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Mrs. Lane of Statesboro, who
owns several lots in Mt. Vernon,
was here a few days last week.
Mr. C. B. Cummings, who has
been quite sick for two weeks, is
able to l>e up a^ain.
Fresh turnip seed of all kinds
and Georgia seed rye. Sumerford
Drug Co., Ailey, Ga.
Mrs. F. lx*e Mcßae left yes
terday for Americus where she
will visit her parents and other
Miss Bessie Higgs visited rela
tives in Higgston last week.
Mr. I). A. Fountain, had the;
misfortune to break the bones of i
his- right shoulder last Saturday j
by a fall from his wagon.
Mrs. Missouri Mcßae and j
daughter, Alleen, have returned
from Albany.
Georgia seed rye and fresh
turnip seed at Sumerford Drug
Co., Ailey, Ga.
Mrs. J. H. Duggin and little
daughter, Mary Ruth, spent Sun
day with Mrs. Hunt.
Rev. .1. T. Smith of the Brew
ton-Parker Institute spent Mon
day at his former home in Dub- 1
Schoolbooks, tablets, pencilsi,
and lunch baskets. Sumerford
Drug Co., Ailey, (la.
Rev. B. F. West, in charge of
the Methodist church at Uvalda, j
was a visitor here yesterday. | (
Dr. .1. M. C. McAllister ofj
Rochelle was a visitor to rela* (
tives here on Monday,
Mr. R. M. McLendon visited i
friends at Minter, returning |
Monday night. __ <
General News Items
Told in Short Meter.
15. J. Miller, a farmer of Floyd
county, drove into Rome last
Saturday, and when alighting in
front of the Cherokee hotel, a
pistol fell from his pocket, and
being discharged, wounded him
severely in one leg,
I, uis I’.areas of Pensacola was
drowned Sunday afternoon by
venturing too far out in the wa
ter while surf bathing.
('apt. Bartjett of St. Johns, N.
F. has returned to that i>ort from I
a gold-hunting expedition to Baf
fin Land, lie lost one of his
two ships, found no gold, but
discovered great deposits of coal.
In the state of Kansas about
20,000 horses have died of cere
bro spinal meningitis and the dis
ease exists in 75 of the 105 coun
J. Jones, a druggist of Augus
ta. was stricken with appolexy
while starting in for a surf bath
at Mayport, Fla., Sunday and
died in a few minutes.
Frasquilo, a bull . fighter at
l/'s Angeles, Cal., was gored to
death by a bull he was attempt
ing to throw by the horns in an
exhibition there Monday.
Small towns in upper Georgia
are still rejxirting the arrival of
their "first bale” of this season’s
Governor Brown decides that
Hon. J. J. Conner, appointed to
fill out the unexpired term of
Hon. T. G. Hudson as Commis
sioner of Agriculture, will hold
office til next July.
Frank Bullard, a flagman on
the Atlanta. Birmingham &
Atlantic road, while switching
cars at Sessoms Sunday night,
was caught between the cars and
The largest naval force ever
gathered in American waters will
be the fleet of battleships in New
York harbor on October 15th to
be revied by President Taft.
There will be 127 ships in line.
Hon. G. 11. Williams of Dublin
was a visitor to Mt. Vernon on
Friday last.
Mr. Jim A. McAllister has re
turned to the Atlanta College of
Physicians and Surgeons.
Dr, Coleman of Lyons spent
a few days here with home folks.
firing me your eggs and chick
ens. Cash prices.
J. C. Brewton
8.-P. Institute.
The delegates to the convention
in Dublin last Monday report a
most enthusiastic and harmon
-1 ious meeting. Mr. J. W. Linder
of Higgston and Mr. D. W. Fol
som of Mt. Vernon were the del
egates from Montgomery and at
! tended the congressional meeting.
Miss Lyra Thompson has re
turned to Milledgeville and re
sumed her studies in the Georgia
Normal and Industrial College.
A new roof is being put on
the law office of Cols. Geiger and
If you want money quick, write
Lyons Loan & Abstract Co., Ly
ons, Ga., for they are loaning
money cheap.
The big ginnery of Mcßae &
Thompson is running more regu
larly now since the sun is shin
ing again.
Mr. A. J. Burch was transact
ing business in Vidalia Monday
Pembroke Enterprise;—About
two hundred scientists will visit
Atlanta on the 15th. It will be
remembered that they are the
guys that put the germs in kiss
Two men who passed bogus
checks on Macon business houses
last Saturday night, giving their
names as E. Joyce and S. Klein,
secured money to the amount of
$224.40 and escaped.
J. T. Bullard, an Atlanta sales
man, dropped dead at the Union
Station Monday, after returning
from his brother’s funeral who
was killed while switching cars
at Sessoms.
Two peddlers, who were
traveling in a wagon, were held ,
up and robbed by negroes Satur- 1
day night near Dorchester in
Liberty county. They lost two
trunks of g»x>ds valued at S3OO
Incendiaries burned the barn
of Charles and Ira Murph near
Americus Tuesday morning and
caused a loss of six mules, a lot
oats and hay, and all figuring up
about $4,000.
j J. W. Jarrett, a prominent sar
i mer of Jackson county, was found
dead in his buggy Tuesday eve
, ning by a negro man who picked
up his hat to hand to him as the
mule was pulling the buggy along
the street in Athens.
A boy 12 years old, son of
Morgan Simmons of Baxley, kill
ed his 0-year-old brother Monday
with a rusty old shot gun that he
was playing with.
The peach crop handled by the
railroads from points in Georgia
this season shows a total of 7,139
J. S. Morris, one of the oldest
engineers in Georgia, and the
man who ran the first engine
across the Satilla river between
1 Waycross and Brunswick, died
at his home near Brunswick Fri
day night last.
Eli Vickers of CofTee county
was called up over the ’phone by
, I his brother who announced the
arrival of twins at his home,
* when Eli promptly replied that
his home had triplets, two girls
and a boy.
i Rounds of Presiding Elder,
Mcßae District.
' 1 Hazlehurt, at Hazlchurflt, Sept<*mb<*r 1; Quarterly
[ Gmferenre Sept, 27,
\ Mcßa«*. Sept. 8.
t Jacksonville, at Jacksonville, Sept. 14-15.
) Ohauncey, at Chauncey, Sept. 21-22.
• Kant man. Sept. 22, p. m.; Q. C. Sept. 23.
- J Helena and Milan, at Helena, Sept. 25.
| Town*, at IJ<j fifte'n Sept. 18.
I j HiitKßtort, at Center, Sept. 28-29.
1 Vidalia. Sept.. 29,.pr0
| Lumber City and Scotland, at Trinity, Oct. 2.
Surrency, at Neva, Oct. 4.
Baxley Circuit, at Midway, Oct. 5-6.
Baxley Station, October £-7, p. m.
Alamo, at Alamo, Oct, 10.
‘ | Gk-nrivllle, at Olennville, Oct. 11.
• i Reidxvillc and Shiloh, at Shiloh, Oct. 12-13.
Lyons and Collin*. at Sharpe’s, Oct. 18.
A Darnaha, at C«sdar Grove, Oct. 19-20.
Mt. Vernon, at Mt. Vernon, Oct. 25.
(Jvalda, at Iconic pond. Oct. 20-27.
• Cobbtown, at Koxie, Nov. 1.
' Belleville, at Belleville, Nov. 2-3 p. m.
Hagan and Claxton, at Hagan, November 3, a. m.;
Quarterly Conference, Nov. 4.
Abbeville and Rhine, at Rhine, Nov. 8.
Georgia Montgomery County.
To all whom it may concern:
11. W. W a mock having in proper
form applied to me for permanent
letters of administration on the
estate of Mrs Susan E. Gillis, of
said county, deceased, this is to
cite all and singular the creditors
and next of kin of Susan E. Gillis
to he and appear at my office
within the time allowed by law
and show cause, if any they can,
why permanent administration
should not. be granted to H. W
Warnock on said estate. This the
2d day of Sept., 1912.
Alex McArthur,
Administrator’s Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Under and by virtue of an order
granted by the Court of Ordinary
of said county on the 2d day of
Sept., 1912, will be gold before
the court house door in said coun
ty on the first Tuesday in October,
1912, to the highest and best bid
der for cash the following property
to wit:
One certain lot of land in the
town of SoDerton, containing 14
acres more or less and bounded as
follows: On the west by lands of
Emmet Hall, on the north by
lands of L< wis Lowery, on the
east by lands of O. 11. Peterson
and an the south by lands of W
T. McCrimmon. Said property,
with improvements thereon, sold
for purposes distribution and the
payment of debts of the estate of
I), 1). Gillis, deceased.
Clayton Gillis,
Adr. Est. I). I). Gillis.
Sheriff Sale.
Geor»cia Memtsromcry County.
Will be Hold before the court houße floor in Mt.
Vernon on the first Tuesday in Oct., 1912, be
tween the levral hours of sule, to the highest bidder
for cash, certain property, of which the following
is a complete description:
One certain tract of land situate, lying: and be
in*? in the lfiMth District (1. M. of said county and
state and bounded as follows: On the north by
lands of Win. B. Kent, on the east by lands of (J.
N. Mathews, on the south by lands of B. F. Ham
ilton and on the west by lands of Jerry Phillips,
containing acres more or less and being the
place on which O. C. Phillips resides. I.evhsl on
and will la* sold as the property of C. C. Phillips
to satisfy an execution issued from the superior
court sf said county in favor of W. D. Martin vs
J. A. Wiggins and C. C. Phillips. Property point
ed out for levy by L. C. Underwood, attorney for
plaintitr. and written notice given as required by
law. This the 3d day of Sept., 1912.
James Hester, SherilF.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia Montgomery County.
Will Ik* sold before the court housedoorin Mount
Vt»rnon on the first Tuesday in Oct., 1912, be
tween the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder
for cash, certain property, of which the following
is a full and complete description:
One store house and lot in the town of Charlotte
in Montgomery county, Georgia, being the store
house and lot located on the west side of the G. &
F. Ry., and used by said C. H. Johnson and in his
possession at time of levy. Levied on and will In
sold as the property of C. H. Johnson to satisfy
an execution issued from the Superior Court of
said county in favor of C. J. Donaldson va C. H
Johnson. Written notice given tenant of levy
This the 3(1 day of Sept., 1912.
Jas. Hester, Shes. M. C.
Fine Chickens.
A few choice thorough-bred
R. 1. Red and Barred Rock cocke
rels for sale. Belmont strain,
Mrs. W. A. Peterson.
Mt. Vernon, Ga.
Dwelling for Rent or
For Sale.
A comfortable six-room house,
with garden spot, in choice resi
dence section of Mt. Vernon, with
conveniences. For terms of rent
or sale apply at
*■ ■
li. W. RUSH,
Dental Surgeon,
(Sbcwwot to I>r. J. R. Watson)
Soperton, Ga.
Boiler Making and
Boiler Repairing.
Special attention to this class of
work. Satisfaction guarateed to
all patrons. Call me.
Mt. Vernon, Ga., Rt. No. i
Mrs. Woodrow Wilson Has De
cided. Views on Subject.
Wife of Democratic Candidate Gives
Out Letter Taking Strong Stand on
Smoking Habit.
Now York.—For the first time since
Woodrow Wilson became the Demo
cratic presidential candidate has Mrs.
Wilson appeared. She attended In
person her husband’s dally conference
with reporters, although heretofore
she has made special requests that
Bhe be not quoted nor written about
In the papers.
That Mrs. Wilson wished to have
fully understood was that if she be
comes the first lady of the land she
will not, as has been said in a widely
i distributed Interview, have packages
of cigarettes In her personal desk at
the White House and Indulge In smok
ing them with her callers.
Through Governor Wilson, Mrs. Wil
son asked that publicity he given to a
letter she had .written to the editor of
the State Journal at Columbus, 0., re
pudiating an nlleged Interview with
her In which she defended cigarette
smoking for women. The Interview
had come to her in a letter signed
“American Citizen," which said:
’"“Dear Madam—l can scarcely think
of any greater calamity to the young
women of the nation than to read such
a preachment as your interview offers
them. I am a workingman, and I see
men lose their Jobs almost every day
because they are Incapacitated for
work by the use of the cigarette. If
smoking does this for strong men
what will It. do for girls and women?”
The "Interview" wus Indeed a cor
dial Indorsement of the woman smok
er. Here are some of Its assuring
phrases, all credited to Mrs. Wilson:
"A woman writer for a syndicate of
Sunday newspapers asked Mrs. Wood
row Wilson If s!fc» agreed with Ger
trude Atherton’s opinion of the amok
ing of cigarettes by women. She smil
ingly exhibited three cigarette boxes
piled In the corner of her desk, all but
“ ‘Why shouldn’t a woman smoke If
she enjoys It?" she queried.
“ ‘Why hasn’t she Just as much right
to a cigarette as a man? Certainly I
agree with Mrs. Atherton that any
existing prejudice against women
smoking Is to the last silly and ab
“ ‘Smoking cigarettes is a question
of manners, not morals. It promotes
good fellowship.
“ ‘Come women feel that a cigarette
calms their nerves and helps their
brains Into working order. Personally
smoking diffuses my thoughts instead
of concentrating them. I enjoy It as I
enjoy after-dinner coffee. Both are
pleasant wnys of ending and finishing
off; both add to conviviality and good
fellowship.’ ”
The editor of the Ohio State Jour
nal, It was clear, had been much In
censed at tho apologies for the cigar
ette habit among women attributed to
Mrs. Wilson, so he wrote on Aug. 10
an editorial in which he called for the
defeat of Governor Wilson or a repu
diation from hts wife. If there was no
mistake about it, he wrote, "Mrs..
Woodrow Wilson shouldn't be mis
tress of the White House.”
If the Ohio editor was emphatic,
Mrs. Wilson was certainly not less so,
After the reporters had said they
would gladly publish her letter to the
Ohio editor she asked for an hour’s
time in which to write one. This was
what she prepared:
"Dear Sir—l have Just received a
copy of the Journal with your editorial
entitled ‘Smoking Women,’ and I beg
leave to Indignantly deny the state
ment that I approve of women smok
ing cigarettes. The Interview upon
which your editorial was based is a
pure Invention. I Intensely dislike the
cigarette smoking habit for women—
In fact, so strong Is my feeling on the
subject that my real danger lies In be
ing unjust and unkind in my Judgment
of thoso who differ with me In this
“But certainly no woman in our
household ever has or ever will smoke.
Quite apart from the bad taste of It, I
believe with you that It has an ex
tremely injurious effect on the nerves.
(“Mrs. Woodrow Wilson.’’)
Governor Wilson, in approving the
letter sent out by Mrs. Wilson, offered
what he thought might prove an ex
planation for the Interview.
"I do not think it wns maliciously
Invented," he said. "There Is a rather
well known writer who signs herself
Mrs. Wilson Woodrow, and she no
doubt has been confused with Mrs
, Wilson."
Mrs. Wilson Woodrow was formerly
! married to a relative of Governor Wil
son, and It Is understood that her
j views on the matter of women who
I smoke are different from those held
In the household of the Democratic
It Is reported that papers which are
i supporting the bull mooser have or
dered extra fonts of ’Ts." And they
will be needed when Teddy gets to
Wonder how the colonel likee being
an outcast?
friends may some day (j )
?zr“ sno |
Grasp the Opportunity |
by ordering Ice-Cold Sundaes for two, naming the pure
I fruit juices that best please your fancy. Cooling to blood $$
and cuticle. We have them. Open day and evening.
During the summer season we shall devote special atten-
tion to this branch of our business, and the festive season M
will be made especially enjoyable to our patrons.
Sumerford Drug Co. |
Prescription Druggists 0
Ailey, Georgia
Statement of the Condition ot
Located at Soperton, Ga., at the Close of Business Sept. 4th, 1912.
Demand Loans $ 1,140 59 Capital Stock Paid in $15,000 00
Time Loans 88,001 13 Undivided Profits, less current ex-
OverdraftH, unsecured 07 7:1 penses, int. and taxes paid 5,994 07
Bonds and stocks owned by the Bar k 2,250 IK) Due to Banks and Bankers in
Banking House 1,951 05 other states 8,000 00
Furniture and Fixtures 1,009 12 Dun unpaid dividends 40 00
Due from Banks and Bankers in Individual Deposits Subject to Ch’k 22,850 79
the State 2,178 37 Savings Deposits 507 49
Due from Banks and Bankers in Time Certificates 23,108 98
other States 5,012 87 Cashier’s Checks 3
Currency $1,005 00 Bills payable, including time cor.
Gold 5 00 representing borrowed money 30,000 00
Silver, Nickels, etc. 041 16
Cash Items 388 96 2,700 12
Total $105,570 98 Total $105,570 98
STATE OF GEORGlA—Montgomery County.
Before me came It. E. Ward, Cashier of Peoples Bank, Soperton, Ga., who being duly
sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement is a true condition of said Bank as shown
by the books of file in said Bank. R. E. WARD.
Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 17th day of Sept., 1912.
G. It. TYLER. Com. N. P. of M. C. Ga.
Statement of the Condition of
Citizens Bar^k,
Located at Alston, Ga., at the Close of Business Sept. 4th, 1912.
resources: I liabilities:
~ i Capital stock paid in $15,000 00
Loans and discounts $22,858 79 Undivided pr fits, less current
Demand loans 507 48 expenses and taxes paid 707 77
Overdrafts 459 80 Individual deposits subject to check 4,687 34
Banking house 2,500 00 Time Certificates . 1,450 00
Furniture and fixtures 2.131 98 Cashier’s checks 815 86
Due from banks and bankers m Bills payable, including time cert.
the state 2,993 60 representing borrowed money 10,000 00
Due from banks and bankers in
other states 779 35
Currency 156 IK)
Gold 5 00
■Silver, nickels and pennies 2 51
Checks and cash items 113 91
Interest paid 152 52
21 dal $32,660 97 Total $32,660 97
State of Georgia—Comity of Montgomery.
Before mo came H. W. Evans, Jr., cashier of The Citizens Bank of Alston, who, being duly
sworn, says that tho above and foregoing statement is a true condition of said Bank as shown
by the hooks of file in said Bank. H. W. EVANS, Jr.
.Sworn to and subscribed before mo tliiH 4tli day of Sept., 1912. _
J. L. SHARPE, Jr., Com. N. P. M. C.
j A Safety Deposit jj
Every one has documents of value, such as policies, ;;
;! deeds, wills, contracts, etc., the loss of wnich would be se- jj
jj riously felt. jj
The bank depositor has, in his canceled checks, re- !;
jj ceipts for money paid, which if destroyed by fire or otherwise, jj
jj might cause great inconvenience.
Every household has its jewelry, heirlooms and other j j
|! precious articles which can be kept about the house only at a !;
j j a great risk. j!
A safety deposit box in the fire and burglar proof ] j
1 vault of this bank will insure perfect safety for things of j!
value. Rental nominal, and renter only has access to his box. jj
jj MT. VERNON, GA. jj
1 I )