Newspaper Page Text
Morgan Grand Jury
Wants Judges Named.
Madison, Ga., Sept. 12. — A
ringing condemnation of the fee
system and the election of judges,
and solicitors by popular vote was
contained in the Morgan county
grand jury's presentments, sub
mitted to the superior court here
yesterday afternoon when the
jury completed its work.
In emphatic, and unmistakable
terms the grand jury condemned
“The prenicious degrading and
dangerous practice” of buying
and selling votes for which it re
turned about a score of indict
In this connection, the grand
jury calls attention to a publish
ed statement that Judge K. S.
Anderson of the Madison city
court had been mentioned as one
of those who admitted before the
grand jury that they purchased
votes in the primary on May 1.
“In justice to Judge Anderson
we wish to state that no such ad
mission was made by him,” says
the grand jury in its present
ments. “In fact, he stated posi
tively that he had not purchased
any votes.”
The presentments advocate the
appointment of judges and solici
tors by the governor with con
firmation by the senate instead
of their election by the people.
Raising Beef Cattle
In The Southeast.
With the view of encouraging
the Southeastern farmer to put
the whole farm to work by intro
ducing beef cattle in the system
of farming, and to give practical
aid in this work, the Southern
Railway Company has just issued
an attractive booklet giving val
uable instruction on the feeding
and management of beef cattle.
The booklet calls attention to
thefact that only about forty per
cent of arble land of the South
eastern states is being used, and
declares that by the introduction
of stock-raising the remaining
sixty per cent coald be made to
return handsome profit and the
land greatly enriched. Prof. R.
S. Curtis of the North Carolina
Experiment Station, and Prof.
Dan T. Gray, of the Alabama
Experiment Station, both emi
nent authority on animal indus
try, contribute articles to the
booklet, which set out in detail
the methods to be pursued in
feeding and handling cattle to
secure the most profitable results.
The Southern Railway desires to
give this booklet wide distribu
tion throughout the South, and
copies will be gladly mailed to
those interested on application to
F. L. Word, Live Stock Agent,
Atlanta, Ga. —lndustrial Index.
Fighting the Hookworm.
Baxley, Ga., Sept. 12.—Dr.
Jacobs of Atlanta with an assis
tant has been in Appling county
for the purpose of operating dis
pensaries for the free treatment
of hookworm for the last ten
days. They are under auspices
of the State Board of Health and
have treated a great many pa
tients at Surrency, Graham, Bax
ley, Medders and Alma. The
doctors will remain in the county
until the latter part of September
doing this work and from every
section of the county patients are i
being brought daily to them as j
an evidence of the interest the ;
people in this section are takin g
in their work.
Four Coveys of Quail
Fly Into New York.
New York, Sept. 12.—For the
first time in fifteen vears a covey !
of quail appeared within the city ;
limits of Greater New York a
•few days ago, to be followed
later by three additional coveys.
The park department has taken
the birds under its protection and
will ask the police department to
prevent any unprincipled shooters
from exterminating them.
Food is placed daily around the
haunts of the birds which are in
the marshy sections along Pelham j
bay in the hope that they will re
main in their present coverts and j
Girls Run Paper.
The Gwinett Journal, published
at Lawrenceville, Ga., asserts
that it is the only newspaper in
the United States which, so far
!as the mechaaical work is con-!
cerned, is got out exclusively by I
girls, Miss Carrie Gauge operates
a linotype machine and sets up
the paper and a good deal of body
type for booklets and pamphlets.
Her sister, Miss Eva Gauge, is
foreman of the job office and
turns out the display advertising
matter and the job printing.
The young women get the
news and set it, make up the
forms, run the engine and ope
rate the folder and the mailing
machine. They support a wid
owed mother and several young
brothers and sisters.
Find Woman’s Skeleton
With Bullet in Skull.
Blackshear, Ga., Sept. 12.
Considerable excitement was
caused by the discovery of the
skeleton of an unknown negro
woman half way between Pat
terson and Offerman, this morn
ing. Apparently the woman was
the victim of foul play as one
side of the skull is crushed in
and there is apparently a bullet
I hole in the back of the skull. The
bones were found by a young
white man, in a clump of bushes
about fifty yards from a road
that is little used.
Tne crime must have been
committed several months ago,'
from the condition of the skele
ton when found, but who the
woman was or who is responsi
! ble for her death, no one seems
( to know. Inquiry fails to dis-
I close any woman missing from
either town. Investigations are
’ being made to discover the iden
tity of the murdered woman and
( to locate the murderer, but there
appears to be little so far disclos
ed to throw any light on the mat
Riddle and Answer.
Being a funny man, he was at
it again. Seated on the grass in
the midst of the picnic party, he
was spinning the latest yarns.
“I say,” he remarked to those
assembled, “I bet you can’t ans
wer this riddle. ”
“Well, what is it?” asked a
chorus as voices.
“Can you name an animal that
has eyes and cannot see, legs and
cannot walk, but can jump as
high as the Eiffel Tower?”
Everybody raked their brains,
and there was a deep silence for
a moment.
“I don’t know,” remarked
some one, “I give it up.”
The rest of the party also signi
fied their inability to solve the
“The answer,” said the funny
man, “is a ‘wooden horse.’ It
has eyes and cannot see, and legs
and cannot walk.”
“Yes; but how does it jump as
high as the Eiffel Tower?” came
the triumphant shout.
“The Eiffel Tower, ” said the
funny man, as he made prepara
tions for hurried departure,
“can’t jump at all!”
Banking Sweet Potatoes.
“What is the best method of
banking sweet potatoes for the
winter?” I have kept them!
! sound until June in the following
way. Build a cheap shed large
enough to shelter the banks from
rain. Dig the potatoes as soon
as frost nips the vines, and if not
ready to dig, get the frosted vines
off. Let the potatoes lie in the
sun along the rows as dug, and
haul them in baskets or boxes,
and put 25 bushels in a heap on a
thick layer of pine straw. Cover
them thickly with pine straw and
let them stand until done sweat
ing, and then cover with earth, i
Dry earth will keep out more
cold than wet; hence the value
of the shelter. — The Progessive
Bring me your eggs and chick- ;
ens. Cash prices. 1
J. C. Brewton 1
8.-P. Institute.
Good Roads Make
Very Light Work.
Any kind of a road may be
traveled in fine weather, and all
of Sumter’s six hundred miles ot‘
! roads are usually good at all sea
sons, more especially the 170
miles of graded highways radiat
ing from Americus to every sec
tion of the county, but the graded
roads show up to advantage now.
Yesterday, while the rain came
down hardest, a wagon drawn by
two mules and loaded with nine
bales of cotton drew up at the
Parker warehouse, having com
pleted a trip of seven miles over
a good road.
The team came from the Hooks
plantation and the load of cotton
weighed more than 4,500 pounds.
But it was hauled here over a
a good road, and with less strain
upon the two mules than though
they had hauled two bale of cot
ton over a poor road, as was done
in former years.
In its wealth of good roads,
Sumter county has a most valua
ble asset. Americus Times-Re
Administrator’s Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Under and by virtue of an order
granted by the court of ordinary
of said county on the 2d day of
Sept., 1912, will be sold before
the court house door in said coun
ty between the legal hours of sale,
.on the first Tuesday in Octo
ber, 1912, to the highest and best
bidder for cash, the following
property to wit :
Eight and a-half lots of land in
the Sixth and Seventh land dis
tricts of said county, being Lots
Nos. 429, 428, 427, 472, 474, 488,
480, together with one-halt of Lot
No. 484, in the Seventh land dis
trict. Also Lot No. 21 in the
Sixth land district of said comity,
lots being regular divisions of 202 1
acres. Sold as the property of the
estate of Uriah Sears, tor division.
This 2d day of Sept., 1912.
Si bis Sears,
Adr. Est. Uriah Sears.
Sunday Train To Tybee.
The Macon, Dublin & Savan
nah Railroad has put on a new
train known as “The Tybee
Special,” to run every Sunday
from June 9th to Sept. Ist inclu
sive. Train No. 74, Macon to
Savannah, leaves Vidalia at 6:30;
and returning, as No. 73, leaves
Savannah at G:3O p. m.
I am a candidate for the office
of Sheriff of Montgomery county,
subject to the general State elec
tion to be held Oct. 2, 1912 lam
a Democrat, and my candidacy is
subject to such rules and regula
tions as have been established by i
the executive committee of Mont
gomery county, there not. having
been a regular nominee for said
office under the rules governing
the primary held Trusting that,
the people will consider my can
didacy. I beg to remain
Yours truly,
J. I. Palmer.
The Cosmopolitan Group re
quires the services of a repre
sentative in Mount Vernon and
surrounding territory, to look af
ter subscription renewals, and to
extend circulation by special
methods which have proved un
usually successful. Salary and
| Commission. Previous experience
desirable but not essential Whole
|or spare time. Address, with
references, Charles C. Schwer,
The Cosmopolitian Group, 381
Fourth Ave., New York City.
Estray Notice.
Taken up at my place one red
male hog with black spots, no
ear marks, about two years old.
Shut up for breaking into fields.
. Owner can get hog upon pay
ment of expenses of keeping
and this notice. Otherwise the
same will be disposed of as tin.'
law directs.
Sept. 2d, ’l2. S. S. Mincey,
Ailey, Ga.
Seed Oats For Sale.
Rust-proof Appier Seed Oats,
1 to 25 bushels, 85c per bu.; 25
to 100 bushels, 80c per bu., f. o. b.
Uvalda. Peter Johnson,
Uvalda, Ga.
j Twelfth District Fair I
I DUBLIN, GA. Oct. Bto 12 Inclusive I
It _ _ fi
| Five Days of j|
1 l 4
Agricultural, Live Stock, Poultry, mid Farm Machinery ||
■j|j Displays. I
| AMD PUNNING RAPF? v/v " l * 17 AVf &
frits m tLi lia ILp Iwl «1B ■ U IllKiwLiO
Big Midway, Aeroplane Flights, and Scores of Other
§ Attractions. jjl
i 'Tv
For Further Information and Premium List Address £§
8 R. M. MARTIN, Sec’y. DUBLIN, GA. I
•> ——— l -—— - " " '*— 1
Submitting a proposed amendment to the Consti
tution of the State of Ueorgia, to be voted on at
3 the Gonerul election to he held on Tuesday, No
vember hth, 15*12, Httid amendment. providing for
the crertion of the County of Wheeler.
J By His Excellency, Joseph M. Brown. Governor.
State of Georgia, Executive* Department,
August 24 111, lit 12.
1 Whereaa, the General Assembly at its session in
15*12 proponed an amendment to the CoiiHtit ution
1 of (ilia State as set forth in an Act approved Aug
i uai 14th, 15*12, to wit:
An Act to propose to the qualified electors of
this SUile an amendment to Paragraph 2of Sec
tion 1 of Article II of tin- Constitution of this
State aa amended by the ratification by the quali
fied voters of this State of the Act approves! July
19th, 15*0|, and as further amended by the ratifica
tion of the qualified voters of this State of the Act
approved July 21st, I'.HHi, and for other purposes.
Section 1. Be il, enacted by the General Assem
bly of the State of Georgia, and it is hereby enac
ted by authority of the same that the following
amendment is hereby proposed to Paragraph 2,
Section 1, Article 11, of the Constitution of this
State as amended by the ratification by the quali- '
■ lied voters of this State of the Act approved July !
15*. 15*04, and as further amended by the ratification
by the qualified voters of this State of the
Act approved July 21st, 15*00, to wit: by j
i folding to said Paragraph the following
language: “Provided, however, that in ad
' dition to the counties now provided for by
3 this Constitution there shall be a new county laid
! out from the county of Montgomery and bounded
) as follows: “Commencing at a point on the wes
tern bank of the Oconee river where the I.a ureas
| county line intersects with said river, thence
, down the western bank of the said river to the
’ mouth of the said river, thence up to tin* northern
bank of the Ocmulgee river to the mouth of the
little Ocmulgee river, thence up the said little
Ocmulgee river to the line of Dodge county, thence
east along said line of Dodge county and Laurens
county to the western bank of the Oconee river (
to I he starting point.
; That said new county, the boundaries of which i
i • are described herein, shall be called and known by '
i tin- name of Wheeler, and shall be at tached to and j
become a part of the Twelfth Congressional Dis- |
I trict, the Fifteenth State Senatorial Dist. and the •
i Oconee J udiclal Circuit, and the younty site of the
said new county shall be the town of Alamo. That
j ail legal voters r esiding in the limits as herein de- i
described of said proposed new county of Wheeler j
entitled to vote for members of the General As- j
| seinbly under the laws of Georgia, shall on the *
first Tuesday in January, 15*12, elect an ordinary, !
a clerk of superior court, a sheriff, a coroner, a i
| lax collector, a tax receiver, a county surveyor, a
1 county treasurer and three commissioners of roads
and revenues for said county, said election to lie
; held at town of Alamo, the county site of said new '
county. That thy superior court of said county I
shall be held on the first Mondays in March and on
the first Mondays in September of each year. The ;
limits of the said county, the congressional and 1
senatorial districts, and the judicial circuit to j
which it is attached, and the time of holding the j
terms of the superior courts, shall Ik; as designa ,
ted ai*ove until changed by law, provide! that the '
laws applicable to the organization of new counties j
u- found in Section *2s* to 848 inclusive, of the Code
of 15*11, are hereby made applicable so said county
of Wheeler whenever the same may 1m; created by
the proposed amendment to the Constitution arid
that the said county when created shall lw;corne a
statutory county and shall be at all times subject
to all laws applicable to all other counties in this
Section 2. Be it further enacted that when this
proposed amendment shall be agreed to by two
thirds of the members elected to each of the two
J houses composing the legislature of the State of 1
Georgia, such proposed amendment shall be en- j
j tered on the journal of each house with the yeas !
and nays thereon and the governor is hereby di- j
recto* 1 to cause the said rroposed amendment to Is; j
published in one or more newspapers in each con- J
! gressional district, at. least two months before the |
time of holding the next, general election to be held
on Tuesday after the first. Mon*Jay in Novemberof
! the year 11*12, and he shall also provide for a sub- ,
mission of the proposed amendment at said gerier- ;
al election. And, if the people shall ratify such ■
amendment by a majority of the electors qualified :
to vote for members of the General Assembly vo- I
! ting thereon, such amendment shall become a part j
, of the cornu tution of Georgia.
Section 2. Be It further enacted that it shall j
become the duty of the governor to submit such
amendment to the people at said election in the J
j following form.
! That those voting In favor of said proposed i
amendment shall have written or printed on their I
! tickets, “In favor of the ratification of the amend- 1
I ment to the Constitution creating the county of ;
Wheeler, with the town of Alamo as the county
sit**. And those oppose;*! to the ratification of )
said amendment shall have written or printed on
their tickets, “Opposed to the ratification of the
amendment, to the Constituting creating the
founty of Wheeler, with the town of Alamo as
the roomy si to," which votes cast at said election
shall be consolidat'd as now required by law in
elections for members of the General Assembly,
and returns thereof made to the Governor; and,
if a majority of the electors qualified to volt ; for
members of the General Assembly shall vote in
favor of the ratification of the amendment to the 1
f/onstitution creating the County of Wheeler, with i
I the town of Alamo as the county sit*;, the Cover- j
rior shall declare said amendment adopted and
make proclamation of the result of said election
in the manner provided by law.
Section 4 Be it further enacted by the author- ;
| ity aforesaid, that all laws and parts of laws in
conflict with this Act bo, and the sum*' are hereby ,
Now, therefore, I Joseph M. Brown, Governor !
of said State, do issue this my pr*>ctarnation
hereby declaring that the foregoing proposed
arnendmeni bothe Constitution is for .
ratification or rejection to the voters of the Stair j
qualifier] to vote for members of the General As- '
sernbly at the general **lection to be held on Toes- I
day, November 6th, 15*12. •
Governor. |
By the Governor: f
I'll I LIB COOK, Secretary of State.
A Safety Deposit jj
Eox j
Every one has documents of value, such as policies, j;
deeds, wills, contracts, etc., the loss of wnich would he se- jj
riously felt.
The bank depositor has, in his canceled checks, re- |!
ceipts for money paid, which if destroyed by fire or otherwise, jj
might cause great inconvenience. j;
Every household has its jewelry, heirlooms and other ;!
precious articles which can be kept about the house only at a ;!
a great risk. j j
A safety deposit box in the fire and burglar proof j 1
I vault of this hank will insure perfect safety for things of
value. Rental nominal, and renter only has access to his box. ji
•ij Loans of any amount from $!i(K) to $50,000 on farms in Mont- 2
gomery uud adjoining counties. No delays for inspection. §
iy Have lands examined by a man living near you.
I LOANS ON FIVE YEARS TIME, payable in eusy installments to *
suit borrower. g
Merchants Rank Building Mcßae, Ga. |
'tryyw VWt X'JtW.K'JfVfVt'tf'X'WfVf'Xit’JfUe W
B(*st Farm Lands in Georgia along line of
Macon, Dublin & Savannah Ry.
If you arc thinking of changing your loca
tion, why not investigate these farms? Both
large and small farms available. If inter
ested write J. A. STEYER,
G. F. and 1\ A. Macon, Ga.