Newspaper Page Text
Georgia Coast Sunset
Surpass Those Os Rivera
Superintendent Otis Ashmore!
of the Savannah public schools, j
who during a recent sojourn along !
the Georgia coast, has returned
home so enthusiastic over the
trip that he will in all probably
prepare a paper on what he saw
to be read before the Georgia
Historical Society during one of
the winter meetings.
Mr. Ashmore will tell of golden
sunsets, more beautiful than
similiar phenomena of the Italian
Rivera: of a thousand miles of as
ideal cruising waters as may be
found in the world: of an atmos
phere of romance that almost
take* one back to the days when
that valiant gentleman who
founded the colony of Georgia
A' rested from the Spanish in
vaders of Georgia and Florida
shores the chance to retard the
j, •«•*.-> of civilization that was
started under Oglethorpe’s
Mr. Ashmore saw the ruins of
one- famous forts, over the
breastworks of which Ogle
thorpe's men fought against the
Spaniard, and scenes which
bear an important place in the
settlement of this section of a
great country, but‘which have,
due to their remoteness, been
sadly neglected in the chronicles
of the early history of the coun
In fact while several trips have
been made over the beautiful and
historic ground between Savan
nah and Fernandina, yet Mr.
Ashmore states he becomes more
enthusiastic through repetition,
lie and his friends who made the
trip steamed leisurely through
the many waterways that in their
entirety will represent a distance
of a thousand miles of safe cruis
ing. Practically every mile of
the route contains its individual
attractions, and in Mr. Ashmore’s
opinion should be exploited to a
greater extent that more people
may have the advantage of see
ing them. —Savannah News.
Ram’s Horn Brown.
The sin of a moment can blight
a whole life.
Treasure laid up in heaven
draws interest in this world.
If you would climb, start from
where you are now.
One look into the face of truth
will kill a lie stone dead.
The greatest of all doing is
doing the thing that God wants
Tne man who loves sin is a sin
ner, no matter how loud he talks
in church.
There are some mighty little
roosters that never let you know
it by their crow.
Better he blind than to see
nothing but the faults and short
comings of others.
Pointing our telescopes toward
the sky is a confession that we
need the Infinite.
Grind up your scythe on rainy
da\s or you will never make hay
when the sun shines.
The devil soon tires of wasting
his darts on the man who has on
the whole armor of God.
Two big tilings follow each
other all the way through the
Bible: “The Lord said,’’ “and
“It came to pass.”
Somebody ought to say a good
word for tho cow that jumped
over the moon l>eeause slit'
wouldn’t stay on low ground.
Lightning Finds Ring.
Livingston. N. J., Aug. 9. —
Walking in the woods near here
two young farmers came upon an
old tree which has been split in
half by lightning two nights age.
While examining the tree the
men were surprised to see some
thing glistening in the wood.
With some difficulty they suc
ceeded in digging out a gold band
wedding ring. The circle bore
the inscription, “To Julia Hen
derson. from John, May 17.
His Job Well Earned.
Afropos of the recent appoint
ment of a number of Ohio men
to federal offices, James A. Lit
jtleton of Columbus, a lawyer,
: told a story about Buckeye men
who have sought office, says the
Washington Post.
“Some years ago.” said Mr.
Littleton, “when Joseph B. For
aker was Governor of Ohio, he
I was importuned by a faithful fol
! lower to appoint him to a state
position. The fellow was so in
sistent that finally Gov. Foraker
! hunted up a position and signed
the commission. Some time went
by, and one day the Governor
saw his appointee lounging lazily
in the lobby of one of the leading
hotels of Columbus. Naturally,
his curiosity was aroused.
“ T thought you were work
ing,’ said the Governor.
‘ ‘So I am, ’ was the reply.
“ ‘Well, you seem to behaving
a pretty easy time of it. 1 gave
j you the appointment you have in
order that you might go to work.”
” ‘Never mind, Governor,’
came the reply, ‘I had to work so
hard to get this job that I don’t
think I should he called upon to
do anything after I have got
it.’ ”
P'arming That Pays.
A Laurens county farmer gin
ned 800 bales of cotton from 800
acres of land last year. On por
tions of his farm the yield per
! acre was considerably more than
a halo per acre. It is doubtful if
there is another farm of the same
size in the cotton belt which can
show the same record. Sanders
villo Georgian.
Woman Has Rare Coin.
Mrs. S. W. Bouquin, of Barn
ey, has a 25-centgold piece which
has been in her possession nearly
70 years, and although she has
been offered goodly amounts for
the piece of money, she refuses
to give* it up. Mrs. Byuquin is
over 80 years of age and when
she was but a small girl went to
Now York with her father to
visit some relatives.
While she was there a business
man who rather liked the little
girl gave her the 25-cent piece
and she has never since allowed
it to get out of her possession.
The goldpioce is said to be the
only one of its denomination in
ithis part of the country.
The Oldtime Darkey.
The Times had a visit today
from an old darkey by the name
of Mlijah Parker, a resident of
(he Ousley district in this county,
who says that he was a plow-boy
in 1812. He says he could work
up to two years ago, is cutting
new teeth, and has never worn
spectacles, though his sight is
getting dim now. He is well pre
served in appearance for one of
so great an age, his hair and
heard being not entirely grey.
We suppose it would be hard to
find another man in the state
who was plowing a hundred
years ago. Valdosta Times.
Materia Medica And
Human Anatomy.
The last time Urey Woodson
was in Atlanta, Ga., he went
through a factory and got so
much oil and grease on his trous
ers that he had to send them to
an old colored man to be cleaned,
says the Popular Magazine. The
following morning the negro ap
peared before Woodson with this
” ‘Deed. Mr. Woodson, I don’t
think 1 gwine be able to clean
dose here pants. 1 done tried
I gasoline and pearline and naph
! thy, and don’t any of them seem
j to do no good. ”
"Have you tried ammonia?”
asked Woodson.
“No. sah,“ said the old darkey,
“1 ain’t tried ’em on me yet. but
1 reckon the.v’t tit me all right.”
For County Troas.:
PteMt* ivnirmlu r that 1 nm still a .'amlulau
fur County Treasurer. Having rcotivotl the
highest vote tn the first |>i unary, 1 hope ray
: frteuds Mill rwim tulx-i me on August 21st.
1 Yours to sot vo,
J. \V. Morrison, Sr.
the Montgomery monltor-thursday, aug. 15, 1912.
Former President of the
Georgia Senate
y- y
Candidate for Railroad Commis
sioner to fill out the unexpired
term of Hon. H. Warner Hill.
He wants your support and in
For Commissioner:
Bring among those who received a majority
vote in the April primary, I desire to press my
candidacy for the office of County Commissioner,
subject 0* the second primary to be held August
21st, I feel able to serve on the Board in a man
ner acceptable to the people, and I will rppreclate
the assistance of my friends. With due appreci
ation of the favors already conferred uj>on me and
asking your continued favor, I am
Yours to serve,
Administrator's Sale.
Gergia—Montgomery County.
Under and by virtue of an order
granted by the court of ordinary
of said county on the sth day of
August, 1912, will be sold before
the court house door in said coun
ty between the legal hours of sale,
on the first Tuesday in Septem
ber, 1912, to the highest and best
bidder for cash, the following
p:operty to wit:
100 acres if land more or less,
situate, lying and being nu the
275th district G. M. of said coun
ty and state and bounded as fol
lows: On the north by lands of
Joe Thomas, on the east by lands
of Ira Anderson, on the south by
lands of J. J. McArthur and on
the west by lands of J. W. Mc-
Arthur. Said property sold as
part of the estate of Ben Bird
(will annexed.) This the sth day
of Aug., 1912.
John Jay McArthur,
Adr., with will annexed, Ben
Bird, deceased.
Sheri If Sale.
Georgia Montgomery County.
Will Ih* sol«i before the court house door In Ml.
Vernon on the first Tuesday in Sept., 1912, be
tween the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder
for cash, certain property, of which the following
is a complete description:
One certain top buggy, with side springs and
red trimmings. Levied on anti will Ih* sold as the
property of Vic Hudson, Fed Hudson and John
Hudson to satisfy a mortgage fi fa issued from
the superior court of said county in favor of C. H.
Peterson vs Vic Hudson. Fed Hudson and John
Hudson. Property in possession of defendants,
and written notice of levy given. Levy made and
returned to me by A. H. Hester, deputy sheriff,
this the 6th day of August, 1912.
James Hester, Sheriff.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia Montgomery County.
Will Ih* sold before the court houoedoor in Mount
Vernon on the first Tuesday in Sept., 1912, be
tween the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder
for cash, certain property, of which the following
is a full ami complete description:
One certain Columbus buggy, black body and
top ami red running gear. Levied on and will l>e
sold as the property of B. 1L Grimes to satisfy a
mortgage execution issued from the superior court
of said county in favor of Columbus, Ga. Buggy
Co. vs B. H. Grimes. Property in possession of
defendant and written notice of levy given in
terms of the law. Levy made anti returned to me
b> F. K. Forrester, deputy sheriff, this the 6th day
of August, 1912. James Hester, Sheriff.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia Montgomery County.
Will Ih* sold before the court house door in Mt.
Vernon on the first Tuesday in Sept., 1912, be
tween the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder
for cash, certain property, of which the following
is a complete description:
One certain top buggy, with black body and red
running gear, known as a Columbus buggy; also
one set of harness for same. Said property levied
on and will U* sold as the property of M. W. Adams
to satisfy an execution issued from the superior
court of said county in favor of Hull Vehicle Mfg.
Co. vs W M. Adams ami B. H. Grimes. Property
in possession of W. M. Adams, ami written notice
of le\ > given in terms of the law. Levy made
and returned to mo by F. E. Forrester, deputy
sheriff, this the 6th day of August. 1912.
James Hester, Sheriff, M. G.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia Montgomery County.
Will b sold before the court house door in Mt,
Vernon on tho first Tuesday in Sept.. 1912. be
tween the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder
for cash, certain property, of which the following
is a complete description:
A one-fourth undivided interest in the home
place of D. L>. Gillis. and described as follows: One
certain tract or parcel of land situate, lying and
being in the Tow n of Soper ton, Ga.. in the 1396th
G. M District?*? said county and state and hound
ed on the northwest by Third street, on the north
east by Alabama street, and on the south and
southeast by lands of C. H. Peterson and on the
southwest by Florida street, containing fourteen
acres mote or less, being the place upon which
said D. 1) Gillis lived when he died. Levied on
ami will Ih* sokl as the property of C. H. Gillis to
satisfy two executions issued from tho justice
court of the 12215 t district G. M. on the 6th day of
July. 1912, in ftlvor of C. H. Peterson. Written
notice of levy given in terms of the law to party
in iHHMtesaion This the 7th day of August 1912.
James Hester, Sheriff U, C.
Sunday Train To Tybee.
The Macon, Dublin & Savan
nah Railroad has put on a new
train known as “The Tybee
Special,” to run every Sunday
from June 9th to Sept. Ist inclu
sive. Train No. 74, Macon to
Savannah, leaves Vidalia at 6:30;
and returning, as No. 73, leaves
Savannah at 6:30 p. m.
New Road Notice.
GEORGIA —Montgomery County.
To All Whom It May Concern:
Take notice that John Foskey
and James O’Brien and others
have applied for an order seeking
the establishment of a new road,
which has been laid out and mar
ked conformably to law by com
missioners duly appointed and a
report made under oath by them.
Saul road beginning at a point
where the road leading from So
perton intersects the public road
leading from Lotbiarto Rockledge
at or near the home place of John
Foskey, and leading from there
through the lands of said John
Foskey and James O’Brien, Thos.
O’Brien, Wiley Davis, It. W.
Cone, L. Gillis, A. It. Davis,
C. L. Johnson and Geo. Miller,
to intersect with the road leading
from Lothair to Dublin at the
west corner of A. R. Davis’ land.
If uo good cause cause can be
shown by persons interested in
this matter the order will be
granted by the Board of Commis
sioners of Roads and Revenues on
the first Tuesday in September,
1912, establishing said new road.
W. M. Lewis,
Clk Bd Co. Com’rs.
New Road Notice.
GEORGIA— Montgomery County.
To All Whom It May Concern:
Take notice that J. J. Moses,
W. F. McAllister, W. P. Calhoun.
.J. H. Dees and others have ap
plied for an order seeking the es
tablishment of a new* road, which
has been laid out and marked
conformably to law by commis
sioners duly appointed and a re
port made under oath by them.
Said road beginning at the town
of Uvalda and extending along
the east side of the Georgia and
Florida Railroad to the town of
Alston, covering a distance of
about three miles. Now if no
good cause can be shown by per
sons interested in this matter the
order will be granted by the Board
of Commissioners of Roads and
Revenues on the first Tuesday in
September, 1912, establishing
said new road. W. M. Lewis,
Clk Bd Co. Com’rs,
Georgia—Montgomery County.
To all whom it may concern:
Clayton Gillis, administrator of
the estate of I). D. Gillis, late of
snul county deceased, applies for
leave to sell all the real estate of
said estate. This is therefore to
cite all parties that said applica
tion will be heard at my office on
the first Monday in September,
1912. Witness my hand and offi
cial signature, this August sth,
1912. Alex McArthur,
Ordinary M. C.
Georgia— Montgomery County.
To ull whom it may concern:
H. W. Warnock having in proper
form applied to me for permanent
letters of administration on the
estate of Mrs Ida L. Warnock of
said county, deceased, this is to
cite all and singular the creditors
and next of kin of Ida L Warnock
to be and appear at my office
within the time allowed by law
and show cause, if any they can,
why permanent administration
should not be granted to H. W.
Warnock on said estate This the
sth day of August, 1912.
Alex McArthur,
Georgia—Montgomery County.
To all whom it may concern:
Mrs. J. H. McArthur having in
proper form applied to me for
permanent letters of administra
tion on the estate of J. H. Mc-
Arthur, late of said county, de
ceased, this is to cite all and
singular the creditors and next
of kin of J. H. McArthur to be
and appear at my office within the
time allowed by law and show
cause, if any they can. why per
manent administration should not
be granted to Mrs. J. H. McAr
thur on said estate. This the sth
day of August, 1912.
Alex McArthur,
House for Sole.
Good five-room cottage with
barn. etc. Located on campus of
8.-P. Institute. See me for
price. M. D. Hughes,
Mt. Vernon, Ga.
i| New Trough Service via ij
1; On night trains between Savannah and Montgomery, making ]|
;1 connections for all principal points EAST and WEST, !l
!j 700 iM 600 PM Lv Savannah Ar 900 AM 836 PM
;| 742 AM 643 PM Cuvier 813 AM 745 PM |t
II 852 AM 758 PM Hagan 707 AM 634 PM o
ll 920 AM 825 PM Collins 647 AM 610 PM !’
1; 10 05 AM 912 PM Vidalia 602 AM 525 PM ;!
il 11 25 AM 10 35 PM Helena 440 AM 403 PM ll
l! 12 55 PM 12 08 AM Pitts 307 AM 236 PM H
l! 135 PM 12 40 AM Cordele 230 AM 140 PM !|
1; 313 PM 200 AM Americus 115AM12 32 PM ! 1
|; 405 PM 255 AM 1 Richland 12 20 AM 11 32 AM |l
;1 646 P.VI 517 AM Ft Davis 952 PM 848 AM ll
I 815 PM 080 AM Ar Montgomery Lv 880 PM 720 AM ij
ll These trains will carry first class coaches and the night trains j;
a Pullman high class twelve section drawing room sleeping cars. |l
ij • East nr West the Wav that’s Best.
IC. W. SMALL, I). P A., j;
Savannah, .... ... Georgia ll
C. B. Ryan, G. P. A., |j
Portsmouth, ....... Virgina. |[
, ,
l V'ftseewf. S lri i riii I. day
1 "“ no 1
0— Sg
1 Grasp the Opportunity ®
W by ordering Ice-Cold Sundaes for two, naming the pure
I fruit juices that best please your fancy. Cooling to blood @@
and cuticle. We have them. Open day and evening.
During the summer season we shall devote special atten- Q&
tion to this branch of our business, and the festive season
will be made especially enjoyable to our patrons.
Sumerford Drug Co. |
Prescription Druggists g
Ailey, Georgia
| Plenty of Money to Lend |
« On Improved Farms at Six per Cent. Interest*-Any Amount ij;
» From SBOO Up. Re-payment Allowed Any Time. Prompt
|| Service and Courteous Treatment. <j:
Money on Hand
We have a good sup
ply of cheap money oil
hand at this time and
can close loans very
promptly, either on
farm or city property, j
If in need of cash,
come to see or write
ns at once.
Southern Loan &
Investment Co.
! —’ "
I offer for sale the
W. JL Langford dwel
ling in Mt. Vernon.
Five-room house and
large lot and barn con-
I c?
veniently arranged.
Four town lots and
garden. See me for
quick bargain on this
W. F. McAllister,
I valda, Ga.