Newspaper Page Text
T?v3 Monitor.
Kuteml at the Postofflcc in Mt. Vernon, Oa. an Second-Clans Mail Matter.
H. B. FOLSOM. Editor and Owner. Si a Year, in Advance.
04rlA‘K*l advert im-ment* must invariably be paid in advance, at the legal rate, and aa the law
directa; and mnat be in liand not later than Wednesday morning of the firat week of inaertion
Mount Vernon. Ga.. Thursday Morning, Nov. 28, 1912.
Don’t forget that it is blessings
past that you are expected to be
thankful for today.
Dig crops or poor crops, hot or
cold, wet or dry, the circus comes
along and rakes in the cash.
Every farmer who has sown
largely of oats is in a fairway to
be ready for Thanksgiving in
It could scarcely be expected
of Bob White to join in this
Thanksgiving day except in a
negative kind of way.
If you are a solid Democrat it
is up to you to give thanks to
day, for you know not the day
nor the hour when the other fel
low will lick clean the platter on
the pie counter.
In this day of keen competition
the man who knows how to spe
cialize will come out on top. The
man who does not rise above the
average is not even heard of in
the great shuffle.
The suggestion of the Eastman
Times-Journal that W. G. Brant
ley should go to the U. S. Sen
ate, in the event that Senator
Bacon accepts a seat in Wilson’s
cabinet, is a good one, and we
second the motion.
It has been demonstrated over
and over again this season that
there is more money in potatoes,
corn, oats and hay than in cotton.
But 999 jackscrews would not he
sufficient to pull the all-cotton
farmer off his cotton infatuation.
Our esteemed contemporary,
the Lyons Progress, causes vis
ions of mountains of potato pone
to arise in our hungry eyes by its
declaration as to a thousand sur
plus barrels of syrup and thou
sands of bushels of yams without
a market.
The scheme of the Atlanta
Journal to carry 125 Georgia
school and college boys to see
President Wilson inaugurated is
one of the best recently suggest
ed. The impressions made upon
them would abide a life time.
We urge Montgomery county
boys to investigate the plan.
One striking example of the
great value of technical educa
tion, in the South especially, is
shown in the achievement of
Ralph Ragan, the Tech student
of Atlanta, who has invented a
motor that will reduce by one
half the cost of operating auto
mobiles and all gasoline vehicles,
as far as gasoline and lubricating
oils figure.
We have an abiding faith in
the possibilities of South Georgia,
and it’s one of our strong points
to record the wonderful products
of her soil and climate, whether
in big turnips and potatoes or
great corn yields, but that Pierce ;
county sugar cane said to meas-!
ure fifteen feet in length will j
make us a little particular about!
what we say hereafter.
We did not announce last week
that the season for shooting!
quail had commenced the day
before, as the sound of discharged
shotguns all over the woods and
fields rendered it unnecessary.
We have long held the opinion,
though conservatively unex
pressed. that the Georgia idea of
game protection is a large sized
farce. The motive behind its
laws is far more conducive to;
vagrancy than to the protection
of the farmer’s crop from de-'
structive insects.
• Gleanings From 3
: Wisdom’s Field. \
Savannah Press:—Out in Mis
souri they suggest canned coon
( to help out the cost of living.
But wouldn’t this smack the least
bit of cannibalism?
Blackshear Times:—Hon. Ran
dal Walker, our next Congress
man, no doubt will recommend
the right man for the postmaster
ship over in Waycross, in view of
the overwhelming majority he
received in the “General Elec
; tion?”
Monroe Advertiser: —Eggs in
New York are selling for 72 cents
per dozen and still some of the
Monroe county people are talking
of the high cost of living. They’re
richly blessed in comparison with
the people in some of the other
sections of the country.
Adel News:—With the eleva
tion of Woodrow Wilson to the
Presidency Georgia is coming in
to her own again after many
years. And his Georgia wife
will grace the White House as
few have done.
Pembroke Enterprise:— The
total membership of the Boys’
Corn Club of Georgia is about
10,000 and Governor Brown is
one of the “boys.”
Dawson News:—lt is the farm
er who is sowing plenty of oats
and wheat and will look after
the hog and hominy crop when
next year’s plans are made who
can shake his fist in the face of
the boll weevil and not bother
about what will be done to old
Dingley Bill.
Sandersville Georgian:—Wash
ington county contains a few
farmers who produce nearly ev
erything necessary for man and
beast on their farms. Everyone
in this class has a bank account,
which proves that it is the best
method of conducting the busi
ness of farming.
Covington News:—About the
only thing which has not nearly
doubled in price during the past
few years is the weekly newspa
per. It remains the same, but
the game is getting to be mighty
Americus Times-Recorder: —
Tom Watson has been indicted
for sending obscene matter
through the mails. If found
guilty all Watson will have to do
is to plead insanity. The state
at-large will back him up in the
Covington News:—Many of
our progressive farmers are al
ready making preparations to
sow a large amount of grain dur
ing this and next month. The
fact that the price of cotton is
advancing is not sufficient to de
tour them from their plans,
Graymont Hustler: —Mr. Wil
son, both before and since the
i election has uttered assurances
; that no policy detrimental to
business will be adopted.
Perry Home Journal: —The
true friends of President Wilson,
if they think seriously, will not
embarass him by contentions
about the selection of cabinet of
ficers, and others.
Eastman Times-Journal:—ln
the event that Hon. A. O. Bacon,
senior United States senator
from Georgia, should accept a
position in Mr. Wilson’s cabinet,
no bigger, brainier or better man
■ could be secured to succeed him
in the Senate than Hon. W\ G.
Brantley, present Congressman
'from the Eleventh district
Church Pews for Sale. I
The pews in the Mt. Vernon
Methodist church are for sale at
a reasonable rate. In good con
dition. Call at Mt. Vernon Bank.
Bring me your eggs and chick
ens. Cash prices.
J. C. Brewton
8.-P. Institute.
Dwelling for Sale.
Intending to move away, I
wish to sell you my home place
in town. Good-sized lot, conve
niently situated, on principal
street of the town. Rather sor
ry dwelling, but a nice place to
build a new one on. Good-sized
garden spot, poultry yard and a
well-stocked Fish Bait bed in
back yard. This ought to appeal
to you. Liberal terms. See me.
10-23-12 W. M. Lewis,
ad Mt. Vernon, Ga.
If the party that borrowed the
pistol from the Drug Store will
return same, no questions will be
asked; and it will save a criminal
prosecution. —ad.
Administratrix Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
By virtue of an order, genera)
and special, from the Court of
Ordinary of Laurens County,
Georgia, will be sold at public
outcry, on the first Tuesday in
Tuesday in December, 1912, at
the court house door in said coun
ty, between the legal hours of
sale, the following described tracts
of land:
All that tract or parcel of land
situate, lying and being in the
188Gtli district, G. M., Montgom
ery County, Georgia, containing
587 acres, more or less, and being
all adjoining, but divided into
four tracts or surveys as follows:
One tract containsng 140 1-2 acres,
bounded north by lands of Wil
liams <Si Pope, which is a part of
the 587 acres, east by lands of
Alex Calhoun, south by lands of
Carrie Phillips, and west by lands
of Williams <fc Pope, bought from
J. E. Phillips, and being the same
140 acres deeded by Stella Phillips
to Williams & Pope; also one
tract of land in the same district,
containing 140 acres and known
as the J. E Phillips tract and one
tract containing 148 acres, and
one tract containing 104 acres, all
adjoining and bounded north by
lands of Salhe Youngblood and
Wilder Phillips, on the east by
lands of the Stella Phillips 140
acre tract above described and
lands of Alex Calhoun, south by
lands of Mose and Hattie Phillips
and west by lands of Mary E.
Wing. Said 587 acres of land
being the same land deeded by G.
H. Williams and C. S. Pope to J.
YV. Martin December 15th. 1909
Said land will be sold either in
parcels or in a lump according to
the judgment of administratrix on
day ot sale, subject to the rights
of the tenants on same for the year
1912. Terms of sale cash. There
is a loan of S7OO on this land ow
ing by said estate. Purchaser
will be allowed to assume said
loan if he so desires. This the
4th day of November, 1912.
A usui.a Turner,
Administratrix of the estate of J.
W. Martin, deceased.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will be sold before the court housedoor in Mount
Vernon on the first Tuesday in Dec.. 1912, be
tween the legal hour* of tale, to the highest bidder
for cash. certain property, of which the following
is a full ami complete description:
Lota of land 417 and 470 situate lying and being
in the 7th land District of said county.
Said property levied on and will be sold as the
property of W. B. and D. S. McArthur to satisfy
a tax execution issued by D. F. Wamook Tax Col
lector of said county, for state and county taxes
due for the year 1911 against the wild lands of
said W. B. and D, S. McArthur. Written notice of
levy given to defendants in fi fa. This Nov. 6th,
1912. James Hester, Sheriff.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia-Montgomery County.
Will be sold before the court house door in Mt.
Vernon on the first Tuesday in Dec., 1912. be
tween the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder
for cash, certain property, of which the following
is a complete description:
Lots numbered 367 and S9O lying and being in
the 6th land district of M»>ntgomer> county Geor
gia. and supposed to contain 2U2 1-2 acres each
more or lee*.
Said property levied or* and will be sold as the '
property of Victoria and D. S. McArthur to satisfy
a tax execution issued by D. F. Warnock. Tax
Collector of said county for State and county tax
es due for the year 1911 against the wild lands of
j said Victoria and D. S. McArthur. Written no- :
I ticc of levy given defendants as required by law.
This Nov. k 1912. James Hester. Sheriff.
The syrup-making season is
near at hand. Save your prod
uct in safe bottles with new
stoppers. Get them at the Sumer
ford Drug Co., Ailey, Ga.—Ad. j
Administrator's Sale.
. Georgia —Montgomery County.
By virtue of an order from the
Court of Ordinary of Montgomery
county, will be sold at public out
| cry on the first Tuesday in Dec.
1912. before the court house door
in Mt. Vernon between the legal
hours of sale for cash, the follow
ing tract of land: AH of the
north west one-half of lot of land
No 158 in the Sixth laud District
of sa'd county, said one-half be
! mg rectangular in shape and con
| tabling 101 1-4 acres.more or less.
I Said land will be sold as the pro
perty of C. W. Browning, deceas
ed, for the purpose of payingdebts
of the deceased and for distribu
tion among the heirs.
Charles D. Browning Admr. of
estate of C. W. Browning, dec’d
Administrator’s Sale.
By virtue of an order from the
Court ot Ordinary of Montgomery
County, will be sold at public out
cry on the first Tuesday in Decem
ber, 1912, at the court house door
in Mt. Vernon, between the legal
hours of sale, the following tract
of land: One tract, 278 acres, of
land situate, lying and being in
the 275th district G. M of said
county and state, and bounded
! as follows: On the west by lands
of John Hinson Mobley and Lem
Adams, on the north by lands of
Adams, Mrs. Frank Conner, the
estate of Geo. Fields and Mary
Drinks, on the east by lands of J.
\V. Moseley, Henry Braddy, Rich
ard Baker and on the south by
lands of Ella Allen and J. H.
Mobley. Sold as the property of
J. E. Mobley, deceased. Terms
cash. R. H. Mobley,
VV. T. McArthur,
Adrs. Est. J, E. Mobley, Dec’d.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned has applied to the
Ordinary of said county for leave
to sell one house and lot in the
Town of Helena, Ga., said lot be
ing 1 4 of an acre, for the purpose
ot education and maintenance of
Cecil Dinkins, a minor ward, and
said application will be heard at
tbe regular term of the court of
i Ordinary of said county on the
first Monday in December, 1912.
This the 4th day of November,
1912. vS. J. Clark,
Guardian of Cecil (J. Dinkins, mi
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia Montgomery County.
Will be sold before the court house door In Mt.
Vernon on the first Tuesday in Dec., 1912, be
tween the lethal hours of sale, to the highest bidder
for cash, certain property, of which the following
is a complete description:
All that certain tract or parcel of land situate
lying and being: in the 1114.3 rd district G. M. of
Montgomery County Georgia, and bounded as fol
lows: On the North by lands Itelonging to D. R.
and J. A. McMillan and William Cooper, Sr., on
the east by other lands belonging to the said
Georgian Fountain: on the south by lands belong
ing to James McNatt and on the west dy lands be
longing to D. R. and J. A. McMillad, containing:
Fifty (50)acres, more or lest and being a portion
of the lands purchased by said Georgian Fountain
from Mrs. Leonard L. Hamilton; levied pn as the
property of said Georgian Fountain to satisfy an
execution issued from the Superior Court of said
county in favor of The Mt. Vernon Bank vs Geor
gian Fountain, principal, Mrs. M. J. Thompson,
security. Pointed out for levy by plaintiff’s at
torney and written notice or levy Riven in terms
of the law. This the 4th day of Nov., 1912.
James Hester, Sheriff.
M. B. Calhoun, Atty. for Plffs.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia-Montgomery County.
Will In* sold before the court house door in Mt,
Vernon on the first Tuesday in Dec., 1912, be
tween thelegal hours of sale, to the highest bidder
for cash, certain property, of which the following
is a complete description;
All that tract or parcel of land described as fid
lows: Beginning at a stake corner where the
land** owned by Walter Dukes and John Spivey on
April 10, 1595, intersected the lands of the estate
of Thomas M. Miller on the east and running from
said stak a corner thence north 10 1-2 degrees west
19 chains and 50 links to a stake; thence north
12 1-2 degress west 19 chains and 50 links to a stake;
thence north 55 degrees w’est 23 chains to a stake;
thence south 71 1-2 degrees west 27 chains to a
stake; thence south 7 degrees west and 47 chains
and 20 links to a stake; thence south 1 degree east
10 chains and 55 links to a pine; and thence north
S 3 oegreos east 00 chains and 70 links to the be
ginning point, said tract of land being bounded
north by lands belonging to the estate of Mrs.
Ella B. Dukes and lands of Mrs. M. F. Wilkes,
east by lands of Walter Dukes, south by lands
owned by John Spivey on April 10, 1995, atd west
by lands belonging to the estate of Mrs. M. F.
Wilkes, and containing three hundred and five
(306) acres according to a survey and plat thereof
made by B. E. Higgs, county surveyor of Mont
gomery county, on the 10th day of April, 1895.
Said parcel of land being the distributive share of
J. D. Miller under the will of Thomas M. Miller
and assigned to him by partitioned appointed by
the court of Ordinary of said county as shown by
the return of said petitioners made April 10,1895.
and fully described in a survey and plat made
thereof by B. E. Higgs, county surveyor of said
enunty. on April 10, 1895. all of which proceedings
are recorded in the oltice of Ordinary of said coun
ty. Said lands levied on as the property of J. D.
Miller to satisfy an execution issued from the Jus
tice Court of the 12215 t District G. M. of said
county in favor of the Mt. Vernon Bank vs J. D.
Miller, principal. W M. Herndon endorser, lnpoe
seasion of J. D. Miller, pointed out for levy by at
torney for plaintiff and written notice given in
terms of the law. This the 4th day of November,
1912. James Hester. Sheriff.
M. B. Calhoun, Atty. for Plaintiffs.
For Leave to Sell.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Notice is hereby given that the
t undersigned, guardian of J. A
I Riddle, of said county, has ap- j
I lied to the Ordinary of said eoun
i ty for leave to sell 3(59 7 acres of '
land belonging to the lands of;
; said ward, for the purpose of
maintenance of said ward and }
j family, and said application will j
Ibe heard at the regular term of
the Court of Ordinary, to be held j
on the first Monday in December. !
' 1912. This the sth day of Novem- 1
j her, 1912. J. W. Palmer,
IGuardiau for J. A Riddle. 1
\4:.\ Fresh and Pure from
?Sr\ijra!n/V N the growers and manu
■ facturers. All the skill 0^
■ 0 f the doctor and drug- Q *
gist will avail you
nothing if the prescriptions are filled with a poor grade or X
with drugs that have lost their strength by reason of age.
Health a Valuable Asset. ||
I When it needs attention, you can not afford to trifle. Let V*
us serve you.
A Full Line of seasonable garden
seeds always in stock. 0
Sumerford Drug Co. <|
Pi description Druggists
Ailey, Georgia
[Your Farm Lands!
[ — !
► Will pay you more turned into cash. «
► This we can do for you. List your «
► property wtih us for sale—we will find <
* a buyer for you. Whether you want <
► to buy or sell, we can handle the deal <
► to your advantage and get results, on «
► farm or city property in this county <
£ Get in touch with us. We are in position to supply it on *
► short notice, and on very agreeable terms. We have good *
£ connections with the big firms that want to lend money to <
£ the farmers of Montgomery county. Drop in and talk the «
► matter over with us. We can do the business to suit you. *
t 2
t 3
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will be sold before the court house door in Mt-
Vernon on the first Tuesday in Dec., 1912, be
tween the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder
for cash, certain property, of which the following
is a complete description:
All that tract or parcel of land
, lying and being in the 11th land i
; District of Montgomery County, j
Ga. consisting of 202 1-2 acres, j
more or less, being Lot No. 84!
and bounded as follows: On the !
north by lands of M. Morrison, I
on the northwest by lands of Ken-1
neth McLendon, southeast and |
Southwest by lands of Hamp
Burch. Said property levied ou
as the property of H. G. Gill is to
satisfy an execution issued from i
the superior court ot said county !
in favor of Reliance Fertilizer Co. i
vs H G. Gillis. In possession of j
H. G. Gillis and written notice of
levy given as required b\ law. j
This the 4th dny of Nov., 1912.
James Hester, Sheriff.
J. B. Geiger, Atty. Plff.
Georgia— Montgomery County.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned has applied to the
Ordinary of said county for leave
to sell 200 acres of land more or
I less, bounded on the north bv
I lands of Geo. M. Courson, east by I
lands of Bud Collins and V. Mc-
Lendon, south by Nancy P. Phil- 1
lips and west by J. A. Thigpen,
and said application will he heard
at the regular term of th H court of
Ordinary to be held on the first
j Monday in December, 1912, said
; land to be sold for the purpose of
j paying debts and distribution,'
and belonging to the estate of
Teresa Thigpen, deceased. This
: the 4th day of November.
J. A. Thigpen,
j Adr. Estate of Teresa Thigpen,
I deceased.
Onion sets, white and red, 10c
quart. Mt. Vernon Drug Co. —
Corks—Mt. V. Drug Co. —ad.
Dental Surgeon,
Soperton, Ga,
Money on Hand
We have a good sup
ply of cheap money on
hand at this time and
can close loans very
promptly, either on
farm or city property.
If in need of cash,
come to see or w rite
us at once.
Southern Loan &
Investment Co.