Newspaper Page Text
®lp? JHmttgDmmj lltnnttnr.
Bill to Reinstate Kent, The
Disbarred Lawyer,
Falls Flat..
The bill to create Kent county
from the territory lying west of
the Oconee riven was amended
by Senator W. S. Mann, who en
gineered its passage through the
senate, changing the name to
Wheeler. The amended hill was
concerned in by the House on
Friday morning. Representative
Cook of Telfair had read a state
ment showing that Kent had
made misrepresentations in facts
aid figures as to Montgomery
county, and charged that there
had been vote trading in secur
ing the passage of the measure.
We understand that the bill
carries a provision for the consti
tutional amendment to be sub
mitted to the voters at the nation
nal election in November, in
stead of at the State election on
Oct. 2d.-
On Saturday, while a number
of the members were off attend
ing the rally for Bleckley county
at Cochran, and when there was
a bare quorum present, and ef
fort was made to get up the bill,
to remove W. B. Kent’s disbar
ment disabilities, but the matter
was promptly blocked by the
Says the Names of Kent and
Gibbs are Familiar in
Court Records.
Mr. Editor:—l notice in the is
sue of Aug. 2nd of the Alamo
News an article purporting to
have been written by N. B.
C ; r>bs, Sr., in which he exhausts
his energies lauding Bill Kent
and lambasting every one con
nected with his prosecution for
malpractice as an Attorney, de
nouncing them as persecutors.
I realize that the article is in
tended as a political boost for Mr.
Kent and would not condescend
to reply to it had the writer not
personated me in the harangue.
The article in question smacks
so strongly of Kentism that I am
reminded of the Biblical story of
Baalam and his ass. On the oc
casion Baalam went on a journey,
contrary to God’s wishes, riding
his ass. In order to rebuke him
God sent his angel and stationed
him with drawn sword in the
road Baalam was traveling. When
the angel was approached, the
ass balked and - refused to go,
but Baalam urged him on with
the lash. The ass turned away
from the road in order to sur
round the angel of light, and
Baalam again goaded him on.
Finally the ass, seeing that his
master had not discovered the
angel with drawn sword, spoke
to him and became his mouth
piece. Now, it occurs to me, af
ter reading his article, that N.
B. Gibbs, Sr. is acting t ; e part
of Bill Kent’s ass—he is his
mouth piece and is saying what
Kent wishes him to say in other
words Kent is following the Bill
Nye adage: “He that tooteth
not his own horn, the same shall
not be tooted,’’ and in tooting
his horn is speaking through the
medium of his ass.
I am somewhat surprised how
ever at Mr. Kent’s of
an ass for the purpose set forth
in the article in question. If, as
Mr. Gibbs says, his friends and
supporters are >o numerous, it
occurs tome that he might have
selected some one whose very
name is not suggestive of crimi
nal and civil courts. Who among
the older citizens of Montgomery
county that frequ< nt the courts
is not as familiar with the name
of N. B. Gibbs, Sr. as they are
with the name of W. B. Kent?
The two are entwined and wrap
ped together by court records
like twin brothers. N. B. Gibbs,
Sr. has been sounded so much
from the Judge’s docket that it
is quite familiar in court circles,
and the wonder is why Mr. Gibbs
does not also cry out that he has
been persecuted.
Special Correspondence.
Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Moses of
Richland, and Mr. and Mrs. T.
M. Moses of Lumber City visited
relatives here Saturday and Sun
| day.
Mrs. W. B. Kent of Mt. Ver
non is visiting her parents, Mr.
, and Mrs. Wm. Calhoun.
1 Dr. Whipple of Douglas is in
town this week.
Mrs. W. B. Langford is visit
ing in Augusta.
Mr. John Coleman of Lyons
j visited here last week.
Mrs. M. G. Wilcox is in Atlan
Miss Bennie -Thurmond of
Jacksonville, Fla. is visiting Mrs.
H. A. Moses.
Mr. John Gray is staying in
Claxton for a while where he has
accepted a position.
Misses Vic McNatt, and Geor
gia Gray and Mr. Bob McNatt
visited in Cedar Crossing Sun
Miss Cleo Hall after spending
a week with Miss Pearle Jones
is visiting Miss Kelly Mann near
Cedar Crossing.
Mr. Eugene Allen of Tarry
town is in town for a few days.
Misses Pearle Jones, Virginia
Gray and Mr. Lester O’Neal
went to Lyons Sunday making
the trip in Mr. O’Neal’s automo
■ mobile.
Miss Thelma Bland is visiting
Miss Cornelia Avant.
Miss Alma Mills has returned
! from a visit to Dublin.
MrrDess Gray is at home with
friends for a short while.
Mr. W. T. McArthur, Jr., was
here Saturday.
Mr. John A. McClelland has
returned to Dexter after spend
ing several days here.
In the article referred to N. B.
Gibbs, Sr., says much about
morals and Bill Kent’s fine char
acter. Now, isn’t he a fine spe
cimen of humanity to talk about
morals. Since he claims that Mr.
Kent is such a fine specimen of
a Christian gentleman I am glad
that he places me in a different
category, because I do claim not
to be in the same class with him.
If Kent be his standard charac
ter for good morals he would
evidently consider a real Chris
tian gentlemen as a veritable
He says that he is really amaz
ed that so good a man as John
Johnson was induced to enter the
race. Well, really, when did the
fact that a man was a good man
become a bar to his entering a
race for representative of Mont
gomery county? I had always
thought that good men were
what the people wanted to fill
this important office. Was the
standard changed when Bill Kent
entered? By inference I fear
Mr. Kent’s ass has dug a hole and
fell in it headforemost.
Now, Mr. Gibbs, if,as you say,
you have set Bill Kent
:up as your standard, and you
still believe that he is a model
Christian gentleman, and one of
the smartest lawyers at the Mt.
Vernon bar, notwithstanding
that he has been tried by a jury
of his own selection and found
guilty by them (not by the law
yers) of all the things, nefarious
as they are, charged against him;
and notwithstanding the trial
[Judge approved their finding
and the Supreme Courj; did like
wise; and notwithstanding the
; Mt. Vernon Baptist Church of
[ which he was a member have ex
! communicated him as being un
| worthy, what amount of evidence
i will it require to open your eyes?
If he was persecuted and all the
; witnesses were perjurers, as you
I seem to intimate, why did you
not come to his rescue with that
J spotless character of yours and
impeach them in the court when
you had an opportunity to do so,
and which was the proper forum
whithin which you could have
aired yourself? Mr. Gibbs, let
me advise you, if you are so be
nighted that you still can’t see,
get on your knees and pray with
fervor to the Great God of the
i universe that the scales may be
. dropped from your eyes,
i J. B. Geiger.
Election Managers For
The Primary Election.
Mr. Editor: I have appointed as Election Managers for the
various election precincts in Montgomery County for the State and
County Primary Election to bo hold on August 21st inst. the follow
ing named gentlemen. I will thank you to give publicity to the same:
For Mt. Vernon precinct, L. I>. McEemore, J. B. Geiger, and G. J.
Alston, W. D. Peterson, J. A. Hughes. W. H. Sharpe.
Uvalda, A. I). Hughes, Alex Downie, J. M. Davis.
Higgston, J. W. Linder, J. T. Langford, D. Early Palmer.
Kibbee, J. B. O’Conner, W. B. Hilton, Jas. R. Adams,
Tarrytown, D. 0. Calhoun, A. L. Wheeler, Carlos Adams.
Tiger, Clayton McLeod, Bully Willis, John Taylor.
Soperton, Benj. Gillis, Ellie Durden, Percy Holmes.
Lothair, D. S. Barnhill, B. F. Cooper, R. A. Dukes.
Orland, M. R. Davis, W. B. Snow, W. B. Greenway.
Landsfcerg, J. G. Snellgrove, Jas. A. Harlow, Ebenezer Miller.
Glenwood, J. T. Geiger. A. A. Galbraith, M. T. Jenkins.
Fork, W. C. Riner, Stephen Pittman, R. F. Jordan.
Springhill, John Elton, John I). Brown, A. W. Clements.
Erick, L. M. D. Nobles, Harrison Grimes, W. S. Sumner.
Alamo, Sam Fullford, N. T. Clark, Jim Patterson.
The following rule has been adopted by the State Democratic
Executive Committee proscribing who shall be entitled to vote in
said primary: “A.ll white electors who are Democrats and duly
registered according to law and qualified to vote in the general
election who in good faith will pledge themselves to support the
Democratic nominees of said primary as well as the Democratic
nominees for county offices and for President and Vice-President
of the United States are hereby declared qualified to vote in said
primary election.”
The members of the county Executive Committee are requested
to meet at the court house in Mt. Vernon on the 22d of August, at
10 o’clock a. m. for the purpose of consolidating the vote of the
various precints and declaring the result, and electing delegates to
the State Convention to be held on the 28th day of August, in
Macon, Ga., and for transacting such other and further business as
may legitimately come before it. J. B. Geiger,
Chin. Deni. Ex. Com. Montgomery Co.
Fix Tax Rate and Salaries
And Arrange to Borrow
More Money.
Aug. 7, 1912.
The County Board of Educa
tion met today with the follow
ing members present, W. A. Pe-_
terson, M, Jenkins, B. R. Ben-'
ton, A. T. Miller and E. C. Mc-
The meeting was called to or
der and the following matters
disposed of:
Minutes of last meeting were
read and approved.
Licenses were ordered issued
to the applicants that look the
teachers examination and made
the required per cent, in the ex
amination held on the 14th. and
15ih. days of June 1912.
Accounts for teaching, etc.,
during July were approved and
ordered paid.
A resolution was passed au
thorizing the Supt. of schools
and the Pres, of the Board to
borrow $2900 to pay teachers
for work done and not paid for.
The following salaries were
fixed for teachers holding Pri
mary licenses issued from the
Primary examination held on the
14th. day of June 1912. First
grade $20.00 per month, second
grade SIO.OO per month and third
grade $12.00 per month. The
Board reserves the right to in
crease the salary of teachers
holding first grade Primary li
censes if they have had an ac
ceptable Normal training and
experience in teaching.
The tax rate for school pur
poses for the year 1912 was fixed
at $3.00 on each SIOOO.
The Supt. of Schools was re
quested by the Board to proceed
to employ teachers for all the
schools not heretofore supplied
with teachers and not to wait
longer on the trustees.
The Board adjourned to meet
again on the first Wednesday in
W. A. Peterson, Pres.
A. B. Hutcheson, County Supt.
of Schools.
Ladies of Missionary
Society Have Treat.
The ladies of the Missionary
Society of the Methodist church
had a rare treat at their nr-ming
last Monday evening in a talk by
Miss Annie Campbell of Augusta,
now visiting the Misses Ledbet
ter in Mt. Vernon.
Miss Campbell is a teacher in
the public schools of Aug ;sta,
but spent a year in China with
her brother, who is a missionary
in that wonderful country. Her
descriptions of manners and
customs in China were hi bus en
tertaining and instructive.
Price the Practical
Farmer and Mixer.
James I). Price, of Oconee, at
tended the big jollification in
Cochran Saturday and was right
there witn the glad hand, all
i “Jim Price’s campaign for
commissioner of agriculture hits
demonstrated that he is one of
the best “mixers” in the state!
They do say that he can shake
more hands and smile more
smiles to the square minute than
any one of the host of candida
tes now abroad in the land.
Price is a practical farmer and
knows now to talk to farmers
and since the job he is after is
one peculiarly affecting the far
mers’ interests. Price is mak
ing great headway with his vote
getting Atlanta Georgian.
Death of Mrs. Walker.
Many friends and relatives
will learn with deep regret of the
death of Mrs. Walker, wife of
Mr. J. A. J. Walker, who resides
between Longpond and Alston.
The sad passing away occurred
on Saturday last, and the remains
were laid to rest in the cemetery
near J. T. Walker’s home on
Sunday afternoon at 4 o’clock.
Rev. D. E. Green conducted the
burial service in the presence of
a concourse of relatives and
friends. Before her marriage
Mrs. Walker was Miss Wilson of
Johnson county, and the bereav
!ed husband is numbered among
our most highly esteemed citi
zens. Their married life, now
so sadly terminated, began in
| 1873.
Had the Gold.
A mild sensation was created
in Superior court here Saturday
evening, when a colored man
walked up to Sheriff Hester and
shoved SSO in gold into his hand,
the amount of his son’s fine just
imposed by the court, and turn
ing to his counsel, handed him
the remainder of his fee in gold.
With a smile on his face that was
las serene as satisfaction itself,
he shoved his purse deep down
in his pocket, still having several
of the shining gold pieces in it.
Mrs. McSwain Dead.
Mrs. McSwain, wife of Mr. I).
J. McSwain of Cedar Crossing,
died on Sunday morning last.
After two weeks illness with ty
phoid fever, this estimable lady
passed to her reward. Mrs. J.
M.. Hughes of Mt. Vernon, sister
of the disconsolate husband,
brought home the only child, a
babe of twelve months.
Rev. J. T. Smith of Dublin,
representing Brenau college, was
a visitor here this week.
Charlotte Items.
j Surcial CorroHponduiioo.
I The farmers in this section are
very busy pulling fodder at this
i time.
There was a picnic at Dead
River last, and it was
enjoyed by all who attended.
Miss Sula Clark of Vidalia who
! has been visiting her cousin, Miss
: Lizzie Lowery, returned home
! Saturday.
Mr. Jesse Hearn of near Lum
! her City was visiting on this side
of the river Saturday and Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. Barrel Lowery
visited the former’s parents near
i Glenwood the latter part of last
I week.
Rev. Rich of Charlotte was
called to,Cedar Crossing Sunday
afternoon to conduct the funeral
of Mrs. McSwain of Uvalda.
Mrs. Julia Gordon visited Mr.
and Mrs. P. M. Mosley Saturday
I Mr. A. C. Mosley was a wel
come visitor at the home of Mr.
M. T. Lowery last Friday.
Mrs. John Craft is visiting her
parents near Ilazlehurst, Mr. and
| Mrs. Buford, this week.
Mr. Daniel Shepard has moved
back to his old home near Sardis
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Adams
spent part of last week at Rock
ledge. Papa’s Pet.
How Wheeler Happened.
Wheeler-county-to-be is in the
naming thereof a personal vic
tory for Senator Harris.
Os course, it was a’l well enough
to name a county in honor of
General -hie Wheeler, for he was
a gallant Confederate, and his
name is held in very high esteem
in Georgia, but this county was
not named Wheeler merely lie
cause of that.
It. was named Wheeler because
the late general was the father
in law of Senator Harris, and the
senator saw his opportunity to
honor both the hero and the fam
ily name he got busy and did
It was apparent early in the
game that the name the house
propose I Kent would be rejec
ted. Right there is where Sena
tor Harris saw his opening, and
into it he went!
Hence, Wheeler county, an*d
q. e. d.! —Jas. B. Nevin in At
lanta Georgian.
Dedicate Statue
of Senator Clay.
Marietta, Ga., Aug. 12. A
monument dedicated to the mem
ory of the late United States Sen
ator A. S. Clay was unveiled here
today by Miss Evelyn Clay, an
only daughter.
The bronze statue rests upon
a marble pillar in the center of a
large square of marble coping
providing sanitary drinking foun
Congressman W. G. Brantley
and Bishop Warren A. Candler
delivered addresses.
Blackshear Mfg. Co. vs. Mrs.
Georgia Walden, judgment for
Blackshear Mfg. Co. vs. Mrs.
Georgia and K. Walden, judg
ment for plaintiff.
Leader & Rosansky vs. G. W.
Mosley and E. Willis, W. H. j
Phillips endorser, judgment sor 1
Farmers’ Oil & Fertilizer Co.
vs Wade Bros., judgment.forjptf.
First National Bank of Vidalia
vs. J. L. Wilkes and Wiley
Sharpe, principals, A. T. John
son, J. B. Moss, endorsers, judg
ment for plaintiff.
First National Bank of Vidalia
vs S. W. Harrell & Son, judg
ment for plaintiff.
Mrs. M. W. Laqier vs. H. V.
Thompson, certiorari, dismissed.
First National Bank of Vidalia
vs. L. I). Morris, J. F. Darby and
E. Willis, principals, 1). C. Mor
ris, endorser, judgment for pltf.
I). W. Galbraith vs. Wilcox &
Bozeman, judgment for plaintiff.
L. A. Hattaway vs. Dawson
Wright, judgment for plaintiff.
Many Fines Imposed During
Week—Many Civil
Cases Heard.
State vs. E. D. Helmick, plea of
guilty, fine $75 or twelve months,
vs Chas. Davis alias Mike Rob
erson, guilty.
Jodie Edge, not guilty.
Charlie Morris, discharged.
Cleveland Jenkins, guilty.
Julius Fleming, guilty.
Will Hopkins, plea of guilty.
Isaac Walker, discharged.
Irwin Tison, guilty.
John Daniels, guilty.
Jim Troup, guilty.
Ben King, not guilty.
Andrew Bigham, guilty.
Charlie White, plea of guilty.
Orren Meridy, guilty.
Jas. McLendon, guilty.
Henry Lawson Dawson, glty.
Lorn Montgomery, guilty.
John W. Mosely, Colquitt
Mosely, Milton Mosely, guil
ty as to Colquitt Mosely for
shooting at another, others
George Jones, plea of guilty.
B. F. Stokes, discharged.
Linton Bridges, not guilty.
Geo. L. Mosley, not guilty.
Isaac Roberson, not guilty.
Horace Clark, not guilty.
Nias Lawrence, discharged.
Sam Lawrence, discharged.
Wilbert Johnson, discharged.
D. L. Williams, discharged.
Vince Terrell, discharged.
Freeman Smith, plea of glty.
Chas. Gaynor, not guilty.
Henry Wallace, settled on
payment of costs.
Dan Wallace, settled on pay
ment of costs.
Wiley Connell, settled on
payment of costs.
Harrison Dallas, not guilty.
Reliance Fertilizer Co. vs. H.
(1. Gillis, verdict for plaintiff.
Mt. Vernon Bank vs. G. W.
Smith, J. M. Brooksher, security,
verdict for plaintiff.
I). J. Morrison & Bro. vs. J.
W. Gordon, verdict for plaintiff.
1). J. Morrison & Bro. vs. J. G.
Kite & Son, verdict for plaintiff.
International Tayloring Co. vs.
M. G. Wilcox, verdict for plaints.
Merritt Mfg. Co. vs. Mrs. C. 10.
Boyd, verdict for plaintiff.
Riverside Fertilizer Co. vs.
Mrs. A. E. Gillis, verdict forpltff.
Jenkins Bros. Shoe Co. vs. J.
1). McDaniel, verdict for plaintff.
C. M. Sears vs. W. H. Padget,
principal, D. S. McArthur, secu
rity, verdict for plaintiff.
Wilson Cotton Mills vs. C. H.
Peterson, verdict for plaintiff.
C. H. Peterson vs Dave Swin
son and A. A. Gillis, judgment
for plaintiff.
W. D. Martin vs. J. A. Wig
gins and C. C. Phillips, judgment
for plaintiff.
Mt. Vernon Bank vs. P. W.
Mitchell, principal, D. S. McAr
thur, security, judgment for pltf.
Mt. Vernon Bank vs. William
Troup, principal, Frank Troup,
security, judgment for plaintiff.
Crosby Shoe Co. vs. S. W. Har
rell & Son, dismissed.
Seward Trunk and Bag Co. vs.
S. W. Harrell & Son, dismissed.
First National Bank of Dublin
vs. Wm. Herndon and It. A.
Ricks, judgment for plaintiff.
Knight Agency Co. vs. J. W.
Gibbs, verdict for plaintiff.
Mt Vernon Bank vs. E. L. Kin
chen, principal, John W. Clark,
J. A. Roland, Dr. M. J. Wilson,
security, judgment for costs.
Mt. Vernon Bank vs Bob
Troup, principal, John J. McAr
thur, security, judgment for
Mt. Vernon Bank vs. W. G.
Fountain, principal, Mrs. M. J.
Thompson, security, judgment
for plaintiff.
Mt. Vernon Bank vs. W. B.
Kent, principal, J. H. Kent, se
curity, judgment for plaintiff.
Mt. Vernon Bank vs Freeman
Otltler, principal, Charlie Sharpe,
security, judgment for plaintiff.
Mt. Verne n Bank vs. Georgian
Fountain, principal, Mrs. M. J.
Thompson, security, judgment
for plaintiff.
Mt. Vernon Bank vs. W. E.
Fountain, principal, Iron Palmer
and Mrs. M. E. Palmer, security,
judgment for plaintiff,
Altamaha Fertilizer Co. vs. O.
D. Bacon, judgment for plaintiff.
Blackshear Mfg. Co. vs. C. D.
W'illiams, agent for Lillie M.
Williams and G. M. Barwick,
judgment for plaintiff.
NO. 17.