Newspaper Page Text
Kentucky Democratic Exec
utive Committee Gets
Up Unique Sale.
One of the amusing things of
the recent campaign is the fol
lowing campaign is the following
circular, said to have been issued
by the Democratic Executive
Committee of Kentucky. The
circular is headed '‘Republican
Junk for Sale March sth,” and
has created great merriment in
the South:
“Our lease with Uncle Sam
having practically expired, anct
having decided to retire to pri- j
vate life, we, the undersigned, I
will offer for sale at our resi
dence, the national capitol,
Washington, D. C., all the fol
lowing described property, to
“(a) One elephant, about
forty years old, with false tusks
and no backbone to speak of.
“(b) One set of injunctions
and anti-trust laws; have been
used very little and are just as
good as they ever were.
“(c) One method of revising
the tariff. This is absolutely
original and patent has been ap
plied for.
“(d) One Republican plat
form as good as new. Has only
been used for campaign purposes.
In this platform a large number
of planks from the Democratic
platform have been inserted, but
they can be easily distinguished
and will certainly go with the
“(e) One financial system,
well supplied with clearing house
certificates, but very little cash.
“(f) One plan for raising
campaign contributions. This is
well worn and has a bad odor,
but otherwise in good condition.
“(g) A large quantity of G.
O. P. bric-a-brac, consisting of
old dinner pails, prosperity gags,
Taft smiles, well-worn vetoes,
election promises, panic threats,
and other things of like charac
ter too numerous to mention.
“This sale will positively take
place on the above day and date,
regardless of weather and size
of crowd, and everything will be
closed out on that date. Crow
will be served by the Old Boys’
Republican club! Everybody, re
gardless of past political servi
tude, invited. This stuff must
be cleared away. Terms, just
anything we can get and removal
of property.
“Uncle Joe Cannon,
“William H. Taft, Clerk; J.
Pierpont Morgan, C. D. Hilles,
Boies Penrose, Chauncey Depew,
Elihu Root, John D. Archbold,
Governor and Farmer.
Gov. Brown is serving Georgia
not only as a good chief execu
tive but as a good farmer. In
raising 158 bushels of corn on his
farm in Cherokee county, one of
the best in the State, he demon
strates that our soil is capable of
as well as sets a good example.
It is true in a sense that there
is more in the man than there is
in the land, but this experiment
and other similar ones in recent
years proves conclusively that
there is in our land all that can
reasonably be desired.
A proper revision of the tariff
is not the only thing needful.
Even more needful is that our
farmers, in addition to their cash
crop of cotton, shall raise corn,
wheat, oats, rice, potatoes, etc.,
as well as food animals, in abun
dance, thus enriching themselves
while benefiting the general pub
lic by the sale of their surplus in
near markets. This is perhaps
the greatest of all the factors in
the solution of the problem of the
high cost of living.—Macon Tele
Quart bottles and nice, new
cork stoppers in abundance at
the Sumerford Drug Co’s., Ailey,
Southeast can Yield
Big Supply of Beef.
For forty years I lived in the
western cattle country, and was
a close student of the cattle in
dustry. For fifteen years I ope
-1 rated my own ranch and was
brought into personal contact
with the commercial side of rais
ing and marketing flocks and
herds. I am, therefore, prepared
; to indorse your stand with refer
ence to Georgia’s chances in the
direction of a revival of the beef
It is absolutely true, as you say,
that the day of the western cat
tle range measured by the hun
dreds of square miles has passed,
j Homesteads are rapidly taking
;up the western country and pre
empting territory previously giv
en over entirely to feeding meat
to the markets of the United
I States. That means, as you
point out, that the handicap un
der which Georgia and other sou
thern states once operated is
gone, also, and that the superior
climate of this state, together
with the idle land available,
should enable it not only to be
self-supporting from the stand
point of beef, but also to pile up
an export margin.
Speaking of north Georgia, not
to mention middle and south
Georgia, thei'e are plenty of the
small plots of which you speak
that should produce a fine, mar
keta! le grade of cattle. Georgia’s
advantage is seen, too, in the
fact that at the outside we have
hardly more than a thirty-day
feeding season here, if that
much, while in the northwest
they must count on feeding cat
tle four and five months. In
some portions of this state open
pasturage if possible the year
The farmer must be awakened
to see the firofit in cattle raising.
He must realize, also, that the
small, scraggy, native stock will
not do for beef purposes. He
must import thoroughbred beef
sires, and gradually raise the
level of the state’s cattle to the
quality demanded by the market.
Among the first factors in the
upbuilding of a cattle industry in
this state, I count the liberal use
of landiime by the farmers. You
must understand that this lime is
different from the ordinary fer
Much of the land of this state
is unfit to produce the blue grass
and alfalfa indespensible to a
thriving cattle industry. Lime
thoroughly worked in the soil
acts as a reagent. It sets to
work those forces that have been
lying dormant in the soil, wakes
it up so to speak, and makes
possible the proper cultivation of
blue grass and alfalfa. — I. C.
Wade, in Idustrial Index.
| '
' Champ Clark Favors
an Extra Session.
Washington, Nov. 15.—Speak
er Champ Clark came out in fa
vor of an extra session of congress
“to fulfill the pledge made by the
Democratic party.” He said:
“The country has a right to
know what we intend to do. We
made certain definite promises in
order to win and we ought to
carry them out religiously. I be
lieve there should be an extra
session of congresss at the ear
liest possible date after March 4
to fulfill the pledges made by the
Democratic party. ! *
“I favor the holding of an ex
traordinary session not only to
revise the tariff, but to do
such other things as are neces
sary. However, after all, it de
pends upon President-elect Wil
son's view of the desirability of
such action.”
Speaker Clark arrived here j
from West Virginia. He said he
had found widespread sentiment
in favor monetary reforms, tariff
revision and amendment of the I
Sherman anti-trust act through- 1
;out the country.
If you want money quick, write
L /ons Loan & Abstract Co., Ly
ons, Ga., for they are loaning
money cheap.
Coffee Boys’ Corn
Club Prizes Awarded
Douglas, Ga., Nov. 14. — The.
Coffee county fair prizes to-day
were awarded to the contestants
of the Boys Corn Clubs of the
county, Hon. J. Walter Hendrick
being the judge. The prizes,
yields and profits made per acre
were as follows:
First prize went to Jesse Gillis,
yield 88 4-7 bushels, net profit j
$47.52; second, Jeff Corbett, 62!
6-7 bushels, $36; third, to Henry!
Paulk, 54 1-2 bushels, $22.85; j
fourth, Gussie Paulk, 44 bushels,
The fair is proving to be the
greatest in the history of the as
sociation for eight years. The
agricultural exhibits this year
are exceedingly fine and the
poultry exhibit is equal to any in
the ordinary state fairs. The ex
hibit of the ladies’ department,
consisting of hand work, cooking,
fruits, art flowers, and then the
school exhibits could hardly be
surpassed anywhere.
If the party that borrowed the
pistol from the Drug Store will
return same, no questions will be
asked; and it will save a criminal
Administratrix Sals.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
By virtue of an order, general
and special, from the Court of
Ordinary of Laurens County,
Georgia, will be sold at public
outcry, on the first Tuesday in
Tuesday in December, 1912, at
the court house door in said coun
ty, between the legal hours of
sale, the following described tracts
of land:
All that tract or parcel of land
situate, lying and being in the
1386th district, G. M., Montgom
ery County, Georgia, containing
587 acres, more or less, and being
all adjoining, but divided into
four tracts or surveys as follows:
One tract contamsug 140 1-2 acres,
bounded north by lands of Wil
liams & Pope, which is a part of
the 587 acres, east by lands of
Alex Calhoun, south by lands of 1
Carrie Phillips, and west by lands
of Williams & Pope, bought from
J. E Phillips, and being the same
140 acres deeded by Stella Phillips
to Williams & Pope; also one j
tract of land in the same district,
containing 140 acres and known
us the J. E Phillips tract and one
tract containing 143 acres, and j
one tract containing 164 acres, all
adjoining and bounded north by
lands of Sal lie Youngblood and
Wilder Phillips, on the east by
lands of the Stella Phillips 140 j
acre ,tract above described and j
lands of Alex Calhoun, south by
lands of Mose and Hattie Phillips .
and west by lands of Mary E. !
Wing. Said 587 acres of land j
being the same land deeded by G. j<
!i. Williams and C. S. Pope to J. h
W. Martin December 15th, 1909.
Said land will be sold either in
parcels or in a lump according to
the judgment of administratrix on
day of sale, subject to the rights
of the tenants on same lor the yeai j 1
1912. Terms of sale cash. There j;
is a loan of S7OO on this land ow-j
mg by said estate. Purchaser j
will be allowed to assume said !
loan if he so desires This the P
4th day of November, 1912.
Ahsui.a Turner,
Administratrix of the estate of J. |!
W. Martin, deceased.
1 i
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County. ! \
Will be sold* before the court house door In Mount ' I
I Vernon on the first Tuesday in Dec., 1912, be- (
tween the legal hours of Hale, to the highest, bidder ,
for cash, certain property, of which the following j
is a full and complete-description;
Lots of land 417 and 470 situate lying and being .
i in the 7th land District of said county.
Said property levied on and will be sold as the \
property of W. B. and D. S. McArthur to satisfy \
a tax execution issued by D. F. Warnoek Tax Col- «
lector of said county, for state and county taxer, *
due for the year 1911 against the wild lands oi j
said W. B. and D. S„ McArthur. Written notice of l
i levy given to defendants in fi fa. This Nov. sth, j
1912. James Hester, Sheriff.
j i
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will be sold before the court house door in Mt.
Vernon on the first Tuesday in Dec., 1912, be
tween the legal hours of safe, to the highest bidder
j for cash, certain property, of which the following
' is a complete description: j |
j Lota numbered 367 and 380 lying and being in ,
the 6th land district of Montgomery county Geor
gia, and supposed to contain 202 1-2 acres each '
more or less. I
Said property levied on and will be sold as the
property of Victoria and D. S. McArthur tit satisfy
a tax execution issued by D. F. Warnoek, Tax f
Collector of said county for State and county tax I
es due for the year 1911 against the wild lands of j
said Victoria and D. S. McArthur. Written no- |
tice of levy given defendants as required by lav. ,
This Nov. 5, 1912. James Hester, Sheriff. j '
Put a new stopper in the syrup
jug. Jug corks, 75c per 100, at I
Drug Store, Mt. Vernon.—ad. |<
Administrator’s Sale.
Geo rg ia— Mont gome ry Cou u ty.
By virtue of an order from the
Court, of Ordinary of Montgomery
county, will be sold at public out
cry on the first Tuesday in Dec.
1912, before (he court house door
in Mt. Vernon between the legal
hours of sale for cash, the follow
ing tract of hind: All of the
north west one-half of lot of land
No. 158 in the Sixth laud District
of said county, said one-hulf be
ing rectangular in shape and oon
j taming 101 1-4 acres,more or less.
(Said land will be sold as the pro
jperlyofC. W. Browning, deceas
ed, for the purpose of payingdebts
of the deceased and for distribu
tion among the heirs.
Charles D. Browning Admr. of
estate of G. W. Browning, dec’d
Administrator’s Sale.
By virtue of an order from the
Court of Ordinary of Montgomery
County, will be sold at public out
cry on the first Tuesday in Decem
ber, 1912, at the court, house door
in Mt. Vernon, between the legal
hours of sale, the following tract
of land: One tract, 278 acres, of
land situate, lying and being in
the 275th district G. M of said
county and state, and bounded
as follows: On the west by lands
of John Hinson Mobley and Lem
Adams, on the north by lands of
Adams, Mrs, Frank Conner, the
estate of Goo. Fields and Mary
Drinks, on the east by lands of J.
\V. Moseley, Henry Braddy, Rich
ard Baker and on the south by
lands of Ella Allen and J. H.
Mobley. Sold as the property of
.1. E. Mobley, deceased. Terms
cash. It. II Mobley,
W.T. McArthur,
Adrs. Est. J, E. Mobley, Dec’d.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned has applied to the
Ordinary of said county for leave
to st II one house and lot in the
Town of Helena, Ga., said lot be
mg 1 4 of an acre, for the purposi
ot education and maintenance of
Cecil Dinkins, a minor ward, and
said application will be heard a*
the regular term of the court of
Ordinary of said county on the
first Monday in December, 1912.
This the 4th day of November,
1912. S. J. Clark,
Guardian of Cecil 0. Dinkins, mi
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will be sold before the court house door In Mt.
Vernon on the first Tuesday in Dec., 1912, be
tween the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder
for cash, certain property, of which the following
is a complete description:
All that certain tract or parcel of land situate
lying and being in the 1343rd district G. M. of
Montgomery County Georgia, and bounded as fol
lows: On the North by lands belonging to D. It.
and J. A. McMillan and William Cooper, Sr., on
the east by other lands belonging to the said
Georgian Fountain: on the south by lands belong
ing to Janies McNatt and on the west dy lands b<
longing to D. It. and J. A. Me Mi Had, containing
Fifty (50)acres, more or lest and being n portion
of the lands purchased by said Georgian Fountain
from Mrs. Leonard L. Hamilton; levied on aH the
property of said Georgian Fountain to satisfy an
execution issued from the Superior Court of said
county in favor of The Mt. Vernon Bank vs Geor
gian Fountain, principal, Mrs. M. J. Thompson,
security. Pointed out for levy by plaintiff's at
torney and written notice or levy given in terms
of the law. This the 4th day of Nov., 1912.
James Hester, Sheriff.
M. B. Calhoun, Atty. for PlfFs.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery (bounty.
Will be sold before the court house door in Mt.
Vernon on the first Tuesday in Dec., 1912, be- j
tween the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder
for cash, certain property, of which the following
is a complete description:
All that tract or parcel of land described as fol
lows: Beginning at a Blake corner where the
lands owned by Walter Dukes and John Spivey on j
April 10, 1895, intersected the* lands of the eatati- i
of Thomas M. Miller on the east and running from j
said stak** corner thence north 10 1-2 degrees we: t ,
19 chains and 50 links to a stake; thence north j
12 1-2degress west 19 chains and 50 links to a stake
thence north 55 degress west 23 chains to a stake; j
thence south 71 1-2 degrees west 27 chains to a
slake; thence south 7 degrees west and 47 chains j
and 20 links to a stake; thence south l degree east j
10 chains and 55 links to a pine; and thence north :
K\ eegrees east 60 chains and 70 links to the be
ginning point, said tract of land being bounded j
north by lands belonging to the estate of Mrs. !
Ella B. Dukes and lands of Mrs. M. F. Wilke*-.,
east by lands of Walter Dukes, south by lands *
owned by John Spivey on April 10, 1995, at/I west j
by lands belonging to the estate of Mrs. M F. ;
Wilkes, and containing three hundred and five I
(305) acres according tit a survey and plat thereof |
made by B. E, Higgs, county surveyor of Mont- |
gornery county, on the 10th /lay of April, 1895. |
Laid parcel of land being the distributive share of i
J. D. Miller under the will of Thomas M. Miller i
and assigned tit him by pari dinners appointed by j
the court of Ordinary of said county as shown by I
the return of said petitioners made April 10,1895. |
and fully described in a survey and plat made
thereof by B. E. Higgs, county surveyor of said
county, on April 10, 1895. all of which proceedings !
are recorded in the office of Ordinary of said court- |
ty. Said lands levied on as the property of J. D. *
Miller tit satisfy an execution issued from the Jus j
tice Court of the 12215 t District G. M. of said
county in favor of the Mt. Vernon Bank vs J. D.
Miller, principal, W. M. Herndon endorser. In pos
session of J. D. Miller, pointed out for levy by at- !
torney for plaintiff and written notice given in i
terms of the law. This the 4th day of November, j
1912. James Hester, Sheriff.
M. B. Calhoun, Atty. for Plaintiffs.
For Leave to Sell.
Georgia— Montgomery County.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned, guardian of J. A.
Riddle, of said county, has ap
Ik d to the Ordinary of said coun
ty for leave to sell 309 7 acres of
land belonging to the lands of
suid ward, for the purpose of
maintenance of said ward and
family, and said application will
be heard at the regular term of
the Court of Ordinary, to he held
on the first Monday in December,
1912 This the sth day of Novein- i
ber, 1912. J. W. Palmer,
Guardian for J. A. Riddle.
II ateN Fresh and Pure from a*
ri^vVy//*.'/ the gri wers and manu- ($)
. >i;> ""Q^- ’ 1 —of the doctor and drug-
E>'K£. l ILJCI3kv 1 3 gist will avail you
nothing if the prescriptions are filled with a poor grade or as
with drugs that have lost their strength by reason of age. Q@
Health a Valuable Asset.
I When it needs attention, you can not afford to trifle. Let
us serve you.
A Full Line of seasonable garden!)
seeds always in stock. ®
Sumerford Drug Co. |
Prescription Druggists ۤ
Ailey, Georgia
t :
\ Your Farm Lands!
\ . j
t Will pay you more turned into cash. 2
t This we can do for you. List your 3
► property wtih us for sale—we will find :
* a buyer for you. Whether you want j
► to buy or sell, we can handle the deal l
► to your advantage and get results, on l
► farm or city property in this county :
\ if mmm money I
s :
£ Get in touch with us. We are in position to supply it on *
► short notice, and on very agreeable terms. We have good t
► connections with the big firms that want to lend .money to ◄
E 6 * the fanners of Montgomery county. Drop in and talk the 3
matter over with us. We can do the business to suit you. 2
► j
l*. *
* 3
Sheriff Hale.
Geortda~Montgomery County.
Will Im* Bold before the court home door in Mt.
Vernon on the firHt Timuday in l>e<\, I9ISJ, be
tween the hour# of Halo, to l he highest blddi i
for cash, certain profHjrty, of which the follow im
iu a complete description:
All that tract or puree I of bind
j lying and being in the 11th land
| District of Montgomery County 1
| On. consisting of 202 1-2 nun s,
| more or less, being Lot No. 81 :
j and bounded as follows: On the '
j north by lands of M. Morrison, i
Jon the northwest by la"ds of Ken- !
j noth McLendon, southeast and!
(Southwest by lauds of I lamp
Burch. Said property levied <>u
■as the property of 11 (J. Oil lis to
satisfy an execution issued from
the superior court of said county j
iu favor of Reliance Fertilizer Co. i
vs H. G. Gillis. In possession of !
U G. GiJlis and written notice of
; levy given us require'! b\ law
'l’lns th«f ft h duy of Nov , 1012.
Janies Hester, Sheriff.
J. li. Geiger, Atty. I’lll
Georgia Montgomery County.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned has applied to flic
j Ordinary of said county for ha .
to sell 200 a<*.re» of land more or
■less, bounded on the north by j
j lands of Geo. M. Courson, east by j
J lands of Bud Collins and V Me-.
Leiidon. south by Nancy P. Phil-'
lips and west by J. A. Thigpen,
and said application will he heard
at the regular term of th" court of
Ordinary to b M held on the fir.-t
Monday in December, 1912, said
land to be sold for the purpose of
paving debts and distribution,
and belonging to the estate- f
Teresa Thigpen, deceused- Tin
the 4th day of November.
J. A. Thigpen,
Adr. Estate of Teresa Thigpen,;
j deceused.
Onion h ts, while* and red, 10c*
quart. Mt. Vernon Drug Co. —
Corks Mt. V, Drug Co. —ad.
Dental Surgeon,
Soperton, <ia.
Money on Hand
We have a good sup
ply of cheap money on
hand at this time and
can close loans very
promptly, either on
farm or city property.
If in need of cash,
come to see or write
us at once.
Southern Loan &
Investment Co.