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Mr. Clayton Gillis of Soperton
was transacting business in the
Court of Ordinary here Monday.
Hon. .1. Clayton Clements was
over Friday attending to busi
Mr. I). .1. McSwain of Cedar!
Crossing spent a few days here j
last week to see his infant son i
at the home of Mr. John M.
11 ughes.
Mr. .1. B. O'Conner of the Kib
bee section was here on business
l>efore the Hoard of County Com
missioners Tuesday.
Bring me your eggs and chick
ens. Cash prices.
J. C. Brewton
R-P. Institute.
Mr. John J. McArthur, a promi- J
nent turpentine operator of Ixmg
pond, was up Tuesday.
Mr. 0. A. On ten returned from
a trip last week to his old home
in North Carolina.
Mr. Nesbitt McLemore, now
holding a position with the |
Cooley Pharmacy at Sanders-j
ville, was here to visit home
folks last week.
Lunch baskets, school books,
tablets, pencils etc. Sumerford
Drug Co., Ailey, (la.
Mr. J. VV. Sharpe, Jr. and Mr.
M. R Kirkland, progressive citi
zens of Alston, were in to see us
on Tuesday.
Mr. 11. A. Morrison one of our
highly esteemed subscribers in
the (llenwood section, came over
Monday morning.
Mr. J. A. Mcßride of the
Oconee Brick yards has another
kiln of brick about ready to fire
Georgia seed rye and fresh
turnip seed at Sumerford Drug!
Co., Ailey, (la.,
Mr. Tom Mason has returned!
from a visit to Allapaha.
Mr. J. K. Horne was transact
ing business here Tuesday.
Lev. J. L. (iillmore, recently!
of Dublin, will reside at Kibbee
in the future, and will have
charge of the school there. Mr.
(lillmore has many friends here
on whom he was calling Tuesday
Clever Bud Gibbs was ming
ling with the boys here Tuesday, j
Mr. James Stacy returned yes-!
terday morning from a visit to
Jacksonville, Fla.
Mr. Lewis Burch* who holds a
responsible position with the
Southern F\press Co., visited
his parents here Monday and,
Miss Gertrude Hill, daughter
of Kev. L. A. Hill of MeUae, was
over and spent two days last
week with Mr. and Mrs. C. M.
Ledbetter. I
Some new faces are seen in ;
the Institute throngs.
“Uncle Peter’’ Johnson of j
Longpond was in to see The Moni-!
tor Monday. Head his notice for
the sab 1 of seed oats. He and his
boys have more oats than Carter, j
and they are for sale.
Drs. L. \V. Bush and A. N.
Dykes of Soperton were down j
Tuesday to record their licenses. |
both have recently located at So-:
perton for the practice of their i
profession. Dr. Bush is a den
tist and Mr. Dykes is a medical!
practitioner. Success to them.
Mr. K. L. Hall, one of the Ai-!
ley merchants, was in to have a
lot of stationery gotten out a*
few days ago.
Mr. M. B. Adams, a prominent
citizen of the west side, was a
* visitor to Mt. Vernon Monday,
enrolling his name as a subscrib
Mr. George Hamilton of Kib
bee dropped in to see us Tuesday.
George is one of the substantial
young citizens of the county.
Judge J. W. Adams, Jr., of
Tarrytown was attending to bus- j
iness here on Tuesday.
Fresh turnip seed of all kinds
and Georgia seed rye. Sumerford
Drug Co., Ailey, Ga.
Mr. Seward V. Hicks returned
'Monday morning from a trip to
Dr. J. W. Palmer, member of
the State Democratic Executive
Committee, attended a special
meeting of the committee in At
lanta yesterday.
Uncle Abe Collins, one of our
most enterprising colored farm
ers, was putting some fine pota
toes on the local market last
week. He favored us with a
j sample.
Mrs. Missouri Mcßae has gone
jto Albany to spend sometime
with her daughter, Mrs. Huck
! a bee.
Missionary Meet.
The Ladies' Home Missionary
Society, the Presbyterian church,
will meet this (Thursday) after
nixrn, at 4:30, at the home of Mrs.
I). A. Mcßae. The entire mem
bership is urged to attend.
Statement of Campaign Ex
penses, W. A. Wooten.
Newspaper Fees Announcing
Candidacy, $25.00
Assessment Fees bv
County Committees, 90.00
Total, $115.00
(leorgia Dodge County.
Personally appeared before me
W. A. Wooten, who, being duly
sworn, deposes and says that tl e
above is a true statement of all I
campaign expenses incurred by
him in his campaign for nomina
tion to the office of Solicitor-Gen
eral of the Oconee Circuit in the
primary election of August 21st,
1912, and that the amount of
money thus expended was de
rived from his own personal
funds, W. A. Wootkn.
Sworn to and subscribed before
me, this August 30th, 1912.
J. M. Clark,
C. S. C., 1). C.
Tribute of Respect.
Resolutions on the death of
Mrs. H. W. Warnock by W. M.
S. of Tarrytown Baptist Church.
Whereas, an allwise and ever
merciful Providence has seen fit
to remove from our midst and
from the membership of the W.
M. S. of Tarrytown Baptist
Church our much beloved sister,
Mrs. H. W\ Warnock, who, for a
part of her life, was a consistent
member of the Baptist Church.
1 She was kind-hearted and always
willing to help those in distress.
She was a consecrated worker in
her church, Sunday School and
Society. May we all be inspired
j by the influence of her noble life
that when we are called to go our
work will l>o well done as hers.
Therefore be it resolved:
1, That, while we bow in hum
ble submission to the will of our
Father, we feel very much the
loss of one of our most faithful
members, but pray the Father to
help us to realize that our loss is
her eternal gain, and that we
may feel more determined to fol
low more closely Him who doeth
all things well.
2, That, while our hearts go
(out in sympathy to the grief
! stricken family, we pray that
God may sanctify this affection to
| their good, and that this may he
j one more tie to draw them nearer
their blessed Saviour.
3, That a copy of these resolu
tions be spread on our records
and one sent to the family of the
deceased. Also, one copy be
sent to The Montgomery Monitor
and to The Christian Index for
Mrs. M. E. Burns,
Mrs. W. L. Snow,
Mrs. J. J. Calhoun,
A Misfit Sausage.
A drunken man broke a bunch
of steins in a Chicago case be
cause he was in a playful mood,
says the New York Mail, When
he was arraigned in court he
said his name was Nichols Smith.
There was something in the way
he said it that the judge believed
an awful mystery was being kept
from the light. And the jurist’s
intution proved right.
“I don’t believe your name is
Nichols Smith at all,” the judge
said. “Now tell me what your
real name is before I send you to
The man looked beseechingly
at the judge, and then, as if he
were confessing a great crime,
he said in chest tones that sound
ed like a whisper from deep cav
erns: “My name is Sausage
Nichols Sausage.”
Then Sausage related this: “I
came to this country seven years
ago. Over in Germany Sausages
move in the very first society, and
I had no reason to be ashamed of
it. But in this country I suffer
ed greatly on account of my
name. 1 went home one night
and thought it over. The next
morning when I woke up my
name was Smith.”
He should have changed his
name to Sirloin Steak, and then
everybody in America would
have had to look up to him.
Land Activities.
There are ample indications
that the coming Fall will be the
most active season in the pur
chase of lands in the Southeast
in the history of this section.
The volume of land transac
tions throughout the Summer
have been unusually large, and
there has been a notable number
of purchases of tracts for sub
Prospecting parties are begin
ning already to come into the
Southeast to inspect lands, and
before many weeks such parties
will be coming from almost every
section of the country, as indi
cated by announcements that are
being made continually.
The fact is that prospective
buyers throughout the country
are coming to understand in a
measure thut in no other section
of the country can desirable land
l>e bought at such low prices as
in the Southeast. Climate and
residential conditions considered,
there is practically no compari
As cheap comparatively as land
is in the Southeast, it is being
demonstrated almost daily that
land prices in this section are in
creasing constantly, and natural
ly so, with the development of
the Southeast. There will never
l>e a time when land in the South
east can be bought so cheap as
now.—lndustrial Index.
1 am a candidate for tin* office
of Sheriff' of .Montgomery county,
subject to the general State elec
! Mon to be held Oct 2, 1912 1 am
a Democrat, and my candidacy is
subject to such rules and regula
tions as have been established by i
the executive committee of Mont
jjomery county, there not having
been « regular nominee for said
office under the rules governing
the primary held Trusting that
the people will consider my can
didacy. 1 beg to remain
Yours t ruly,
J. 1. Palmer.
Donnell Nelms, a young man .
of Griffin, went to sleep on the
Southern railway tracks five
miles east of Macon Sunday
night and was run over and re
ceived injuries from which he
Estray Notice.
Taken up at my place one red
male hog with black spots, no
ear marks, about two years old.
Shut up for breaking into fields.
Owner can get hog upon pay
ment of expenses of keeping
and this notice. Otherwise the
same will Ik? disposed of as the
law directs.
Sept. 2d, T 2. S. S. Mincey,
Ailey, Ga.
Out Os His Jurisdiction.
The justice of the peace was
in the South, and a marked state
of ignorance, says the Popular
Magazine, lie was approached
by a man desiring a divorce, and
he did not know what to do.
flailing a friend to his side, he
“What's the law on thisp’int?” :
“You can’t do it,” was the re
ply. “It’s out of your jurisdic-.
The husband, observing the
consultation and feeling keenly
his desire to escape from his mat-1
| rimonial woe, explained:
“I’m willin’ to pay well; got
the money right here in this
| sock.”
At this the justice assumed his
gravest judicial air. Obviously,
he was deeply pained. Never
before in all his life had he been
so bowed down by grief.
“You knew before you came
here,” he said sadly, “that it
wasn’t for me to separate hus- j
band and wife, .and yet you not|
only take up the valuable time
of this court by talking, but you
actually propose to bribe me with
money. Now how much have
you got in that sock?”
“About six dollars and a half,
your honor.”
“Is that so? Then I fine you
five dollars for bribery and a dol
lar and a half for taking up my
time with a case out of my juris
diction; and may the Lord have
mercy on your soul:”
sor 0 doses “666” will cure
any case of Chills and Fever
| Price, 25c.
Submitting a proposed amendment to the Consti
tution of the State of Georgia, to be voted on at
the General election to be held on Tuesday, No
vember sth, 1912, said amendment providing for
the crertion of the County of Wheeler.
By His Excellency, Joseph M. Brown,
State of Georgia, Executive Department,
August 24th, 1912.
Whereas, the General Assembly at its session in
1912 proposed an amendment to the Constitution
of this State as sc-t forth in an Act approved Aug
ust llth, 1912, to wit:
An Act to propose to the qualified electors of
t his State an amendment to Paragraph 2 of Sec
tion 1 of Article 11 of the Constitution of this
State as amended by the ratification by l)ie quali
fied voters of this State of the Act approved Jqly
19th, 19<M, and as further amended by the ratifica
tion of the qualified vofars of this State of the Act
approved July Hist. 1906, and for other purposes.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assem
bly of tin* State of Georgia, and it is hereby enac
ted by authority of the same that the following
amendment is hereby proposed to Paragraph 2,
Section l. Article 11, of the Constitution of this
State as amended by the ratification by the quali
oters ol this State of the Act approved July
19, 1904, and as further amended by the ratification
by the qualified voters of this State of the
Act approved July Hist, 19>»6, to wit: by
adding to said Paragraph the following
language: “Provided, however, that in ad
dition to the counties now provided for by
this Constitution there shall he a new county laid
out from the county of Montgomery and bounded
as follows: “Commencing at a point on the wes
tern bank of the Oconee river where the Laurens
; county line in * , si-cts with said river, thence
i down the western Link of the said river to the
[ ! mouth ot the said river, thence up to the northern
bank of tin* OcMiulgce river to the mouth of the
little Ocmulgoe river, thence up the said little
Ocmulgee river io the line of Dodge county, thence
cast afoiip said line of Dodge county and Laurens
county to th*? western bank of the Oconee river
to the starting point.
That saul new county, tin- boundaries of which
are described herein, shall t»e called and known by
i tile Hippie ot Wheeler, and shall be attached to and
become u part of the Twelfth Congressional Dis
trict, the Fifteenth State Senatorial Dist. and the
Oconee Judicial Circuit, and the county site of the
said new county shall be the town of Alamo. That
ali legal voters residing m the limits as herein de
desivibed of said new county of Wheeler
entitled to vote for members of the General As
sembly under the laws of Georgia, shall on the
first Tuesday in January, 191 H, elect an ordinary,
a clerk ot superior court, a sheriff, a coroner, a
lax collector, a tax receiver, a county surveyor, a
county treasurer and fhivc commissioners of roads
and revenues f*»r said county, said election to be
held at town of Alamo, the county site of said new
; county. That the superior court of said county
shall Ik* held on the Mondays in March and on
the first Mondays in .September of each year. The
limits of the said county, the congressional and
senatorial distrfets. and the judicial circuit to
which it is attached, and the time of holding the.
terms m tht superior coiins. shall he as designa
ted hlkivc* until ch in> i*d by law, provided that the
law s applicable to the organization of new counties
: as found in Section "29 to MS inclusive, of the Code
j of 1911, are hereby made applicable to said county
of Wheeler whenever the same may be created by
the proposed amendment to the Constitution and
that the said county when created shall become a
statutory county and shall be at all times subject
to all laws applicable to all other counties in this j
Section 2. Be it further enacted that when this j
proposed amendment shall Ik* agreed to by two
thirds of the members elected to each of the two
houses composing the Legislature of the State of
I Georgia, such p opesid amendment shall lie en
i tered on the journal of each house with the yeas
i and nays thereon: and the governor is hereby di
j reeled to cause (he said rroposed amendment to lie
j published in one or more newspapers in each con- j
gressional district at least two months before the !
time of holding the next general election to Ik* held i
on Tuesday after the first Monday in November of !
the year 1912. and he shall also provide for a sub- j
mission of the proposed arm i.dmont at said gener- ;
ai election. And, if the people shall ratify such i
amendment by a majority of the electors qualified •
to vote for members of the General Assembly vo- 1
ting thereon, such amendment shall become a part j
of the consitution of Georgia,
j Section H. Be it further enacted that it shall
[become the duty of the governor to submit such
ramendment to the people at saul election in the I
j following form:
That those voting in favor of said proposed j
j amendment shall ha»e written or printed on their
I tickets, “In favor of the ratification of the amend- •
I ment to tht* Constitution creating the county of j
j Wheeler, w ith the town of Alamo as the county j
site. And those opposed to the ratification of
said amendment shall have written or printed on ;
their tickets. “Opi->s«xi to the ratification of the .
amendment to the Constituting creating the ’
| County of Wheeler, with the town of Alamo as j
! the county site.' which votes cast at said election j
J shall Ik* consolidated as n >w required by law in
! elections for members of the General Assembly, !
I ami returns thereof made to the Governor; and, j
if a majority of the electors qualified to vote for
members of the General Assembly shad vote in
favor of the ratification of ihe amendment to the
Constitution creating the County of Wheeler, with
the tow n a Alamo as the county siu*. the Gover
nor shall tnvlare said amendment adopted and
make proclamation of the result of said election
in the manner provided by law.
Section 4. Bo it further enacted by the author
ity aforesaid, that ali laws and parts of laws in
conflict w ith this Act be. and the same are hereby
j repealed.
N. w. therefore, l J seph M. Brown, Governor
of said State, do issue this my proclamation
hereby declaring that the foregoing proposed
amendnu nt to the Const»tu:i.*n is submitted for
ratification or rejoc ;.»n ?<> the voters of the State
qualified to vote for members of the General As
sembly at the general election to be held on Tues
-1 day. November sth, 1912.
Governor, i
By the Governor.
i PHILIP COOK. Secretary of State. |
Brick! Brick!
I Plenty on Hand for Prompt
Shipment. Standard Grades and Low ij;
» Priees Prevail. Write for Prices.
J. A. McBRIDE, Proprietor 1
Mt. Vernon, Ga. |
A Candidate For Sheriff.
Mr. J. I. Palmer announces in
this issue his candidacy for the
office of sheriff. Mr. Palmer
ran in the first primary, but not
being satisfied with the outcome,
and the rulings of the county ex
ecutive committee, proposes to
test the matter by appealing to
the people. His card sets forth
his claims, to which we refer the
voters of the county.
Some Fine Com.
We have been shown some ex
tra fine corn from the farm of;
Mr. J. Tom Conner. Mr. Conner
is making a specialty of this extra
fine variety, known as “Shaw's
Big Ear Corn,” and has a field
that will probably make forty
bushels per acre.
Dwelling for Rent or
For Sale.
A comfortable six-room house,
with garden spot, in choice resi
dence section of Mt. Vernon, with
conveniences. For terms of rent
or sale apply at
Administrator’s Sale. |
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Under and by virtue of an order
granted by the court of ordinary
of said county on the 2d day ot
Sept., 1912, will be sold before
the court house door in said coun
ty between the legal hours of sale,
on the first Tuesday in Octo
ber, 1912, to the highest and best
bidder for cash, the following
property to wit:
Eight and a-half lots of land in
the Sixth and Seventh land dis
tricts of said countv, being Lots
Nos. 429, 428, 427, 472, 474, 488,
180, together with one-hall of Lot
No 484. in the Seventh land dis
l net. Also Lot No. 21 in the
Sixth land district of said county,
lots being regular divisions of 202. j
acres. Sold as the property of the
estate of Uriah Sears, tor division.
This 2d day of Sept., 1912.
Si>as Sears,
Adr. Est. Uriah Sears.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will be sold before the court house door In Mt.
Vernon on the first Tuesday in Oct., 1912, be
tween the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder
for cash, certain property, of which the following
is a complete description:
That certain tract or parcel of land lying situate
and being in the 1417th. Dist. G. M.of said county,
hounded as follows: One tract carved from the
northwest corner of Lot No. 282, in the Uth. Land
• Dist. containing sixteen acres more or less, and
being the shape of an oblong square and being the
place on which N. E. Barlow resides, the other
tract being the north corner of Lot No. 28 in the
11th I«and Dist. containing Ten Acres, said land
being in the possession of N. E, Barlow, the de
fendant, anil being levied on as the property of
the said N. E. Barlow, to satisfy an execution is- j
sued from the superior court of said county in fa
vor of the Farmer’s Bank vs N. E. Barlow H. But
ler and J. A. Barlow. Property pointed out by
plaintiffs attorney. Written notice given as re
quired by law. to the defendant. This the
day of Aug. 1912. James Hester,
Sheri IT of Montgomery County, Ga,
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will l»e soUl before the court house door in Mt.
j Vernon on the first Tuesday in Oct,, 1912, be
tween the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder
; for cash, certain property, of which the following
is a complete description:
All that tract or parcel of land situate, lying and !
being in the 1343 d G. M. Dist. said county ami state j
and bounded as follows: On the north by lands of f
A. B. Hutcheson, on the east by lands of Georgian
Fountain, on the south by lands of Jas. McNatt
j ami on the west by lands of Georgian Faun tain,
containing 25acres more or less and being a por*
tion of the L. L. Hamilton place. Levied on and
will Ik* sold as the property of Georgian Fountain
to satisfy a fifa issued from the Justice’s Court of
the 1343 d G. M. district in favor of The Mt. Vernon
Bank vs Georgian Fountain. Charlie Fountain and
Mrs. M J. Fountain Levied and returned to me
j by E. W. Armfield, constable, and written notice
given in terms of the law. This the 3d day of
Sept.. 1912.
James Hester, Sheriff M. C.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will be sold before the court house door in Mt.
Vernon on the first Tuesday in Oct., 1912, be
tween the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder 1
for cash, certain property, of which the following
i is a complete description:
One certain tract of land situate, lying and be
ing in the 1654th District G. M. of said county and
state and bounded as follows: On the north by
lands of Wm. B. Kent, on the east by lands of G.
N. Mathews, on the south by lands of B. F. Ham
ilton and on the west by lands of Jerry Phillips, j
containing 60 acres more or less and being the
place on which C. C. Phillips resides. Levied on
and will be soki as the property of C. C. Phillips
to satisfy an execution issued from the superior
court sf said county in favor of W. D. Martin rs
J A. Wiggins and C. C. Phillips. Property point
ed out for levy by L. C. Underwood, attorney for
plaintiff. a»i written notice given as required by
law. This the 3d day of Sept.. 1912.
James Hester, Sheriff.
Sunday Train To Tybee.
The Macon, Dublin & Savan
nah Railroad has put on a new
train known as “The Tybee
Special,” to run every Sunday
from June 9th to Sept. Ist inclu
sive. Train No. 74, Macon to
Savannah, leaves Vidalia at 6:30;
and returning, as No. 73, leaves
Savannah at 6:30 p. m.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will be sold before the court house door in Mount
Vernon on the first Tuesday in Oct., 1912, be
tween the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder
i for cash, certain property, of which the following
is a full and complete description:
One store house and lot in the town of Charlotte
in Montgomery county, Georgia, being the store
house and lot located on the west side of the G. &
F. Ry., and used by said C. H. Johnson and in his
possession at time of levy. Levied on and will be
sold as the property of C. H. Johnson to satisfy
i an execution issued from the Superior Court of
said county in favor of C. J. Donaldson vs C. H.
Johnson. Written notice given tenant of levy.
This the 3d day of Sept., 1912.
Jas. Hester, Shes. M. C.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will be sold before the court house door in Mt.
Vernon on the first Tuesday in Oct., 1912, be
tween the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder
for cash, certain property, of which the following
is a complete description:
One certain top buggy, with black body and red
running gear, known as a Rockhill buggy, made
by the Rockhill Buggy Co., Rockhill, S. C.; also
one set of harness for same. Said property levied
on and will be sold as the property of M. T. Lowery
to satisfy an execution issued from the superior
court of said county In favor of R. L. Kinchen &
Co. vs M. T. Lowery. Property in possession of
M. T. Lowery ami written notice given as required
by law. Levy made and returned to me by J. W.
Gibbs, deputy sheriff. This the 3d day of Sept.,
1912. James Hester, Sheriff, M. C.
Administrator’s Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Under and by virtue of au order
granted by the Court of Ordinary
of said county on the 2d day of
Sept., 1912, will be sold before
the court house door in said coun
ty on the first Tuesday in October,
1912, to the highest and best bid
der for cash the following property
to wit :
One certain lot of land in the
town of Sonerton, containing 14
acres more or less and hounded as
follows: On the west by lands of
Emmet Hall, on the north by
lands of Lewis Lowery, on the
east by lands of (J. H. Peterson
and an the south by lands of W.
T. McCrimmun. Said property,
with improvements thereon, sold
for purposes distribution and the
payment of debts of the estate of
D. D. Gillie, deceased.
Clayton Gillis,
Adr. Est. D. D. Gillis.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
To all whom it may concern:
H. W. Warnoek having in proper
form applied to me for permanent
letters of administration on the
estate of Mrs Susan E. Gillis, of
said county, deceased, this is to
cite all and singular the creditors
and next of kin of Susan E. Gillis
to be and appear at my office
within the time allowed by law
and show cause, if any they can,
why permanent administration
should not. he granted to H. \V.
Warnoek on said estate. This the
2d day of Sept., 1912.
Alex McArthur,
Dental Surgeon,
(Successor to Dr. J. R. Watson)
Soperton, Ga.
A. L. Lanier,
Attorney at Law,
Will Practice in all the Courtß of
the State.
Boiler Making and
Boiler Repairing.
Special attention to this class of
work. Satisfaction guarateed to
all patrons. Call me.
Mt. Vernon, Ga., Rt. No. I.