Newspaper Page Text
We the undersigned, a rem
nant of the Confederate Army,
an army whose deeds upon the
battle field challenges the admir
ation of the world, moved by a
spirit of comradeship and by a
high regrad for the public weal,
endorse Judge John H. Martin
for re-election to the office of
Judge of the Superior Courts of
the Oconee Circuit and appeal to
the Veterans, Sons of Veterans
and the citizens generally to cast
their votes for him.
Judge Martin is a man that has
been tried on “field and forum
and never found wanting.” On
the field of battle, in the bloody
days from 1861 to 1865, in the
front rank from start to finish he
stood, except when shot down, as
his scars will bear testimony.
His impediment of speech is the
result of a dangerous wound re
ceived in battle and is a constant
reminder' to the people that he,
as did the gallant Gordon, bears
upon his face scars that are a
badge of honor.
In the dark and terrible days
of reconstruction, when ruin and
desolation like a mighty tornado
were sweeping over the South,
he was again at the front and
devotedly stood by the cause of
the white people.
He has always been with the
people and for the people advo
cating the election of officers by
the people and the submitting to
the people of all matters affect
in them.
As a school teacher and a law
yer, burning the midnight oil
was his constant practice the bet
ter to prepare himself to do his
duty by his scholars and later as
a lawyer to his clients.
As a judge of the Superior
Courts he has honored us and
himself by his fearless devotion
to duty and we endorse him and
present his claims not alone upon
his gallantry as a soldier, but
especially upon his faithful,
energetic, able and impartial
work upon the bench. He is a
judge of unusual ability as shown
by his record in the cases that
have gone before the courts of
last resort.
In the discharge of his duties
he has been alert and patient,
and while compelling respect for
the court and sustaining the dig
nity of the bench, he has shown
tender sympathy and due regard
for the man of lowly estate and
tempered justice with mercy
whenever it could be done with
out neglect of duty in sustaining
the law. He has kept order in
the court room because it was
right to do so and secure the
proper trial of cases.
His private life, deeds of char
ity and noble deeds to children
whom he has educated, and
others he is still educating at his
own private expense, should
cause some of his critics to ex
amine themselves.
We look upon and regard
Judge Martin as an honor to his
state, an honor to his country
and the community in which he
lives and a distinguished hbnor
to th<rjudiciary of Georgia, and
we therefore, prompted bv our
own volition, respectfully submit
to you and ask your most favor
able consideration of his candi
dacy for the judgeship in the ap
proaching primary on the 4th of
June. Respectfully,
F. H. Bozeman J. F. Hendley
C. W. Budd J. C. Crimsley
W. R. Collins R. E. Nichols
David Brown S. T. C. Murray
J. H. Martin James Coody
F. D. Wimberly A. I. Davies
A. C. Pipkin H. T. Rainey
F. R. Collins C. D. Woodward
J. L. Overby B. C. Joiner
E. Cook Sr. 11. A. Haskins
J. J. Anderson Lewis Davis
J. I). Horne Levi Slusser
T. J. Holder James E. Taylor
W. .J. Mullis J. Crentbam
N. V. Corley J. S. .Wills
Sam Davis J. T. Newsome
O. A. Horne J. B. Cockfield
P. H. Lovejoy R. H. Vaughn
W. S. Lancaster J. J. Handley
D. L. Ridley J. F. Bolinger
J. R. Taylor .J. A. Collins
S. G. Sheppard John Nelson
Matthew Herndon J. W. Nobles
J. D. Vanlaningham A. J. Ivey
From Every Section of Georgia Indi
cations Assure His Strength—
Only Man In the Race Not
From Atlanta.
The time is near when th 6 people
of Georgia must decide upon the
merits of the men who desire to serve
them as Railroad Commissioners.
Before I announced for the vacan
cy caused by the expiration of the
term of Mr. Hillyer, he assured me
that he would not stand for re-elec
tion, as he would soon be 82 years
old and desired to retire from public
life, but since then, urged by the At
lanta Freight Bureau, he has entered
the race.
As has also S. G. McLendon,
of Atlanta, who was serving on the
commission when removed by the gov
ernor. He wants vindication.
Atlanta, with its 155,000 people, al
ready has two representatives on the
commission and is striving for the
third man.
Should not the rest of Georgia, with
2,609,121 people, have the majority
of the Commissioners? Is Atlanta
larger and greater than all the rest
of Georgia? For every resident of
Atlanta, there are 160 other Georgians
who do not live in that city.
Be sure to cast your vote for W.
Trox Bankston, who has all the en
dorsement a man can be given as a
citizen by men in every walk of life
in the town in which he lives, busi
ness men, professional men, clergy
men and laboring men, and who is
endorsed by more than 150 country
newspapers in every section of the
state and many of the dailies.
Bankston stands for progressive
ness, is unpledged, unbiased and de
sires to represent every section of the
state of Georgia, without friends to
reward or enemies to punish.
He has traveled nearly all over the
state and knows as much about the
actual physical conditions of the rail
roads and the needs of the people as
any man who has ever served on the
Vote for W. Trox Bankston to suc
ceed Hillyer and you will make no
mistake He will appreciate your vots
and influence.
For County Commissioner:
We, the undersigned, voters of Montgom
ery county, he oby ask that the name of Mr.
It. D. Beatty of Tarrvtown, Ga , be placed on
the ticket an a candidate for Commissioner of
ltoads and Revenues, Montgomery county;
L. A. McCrary, cashier; W T. Dickens, far
mi i; IV. II Kelley, farmer; L. I Davis, mer
eliant; W. 15. (ladle, merchant; D. O. Calhoun,
farmer; 1,. A. Arrington, merchant; M. E.
Bums farmer; Travis Eberhart, teacher; W.
E. Snow merchant; A. E. Wheeler, J. I’.; A.
j,. Bandit. ,11, farmer; i J. Joyner, farmer-1,.
D- Calhoun, Postmaster; Ctias. It. Crowder,
M D.; Jason Powell, farmer; I). P. Usry, M.
D J. E. Can,enter, Ky Agt.;B. E. Hamilton,
farmer; C. 11. Call min, farmer and capitalist;
W. M Calhoun, farmer; J. A. Beck worth,
To the Voters of Montgomery County;
Having heen solicited and petitioned to be
come a candidate for Commissioner of Hoads
ami Revenues of Montgomery county. I here
by announce myscJl a candidate for a place
on the Board, and if I should be elected will
act to the In st interest ot the masses of the
people, /.'espeet fully,
it. I). Beatty.
M. A. Landcaster I. D. Vaughn
H. H. Kirpatrick T. B. Wheat
J. I>. Mitchell E. K. Reagon
/. J. Brown H. H. Wynne
J. S. Haskins .J. Robert Taylor
I. D. Kimberly J. B. Horne
J. J. Manning W. W. Childers
W. T. Williamson S. T. Stephens
James L. Moore I. C. Joiner
J. W. Conner J. M. Myers
John E. Austin J. A. Foster
J. M. Dupree W. J. Mitchell
J. C. Thompson T. L. Sears
Lewis Arnold D. C. Walker
W. L. Keen R. E. Reynolds
H. F. Manning S. B. Coody
William Hall
To the Voters of the Twelfth Congressional Dis
trict of Georjria;
1 hereby make this my formal announcement as
candidate for Congress in the Twelfth District of
Georgia, subject to the Democratic Primary, to la
held on the twenty-first day of August, 1912.
1 point to my four years record in Congress as
the servant of the Third District of Georgia. lam
willing to stand or fall on this record, which is an
open book. I, as every true Democrat, stand
squarely upon the platform of democracy as de
clared and set forth by the Democratic Conven
tion held in Baltimore.
Upon this platform I am confident the great
Democratic party will reap a signal victory in
November. I most respectfully ask your support
as the standard bearer of the Twelfth Congres
sional District in the Sixty-Third Congress.
If you bestow upon me this honor. 1 promise
loyalty and zeal, as to your every interest.
Yours respectfully,
Dudley M. Hughes.
For Tax Collector:
I am still a candidate for the office of Tax
Collector of Montgomery comity, simply be
cause I need what the office pays. Thanking
everybody for their help in the past and so
liciting the support of all at the coming pri
mary, if one be held, and pledging myself, if
elect-d, to give the office and the people my
host services. My candidacy is subject to the
primary election io be belli August 21. 1 beg
to remain
Yours for truth and right,
D. M. CtmitiK.
sor 6 doses “666” will cure
any case of Chills and Fever.
Price, 25c.
We have a limited number of
bushels of first class Peas. Clays,
Unknowns, Straight Running
Speckles, Running Speckles mix
ed with Clays, Straight Un
knowns, which w 6 will deliver
for the next 20 days at the fol
lowing prices:
Choice Clays, $2.85
Unknowns, 2.85
Straight Running Speckles, 2.75
Rnn’gSpkls mixd wth C1ay5,2.75
A few damaged Running Speck
les at $2.50
If you want good stock send
us your orders, think that prices
will be higher. Peas on hand un
til August.
H. n. Franklin,
-A .-, -
If your Piano is worth anything
it is worth EXPERT TUNING.
Any other kind will ruin it. I
have a diploma, and guarantee
all work. Write, and I will call.
Charles L. Hamilton,
Money to Loan.
I represent some of t he best loan
companies doing business in
Montgomery comity, and can se
cure loans for a term of five years
at a very small rate of interest.
Commissions charged are small,
and parties desiring to negotiate
loans in Montgomery or Toombs
counties will save money by seeing
me before making application
elsewhere. M. B. Calhoun,
Mt. Vernon, Ga.
Hamp Burch
Attorney at Law
Practices in all the Courts.
On Improved Farms m
Montgomery County at a Small
Rate of Interest.
J. E. Hall, Soperton.
Dwelling for Rent or
For Sale.
A comfortable six-room house,
with garden spot, in choice resi
dence section of Mt. Vernon, with
conveniences. For terms of rent
or sale apply at
For Long Term Farm
I am negotiating some very
attractive Long Term Farm Loans
for the best companies doing bus
iness in Georgia, with lowest rates
of interest and the most liberal
terms of payments
I have several years experience
in the loan business, am located
at the county site and believe that
I am in position to give you the
best terms and as prompt services
as any one.
If vou need a loan see me before
A. It. Hutcheson,
Mt. Vernon, Ga.
| Is always appreciated, whether
| large or small. See me for j|
!g Honest Goods, Honest Weights and Honest. Measures.
jg Courteous treatment for long years lias marked my business. ®
!g What you need hi |s
will be Sold at Live and Lot-Live Prices. ||
If (The Old-Line Merebmit., With “the Goods”) ||
1 Mt. Vernon, Qa. 1
Submitting a proposed amend
ment to the Constitution of the
State of Georgia, to be voted on
at the general State election to
be held on Wednesday, October
2, 11)12, said amendment relating
to the making of tax returns to
the Comptroller-General. I>y Jlis
Excellency, Joseph M. Brown,
State of Georgia, Executive Department.
Atlanta, July 20, 1012.
Whori-as,* General Assembly at its session in
1011 proposed an amendment to the ConHtitutionof
this Suite hh set fourth in an Act approved Aug
ust 10, 1011, to-wit:
An Act proposing to amend the Constitution of
Georgia by adding to second Section of Lhcsevcnth
Article of Raid Constitution a new Paragraph for
requiring certain tax returns to be made to the
Comptroller-General on or before the first, day of
March of each year, and for requiring the taxes
arising on such returns to he paid on or before the
Ist. day of September, and to authorize the Gener
al Assembly to pass such laws as may be necessary
and proper for carrying out. said provisions.
SECTION 1. He it enacted by the General As
sembly, That it shall be and is hereby proposed to
amend the Constitution of Ceorgia, by adding to
the second section of the seventh Article a new
Paragraph to be known as Paragraph six, as bil
lows: ‘ All persons or classes of persons who
were, by laws of force January Ist, 1911, required
to make returns for taxation to the Comptroller-
General, and all who may hereafter lx; so required,
shall, on or before the first, day of March of each
year, make such returns as of date of January Ist
of Shat year, and shall pay the taxes arising on
such returns in favor of the State on or before the
first of September of the same year, anything
heretofore contained in the Constitution or laws of
Georgia to the contrary notwithstanding. The
laws of force on said date governing such returns
and payments, and the collection ami enforcement
thereof shall remain of force as applicable to the
returns and payments herein required until the
same shall be changed by law. The General As
sembly shall have power to make or alter all laws
that may be necessary or proper for enforcing the
provisions of this Paragraph.
Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That whenever
the above proposes! amendment to the Constitution
shall lx- agreed to by two-thirds of the members
elected to each of the two Houses of the General
Assembly, and the same has been entered upon
their Journals, with the* ayes and nays taken
thereon, the Governor shall cause said amend
ment to lie published in at least two newspapers
in each Congressional District in this State for the
period of two months next preceeding the time of
holding the next general election.
Sec. 2. He it further enacted, That the pro
posed amendment shall lx* submitted for ratifica
tion or rejection to the electors of t his State at the
next general election to lx* held after the publica
tion as provided In the second Section of this Act
in the several election districts of this State, at
which election every person shall lx.* qualified to
vote who is entitled to vote for members of the
General Assembly. All persons voting at such
election In favor of adopting the proposed amend
ment. to the Constitution shall written or
printed on their ballots the words “For amend
ment to the Constitution requiring tax returns to
the Comptroller-General to lx* paid on or before
September Ist of each year,” and all persona op
posed to the adoption of said amendment shall
have written or printed on their ballots the words ,
“Against amendment to the Constitution requir
ing tax returns to the Comtrol 1 er-General to lx;
paid on or lx*fore September Ist of each year." !
Sec. 4. He it further enacted, That all laws and
parts of laws in conflict with this Act lx:, and the j
same are, hereby repealed.
Now. therefore, I, Joseph M Brown, Governor i
of said State, do issue this my proclamation here
by declaring that the foregoing proposed amend' ;
merit to the Constitution is submitted for ratifica
tion or rejection to the voters of the State quali
fied to vote for members of the General Assembly
at the general election to be held on Wednesday,
October 2, 1912.
By the Governor: Johefh M. Brown,
Phillip Cook, Secretary of State.
At tv at .JIW,
Mt Vernon, Georgia.
!y a / /-/v /■/ /• A/V /y/v,.<y yww/ *y /yyyyy /Ay/yy/yA/yyy
Kryyy-AA/yy/yy yAAAAAAy-yyAAA/yy /yy AA//yyAO a//a/ /vA/y yyyyy AAAAAAAAAAAAAy aaaa/ A/y
D eposits Insured |
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j. We are constantly adding new |
if accounts, and our business is increasing £
at a very satisfactory rate. |
Possibly you also might be glad to |
:! join us. |
raid in Capital Stock, $25,000.00
Surplus and undivided
profits $0,500.00
Total resources over $100,000.00
General Bunking Business Co ml tic ted. Accounts Solicited. j;!
Interest on Time Deposits
N. L. Gillis, President. J. B. O’Conner, Vice-President. ;jj
J. E. Hull, Cashier. I. 11. Hull, Asst. Cashier
:j: N. L. Gillis, M. B. Gillis, J. J. O’Conner, W. C. Futrill,
W. 1). Martin, W. H. Fowler, J. E. Hull.