Newspaper Page Text
Who Will Serve July Term
Superior Court.
], li McLemore I) S McArthur
W II Dukes Drove Sharpe
C C Holmes W G McDonald
.1 L Hightower YV I? Greenway
.1 M Conk A K Davis
J C Calhoun T J Irwin
David Miller A T Johnson
W JI Brown J A Peterson
W T McCriinmon
Willie B Connell J' - Lee Mcßae
It F Jordan A A Galbraith
* W II McArthur
W T McArthur Stopen Pittman
P> F Hamilton P 11 Clarke
E Y Baldwin Wallace Moses
W J Kutrill Willie Gay
G W McCriinmon A 1) Wright
T C McArthur II II Grimes
N .1 N Vaughan W II Bright
Ira Coney A G Hicks
Sewell Courson Eli W Clements
Jno W Clements John A Watson
J B Burkhalter J A Clegg
Hugh Morrison A J Grimes
J K Cromartie M A Peterson
Isuae Brooks M Hutcheson
J K Fowler (» N Martin
F E Wardlaw C K Gordon
.1 C Carpenter VV L Anderson
W P Calhoun A Calhoun
W 'l' MeQuaig Everett Miller
J W Calhoun J I) McDaniel
C D Williams J M Phillips
J VV Hearn, Jr Monroe Clements
J M Meeks Crosby Williams
A P Stone W C Mcßae .muons
Lester Canady II I! P.radv
P L New J VV Sumner
L S Adams J M Whited
J I Jordan Lueion Joyce
A K McDonald W() Harrelson
J M Ford ha in It F Mcßae
Geo J McEachern Elijah Miller
G A Sammons Jesse I Fountain
John J McArthur Glt Marwick
J J Calhoun 8 I) Pittman
Joel Day is S B Morris
C VV Cauley E J Nobles
Cor Fax Collector:
I »tin hMI) it I'Hiiilitlutp for Hid ofticn of Ta>.
OolltM'lor nr Moiitßoimtrv county, simply l>u
iuiiihi | need wlint Hid onicti pays. Thanking
fVMvlHidv foi their help in llid pant and so
Uoiliiiu Hid Hiip|Mir( of all at tin* pri
mary, if oin* he held, and plndglnf; myself, it
•*|l*Dl Dll, lo givn tllD oltlDC lllld fllDlMOplo ||iy
hest services. My eamlidaey ih subject to tin*
primal) election to In to ld Ahriihl 21. 1l hr
to remain
Yours for trnlli and ri^ht,
I K M. C'driur.
I! II I*. CANON W. 11. ItAUN VV 1.1 I 1 [
Cotton l actorsand
( ommission
j | 220 Hay IS SAVANNAH, OA. j
; | > Members Savannah (Litton I i *
! Handlers of Upland, Se- ]!
Island Florodora Cotton
Special Allcnilon (ll* cn lo
l : . 0. It. Collon
j; Handlers of Upland and Sea- i;
Island Bagging, l ies J
X and Twine ; |
I |
I Gives You Prestige!
- I
A bank account will give you pres- i
:| tige you have newer enjoyed before.
Why not start one today? You \
| will he surprised how big a dollar will |
| grow when you fasten to it the interest ;
S? * 5
s< . s
I which our hank pays. i
| l lie Citizens Bank of Alston
:j: D.S. WILLIAMSON. PremJent JOE W. SHARPE. Vice Pr»»ident
I j i L. E. CLAXTON. Cathier
ld ,
And said that he wa(s afcting like>a\man/who never
thought \ \ '^&^dS r iU ° m
"One moment," hissed the ouf/eaay
ear - ° \ j / //&^ ,
"I'm not surprised that you’re stifprisfed at.what I’m
doing here; ~
But this young imp has worrieef me for half a year or so
And it hfas crime to this point—tnat the kid or I must go!
He’s life a burden, he has filled my soul
I "" r with dread \
"But isnp in quick reply we said.
“Another ' '&% e 'risb& fged the man, while paying
for the stuf^?s'^X < C V '~ V\\
"When I explain ; about say I’m right
, enough; \{l/
Ido not want/to kill the to see\
That for an /hour or twefepe .he blown away p
from me \
That I may have'a-chance a question soft -
and low— • J \
This little Lad’s the brother of a girl, and I’m her beau!” ,
iijL i ■£. K 'x i: jfe x -‘x £ £ p
I •
1 offer for sale the
| W. Ik Langford dwel
j ling in Mt. Yernon.
Live-room house and
large lot and barn eon-1
veniently arranged.
Four town lots and
; garden. See me for
i quick bargain on this
: property.
W. F. McAllister,
Uvalda, («a.
Money! Money!
We lend money cheaper on f arm
lands than any person making
i loans in Montgomery County. All
jwe ask is to get our rate before
making application to some one
! else for we can save you 1 to 2
[ per cent, interest. Loans closed
j without delay. Write us and we
! will come to see you.
The Lyons Loan rnd
Abstract Company
Office over Mt. Vernon Drug Co.
Soperton, Georgia
Money on Hand
We have a good sup
ply of cheap money on
hand at this time and
can close loans very
promptly, either on
farm or city property.
If in need of cash,
come to see or write
us at once.
Southern Loan &
Investment Co.
Sunday Train To Tybee.
The Macon, Dublin & Savan
nah Railroad has put on a new
train known as “The Tybee
i Special,’’ to run every Sunday
'from June 9th to Sept. Ist inclu
i sive. Train No. 74, Macon to
(Savannah, leaves Vidalia at 6:30;
and returning, as No. 73, leaves
Savannah at 6:30 p. m.
For Judge Sunerior Court:
Col. E. D. Gralmni, Solicitor-General of tlie
Oconee Circuit, announces that ho ha* deft- j
nit el v concluded to aland &h a candidate for
office of Judge at next State Primary Election !
which will he held ii: August.
Helen in# to th* matter, Col. Graham said:
‘ Yea, I am a candidate for Judge of this Ju- !
dicial Circuit; and; and in this connection it
is prop r for me to way that I did not make up 1
my mind to become a candidate without con
aidcrable reluctance. First, because of my
feeling of liiotiUship foi others, who probably
w ish to hold the office, ami secondly, because
of the grave responsibilities of the office and
and the onerous labor involved in an efficient
and ini i artial dischargeo! the duties of Judge.
“Further 1 with to say to tne people ot the
Circuit that mv candidacy is not born of a de
sire t... hold office as a political job. My view
is that the office of Judge of the .Superior
(Joints should he lifted above politics. That
no one should seek or hold the position as a
a mere political office, and no one, without
satisfaetmy reasons, should decline to comply
with the wishes of a majority of the people,
when they signify th* ir desire that he serve
them in such capacity.
“My disinclination to stand as a candidate
for the office lias been overcome by tin*, insist
ence of large numbers of the people from all
parts of the circuit. These solicitations, com
ing unsought, have been so general and per
sistent. 1 have been driven to the conclusion
that, it is my duty to publicly announce my
candidacy for tie. position. Heretofore, when
I asked for political favors, the people tifated
me kindly ami generously. Now that they are
calling on me to serve them, I canhot refuse
to respond.” Telfair Enterprise,
For County Treasurer:
To the Voters of Montgomery County:
Having received a sufficient number of votes
in the recent primary for the office of County
Treasurer to be one of the two to run the race
over I hereby announce myself a candidate
for said office subject t«# the second primary.
I wish to thank all of my friends for their
assistance in the first race and will appreciate
anything done for tne in the coining race.
If elected I will perform the duties of the
office to the best of my ability and w ill be in
position to pay all county orders, when funds
are available, at all times without discount at"
the court house.
In conclusion I desire to state that it f am
elected to this office I Will not he under obli
gations to deposit the county’s money with
any particular banks as I have made no 'prom
ises to any one, but will do what I consider
best, for the voters of the countv.
Again thanking you for past favors and hop
ing to receive your assistance in the coming
election, I am,
Very respectfully,
Arch y G ill is.
For Judge Superior Court:
To the voters of the Oconee circuit:
Expressing heartfelt gratitude to you for the
honors conferred upon me by you 1 hereby' an
nounce my candidacy for nomination as Judge of
the Oconee circuit at the Democratic primary
when held.
I have served you to the best of my ability with
out fear or favor, looking only to the best interest
of the people and the enforcement of the law. No
court has ever been adjourned on my account nor
have I ever been behind time in opening a court
at the appointed time.
I confidently submit my candidacy asking your
favorable consideration with an assurance that I
will highly appreciate the same. April 20th, 1912.
For Representative:
Georgia Montgomery County.
To the People ol Montgomery Conntv: Pu
ling ttie tifty days that I served yon last sum.
liter I carried out every pledge' made in mv
campaign for AVpreaontative. JJesides, I was
instrumental in preparing and passing the new
school law, giving an additional hundred
tlionsai.d dollars to the school children of
Georgia: an extra forty thousand dollars to
tlto old soldiers and their widows, getting
several old soldiers on the pay roll as pension
ers wlio had been turned down before; the
new game law; the new state road law’ and
many other very important matters to the
common people of Georgia, whose friend I am.
I secured the enactment of those laws which,
it carried into effect, will save this county five
thousand dollars, or more, every year, I se
cured our new road law cadi district in
the county its own monej upon its own roads.
I voted for every prohibition measure tending
to uplift our people and state. I was on all
occasions on the side of the poor people, the
laboring people and the oppressed, and did on
ly those things that I thought wore for the
best interest of the whole people. My con
duct as your representative is a matter of pub
lic record. With the experience I have had
lam now in a better poaiton to render still
greater service to the people of my native
county. I love the people in this grand coun
ty ami am anxious to serve them again in the
Georgia legislature. If I mistakes
1 wish to correct them. There is no money
to he made as a legislator. All you get is the
consciousness of having served jour people
Well and faithfully. God has given me some
powers to help my people in the General As
sembly of Georgia and I purpose using what
ever little I may possess for the best interest
of tin entire people. For the above and other
reasons 1 feel that I am entitled to re-elec
tion to the General Assembly of Georgia from
Montgomery comity under such rules ami reg
ulations as may lie prescribed by the proper
authorities, and l earnestly ask the people of
this conntv to re-elect me, promising them the
best . IVoi ls of my life in their behalf. Very
thankfully and loyally vours to serve,
Wm I!. KENT.
For Representative:
I hereby announce myself a candidate for
UoprcHoiitativenf Montgomery county, subject
to the action of the Democratic Executive
Committee ot the county. I pledge myself, if
elected, to represent, to the bent of my ability,
the best interest* oi Montgomery county and
the State of Georgia. Solk iting the support
of the voters of the county, l am
Yours truly,
•). C. Johns in.
For Tux Collector.
To the People of Montgomery County:
I am now serving the count} as Pax Col-’
lector, being my first hiiil only term. The *
work before me is receiving my most eat next |
emleavors. For the favor accord© * me, lam i
very grateful, ami assure the voters of the I
county <»f my continued efforts to serve them j
in a faithful ami acceptable manner. I feel j
j that my labors will warrant me in asking re- 1
election t.» this important office. Y«mr favor j
j will be greatly appreciated. My name and '
I candidacy is before you, subject to such rules j
j and requirements as have been provided for
the seemid county primary to be held with tin
State primary August 21st, 1912.
Very respect Dillv,
If you want money quick, write
Lyons Loan & Abstract Co., Ly
ons. Ga.. for they are loaning!
money cheap. i
|! A Safety Deposit |
I Every one has documents of value, such as policies, j|
deeds, wills, contracts, etc., the loss of vvnich would be se- j|
riously felt. ;;
The bank depositor has, in his canceled checks, re- |1
ceipts for money paid, which if destroyed by fire or otherwise, #
might cause great inconvenience. j;
Every household has its jewelry, heirlooms and other ||
precious articles which can be kept about the house only at a |!
a great risk. !>
A safety deposit box in the fire and burglar proof lj
I vault of this bank will insure perfect safety for things of j;
value. Rental nominal, and renter only has access to his box. \\
jg***?*"*" 1 l!
capital, $15,000.00
For Solicitor-General:
To the Volcth ol the Oconee; Circuit:
I hereby announce my candidacy for the of
lieo of Solicitor-General of the Oconee circuit,
subject to the Democratic primary. I earn
estly solicit and shall deeply appreciate your
support. Very respectfully,
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will be sold before the court house door In Mt.
Vernon on the first Tuesday in August, 1912, be
tween the legal hours of sale, to thehighest bidder
for cash, certain property, of which the following
is a complete description:
Fifty acres of .land, the same being a part of Lot
of land numbered 325 in the Tenth land district of
said county and state. Said land levied on and
will be sold as the property of Mrs. Ellen Council
to satisfy a tax execution issued by D. F. War
nock, tax collector—of said county, for her state
and county taxes for the year 1911. Written no
tice of levy given in terms of the law. This the
sth day of July, 1912. Jas. Hester,
Sheriff M. C.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will be sold before the court house door in Mount
Vernon on the first Tuesday in Aug., 1912, be
tween the legjAl hours of sale, to the highest bidder
for cash, certain property, of which the following
is a full and complete description:
Thai parcel v»f land situated and being in 1567th
district of saiil county anil bounded as follows:
On the north by Tiger Creek, on the east, by lands
of the estate of A. J. Williamson and George
Blackstone, on the south by lands of E. Willis nnd
on the west by lands of the estate of A. J. Wil
liamson, containing 166 acres more or less. Levied
on and will lx* sold to satisfy a tax execution is
sued by D. F. Warnock, tax collector, against said
land, the same not having been returned for taxes
by any owner and the owner being unknown.
This th*e Bth day of July, 1912.
Jas. Hester,
Sheriff M. C.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will l)o sold before the court house door in Mt.
Vernon on the first Tuesday in August, 1912, be
tween the legal hours of sale, to thehighest bidder
for cash, certain property, of which the following
is a complete description:
Twenty acres of land carved out of a certain
tract of land containing 191 acres of land situated
and being in the 1386th district G. M. of said
county and state and bounded as follows: On the
north by lands of A. B. Hutcheson, on the oast by 1
public road leading from Zaidee to Wiillis's Ford, '
on the south by other lands of li. W. Willis and
west by the Rentz land, and being a part of the
land on which defendant now lives. Said land is
levied on and will be sold as the property of R. W.
Willis to satisfy a tax fifa issued by D. F. War
nock, tax collector, against R. W. Willis for state
and county taxes for the year 1911. Written no
tice of levy given as required bylaw. This the
sth day of July, 1912. Jas. Hester, j
Sheriff M. C.
A Note to You:
June 30, 1912.
We figure that we will never
lose any trade or make any ene
mies, foes or antagonists, by
; selling the best of PURE DRUGS]
right prices.
Do you think we figure correct
Yours truly,
Mt. Vernon Drug
Georgia—Montgomery County.
To nil whom it. may concern:
• John A. Thigpen having in proper
form applied to me for permanent
letters of administration on the
estate of Teresa Thigpen, late of
said county, deceased, this is to
cite all and singular the creditors
and next of kin of Teresa Thignen
, to be and appear at my office
within the time allowed by law
and show cause, if any they can,
( why permanent administration
, should not be granted to John A.
. Thigpen on said estate. This the
: Ist day of July, 1912.
Alex McArthur,
Georgi a—Montgo me ry County.
t To all whom it whom it may
concern: John Jay McArthur,
administrator of the estate of
' Ben Bird, (with the will annexed)
having m proper form applied to
to the undersigned for leave to
• sell all the lands belonging to said
estate, the said application will
be heard at my office on the first
Monday in August, 1912 Given
under my hand and official signa
nature, this the Ist day of July,
1912. Alex McArthur,
Ordinary M. C.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will he sold before the court house door in
.Mt. Vernon on the first Tuesday in Aug.,
1912, between the legal hours of sale, to the
highest and best bidder for cash, certain prop
erty, of which the following is a complete de
■ j scription:
! One half acre of land more or less, situated, ly
j ing and being in the Toy n of Mt. Vernon, Ga.,
, and distinguished in the plan of said town as Lot
No. 14 bounded as follows: On the north by lands
I of W. M. Lewis, on the east by Railroad avenue,
i on the south by a street and on the west by a
, street, and known as the W. B. Kent office lot.
j Said propeity levied on and will be sold as the
property of W. B. Kent to satisfy an execution
I issued from the superior court of said county in
favor of The Bank of Tarry town vs Wm. B. Kent,
j Thos. Kent and J. H. Kent. Property in the pos
session of defendant and written notice of levy
. given as required by law. This July 9th, 1912.
James Hester,
Sheriff Montgomery Co.
j Sheriff Sale.
j Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will be sold before the court house door in Mt.
j Vernon on the first Tuesday in August, 1912, be
; tween the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder
j for cash, certain property, of which the following
i is a complete description:
I All of that tract or parcel of land situate, lying
and being in the 1567th district G. M. of said
j county and state and hounded as follows: T)n the
north by lands of Tom Blocker, on the east by
lands of the estate of Sarah Ann Taylor and on
the west by lands of Kd Palmer and on the south
• by lands of Dickens, containing twenty (20) acres
more or less. Said property levied on and will be
j sold as the property of Sarah E. Newsome and W.
i l- Newsome to satisry a mortgage fi fa issued
from the superior court of said county in favor of
Jno. W. Poe & Bro. vs Sarah E. Newsome and W.
■L. Newsome. Written notice of levy given as
j required by law. This the 9th day of July, 1912.
James Hester,
Sheriff Montgomery Co.
Sheriff Salo.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will be sold before the court house door in Mt.
Vernon on the first Tuesday in August, 1912, be
tween the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder
for cash, certain property, of which the following
. is a complete description:
All that tract of land situated and being in the
112215 t district G. M. of said county, and bounded
on the north by lands of —Newsome, on the east
by lands of Mrs. Rarwick and others, on the
south by lands of J. D. Evans and B. A. Mosley
and west by lands of Nath Barwick, being gener
ally known as the William Pritchett place, and
containing 137 acres more or less, and having the
same metes and bounds as set out in a certain
mortgage executed by Jas. Council to J. P. Wil
liams Co. on the —day of Aug.. 1908. Said land
levied on and will he sold as the property of Jas
| Council to satisfy a tax fifa issued by D. F. War
] nock, tax collector, vs Jas. Council, for his state
| and county tarfes for the year 1911. Written no
| rice of levy given in terms of the law. This the
i 'th day of July, 1912. Jas. Hester,
Sheriff M. C.