Newspaper Page Text
Office in Court House and County Funds De
posited in Several Banks of County.
To the Voters of Montgomery County: . . . . . .. ...
For the information of those ot you who may not be acquainted with the manner in which the
affairs of the Treasurer’s office have been managed since I assumed the duties of the office, I present
herewith a few facts in regard to my management for your consideration, and trust that my conduct
of the affairs of the office may meet with the approval of the citizens of the county at large.
(Copy) Alamo, Ga., April 10th, 1012. I hereby certify that Mr. J. W. Morrison uses the Coun
ty Commissioners’ room in the court house as a Treasurer’s office. (Signed)
J. F. SIKES, Former Chairman County Commissioners.
(Copy) Dublin, Ga., April 10th, 1012. I hereby certify that upon assuming of the duties of the
office of County Treasurer by Mr. J. W. Morrison in January 1911, that he called the attention of the
Board of County Commissioners, of which I was Clerk at that time, to the section of the Code of
Georgia requiring him to keep an office within one mile of the court house, and that he called their
attention to the fact that no provision was made in the court house for a Treasurer’s office.
I further certify that the Board of County Commissioners thereupon tendered Mr. Morrison the
use of the Commissioners’ office as a Treasurer’s office, and that it was used by Mr. Morrison from
January 1911 to the time of my resignation from the Board of Commissioners as the Treasurer’s
office. (Signed) Wm. BLAND,
Clerk of Board of County Commissioners of Montgomery County for 1911.
(Copy) Soperton, Ga., April 10th, 1912.—Mr. J. W. Morrison, Treasurer Montgomery County,
Glenwood, Ga. Dear Sir:—lnasmuch as your policy of distribution of the county funds has been
criticised we wish to endorse your method. We believe you have fairly and equitably distributed the
funds of the county among the different banks of the county. Your balance with us has been very
satisfactory. Yours very truly, (Signed) PEOPLE’S BANK, Soperton, Ga.
By R. E. WARD, Cashier.
(Copy) Soperton, Ga., April 9th, 1912. To whom it may concern:—This is to certify that. Hon.
J. W! Morrison, Treasurer of Montgomery Couunty, has maintained a balance of from $350.00 to
$2,000.00 with this bank since being in office, having $2000.00 on deposit at this time. Respectfully,
(Signed) THE BANK OF SOPERTON, J. E. HALL, Cashier.
(Copy) Tarrytown, Ga., April llt.h, 1912.—Towhom it may concern:—This is to certify that Hon.
J. W. Morrison, now Treasurer of Montgomery County, has carried a balance with this bank from
June Ist, 1911, of from $400.00 to SI,OOO. He now has on deposit in this bank SI,OOO. Respectfully,
(Copy) Uvalda, Ga., April 4th, 1912.-Mr. J. W. Morrison, Treasurer Montgomery County,
Glenwood, Ga. Dear Sir:-We beg to acknowledge receipt of your esteemed favor of the 3rd inst.,
mailing us check for SI,OOO which we have placed up to your credit. Our books now show a balance
to your credit of $2,000, which amount, we believe, justifies us in saying that you have acted in keep
ing with your promise with regard to distributing the county funds among the different banks in
Montgomery County. We feel that we have received our prorata share of the county funds and wish
to thank you for the business given us. With kindest regards, we are, Yours very truly,
(Signed) THE UVALDA BANK, W. F. McALLISTER, Cashier.
(Copy) Glenwood, Ga., April 11th, 1912.-Mr. J. W. Morrison, Treasurer Montgomery County,
Gienwood, Ga. Dear Sir: lam pleased with your method of distributing the county funds among
the different banks, and take this way of telling you. As I see it you are fair to all, giving each lo
cality an equal part of the idle funds of the county. Wishing you success, I am, Yours truly,
(Signed) THE FARMERS BANK, Glenwood, W. J. FUTRAL, Cashier.
(Copy) Alamo, Ga., April 13th, 1912. —Mr. J. W. Morrison, Treasurer, Glenwood, Ga. Dear
Sir:-It is with pleasure that we state that we are highly pleased with your method of distributing
the funds of Montgomery County among the several banks of this county and that we believe that
you have done so without unjust discrimination to either of them. You are at liberty to make public
use of this statement if you should wish to do so. Yours very truly,
(Signed) THE BANK OF ALAMO, J. B. FORDHAM, Cashier.
(Copy) Alston, Ga., April 15th, 1912.-Mr. J. W. Morrison, Treasurer Montgomery County,
Glenwood, Ga. Dear Sir:—ln view of the fact that your method of handling the county funds has
been criticised, we wish to endorse your method. We believe you have fairly and equitably distrib
uted the funds among the different banks of the county, and we will state further that your balance
with us has been very satisfactory. Yours very truly,
(Signed) CITIZENS BANK, Alston, L. E. CLAXTON, Cashier.
Ailey, Ga., April 15th, 1912. Mr. J. W. Morrison, Treasurer, Glenwood, Ga.
Dear Sir:—The business which you have favored us with during your term of office has been greatly
appreciated and we desire to thank you for same. We believe your plan of distribution of the county
funds to be beneficial to all parts of the county, as it gives the banks in each section the use of a part
of the funds and thus benefits the tax-payers of those sections in which the banks are located. The
plan has at all times had our hearty endorsement. With best wishes, I am yours very truly,
J. B. BREWTON, Cashier, Montgomery County Bank.
Not only has it been my pleasure to keep an office within the walls of the court house, but it has
also been my pleasure to be in my office on all court days and give the business which presents itself
my personal attention, paying the Jury Script in actual cash, without discount, at the court house
as soon as issued. If re-nominated and re-elected, I promise to serve the convenience of the people the
same in the future as I have in the past. Very respectfully, J. W. MORRISON, Treasurer.
Executor’s Sale.
Georgia— Montgomery County.
Will-be sold before the court
house door in Mt. Vernon, Ga.,
between the legal hours of sale,'
on the first Tuesday in May, IGJ2, i
to the highest bidder for cash,
twenty-five acres of land in the
town of Soperton, Montgomery
county, Georgia, bounded on the
north by Tiger Creek, on the east
by lands of W. C. Futrell, south |
by W. C. Futrell and we,3t by |
lands of O. 0. Williams. Also five |
acres of land, more or less, in the
east side of the town of Soperton,
Montgomery county, and bounded 1
as follows; North by Tiger Creek,
east by College street, south by
Oak street and west by Hank of
Soperton, C. H. Peterson, et al. i
Sold as the property of the estate
of Margarett 13. Williams, under
an order from the Ordinary of
said county. This April Ist, 1912
J. C. Williams,
Ex. Margarett B. Williams.
Georgia—Montgomery county.
Mrs. Bessie Browning having in
proper form applied to the under
signed for a twelve months sup
port out of the estate of the late
Chas. W. Browning, for herself |
and one minor child, and the ap- I
praisers appointed for valuation j
and setting apart having filed,
their return, this is to cite all and {
singular that said application will
he heard at my office on the first
Monday in May, 1912. This the
Ist day of April, 1912.
Alex McArthur, Ordinary, j
Dissolution Notice.
The firm of Mcßride & Adamson
has this day been dissolved by j
mutual consent, J. A. Mcßride
buying the entire interest in said
business and assuming all obliga-;
tions and collecting all accounts
due said firm, J. B. Adamson re
tiring. J. A. Mcßride continues
the business. This the lßth day
of April, 1912. J. A. Mcßride,
J. B. Adamson.
Intended for last week.
Mr. and Mrs. O’Neal, after a
pleasant visit to their parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Sumner, re
turned to their home at Higgston
Mr. Arch Carpenter of Higgs
ton visited here last week.
Prof. R. S. New spent Satur
day and Sunday with parents 1
and other relatives at Soperton.
Misses Hortense Jenkins and
Mary Stuckey, students of S. G.
C., spent the week end with
i home folks here.
! Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Barlow
were the guests of relatives here
Messrs. Jerry D. and Dewey
Sears of Alamo were in our town
Friday last on business.
Mr. Guy Rivers, agent of the
Southern Express Co. at Glen
wood, Ga., was here on business
Tuesday afternoon.
Mr. A. W. Barlow visited his
sons near Snow Hill Sunday.
We are sorry to note the illness
iof little Ruby Sumner. Hope
for her a speedy recovery.
Mrs. Elisha Morris and child
. ren have returned home after a
stay of several weeks with rela- 1
i tives near Dexter. Many friends
were glad to welcome them
I home.
Mr. L. Chavous of Cross Roads
! was here Sunday.
Mr. Charley Morrison of Glen-
I wood was here last week.
Misses Carrye and Vinnah Mc-
Darriel spent Saturday night at,
the home of their uncle, Mr.
Hugh Morrison.
Mr. E. J. Ennis spent one day
last week with relatives in Vi
Time No Use to Him.
When Robert H. Davis was
young and loose in the feet he
once wandered into a little Mis
sisippi town, says the Cincinnati
Times-Star. It was a bright day
in the early spring, and he walk
led down the one street. By and
j by he came to the county jail—a
! two-storied affair, standing flush
with the sidewalk.
1 “There was a negro pressing
his face against the barred win
dow on the second floor,” said
Mr. Davis, “holding on to the
barns and yawning. By and by
an old negro came limping along
the street, toting a whitewash
“ ‘Hello, Uncle Eph’m,’ says
the one in the window.
“ ‘Howdy,’ says Ephraim,
limping on.
“‘ Wait a minute, Uncle,’ says
this lonesome negro in the win
dow. ‘What time is it, Uncle?’
“Uncle Ephram limped right
on. He hardly looked up.
| “ ‘What diffunce does it make
Ito you, niggeh ?’ he asked. ‘You
ain’t goin nowhere.’ ”
Notice of Application for Ijeave
to Sell bands.
| Notice is hereby given that I will apply to Judge
J. H. Martin at the court house in Mt. Vernon on
Monday, May 6, 1912, for an order authorizing rne
as the legal guardian of Mamie Z. Beckum, Nor
man Beck urn and Jaw. O. Beckum, minora, to Mill
j for reinvestment all the intercut of said minors in
j and to the following tract of land:—l4o acres,
more or less, lying in the 16915 t G. M. District of
Montgomery county, bounded on the north by
Wilcher lands; on the east by lands of K. Willis;
on the south by lands of J. E. Palmer, and on the
west by lands of Balaam Phillips. My reasons for
wishing to sell the interests of the above named
minors are as follows: Clarissa Beekum, mother
of said minors and 6 other children, owns a life es
tate in the said tract of land. The said minors
with the d adult children own in common the re
mainder interest after the termination of the life
estate. I wish to join with Clarissa Berk urn and
* the six adult children in the sale of a fee simple
estate in said land because I am advised and be
lieve that we can get for said land a sum of money
I sufficient to pay for a much larger tract of land
i which can be divided a/1 vantageously among all
the owners of the above described tract and fur
nish for each and all of them a home.
April 1, 1912.
As Guardian of Mamie, Norma and J. 0. Beckum.
Doing a Southern man is, however,
hut one of Mr. Underwood's qualifies!- ]
tions for the presidency. He Is a na
tional figure the only l>emocrattc I
leader who ever led his party so safe
ly by the political mountain passes
and Republican pitfalls; a man of
high purpose, rare ability, unques
tioned integrity and rich experience ;
a master of the tariff question and
as such the only candidate in the
Democratic fold who by leading the
Democrats to victory in the next
campaign can kill Banquo's ghost
of American politics; the great floor (
leader from the South; the brilliant
representative of our sister state of
Alabama In the halls of congress ;
the real Amundsen In the field of
candidates—Oscar W. Underwood —a
Democrat from Dixie.
‘ HUD. -
Atlanta, Ga. —(Special.)—Hon. O.
R. Hutchens, manager of the Under
wood presidential campaign In the
state of Georgia, has Issued the fol
lowing card:
"I know the good ftcople of Geor
gia. I know that a campaign of
, abuse does not appeal to them. I
believe our opponents are losing
votes by it, and 1 am glad of it,
though I wish with all my heart that,
they would stop It, for they are only
manufacturing ammunition for the
Republican guns In the November
Woodrow Wilson’s managers aro
vtlHfylng overy Democrat who Is op
posing him. When they aro called
upon to support one of these Demo
crats next November, how are they
going to reconcile their statements?
How are they going to defend them
selves when the Republican party
Impales them on the point of their
own weapon?’*
, What Robert Toombs said about
the county unit system:
"I have written this county unit
■ system Into the constitution in order
that it might protect the people and
preserve the independence of the
counties forever.’*
Two Candidates for Governor Btand
by County Unit System.
Rx-Governor Slaton says:
“I shall seek the nomination on the
time honored principle of the county
unit system of selection, for I believe
that this fundamental guarantee, in
tended for the equal protection of tho
rights of every community in the
state and written into the constitu
tion by our forefathers, should be in
violably preserved in the spirit as
well as in the letter.’*
Hon. Thomas G. Hudson says;
"Democratic Georgia should elect
! her governor and state house officials
on the only true and tried county unit
plan that has been the backbone of
! our system for years.
"It is the only just system for tho
small and sparsely settled counties
of the state and the people of Geor
gia, I am sure, will tolerate no other.
It Is the only system that will as
’ sure the people of the small counties
a voice in elections equal to tholr
representation In the legislature.
S. H. Phelan, the great Crawford
county farmer, says:
“We are going to take this oppor
tunity of showing the Democratic
state committee that our rights as clt
, l/.ens of Georgia living In a country
( county can not be bartered by ma
chine politics. Tho constitution of
tho state of Georgia guarantees every
f country county a fixed proportionate
representation and not until this new
fangled so called ‘reform’ crew got In
' did any human being In Georgia over
; suggest depriving tho country coun
, ties of their constitutional guarnn
tees. Under the plan proposed by
’ the executive committee the country
i counties are shorn of their rights with
the deliberate purpose of chaining
them to the neck of a few city polltf
-1 | clans. We smashed the beeswax out
of that game four years ago, and we
aro going to smash It again this time
by voting for Oscar Underwood,
against whom this trick was aimed.
For the life of me, I do not see how
a human being living in a country
county in Georgia can vote against
Underwood with their constitutional
rights as citizens at stake.”
When in need of good mule and
horse feed see the Soperton Gro
cery Co. They can save you
Money! Money!
| We lend money cheaper on farm
, lands than any person making
loans in Montgomery County. All
we ask is to get our rate before
making application to some one
I else for we can save you 1 to 2
per cent, interest. Loans closed j
without delay. Write us and we j
[ will come to see you.
The Lyons Loan f.ndj
Abstract Company
Shelf Goods at Cost.
I am now offering my shelf!
goods at cost, this rate continuing
until May Ist. My line of family
groceries is up to a high stand
ard. Accounts due me, and not
paid by May Ist, will be found in
the hands of an attorney for col
lection. N. L. Spooner,
Mt. Vernon, Ga.
The Montgomery Lumber Com
pany of Alamo, Ga., a copartner
ship formed in 1907 between H.
G. Rogers of Wollaston, Mass.,
’and Heard Lumber Company of
Savannah, Ga., and since the
death of H. G. Rogers in 1908, op
erated by his heirs, they having
purchased the interests of Heard
Lumber Company, has been die- j
H. F. Rogers, who has managed
the business of the company since j
September, 1908, has purchased '
the interests of the other Rogers j
heirs and will continue the busi-'
ness at Alamo. 11. F. Rogers.
Georgia—Mont.gotnery connty,
Notice is hereby given that I
have this day applied to the Ordi
nary of said county for leave to
sell all the lands of the estate ol ;
C. W. Browning, deceased, and
that said application will he heard |
on the first. Monday in May, next, j
at the Court of Ordinary of said !
county. This the Ist. day of April,
1912. O. 1). Browning,
Adr. Estate of C. W. Browning. I
Loans of any amount from S*UX) to $50,000 on farms in Mont- §
3 gomery and adjoining counties. No delays for inspection. &
II avo lands examined by a man living near you.
I LOANS ON FIVE YEARS TIME, payable in easy installments to j|
S suit borrower.
Merchants Rank Building Mcßae, Ga. |
Paid in Capital Stock, $25,000.00
Surplus and undivided
profits $0,500.00
Total resources over $100,000.00 ;ji
; | General Banking Business Conducted. Accounts Solicited.
I I Interest on Time Deposits
N. L. Gillis, President. J. B. O’Conner, Vice-President. ji;
J. E. Hull, Cashier. I. 11. Ilall, Asst. Cashier :!•
N. L. Gillis, M. B. Gillis, J. .). O’Connor, W. C. Futrill, |||
W. D. Martin, W. 11. Fowler, J. E. Hall.
I 'Cfvfe 'fe'r*S) friend lotne day
discover that he has no
J fricn * t „ . |
Grasp the Opportunity |>
by ordering Ice-Cold Sundaes for two, naming the pure
I fruit juices that best please your fancy. Cooling to blood (*)
and cuticle. We have them. Open day and evening.
During the summer season we shall devote special atten- ($)
tion to this branch of our business, and the festive season
will be made especially enjoyable to our patrons. ®
Sumerford Drug Co. I
Prescription Druggists $|
Ailey, Georgia
Farm Hands Wanted.
Wanted, one or two good white
men to work on farm. Will pay
1 good wages. Come to see me at
once. J. A. Clegg,
Scotland, Ga.
Georgia—Dodge county.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned lias applied to the
I Ordinary of said county for leave
to sell and lease timber for tnr-
I pentine purposes on land belong
ing to the estate of J. B. Purvis
! for the payment of debts and the
purpose of Said ap
plication will he heard’at the reg
ular term of the Court of Ordi
nary for said county to he held on
the first. Monday in April, 1912.
'I his It It day of March, 1912.
Mary A. Dennis,
I Administratrix of the estate of J.
B. Purvis.
»* t
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia Montgomery County.
, Will Ik* Hold before the court house door in Ml.
i Vernon on the lirst Tuesday in May. 11)12, 1*»-
lwcen the legal hours of Hale, -to the highest bidder
■ for cash, certain property, of which the following
is a complete description:
I That tract or parcel of land situated and l*‘ing
in the Mst G. M. of said county and bounded on
• the north and east hy lands of (1 H. McLeod, south
l*y lands of M. M. Gordon and west by and
! containing acres more or less. Levi«*d on and
will be sold in the property of (\ It. Mclamml to
! satisfy a tax Ufa issued by I>. K. Warnock, tax
; collected of said county against 1?. McLeod for
; state and county taxes for the year 11)11. Written
notice given to defendant as repaired by the law.
j Levy made and returned to me by K. W. Armlield,
: constable. This tho 9th day of April, 1912.
James Hester, Sheri IT.
sor (5 doses! “666” will cure
any case of Chills and Fever.
Price, 25c. „