The Montgomery monitor. (Mt. Vernon, Montgomery County, Ga.) 1886-current, November 07, 1912, Image 6
Begins Saturday, November 9th. j I Os New, Valuable rierchandise. I rmrin ttnurmiiymyiTi ....**wm*m*w*w*w*w*m*wm*>m*m« J l . After carefully considering the general financial condition of the country, and fully realizing that we are overstocked on the many things that the people must have for winter, we have decided to place our goods on sale at a great reduction 0 and unload now instead of waiting until Jan. We feel that the public will appreciate the great reductions, and also up- g preciate the fact that we are giving you the very best merchandise and right at the time you need it. We mean to make 0 this the greatest commercial event ever witnessed in Soperton. || Not one thing Misrepresented. Different from All others. | WITH REAL BARGAINS THAT APPEAL TO EVERY CLASS OF HUMANITY. f (I) w.„wviwwww,ww,wwwwwwwwuw wwMHmwwu%wwwuuvvwwvtuwwM,,wwuM mwwwwwwwwuwwwwwuwwwwwtuutwww* I NO PRICES GIVEN HERE. VISIT OUR STORE AND SEE! [ I c BE y, NS Q ., m 'RONCLAD MOTTO: £o™ 1 1 oaturd y, ytn Satisfaction or your money back. S Listen For the I | 9 A. M. You take no chances here. MUSIC I j| C PP | Every Day at 3p.m. w e give Away B*2.(K) Cash. Be on Hand and d? tl §j * 4 Now is the time to buy luavy wraps for the children. We will unload all Jackets, Coat Suits, long Coats, Skirts and I Children's Clothing at a great reduction, in fact, everything will he greatly reduced and in addition to our splendid stock we have purchased a Large Lot of Drummer s Samples and short lengths of Percales and Dress Goods that will be placed |I on Sale also. Be Ready for the First Day, as many of the Best Things w ill be sold out Fast. ||| TERMS STRICTLY CASH TO ALL. NO GOODS CHARGED, j | SOPERTON, GEORGIA ji This sale w ill he under the management of William W. White, King of the Salvage Sales, and his crew of experienced |p salespeople who have conducted sales over the Southern States for years without a failure, bringing success and pleasure • to all mankind hnd extending the same courtesies and attention to the working man as the millionaire. THE MONTGOMERY MONITOR—THURSDAY, XOV. 7, 1012