Newspaper Page Text
Atlanta, Oa.—(Special.)—"Certain newspapers In Georgia having made
personal attacks upon Hon. Oscar W. Underwood, Democratic leader of
the House of Representatives and a candidate for President of the I n te
States, In which they stated, among other things, that Mr. Underwoo
"barely missed being a Northerner;’’ that bis father was a Northern sym
pnthlzer during the Civil war, and that he came from a family of Northern
p< ople, I have secured a signed statement from Mr. Underwood hlmse
regarding the se charges,’’ said Hon. G. it. Hutchens, manager of Mr. n
derwood’s campaign yesterday.
"While Mr. Underwood is running as a national candidate and Is o
our minds, the biggest man in the Democratic party and the lead ng
American In tie- country today, the fact that he Is a Southern man Is but
one of the many reasons we advance for voting for him, and I do not
think such ugly, mean spirited and untruthful statements should go un
answered ’’ How untruthful these statements are can be best Judged from
reading Mr. Underwood’s own words, which follow:
Oscar W. Underwood was born In Louisville, Ky. t on the Rth day of
May, ]sfi2. On his paternal side he is descended from a family of law
yers and planters, who came from England and settled In Virginia In 1664.
Ilis grandfather’s grandfather, William Thomas Underwood, was a plan
ter before the Revolutionary war, high sheriff of Ooochland county and
at one time a member of the house of delegates of Virginia. His grand
father s father was John Underwood, a planter and at on ' time high sher
iff of Cooehland county and also a member of the house of delegates. His
grandfathei wa born in Goochland county, and when 10 years old went
to Kentucky with his uncle, Edmund Rogers, and General George Rogers
Clark, who was one of his cousins.
Ills grandfather was Joseph It. Underwood, who was bom In 1790 and
was a lieutenant In one of the companies organized In Kentucky In the
War of 1v 1" He was severely wounded at the battle of Dudleys defeat In
Ohio He afterwards studied law, became a member of the court of ap
peals of Kentucky, was elected to congress as a Whig and afterwards
served n the United States senate as a colleaguo of Henry Clay.
"lie agreed with Mr. Clay In his advocacy of a gradual emancipation of
the slaves and In the early part of the fifties emancipated all his slaves
who desired their freedom on condition that they would go to Liberia to
!iv<' About half of them accepted their freedom under these conditions,
and he, at his own expense, sent them to Liberia, and gave them tho
money to start life. Tho balance of his slaves remained with him until
after tho war. At the outbreak of the war l.e was over seventy years of
age and took no active part In tho hostilities, but his sympathies were on
the side of the Union. Ills son, Kugene Underwood, was horn at Glasgow,
Ky , In ISIS. He practiced law at Howling Green, Ky., In partnership with
lits father and subsequently moved to Nashville, Tenn., and practiced law
then for about ten years. He was a member of the original board of
directors of tho Louisville and Nashville railroad, but Just before the be
ginning of the Civil war moved to Louisville and engaged In the practice
of law lu that city.
"Southern Sympathizer.”
When the Union army first occupied the city of Louisville ho was ar
rested. charged with being a Southern sympathizer, but was subsequently
released, and from that time to the end of the w - ar took no part on either
side of the controversy. Two of his brothers served In the Confederate
army; John C. Underwood, now living In New York, was a major In the
Confederate army, and was engaged on tho Confederate side In the battle
of Shiloh and other battles. Towards tho end of the war he was captured
nod confined In a Northern prison until the close of hostilities. Kugene
Underwood, from the time of the outbreak of the Civil war, aligned him
self with the Democratic party and consistently voted the Democratic
ticket from that time to the time of Ids death. In his youth ho voted the
Whig ticket. Joseph R. Underwood, Oscar W. Underwood’s grandfather,
was a Whig up to the time of the Civil war; after that time he aligned
himself with the Democratic party arid always voted the Democratic
ticket, lie was a member of the national Democratic convention that
nominated Seymour for president. All of Oscar W. Underwood's ances
tors on his paternal side wore Southern people, olther Virginians or Ken
All for Confedsracy.
Underwood's maternal grandfather was Jabez Smith, who was born In
Groton, Conn., and moved to I’etorshurg, Va., when he was a boy eighteen
years of age. He built one of the first cotton mills In the South at Po
tert-burg, and for a number of years was mayor of that city before the
Civil war. lie was always a Democrat and came from a Democratic fam
ily During the Civil war his sympathies were with tho South.
lie died at Petersburg during the slego, at the age of 76. His son and
two of his grandsons served In tho Confederate army; one of his grand
sons being killed during the siege of Petersburg. Oscar Underwood’s ma
ternal grandmother was a Miss Walthall, of an old Virginia family, and a
cousin of tho late Senator Walthall, of Mississippi.
Why They Left South.
When Oscar W. Underwood waa threo years old , In the fall of 1865, his
mother liud a number of hemorrages. Tho doctors, fearing tuberculosis,
luhiM'il his lather to take her to a dry climate, and they moved to St.
Paul, Minn., when it was a frontier country, and there were only ten miles
of railroad In the state. His father lived there until 1875, when he re
turned to Kentucky and brought Oscar W. Underwood hack with him aud
placed him In school In Louisville, where Mb father eestabllshed the family
home Oscar W. Underwood remained there and went to school until
lssl, when he was sent to tho University of Virginia and graduated there
In luw in June, 1884.
In Birmingham.
Shortly after Ills graduation he went to Minnesota and was admitted to
the bar, hut only remained there about two months, from there going to
ltlnnliigham, Ala . to Join Ills brother, William T. Underwood, who was In
business In Birmingham. Oscar W. Underwood was admitted to the bar
In Birmingham, Ala ,on the first day of September, 1884, and practiced
law there until he was elected to congress In 1884. His two sons were
horn In Birmingham, and that city has been his home for nearly twenty
eight years. Ills first wife was Miss Eugenia Massie, whom he married
at Charlottesville, Va.. and who was a member of a Virginia family of
Revolutionary stock. Ills second wife was Miss Bertha Woodward, who
was horn lti Wheeling, W. Va.. her father moving to Birmingham, Ala.,
when she was six or seven years old, and has resided there ever since
that time,
_'' 1 “
Atlanta, Ga -(Special)—"The policy of tho advocates of Professor
Wilson of New Jersey of oudcavoriugto obscure thee real Issues In the
Georgia campaign, by ugly, unworthy and unwarranted attacks on Mr.
Underwood is not endorsed by the thinking people of Georgia and has
disgusted and turned from them many who were Inclined to support their
candidate,' 1 says Manager G. R. Hutchens of the Underwood Campaign.
"1 do not think It Is my place to berate the candidacy of Professor Wil
son or any one else by making personal attacks on them, and I am
going to refrain from doing It regardless of whether our opponents pitch
tlieir campaign on a low plane or not
•‘1 think It Is despicable and reprehensible to make the charges that
have been persistently made by the representatives of Professor Wilson
of New Jersey In the state of Georgia, Co-wtt: That Mr. Underwood Is In a
presidential conspiracy. Is a tool of Wall Street and Is receiving the
money with which hts Georgia campaign Is being financed from that
source Principally because l have not dignified such a dastardly charge
with a denial, they have grown bolder and bolder In making It until now
they are beside themselves.
"It Is an hi suit to the lVmocrats of Georgia to Intimate that Georgia
Democrats are subject to purchase.
"How puerile their effort to make the good people of Georgia believe
that every candidate who is opposed to Professor Wilson of New Jersey Is
in a low browed conspiracy: every candidate who Is opposed to him Is
a stalking horse of Wall Street, and every candidate who Is opposed to
him is having his campaign financed by Wall Street Inasmuch as the
speaker of tho House of Representatives and the Democratic leader of
the house are aspiring to the presidency, these charges constitute an awful
indictment against the Democratic party.”
i“ ——^a List of Those
______________ Primary Election W
To tho Voters of Montgomery County:
I hereby announce myself a candidate for
the office of .Sheriff of said county, subject to
the coming primary. I have bad an ambition
to till this office since leaching manhood, and
if fleeted I will respect the office and protect
the citizens sod tbeir property with this office,
impartially. Faithfully yours,
To the Voting Citizens of Montgomery Co,:
With a record for service and tair leafing
while serving as Sheriff fit our county, I most
earnestly ask vour snp|sirt in my candidacy
for re-election to this office in the coming
election. If has been my efforts to serve the
people faithfully, and is my desire to continue
in Iho service of my fellow citizens With as
surances of appreciation of the favors already
bestowed upon me, anil asking your kind in
dulgence, I am Yours truly,
J amkh Hester.
To tlie citizens of Montgomery comity: I
offer for election to the office ol Sheriff of
Montgomery county, and respectfully ask tho
support of my friends amt fellow citizens. In
asking for office at your hands for the firs!
time, I guarantee to faithfully discharge all
its duties, and expect only to do my duty as a
sworn officer. I ask your support in
ing primary election, and hope to lie favored
with the office. I claim some exp' rienci in
the wmk pertaining to the officf uul feel till!'
competent to take up the work if f leeted.
For Sheriff.
Wishing to again servo the people of Mont
f;omery county in the capacity of Sheriff, I
icroby announce myself a candidate for the
office, subject to the rules of the comity pri
maty. My record as former sheriff is before I
you "and ( respectfully ask the office again at!
your bands, again assuring von that if I am
favored with the office I will discharge its
duties to the best of ray ability, knowing its
varied responsibilities.
Yours respectfully,
For Sheriff:
7b the Citizen Voters of Montgomery Co.:
Impressed with a laudable desire to serve
the people of Montgomery county as sheriff',
I hereby make public my candidacy for said
office, subject to whatever action is determined,
by the rules of the I eraocratic primary. I
"barucstly and most respectfully ask the cor
dial support of the voters of my county, and !
it elected to this office, my only promise is to
discharge the duties devolving upon me to
the best of my ability, without favor to any
man. Most respectfully,
Dan A. Morrison.
For Sheriff:
To the Voters of Montgomery county:
I respectfully solicit vour support ill the
coming primary for Sheriff.
Yours truly,
For Sheriff:
I beg to announce to iny friends and fellow
citizens that I am a candidate for the Sheriffs
office of Montgomery county. I trust that I
may be found worthy of the esteem and confi
dence of the voters, and that my name may he
found on many ballots on election day. Ask
ing tho support of all aud thanking those who
may lavor me me, I am
Yours very truly,
•J. 1. Palmeb.
For County Treasurer.
I hereby announce as a candidate to huccc •4-1
myself as Treasurer of Montgomery county,
subject to the primary election Tint iking
mv fellow citizens for past support, aud solic
iting a continuance, I am
Yours truly,
For County Treasurer.
I offer my services to the voters of Mont
gomery county in the capacity of County
Treasurer. Years of clerical training render
me quite competent to discharge the duties
of the office, and my work as a county official j
in former years warrants mo in saving that I
have a right to claim the support of my fellow
citizens I respectfully ask for election at
your hands to the office of Treasurer, and
guarantee to discharge faithfully all its duties
if favored with the office.
Yours respectfully,
For County Treasurer:
To the Voters of Montgomery County:
I hereby announce myself a eamlidase for
the office of County Treasurer, subject to the
Democratic primary. I would appreciate the
cordial support of my friends and fellow citi
zens. Yours truly,
Arch y,
For Treasurer.
I take this method of announcing to my
friends and all citizens ot Montgomery county
that I am a candidate for the office of Treas
urer of this county, Having served my fellow
citizens iu this capacity before, 1 respectfully
refer to my past record as a countv officer,
and earnestly ask your support in the coming
primary. c. A. POPE.
For County Treasurer:
To the Voters of Montgomery County:
At the solicitation of many friends, 1 have
deeided to announce for Treasurer of Mont
gomery county, subject to the Democratic
primary. Have never before off red for office
and would not do so now, hut Wing sftlic • d,
it ii impossible for me to follow my vocation
(farming), i promise, if elected, a just and
honest administration of the affairs connected
with the office, and will do all in mv power to
serve tho public satisfactorily.
A. D. Conaway.
For County Treasurer:
To the Voters of Montgomery county;
Alter giving t lie matter careful consideration
l have decided to entci the race for treasurer
in the Democratic primary, and take this
method of announcing my 'candidacy. I be
heve I am fully competent to administer the
affairs of the office in a satisfactory manner,
amt if elected will devote my best efforts to
that end 1 have never before asked a politi
cal favor at the hands of mv friends, and any
support that you may render me in the ap
proaching election will be greatly appreciated.
A. D. Hughes.
To the People ol Montgomery Countv:
I aiu now serving the count; as Tax Col
lector, being my first ami only term. The
work before me is receiving my "most earnest
endeavors. For the favor accorde 1 me. lam
very grateful, and assure the voters of the
county of my continued efforts to serve them
in a faithful and acceptable manner. I feel
that my labors will warrant nie in asking re
election to this imp rtant office. Your favor
will be greatly appreciated. My name and
candidacy is before you, subject to such rules
and requirement* as may be provided bv the
Democratic committee of the county.
Verv respectfully,
D. F. W Alt N OCK.
For Tax Collector:
r I Hin now a candidate for the office of Tax
Collector of Montgomery comity, nimplv be
( caiiae I need what the office pays. Thanking
I everybody foi their help in the past and bo
f limiting the aupport of all at the coining pri
mary, if one he held, and pledging myself, if
elected, to give the office and the people my
bent services, I beg to remain
Yours for truth and right,
I). M. CnutiE.
For Tax Collector:
I take this method of informing the citizens
of Montgomery comity that I am offering for
I the office of Tax Collector of Montgomery
' county, Hill licet to primary rules. Assuring
all my friends and all interested citizens that
it is my honest intention to faithfully perform
the duties of the office if favored with it, and
soliciting your v des in the coming primary,
I am Yours respectfully,
Andrew J Grimes.
. .
For Tax Collector:
I respectfully announce to the citizens of
Montg- pi cry county licit I ain a candidate for
the office of Tax Collector of Montgomery
county, and ask your support in tlieapproach
ing primary election. I understand fully the
requirements or the office, and if elected, I
guarantee a satisfactory execution of tlie work
involved I thank in advance the numerous
j friends who have tendered, their support ami
I urged my candidacy. licapectfuliy,
G. V. Mason.
For County Treasurer:
I respectfully offer my services to the citi
zens of Montgomery county as Treasurer of
the county. Knowing that. I can fill the office
1 acceptably, and to the entire satisfatiou of the
j most exacting tax payer, I ask tlie office at
! vour hands. Will appreciate highly all assist-
I ance rendered by my friends and fellow citi
zens in an honest- effort to secure the place.
Yours respectfully,
J. 1). Browning.
For Clerk Superior Court.
Having faithfully served Montgomery coun
ty as Clerk <>t' the Superior Court for one term
l’shall ask again for the office. In the coming
I county primary 1 ask for re-nomination at the
i hands' ot the’ voters of the county, and
| promise continued faithfulness in the dis
! .marge of the duties of the office. I appre
| ciatc highly your favors in the past, and feel'
! entitled to another term- Hoping to have tire
vote of nivformcr supporters and other friends
! with whom I have neon pleasantly associated
while serving in the office, I remain
Yours Respectfully,
M. L.O’Brien.
For Tax Receiver:
To the Voters of Montgomery County:
I ireg to announce myself a candidate for re
election to the office of Tax Receiver of Mont
gomery county. I thank the people for past i
favors and earnestly ask your support in my
candidacy for a second term, subject to the
county primary.
John G. Morris.
For Tax Receiver:
I am in tlie race for the office of Tax Receiv
er of Montgomery county, and sincerely ask
the support of the voters. Vuy favors shown
me will be highly appreciated and if elected I
w ill execute tlie duties of the office as tlie law
requires. Respectfully,
W. T. Hadden.
For Tax Receiver:
I respectfully ask the support of the cit izens
of Montgomery county for the office of Tax
Receiver, and pledge myself to faithfully dis
charge the duties of the same if I am favored
with it by tlie people. I earnestly solicit your
votes in the coming primary for the office.
Yours respectfully,
Isaac Brooks.
For County Commissioner:
I beg to announce my candidacy for a place
on the Board of Commissioners of Roads and
’ Revenues of Montgomery County, subject to
such requirements as may he t rescribed by
the counti executive dbmmitteo. If honored
with tlie place, it will be my pleasure to serve
the better interests of the county and people.
Asking the kind considerati m of the voters,
1 am Very truly,
Soperton. \V. T. Stephens.
For County Commissioner:
To the Votcrn rtf Montgomery county:
I hereby become a candidate for Commis
sioner cl Roads ami Hevenes of Montgomery
county, ami ask the support ot the people in
the primary election, Yotwithstanding a high
i tax rate, our county is in debt. To legiti-
I mately disburse thirty thousand dollars of the
people’s money demands foresight and busi
ness ability. Wo need a BUSINESS adminis
tration of county matters. If I can measure
up to the demandsof tli,e people, give me your
support. II you believe l cannot, support
j some oth**r man. Yours truly
W. M Lewis.
For County Commissioner:
I hereby announce to the public Unit I am a
Candida-c tor a place on tlie Board of Cummin-
Himn rsof Roads and Revenues of Montgomery
county. At the solicitation of many friends, I
am seeking the place, and respectfully ask the
support oi the voters generally.
H. H. Heath.
For County Commissioner:
Having been a eitizm of Montgomery conn
-1 ’tv county for fourteen years, anil desiring to i
j take a part in its upbuilding, I offer my ser
l vices as county commissioners, and a*k elec- j
j tion at the hands ot my fellow citizen#. If
I elected, I pledge myself to serve conscien
| tiously the interests of the people, lo iking to
1 the li'nancial welfare and prosperity of each
I section. Yours very truiy,
For County Commissioner:
’ With a fair ke w< dge of the affairs of Mont
’ ; gonieri county and some of its urgent needs.
and a desin to serve mv fellow citizens. I
’ I announce as a candidate for county commis
' j sinner. If called to servo my county in this
I capacity, I shall look well to the interests ot
I the people as a whole, and do my part for tlie
I upbuilding of all the county's interests. I ask
j your vob > in the coming primary.
Yours to serve, J E. Horns.. ,
t For Comity Commissioner:
t- At the solicitation ot many of my friends,
i who think our section of Montgomery county
I | should have representation on the board of
-: Roads and Revenues, I hereby announce niv
r self a candidate for county commissioner, sub- I
1 jeet to the rule* of the comity primary. I res
s pectfully a.-k your support, and stand ready
e to do my full sliare in the upbuilding of the
interests of the whole people.
Yours respectfully,
Schedule Effective Oct. 22, 1911.
\i ß p°'m° STATIONS s°*tll 9 n°', 17
A - M. P. >L A. M. P. M.
700 4DO Leave Masou Arrive 11 25 428
7 14 414 Swift Creek 11 12 327
123 428 Dry Branch 11 08 404
‘2; 427 Atlantic 10 59 400
'o* 4 31 pj ke ’ 8 Peak 10 55 356
tfi j Fitzpatrick 10 48 349
‘ ” ’ Ripley 10 43 344
‘ I Jeffersonville 10 31 3 32
” t VS Gallemore 10 19 3 21
al? rJ? Danville 10 09 811
° Allentown 10 04 3 06
” " ", Montrose 9 54 2 56
!fo r\l Dudley 948 245
° o Shew make 9 37 2 39
8 •>! 554 Moore o ’in 939
0 10 6 W A, . Lv. 915 Iff
915 615 Lv. a- qin9 19
917 617 . SMD &S J ' q os 9 io
921 621 NMD&SJ 904 9 Oft
931 631 Cat 1i n 864 156
941 041 Min ter 848 145
951 651 Rockledge 881 133
950 650 Orlaud 825 127
10 11 711 Soperton 810 112
10 22 722 Tarrytown 758 100
10 30 730 Kibbee 75012 52
1 0 45 745 Vidalia 73512 37
At Dublin with the Wrightsville & Tennille and the Dublin & South
western for East,mail and Tennille and intermediate points
At Macon with Southern Railway from and to Cincinnatti, Chattanooga,
Rome Birmingham, Atlanta and intermediate points. Also the Central of
Georgia Railway, G. S. & F. Railway, Macon and Birmingham Railway
arid Georgia Railroad.
At Rockledge with the Millen and Southwestern for Wadley and in
termediate points.
At Vidalia with tlie Seaboard Air Line for Savannah and intermediate
points, and with tlie Millen and Southwestern for Millen, Stillmore and in
termediate points.
J. A. STREYER, G. P. A., Macon, Ga.
For County Commissioner:
The voters of tlie Springliill District, Mont
gomery count}', announce the name ofF. C.
VicGahec as a candidate for Commissioner of
Roads and Revenues from our section. We
know it tlie people will elect. Mr. McGahce lie
will make a good commissioner, acceptable to
the entire people, and we respectfully ask for
him the support of the people.
The Citizens and Voters of Springhill
For County Commissioner:
We, the undersigned, voters of Montgom
ery county, hereby ask that the name of Mr.
R. D. Beatty of Tarrytown, Ga , bo placed on
the ticket as a candidate for Commissioner of
Roads and Revenues, Montgomery county:
L. A. McCrary, cashier; W. T. Dickens, far
mer; IV. H Kelley, farmer; L. I. Davis, mer
chant; VV. B. Cadle, merchant; D. O. Calhoun,
farmer; L. A. Arrington, merchant; M. E
Burns, farmer; Travis Eberhart, teacher; VV.
L. Snow, merchant; A. L. Wheeler, J. P.; A.
L. Hamilton, farmer; I. J. Joyner, farmer; L.
D. Calhoun, Postmaster; Cltas. R. Crowder,
M. D.; Jason Powell, farmer; J>. P. Usry, M.
D. J. E. Carpenter, Rv Agt.;B. I'\ Hamilton,
farmer; C. H. Calhoun, farmer and capitalist;
VV. M. Calhoun, farmer; J. A. Beekworth,
To the Voters of Montgomery County:
Having been solicited and petitioned to be
come a candidate for Commissioner of Roads
and Revenues of Montgomery county. I here
by announce mysell a candidate for a place
on tlie Board, and if I should be elected will
act to the best interest of tlie masses of the
people. Respectfully,
R. i). Beatty.
For County Commissioner:
To the Voters of Montgomery County;
After having been solicited by a great many
friends, I offer myself a candidate for CCuntv
Commissioner, and promise if elected to that
office to serve tlie people to the best of my
ability. Thanking the people for the support
that may bt given me, 1 am
Very respectfully,
VV. H. M oxbEY, ■ln.
For Count} 7 Commissioner:
Having served the people of Montgomery 1
county several years on the Board of Commis- i
sionersof Roads and Revenues, and having am- I
pie opportunity to become familiar with the i
1 eqniremeuts and responsibilities of the office,
I reel it my duty to again offer my services to
the people of my county in the same capacity.
If again selected as one of the guardians of tlie
county’s host interests I propose to give ear
nest and faithful service to the work of ad
vancing the material interests of the whole
people. Respectfully,
Elijah Jliller.
For Commissioner of Roads and
I offer for r»-election to the office of Com
missioner on the Board of Commissioners of
Hoads and Revenues of Montgomery comity.
Several years of service that has given me in
sight into the county’s needs, and an honest ;
desire to see the interests of my native county
carefully guarded, prompts me to again offer i
my services as a commissioner. If called
again by the people to serve them, I shall look
well to their interests and endeavor to faith
fully perform the duties involved.
Yours respectfully,
For County Surveyor:
I heg to announce to the votersnf Montgom
ery county that my candidacy for the office of i
Countv Surveyor is placed before them, ask
ing a return to the office which has had my
, best and moat impartial efforts m the past,
ami for which I amj very grateful. If this of
fice is again awarded me, it shall not suffer
>■ through a lack of attention, and every call
. tor a competent and painstaking surveyor wil 1
i continue to have my ready response.
Very truly,
S. B. J/oßitis,
Fur Ordinary.
My candidacy for re-election to the office of
. | Ordinary is hereby placed before the people
of my native county. Assuring the public of
my appreciation of past favors, aud further
, pledging mv efforts toward the service and
I • welfare of the people, I am
Alex McAbtbi’B.
For Representative:
I hereby announce myself a candidate for
Representative of Montgomery county, subject
to the action of the Democratic Executive
Committee of the county. I pledge myself, if j
elected, to represent, to the best of my ability, |
the best interests ot Montgomery county and |
the State of Georgia. Soliciting the support ■
of the voters of the county, I am
Yours truly,
J. C. Johnson. ,
For Representative:
Georgia— Montgomery County.
To the People of Montgomery County: Du
ring the fifty days that I served you last sum.
mer I carried out every pledge made in my
campaign for /fepresentative. Besides, I was
instrumental in preparing and passing the new
school law, giving an additional hundred
thousand dollars to tiie school children of
Georgia; an extra forty thousand dollars to
the old soldiers and their widows, getting
several old soldiers on the pay roll as pension
ers who had been turned down belore; the
new game law; the new state road law, and
many other very important matters to the
common people of Georgia, whose friend I am.
I secured the enactment of those laws which,
if carried into effect, will save this county five
thousand dollars, or more, every year, I se
cured our new road law giving each district in
the county its own mnnej upon its own roads.
I voted for every prohibition measure tending
to uplitt our people and state. I was on all
occasions on tlie side of tlie poor people, the
laboring people and the oppressed, and did on
ly those things that I thought were for the
best interest of the whole people. My con
duct as your representative is a matter of pub
lic record. With the experience I have had
Xam now in a better positon to render still
greater service to the people of niy native
county. I love the people in this grand coun
ty and am anxious to serve them again in the
Georgia legislature. If I have made mistakes
I wish to correct them. There is no money
to be made as a legislator. All you get is the
consciousness of having served your people
well and faithfully. God has given me some
powers to help my people in the General As
sembly of Georgia and I purpose using what
ever little I may possess for tlie best interest
of the entire people. For the above and other
reasons I feel that I am entitled to re-elec
tion to the General Assembly of Georgia from
Montgomery county under such rules and reg
ulations as may bo prescribed by the proper
authorities, and I earnestly ask the people of
this county to re-elect me, promising them the
best efforts of my life in their behalf. Very
thankfully and loyally yours to serve,
Wm. B. KENT.
For County Commissioner:
At the earnest solicitation of a largen umber of
interested citizens, I offer my services as a Com
missioner of Roads and Revenues of Montgomery
county. Having the best interests of the county
at heart, I desire to do my part towards its up
building, and the advancement of all the material
interests of its people. With these objects in
: view, 1 ask your votes in the primary on the 24th
instant. Respectfully yours,
For County Commissioner:
Wishing to serve my fellow citizens in the ca
pacity of County Commissioner, 1 hereby announce
my candidacy for the place. If elected to serve
you, I will conscientiously strive for the best inter
ests of my people, working for the betterment
of our roads and finances. I ask your votes in the
coming primary, and assure you that your confi
dence and support will be highly appreciated.
Yours Respectfully,
J. G. Snelixjrove.
For County Commissioner:
Mr. J. M. D. McGregor having consented to
serve on the Board of Commissioners of Roada
and Revenues, if the voters of the county so de
sire him, we hereby announce him a candidate for
Commissioner on said board. This announcement
is made subject to the rules of the approaching
Friends of the County.
For County Commissioner:
Yielding to the strong solicitation of my friends,
I am offering my services as County Commission
er, subject to the nomination to lie made by prima
ry on April 24th. If the people of my county see
fit to elect me to this place of duty and responsi
. bility, I pledge myself to give my best efforts to
1 the upbuilding of the whole county. To this end
I solicit your support in the primary.
Yours to serve,
For County Commissioner:
I hereby announce that I am a candidate for
County Commissioner, subject to the action and
rules of the coming primary. A life-long resi
dence in Montgomery county warrants me in
saying that I understand the important work of
its Board of Roads and Revenues and the ends tx>
lie accomplished by good management of its af
fairs. If favored by election, my work will be
for the upbuilding of the whole county.
Yours very truly,
Chas. D. Adams.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomerv County.
Will be sold before the court house door In
Mt. Vernon on the tJr«t Tuesday in May,
1912, between the legal hour* of sale, to the
highest and best bidder for cash, certain prop
erty, of which the following is a complete de
One certain No. 1 saw regulator and one 48-inch
inserted tooth saw. Property in the possession of
defendants and may be seen by prospective pur
: chasers before date of sale. Levied on and will be
sold as the property of I. B. Branch and C. B.
Branch to satisfy an execution issued from the
j superior court of said county in favor of Mallary
& Taylor Iron Works against I. B. Branch and C.
| B. Branch. Levied and return made to me by F.
E. Forrester, deputy sheriff, and written notice
of levy given defendants in possession as requred
by law. This the 9th day of April, 1912.
Jas. Hester, Sheriff M. C.
Hardeman, Jones, Callaway & Johnston,
Attys. for Plffs.