Newspaper Page Text
'ht Mmtgtmvty Hxmttfe
Knocked from Train by Door
of Warehouse and Killed
Monday Morning.
On Monday last, T. L. Womack,
a white flagman of the Seabaard
railroad, met his death at Alamo.
It seems that while cars were be
ing switched on the freigt train
going east, Womack was knock
ed from the car while passing a
seed warehouse, and falling un
der the wheels, was so badly
mangled that he died shortly af
terward. He had been manned
only two weeks and mack h •
home at Helena. The body was
sent to Sycamore, his former
home, for interment.
Two-Headed Snake
Latest Curiosity.
A two-headed snake is the la
test curiosity on the market.
C. T. Wiseman, who !i : at
Glenville in Tattnall co. my came
to Savannah yesterday, 1 nngir.g
the freak. He says he found it
and is here for the purpose of
exhibiting it.
The snake is a ground rattler,
between four and five months old.
It is about eight inches long and
appears fully developed. The
two heads are perfectly normal,
and the fact that each contains a j
separate brain is proven by the
actions of the reptile. Some
time one head will take a notion
to go one way and the other de
cides to go in an opposite direc
The result is peculiar. For as
long as a minute the two heads
will strain to the limit to go in
opposise direction, but finally one
head will give in and allow the
other to have its way. The snake
can eat through either mouth, or
through both. It can drink water
in the same way.
When the rattler is very hungry
or very thirsty it will use both
mouths. But as a meal progress
es and the snake’s appetite or.
thirst is satiated one head will |
retire and let the other do the
Mr. Wiseman believes his is
the only two-head. 1 snake in the
world. Pie has become vr.-y j
much attached to the reptile and
believes his affection is returned.
He is able to handle it vitdoui.
danger, but if a stranger lays
hands on the snake it will show
its fangs and bite. Savannah
United States Senator A. 0.
Bacon, of Macon, is spending the
day in Albany, the guest of May
or H. A. Tarver and family. Hi
friends are glad to see that, he
appears to be in t/ve enjoyment
of his usual robust head: He
has a wide personal acquar. awe
ship in this section of the Mate
and is kept busy shaking hand
whenever he visits Albany. Un
der the Wilson administration
Senator Bacon will be one of the
overshadowing figures in the up
per branch of Congress. His
long and distinguished service
there, his familiarity with govern
mental problems and his > • e ige
among his colleagues fit nirn pe
culiarly for great useful nes
throughout that critical period
which is to follow the passing of
control of all departments of the
Federal government to Senator
Bacon’s party. He will be the
ranking member of the foreign
relations committee, one o: ' f
most important commit ts of
the Senate, and will have ; n . -
fluence second to that of no mem
ber of the upper house in shaping
legislation. Senator Bacon’s long
public service has been such as to
bring honors to himself and dis
tinction to the St ne so ■
represents. Albany Herald.
Bidding for Your Trade.
With their usual push and hus
tle, the Soperton Hardware Co.
puts in a bid for your holiday
trade. Their advertisements in
this issue tell the story. But
when the holiday trade is
over you will still find them sell
ing the most useful and labor
saving implements and the most
reliable household requisites, i
Don’t forget to visit the hustling
town of Soperton before Christ
mas and inspect their bargains.
The many friends of Miss Ber
tie Lee Brown, and Mr. Wyatt
L. Seigler were greatly surprised 1
to hear of their happy marriage
which occurred last Sunday morn
ing, Rev. Autry of Mcßae of
|ficditing. The bride is a grand-:
: daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. A.
; Brown of Scotland and is one of
jour most beautiful and attractive
I young girls, and was always a
charming figure at all the social
: gatherings and took a leading
’ part.
Mrs. Sieglcr was lovely in a
black and white traveling suit
and a picture hat. We regret to
lose our prettiest girls, but it
will give some others a chance.
Mr. Seigler is a prominent rail
i road man and is highly esteemed
by all who know him, and should
feel honored by getting such a j
rare equal.
Mr. and Mrs. Seigler left Sun
day afternoon for Jacksonville,
j Fla., to spend a few days and
! will visit several other points be
fore returning to their home in
Best wishes to them through
their happiness and sorrow.
In Order to Protect Himself j
and Other Officers.
Macon, Ga., Nov. 23. —After!
running down fifteen blind tigers!
in and near Lumber City, J. W.
Key, a private detective, of Ma
con, found it necessary while aid
i ingin serving a warrant on one
jof the guilty persons, to shoot
| and kill Charley Blanks, a negro,
I Thursday night at 11:30 o’clock.
| Mr. Key returned to his home in
j this city yesterday morning.
In company with W. E. Willis,
j Marshal of the town, and John
j Knox, the mayor, he went to.the
' negro’s house Thursday night,
land finding him asleep awoke
him and demanded that he open j
! the door.
! Mr. Ivey says that the negro j
; dared them to enter saying it;
would not he healthy for the man j
who opened the door. After se-j
j curing his shotgun and barricad-;
ing himself in his dining room, 1
the negro held up the mayor who \
had lookedinto the window where
the negro was hiding.
In the meantime, Mr. Key and
the marshal broke through two:
doors and made for the negro. j
As they did so, he covered them!
v .iiis gun and, according to
their sGiternent was preparing to j
fire when both of them shot, fell
ing the negro to the floor. He;
* died instantly, the eleven shots
fired from their revolvers all tak
ing effect.
For Tax Collector:
To -h<■ Voter* of Wheeler County:
I announce for the office of Uix collector of
Wheeler county, subject to the rule* of the
couth > (■■» • -utivc committee srovernin# the pri
i > 1 . .<• a pride in our row county, and I
w ant: the ofFce. I need it and lam competent to
fill it. lienor me with your vote and you will
never regret it. Sincerely yours,
j. f. McDaniel.
For Tax Receiver:
1 hereby call the attention of my friend* and
fc*!!- »■ <ai ito tho fact that I am a candidate
;V f • V. '-civer of Wheeler County. Lon# year*
of i erudenci- here and a full know ltd ire of the du
t; • r the offii e. 1 take ihe liberty to nay that I
mi. ;ii! the office to the satisfaction of all. I cam
*■: Sy ask your support in the primary on Dee. 31*t.
Yours respectfully.
Put a new stopper in the syrup
jug. Jug corks, 75c per 100, at
Drug Store, Alt. Vernon.—ad.
Mercer Will Enforce
Georgia Game Laws
Atlanta, Nov. 21.—State Game
Commissioner Jesse Mercer to
day gave out a statement to the
effect that he proposes to hold
sportmen rigidly to the hunting
laws this season and to see to it
that there is no such wholesale
slaughter as will sweep out the
game. He said he made this
statement because there are some |
people who will not obey the law
unless they are forced to and in
such instances he proposes to en
force it.
If the present state law is
closely observed by the sports-,
men of the state he says the
'quail and other game birds will
be preserved to Georgia for many
years to come. He points out;
! the interest of the farmer in this i
matter from a standpoint of pro
tecting crops from insect pests
and urges his co-operation.
Short News Notes.
George Ham, a negro of At
lanta was tried for bigamy Sat
urday. Five wives were present
as witnesses against hiriT.
The sheriff and county deputies
raided four saloons in Macon;
Saturday and captured sixty-'
eight barrels of whiskey. Three
iof the saloons were operated by
negroes and fourth by an Italian.
A rattlesnake six feet and ten t
inches with sixteen rattles was.
killed by hunters near Donaldson- 1
ville last Saturday.
Alfred Anderson, a patient in j
the New York state hospital on j
Ward’s Island, was choked to
death by a piece of cheese Fri-!
day night.
Frank Seibert, a farmer near
Dayton, Ohio, sold his land Sat
urday for $9,90(f, and took the
! money home in bags and covered
j it with an overcoat on the kitchen j
j floor. Thieves entered and made
off with the cash.
Eleven Statesboro men have
ibeen arrested for hunting on!
Ossabaw Island without permis-|
sion of the owner, H. D. Weed j
of Savanah.
George Robertson, a desperate
negro was killed Saturday night
by Deputy Sheriff Williams in
Duresvilie a suburb of Macon.
Bill Smith, a negro crosslie
cutter near Americus, split open
the head of Albert Green another!
j laborer on Saturday. He used his
J broadaxe, and the blow laid open
'Green’s head down to the neck
! and cut off one arm.
j Fifty children and others were 1
j killed in a moving picture theatre j
Jin Bilboa, Spain on Sunday by a !
irush caused by a cry of fire.
Savannah is having a poultry 1
show and the South Georgia
! Methodist Conference, all atone
time this week.
Crawford Gray of LaGrange is
iin jail charged with criminal as-;
i sault upon a young widow. She
fired four shots at Gray and he j
! was later arrested.
The mangled remains of Adolph
Lowman of Juliette, Ga., were
foind beside tne southern rail
way tracks in Macon on Sunday.
He had been put off the Southern
train and was walking back to!
Miss Maud Van Deuzer of Chi-,
cago ended her life Monday by
, leaping from the twentieth story
of a building, 230 feet above the
An.explosions of chemicals in a
building on Brooklyn’s water i
. front on East River caused a fire
! in which a number of persons
were badly burned and a loss of a
million dollars last Monday.
A woman of Mayweed, suburb
of Chicago, weighing 400 pounds,
1 gave birth this week to a boy,
, and 48 hours afterward gave
birth to two more boys.
M. L. Cooper of Perry Alter
U. S. Marshal’s Place.
Maj. M. L. Cooper of Perry,
Ga.. proprietor of the Hotel
Perry at that place, writes the
Morning News that he is a can
didate for marshal of the United
States court for the Southern
district of Georgia,
i Maj. Cooper had twenty years’
experience as sheriff of Houston
county. He says he could give
the government good service if
he were appointed to the position
now filled by Marshal George F.
White. He is highly regarded
in his section of the state and is
well thought of by a number of
Savannahians who know him.
! Savannah News.
Negro Kills Negro.
Dublin, Ga., Nov. 25. Purvy
Allen, a negro, is in the county
jail here charged with killing
Fed McLendon, colored, Satur
day night at a mullet supper held
at a negro house near Rockledge, ,
a small town in this county. It
is said by witnesses to t he trage
dy that Allen shot McLendon
down without a word with a
shotgun, he dying instantly. No
cause for the tragedy is known, j
i ' !
Altamaha River Bridge
To Be Four Miles Long
Darien, Ga., Nov. 21. —The
Beasley Construction Company,
of Savannah, has opened an of- j
;fice in Darien and is driving j
j piles, preparatory to erecting a
; steel bridge across the Altamaha j
I river for the Georgia Coast and j
! Piedmont road, which is being
jexteneed to Brunswick.
Work is -being rapidly carried |
on. The track is already finished j
jto the river. This will be one of;
j tho longest bridges in the South.
It will cross three prongs of the ,
| river and over a stretch of marsh, 1
in all being four miles long.
I I every day
U./:£ - tJ for years
% ■• HI I «
- i.| ».».■■lll lx: usinir a
; " , ■';• J IT PAYS BIG IN
If GET the: right kb no
Tears of good service can be be lmd by using a
Save fuel, save expense, save money, save* time by getting the best
(mkhokk/.T v%’*Min?.w ■■■*«-■ x r.^waaawaawMi
We study to please and our goods and methods are modern.
Following the Foxes
Near Americus.
A fox chase, or rather a series
of chases, of no small proportions,
have been carried on for two
days in the hills and dales west
of Americus, with Mr. M. B.
Council, oft his city. Mr. Andrew I
Fill,of Bronwood, and Mr. George!
Garrett, of Atlanta, in the wake j
of the two score hounds that are
making it hot for reynard.
The fondness of those gentle
men for the chase is proverbial
in South Georgia, and when they |
left Americus two days ago withj
an express car filled with crated
hounds their friends knew r there
would be something doing.
Buena Vista was the objective
i point from which the hunters on
1 horseback sallied forth. Between
thirty and forty trained hounds
of priceless value were taken
along and these pedigreed yelpers
have doubtless run to earth many
“oig reds” since the cl.ase began
Tuesday morning in the woods
of Chattahoochee.
There is a thrill and exhilara
tion about a fox chase that no
other species of hunting affords,
and no one enjoys such a hunt
i quite as much as do Captain
| “Make” Council and Andrew'
Hill. Both own as fine kennels |
| as can be found in the south and 1
they know the habitat of every
red fox in the state,
j Doubtless a bunch of fine brush
es will be intrepid hunters return
!to Americus today or tomorrow.
S —Americus Times-liecorder.
Riedell In Soperton.
Charlie Red-Wing, the Cow
Boy Herbist, will be in Soperton
on Saturday Nov. 3()th. His In
dian Herbs, Wonder Liniment
and White Squaw Soap always
attract a crowd. Dont fail to see
ihim “When the Band Begins to
| Play.”
Messrs. W. T. Hadden and
J. F. McDaniel are
Added to List.
To the list of our Wheeler coun
, ty faiends, offering for the coun
ty officers, we add this week the
name of Mr. W. T. Hadden. Mr.
Hadden has always been known
as a good citizen of old Mont
gomery, and his numerous
friends will rally to his aid in se
-1 curing the place of the first tax
receiver of the new county.
Mr. J. F. McDaniel will ask
' of his friends and fellow citizens
of Wheeler the office of Tax Col
lector. Mr. McDaniel is a man
of sterling integrity, an honest
farmer who enjoys the utmost
confidence of a large circle of
friends, not only in Wheeler coun
ty, but all over this section. That
he would make a safe and con
scientious officer goes without
saying. See his card.
I We understand from a reliable
source that Mr. A. J. Grimes of
Glenwood is considering the mat
ter of entering for tax receiver,
and his announcement may ap
pear later.
| Cotton Thieves Caught.
Hon. C. H. Wooten, near Scot
land, suspected that cotton was
being stolen from his fields. On
Thursday night last Mr. J. C.
Pittman, manager of the farm,
watched the cotton left in the
field, and three negroes were
caught. While being 'put in an
automobile one negro jumped and
made his escape. The others were
lodged in jail at Mcßae. They
were selling cotton to another
negro near by.
If you want money quick, write
1./ons Loan & Abstract Co., Ly
oris, Ga., for they are loaning
it: rney cheap.
NO. 32.