our rate before
making application to some one
else for we can save you 1 to 2
per cent, interest. Loans closed
without delay. Write us and we
will come to see you.
The Lyons Loan rnd
Abstract Company
Money To Loan.
I am in position now to secure
loans on farm lands and town
property in Montgomery County.
The lender that will handle my
business is especially desireable
for parties that want big loans
on farm lands, and for those who
want to build homes in towns.
Their interest is 6 per cent.
Terms five years, the borrow pay
ing 1-10 each year thereby re
ducing the interest, and princi
i pal so the final settlement will be
j easy. The money for building
!or improving homes in towns is
also 6 per cent, money, and the
loans are arranged so the bor
rower repays monthly for 60
months. You only have to add
a little to the amount you are
paying as rent to own you a
home in a short time. I think
this a good way for a person to
get a home.
L. C. Underwood,
Mt. Vernon, Ga.
For Long Term Farm
I am negotiating some very
attractive Long Term Farm Loans
for the hi st companies doing bus
iness m Georgia, with lowest rates
of interest and the most liberal
terms of payments
I have several years experience
in the loan business, am located
at the county site and believe that
lam in position to give you the
best terms and as prompt services
■ as any one.
If you need a loan see me before
A. B. Hutchesou,
Mt. Vernon, Ga.
Hamp Burch
Attorney at Law
Practices in a 1 l*th© Courts.
Atty at
Mt Vernon, Georgia.
Soperton, Georgia