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tUlip fftmitmnnprg
Dr. Palmer Writes Card to
Citizens Montgomery
To the*voters of Montgomery Co:
There has not been collected
and spent for our state campaign
one cent, as we wished every dol
lar possible to go to help carry
the doubtful states for Wilson,
our next president.
Now, we have been so confi
dent of Wilson carrying the state
by a large majority, until we
have taken very little interest in j
seeing that a large vote is polled i
for him in Georgia. During the j
time of our inactivity, the Taft
and Roosevelt people have been i
and are now very active and are j
sending out ten times more lit-1
erature than we are, and doing
a hundred times more work. Re
member this: “Many a battle
has been lost by overconfidence.”
Besides, if the»e should be such
a small vote polled in Georgia |
that Wilson did not get a major
ity of all of the votes cast in this
state, it would throw out the
vote of the state, thus placing it
before the national house of rep
resentatives for decision, with a
possibility of noncurrence by the
senate, even though he should be j
declared elected by the house. I
Even if this could not happen, I
think —an overwhelming Demo- j
cratic victory all over the country j
and a small majority for Wilson
and Marshall in Georgia. It
would be most humiliating to the
Democrats of the state.
Saturday, Nov. 2, is the day j
set apart for a nation-wide rally,
to be known as Wilson and Mar
shall day. There will be meet
ings and speaking in every state,
city and county in the United
States. Let everybody that is
interested in the success of the
Democratic party come out to
the Demooratic rally dav meeting
to be held in Mt. Vernon, Satur
day, Nov. i2nd.
I want to prevail on every
white voter of Montgomery coun
ty to lay all other business aside
and come out and vote for Wil
son for President, Tuesday, Nov.
the sth. Not only go and vote
yourself, but see that your
friends and neighbors all go and
vote, remembering that the fu
ture prosperity and welfare of
the common laborers and far
mers as well as all other classes
depend on a Democratic victory.
When the wires flash all over the
world that Wilson is elected Pres
ident of the United States, then
you can rejoice over the fact that |
you yourself have .helped to ac-;
complish the greatest thing for
the common people that has been
accomnlished since the last gen- !
Yours for Democratic success,
J. W. Palmer,
Member State Ex. Com.
Congressman Hughes
Makes Whrilwind Tour.
Sweeping over the Twelfth
District to urge his constituents
to rally to the polls next
day, Hon. Dudley M. Hughes J
came in yesterday by the breezy
automobile route. He is quite
optimistic, but wants to see ev
ery Democrat do his duty, and
make it a landslide for Wilson
and Marshall.
Move to Atlanta.
Their numerous friends will re
gret to learn that Mr. and Mrs.
A. J. Burch are leaving Mt. Ver
non after a residence of about
nine years here. Mrs. Burch and
smaller children have already
gone and Mr. Burch will go lat
er to Atlanta, where they will re
side. Our best wishes attend
Large Rattler Killed.
Mr. S. F. Beckworth killed a!
large rattlesnake on the Mitchell j
Warnock place on the west side;
1 while picking cotton last week. {
; The dangerous monster was near
ly five feet long and measured
nine inches in girth and sported
14 rattles and the regulation but- j
ton. Mr. Beckworth stepped over
the snake lying across the cotton !
rows and his son and wife got
within two feet of it.
Shiloh Notes.
Special Correspondence.
Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Mitchell
! are all smiles over the arrival of
a fine baby girl at their home.
Mr. Frank Elton of Alamo was
a pleasant visitor in our commun
; ity Saturday and Sunday.
Mr. John Tompkins was in Dub
! lin and Rentz a few days last
week attending to business.
Mrs. C. I. Josey had as visitors,
Saturday night, Misses Bessie 1
and Willie Tompkins, Sadie
j Vaughn, Messrs. Frank Pitts and
Frank Elton. All reported a
pleasant time.
Mrs. A. J. Clements and little
daughters, Cassie and Ecena, vis
ited her mother, Mrs. Vaughn
Thursday moring.
Mr. Lee Stanford of Abbeville
was a visitor in this section re
: cently.
Mr. Floyd Thomas and Miss
j Vic Vaughn attended Sunday
school at Sardis Sunday after
! noon.
Mr. Willie Nash and children
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. J. C. Mimbs spent Satur
night with his daughter, Mrs.
Tom Spiyey.
Mr. J. W. Dukes was among
those attending business in Lum
ber City Friday. Dark Eyes.
„ A Correction.
The meetings of the Montgom
ery County Teachers’ Association
will be held on the Second Sat
j urday in each month instead of
:,he third, as stated last week. I
| See program for next meeting |
in this paper.
Wilson Funds
Grow Slowly.
During the past few weeks The
Montgomery Monitor has urged
upon the people the necessity of j
contributing to the Wilson cam
paign fund, and a few citizens j
have dropped in a few dollars, I
their names having been pub
lished regularly for some time.
The time is here, and passing,
when loyal citizens should do
i something. As we have stated, |
1 this money is not for Mr. Wilson, j
I personally, but goes to help the
| campaign to success in the doubt
; ful states.
During the month past we |
have plead with them, but to;
j little effect. Evidently there is j
a woeful lack of interest on the
j part of the men. But the women,
however, can always 'be depend-!
Sed upon their part. At the
close of the list is a dollar sub
| seription, cheerfully given by j
one of the most charming young !
\ ladies in this section, whose name
is withheld at her urgent request, j
She does not wish to vote, or
take part in the campaign, but,
with that pride and loyalty born
of Southern womanhood, do her
part in any laudable move.
Shame on those who could do,
i and will not.
Contributed Through Montgomery Monitor:
Montgomery Monitor $2.00 >
Dr. J.E. Hunt* *I.OO
Cash 50 |
J. A. Coursey 1.00 j
W. A. Peterson 1.00 j
M. H. Darley 1.00 !
C. A. Mason .50 j
J. T. .lonian 1.00
D. A. Mrßa. ' 1.00
A. B. Hutcheson LOO
Dr. J W. Palmer (previously remitted) 5.(0
Mt. Vernon young lady 1.00 '
Wilson Rally On
Saturday Next.
Are you a Democrat, and a patriot?
If you are, you are interested in Dem
ocratic 1 success, with Wilson and Marshall
as the standard-bearers. They must be
elected, and all good Georgians should go
to the polls and vote the ticket of our fath
ers—-the Democra tic ticket-suited to the j
sentiment and needs of Southern men.
Saturday, Nov. 2, is Wilson day in the
United States, and in Montgomery county.
All loyal and liberty-loving citizens of Mont
gomery county are requested to assemble in
Mt. Vernon on that date and take part in a
rally, v the purpose of which will be to stim- ■
ulate interest in the national Democratic
campaign. Attend this rally Saturday, aiid
be ready to vote a Southern man’s ticket
Tuesday, Nov. 5.
Col. Emmet Shaw, ex state senator,
of Fort Gaines, will be the speaker of the
occasion, while a number of citizens of the|
county will also speak. At this meeting
will be read an address prepared by Gov.
Wilson for the occasion. All invited.
Dr. Micks is
Passing Away.
The death of Dr. Charles Hicks
of this place is expected at any
time, he having been sinking
gradually for the past few days,
being unconscious and his life
despaired of by his family and
friends at his bedside. He was ;
stricken with paralysis about
eight years ago, at his home in
j Dublin, moving to this place four
I years ago. His suffering has
been very great. His sons, Em
met and Arpad, who returned to
Jacksonville a few days ago to
resume work, were called back,
reachfng here yesterday morning.
Dr. Hicks is one of the best
known physicians in the state,
and his condition will bring sor
; row to hosts of friends and ad
mirers. It is doubtful if he can
(survive longer than a few hours.
Exchange Sack of Millet
For Sack of Pepper.
New York, Oct. 25. A cable
i dispatch from Parris contains the
1 following account of the begin-
I ning of the Balkan war:
“When the sultan of Turkey
gave orders for army mobilization
he sent to the czar of Bulgaria a
| sack of millet with the following
: letter:
i “‘Ferdinand Effendi: Mobilize
if you like, but be assured that
there are as many soldeirs in
i Turkey as there are grains of
millet in this sack. Now, if you
wish, declare war.’
“The czar’s reply was in kind.
He stnt a very much smaller sack
filled with tiny grains of a most
virulent red pepper of the coun
try. With it went the following
“‘Dear Sultan: The Bulgarians
are not numerous, it is true, hut
be assured that to stick your
nose into their affairs is like stick
ing it into our national condi
ment. Try it and see; they’ll
sting you so sharply that the
whole of Asia will not be able to
save you.’ ”
If the party that borrowed th
pistol from the Drug Store wi !
return same, no questions will be
asked: and it will save a criminal
Superior Court
Monday Morn .
The November Term of Mont- 1
gomery Superior Court will con
vene next Monday. As usual,
there will be plenty of business j.
to occupy the court’s attention, ;
as Montgomery county is never I
short in the matter of litigation. !
We publish this week a calen
dar of the criminal cases, and
the jury list of those who will
serve. It is quite probable that
Judge Martin will fireside, but in i
his absence by reason of sick-1 j
ness, another judge will be asked
to hold the court. It is not known
just what provision will be made
for the national election on Tues
day, but it is safe to say that
every patriot will have a chance
to cast his ballot for Wilson and j
good government.
Pythian Notes.
1 The Pythian Literary Society
met Saturday afternoon in the
Exercises were opened by songs,
then prayer by Mr. Smith. The
was called, minutes read and
adopted,after which the following
program was delightfully render
Piano Solo, Nan Miller.
Current Events, Walter Lee.
Reading, Jurell Calhoun.
Jokes, Herman Kennedy.
Debate: Resolved that Immi
gration Should be Abolished.
Ass. Ned Warren, Guy Stone and
Wright Collins. Neg. Carr Me-
Lemore, Harry Smith and Hugh
Peterson. The decision was ren
dered in favor of the negative.
The talk given by Miss Upshaw
was a rare treat and thoroughly
enjoyed and highly appreciated
by all. ,
The following officers for the
ensuing month were elected:
Pres., Reuben Carter.
Vice-Pres., Harry Smith.
Sec’y and Treas., Emma Ed
Cor. Sec’y., Jennie Thompson.
Censor, John Emmitt.
Program Committees, Misses
Janette Thompson, Dorcas Mc-
Rae and Marie Peterson. Messrs.
Alex Peterson Carl Geiger and
Wright Collins.
We enrolled a very valuable
member, Mr. Roy Nelson.
Pink Tickets Called in.
As there was some difference
, of opinion as to using pink paper
! from the Democratic ballot, the
State Executiue Committee has j
, called in the pink tickets first
sent out and sent white tickets
;in their place. All election man
lagers should destroy the pink pa
per, and see that the white Dem>
ocratic ballot is handy for all lov-‘
'ers of honest government.
Change in Name.
Blackshear has lost nothing by
the discontinuance of the Pres
byterian Institute. It has mere
jly exchanged it for the Metho
dist District College. The dis
: continuance of the institute by
the Savannah Presbytery was a
source of much regret to the peo- (
] pie of that plucky city, but the
possession of the buildings and
grounds formerly used by the in
stitute enabled them to overcome
all competitive bids for the loca
cation of the district college. The
Methodists of the Waycross dis
trict will find themselves among
warm friends at Blackshear and
the location of their college there
will doubtless be advantageous
both to the denomination and to
the people of the pretty capital of
Pierce.—Savannah News.
Halloween Party.
At the Masonic Hall this,
I (Thursday,) evening after 7:30
the ladies of the Methodist church
of Mt. Vernon will entertain the
young folks with a Halloween en- ,
tertainment. Oysters will he
served and the money therefor
will be applied to church and
parsonage repairs. All have a
pressing invitation.
| Special OorrcHpoiatfliiee.
Mr. Dess Gray and sister, Miss
Virginia, of Lyons were home
the latter part of this week.
Mr. Lamar Jones attended the
fair at Macon last week.
Miss Alberta McNatt of the
IS. C. C. at Mcßae was home
Sunday and Monday.
Mr. DeWitt Calhoun and sister,
Miss Lilia Mae attended the State
Fair at Macon.
Mr. Wallace Moses has gone to
Atlanta on business.
Miss Lucille Grace of Vidalia
visited Miss Mary Lou McNatt a
few days this week.
Mr. John Gray of Claxton was
I at home with his parents Sunday.
Mr. R. Powell visited home
i folks in Vidalia Sunday.
Messrs. Lester O’Neal and
i Fred McAllister attended the en
tertainment at the B. P. I. Mon
day night.
Mrs. Hammond of Glenville is
visiting her sister, Mrs. L. L.
Mrs. Frank Partin of Cedar
Crossing visited her mother, Mrs.
J. B. Jones, last week,
Mrs. Wallace Moses and son
are visiting relatives at Manas
Mrs. J. W. Matthews and Mrs.
B. H. Grace of Vidalia have been
visiting Mrs. S. A. Johnson.
Miss Vickie McNatt entertain
ed Saturday night in honor of
Miss Alberta McNatt and Lucile
Get Your Commission.
If you were so fortunate as to
get elected to any county office
at the late election, you will find
in Ordinary McArthur’s hands
the bond necessary for you to;
execute. And then your com
mission is ready to be placed in ;
your hands. Get busy.
Ex-treasurer C. A. Pope of the
west side was over on Saturday.
Interesting Program for The
First Meeting Teachers
November 9th.
Program of the Montgomery
county Teachers’ Association,
' meeting to be held in Mt. Vernon
! Saturday, Nov. 9th:
10:50—Opening prayer,
Rev. J. D. Rabun.
Outline of work for the year—
Rev. C. M. Ledbetter, pres.
Paper— How to get Co-operation
of Parents.
Prof. C. A. Johnston.
Paper-How to Get Best Work
Out of Children.
(a) Primary.
Miss Fannie Lee Ledbetter.
(b) Elementary,
Prof. J. M. Carter, Jr.
Better School Houses and How
to get Them.
A. B. Hutcheson.
Boy Development
la) A Bad Boy,
Miss Inez Mcßae,
(b) A Slow Boy,
Prof. D. J. Blalock.
Round Table—Problems of This
Each of the above topics will
be generally discussed.
C. M. Ledbetter,
Miss Inez Mcßae,
A. B. Hutcheson,
Committee on Program.
Teachers of the county should
notify A. B. Hutcheson at once
whether or not they expect to at
tend the meeting.
Former Montgomery
County Lady is Dead.
The remains of Mrs. Mattie
Bedenbaugh were laid to rest at
Glenwood on last Sabbath, Rev.
C. M. Ledbetter performing the
funeral rites. This estimable
lady, the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Chas D. Adams near Glen
wood, died at Lakeland, Fla.,
where she was residing. Her pa
rents and all her brothers and
sisters survive her. A remark
able fact connected with her sad
demise was that the entire fam
ily were permitted to be with her
in the last sad hour.
The Faculty Recital
An Enjoyable Occasion.
The musieal and vocal recital
by members of the Brewton-
Parker Institute faculty last
Monday evening afforded rare
entertainment for all who were
so fortunate as to attend. Misses
Brewton, Upshaw and Lee are
artists in their chosen fields, and
the numbers rendered were from
master minds.
Chas. Beugnot
Died Tuesday.
Mr. Chas. E. Beugnot, for 17
years postmaster here, died at
his home in Savannah Tuesday
moring at 6 o’clock. While long
in feeble health, he was not con
fined to his bed until Saturday.
Mr. Beugnot was 69 years of age,
and of French Canadian parent
age. Besides his aged compan
ion, he is survived by one daugh
ter, Mrs. R. L. Fox of Bruns
wick: and three sons, Henry E,
of Sebastian, Fla., George E. of
Auburn, Ind., and William E.
Beugnot of Savannah. Upon the
failure of his health here, the
family moved to Savannah about
the first of this year. He spent
most of the l>eßt years of his life
in Montgomery county and scores
of friends here will regret to
, hear of his departure.
The funeral will take place from
the Sacred Heart Church to
day, morning, and the interment
was in the Cathedral Cemetery,
NO. 28.