The Montgomery monitor. (Mt. Vernon, Montgomery County, Ga.) 1886-current, November 07, 1912, Image 8

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More Profit In Planting Corn
And Increase To Be
The corn club boys of Georgia
are pointing the way to progress
and prosperity nowadays.
They are showing the farmers
that it is absurd, and highly un
profitable, to send away annual
ly for $250,000,000 worth of food
supplies when those same sup
plies may be raised right here in
Georgia for many millions less.
Cotton is all right in its way
the world must have cotton, and
the South must produce it —but
corn raised at a profit more than
SIOO per acre is more nearly cer
tain way to wealth and independ
ence than cotton. And particu
larly than too much cotton!
A Georgia boy has raised corn
this year in average circum
stances, at a profit of more than
SIOO per acre and what a six
teen-year-old boy can do, grown
men can do, and ought to be
ashamed not to do.
Because of the activities of the
boys corn clubs and it is a poor
and backward community in
Georgia nowadays that hasn’t its
boys corn clubs the corn crop of
the state this year hits been in
creased more than $30,000,000.
It might, and eventually will be,
increased to $100,000,000, and
A few years ago, a number of
corn clubs were organized in the
rural districts here and there as
a sort of exj>eriment. The re
sults have been more than grati
fying. The inevitable rivalry be
tween the clubs healthy, and
sensibly stimulating—has been
encouraged. Corn shows have
lieen held all over the state, and
prizes have been awarded where
the work justified it.
The Atlanta Georgian believes
one of the very finest influences
for good at work in Georgia to
day is the l>oys corn club.
The youngsters are teaching
the old folks a valuable lesson—a
lesson that very many of them
have needed to learn.—Atlanta
To Divide up
the Large F'arm.
Another step in the movement
to cut the large plantation in this
state into small farms has been
taken in Irwin county. A riqiort
from Ocilla says that Hon. J. A.
J. Henderson, one of the largest
land owners in that county, will
have a portion of his big farm
surveyed off into tracts of five
to fifty acres which he will sell
to home-seekers. Mr. Hender
son’s farm is one of the show
places of Georgia. Over 1,000
acres lie as level as a floor and
when the crops are growing it
was an inspiring sight. It was
on this farm that Mr. Henderson
accomplished the feat of raising
800 bales of cotton on 800 acres
in 1910. In 1911 he raised 1,200
bales on the same land, but was
unable to get it picket! and only
gathered 950. His decision to sell
off small farms will bring many
new families to that county.—
Tifton Gazette.
Dr. J. D. Palmer of
Jacksonville Killed.
Jacksonville, Fla.. Nov. 3.
Dr. J. D. Palmer, one of the most
prominent physicians in this sec
tion, was accidentally shot and
killed in his office* here today. Dr.
Palmer was treating a patient,
who, upon entering the office, |
took a revolver from his pocket
and laid it on a table. As the
men were moving about the re
volver fell to the floor and ex
ploded, the bullet entering Dr.
Palmer’s leg. rangingup into the
Beardless Barley and Genuine
Seed Rye to be found at the Mt.
Vernon Drug Co.’s.- ad.
Teacher’s Personal Influence
The young woman who goes
into a school room to teach boys
and girls without appreciating
; the value of tact faces serious
trouble. She needs the tact to
give her personal influence with
every boy and girl; she needs it
to win their respect and confi
dence, without which she had
better not undertake the task of
The successful teacher is one
in whose sense of fairness and
impartiality the pupils have full
faith. She impresses them, not
by what she says so much as by
what she does, with the belief
that she has no favorites and that
no personal like or dislike of hers
shall influence her treatment of
Teachers are human and must
have preferences among the chil
dren, since some children are
particularly annoying, while oth
ers give little trouble, but a teach
er who allows her feelings to be
get discrimination between the
pupils misconceives her function.
The child in that case is there to
receive instruction the teacher is
unfit and equipped to.give.
Why Meat Is High.
Atlanta, Ga., Nov. 4. —Presi-
dent H. N. Dutton of the Georgia
Hotel Men’s Association has just
given out an interview on the
higher cost of living with special
reference to meat prices. He de
clares that the present high price
of meat is due to the high cost of
feed stuffs, the enormously in
creased consumption of veal, the
change from grass lands to culti
vated farms are ascribed as the
chief causes for the increased
prices of maat.
He says that according to the
United States Department of
Agriculture the number of milk
cows in this country has not in
creased in the past five years,
and that since the source of sup
ply of lioef is the milk cow, that
no immediate increase in the
supply can be looked for.
Administratrix Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
By virtue of an order, general
and special, from the Court of
Ordinary of Laurens County,
Georgia, will be sold at public
outcry, on the first Tuesduy in
Tuesday in December, 1912, at
the court house door in said coun
ty, between the legal hours of
sale, the following described tracts
of land:
All that, tract or parcel of land
situate, lying and being in the
1880th district, G. M. t Montgom
ery County, Georgia, containing
587 acres, more or less, and being
all adjoining, but divided into
four tracts or surveys as follows:
One trnct containsng 140 1-2 acres,
bounded north by lands of Wil
liams & Pope,.which is a part of
the 687 acres, east, by lands of
Alex Calhoun, south by lands of
Carrie Phillips, and west by lands
of Williams «fe Pope, bought from
J. E. Phillips, and being the saute
140 acres deeded by Stella Phillips
to Williams A Pope; also cue
tract of land in the same district,
containing 140 seres and known
as the J. K Phillips tract and oue
tract containing 148 acres, and
one tract containing 104 acres, all
adjoining and bounded north by
lands of Sal lie Youngblood and
Wilder Phillips, on the east by
lands of the Stella Phillips 1444
acre tract above described and
lands of Alex Calhoun, south by
lands of Mose aud Hattie Phillips
and west by lands of Mary E.
Wing. Said 587 acres of laud
being the same land deeded by G.
H. Williams aud C. S. Pope to J.
W. Martin December 16th, 1900
Said land will be sold either in
parcels or in a lump according to
the judgment of administratrix on
day ot sale, subject to the rights
! of the tenants ou same for the year
1912. Terms of sale cash. There
! is a loan of S7OO on this land ow
-1 ing by said estate. Purchaser
will be allowed to assume said
loan if he so desires This the
4ih day of November, 1912.
A use i. a Turn kb,
Administratrix of the estate of J.
W. Martin, deceased.
If you want money quick, write
Lyons Loan & Abstract Co., Ly
ons, Ga., for they are loaning
| money cheap.
Bring me your eggs and chick
ens. Cash prices.
J. C. Brew ton
8.-P. Institute.
Two Bales per Acre
in Spite of the Seasons.
On Sept. 18 we spent the day
in Statesboro, Ga., says the Sou-;
them Cultivator. Bulloch coun
ty is one of the best farming coun
ties in South Georgia, but the
crops are off this year and we |
found the farmers feeling blue. ,
Still Dr. J. E. Donehoo, who has
I a farm on the edge of town, has
! twenty acres of cotton that will
make forty bales. On this land
he broadcasted ten loads of ma- 1
nure per acre, then he put 600
pounds 9-2-3 guano down at plant
ing time and put 300 pounds of
same fertilizer around the cotton
last of June. This shows if a
farmer puts the manure down
and then cultivates it right the
yield is apt to come in spite of
Administrator’s Sale.
By virtue of au order from the
Court ol Ordinary of Montgomery
County, will bo sold at public out
cry on the first Tuesday in Decem
ber, 1912, at the court house door
in Mt. Vernon, between the legal
hotirs of sale, the following tract
of bind : One tract, 278 acres, of
land situate, lying and being in
the 275th district G. M. of said
county and state, and bounded
as follows: On the west by lands
of John Hinson Mobley and Lem
Adums, on the north by lands of
Adams, Mrs. Frank Conner, the
estate of Geo. Fields and Mary
Drinks, on the east by lands of J. i
W. Moseley, Ilonry Bruddy, Rich
ard Baker and on the south by
lands of Ella Allen and J H.
Mobley. Sold as the property of
J. K. Mobley, deceased. Terms
cash. R. II Mobley,
W.T. McArthur,
Adrs. Est. J, E. Mobley, Dec’d.
Administrator’s Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County
By virtue of an order fr m the
Court of Ordinary of Montgomery
county, will lie sold at public out
cry on the first Tuesday in Dec.
1912, before the court house door
in Mt. Vernon between the legal
hours of sale for cash, the follow
ing tract of land: All of the
north west one-half of lot of land
No. 158 in the Sixth luud District
of said county, said one-half be
ing rectangular in shape aud con
taining 101 1-4 acres,more or less.
Said land will tie sold as the pro
perty of C. W. Browning, deceas
ed, for the purpose of paying debts
of the deceased and for distribu
tion among the heirs.
Charles D. Browning Admr. of
estate of C. VV. Browning, dec’d
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned hns applied to the |
Ordinary of said county for leave
to sell one house and lot in the
Town of Helena, Ga., said lot be
ing 1 4 of an acre, for the purpose
ot education and maintenance of
Cecil Dinkins, a minor ward, and
said application will be heard at
the regular term of the court of j
Ordinary of said comity on the |
first Monday in December, 1912.
This the 4th day of November,
1912. S. J. Clark,
Guardian of Cecil C. Dinkins, mi
Georgia— Montgomery Countv.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned has applied to tin
Ordinary of said county for leave
to sell 2(X) acres of land more or
less, bounded on the north by
lands of Geo. M. Courson, east, by
lands of Bud Collins and V. Me-
Lendon, south by Nancy I'. Phil
lips and west by J. A. Thigpen,
and said application will be heard
at the regular term of th«* court of
Ordinary to be held on the first
Monday in December, 1912, said
land to be sold for the purpose of
paying debts and distribution,
and belonging to the estate of
Teresa Thigpeu, deceased This
the 4th day of November.
J. A. Thigpen,
Adr. Estate of Teresa Thigpen,
Sheriff Sale.
Garina * Montgomery County.
Will be sold before thecourt house loortn Moun
Vernon on the ft ret Tuesday in thr 1912, be
tween the legal hours of tale, to the I ignest bidder
for cash, certain property, of which the following
is s full and complete description:
Lots of land 41? mad 470 situate lying and being
in the ?th land District ot said county
j Said property levied on and will be soid as the
property of W. B. and D. S. McArthur to satisfy
a tax execution issued by D. F Wamuck Tax Col
lector of said county, for state and county ta» > j
due for the year 1911 against the wild lands of j
said W. B. and D. S. McArthur. Written notice of
levy pees to defendants la ft fa. This Nov. ftth. :
1511 James Hester, Sheriff. [
Finds Body in Creek.
A mysterious murder commit
ted a week ago, apparently, was
revealed Saturday morning when
a farmer driving across Little's
bridge over Muckalee creek,
eight miles below Americus, saw
' the body of a negro floating upon
the surface. He drove to the
city and reported the matter to
i Deputy Sheriff Fuller.
A coroner’s jury was empanel
ed and at once repaired to Lit
tle’s bridge to hold an inquest
jover the body of the murdered
man. When the body was haul
ed ashore it was discovered that
heavy iron weights, a long crow
bar and two heavy plows, were
attached to it. A leather halter
tied to the iron weights, one end
i being fastened to the body, had
held it near the bridge, where it
had evidently been dumped over
board. No clew to the murder,
if such it was became apparent.
—Americus Times-Recorder.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will !«• Hold before the court house door in Mt.
Vernon on the first Tuesday in Dec., 1912, be
tween tin- legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder
tor cash, certain property, of which the following
is a complete description: «•
Lots numbered 367 and 380 lying and being in
t‘ie 6th land district of Montgomery county Geor
gia, and supposed to contain 202 1-2 acres each
more or less.
Said property levied on and will be sold as the
property of Victoria anti D. S. McArthur to satisfy
a tax execution issued by D. F. Warnock, Tax
Collector of said county for State and county tax
es due for the year 1911 against the wild lands of
said Victoria and D. S. McArthur. Written no
tice of levy given defendants as required by law’.
This Nov. 5, 1912. James Hester, Sheriff.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia— Montgomery County.
Will be sold before the court house door In Mt.
Vernon on the first Tuesday in Dec., 1912, be
tween the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder
for cash, certain property, of which the following
is a complete description:
All that certain tract or parcel of land situate
lying and being in the 1343rd district G. M. of
Montgomery County Georgia, and bounded as fol
lows: On the North by lands belonging to D. R.
and J. A. McMillan and William Cooper, Sr., on
the east by other lands belonging to the said
Georgian Fountain: on the south by lands belong
ing to James McNatt and on the west dy lands be
longing to D. R. and J. A. McMillad, containing
Fifty (50)acres, more or lest and being a portion
of the lands purchased J>y said Georgian Fountain
from Mrs. Leonard L. Hamilton; levied on as the
property of said Georgian Fountain to satisfy an
execution issued from the Superior Court of said
county in favor of The Mt. Vernon Bank vs Geor
gian Fountain, principal, Mrs. M. J. Thompson,
security. Pointed out for levy by plaintiff's at
torney and written notice or levy given in terms
of the law. This the 4th day of Nov., 1912.
James Hester, Sheriff.
M. B. Calhoun, Atty. for Plffs.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will be sold before the court house door in Mt
I Vernon on the first Tuesday in Dec., 1912, be
tween the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder
for cash, certain property, of which the following
is a complete description:
All that tract or parcel of land described as fol
lows: Beginning at a stake corner where the
lands owned by Walter Dukes and John Spivey on
April 10. 1895. intersected the lands of the estate
of Thomas M. Miller on the east and running from
said stak** corner thence north 10 1-2 degrees west
19 chains and 50 links to a stake; thence north
12 1-2degress west 19 chains and 50 links to a stake;
thence north 55 degress west 23 chains to a strike;
thence south 71 1-2 degrees west 27 chains to a
j stake, thence south 7 degrees west and 47 chains
I and 20 links to a stake; thence south 1 degree east
10 chains and 55 links to a pine: and thence north
88 eegrees east 60 chains and 70 links to the be
ginning pv>int. said tract of land being bounded
north by lands b. longing to the estate of Mrs.
Ella B. Dukes an i lands of Mrs. M. F. Wilkes,
east by lands of Water Dukes, south by lands
owned by John Spivey ;n April 10, 1995, atd west
by lands belonging to the estate of Mrs. M. F.
Wilkes, and containing three hundred and five
(305) acres according to a survey and plat thereof
made by B. E. Higgs, county surveyor of Mont
gomery county, on the 10th day of April, 1896.
* Said parcel of land being the distributive share of
IJ. D. Miller under the will of Thomas M. Miller
; and assigned to him by partitioners appointed by
the court of Ordinary of said county as shown by
the return of said petitioners made April 10,1895.
and fully described in a survey and plat made
thereof by B. E. Higgs, county surveyor of said
enunty, on April 10, 1895, all of which proceedings
are recorded in the office of Ordinary of said coun
ty. Said lands levied on as the property of J. D.
Miller to satisfy an execution issued from the Jus
tice Court of the 12215 t District G. M. of said
county in favor of the Mt. Vernon Bank vs J. D.
Miller, principal, W. M. Herndon endorser. In pos
session of J. D. Miller, pointed out for levy by at
torney for plaintiff ami written notice given in
terms of the law’. This the 4th day of November,
1912. James Hester, Sheriff.
M. B. Calhoun, Atty. for Plaintiffs.
Fur Leave to Sell
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned, guardian of J A.
Kiddle, of said county, has ap
lied to the Ordinary "f said coun
ty for leave to sell 809 7 acres of
land belonging to the lands of
said ward, for the purpose of
maintenance of said ward and
family, and said application will
he heard at the regular term of
the Court of Ordinary, to be held
on the first Monday in December,
1912. This the sth day of Novem- j
her. 1912. J W. Palmer,
Guardian for J. A Riddle.
Seed Oats For Sale.
| Rust-proof Appier Seed Oats.
1 to 25 bushels, 85c per bu.; 25
to 100 bushels, 80c per bu., f. o. b.
; Uvalda. Peter Johnson,
Uvalda, Ga.
If the party that borrowed the
! pistol from the Drug Store will j
J return same, no questions will be
asked; and it will save a criminal
j prosecution. ad.
Big Sale On!
For Some Time our Closing Out Sale has
been on,my $15,000.00 Stock Reduced to
A $7,500.00 Stock.
Stock Must be Sold at And Below Cost.
Practically Complete, Composed of Staple
Merchandise, suited to the needs of Every
Family, and Guaranteed worth the Low
Prices on for Only 20 Days. Attend the
We cannot hold the goods for you, unless
you Come at Once. Move the Goods.
# nmfTmmmTTyrTTw * ▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼tttvttvvvtvttv*
[ Your Farm Lands j
► W ill pay you more turned into cash. <
► This we can do for you. List your t
► property wtih us for sale—we will find t
J a buyer for you. Whether you want <
► to buy or sell, we can handle the deal J
► to your advantage and get results, on J
► farm or city property in this county 2
t :
r Get in touch with us. We are in position to supply it on {
► short notice, and on very agreeable terms. We have good <
£ connections with the big firms that want to lend money to «
r the farmers of Montgomery county. Drop in and talk the *
► matter over with us. We can do the business to suit you. ■*
• <
i :
► * 4
► <
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will be sold before the court house door in Mt.
Vernon on the first Tuesday in Dec., 1912, be
tween the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder
for cash, certain property, of which the following :
is a complete description:
All that tract or parcel of land j
lying and being in the 11th land >
District of Montgomery County,
Ga. consisting of 202 1-2 acres,
more or less, being Lot No. 84
and bounded as follows: Ou the
north bv lands of M. Morrison,
ou the northwest by lands of Ken
neth McLendon, southeast and
southwest by lands of Hatnp
Burch. Said property levied ou
as the property of H. G. Oil lis to
satisfy an execution issued from
the superior court ot said county
in favor of Reliance Fertilizer Co.
vs H G. Gillis. In possession of
H. G. Gillis and written notice of
levy given as required by law.
This the 4th dny of Nov., 1912.
James Hester, Sheriff.
J. B. Geiger, Atty. Plff.
Mr. J. B. Jones, Jr.,of Uvalda,
who is interested in the building
iof the Savannah & Western rail
| road, was up to see us Tuesday.
Gen. P. W. Meldrim of Sav
annah, one of the most promi
nent attorneys of the state, was
here on Monday.
Rev. C. M. Ledbetter is fore
man of the grand jury.
Do not wait until the season is
at hand, but buy nice quart'
bottles and stoppers and save
your syrup. You cannot do it
without good stoppers, and you
can find them at the Drug Store
in Ailey—plenty of them, at
right prices.—Ad. j
Onion sets, white and red, 10c
quart. Mt. Vernon Drug Co. —
Corks—Mt. V. Drug Co.—ad.
! _ ______
Dental Surgeon,
Soperton, Ga.
Money on Hand
We have a good sup
ply of cheap money on
hand at this time and
can close loans very
promptly, either on
farm or city property.
If in need of cash,
come to see or write
us at once.
Southern Loan &
Investment Co.